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: FAQ - Technical troubles  ( 46376 )
Hero Member
: 10350

« : April 03, 2012, 04:11:34 AM »

- I started AChat but I cannot log in, it keeps saying I should check my internet connection, but my internet connection works. What is the problem?

First close AChat and restart your computer. If your internet coonection is ok, but you still can't login try this:

1. AChat is not enabled in the firewall of Windows, or/and in the firewall of the virus protection software (if exists), or/and in the firewall of the router (if exists).
Solution: Check the settings of all firewalls.
2. UDP protocol is not enabled in the router (if exists).
Solution: Check your router's settings, if it can block UDP communication.
3. Connecting through proxy server, and proxy server is not configured to enable UDP communication.
Solution: Change your proxy settings.
4. Running torrent client in the background consumes too much bandwidth.
Solution: Stop torrent client to see if it helps.

- How can I change my password?

Login to the main page. On the right side you see "Password change". Type the old current one) and the new passowrd, retype and press "OK".
If you login to the game next time you have to type the new one.

- Can I change my gender?

No, you can't change your gender. Be sure to choose the right one when you create your account.

« : April 03, 2012, 04:16:20 AM Lover »

Hero Member
: 10350

« #1 : April 25, 2012, 03:02:53 PM »

- AChat on MacOS

Install  version of a Software called "Parallels" http://www.parallels.com (I dont know if the older Versions are already for free but you can also use a trial) - We did it on Mac OS Lion, using Parallels Desktop 7.

Parallels gives you then an operating system vitualization platform - such as VMWare or MSVirtualserver on a Windows platform..

Configure a Virtual Machine and Install any (XP or newer) version of Windows - maybe you have an old License from an older machine you dont use any more - we took Windows XP SP2. If you wish - run updates and do the "standard" security Installations on the virtual Windows system. Go to the AChat Website (from the Virtual Windows), download, install and configure Achat.

Here you go! AChat on MAc OS Lion  :D
Questions? Feel free to use "PM-button"  and ask SquirrelDee

Hero Member
: 10350

« #2 : July 23, 2012, 07:45:37 PM »

- Saving changes

Do you have problems to save your changes (changing clothes, rooms....) and have just swirling arrows? Try this:
- Delete AChat from your harddrive.
- After uninstalling, also delete (or rename) the existing folders ( including LOCAL files, any hidden user or temp. files etc.) on your harddrive before you reinstall. (You can see the installation path by clicking the right mouse button on the AChat symbol.)
- Download and boot up again - waite for updates to complete. 
- Remove all clothing, addons and text.
-  Save a character and then started again from the beginning...

: 1

« #3 : June 27, 2013, 10:52:44 AM »

$ 5000A bought with a credit card for $ 24.95. but my account $ 1500A loaded. 5000A $ 24.95 $ karşığımı site as stated in the description. If you would appreciate the explanation. I want to transfer my account sent to the virtual money is missing
Hero Member
: 10350

« #4 : June 27, 2013, 10:57:12 AM »

Please send your request to support - they have to check it. Use support-button in the top line of this website. But before check again your account. Logout and login, perhaps it's updated after.

: 1

« #5 : June 15, 2014, 10:57:49 PM »

I have been able to log on to AChat for a couple of week with no problem other then it saying I need to check my internet connection. Now it will not let me log on today and its been like that all day. What might the problem be?
Hero Member
: 10350

« #6 : June 16, 2014, 01:09:11 AM »

Usually this message appears when  AChat launcher doesnt get access to internet. Almost the reason is an update in firewall or antivirus-software. Sometimes the reason also is an update of your router.


« #7 : June 19, 2016, 01:44:35 PM »

Usually this message appears when  AChat launcher doesnt get access to internet. Almost the reason is an update in firewall or antivirus-software. Sometimes the reason also is an update of your router.

That trouble is anoying - I just had all set up NOW it starts again
Crashing like hell and those error pop ups
I have my firewall changed and made no other adjustments.

what can we do ?

is this the actl. version???
Starting main program...
Main version number: 2.11
Client version: 655
Command line: UPGRADE_OK


Hero Member
: 10350

« #8 : June 19, 2016, 03:02:18 PM »

Yes, it's the current version. Did you restart your computer?

: 5

« #9 : October 18, 2016, 10:11:38 PM »

I have been having problems with failed login Wrong Username and Password, i did managed to play the game for a couple of hours and then it start having this problem again. All the username n password are saved so it cant be wrong(i did manually re-enter after few tries but still no luck), didnt change anything at all . how can it be running an hour ago and not working now? pls help...  :'( :'( :'( :'(
Hero Member
: 10350

« #10 : October 19, 2016, 09:22:06 AM »

This problem often comes up when AChat is blocked and can't get access to internet. It's just strange that it works,then not..and so on.
Did your anti-virus had an update? Make sure AChat is not blocked and check your firewall too.

You can try to uninstall and re-install, but I don't have much hope that it will change

: 5

« #11 : October 20, 2016, 05:25:43 AM »

hey, thanks for the reply.. today i managed to play for few hours and was playing poker awhile ago before being disconnected and now i cant login with the same login msg again. im quite dumfounded what really went wrong.

« #12 : February 23, 2017, 01:13:06 PM »

I have tried checking Windows Firewall and the game is allowed through. I've tried troubleshooting, no problems found. It has worked under the same anti-virus, so that's not the problem.

I hope I haven't paid all that money for a game I now can't get into.
Jr. Member
: 84

« #13 : February 23, 2017, 08:47:15 PM »

Something's very wrong with ACHAT programmers, they have fucked up the relationship sistem for some time. IT's not only the reshufling of offline friends when changing pages, but it's also a pain to add some new friends. I had to try 4 times at least with a new friend until she finally got the relationship request. The other times it when she got in, she didn't have any request from me and when I searched her name, it was as if I have never sent that request.
Oh, and now the poses sistem are fucked up too.
I heard some ppl can't access her partner posees...
What is wrong with achat programers?
Things were working fine...

Look into my eyes, break through the surface, reach my soul and see who I am.
Fighting for more poses for the LGBT comunity!
Full Member
: 145

T-girl who loves to play in latex

« #14 : November 19, 2017, 07:01:06 AM »

I'm having constant issue that face animations are not working (lips not moving, mouth). Reloading gave few times usually helps, but maybe there is more permanent solution?

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