UV map 5 , Shirt male - The map is mirrored ,can't be no wider or longer or narrower.
It can be used only for ideas that are fully consistent with the specified.
UV map 6 , Bodysuit male - This is the only one map for male which is not mirrored.
It allow much more creativity and all that can be imagined in this area can be done.
Too bad no sleeves, it would be perfect for designing with sleeves.
It can be used for ideas that are fully consistent with the specified.
UV map 7,Pants male - The map is mirrored ,can't be no wider or longer or narrower.Allows only to work on areas as shown on the model.
color=beige]UV map 8,Socks male[/color] - The map is mirrored ,can't be no wider or longer or narrower.Allows only to work on areas as shown on the model.
UV map 9 ,Tie male - The map is mirrored ,can't be no wider or longer.Allows only to work on areas as shown on the model.

This is all we currently have when it comes to men clothes.