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: The Nymphomania Sex Police (NSPD)  ( 284621 )
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MSN Messenger - jessica_1193@live.com
« #180 : March 28, 2012, 09:07:24 PM »

If you keep partying like you do Dr jessi, someone is gonna end up in that morgue.

Look how i found your examintion room after your last party  :o

That must have been nice.  ;)

That was nothing to do with me..I was out on a beer run when this happened. Guess I'll have to keep the parties within the department in the future.
Sr. Member
: 262

NSPD - Retired

« #181 : March 29, 2012, 05:51:05 AM »

... and everyone wonders why our country is so poor... If everyone would get their asses to work... ahem.

... But I digress. My own office resembles the aftermath of a tornado.

We Have several new members who need to find their way to the Orderly Room and won't be able to if the wreckage and carnage prevents them from their task. So, lets all clean up and Welcome them with open arms.


Coming Soon to a Shop Near You! Mwah!
Hero Member
: 7883

« #182 : March 29, 2012, 07:25:27 AM »

Yes, wellcome to all new member and to new users!

Uhhhhh......this morning, in the middle of the lesson, i feel so sick! My head was hurting so much, so i ask to my teacher if i can go to the school clinic. The nurse had give me a pill and order me to rest for a while but a last i felt asleep so deeper!

When i wake up, i hear an inconfondible moan coming over the curtain......i discretely look over it and i see one of my class mate having sex whit her boyfriend! probably they don't had notice me sleeping on the other bed!
It was so excited and i can't hold the pleasure rising inside me.....i was really tempted to join them!

« : October 04, 2012, 10:55:24 AM hentaiboy69 »

Hero Member
: 548

« #183 : March 29, 2012, 09:02:35 AM »

... and everyone wonders why our country is so poor... If everyone would get their asses to work... ahem.

... But I digress. My own office resembles the aftermath of a tornado.


    You are so right Az... I've been in the Supertendent's Office... its so cramped and in such disarray it makes us wonder how you ever get any work done.

   And.. get a load of the cramped bathroom she has to deal with.

Thanks for letting me share,

Hero Member
: 3047

« #184 : March 29, 2012, 09:57:31 AM »

Lol Pafe, it must be very different for you when the superintendent wants to meet you and Satoire in her office. :D
Sr. Member
: 262

NSPD - Retired

« #185 : March 29, 2012, 11:33:49 AM »

Oh heck… that’s the Mayor’s Office. The bastard only lets me use it to interview new officers.

My Office… It’s a wee bit cramped, but it’s cosy… Perfect for those intimate late night work sessions.
(Also Doubles as Street Car #4, when I’m not there.)

My Office Chair

And my Bathroom… Left-over’s from my predecessor… But the Grunge look was my idea.


Coming Soon to a Shop Near You! Mwah!
Sr. Member
: 433

« #186 : March 29, 2012, 11:57:55 AM »

Well as Interogation specialist, I thought It would be nice to get a mobile Interogation Unit
Here is what I was able to get with the money allocated

Hero Member
: 7883

« #187 : March 29, 2012, 02:05:09 PM »

Oh well......NG, you are lucky it have a cabin! i see other like that whitout it!

Hero Member
: 7883

« #188 : March 30, 2012, 10:47:59 AM »

Again on this stupid ladder........today the window is more dirty then usually! What the hell is this white sticky cream!? bleaaahhh, it's all on my hand!

Sr. Member
: 433

« #189 : March 30, 2012, 12:17:26 PM »

If you dont know what is is hentai, Im not telling you    ;D
Hero Member
: 7883

« #190 : March 30, 2012, 02:24:04 PM »

So cruel!   :'(

"oh my gosh, no, not that dog again! go away from the ladder! no no no noo!"

*Losing balance from the top of the ladder, suddenly i fall into the window whit my face.......the sticky cream is now all over it and on my shirt*

"oh, crap........"
« : March 31, 2012, 02:03:33 AM hentaiboy69 »

Jr. Member
: 61

« #191 : March 30, 2012, 02:35:52 PM »

hentaiboy69... come to the shower room...
we'll help you wash all that nasty, sticky cream off of every inch of your body... just slide in between us


satoire out

Hero Member
: 7883

« #192 : March 30, 2012, 02:40:16 PM »

oh, i really need it.......it's a little tight there, but not a real problem....

Hero Member
: 4985

« #193 : April 01, 2012, 01:07:19 AM »

Good news for our department everybody.

I catched a very wealthy and famous man with his pants down with another man at a local drinkinghole.

He agreed that if i didn't reveal his identity , he would bild a new crimelab and MA room for us.  ;)

And here are the new results

the new crimelab :

the new MA Room :

Dutchslut 19 and me could not resist to use the new facilities at once, like this :

And with this new equipment whe can catch more wealthy people, so send in your request for department upgrade's.

I hope to cu all soon, at our new workplace.

« : April 03, 2012, 11:45:46 PM mrsexlover »

mrsexlover, loving all girls, any shape,size or color

Come and join the chat at the town sqaure http://achatsquare.chatango.com
: 13

MSN Messenger - jessica_1193@live.com
« #194 : April 03, 2012, 09:03:39 PM »

I can't wait to play with all my new toys ;D

When there's time, can we remodel the morgue a bit, as well?
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