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: Jeanona's Fashion Styles  ( 300154 )
Hero Member
: 2415

« #150 : August 28, 2012, 11:21:31 AM »

Your new outfits are wonderful Jeanona, it's a pleasure looking at the ava's wearing them.. Hope you will direct your attention to some male clothing again too.. ;)

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...

« #151 : August 30, 2012, 08:18:46 AM »

Thanks for the new designs just introduced.

I know it sounds like a complaint but, having nudged Tight into submission, please can we see the clothing on persons of my skin color? I can and do use software to download your images and modify the skin tone to see what they are like but it is a pain.

Actually, what I do like is the hair on your models wearing the new designs, earlier in this thread. When are they going to train the Achat hairstylist to do that?
Hero Member
: 2891

Paddle Queen

« #152 : August 30, 2012, 09:02:53 AM »

never it seem , they are too busy to do poses For MF and clothes for women . They dont saw yet that both have enough of them . They could do the other way , poses for LGT and clothes for men , but apparently , men dont have the right to have clothes and LGT not the right to have poses .

Ps to dev team : Have you see that you'll do as much money with men clothes than with MF poses ? NO ? So unwear your sunglasses maybe you'll see better  >:(

Full Member
: 206

I bite but not hard :p

« #153 : August 30, 2012, 02:01:10 PM »

Some shoes...
These maps don't allow us much experimentation, so after a while finally I did model that I liked..
The look without the high maps - believe they'll look even better when I complete the maps
Hope you'll like it too  ;D




I love these as is :) And  I like them because i can use them to mix and match and make other outfits too :)  like i would so wear the black arm sleeves with maid outfit,  or the shoes with a office outfit or just mix in a bunch of different outfit to make something totally unique.  soo cool :)
Hero Member
: 503

« #154 : August 31, 2012, 09:37:55 AM »

Thanks for the new designs just introduced.

I know it sounds like a complaint but, having nudged Tight into submission, please can we see the clothing on persons of my skin color? I can and do use software to download your images and modify the skin tone to see what they are like but it is a pain.

Actually, what I do like is the hair on your models wearing the new designs, earlier in this thread. When are they going to train the Achat hairstylist to do that?

Hi Concerto ,

I'm not sure how should I understand your post!  (and cause of it - think now  I'm going to sound like I'm complaining ;D) But truly don't mean to complain. Just want to point out the following:
Tight has released a total of 13 outfits and I've published 4 outfits ,
 so I don't think Tight having nudged into submission " at any way .
I could say more facts but I wont -  cause I do not want this to turn into a verbal overline,or to see the conversation is turning into a bad/wrong connotation. Because first of all Tight is my really very good friend, I've  deep respect for him and his great designs, not only that but his complete work here and efforts to improve the game as well as forum.
Working on designs has never been the subject of competition between us - well yeah sometimes we talk about our jealousy  :), sometimes i'm jealous  on his designs and vice verse.
So think that is not real or bad jealous cause we are both joking around with it , with lots of lough  :D   ,think I can freely say that neither of us felt like nudged into submission.

At the end i have to admit , " well I'm not so happy cause of your post  - you're killing me man :'( !
but it's somehow cute your worries about  Tight submission   :) .
Don't ask me about clothing you would like to see, I will not even consider it cause you made me so sad  with your words  :'( . First i have to recover myself ... then maybe..well at least you like my hear styles that's something  ::) ( sorry for a bit joking and teases )

« : August 31, 2012, 09:41:49 AM jeanona31 »

Hero Member
: 503

« #155 : August 31, 2012, 09:43:56 AM »

I love these as is :) And  I like them because i can use them to mix and match and make other outfits too :)  like i would so wear the black arm sleeves with maid outfit,  or the shoes with a office outfit or just mix in a bunch of different outfit to make something totally unique.  soo cool :)

Thanks a lot Alita  :)


« #156 : September 01, 2012, 02:22:34 PM »


lol, the joys of language, I am sorry that you seem to have misinterpreted what I said.

All I am asking is that when you display your new clothing you use models with a darker skin tone so that I can see what it will (probably)  look like on me .

The reference to Tight was because, after I requested the same of them, they have indicated that they may/will do that in future.

btw my philosophy is that if you don't understand me then it is my fault, if you don't believe me then that is your fault.

In this case the former applies and, of course, if you don't understand I am always happy to rephrase and/or translate into your native language, if that will help.
Hero Member
: 503

« #157 : September 02, 2012, 02:29:26 PM »


lol, the joys of language, I am sorry that you seem to have misinterpreted what I said.

All I am asking is that when you display your new clothing you use models with a darker skin tone so that I can see what it will (probably)  look like on me .

The reference to Tight was because, after I requested the same of them, they have indicated that they may/will do that in future.

btw my philosophy is that if you don't understand me then it is my fault, if you don't believe me then that is your fault.

In this case the former applies and, of course, if you don't understand I am always happy to rephrase and/or translate into your native language, if that will help.

Concerto I'm sorry if I misunderstood you- as I said at the beginning I'm not sure how should I understand your post, anyways thanks for the clarification. Sure we can show the clothing on persons with darker skin color, it's not problem at all .

Hero Member
: 10350

« #158 : September 02, 2012, 02:36:08 PM »

Jeanona... I love your bathing suit.. have seen it on several avas... hot hot hot :)
« : September 02, 2012, 02:37:49 PM Lover »

Hero Member
: 503

« #159 : September 02, 2012, 02:39:05 PM »

Jeanona... I love your bathing suit.. have seen it on several avas... hot hot hot :)

Lover thank you very much ! Glad you like it  :-*

Hero Member
: 2415

« #160 : September 03, 2012, 06:39:44 AM »

sweet Jeanona, thank you for looking out for me :)
Concerto, no harm no foul, though submission might be a too strong word to use.. ;D I try and please 'my' customers..

In this case it was not needed and I am glad that the air was cleared. Concerto was referring to her question to me, showing my outfits in with the skin color of her Ava. I have done that when presenting the AB&G shirts. We could consider showing different skin colors, I have started that already. I think it would go too far if we showed every design on all skincolors. That would really fill the threads with endless picture. IMO the best solution would be to have a dressing model in the shop, where you can try out your to-buy-outfit and see more of the details. A choice in skin color should be made available. An outfit can look very different on some with a pale skin color, when shown on a model with dark skin color.

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #161 : September 03, 2012, 06:51:16 AM »

So true Tight, I can only wear Lemon when I have a tan otherwise I look washed out. That would be great if such models would be made available in the shop to try  on and turn them around to see the back too. 

Jeanons I really want the above underwear in the shop soon, I'm sure the guys would too  :o

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P

« #162 : September 03, 2012, 08:52:19 AM »

Well, now that is cleared up, lol….

Great idea Tight but surely in the changing room as they can differentiate between owned and “buy”, with the latter invoking the shop independently in browser,  wouldn’t it be simpler to enable you to wear the “buy” products but then not save your character changes until you have paid for them?

It would effectively be like putting products in your shopping basket and then either deleting them or going to checkout before you save.

I have never understood why they have all the “buy” products visible there and yet you cannot actually purchase them dynamically.

Anyway, sorry Jeanona, I luv nearly all your designs and, more to the point, applaud you for spending so much time creating them as I am well aware of the process "from bare to wear". Thanks for graciously consenting to modelling the clothes with darker  skinned models.
Hero Member
: 7883

« #163 : September 03, 2012, 09:00:55 AM »

Concerto, as i had say around an year ago (and had repeat it time to time), i think the shop must be modified and have a style similar to The Sims creation room and only when you hit the "save" button those clothes (or wathever!) ends in your cart. at the end, you can look at your shop list and agree with the payment.

How hard it can be to do this!?

Hero Member
: 2415

« #164 : September 03, 2012, 12:56:10 PM »

Maybe it is a thought they haven't considered. But I think it would be wise to continue this discussion in another thread. If memory serves me well, there is a thread about shop improvements where this discussion could be carried on..

Jeanona, hope to see more gent's designs.. :)

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