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: Client crashing whenever I try to open a received message  ( 9813 )


Tonight I receieved a message while I was busy inside a room. Trying to read it afterwards made my client stop responding entirely. I've been able to read and delete messages properly before and I can also read and delete new ones I receive, but it seems I can never open this specific message.
Does anyone have any idea how i could ever see it, or how I could remove it would I need to?

I don't really think it matters, but I'm running Vista 64 with the latest updates, DirectX and drivers.
: 3


I got the same problem. Is there any way to fix that problem?

Using a second account (this works fine with a buddy as well) I've managed to overwrite all of my incoming messages.
There is apparently a cap of 20 messages in your "mailbox". Older messages are deleted once this cap is reached. So, just receive enough messages to delete the corrupt one.
I don't know if there would be any way to read those messages again, but I'm pretty sure it won't be possible without the help of a developer and/or admin. Removing them let's you run the application without crashing at least.

Send me a message in-game if you need me to be your spam buddy.

Hmm... or not. It seems the older messages reapperad after I logged out and back in again.
Jr. Member
: 59

Did you already try to uninstall and install AChat again? Maybe it can solve your problem.

Ingame: Maralea

Yea. Tried it on two different computers (Vista and XP), using the demo and full version. The corruption seems to be server side, most likely in the database.
Jr. Member
: 59

Ok if its really a server problem i think you can do nothing about it. Only the admins can do something then.
You should hope an admin can solve the problem.

Maybe an admin can say if the inbox is saved on the server or on our pc so we can delete messages ourself or only them can do this.
« : June 02, 2009, 02:59:50 PM Evi01 »

Ingame: Maralea
Sr. Member
: 336


we have found an error, with the auto upgrade function now it should work good already.


Excellent work, Tom!
Much appreciated. Some of those messages were really gems I wouldn't have wanted to miss out on.

Thanks a lot.
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