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: Quick-Start Guide for this forum  ( 31876 )
Hero Member
: 10350

« : February 09, 2012, 07:29:48 AM »

This topic is a guide for this forum. In this first post I also add each single theme, so there is an overview of the content here.
There also is another general help for this forum:

It includes several links; I just explain what you don't find there or give a deeper help.

To my French friends: My French is merde :D so if you wanna translate, you're welcome. Just start a new topic.

The content:
- Adding a pic to a post (not a profile pic) (also read "Resizing image" and "Uploading pics to image host websites")
- Adding a poll
- Adding a profile pic for the forum
- Sending and receiving PM (Personal Message)
- Resizing an image you wanna add to a post (thanks to Hentaiboy69)
- How to lock/unlock and remove a topic
- Uploading pics to image host websites and add them to this forum
- AChat subscription info (thanks Hentaiboy 69)
- Receiving PM as email
- Hot to get new posts per email
- Adding hyperlinks/urls to a post
- Who is online?
- Having problems to register to this forum?
- Taking a screenshot in full screen
- Check new posts/replies since last visit/refresh

« : February 07, 2014, 10:48:13 AM Lover »

Hero Member
: 10350

« #1 : February 09, 2012, 07:49:14 AM »

Adding a pic

If you wanna add a pic to your post, there are several ways:
1.) You use a pic you have on your harddrive (I explain it, BUT it's not possible at the moment - you get an error message)
2.) You choose a pic from another website

1.) Adding a pic from your harddrive
- Click "Additional options" below the text field
- Choose "Browse". You find it right beside the small empty text field after "Attach"
  A new window opens, schowing your harddrive folders
- go to the file, your pics are inside and select the one you want: Take care, it is "gif, png, jpg" all possible fily types are shown below the empty field; also make sure, the pic size is not bigger than 512kb

2.) Select a pic from another website
- The photo has to be on a website. The example I found by using the terms "body painting" in google, then chosed "pics" in search and
  used the  link.

- On the new website, the pic is very small, but very often you can choose "Show full pic" or something similar.

- You get a new website, just with this pic. Then you have to copy the link which is shown in the upper line.
  You can use right mouse button anywhere in the letters, then choose "copy" or mark the line and simultaneoulsy press "ctrl" + "c" on your keyboard.

- In your post use "Insert Image" - the 2nd symbol from the left about the emoticons. You get [im][img]
- Click between ] and [

To be continued in part 2 :D

« : March 10, 2013, 12:21:41 PM Lover »

Hero Member
: 10350

« #2 : February 09, 2012, 07:50:05 AM »

Adding a pic, part 2

- Paste the link. Use right mouse button and choose paste or simultaneously press "ctrl" + "v"
- If you made it correct, you can see the link to the pic, not the pic itself. The pic you see, if you now click "Post" or, if you wanna make sure
  everything is fine, "Preview". If you choose "Preview" you have to click "Post" if you wanna post it!

I don't know, if you can upload pics via FTP Link, I never tried it. Does somebody know?
« : March 09, 2012, 12:14:22 PM Lover »

Hero Member
: 10350

« #3 : February 09, 2012, 07:57:26 AM »

Adding a pic, part 3

- Another way is, instead of using the link in the headline, to click the pic on the website (right mouse button) and then choose "copy image location".
  It's the same as copying the link. The rest is the same.

« : March 09, 2012, 12:14:37 PM Lover »

Hero Member
: 10350

« #4 : February 09, 2012, 08:30:06 AM »

Adding a poll

A poll can be added to every topic. The best is to start a new topic by using "Post new poll".  You just have to ask yourself some questions before:
- A unique name (the name of the question - it might be helpful, to choose another name as for the subject)

- Message icon: You can leave it "Standard", but perhaps you wanna change. I for myself like to use the question mark for a poll, so everyone knows it at once. But this is just personal taste.

- possible answers - do you wanna know "yes" or "no" or do you wanna give more choices. There is no reason to choose 5 options.
  You can choose 3, 4... or even an endless number options, but the more yougive the more several answers you get. Is it helpful?

- Choose the poll options.
Standard is 1 vote per user, but you can change if it makes sense.
Run poll for .....  days. You can say, a poll will finish in 7 days e.g. After these days, the poll is closed automatically. If you leave it blank, there is no end. Of course you can close it whenever you want.
Allow user to change vote - if you leave it blank, users are not allowed to chnge their vote. If you set it, they change their vote if they want.

There is a point in "Show the poll's result to anyone". But you can change it.

- Which option is the best? It depends on your idea. If you wanna make sure, anyone is ready to see the result (even free user and prem, who don't wanna vote or post in this topic) the first is the best choice. E.g. I choose this, whenever I add a poll to ask your opinion about a new position.
If you think, it's the best the voter only is allowed to see the reslut after he also voted, choose "Only show the results after someone has voted."
And if you think the best is, not to show any between results, you have to choose "Only show the results after the poll has expired."
But this just works, if you also wrote the number of days in the field "Run the poll for days. (leave blank for no limit)"
E.g. Tight will use this for the erotic story contest.
« : March 09, 2012, 12:15:15 PM Lover »

Hero Member
: 10350

« #5 : February 29, 2012, 03:23:30 PM »

Adding a profile pic for the forum

First of all, all individualization in forum is free of cost!

If you wanna add a profile pic here there are three possibilities:
Goto "PROFILE" (red line above the string path), then choose "Forum Profile Information" on the left side below "Modify Profile"
Or click here: http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=1046;sa=forumProfile

1) Choose personalized picture: Some actors and musicians are given. You can choose the one you want by clicking it. Scroll down and choose "change profile" - that's all

2) Choose "I have my own pic" For this you have to know the path to a picture on an existing website. Copy the link to the pic and paste it into the textbox. If you don't know how to find pics, just read "Adding a pic". Scroll down and choose "change profile" - done

3) Choose "I will upload my own picture" (contradiction to "Adding a pic" it's possible)
Choose "Browse". You find it right beside the small empty text field after "Attach"
A new window opens, schowing your harddrive folders

Go to the folder, your pics are inside and select the one you want: Take care, it is "gif, png, jpg" all possible fily types are shown below the empty field. Klick "ok" and your pic is uploaded.
Scroll down and choose "change profile" - your pic now is visible in your forum ava for everyone

« : March 09, 2012, 12:15:28 PM Lover »

Hero Member
: 10350

« #6 : February 29, 2012, 03:46:43 PM »

Sending a pm (personal message) to another forum member

A pm is a message, which just the addresse is able to read. It's like an email you send, but the addresse just receives it, if he is logging in to this forum.
There are several ways to choose the addresse. The best is to click the small box below his name in a thread. If you move your mosue over this box and then wait for a second, you read: "Personell Message" in brackets you read "Online" or "Offline"
If you click on this box, you get a new page, similar to the page you get if you add a post. The differences:
There is a box "To"     
If you did my way, the addresse is still written. If you wanna add more raddresses, go one fiel below to "Bcc"
Bcc means, all other members you add also get your message - but no one knows of the other. If you don't know the correct name you can click the white on blue !   A new box  opens (make sure, your browser allows pop up) and you can search for the names. If you don't know exactly, you can use wildcards. A wildcard means, you just type 1,2,3, or 4 letters and then add a star (*)
Goto "search" and you get a list of all members including your letters in this order you wrote them. If you want to add someone of this list, just click the name in the list below. This member is added at once.

If you want use a subject, but it's not necessary.

Write your text, then "send message"
If you want to get a copy of your text, activate "Save a copy in my outbox"
That's all

No matter if the addresse is  online, he just gets the message when he is updating a page of the forum. Then he gets a note in a pop up window "You have received one or more new messages - do you wana read them in a new window?"
Same message he gets if he login after being offline.
You also see it in the red line above the forum path. There will be a number e.g. (1) in brackets after "MY MESSAGES"

Pop up has to be activated!
Go to PROFILE - Personal Message Options - Show a popup when you receive new messages? There has to be a hook in the checkbox

Enable pop ups for AChat in game your browser.

If the member has activated email notifications, he also will get the pm as an email.

« : January 18, 2014, 07:58:17 AM Lover »

Hero Member
: 7883

« #7 : March 02, 2012, 09:58:21 AM »

A little step back to posting pic on a post:

Adding a pic, part 4

It can happend a pic can be to big and it don't fix on the post size (not sure if max width is 750 or 800, but 750 fit good). so, it can help to resize it whitout modifing it offline. To do it, just have to add  here

[img]link of the pic[img]

this simple code:

[img width=200]link of the pic[img]

where 200 is the size you wanna set. i can give some hint: for room example, a good size is from 650 or more. for dress we can low it around 400
« : March 10, 2012, 02:58:34 AM hentaiboy69 »

Hero Member
: 10350

« #8 : March 03, 2012, 07:54:58 AM »

How to lock or remvove a topic

You can lock or remove each topic you started. Just one suggestion before you remove something: There has been a good reason for you to start it. Also all other members spent their time and thoughts in answering. So please think twice before you really remove it. If you are not sure, lock it first. Nobody can post, but you keep the chance to unlock it if necessary or after all, to remove it.

Locking a topic
If you wanna lock a topic go to the last post of the thread. If you are the topic starter, you see after last post on the left side two buttons:

Choose "LOCK TOPIC" and the whole thread is locked at once. Everyone will notice it, cause in the overview there is a locked interlock after the name of the topic. They still can read!

If you wanna unlock it, just click the same button, which is called "UNLOCK TOPIC" after locking.

Removing Topic
Same as before. Go to your last post and click "REMOVE TOPIC"
A warning is flashing "Do you really want to remove...?"
Click "OK" and you are finished. This post and all asnwers are deleted.
« : March 09, 2012, 12:16:48 PM Lover »

Hero Member
: 10350

« #9 : March 06, 2012, 09:13:15 PM »

Uploading pics to image host websites and add them to this forum

If you wanna add pics from your harddrive to this forum you have to upload them to image host websites first.
There are several provider, for example:
ImageShack         http://www.imageshack.us/
Photobucket        http://photobucket.com/
Flickr                  http://www.flickr.com/
FileFap                http://www.filefap.com

Filefap allows to to upload without any registration and is intended for adult content!
All others have in common you have to register first and, of course, you agree with their terms of condition. One big point in these TOC, you are not allowed to upload sexual content.
You can choose between free acount and premium membership. Usually free acount is ok to upload images to this forum.

After uploading your pic you can copy the generated link and paste here.


Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

« : March 09, 2012, 04:21:49 PM Lover »

Hero Member
: 10350

« #10 : March 09, 2012, 12:12:38 PM »

AChat subscription info

Log in in the main page and look on the rigth side of your screen.

Here you can see the "Account management" (directly under the Buy A$ button): it have 3 sub categories and the one in the middle is the "Recent purchases".

Click it and you can see all the stuff you have bougth and the gift or the A$ you bougth in two separate windows.

Move to the second one and look in it: on the left, you can see the date of your operation, a small icon who identify the operation (subscription, gift, buoght A$), a description and the A$ you gain.
« : March 09, 2012, 12:21:13 PM Lover »

Hero Member
: 10350

« #11 : March 25, 2012, 05:46:03 AM »

Receiving emails

You can receive emails when you get a pm:
- Go to "Profile"
- Choose "Personal Message Options"
- The last line "Notify by email every time you receive a personal message" and make sure "Always" is activated
You just can say "Always" or "Never". You will get each pm send as an email. Just the messages of people on your ignore-list are blocked.
Beware: Your ignore-list is empty. This list is different from your ignore-list in game. It's only an ignore-list for pm here in forum.

Hero Member
: 10350

« #12 : March 26, 2012, 12:47:30 PM »

Hot to get new posts per email

There are several ways to receive new posts per email.
1) Setting in profile
- Goto "PROFILE"
- Left side: Modify Profile - Notifications and Email
- Activate those kind of email notification you want
- Press "Save settings"

You also get an overview about all topics and boards you have turned on the notification. You also are able to deactivate topics and boards.

2) Setting in board
- Open the board you wanna get emails (example: Share your creative ideas)
- Before the first topic on the right side you see: MARK READ - NOTIFY - NEW TOPIC
- Press "NOTIFY"
- A pop up opens: Are you sure you wish to enable notification of new topics for this board?     
- Press "OK"

Analog you just can activate several topics; you just have to open the topic instead of the board.

If you wanna disable single topics or boards it's the same:
- Press "NOTIFY"
- You get a pop up: Are you sure you wish to disable notification of new topics for this board?
- Press "OK"
« : March 26, 2012, 12:57:18 PM Lover »

Hero Member
: 10350

« #13 : March 26, 2012, 01:08:51 PM »

Adding hyperlinks/urls to a post

- Copy the link you wanna add (use right mouse button - copy or "CTRL" + "C"
- Paste to your text (right mouse button - insert or "CTRL" + "V")
- It's not necessary, but helpful to change the colour of the url to yellow

If you wanna open an url:
- Mark the link
- Right mouse button "Open url..."

Hero Member
: 10350

« #14 : March 29, 2012, 11:25:55 AM »

Who is online?

There is no list you can see who is online at the moment. But if you look at the name, underneath it (respectively under the pic, if there is one) you see a white balloon. If this person is online you see a small brighter point inside.

You also can check the profile of a person by clicking the name - the current state is shown there if the person doesn't hide this info.
« : July 26, 2012, 04:09:59 AM Lover »

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