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Survey Results
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Do you think the 46% is a good result.
Yes. I agree.
9 (75%)
No. It should be higher.
3 (25%)
: 12
: Survey Results ( 7568 )
Hero Member
: 548
Survey Results
March 19, 2012, 11:36:44 AM »
Recently, my NSPD Traffic Division Partner and I were having a discussion at the donut shop on the difference between free members and premiums, and how much differently you are perceived as a premium member than a free member. Her stance was that as a free member, not many premium members would even bother to give you the time of day. She also makes a point that even AChat itself treats the free member different by calling them "free users" instead of "free member" as if they are not a member of the community only because they didn't pay.
I said that I was sure there were plenty of premium member willing to answer a question from a free member, and I realize that most of the annoying messages come from free members. But I have also gotten some very rude messages from "premiums". So our debate began and we made a bet on which one of us was right.
To settle things, we then picked out some poor, unsuspecting soul from among the free members and asked him to conduct a survey for us to see how he was treated by other members. We picked this guy out, because as Satoire said, anyone who has a reference to WALL-E on his page can't be all bad. We offered him compensation for his time and effort, which he politely refused!... but that is another story.
He was very nice, and conducted our conversation pleasantly and like a gentleman, and it turns out, collecting data like this is what he does, so we made a lucky choice. He came up with a couple of questions which went like this: Initial Question:
"Hello. May I ask you a question?" If he got a reply he then asked:
"What time is it where you are?" If they answered he would reply with:
"Thank you for your time."
Here are the results of that survey:
150 Initial questions sent.
69 (46%) Replies, which led to the second question.
65 (94%) Actual times received.
6 (0.08%) Conversations came out of it (3 of which he really liked)
2 (0.02%) Offers of sex (which he politely refused)
3 (0.04%) Onto the Ignore List
This does not include the 87 "I do not reply to free users" received.
So to me, 46% is a pretty good number as a reply to the Initial Question. You have to keep in mind that not everyone is inclined to reply to a question for various reasons... away from keyboard... in a hot conversation. I am happy with the results.
My question to all of you is: Do you think that the 46% is a compliment to the premium members of AChat?
Or do you agree with Satoire that the number should be higher?
A warm, creme filled donut is riding on the outcome.
Thanks for letting me share,
Hero Member
: 2891
Paddle Queen
Re: Survey Results
#1 :
March 19, 2012, 12:43:00 PM »
As i always say , i'm for little more options for the free members , its why i always anwser when i can (and sometimes even when i cant thanks my cat
) . And its why i anwsered could be better .
Hero Member
: 3856
Re: Survey Results
#2 :
March 19, 2012, 01:57:09 PM »
Sounds actually high right to me, I personally differentiate between a free user and a free member..the free member being a premium who has reverted to free use. That is just something in the back of my own mind though.
One has to take in consideration that many premiums are inundated by messages, taking time to respond to them all can be impossible and sometimes...well they are just preoccupied in chat with a close associate and not eager for adding another conversation at the moment. The other aspect is finding a line worth responding to,... it once took me 3 weeks to catch a response from one who ended up being one of my closest friends after all had been said or done.
Hero Member
: 10350
Re: Survey Results
#3 :
March 19, 2012, 03:33:20 PM »
I think the 46% is ok. Even if you are prem, you don't always get an answer. Some may chat like Bear mentioned, some don't like the welcome words and many other won't notice the message. They are afk or the message comes between 2 or more messages same time. I already had this. I got two messages almost at once from my chat partner... later I noticed there came another message right before these both.
And you asked a guy. It might be interesting to repeat this with a girl. Probably the number of answer is higher.
If you would have asked me before, I would have said "perhaps 20%". So for me it's ok.
Hero Member
: 3047
Re: Survey Results
#4 :
March 19, 2012, 04:51:39 PM »
46% is quite good imo, I wouldn't have guessed that at all.
I don't answer many free users, they have to say something really interesting or I just get an impression that they lack personality. I know that's undeserved and very generalized by me, but I can't shake the feeling that their generic look seems as if they've just come off the conveyor belt.
Sr. Member
: 262
NSPD - Retired
Re: Survey Results
#5 :
March 19, 2012, 07:18:33 PM »
From the Office of the Superintendent of Police
Nymphomania Sex Police Department
I personally commend my officers for their valiant effort to make a voice be heard... and 46% says a lot about us Premium Users, and I will openly admit that I was one of the 0.08% that actually had a conversation with the Poll Taker.
Ahem... Coffee break is over, get peddling your asses over to my office. I'm waiting for my donut. (hehehe MWAH!)
: March 19, 2012, 07:20:59 PM Azrielle
Coming Soon to a Shop Near You! Mwah!
Hero Member
: 7883
Re: Survey Results
#6 :
March 20, 2012, 02:56:10 AM »
mmmmmh, in this 46%, there can be lot of female and shemale users who had bought subscription whit A$: maybe an half!?
anyway, 46% isn't so bad....afterall, even our premium users wanna have some fun and if we spent all the time we are online answering question, man, the fun is over! and then there is the problem of multychatting. if i'm talking whit only one person, i have no problem to answer question, but if i'm talking whit 2 or 3 person at time, it will be a little difficult.
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541
Re: Survey Results
#7 :
March 20, 2012, 06:58:54 AM »
To give it some scale there is that I think by the time you go premium or at least are premium for any length of time you develop enough friends that odds of a multiconversation are quite good, combined with those who use those kind of questions as a set up to try to room "Oh, could you show me how it works?" The fact that nearly half of those who take time they've paid for to help those who haven't is really rather impressive to me.
I also feel the need to say that the free user vs premium member to me is more then fair as premium is tangibly contributing to the community and free isn't. I'm sure that sounds cruel, but if I'm putting in my own money I think I should rate higher then someone who's here, honestly, on my (and other premium's) dime.
Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die
Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Hero Member
: 2415
Re: Survey Results
#8 :
March 21, 2012, 12:38:43 AM »
The question that comes to mind when I read the survey, did the surveyist (?) ask all genders in achat? Did he focus on girls and shemales, or were males included in the survey as well? And I have to agree with Lover, i am curious to find out the results if a girl would ask the questions.
There are numerous reasons why someone wouldn't answer, but to me the response: I don't llak to free users, is plain rude. Everyone has been a free user at some point. To me it doesn't matter who approaches me, it matters HOW I am being approached. Be friendly (nice is not a requirement) and you will get a reply...
46% isn't all that bad. It more ore less rflects the numbers when I was still a 'prowler' lol And I wouldn't be surprised if the same numbers came out, having a poll at the entrance of a supermarket. More than half will pass you by without an answer...
The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 6966
Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!
Re: Survey Results
#9 :
March 26, 2012, 07:09:51 AM »
Ingenious - compliments to the Officers concerned.
I think I was contacted by this guy - I certainly remember the WALL- E reference. I seem to recall a conversation about Forum .....
Anyway, I think 46% is a pretty good result. It shows there are quite a few Premiums willing to at least be open to a chat with free members. Of course its always nice to strive for more
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