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: young  ( 9881 )
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« : April 17, 2011, 08:01:32 PM »

So I was with this guy (alexis100xp) who is free and we were ... well, having fun. He is asking a few IRL questions about me and I'm asking back until he asks about my age. I say 19 (which is true) and he says he is 16. As soon as I see that, I report him. (you know, the little "!" in the chat box) and I tell him "I'm leaving, I don't feel comfortable"

I get out of there and start talking to a friend and this guy messages me and says "it's out little secret, ok?" I then check his profile and it says he is 25. So I'm all confused and I tell him he shouldn't be here, he isn't old enough. He then changes his mind and say he is 18 and this whole time we are talking, he keeps sending me invites. I finally just left and I got back on after a few days and then he is trying to send me more invites so then I just block him.

My question is, what do they do with the young people? I know when I reported him, it saved the messages but it has been a few days and he is still on there!!
Hero Member
: 3856

« #1 : April 18, 2011, 01:22:17 AM »

Well I think you have done about all you can do... including the ignore. It is tech's job to shut him down... which they legally should do.

Rest easy .... you did right imho

Sr. Member
: 316

me? a lil fuzzy rabbit and a carnivour of lust ;)

« #2 : June 18, 2011, 04:48:42 AM »

for me young ones, even the ones of legal age, is a huge turn off. to impatient and lacking the depth of mind, heart and soul. not to mention the experience ;) but then someone comes along tht just blows u away :)

Imagination - the most powerful aphrodisiac in existance
Hero Member
: 2415

« #3 : June 18, 2011, 04:09:07 PM »

I feel age is more shown in behaviour and posture as in numbers. Some people are just so much more mature as others on any given age. Not discarding anyone because of their age, as I never judge someon's charactre. It's the behaviour that determines someon's age..

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Sr. Member
: 316

me? a lil fuzzy rabbit and a carnivour of lust ;)

« #4 : June 18, 2011, 06:17:10 PM »

I feel age is more shown in behaviour and posture as in numbers. Some people are just so much more mature as others on any given age. Not discarding anyone because of their age, as I never judge someon's charactre. It's the behaviour that determines someon's age..
well sweetie as i was careful not to mention any numbers or figures in my lil speach there i was trying to say exactly wht u just said., thx. *kissing ur forehead fondly* i find uncontrollable eagerness and inpatience a huge turn off.

Imagination - the most powerful aphrodisiac in existance
Hero Member
: 3856

« #5 : June 19, 2011, 10:53:50 AM »

Well I always had a certain prejudice of playing with the young um's...  but found myself delightfully surprised by a number who were chatty and able to tap my imagination and play quite well with it. Really it comes down to the person.. if they don't mind playing with an older guy... I am always willing and open. However I find impatience quite evident and wide spread in many at play here.

: 49

« #6 : September 28, 2011, 02:37:34 PM »

Sure, there are some that are mature beyond their years, I know one 21 yo here that'd put a lot of guys twice his age to shame for level-headedness, thoughtfulness and maturity in general. Mostly what I've found is that the bigger the age gap, the harder it is to relate to things in their life and them in yours. That's just a general rule, there's always exceptions.

Okay, so setting aside the maturity thing, the simple fact is that in most civilized countries, there are laws against that. While them lying about their age might let you off the hook some, you still run the risk of being charged with things like contributing to the delinquency of a minor. And here in the US, even something like that will get you on the Sex Offender list. And wtf are you thinking if it goes beyond merely cybering and getting into pictures exchanged, cam or even real. Now you're not only talking the whole Sex Offender stigma thing, but also real jail time.

I've had that happen (not in AChat yet), where a guy will let out he's really (fill in the under-18 blank number). Instant bail and instant report, with screenshot. I'm not wasting what's left of my prime years on some snot nosed kid, that's for sure (not to mention the whole ewwww factor realizing that they're not a whole lot older than my son).
Full Member
: 116

« #7 : October 06, 2011, 04:59:56 AM »

Hmmm. Ok, if you pick up on young, click and report. That's all covered in one msg. The rest of the posts are what keeps dragging me back in here. It's almost more fun than the game! I guess sue, you might have an eeeew factor regarding me, too? maybe i should start an "overaged" thread! lol. seriously, i am kidding. i have founf in real and virtual life there exceptions everywhere, as long as they are legal ones.
Hero Member
: 3047

« #8 : October 06, 2011, 03:08:01 PM »

I just find most of them to be quite immature and that really turns me off. The fact that many of them come in like 2 sec doesn't really help their cause. ::)
Full Member
: 116

« #9 : October 06, 2011, 10:16:00 PM »

too true... then, again IF they learn that here, under expert tutelage, mayhaps it would inspire an attempt at improved performance irl. maybe program a licensing test for robot girl/boy that they have to pass before they can get in a room.
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