heheh That Achat bar layout is great idea for a massive achat user room. looking at the top down lay out i see a few things that can be used. for example
the bar can have people sitting at it maybe 8 or more people and 2 people can sit/dance on top of the bar. hmmm 2 bar tenders so just that one section can have 12 people.
the stage looks big and has 2 parts so 2 dancers can be on the back stage and it there are 2 poles 2 dancers can double pole dance. would fit 4 dancers there. i think it should be changed alittle to add stools around the edge of the stage with pole (marked as no.1 in the picture). gets more people in that room i would think it would fit 14 people total of 18 people could use the stage area.
the couches/booth (marked no.2) should be moved back a little so it can have dances in front. so maybe 12 people can sit with 12 dancers total of 24 people.
also i think behind the couches/booth area should be kinda like a dance floor area where people can stand, dance / mingle. maybe make it a 24 person user space too.
Total the entire room could hold 78 people

and it would be a perfect meet and great space. But the area can used for four-play like lap dances, pole dances, regular dancing, erotic/strip dancing, kissing etc. and for something more a couple or group can leave and join a private room together. Basically some limited sexually contact in the bar so it keeps the core or achat 'personal rooms/scenes' going. Hmmm the next issue would be how to handle the chat of 78 people in one room it could get a little crazy.
The solution would be to add new chat channels. basically we would have the room broke down into small triangle area where only 3/4 people can hear standard chat. then users would type /area <message> or /a <message> and only people in the area your in will hear you. the bar would be broken down into 4 areas, Bar, Stage, Booths, Dance Floor
/area hi everyone at the bar! (and everyone siting at the bar would see what you said)
now to shout in the entire room you would use the same concept as /area but just type /room and everyone in the bar will see it.
Chatting will require 4 tabs.
1.) All tab, with would show all the chats going on (warning this will be flooded in a busy room)
2.) Personal tab, which functions just like the chat we have now and work for the small triangle areas for 3 or 4 people in bar.
3.) Area Tab, for the areas of the bar
4.) Room Tab, would be only the chats for the entire bar

lol I think maybe i put too much thought into this what do you think guys & gals