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| | |-+  Would like to see Body piercings and food to use such as strawberry' ,whip cream
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: Would like to see Body piercings and food to use such as strawberry' ,whip cream  ( 6049 )
: 3


Would love to see body piercings added to the shop .And maybe food to feed each other or use .Think it would be cool to have  the shop updated .Not to mention what a can of whip cream could do for that extra spark . ;)
: 3

 ;) Also I am wondering how hard it would be to put more of a music selection .Maybe even songs uploaded in the shop that we can buy and upload to a cd player .The music I find is kind of cheesy and most times when I play I mute it .Which brings me to moaning .I think the game would be killer if we had sound effects added .Not a hard thing to do and would add so much more erotic feelings to the game .
Hero Member
: 7883

savannahsky, i'll give you a big wellcome in this strange place called Achat forum!   ;D

About your request, body piercing will be released soon (i hope!) cause it's one of the winner of some poll we have for new clothes and poses.
About food, well, maybe it can be interessing, lets see what others users think of it......then, we can talk about some nice idea to create a pose for this. in the past, someone had mention ice cube too, if i'll remember it well!

And about the music.....honestly, i prefer listening mine, music is a bit to particular thing to sell it in the shop, so dunno how good it will be.

: 21

sound effects could work .
as for music as this is a personal thing i think it would create a lot of problems
my advice would be to have your own music on your computer then all you have to do is mute Achats music and play your music file
Sr. Member
: 415

Welcome savannahsky   ;)

I often played with food and I find it very erotic and fun, would be great to have some to play with, but we would need a new pose for that or new options for existing poses so I'll start working on it ehehehe ;D
Hero Member
: 10350

I remember very well who mentioned the ice cubes... several times... and also fruits, chocolate, cream... hmmmmmmmmm

Welcome savannahsky,
if you read a bit you will find you're not alone with your wishes. Use this crazy world here to help us improve a great game.

Hero Member
: 7883

Welcome savannahsky   ;)

I often played with food and I find it very erotic and fun, would be great to have some to play with, but we would need a new pose for that or new options for existing poses so I'll start working on it ehehehe ;D

then, let's move to the kitchen, my lazy friend!  ;D

: 21

with reguard to food i thnk thar it could work
it might need its own pose allowing many actions
1 i can think of is food fight  :- cover each other / everybody in food then lick it of each other / everybody
i can think of several foods that this works with :- strawberrys (any soft fruit) creams including ice cream
i know that a few people might even enjoy it .
Hero Member
: 548


   Welcome to the Forum Savannahsky!!  I love your name.  Sounds soft and romantic.  This can be a crazy place, but everyone is here for one purpose, to make AChat even better than it already is.  So please, keep posting and sharing your thoughts and ideas with us.

   Any updates to the shop are greatly welcomed.  We just got the Bunny Ears and Tails (Thank you AChat!) which were suggested here in the forum, so anything is possible.

   I personally, am not much into body piercing (just my ears), but that doesn't mean others can't have what they desire.  Sometime adding a bit of food to love making can be fun... and tasty.  I have had fun times emptying an entire can of Redi-Whip! 

Thanks for letting me share,

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