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| | |-+  (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"
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: Busy state - "ignore all free users, yes or no ??
Yes, want to abolish the option   -9 (20.9%)
No,want to keep option "Ignore all free users"   -9 (20.9%)
"Ignore all cold invites" instead of "Ignore all free users"   -25 (58.1%)
: 42

: (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"  ( 59263 )
Hero Member
: 7883

« #75 : March 30, 2012, 09:25:12 AM »

Pafe, what about:  "you wanna room whit me!? surprise me whit a nice chat!"

: 9

« #76 : March 30, 2012, 09:44:51 AM »

I am very sorry if at Any time my words were Misinterpreted as being Intolerant of others Opinions...
I personally do not see any words or phrases that I used that could have been interpreted as doing that but some of you did...
To you all,,,, I sincerely apologize,, it was Not meant to be or sound that way...

For those of you that do understand my point, please do not be offended that I do Not name you personally because you see,,,
I am just toooo immature to go back through all the posts and write down each of your names..

To Ruyka,,, silly is Not an insult in my culture of Freedom,, it is more playful than that.. But I apologize with sincerity...

Yes, the whole point of this thread is to take the option away,,, heck, the title of the thread is  (Vote) Abolition of the option "Ignore all free users"..
About being friends with or not friends with any of you... Boy,,, that was silly of me to say huh...
The point is simple,,, if a person or group wishes to restrict and limit my Options,, they are simply not my kind of friend and that will be that..
No Insult or Offense meant... They conduct Life in their way,, I'll conduct my Life My way,,, just toooo simple...

My Whole and Entire point is this--------- if a person does Not want to use this Button please feel free to "ignore the button"..
If a person wishes to use the button, they should feel free and easy to do so..
BUT------- Please do Not force your opinion that the button is an Evil thing and it's use should be yanked away from All of us..
Again,,,, just sooo simple...
Hero Member
: 3007

« #77 : March 30, 2012, 10:21:46 AM »

Thanks Ginger.

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
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: 2891

Paddle Queen

« #78 : March 30, 2012, 10:54:19 AM »

hmmm about the message , why dont have the possibility to write our own message . (hehe another wrong idea unrealisable i think)  ;D

Sr. Member
: 433

« #79 : March 30, 2012, 12:13:51 PM »

Gingerly, I'll say this I was noy offended by your posts and done be offended  by mine. I agree that you should have choices, I just feel that ignoring all free users is a wrong choice to be available. That is my opinion, and mine alone. I just think that is should have been thought out bettere before we got it. Free users deserve the right to chat, how else are they going to whether the like this game or not.

In my opinion the best solution would be to not allow free uses to invte anyone but other free users. If they want to chat with room with a Prem member then they must chat and then have thePrem Member invite them. That would eliminate all free user cold invites and still alow them the opportunity to chat with Prem members. It would put an emphasis on chatting first to see if the Prem member is interestred.

Thank you for listening and To all of you, Have a Great day.
Full Member
: 167

« #80 : March 30, 2012, 12:56:24 PM »

As a well mannered free user, I object strongly to being singled out just because I'm not a paying member! Spending money on the game is no measure of one's ability or intent to be an obnoxious prick.  Also, the "Ignore Free Users" button, implies that there is no contact nor relationships between paying and non-paying members.  No premium members have friends, lovers or a spouse that's a free member.  Hmmm.  Really?

Here's a hypothetical situation:

Premium member:  Hi, I'm a new premium, what can you tell me?
Me (a  free user):  Oh hi, nice to meet you.  Well, what do you want to know?
Premium member: ~waiting for the response but because he's new and doesn't know better, has "ignore all free users" enabled, gets no message back from me~
Me (a free user):  ~thinking "Huh, why'd he ask if he didn't want an answer?"  Moves on~
Premium member:  Geeze, couldn't even be bothered to answer?  Thanks for the friendly welcome!
Me (a free user):  ~thinking "&*&^% ignore free user button!"~

Moving on.

I'd like to expand upon Hb's list.

  • Ignore everyone, very useful (as many have already indicated), when changing clothes.
  • Accept messages from Friends/lovers/Spouse only.   Useful for when you don't want to deal with a bunch of strangers.
  • Accept messages from "X language/Country only."  (I toss this in because folks have mentioned it, however, with the translators, I get some crazy, albeit English messages that I might have otherwise avoided, but the Dev team could tweak things if they wish, so it's makes the list.)
  • Ignore all invites, because sometimes you only want to talk to people.
  • Accept invites from Friends/Lovers/Spouse only, because as we can all attest, being spammed for sex by strangers, is annoying as hell!
  • Accept invites from X country/language only, because not having to translate your scenes makes things so much easier, accurate, passionate and fun! (again, the Dev team would have some extra work to make this a reality, but folks wanted it so, again, on the list.)

No, I am not willing to include "Ignore Free Users" as a viable option. I don't suck just because I don't pay for the game.  Also, there was some discussion about forcing opinions/behaviors upon another, earlier in this thread.  I posit that the current method "forces" me to pay so I can talk to my premium friends when they are using that button (I accept that it's a viable business model from Achat's point of view, no argument) OR It forces premium members to give up relationships with their free user friends/lovers or spouse if they regularly use that button, because we could never talk   The button, in it's current form, is in my humble, free user opinion, a bad model.
« : March 30, 2012, 02:27:46 PM Zinah »
Hero Member
: 7883

« #81 : March 30, 2012, 02:08:46 PM »

Zinah, good idea about the busy option. but there is a little problem......not all the users set their country! maybe for privacy, maybe cause they are so lazy and don't wanna do it and at last there are peoples who need mopre space on profile like me.

hmmm about the message , why dont have the possibility to write our own message . (hehe another wrong idea unrealisable i think)  ;D

oh, one really nice can be this, i think: "I want a gift: a wonderfull nice talk!"   ;D

Full Member
: 167

« #82 : March 30, 2012, 02:24:17 PM »

Zinah, good idea about the busy option. but there is a little problem......not all the users set their country! maybe for privacy, maybe cause they are so lazy and don't wanna do it and at last there are peoples who need mopre space on profile like me.

Gently reiterates: 
  • I included the language/country options because they were mentioned somewhere in the thread already.
  • If they were to be offered, the dev team would have to make some changes.  (Off the top of my head, country and preferred language in a drop down menu while simultaneously providing more space for personal details.)
« : March 30, 2012, 02:26:17 PM Zinah »
Hero Member
: 7883

« #83 : March 30, 2012, 02:31:18 PM »

Zinah, more space on the description area is one of the point we talk about improving the achat interface and it will be a very wellcome upgrade!

Hero Member
: 10350

« #84 : March 30, 2012, 02:39:31 PM »

@ Ginger: My thanks and respect for your last message. It's a big step you did and I really hope, that everyone accepts your apologize.
I also hope you stay a member of this forum, sharing your opinion to other topics too.

I don't know what's possible to do with this button. Again I say, it was a wish of this forum to get a busy-state button and the A-Team listened to us. If they follow this discussion and are able to change it, which means to give more choices or/and another visible sign then just "in room", probably they will rework it.

Perhaps we should stop this discussion here and start a new topic, about improving the busy-state. No poll, just collecting and discussion ideas.

One last word: I welcome every discussion. If we all learn and recognize we are working together for one goal, imrpoving AChat, and can discuss with open minds and respect for each other, it's another big step forward for this forum - at least for us.

Hero Member
: 503

« #85 : March 30, 2012, 07:34:25 PM »

I understand that the discussion ends here, it's a bit sad that we could end up in a better way, without the help of a moderator.
It's also sad what we won't hear any other opinions- for and against the option "Ignore Free Users,
some discussion last very long, this ended very quickly - I don't know yet why, maybe some of you will know better, but guess that is not matter at the end.

I can be satisfied for me it was enough that I at least managed to say, clear and very open, what I think about the separation of people with the help of these options,all my words were not mere speculations but my experience as a free member and as a premium too, thought I am not an isolated case.

I stand behind my opinion from the very beginning of this topic, but it is just my opinion, that I believe that I have the right on my opinion like everyone here.
For me it's hard to talk about any choices in the game when the options are concerned, because without the right for opinion there is no a good choices.

All you had the opportunity to vote for abolition, against the abolition or between these two variants, for me there is no way/word  about any force.
It would be totally same like if I said that every topics that I don't like here make me to feel like someone forcing me.

I welcome the possibility of better upgrades and a new topic for suggestions, maybe we will have "fine tune" ( as West said earlier on this topic- thank you  :)) without any degradation of anyone in the game .
I have to ask you to excuse me cause I won't participate in that topic,please don't get me wrong because of it, I'am not angry, offended or anything similar.
Thank you Lover so much for your kind words - don't worry cause I am not afraid and still thinking  there is a great crew on this forum. :)
So then thank you all for your posts and opinions about this subject.

Wish you all the best -All Of You  and the game too ...
« : March 30, 2012, 07:48:25 PM jeanona31 »

Hero Member
: 7883

« #86 : March 31, 2012, 01:44:53 AM »

jeanona, we don't had finish talking about the "sleeping" button, we are moving to a new levell: how to make it work in a better way for break this wall between free and premium users.

Here everyone have a point of view (good or not no matter....no one would judge it) and we have collect many of them. Someone of us have similar feeling on this button, other totally different but at last i think we all agree saying this function need a rewok and will be upgraded whit some new and better stuff.

and the new topic of Zinah is the next step to have it. but this don't mean your poll is ended, maybe some forum newby (or others who don't had take part to it till now) would add their opinion. Personally, i thank you for opening this poll, you had give us the chance to think on something someone of us had hardly request in the past months, but it come out in a not so good way.

Thanks to be here in this forum, jeanona, and to all of you, my friends!
« : March 31, 2012, 02:55:52 AM hentaiboy69 »

Full Member
: 123

« #87 : March 31, 2012, 08:48:58 AM »

In reviewing this thread, I have encountered many interesting and potentially practical suggestions. If we sift through the emotion of some rather "spirited" disagreements, I believe we have furnished the dev team with many constructive suggestions.

However, in my opinion, it might be fruitful to turn from phrasing everything in the negative.
Unless I missed something, all the button choices so far have been in the negative, i.e. "Ignore.........." or block this or that. Flipping this approach to the affirmative is more welcoming, i.e. "I like to teach new users" or "I welcome free users to illustrate the advantages of a premium membership".

The same concept applies to using a positive approach on what turns up on the other screen.
Several people have already given examples of being surprised when hitting "ignore" on their end appeared as "in room" on the other end. Maybe the next step is a list of messages the "receiver" will see vs just what the "sender" is initiating. Someone more diplomatic than I am can work on polite phrases that mitigate the disappointment of rejection. ;D
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: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #88 : March 31, 2012, 08:59:14 AM »

jeanona31 -  Please dont be disheartened by this post - its  one of the best, because there are strong feelings on both sides and isnt that what part of Forum is all about -  to hear all views - and for members to find the best way forward to improve the game for all of us.

Its best to face a problem head on , and you found on.  To be honest, I didn't  even realise  existed as I choose not to use this button ... but its good, because of this post I now know people do .... and their reasons for it .

And it is good too, because it will probably generate further posts for discussion.  Personally, I think you should be commended on bringing it to Forum's attention.

So, please, take part in all discussions - everyone has a right to speak their mind - opposing views makes the topic interesting - keeps people informed and may bring up things they had never thought about before, even changing their minds on certain aspects.

So Come on girl - Keep Smiling - This was a hell of a successful post - and I for one, look forward to reading and partaking in more.  :)

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Janine Dee
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: 2541

« #89 : April 05, 2012, 05:08:41 AM »

Okay, back from vacation (full blown out of town vacation, not from the Forum, but from the PC and home entirely).

Jeanona... I didn't direct it at you specifically, because I didn't see it as such, though I realize my wording looked otherwise. I should have phrased it perhaps "The core idea seems to be..." Because in discussions I have found it can help to make sure people are on the same page, even when on different sides of an issue, and I wanted to say that the core idea seemed to be whether or not an option should be removed from the game.

The reason I do such on occasion is because tangents happen.

Like me saying I really like New's idea for allowing free users to only invite free users, but be invited by premiums... I think that could have as much if not more effect on the annoying hails as the current Zzzz button.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
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