« #20 : August 06, 2013, 05:09:32 AM »
Moved the suggestion for the rooms from the suggestions for the rooms to here: Sounds for the rooms.
I know Ms. Pafe has suggested this somewhere in the distant past, but Amy and I were discussing it. We would like to see sounds made available for the purchased rooms. They would come as an option that you could buy like with the room decorations. Only have them specific for each room.
For example:
Gentle surf and maybe some seagulls for the Beach scene.
Gentle waves hitting the side of the Terrace Room, and include some chirping birds
The sounds of typewriters and telephones ringing for the Interrogation Room.
A crackling fire for the Cabin... maybe some distant wolf howls.
The sounds of traffic for the City Apartment room.
There should be an option to turn the sounds off, just like with the music. I could just turn off my computer speakers, but I usually listen to music while on AChat, so a mute button in the room would be a better option for me.
Addendum: Sometimes... Amy and I will have our date out by the lake... we'll take the pickup out and use the bed of the truck... what I do is go to YouTube... there are all kinds of sounds available there... there's one that has the sounds of a forest at night... lots of sounds from the forest at night... crickets... june bugs... et al. And... it's 8 hours long... so there's no looping. I can play that one at a low volume... then restart ANOTHER browser... and play one of my YouTube playlists for music.
It works... but it would be so much nicer to have the sounds available in the rooms.