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: A Mystery...  ( 68792 )
Hero Member
: 2415

« #60 : May 05, 2012, 11:54:56 AM »

I hope you get this riddle soon... The next episode is ready and I am thrilled about it.. :) so to help you along with a hint:

on what day does the sun seem stop in the sky...

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
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« #61 : May 05, 2012, 12:37:51 PM »

Is that day an eclipse ?

Flesh open when Mind Warm
Hero Member
: 10350

« #62 : May 06, 2012, 01:55:28 AM »

Sorry Brandy, wasn't able to be in forum because of my job.
Hm, Tight... a neverending day? A moment you wanna keep forever?

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #63 : May 06, 2012, 04:09:42 AM »

MMM The longest day is the Summer Solstice. In the UK its on or around the 21 June 2012.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
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: 2415

« #64 : May 06, 2012, 05:09:10 AM »

It is the summer solstice, and the answer is almost correct.. Find the exact date and I will post the next episode...

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #65 : May 06, 2012, 07:16:06 AM »

In the Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice ( The first day of summer - longest day, shortest night of the year ) begins on 20 June 2012.  :)

Yay at last .... lol

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 2415

« #66 : May 06, 2012, 04:39:00 PM »

With a loud moan she suddenly wakes up, her slender frame uncovered, the sheets kicked down by her feet as she writhed and wriggled her body in her sleep. Her eyes flare open, her cheeks blushed, her hands drifting over her body as if they were bound to strings, moved by a puppeteer. Her core hot, burning with want, urging for a touch. Her hand slides down between her legs, touches her sex, finding her lips wet, the sheets beneath her drenched. Blushing she closes her eyes and recalls the last images of her dream, the images that woke her. His eyes, his face, distorted as he releases his passion into her, pinning her against the wall of the small corridor behind her front door.

She feels his hot breath on her face,m his bucking hips between her clenching thighs, his shaft pushing deep into her, touching her core in swift nudges. Her fingers find her hardened nub between her wet lips as she dives into the reminants of her dream. It only takes seconds before the walls the imprisoned her desire, crumble by the power of the waves of her orgasm as they rip through her body. Her whole body tenses up, her thighs close and catch her fingers, a long stretched, silent moan leaving her lips. Her eyes are closed as her breath slows down to a slow pace, the drousiness of her sleep mixing in with the warm satisfaction of her body. She dozes off, his eyes dancing before her in her mind, locked in in what seems an eternity.

The annoying loud buzz of her alarm, destroys her dream and wakes her cruedly, her ears covered as she pulls her pillow over her head. Slowly the shroud of sleep is lifted from her mind and the reality of the day touches her with a soft brush. Her hand reaches out from under the sheets and hits the Zzz-button, allowing her a needed 5 more minutes of snoozing. But then she forces herzself to turn off the alarm permantly and drag herself out of bed. Her eyes still half closed, she makes her way to the bathroom, looking into the mirror with half a glance. As she glimpeses herself, she stops in her track, steps in front of the mirror and takes a good look at her face.

The wrinkles made by the pillow, are not helping her look. The night in bed had been restless, the evening long before she managed to get to bed. Her little world shook up by running into the target. ‘My damn need for caffeine. Why did I go there and not follow the instructions?’ The dark bags below her eyes don’t go away when she rubs her eyes, not does her pale skin get any color. With a deep sigh she decides to get into the shower and prepare to work. She turns open the tap and warm water starts to run from the large shower head, mounted on the ceiling. She steps in, not used to wearing anything in bed or the short trip to her bathroom, and slowly starts to wash herself. As her hands slide over her pelvis and inner thighs, a shiver runs down her spine, her sensitive sex still warm and touchy from the dream and her pleasuring.

As the warm water washes away the last reminants of sleep and her mind starts to scream for coffee, she considers her options. ‘If I don’t tell and he finds out, I am out of a job. If I do tell, I will be sure to be pulled of this job, and might be able to keep my own.’. She turns on the cold water and punishes her skin for 30 seconds before she turns off the water and steps out, reaching for a towel. Her skin is tingling and starting to turn pinkish as her body reacts to the cold shower. Warmth starts to radiate from within and fills her body as she dries herself and slips into a robe. Her hair tied up in a towel on her head, she elaves the bathroom and walks towards her kitchen, switching on the coffee machine.

As the machine heats up, she walks into her pantry and turns on the tv, zapping through channels without a real interest. The rumble of the machine stops and she returns, taking a pad from the large aluminium container on the kitchen top and places in the machine. She hits the button and the full aroma of the coffee starts to fill her smaal kitchen. Her mind starts to clear up, her thoughts becoming quicker and more organised. As soon as the metal mug is filled, she adds sugar and stirs as she walks back to the pantry. She slips onto the couch and touches her laptop, letting her eyes slide quickly over the emails in her inbox. One is marked urgent, sent by her boss.

“As soon as you come in, walk up to my office”

Her breath catches in her throat, her cheeks turn bright red as she feels caught, the message not longer or shorter or different tone as his usual messages, but her feelings mixed in with going against construction, fuel her guilty feeling. Slowly she reaches her arms out and touches the keys on her laptop, answering the message. Then she falls back into her couch, forgetting the mug of warm coffee in front of her.


As I slide of the stool in the kitchen, I feel my underpants pull on my skin, my semen dried into a sticky sunstance. I shake my head and walk back upstairs for a shower, tearing my eyes away from the message. As I pass through the hallway, I look at the mystery phone and check for messages. The small gears in my head are spiining, fuelled by the double dose of caffeine I just took. The picture doesn’t indicate much of what the clues must reveal and in my head i go through the options. Deep in thought I walk up the stairs and turn on the shower, dumping my shirt and sticky briefs in a pile on the floor. A soft smile curls my lips, it’s been a long time since I woke up with wet sheets.
I let the warm water run over my face and body, slowly washing myself, my hair my body. ‘So what could this clue be about. I know the exact location, the time but not yet the date. There was a presentation of girls, called the Choice.. But, did I have to choose? Was a choice made? Is the answer for the choice in the clue? How am I supposed to answer and when? Who is behind this whole deal?’ After a quick wash and a few minutes of pondering under the thot water, I get out and dry myself off, putting on a pair of jeans and a sweater, walking downstairs to the kitchen. Half way down the stairs, I see the mystery phone flashing and the last steps are skipped in a big jump down. I grab the phone and look at the screen, opening the message, indicated by the flashing icon.

‘nr 7 is chosen... the riddle is the date. Your time is not unlimited’

‘nr 7...’ Digging in my mind, I let the girls pass by one by one, unsure that my first thought was the right one. But it is, the girl with the brown eyes, the slender frame, full chest. Her nipples hard and her body inviting, sensual, seductive. Her smile was sweet and warm, her eyes looked longing. As I let my eyes slide over her again in memory, I feel the excitement of that moment, feeling more drawn to her as anyone else. But as i try to focus on her eyes, wanting to remember the details, only one pair of eyes are there. Almost fitting the face, but standing out in their beauty and depth, but not of  girls nr 7.

I sit down and reach for my coffee cup, finding it empty, turning to the machine to see it has shut off automatically. I push myself off the stool to make another cup of coffee as I let my eyes slide over the picture again. Quickly I turn around and walk to my study, turn on the laptop and eagerly tap my fingers on the desk, waiting for it to start up. Quickly I open the picture I received and zoom into it again. On my way to the theater, on a street a few blocks away, I had seen a figure, worked into a steel gate. Somehow the angle of the sun lighted out the specific form. I zoom in closer, centre the little scribbles underneath the sleeping sun and trace the outline of the little scribble to the left. It has the vague shape of a rose, exactly the same outline as the figure embedded in the steel gate.

I close my eyes and try to recall the street and the building I passed when I went to the theatre. But each time I turn and drive into the street, the memory becomes blurred, except that one moment, when passing the gate with the form standing out by the light of the sun. Over and over I go over that short stretch in my mind, remembering entering and leaving the street, seeing the rose but anything in between is a blur. ‘I guess there’s only one thing to do’. I close the laptop and look aorund for my keys. Then I remember I left them in the kitchen and quickly get up, grab them from the counter next to the coffee machine and head for the frontdoor. Just before leaving the kitchen, I grab the newspaper and take it with me. I walk outside, unlock the car and get in, driving off faster as I intended, but mycuriosity has set my body into overdrive.


She walks up to the house after parking her car, dressed in a black business suit, a high closed blouse underneath the slim cut jacket, her long legs dressed in simple stockings, a garterbelt underneat her skirt, out of sight, a continuation from the lustfullness with which she woke. The tight knot in her stomach, that formed as soon as she read the message from her boss, is tightening even more as soon as she pushes down the handle of the kitchendoor. The swipe of her badge along the reader an automated action, out of her conscious mind already, after being here for so long. But it might be her last day and with heavy feet, she steps inside. Instead of her normal routine, passing through the kitchen and descending the stairs, she turns right and moves through the corridor to the central hall, and the impressive staircase leading to the first floor.

The soft clicks on the wooden floor, echo thrugh the silent house as she makes her way reluctantly to the office of her boss. Her hands cold, though her palms are slightly damp with cold sweat. As she arrives at the door leading to the office, she takes a deep breath and knocks, not too loud, not too quiet. Within seconds she is called in and with a beating heart she pushes the door open. For a change her boss is facing his desk, instead of staring out the window with his back towards the door. That oddity makes her even more reulactant to enter, but she pushes herself forward.

“Good morning ms Ella..”

“Good morning sir, your wanted to see me?”

“Indeed ms Ella, I am worried about you..”

His grey-green eyes pierce into hers with an intense look and she feels exposed, as if he can look directly into her mind and read her thoughts. Her cheeks start to blush immediatly and her fingers start to wriggle behind her back.

“Worried sir?”

“Yes, appareantly your need for coffee has endangered the whole operation. You met the target, didn’t you”

She feels the ground sink away from under her feet, the whole monologue she had prepared is lost as she feels exposed to his look. She looks down to the floor, then back into his eyes and back to the floor, searching for words that can justify her actions the day before. Deciding to tell everything, she looks back at him with an open look.

“Yes sir, i did see the target yesterday. I broke protocol by going out for coffee, before it was confirmed the target had left the area. I made a mistake.”

“A big mistake ms Ella, something that could jeopardize the whole operation. You know exactly what would happen if we were exposed”

“I do sir.. And there is no excuse for my actions. I can only hope there is no damage, or it will be contained”

“To make sure it stays contained, I am pulling you off your current duries and will send you to the UK, where you will oversee the installation of the booth in the lighthouse. You will leave tomorrow. The rest of the day, you will spend transferring your tasks to the new tech. He’s waiting at your workstation”

“But sir...”

Her face turns in color, from bright red of embarrassement, to pale white with disappointment. She has invested months of work into this project and now she has to transfer it to a new tech. And, she might never see the target again. But as soon as the words leave her lips, lightning flashes in the eyes of  her boss.

“Be happy you still have your job. You are good at your work ms Ella, and right now that is the only reason you still have a job. Now get to work. When you are done, go home and get packing. Your flight leaves at 8 am tomorrow morning”

Without waiting for her answer, he turns his chair and leans back, looking out of the window, leaving her standing in the room. Taking his hint, she leaves the office with quick steps, feeling her anger boil up to the surface, fleeing before she erupts. As she closes the door of the office behind her in a reasonable fashion, she clenches her fists and feels tears well up in her eyes. Her lips silently forming the curses she screams in her head as she slowly walks down the stairs towards her work station. As in a daze she shakes the hand of the new tech, that arrogantly is slumming in her chair when she enters. In a few hours she transfers her work and explains the order of actions to be taken, the schedules and project plans.

Knowing her work is maticulous and logically put together, she has no doubts the work will be done according to plan. As the new tech excuses himself for a moment, she calls security and asks them to put her chair in the back of the car. Knowing the two men well, she hands them the keys of her car and watches as they pick her chair up. They are just about to walk through the door as the new tech comes back, his wide open eyes expressing clear surprise.

“Where are they taking the chair?”

“It’s mine and it goes where I go”

“So, where am I going to sit?”
“That’s your problem..”

She turns her head as she starts heading to the door, smiles and winks, before the sliding door opens for her and she steps through it, out of the room she called her dungeon for the past 7 years. As the door closes behind her, she takes a deep breath and walks up the stairs, catching up with the guys carrying her chair at her car. The chair barely fits in her car and the back is compressed slightly as the tailgate is shut.

“Thanks boys, I’ll see you again in a months or two”

“Ms Ella, are you going to leave us?”

“I’ll be back boys..”

‘At least I hope so’. With a soft click she closes her door and starts the car, carefully moving backwards with only the limited sight of her side mirrors, her rear view blocked by the chair. Slowly she backs up to the metal gate, gets out and swipes her card over the reader, opening the gate. As it slowly starts to move to one side, she quickly glances the street before she gets in. ‘Clear, for now..’. She straps herself in her seatbelt and starts to back up the car, turning to end up turned the right direction, but just as she starts to turn the wheel, the loud sound of a horn and squealing tires of a breaking car startle her.


The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 2415

« #67 : May 06, 2012, 04:39:41 PM »


The drive takes a lot longer as I anticipated. Work on one of the bridges has slowed me down, getting caught in a traffic jam and crawling forward. I look at my watch and notice I have lost an hour and a half. I shouldn’t have taken the car, but as I am still off from work, I am not too upset with the waiste of time. But finally I am back on track and nearing the street with the steel gate. I count the streets as I pass them and finally see the gasstation I had in memory and turn left. I slow down and start to look around, the impatient horns of cars behind me not distracting me. I look to my right, in memory the direction where I spotted the form and let my eyes drift over the facades of the buildgins, when suddenly a car backs up onto the street. Distracted with looking around, I see the car just in time and hit the brakes, slamming the horn in the progress, the scare directing my hand.

Before I can get out, the Jeep pulls up and quickly leaves the street, turning left and out of sight. I get out of the car and check around it for damage, though I didn’t feel the cars touch. Satisfied I get back in as suddenly the sun breaks through the clouds and hits the steel gate where the car backed out from. The glistening of a form catches my eyes and as I turn my head, my mouth curls into a satisfied smile. This is where I saw the rose in the gate, this is the place. The impatient honking becomes insufferable and quickly I drive off, turning the car at the end of the street and parking on the otherside across the building.

It’s an old mansion, the gate giving access to a small courtyard at the back of the building. The shape of the rose barely visible, embedded as it is in an intricate weave of steel rods and decorations. I take the newspaper in my hand and hold it close to my face as I try to discover the shape of the rose in the scribbles. ‘They appear to be the same, so this building has something to do with it? But this figure seems so ffamiliar, as if I have seen it before.. I just... It’s the same with that abreviation, IUD, I am certain I have seen it somewhere.. but where.. And that damned clue...’. I remain parked for a few minutes, looking at the back of the mansion, without seeing anything happening. The courtyard empty, the scarse windows at the back blinded with heavy shades. Disappointed I start the car again and drive off home, decdiding to start decyphering the pictures that are in the paper.

Instead of taking the bridge, I decide to take the long route home and turn left instead of right, passing street after street, the traffic getting lighter as it gets closer to midday. My stomach starts to grumble and reminds me that I haven’t eaten yet. I pass by a dinner with a few slots open in the parking lot and decide to drown my veins with saturated fat, promising myself to to go for a run in the park later today. I park the car and get out, walking over the gravelled parking lot to the older building. The glass window next tot he door is plastered with posters and announcements, cultural events demanding attention and a crowd. As I grab the doorhandle and pull it towards me, my eye catches a rather bland, small poster, annoucning a summer solstice pageant night. I halt before entering and read the text below the fat letters.

“When the sun stops in the sky, at the end of the longest day, the fires are lit and the honey moon shines down on us, rewarding us for our worship”

‘When the sun stops in the sky.. What the..’ I stare at the announcement for seconds, before i feel the door move in my hand. Diffused I look up and am stared in the face by a bearded man, pushing against the door as he wants to get out. I step aside to let the man pass, then turn on my heels and run back to the car. The bearded man looks at me weirdly as seconds later I pass him again, this time with the paper in my hand. I kneel in front of the glass window and put the paper against the glass, reading the text out loud as I let my eyes flash from the paper to the poster and back.

“When the sun stops in the sky, at the end of the longest day, the fires are lit and the honey moon shines down on us, rewarding us for our worship”

‘That’s the answer! 21st of June, the summer solstice!!’. My face starts to beam as the pieces of the puzzle start to fall into place and the date clearly shows in my mind. But a frown crosses the path upwards of my lips, as I realise the date might vary. And, I need the right time as well. I raise myself to my feet and walk back to the car, start and quickly head towards home, cursing myself for taking the long route, praising myself for this fortunate decision.

As soon as I come home, I dash into the study and open my laptop. The machine left on and quickly the first search pages are loading. Summer Solstice is at 23:09, GMT on the 20th of June. I lean back with a satisfied smile, folding my hands behind my back and letting my eyes drift over the ceiling for a few moments, relishing the sense of victory, having solved the riddle. As I lean back forward to get the phone and text the emssage, my eyes catch a picture that is mounted on the wall. It is a picture of me and my godfather, the brother of my mother and business partner of my father. When my father passed away, my uncle took his role as guardian very seriously and overlooked my studies and early career steps with intense attention.

He often summoned me to his house to have a whiskey and talk about the future. Offering me the first taste of the golden liquid when I was 17, he told me I was about to become a man and I should take my responsibilities in life serious. Loyalty, commitment and hard work were, in his opinion, the key to succes in life. Both in social as in intimate affairs, I would get my rewards. A speech he repeated yearly the day after my birthday. I smile as I take a close look at his face, grateful for his lessons and guidance, smiling at the dark goatee that turned white over the years. Even in this picture, though it is taken at the lodge in the mountains, he is dressed like a gentleman. The jacket is a sportive version, he is as always wearing a buttoned up shirt and a tie, a small silver symbol decorating the deep red fabric.

‘That symbol...’ I get up from my chair and almost push my nose through the glass cover as I try to focus on the small silver decoration. ‘It looks like a rose.. Like the rose in the gate and in the picture’ I take the frame from the wall and open the back, taking out the hardboard cover and then the picture. Slightly stained at the back from nicotine, I turn it around and look closely at the symbol on the tie. In the clear light in the room, the symbol is much clearer now, the glass covering it stained over the years, and I discover the delicate petals of a rose, shaped the same way as the symbol in the gate and the scribble in the picture.

Speechless and overwhelmed I fall back into my chair as suddenly a rush of memories floods my mind. I see myself hiding at the top of the stairs in his house, remembering fragments of the conversation overheard.

“Has the choice been prepared?”

A second later I find myself entering the kitchen of his house, my uncle just laying down the newspaper, his reading glasses magnifying 3 letters: IUD. The newspaper closed as soon as he notices me, diverting my attention away by putting a plate of scrambled eggs in front of me. Another memory shows me my father and my uncle sitting on the porch, discussing something with great passion, but whispered words, trying to hide the content from my younfg ears. My father a passionate man, letting a few words slip out too loud.

“The IUD múst stay in the shadows. The final prize must be a once in a lifetime experience!”

My mind jumps into overdrive, connecting pieces of the puzzle I didn’t uderstand, the picture becoming clearer and clearer. I fall back into my chair, overwhelmed with the conclusion my mind presents me. My uncle has never been clear about what he actually did for a living. Strange as I was very close to him and visited him almost every week. But him and my dad... this can’t be true can it? But if it is... Then he must be my beneficiary.. And the final prize is a once in a lifetime experience., And it has to do with the girl that was chosen for me. The location is extrordinary and something is done right now. This fits my uncle perfectly. He has an expensive taste, has access to high circles, maybe even higher as I ever dreamt possible. The implications dazzle me and I fall back into my chair. Allowing myself a few moments to take it all in, I grab the mystery phone, having decided on what to do. I enter the answer into the text screen and press send. Knowing the answer will follow shortly, I pick up my own cellphone and speed dial the number of my uncle. After a few moments it is picked up.

“Daniel my boy.. What can I do for you?”

“I’m coming over to see you tonight, I’ll bring the whiskey”

“Ok, I’ll see you tonight”

Without waiting for my reaction, my uncle has hung up the phone, leaving me in my chair, deeply emerged in thoughts. My thoughts are tumbling in my head and to gain some focus, I grab the pouch of tobacco and roll a cigarette. As I light it and suck the sharp, herby smoke into my lungs, the mystery phone starts to buzz, announcing another message. I take the phone in my hand and confidently open the message, sure of my answer. My eyes widen as I read the next riddle.

[center“In the valleys of pasta and pesto
when the churchbells ring
creamy liquid is drawn from black and white

friday, 30th may, 10:00 am”[/center]

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #68 : May 07, 2012, 11:08:34 AM »

This was great Tight, bit disappointed it ended where it did, was really getting into the story  lol.

ok,  first thoughts

In the valleys of pasta and pesto
when the church bells ring
creamy liquid is drawn from the black and white
Fri 30 may 10 am

Pasta is a staple food of traditional Italian cuisine probably introduced  in ancient Arab and Greek times , the Italians are renowned for their delicious pasta dishes. Pesto is an Italian pasta sauce but can be used in other things like soups, spread on bread and dolloped on cooked meat and fish dishes. Pesto originated in Genoa, Italy.  God I'm hungry now  lol

Therefore is the first part of the answer Italy ?

I've tried to find Italian traditions and celebrations that may fit with the church bells and creamy liquid being drawn but am drawing a blank, even searched May time too, nothing . mmmm 

Creamy liquid and black and white  - just reminds me of Guinness - a popular Irish Stout but that doesn't seem to fit either. 

Anybody else any ideas? 

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #69 : May 07, 2012, 03:22:04 PM »

ok,  In the valley of pasta and pesto = Italy

When the church bells ring =  Weddings or  Sundays calling people to church

Creamy liquid = could this be milk

drawn from the black and white = Is this the famous Holstein black and white dairy cow.

According to Tight, who I ambushed again hehe .... I'm on the right track ... mmmm  Italy, Sundays, Cows   mmm the answer leads to a place. 

Any ideas anyone, especially any Italian friends who may know what this means ......

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
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: 548

« #70 : May 07, 2012, 04:03:07 PM »


   I was thinking Italy, also.  I am wondering if this needs to be narrowed down to an actual place.... Tuscany or someplace like that.

   And something to do with a church.  Wedding sounds good.

   As for the black and white, I was thinking espresso coffee with foamy milk.

   Hope this helps.

Thanks for letting me share,

Hero Member
: 2415

« #71 : May 07, 2012, 09:08:03 PM »

Hint: the place is not in Italy...

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 2415

« #72 : May 09, 2012, 10:20:25 AM »

I hope the riddle will be solved soon. I'd like to post the next episode before the end of the weekend. Going to hospital for surgery on monday and not sure I will feel well enough to post afterwards.. So, go guys!

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #73 : May 09, 2012, 10:23:53 AM »

So not Italy...  whats the Italian translation for sundays and cows  ??

Domenica e mucche.....  mmmm .... just sounds like foreign coffee to me  lol ... wasnt that Pafe's  suggestion??

mmmm back to the drawing board...  going nuts again Tight lol

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 2415

« #74 : May 10, 2012, 03:35:19 AM »

Ok, a few hints to hopefully help you out..

1. Has the target ever been outside of New York, except for the promised location at Bait Island?
2. What do you do before you go on a date, what usually takes up the stretch of time before actually leaving?
3. Is there maybe another word for cow in italian?

Good luck.. ;D

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