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: Would you like to see Lolita Fashion Dresses added to the Shop?
Yes   -31 (86.1%)
No   -5 (13.9%)
: 33

: Keiko's Fashion Kloset  ( 27705 )
Full Member
: 223


« #15 : May 14, 2012, 01:23:23 PM »

hi hi hi Let's make a fashion week  :P

Flesh open when Mind Warm
Hero Member
: 7883

« #16 : May 15, 2012, 04:00:14 AM »

Ohhh sorry That's me who misunderstood ... sorry ... I meant not that were such a winner and loosers ... Sorry ... I am confused, I delete my mistake ...

There was no need to delete it, Evelyne......a mistake something can happend to everyone! so, please, don't do it next time!  :-*
« : May 15, 2012, 06:26:59 AM hentaiboy69 »

Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #17 : May 15, 2012, 06:14:08 AM »

I have to add my congratulations. The release itself is a huge accomplishment, but to have it so successful is wonderful!

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Hero Member
: 503

« #18 : May 19, 2012, 04:45:34 PM »

Once again, congratulations Keiko. You deserve all the compliments and nice to have you in the team
of course together with our dear mates here. :-*
Hope one day we will get the Achat Club so we can all celebrate together in a proper way!!!!

Sr. Member
: 316

Independent Fashion Designer

« #19 : May 28, 2012, 09:40:21 PM »

    I've gotten requests to post a few designs that are a "Work In Progress" for possibly future releases so here is what I've been working on recently...

KEIKO'S FASHION KLOSET Proudly featuring:

    A brief description about Lolita Fashion: It is a fashion subculture originating in Harajuku, Japan that is based on Victorian-era clothing as well as costumes from the Rococo period. Naturally since then the fashion has evolved and branched out into many different styles of "Lolita" while still retaining elements of the fashion's roots. The original silhouette is of a knee length skirt or dress with a 'cupcake' shape assisted by petticoats, but has expanded into various types of garments including corsets and floor lengths skirts. Blouses, knee high socks or stockings and headdresses are also worn. (Learn more about Lolita Fashion from Wikipedia here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lolita_fashion and http://www.lolitafashion.org/)

    I attempted to pay homage to my favorite style of fashion by recreating it in the virtual world of AChat. It was difficult working with the restrictions and limitations of the game but the results of my labor has made me very proud. These dresses are by far my most detailed and taken the most time to design out of all my textures.


Most of you are already familiar with this dress I revealed in February. This is the Gothic Lolita Style. Most recognizable by the high contrast of black and white. Dark or smokey makeup is also worn.


Focusing on the fantasy aspects of Lolita, the Sweet Lolita style adopts the basic Lolita format and uses lighter colors and an essence of innocence in its design. Makeup used in sweet Lolita is common throughout most Lolita styles. Pink, Peach, or Pearl make up styles are highly 'sweet' and used by many Sweet Lolitas. This look, paired with a shade of bright pink, red or sometimes nude-pink lipstick, is commonly used as well. I'm still trying to tweak the height map with this texture so it looks less like a marshmallow dress,  :D.


Punk Lolita (or Lolita Punk) adds punk fashion elements to Lolita fashion. Motifs that are usually found in punk clothing, such as tattered fabric, ties, safety pins and chains, screen-printed fabrics, plaids, and short, androgynous hairstyles are incorporated into the Lolita look. I've only begun working on the height map for this design so it's not quite ready to be applied to the texture just yet.


Guro Lolita (Gore Lolita) is the portrayal of a 'broken doll' or "Innocent Gore" by using items such as fake blood, make-up, and bandages to give the appearance of injury. It is suggested that Guro Lolitas wear white to "emphasize the contrast between purity and their wounds", or because blood contrasts better with white. ;D



I just finished with the final tweaks on my Lolita dresses and I would like to know if you would like to see these designs in the shop. Please vote in the poll, Thank-you  :)
« : June 09, 2012, 12:57:39 AM Keiko »

Hero Member
: 7883

« #20 : May 29, 2012, 01:18:54 AM »

Wonderfull work as usuall, Keiko, but here the real problem are the 3d shapes......the skirt look so different on your pics!

Hero Member
: 2415

« #21 : May 29, 2012, 03:58:40 AM »

That is true Hentai. As long as there is no uv-map available for a wider skirt or petty coat, we will have to make due with the uv-maps available. For females that is 2 basic dresses. To show a bit more about the origin:

As you can see, both dresses are skin tight to the body. That leaves no room to add a layered. The difference between the dresses, is the way they are draped around the avatar. That differs per design. Very often the uv-map is only half of the outfit and is mirrored when 'put on'. This is the case with most male clothing, which makes it virtually impossible to add text for instance.

What also causes limitations to the design proces, is how the clothes are layered. I designed waistcoats at the early start of the texture designs but made them on a uv-map that isn't suited for that purpose. The way they are made now, it would be impossible to wear a shirt underneath it. I am sure that all members have noticed that you can't wear certain combinations of clothing. With the above dresses for instance, it is impossible to wear a bra at the same time.

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 503

« #22 : June 02, 2012, 02:03:29 AM »

    I've gotten requests to post a few designs that are a "Work In Progress" for possibly future releases so here is what I've been working on recently...

KEIKO'S FASHION KLOSET Proudly featuring:

This is called a great idea and inspiration.
I am truly thrilled , I don't know which dress I'd first pick - think I like all your Lolitas.
Since the maps do not allow any real ruffle or any fluttering, I 'm amazed how they look so well.
I can't imagine how much effort is invested to achieve this effect.
Even though they aren't finished yet , I already have a picture how will look avatars A-chat girls ...
I would say so gorgeous and so lively - which is ,let me say, very hard to achieve here!
Great Job Keiki !  :-*
« : June 06, 2012, 11:53:08 AM jeanona31 »

Sr. Member
: 316

Independent Fashion Designer

« #23 : June 09, 2012, 01:00:38 AM »

I just completed my Lolita Fashion dresses and would like to know if you'd like to see them added to the shop? Please cast your vote in the poll above.  :)
« : June 09, 2012, 01:02:58 AM Keiko »

Hero Member
: 7883

« #24 : June 09, 2012, 03:08:00 AM »

keiko, sorry to say but even if your work is good (i anvy you, Tight and Jeanona!), till we don't have some good 3d shape for them, i don't think they will sell easly......of course it's my impression!


maybe, if you can use one of the last miniskirt of the shop for the skirt and one of the dress for the top, it can look better.
« : August 14, 2012, 04:14:39 AM hentaiboy69 »

Hero Member
: 2415

« #25 : June 09, 2012, 05:11:21 AM »

Unfortunately HB, those two can't be worn at the same time. They are placed on the same layer, so they don't overlap. It's either or, not and and..
I am sure Keiko would have chosen the best option to make her dresses with. I agree with you though, without the right 3d-maps, we can't make exactly what we want.

Nice work Keiko, the outfits are complete.. :) I like the detail on the straps at the front..

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 7883

« #26 : June 09, 2012, 05:35:34 AM »

i know it really well........it will be nice if we can work on 3d mesh, burt dunno how many of us are able to do it!

Hero Member
: 503

« #27 : June 09, 2012, 07:21:33 AM »


you already know i like these Lolitas, cant wait to see them in the game.
Choose this outfits to work on - with maps/mesh available to us was very brave.
I can see here so many details and very hard work and I am proud of you.

Sr. Member
: 316

Independent Fashion Designer

« #28 : June 09, 2012, 10:27:20 AM »

keiko, sorry to say but even if your work is good (i anvy you, Tight and Jeanona!), till we have some good 3d shape for them, i don't think they will sell easly......of course it's my impression!


maybe, if you can use one of the last miniskirt of the shop for the skirt and one of the dress for the top, it can look better.

    I understand what you're asking, Hentai, however, the likelyhood of AChat releasing a 3d mesh that extends away from the body like most dresses is very slim. (at least anytime soon.) I've worn a lolita dress in another game that also was tight fitting to the body because of texture restrictions. I tried to give the illusion that the dresses were layered so maybe they would feel like a thicker, heavier dress if worn. Truthfully, Lolita dresses are a big passion of mine so making these outfits and bringing the detail you would find on a real lolita dress to the game was a challenge I was excited to accept. Even though they don't have the exaggerated "cupcake" shape to the skirts, I think they'll be the best replication of the real thing that I can make.  :)

Hero Member
: 3856

« #29 : June 09, 2012, 10:42:06 AM »

I think they will do very well,... the complexity of the designs... and intricate details are eye catchers...

Unique and different....
 wish I had half your talent.....and the capacity to do this type of work....

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