I'm trying Tight but sometimes my feelings just makes me want to tell her in Swedish. I must have seen some Dutch girls today... I mean they where easily somewhere over 180 cm

and remember... you're the one who told me Dutch people are tall, maybe Ardeur can confirm that?

Btw, I really wouldn't mind being the one in the front of the train, only getting it that is.

@Pse: Kommer hem till veckan och jag hoppas verkligen att jag ska få bra tid för mig själv så att jag iaf får en chans att träffa dig utan hinder. Som jag känner just nu så skulle jag hellst bara vilja vara framför dig i tåget även om det skulle vara väldigt själviskt

*Lång mjuk kyss, där jag klänger mig fast vid dig och bara njuter*.
@Janine: I hope you've had the chance to see the FF poses that have been released after that you've stopped being premium? I mean poses like the dance... otherwise I or someone else really have to show them to you so you get to check them out at least.