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: gift minimum of 100a$  ( 4227 )
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« : August 27, 2011, 12:42:19 PM »

hello,from now on is not 'can pay less than 100 a$ for a  gift, it seems to me that this new regulation is real fucked up.
 Who is not 'disagree write your review ...for me it is not 'right.
Full Member
: 198

Ardeur and ... sitting in a tree, K-I-S-. oh my...

MSN Messenger - mellisardeur@hotmail.com
« #1 : August 27, 2011, 06:48:56 PM »

Hmmm, not to be a nag, but I think you got this posted in a wrong part of the forum.

And on topic:
I think gift amounts shouldn't be regulated like that.
Just like if it's a pay to play transaction, maybe a mechanism should be made so you can "pay" the room and the room releases the funds when both parties agree things have been concluded to full satisfaction of earlier set parameters. If one of them leaves before both have given the "I'm done"-signal, the funds go to the player left behind. Something like this would ensure the transaction to be completed if both parties hold to their end of the deal. At the least it would prevent ripping off players and it would give WG's/WB's (or even WS's) a way to organize and regulate their activities.

I don't play two sides of the fence, I'm all over it. ;):-*
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