yes, they look amazing, but at the same time so damn expensive! wow! i think they are the most expensive we ever have!
Yes It is true they are my friend, but I may think they really worth the cost ( as I said ) for those who feed a little fetishist lust ...
Anyway, that's a luxury I may accept to pay. But I also understand that some people will be reluctant to buy them.
and there appears more components there then just the basic outside wear? Will be looking forward to a partner volunteering to model.
Well Mister BearI gladly pose for you

. At first I did wear an "all" latex outfit, but for street wear I thought it was a bit too much. So for the outside I simply wear latex panty and strocking ... with tissues skirt and top.
I feel that latex touch really light the outfit with a hint of kinkyness .
( for private, I stay fully latex )
I may say too that the latex outfit have one of the few cup bra available, and that is very a must !!!
And just matter of nice looking, the red line on one of the set is just the cherry on the cake ! ! !
If I just may have a regret, it is that their is no gloves !!! That will be wonderfull if full arms gloves may be available ...
You may understand That I Am very please to have those clothes released

sorry if I overact a bit.
Please accept my best humbly regards.
PS : I think about opening an " Latex Lover" Club