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Erotic story contest II, once upon a time in the summer?
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: Erotic story contest II, once upon a time in the summer? ( 42261 )
Hero Member
: 2415
Erotic story contest II, once upon a time in the summer?
January 27, 2012, 03:12:41 AM »
As requested, a new thread for the new erotic contest. Below will be the rules that I have compiled so far, still open for discussion, add-ons or things to be changed/removed.
I was approached with an idea through a pm, which I would like to share. In the last contest, a seperate thread was created so that everyone could post their own ideas. In the suggestion I receieved (thanks Azrielle), all stories are sent to a contest manager(s) through pm or other means. The Manager will then post all stories at the same time and add a poll right away. This brings a couple of advantages:
1. Noone will be forced to post first, which according to some, is a tactical disadvantage;
2. All writers will be anonymous, which offers a better change to judge without prejudice. Though smart readers might be able to guess who wrote what
3. All stories will have the same 'exposure' time, which helps as well for the stories to be judged equally.
4. The contest manager will post all stories and monitor the closing date of the poll, after which the winners are announced, exposing the names as well. Only the winner and 2 runners up this time
5. The contest manager mey enter a story, but is prohibited to vote. Other contestants may vote but are urged to vote on someone else's story.
6. After submitting the story to the contest manager, the story is done and can't be edited during the conest..
Let me know what you think about this idea. I am quite enthousiastic about it and offer myself to fulfill the role of Contest manager. That is, if everyone agrees I can fulfill the role without a smudge of mixed interest
In the next post will be the rules, to keep it a bit more compact
The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 7883
Re: Erotic story contest II, once upon a time in the summer?
#1 :
January 27, 2012, 03:33:26 AM »
I don't agree whit rule n. 5.......i don't see the sense of it! then, i think it's better if the contest manager is someone who don't wanna submit to the contest!
Hero Member
: 3047
Re: Erotic story contest II, once upon a time in the summer?
#2 :
January 27, 2012, 03:35:15 AM »
I don't see any problem with it.
Hero Member
: 2415
Re: Erotic story contest II, once upon a time in the summer?
#3 :
January 27, 2012, 03:59:17 AM »
Hentai, I really don't see a problem with rule nr 5. First of all, the a-team will not divide any manpower into running the contest. It is something that we do together. The contest manager is one of the members and therefore should be eligable to enter a story. Second, all writers will be anonymous, so noone will know who's story belongs to the manager. Sure, some smart readers will recognise a certain style of writing...
The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 7883
Re: Erotic story contest II, once upon a time in the summer?
#4 :
January 27, 2012, 04:05:45 AM »
mmmh, maybe i had make a mistake....whit "but is prohibited to vote" you mean the manager can't vote, i can presume the begin i was thinking about other users can't vote his story. my bad, guys!
Hero Member
: 10350
Re: Erotic story contest II, once upon a time in the summer?
#5 :
January 27, 2012, 04:21:10 AM »
I even don't have a problem if you (Tight, you should be the manager) also vote.
Hero Member
: 3047
Re: Erotic story contest II, once upon a time in the summer?
#6 :
January 27, 2012, 04:23:19 AM »
Ahaha, I think mine is going to be easy to guess... unless there is another tgirl with a similar style to mine that is going to enter the contest.
I think I'll be able to guess quite a few of the other entries as well actually.
Hero Member
: 2415
Re: Erotic story contest II, once upon a time in the summer?
#7 :
January 27, 2012, 05:10:24 AM »
These are the suggested rules and rquitements to enter a story. It is not the end of the month yet, so there is some more time to diiscuss them
Announcing a new erotic story contest. For anyone to enter, judge or enjoy reading. Starring the theme of the contest: SUMMER VACATION.
As discussed on forum, something from achat will be incorporated in each story, to emphasize the connection witht he game, and to recognize the dev-team for sponsoring the contest. As before, there will be an entry period with a deadline, and then a voting period with a deadline as well. This time less cramped in time.
For anyone who’d like to enter, please take note of following notifications:
1. Please do not break regulations or laws when submitting your story.
2. In the story, the central theme and something from Achat must be incorporated. The theme is Summer Vacation, the link to Achat must be based on a room, background or outfit, and preferably recognisably described.
3. The length of the story must not exceed 2 posts. 1 post allows 20,000 characters. That includes spaces as well. About 5500 – 6000 is the limit per story.
4. Only one story per contestant.
1. The winner of the contest will win 10.000 A$ or 1 year subscription.
2. The runner-up will get 5000 A$ or 6 months subscription
3. Second runner-up gets 1500 A@ or 1 months subscription
4. All other contestants will receive 250 A$ for submitting their stories.
If either of the podium places are shared, in the other contest first place was shared, first prize is shared and the second runner up will get 3rd prize. If 2nd place is shared, the prize will be shared and 3rd prize will not be awarded. If 3rd place is shared, both contestants will receive 750 A$.
Submitting: The thread will open February 1st.
Deadline: The thread for entering your stories will be closed at 30th of June.
Voting: The poll will be opened July 1st.
Closing: The poll will be closed Agust 31st.
Winners will be announced September 1st.
I wish all contestants good luck, and all forum members and dev team a lot of enjoyment while reading...
The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
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: 262
NSPD - Retired
Re: Erotic story contest II, once upon a time in the summer?
#8 :
January 27, 2012, 05:17:18 AM »
well now, Thank you Tight for submitting my suggestion! It looks like everyone likes it! I'm Glad to be of help, as I have been on quite a number of story writing forums in the past (and no, I'm not going to say how many, lolz).
Another point, is perhaps to mention that once the contest is open, and the poll is active, that all members are encouraged to critique the story they thought was the best, not simply to state who they voted for. And still another point is to encourage all members who have submitted a story, that by critiquing the one a voter likes the best, it will show the other member/writers what it is that really and truely makes a great story.
As for myself, well... I look forward to making my own submission once the Contest rules and mandatory content items are posted. Until then...
Coming Soon to a Shop Near You! Mwah!
Hero Member
: 7883
Re: Erotic story contest II, once upon a time in the summer?
#9 :
January 27, 2012, 09:41:45 AM »
I agree whit Azrielle......the first contest was his idea and i think he had done an amazing work! so, Tight, would you like to be our contest menager!?
Hero Member
: 2415
Re: Erotic story contest II, once upon a time in the summer?
#10 :
January 27, 2012, 10:34:36 AM »
I am honored that you would want me as the manager of the contest. If there is noone opposed or knows a better qualified canditate, I will gladly take that role on me...
Azrielle, I like your idea, but wondering how to practically implement that in the (line of) thead(s) concerning the contest.
I have plans to contact support for a few questions and request, one of them being a sub-department especially for the contest... I'll inform everyone later on how that progresses. Some more ideas have risen since I talked to a few of my friends about the forum. Thanks everyone for such an enthousiastic reaction
The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541
Re: Erotic story contest II, once upon a time in the summer?
#11 :
January 27, 2012, 11:13:13 AM »
I'll add my vote for Tight, this has been his baby since it's inception. I can't see handing it over to anyone else.
Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die
Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Hero Member
: 7883
Re: Erotic story contest II, once upon a time in the summer?
#12 :
January 27, 2012, 11:24:46 AM »
Lol, janine........your words make me remember about this film:
Hero Member
: 3856
Re: Erotic story contest II, once upon a time in the summer?
#13 :
January 27, 2012, 11:29:19 AM »
I see no issue with Tight having that option... he is an honorable man and would hold to the guideline. We are too few here, and Achat just doesn't have the resources to monitor matters. I think it great they encourage this mater here though
Hero Member
: 2755
Re: Erotic story contest II, once upon a time in the summer?
#14 :
January 27, 2012, 01:13:14 PM »
i think Tight would be excellent
but probably only cause i know him best
love ya sweet
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