In some poses it works quite well and some guys finds it really hot to see my avatar cumming while getting fucked by him.
It would be great if you could see when a man comes inside you, how he stiffens up, his thrust becoming needy, irregular and maybe some kind of shudder when he pumps into me... I somehow want it to be very apparent from the moves when he comes. It would also be great if his cum would seep out from me when he withdraws his cock.

When I cum while getting fucked in my ass I rather not have things change much, it's kinda weird if he's pumping hard and fast into me in a way and that completely changes when I cum. Irl I will start to squeeze him rhythmically from reflex which might make him change phase though.
Maybe we could have an option to have a guys cum slowly seep out after he has cum inside once, that would looks so kinky and sexy.