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: Azrielle's Tartan Closet  ( 10446 )
Sr. Member
: 262

NSPD - Retired

« : June 08, 2012, 12:33:05 AM »

Okies... well everyone may not already know, But I am a 3rd Generation Canadian Born Scottish Lass and quite Proud of both my Family and My heritage... so without any further mucking about the moors & glen of the flatland we call the prairies, here's some ideas I was playing with on the Texture Editor feature.

Comments, blunders, general misfortunes... I know, I suck at actually creating anything, but I can sew!!

And yes, I did one for you Lads too... because nothing says sexy like a man in a tartan
(But I do love seeing a man in a kilt, hehehe)

« : June 08, 2012, 12:56:30 AM Azrielle »

Coming Soon to a Shop Near You! Mwah!
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: 154

« #1 : June 08, 2012, 09:34:34 AM »

Comments, blunders, general misfortunes... I know, I suck at actually creating anything, but I can sew!!


Your *sucking* is not a bad thing.. a very very good thing last I remembered.. May need a refresher soon... just sayN..  :D
Your tartan designs look good... keep with it sweetheart.. you do better than I  wood, I have no clue even where the texture editor is.. I've.. umm been.. kinda... busy here lately *innocent look

*copious amounts of ballerina house rubs.. (snicker)

Lt. Taz, Spermicide Detective Div.  -  The devilish Texan  =)~
Hero Member
: 3856

« #2 : June 08, 2012, 02:36:42 PM »

Aye.... we have high hopes....that kilt seems closer...

Hero Member
: 503

« #3 : June 15, 2012, 08:35:22 AM »

Good job Az,
and your introduces are really always something.
Hope you will continue...

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #4 : June 15, 2012, 10:00:45 AM »

Love these,   can a kilt be done with appropriate alterations on the woman's skirt for the man I wonder.. just a thought.

mmmm  , will be able to find out  the age old question ... what do the men wear under their kilts ????

ok,  my mind is wondering ... but can you blame me ... The Scots are a sexy tribal lot mmmmmmmmm Just look at Rob Roy Mcgregor mmmmmm

Back to topic, sorry ....  great work Azrielle , Look forward to seeing them in the shops :) Congratulations on a job well done. :)

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Sr. Member
: 262

NSPD - Retired

« #5 : June 28, 2012, 11:41:03 AM »

OK... after several weeks of trial and error and even more cussing, I have a prototype Kilt!
Yes, I know the pleats are not done yet, but give a girl some time to bask in the glory of the creation before ya burn me at the stake... lolz.


ok, comments, quiries, concerns...


Coming Soon to a Shop Near You! Mwah!
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: 116

« #6 : June 29, 2012, 09:04:35 PM »

one simple word!!!!! BRAVA!!!!!!
Sr. Member
: 262

NSPD - Retired

« #7 : July 04, 2012, 11:50:07 AM »

okies... after a considerable amount of time mucking about, I made an attempt to actually make the pleasts for the kilt and discovered I am such an idiot... lolz. In oreder to create the "pleats" I will need to "fold" every second line within the kilt model and discovered that I didn't make enough to begin with... so back once again to the drawing board where hopefully I will be able to create a second prototype with some degree of success. Additionally, a proper kilt has two overlaping front refered to as the "aprons"... so in order to do this properly so everything looks right, I am going to have to create a completely new map and then "wrap it" around the male hips and thigh model I created.

Once my second prototype is completed, I will post an update... until then I will be cussing and swearing in a very unladylike manner.

okies... laters!

Coming Soon to a Shop Near You! Mwah!
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: 974

Bitch's Corner

« #8 : September 08, 2012, 04:21:25 AM »

I have to say AZ BEAUTIFUL  it would be nice to see clothes from other country...Like we all know when you see Tartan we think of Scotland

Hero Member
: 3444

« #9 : September 08, 2012, 05:53:18 AM »


The RED Tartan is so close to my moms Family Tartan (Fraser of Lovat) If they made it I would Love to wear it pride.

Could you make a waist coat so we could wear it under our suit jackets with Pride.
« : September 08, 2012, 06:17:17 AM tangoracer »

Full Member
: 111

« #10 : November 13, 2012, 06:15:28 AM »

Keep it up lady.  Think it would be fantastic to have outfits like that.  Maybe a mans kilt.
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