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: Erotic story contest II, once upon a time in the summer?  ( 42265 )
Hero Member
: 2755

« #45 : February 02, 2012, 03:35:24 PM »

i sure do love reading your stories too tight ::) can't wait to see what you write this time around

Hero Member
: 10350

« #46 : February 02, 2012, 06:07:49 PM »

Lover, that doesn't necessarily hae to be true.
If they do 50/50, it's ok. I just added my thoughts in case they don't.

Hero Member
: 7883

« #47 : February 03, 2012, 04:38:07 AM »

Well, i think we had set all about co-writing a story and about Pafe quest about if one of them is not a forum user (no one answer it, so i can presum it's ok for you all).

i'll wanna back for a little on the subject of the story: Summer Vacation. So, i can presume we are free to work on it whitout any restrinction, just to add a clear reference to a room or a dress of aChat. That mean the place can be different from a beach or a sea travel (as we mention in the old contest tread), am i right!?

PS: how we gonna promote the contest on the game!? or we don't wanna do it!?
« : February 03, 2012, 04:47:26 AM hentaiboy69 »

Hero Member
: 10350

« #48 : February 03, 2012, 06:15:02 AM »

about Pafe quest about if one of them is not a forum user (no one answer it, so i can presum it's ok for you all).

Tight and I wrote, it's ok.

Hero Member
: 7883

« #49 : February 03, 2012, 06:43:46 AM »

maybe i had mistunderstood about it, sorry, Lover!   :P

Hero Member
: 548

« #50 : February 05, 2012, 04:26:44 AM »


   I've been re-reading this topic and I have a few questions.  Just so I get things straight.  The official contest rules are the one's that Tight has put forth in the beginning of the postings, correct?

   I'm a little confused on the size limit the story should be.  I see that one statement says 20,000 characters is the limit for the posts and to try to keep it (the submission) in just 2 posts.  Does that increase the size of the limit to 40,000?  I realize that this includes spaces and that shrinks it down to a limited number of words.  Which is stated at between 5500 – 6000.  Is that number for the complete story?  Or just each posting?

   My reason for asking this is that I've started writing it, and I'm only at the beginning and have already gone over 4,000 words.  This is a story that I have never told anyone, so it seems to be just flowing out.  Of course, I could just post it seperately, and not as a contest entry.

   Maybe I should switch subjects and tell a different one?  Any clarity you can give me would be a big help. 

Thanks for letting me share,

Hero Member
: 10350

« #51 : February 05, 2012, 04:43:57 AM »

First Pafe you're right. The rules say a maximium of 6000 words.

I just counted my words and characters; as you, I have to be careful, as it seems my story is too big.
But we also have to think about the voters (we, but also voters that don't post an own story). If you have 6,7 or maybe 10 storys, each with 20000 words it's hard to read. And to compare the storys also will be difficult if some have 3000 words and others 8000.

Pafe, we have to shortenour story, hoping to keep the sense and emotions.
So it is.

Hero Member
: 7883

« #52 : February 05, 2012, 07:27:40 AM »

Lover is right, Pafe......but if you wanna share whit us your full story, you can add it on the forum like a stand alone, like most of us usually do. It's your choise, but i can say you this: whatever you gonna do, i think you will do a grat work, even if it don't gonna win any price, cause i think every one are doing the best he can.

Hero Member
: 2415

« #53 : February 05, 2012, 11:50:43 AM »

The statement of 5500 - 6000 words is about right. I am expecting 8-10 stories to be entered in the contest. That means about 60.000 words, translated to about 40-50 pages of text (A4 or US size). I think that is a rather big read. It would not be beneficial for the last story to be posted, if all attention is exhausted by the time readers get to the bottom of the thread. I do hope all stories will be read and considered in a decision before anyone votes.

Pafe, your enthousiasm suits you very well. Sometimes, when the story is already there and only needs to be written down, the words come by themselves. I think that cutting the story short to fit in the contest, would be injustice to the story you want to tell. Maybe you can see it as an exercise, before submitting another story to the contest. And you are very welcome to share it with us in a seperate thread in this section of the forum. The story contest offically bgon, so plenty of time I think.

We have discussed the lentgh of the stories and agreed on the length. Though a challenge for us writers, it does prmise a collection of compact stories that have it all...

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 7883

« #54 : February 15, 2012, 02:48:29 AM »

A last question: we have to use something  from achat, so it must be a room or a dress.....am i right!?

Hero Member
: 548

« #55 : February 15, 2012, 05:24:27 AM »


   Thank you everyone for your feedback, you have all been really helpful.  :)  I've switched my story to one that is much shorter, so I will probably enter the new one.  Thank you Hentai for your question above, I will be sure to include whatever AChat item into my story.

   I am going to continue writing the other one too, because it's a little like therapy getting my thoughts about the subject matter into written words.  I just don't know if I'll post it or not.  I am looking forward to reading all the submissions.

Thanks for letting me share,

P.S.  Where can I find the stories that were submitted to the first contest?  I can not seem to find them here in the Forum.  Thank you.

« : February 15, 2012, 11:41:20 AM Pafe »

Hero Member
: 2415

« #56 : February 15, 2012, 01:04:59 PM »



I am looking forward to your entry.. and ofcourse it is fully your decision if you want to ost the other story as well. Though I think everyone here understand you wanting this to yourself.. Showing too much of your inner self, has it's risks..

to all:
as far as incorporating something from achat into your story, this goes for all contestants, please include a pose, background or room in your story.. Clothing is an option, but seems less significant to incorporate...

The contest will start in 15 days...

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 7883

« #57 : February 18, 2012, 04:31:32 AM »

ok, i come out whit another question: this time is about room, in particolar the one whit the city view. Is it possible to use it like a living room (there is a couch afterall), but it's possibile use it whit a different view from the window!? like see or another landscape

Hero Member
: 10350

« #58 : February 18, 2012, 05:56:50 AM »

I would say: As long as there is a relation to the room (and everyone recognizes) it's ok.

Hero Member
: 2415

« #59 : February 18, 2012, 06:52:26 AM »


as long as it is recogniseable in the story, you can use the room to your purpose..

I will post a 'submission form' for the ones that want to submit their story, so they all are sent in the same format. One of the requests will be to state what part of AChat is used in the story.

In the meantime I am talking to the dev-team about possibilities to create a subsection for the story contest. So that all posts relating to it, can be moved there and the stories are esier to be found, read and judged... Just 2 more weeks...

Lover, thanks.. You got it.. ;)

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
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