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: Your first crush...  ( 1460 )
Sr. Member
: 449

Gone back to original account : Soniaslut

« : July 24, 2020, 05:59:39 AM »

Do you remember your first crush on someone? Could have been someone famous, someone you knew...or someone you didn't but wanted to.
Care to share?

My first crush was  on my English teacher when I was, I think, 14. She was about 30 and was quite tall, slim and was always very smartly dressed and wore glasses. (Maybe that's where my thing for girls with glasses started...?). English was my favourite subject, and she encouraged  my interest, suggesting books for me to discover and suggesting side projects to help my understanding, which made me feel special. Over perhaps a couple of months I was trying to find any excuse to spend even a few extra minutes talking with her. God only knows what she thought of me, but she was always helpful and kind and gave me a love of English that I still have. She always smelled wonderful...made me think of sunshine on a meadow. She left in the second year she was my teacher to take another post at a school in Northern England. I remember her last day, I couldn't stop crying. My teen anguish didn't last long though...it was only a week or so before I'd almost forgotten her and transferred my attention to one of the Upper Sixth girls.

Teenagers, eh?  Sheesh...bloody nightmare!!!
« : July 24, 2020, 06:03:06 AM analetta »

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