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Cold invites and conversation
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: Cold invites and conversation ( 17279 )
: 8
Cold invites and conversation
September 21, 2011, 12:06:57 AM »
Hi all. I'm new here so forgive me for starting a topic that's probably been done to death; but I was interested in people's opinions.
OK, on my profile I've said basically that I'm open to cold invites (no guarantee I'll accept them) but would much rather chat first. I have to say I have more cold invites than women trying to start a chat with me, which is interesting.
Some have been very satisfactory: the inviter has clearly read my profile, introduces herself, and we keep some sort of conversation going in the room. Some have been the opposite: into room, clothes off and at it without so much as a 'Hi', and not a word during ... not even any sort of indication of how it is for them using the 'orgasm meter'. Very difficult to know when the job is done, so to speak.
I'm guessing these are mainly women who speak neither English nor French (the two languages I say I speak ... though I could probably get the gist of things in Italian as well). But it is a bit weird. And they are not necessarily free users either.
Just wondering your experiences were.
Hero Member
: 3856
Re: Cold invites and conversation
#1 :
September 21, 2011, 09:10:07 AM »
We all experience something like that at one stage or another. The language barrier will certainly limit your experience to a visual encounter, whether that is satisfying to both parties is pretty hard to determine with a silent partner. Some women are locked on the obsession of the "cumfest and expect you to pop off on every pose and smother them in cum. When you accept cold invites you run a crap shoot of an encounter, you are never certain if they have similar interests, understand your language or appreciate the effort you might put into a session. Your chances of a good satisfying encounter diminish with cold invites.
I would not necessarily avoid them, sometimes you are lucky and find an exceptional partner, but the odds there are fairly remote. I will accept them once in awhile for giggles... one never knows, I'll know in a short while whether I am getting anything of satisfaction from the encounter, the downside being I could be wasting 5 minutes of my life I will never get back. When we first start I think many most take a fuck anyone approach, some never grow out of it, but others become more selective, focusing on partners who can provide something worthwhile. There is no right or wrong to this this, merely that one gravitates eventually to a particular style of play they are most comfortable with,...finding partners that have mutual interests to maximize sessions.
Have fun out there,...and remember you are not obligated to suffer a bad session...
Jr. Member
: 63
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Re: Cold invites and conversation
#2 :
September 21, 2011, 10:04:40 AM »
Ewell there been topics about that...some realy good sugestions were there.....made myself one too.
I hope soon the A-Team will make that easier or more userfriendly about the matter (like goin in to chat with 2,3 or more friends/lovers or just people you can focus on, so that no colds will disturb your chats) .
Maybe some day someone has a bright idea too solve this... but I guess realy good ideas that allready been given end up under a big stack of ideas hehehe.
Anyway...keep posting stuf.
Everyone has a moment that life goes by in a flash.....make it interesting.
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: 2415
Re: Cold invites and conversation
#3 :
September 21, 2011, 04:22:20 PM »
Welcome Ewell, and a valid post in my opinion.
As Bear states, most will go with anyone when first starting this game. So have I, couldn't tear myself away from it the first few weeks. But after meeting some amazing women, my style of playing changed and developed over time.
Though very anxious and in to the animations in those early weeks, I have never accepted cold invites, besides the occasional night where I chose to accept them and put it in my banner. You never know who you will meet. It could be someone that connects to your own wants and needs perfectly.
But in general, a cold invite offers an unsure outcome and I assume most will be unsatisfactory.
But as many people, as many tastes. Besides the reasons Bear gave, for people to use cold invites, I can imagine it is a big turn on for some people to just go in a room and have some fun, without talking or getting to know the other one. Haven't we all fantasized about an encounter with a total stranger, where primal lust is the drive to meet?
For me personally, a cold invite is rude. You could be heavily involved in a conversation with someone and an intrusion like that can be very irritating. Especially for someone that doesn't write short messages (as many do here). I'd rather spend an unsuccesful night on achat, as have 10 disappointing encounters..
Have fun playing though!
The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Janine Dee
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: 2541
Re: Cold invites and conversation
#4 :
September 21, 2011, 05:38:57 PM »
Ohh, I was a slut when I first found the game. I'll admit that. The problem was that I have a very active imagination, very healthy sex drive, and excellent descriptive skills.
I started loosing interest in every girl who'd have me as soon as I realized a great many not only couldn't match my level of play, but had little interest to.
Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die
Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
: 49
Re: Cold invites and conversation
#5 :
September 22, 2011, 03:39:01 PM »
Hi Ewell and welcome!
Some interesting stuff in this thread and it seemed like a good place as any to throw in my two cents. I personally HATE cold invites, they are intrusive popping up a damn dialog box when I'm chatting away with others. So I have to stop, click ? and then Ignore and then Decline. Not a big deal one time, but it'll happen countless times in a day (actually I think my max has been 65, and the population of Iggyville keeps growing).
That said, though, I'll chat with just about anyone as long as they're polite. But sometimes I'm just swamped or with a friend I haven't chatted with in a while and want to catch up ... or whatever and so I can't (and don't) answer them all. Sorry guys, it's just that there's a whole lot more of you than there is of me and Friends always get priority chat.
Skipping language as a barrier (legitimate issue since the Net is global), there's another aspect to the whole point Ewell makes with "I'm guessing these are mainly women who speak neither English nor French (the two languages I say I speak ... though I could probably get the gist of things in Italian as well). But it is a bit weird. And they are not necessarily free users either." I don't know if I'm the first to break it to you, E, but unfortunately there's a lot of POSERS out there too. Guys playing girls and it's not just a AChat thing, it happens just about everywhere on the Net to one extent or other.
Even allowing for what Jamine Dee said (Yeah, woo let us loose in the candy store, right? lol) you should take those kinds of not interacting, drag you into a room things as a red flag. Even if it's not some poser (and don't ask me why guys do that online, I don't have a psych degree), is that really how you want to interact with someone online? Sorry, banging pixels isn't my thing, because without interaction and sharing a mutual experience, it's wayyyy easier to just get out my vibe and don't bother with typing.
So really, as far as I'm concerned, that's the thing ... it IS a shared experience or should be and it's why I insist on chatting with someone before even considering going in-room with them. Like I'd do that real life, just drag any guy that said "Hi" into my room? Don't think so ... at least a little something has to click. So do yourself a favor Ewell and insist on that chatting interaction ... so okay, maybe it is in fractured English or pseudo-whatever language, but there should be at least SOME attempt.
Hero Member
: 3047
Re: Cold invites and conversation
#6 :
September 23, 2011, 01:31:30 AM »
Welcome SueCB. I don't think I get as many colds as a female get, but I get my fare share, so when I do and is busy chatting I tend to just ignore them since there wont be a new invite before that one has timed out.
I have to admit I accepted many colds when I was new to AChat but after the initial novelty cooled of I got more picky with my partners. Its not very fun without any chatting and I don't really care for those that are fishing for cam sessions or pictures via AChat... feels like a very roundabout way if that's what you want.
I still find it amazing that one guy tried to get around the technical cold invite by saying "Hi", then immediately after that invite me and then be stupid enough to get upset when I declined him. Really, its not like I'm going accept him because he's found something like a loop hole in a legal clause and think he's witty *sigh*.
: September 23, 2011, 01:58:09 AM Adera
Hero Member
: 3856
Re: Cold invites and conversation
#7 :
September 23, 2011, 07:51:54 AM »
lol.. reminds me when I had "Chat first" on my banner. One women said "hi" then sent a cold invite... when I responded with a reminder of chat appreciation,... she commented , "well I said "hi'.
Hero Member
: 7883
Re: Cold invites and conversation
#8 :
September 23, 2011, 08:19:43 AM »
and u answer "godbye" i suppos......oh well, there's nothingh to do......cold invite is part of the time u spend here (wasting it) when u are not in room.......
this is a point for a small (dunno how many custemer...maybe 20 max!?) chat room for selected peoples.
: 49
Re: Cold invites and conversation
#9 :
September 23, 2011, 12:10:01 PM »
lol yep, the "Hi" and Invite happens a lot. I guess "Hi" is supposed to pass as chatting.
Sr. Member
: 316
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Re: Cold invites and conversation
#10 :
September 23, 2011, 12:39:46 PM »
I know cold invites will never go away, and I'm sure it has already been mentioned before, but it would be better if they were less intrusive.
I usually talk to my friends with the chat log box expanded so a massive, blood red invite alert box in the center of my screen is a little unsettling.
I'd prefer a tab or something on the chat box that, when selected, lists a que of pending invites. Perhaps it could flash when you receive a new invite. That way everyone is happy. The cold inviter is satisfied knowing they sent me their request and I don't need to worry about getting slapped in the face by a big red box every couple minutes. Win - win!
: 49
Re: Cold invites and conversation
#11 :
September 23, 2011, 12:45:35 PM »
Love that idea, Keiko!
Hero Member
: 560
Re: Cold invites and conversation
#12 :
September 24, 2011, 09:25:35 AM »
MY penis is large and my blade is swift...
Hero Member
: 3047
Re: Cold invites and conversation
#13 :
September 24, 2011, 09:29:14 AM »
Is that your Conan style of picking up?
: 38
Re: Cold invites and conversation
#14 :
September 25, 2011, 12:18:26 AM »
@ Keiko-"and I don't need to worry about getting slapped in the face by a big red box every couple minutes. Win - win!"
I read that wrong the first time lol.
Wich made....
Quote from: Unhealer on September 24, 2011, 09:25:35 AM
MY penis is large and my blade is swift...
even funnier
The universe tends to unfold as it should.
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