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: Northern Italy Earthquake  ( 14658 )
Full Member
: 223


« #15 : May 29, 2012, 09:15:23 AM »

My !?! won't this ever end ?

I really hope so ... no kinds peoples of the DreamWorld had suffered from the nature's wrath hopefully ( as it seem ) but my thoughs are with the ones who have their live taken, their owns devastated ... and for the families.

I know the Italian Peoples, the bulgarian peoples ( another earthquake last week ) will rise. I hope they will rise even higher.

Well sometime words are useless, this is one of this time.


Flesh open when Mind Warm
Hero Member
: 3856

« #16 : May 29, 2012, 09:49:16 AM »

Thoughts and prayers out to those affected by such. A volatile situation working amidst structures already weakened by the major one which hit the area earlier. Living in an area prone to shakers (we have at least one here daily  I hope the region will take note and work to earthquake proof the existing structures, till then those affected not be frozen in fear of mother natures powerful hand.

Sad to see the cultural sites impacted, but much sadder to hear of the loss of life. I echo chien_lubrik with hopes that no one in our community has been impacted by this.

Such matters reinforce a belief that all should keep and maintain an emergency kit, rations and water for at least 3 days for each family member stuffed away. No matter where you live, the potential for a disaster exists.


Hero Member
: 10350

« #17 : May 29, 2012, 01:10:34 PM »

My thoughts are with all people who were injured, lost friends or estate. There is not much more to say then all of you alreday have said, just one small about us all.
If you think of the victims of a disaster, we all should take one minute and think about us. Very often we think that our problems are the most important in the world, but at all they are just small flashes and absurd in compare with those who are injured or lost anything.
We claim if the A-Team doesn't give us our most needed poses... it's ok and it's allowed. But sometimes we should take a coffee, sit down and think about the things we are able to do, we are allowed to do and we own (and I don't talk just about material things, also bout friends, health, possibilities we just do have because we live in freedom....) If there is one little chance to learn something then this:

Be happy because you are able to be happy.


Full Member
: 154

« #18 : May 29, 2012, 01:40:41 PM »

Very often we think that our problems are the most important in the world, but at all they are just small flashes and absurd in compare with those who are injured or lost anything.
We claim if the A-Team doesn't give us our most needed poses... it's ok and it's allowed. But sometimes we should take a coffee, sit down and think about the things we are able to do, we are allowed to do and we own (and I don't talk just about material things, also bout friends, health, possibilities we just do have because we live in freedom....) If there is one little chance to learn something then this:

Be happy because you are able to be happy.


Very well put, Lover. I highly agree with you there....

Lt. Taz, Spermicide Detective Div.  -  The devilish Texan  =)~
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #19 : May 29, 2012, 07:36:17 PM »

My thoughts and prayers are with  the Italian people and the victims and their families at this sad and tragic time. God speed in your recovery to repair all that is damaged and keep everyone safe as they rebuild their lives and homes.

No words can ever replace your loss, but know you have our unwavering support.  Take care of you and each other. xxxx

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
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