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: The Nymphomania Sex Police (NSPD)  ( 285510 )
Hero Member
: 548

« #315 : August 16, 2012, 03:32:07 AM »

Space Patrol

Date:  16Aug2012

We exited the chamber easily and felt our senses return to normal.  We were just about to go to our pedal rockets when we saw someone inside the chamber looking back at us.  The figure gave us a nod of his head, then faded out.  Our recording camera captured this image.

We're heading back to the Beta Quadrant Space Dock.  Where we can pick up some needed supplies and examine our DVR for any recorded evidence.

Respectfully submitted,
SSgt. Pafe
Cpl. Satoire

Sr. Member
: 262

NSPD - Retired

« #316 : August 16, 2012, 05:20:27 AM »

* * Secure Transmission * *

Relayed via DS-69 To Beta Quadrant...

Info: Space Patrol Report

Report Received at Headquarters.
Further investigation authorized, with caution.
Keep your panties on ladies.

Chief Azrielle
Superintendent NSPD

* * Transmission End * *

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Hero Member
: 548

« #317 : August 19, 2012, 03:49:22 AM »

Space Patrol

Date:  19Aug2012

We examined all the pictures from the camera and the footage from the DVR.  We did not capture anything else on the still camera, but there is some evidence on the DVR.  This is the person fading out that we saw.  It is only about a second in length, but it does show the image that we saw.

We're going to pack some donuts and the orgasmatron and investigate this mysterious chamber.

Respectfully submitted,
SSgt. Pafe
Cpl. Satoire

Hero Member
: 548

« #318 : August 20, 2012, 06:10:32 AM »

Space Patrol

Date:  20Aug2012

After gathering our supplies we headed back to the Distant Planet in the Bocce System.  We have set up a recording camera at the entrance to the chamber entrance and our R & D department supplied us with a relay beacon that we will set up inside the chamber, which is supposed to automaticaly send updated reports.  We hope this will allow us to continue with our reports once we are inside.

The recording camera is programmed to detect any movement and to transmit the images back to NSPD Beta Quadrant Space Dock.  We will be carrying two still cameras and one DVR transmitter.  Cpl. Satoire is bringing her Orgasmatron and I have the donuts.

The chamber portal/entrance has changed appearance and is now in a spiraling effect.  The misty fog has dissapated a little and we are going to make our entrance.  One of us will file a report as soon as practicable.

Respectfully submitted,
SSgt. Pafe
Cpl. Satoire

Hero Member
: 548

« #319 : August 20, 2012, 07:59:03 AM »

Space Patrol

Date:  20Aug2012

Upon our approach to the chamber, the spiral stopped and the chamber once again filled with a foggy mist.

We are setting up the data transfer relays in the chamber, which according to our R & D Department will allow transmitting of our photo and oral reports to automatically be sent to the Beta Quadrant Space Dock.

Cpl. Satoire has notice a small, dim light that seems to be embedded in a rock on the chamber floor.  Once our relays are secured we will investigate the light.

Respectfully submitted,
SSgt. Pafe
Cpl. Satoire

Hero Member
: 548

« #320 : August 20, 2012, 11:31:44 AM »

Space Patrol
Oral Report

We have switched to the oral reporting.  Upon investigation of the lighted rock, I accidently stepped on it, there was a rippling sort of flash and a vortex has opened up.  It's trying to suck Cpl. Satoire and me inside.  The Orgasmatron was ripped from Cpl. Satoire and my bag of donuts with the cameras are being sucked into the vortex.  We're trying to hang on and keep from being taken into the vortex.

It is pulling us with a tremendous force, I can feel myself being lifted from the ground.  Cpl. Satoire is holding on to me, but now we're both off the ground and being swirled around in a turblent air flow that is spiraling into the vortex.

Cpl. Satoire

Hero Member
: 548

« #321 : August 20, 2012, 03:26:36 PM »

Space Patrol
Oral Report

I don't think we can hang on much longer.  There are hand holds along the walls inside this chamber, but we do not have the strength to hold on.  My boots and skirt have been ripped off and are swirling into the vortex.

Cpl. Satoire has lost her skirt, too.  That, along with her panties and boots are being drawn into the turblance of the vortex.

I have found another hand hold and I'm holding on.  Satoire is holding on to me, but I can feel my uniform shirt being pulled from me.

Hero Member
: 548

« #322 : August 20, 2012, 04:34:34 PM »

Space Patrol
Oral Report

My uniform shirt is gone.  It has been sucked into the vortex along with the rest of my clothes.  Cpl. Satoire is also naked now, and we're too exhausted to hold on any longer.

We're going to let go and let the votex take us.  We're hoping that there will be a soft landing on the other side, where ever that may be.  Pafe out.

Hero Member
: 548

« #323 : August 20, 2012, 05:04:47 PM »

transmission from Camera 0212
10 second delay

transmission from Camera 0212
10 second delay

Hero Member
: 548

« #324 : August 20, 2012, 05:07:46 PM »

transmissin from Camera 0212
10 second delay

transmission from Camera 0212
10 second delay

end transmissions

Hero Member
: 548

« #325 : August 22, 2012, 09:38:16 AM »

Space Patrol

After encounter report

Date:  22Aug2012

Cpl. Satoire and I have safely returned to the NSPD Beta Quadrant Space Dock.  We are filing this report on our trip through the vortex.


Once through the vortex, we landed quite softly but in a particularly compromising position amongst some ruins.  Our donut bag along with the cameras were already there, and one of the cameras was switched on somehow and caught this image of our landing. 

We were both naked, but strangely our bunny ears and tails were still attached to us.  I swear they're held on by magic.  While still lying on the ground and regaining our composure I happened to look up and noticed a person staring at us.  It was the same person we had seen looking at us the other day through the portal.  The person stood approximately 6 feet 2 inches tall.  He has dark green eyes, a green complexion, black hair and pointed ears.

"Hello ladies."  He said, "I have been following your progress with the wormhole chamber..."

"Who the heck are you?"  Cpl. Satoire blurted out.  "And where the hell are we?"

The person approached us as we got to our feet.  "You are on the planet Nymphosus, Corporal Satoire... and I am known in this dimension as Ambassador Spock."

I asked Ambassador Spock if he had seen our uniforms come though.  "This dimension?"  I asked him.  "Would you please elaborate on that?"

"Sargeant Pafe, you two have made a remarkable discovery.  You have found the Nymphosus Wormhole Chamber, which allows for travel between this universe and yours."  The Ambassador stated.  "I have been monitoring your progress ever since your peoples' launching of your first Space Dock.  You two have traveled into another dimension, another universe.  The Nymphosus Wormhole Chamber is capable of transporting you to either another Wormhole in your universe, of which there are several.  It is also a means to travel between parallel universes.

"In your encounter with the wormhole your clothing was ripped from you because you did not allow the votex to take you.  I must tell you that your clothing did not come through the wormhole intact."  He pointed to a pile of shredded blue cloth.  I went over and examined the material.  Feeling self conscience of my nakedness I rummaged through the  pile of torn material and found some long pieces and tied some of those together to make even longer pieces that Cpl. Satoire and I could tie around ourselves.  Once we were somewhat covered, we started to ask questions.

"How do you mean... monitoring?  And how the hell do you know my name?"  Cpl. Satoire asked.

I noticed that our camera was still taking pictures.  "Yes.  How have you been monitoring?"

"I have been traveling through the wormhole  on occasion and visiting your planet.  Once I saw that you two were beginning to make patrols of the quadrant I knew it was only a matter of time before you observed an ion flash that occurs when a ship enters into warp speed."  Spock answered.  "And as far as knowing your names, your transmissions are easily intercepted.  The troublesome part of all this is that I am not the only one listening."

"Do you know anything about the person who has been taking our robots?"  Satoire asked him.

"The robots are being taken to another universe, for what purpose I do not know yet."  He answered. 

"Can you tell us how to get back?"  I asked.

The Ambassador explained how the Nymphosus Wormhole Chamber operates.  There are settings that can be made once we are inside the chamber itself.  We can set a dimension or even travel to the past in our own dimension.  We can not travel to the future, only the past. 

I had one more question for Ambassador Spock.  "Where are you from?"

He explained that he was from the planet Vulcan, which can be found in this dimension.  He also explained that he was part of a larger organization called The United Federation of Planets, which has been observing us and the robot disappearances.

He suggested that he accompany us on our return trip to our own dimension.  I gathered up my bag of donuts and the cameras.  Cpl. Satoire found her Orgasmatron, then explained to Ambassador Spock what the Orgasmatron did.  His only reply was:  "Fascinating".

Once back on Nymphosus, we showed him our pedal rockets and our own monitoring system for the Wormhole.  He then asked us if we would allow him to contact us at another time, as he might have a request to make of the NSPD and of Cpl. Satoire and I.  We agreed.

Respectfully submitted,
SSgt. Pafe
Cpl. Satoire

Hero Member
: 7883

« #326 : August 22, 2012, 10:54:59 AM »

Wonderful report, Sargeant Pafe....you and Corporal Satoire had open a new frontier for the NSPD! Great work in the BUNNY Division!

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #327 : August 31, 2012, 06:28:40 AM »

Just two words to describe   " PURE EXCELLENCE"

Absolutely love reading and looking up this topic & thread. Well done to all.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 3007

« #328 : August 31, 2012, 11:49:07 AM »

Looks like you're breaking thro "The Final Frontier" lolz

keep up the good work, we're all rooting for you down here!

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Sr. Member
: 262

NSPD - Retired

« #329 : September 01, 2012, 06:39:07 AM »

I wonder if the Final Frontier includes birth control... hehehe

Or does Spock do a mind meld and melt every female into a puddle or perhaps he prefers his partners unconscious...



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