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The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
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: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) ( 1211980 )
Jr. Member
: 72
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1635 :
December 04, 2013, 08:23:23 AM »
Finally I stepped foot into the bar. I had heard talk of it and had wanted to pop in for a bit but had been hesitant up until now. The smell of stale booze, sweat, and sex catch me off guard causing my nose to scrunch up for a brief moment as I quickly make my way to the bar.
‘What’ll it be,’
the gruff voice of the bartender asks.
‘Dos tequilas,’
I reply as I slide onto the bar stool surveying the room and action around me.
‘Salt and lemon,’
he asks as I turn back to the bar. Shaking my head no I take down the first shot and turn back to continue my survey of the place and its patrons.
: December 04, 2013, 08:26:43 AM MasonPark
: 16
1st Drink Is On The House :)
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1636 :
December 04, 2013, 07:39:23 PM »
Old Joe watches the goings on at the Rotating Pleasure Table. He likes the "Young uns" enjoying themselves. He smiles at James_Dean who he'd been chatting with and looks up to see a new face arriving and waiting to be served.
Old Joe sidles up to him and asks, ‘What’ll it be?’ smiling in welcome
He orders his drink and as is tradition , Old Joe waves his A$ away. " First drink is on the House, and if you keep it quiet Covems has an open tab for the rest
He forgot to shut it ... again"
He refuses the Salt and lemon and introduces himself as MasonPark.
Old Joe grins at him, " Welcome to the AB&G MasonPark, Brandy, Stone & Jayc are busy in the poolroom at the moment but I'm sure when they are finished, they will say Hi. They kind of help keeping the place running smooth."
Old Joe nods over to the Rotating Pleasure Table.. " The Cocks N Roses and some of our regulars are a bit involved too by the moans and groans coming from there. So take a seat and enjoy the hospitality, you never know what might happen, oh by the way .. watch out for the dwarfs, they can be little terrors at times."
Old Joe pours him another tequila and mouths " On Covems "
Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Introduce yourself > Old_Joe,2810.0.html
: December 04, 2013, 07:49:27 PM Brandybee
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1637 :
December 05, 2013, 11:08:14 PM »
Breathing in her scent, feeling her body quiver under me as I hold her tight to me, my hard cock sliding deep inside this beautiful, passionate, and seductive woman. Every thrust causes her to moan, her dripping pussy continuing to drench my balls, and dripping from me onto the floor of the bar...
Karen's sex grips my shaft, and I push myself harder, and faster, moving in and out of her. I run my hands over her thighs, and hips... settling on her waist, holding her, and pulling her to me... onto me... as I fuck her. Deep inside me a barrier gives way, and I hear myself begin to growl lowly every time I slam my sack into her ass.
The instant she screamed for me to take her, I became unleashed to her... full of passion and desire... my deepest longing to claim her and make her mine, in front of everyone here... even though she is a stranger to me, as are they.
But none of that mattered anymore. This woman, Karen, was going to be mine.
My dick sliding in and out of her wet dripping sex, my growls and her moans growing louder together... our passions building together, she cries out for me to go deeper inside, and I comply, driving my tip hard against her cervix...
In and out, deep and hard, my swollen and full member driving inside my new woman, craving her...
I look her over greedily, knowing others are watching, knowing there's other people on the table... not caring about them... but hungering for every bit of my Karen...
I moan loudly as I feel her succumb to my thrusts, her sex clamping down on me hardly, her thighs closing around my hips, holding me inside her... her cum pours over my manhood, flowing over me. She screams for me to empty myself inside her, as her body shakes and quivers in my hands.
I feel my climax peak as I hear her voice, as she remains in the throws of her own ecstasy, her cries of pleasure mixing with my groans of passion...
I press my tip hard inside her against her cervix and feel her body yield to me as I gently slide fully inside... I flex as I do so... and let my control release...
She grips me hard... "Cum in me... now!" She cries, breathless and shaking...
Her voice acts as a vice on my balls, and my entirety of love and manhood pours my seed into her uterus... my cock pulsing hard, shooting my cream, filling her... With one final guttural roar I force every ounce of my sticky load inside her... Claiming her in front of all those here who know her...
My strength spent, and held inside her, I lay atop her, myself lightly shaking from our combined release... our mixed juices dripping onto the table and floor beneath us... our breath shallow, and short... she wraps her arms around me, pulls me gently up to her face, and kisses me... our tongues playing with eachother... moaning lightly...
Staring into her eyes, I know she's not done with me yet... and within a few seconds of knowing this, I begin to slowly regain my strength... my longing for her remaining at it's peak... Such a wonderful, beautiful, sexy, woman... with me laying inside her...
I kiss her deeply again... as her nails dig into my back...
Hero Member
: 2078
Later, Space Cowboy
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1638 :
December 06, 2013, 09:58:09 PM »
“So this is the place?” I mutter to myself.
The door to my car shuts loudly behind me, as I observe the fabled AB&G establishment that has been talked about over and over again by my colleagues the past few weeks. “Not the easiest place to locate“ I think to myself recollecting on how my GPS took me on a marry-go-around tour of the surrounding area before I finally was able stumble upon the bar.
I check my phone and see Tango texted me 40 minutes ago. “Just take a right past the Exxon gas station” it reads.
“Right…what about that other right you were supposed to tell me about amigo..” I scoff. I make a mental note to myself to never rely on Tango for directions ever again (lol j/k). I hesitate for second, wondering if this is a mistake. I‘ve become somewhat familiar with the people here sure, but enough so to mingle with them after hours…that’s another matter entirely different. I think about all the possible things that could go wrong. A fight maybe. Rejection. Fear that quite possibly this place won’t live up to its reputation as being…well a certain type of place. I finally collect a pair, and make my way inside. Pushing through the door, the first thing that hits you is the smell. It’s not your typical alcohol stink, mixed with tobacco smoke smell. No, what you smell is instantly recognizable. It’s the type of smell that causes your heart to skip a beat, and palms to get sticky with sweat. The smell…it’s what men like me are drawn to. Like leaving a bloodied cloth out in the open, for a pack of wolves to sniff out.
Slowly, I scan the room, looking for anyone familiar. I spy the only person I know, Mason, sitting casually by himself, conversing with who appears to be the bartender of this place.
“Well, same boat as me.” I smile, thinking it’s fortunate to not be the only one here looking for…well.
The other patrons here eyeball me, pausing for a moment to take me in. I figure I must look like a fish out of water to some of these people. Wearing just a simple white t-shirt with faded blue jean pants, I seem like your average young man. My hair, disheveled somewhat but more or less, well maintained and slightly parted to the side…you’d have to wonder what would cause anyone to stare. Well, taking a look at my arms would explain why. I sport some noticeable tattoo’s, with one arm displaying spider webbing that runs from the elbow down to my wrist, and the other arm with what appears to be a random assortment of scrolls, and text.
“Maybe I should turn back” is all I can think, stopping dead in my tracks.
“Hey young un.” I suddenly hear. I turn my gaze to the bartender. “Are you lost?” he asks, while cleaning a glass.
“Not at all. Just taking it all in.” I reply. He jokingly looks around then returns his gaze back to me. “Well, why don’t you take a seat while you ‘take it all in‘. Unlessin’ you feel you’ll get the best view of the place standing right smack in the middle of the place.”
I shake my head, feeling a little embarrassed. So much for a good first impression. I scurry myself to the counter, before finally sitting on a bar stool. I place myself one stool apart from Mason. Not because I have anything against the guy. I just believe in giving another man his space. Also, judging from his body language, it seems he came here for the same reasons I came. I give him a simple head nod, as I rest my arms atop the counter.
The bartender comes over placing both his hands on the counter. “What’ll be son?”
“Bourbon neat.” I reply as clamp both my hands looking over my shoulders.
“I.D son.” I jerk my head back and stare at the bartender, who looks at me with a cold stare.
“Right..” I reply back, as I scramble for my pockets.
The bartender’s stoic gaze suddenly breaks, as a wide smile cracks across his face. “Ah, kid, I’m just yanking your chain. Alright, Bourbon neat. I hope you can handle it straight.” he says with a grin, as he pours me the drink.
I finally begin to relax, chuckling underneath my breath. “I think I’ll be able to manage.” I answer back, as I retrieve my glass.
He laughs, folding his arms while observing me drink. “You’re that new kid. Hukk right?”
The sting of the Bourbon causes me to pause for a second. I finally clear my throat and answer back. “Yep. AHEM *clearing my throat*. That’s me.”
“Yea, I’ve heard of you. Funny guy. A smartass…but funny.” he says, still having his arms folded.
“Thanks..” I reply meekly, continuing to savor my drink.
“Names Joe son.” he says, nodding his head.
“Pleasure sir.” I respond, smiling back as I drink.
He seems to study my tattoo’s for a quite awhile, not saying anything else. I begin to feel nervous again, aware of his curiosity with my tattoo’s. He suddenly leans over, placing both is arms on the counter. “You know, I got a tattoo also.” He begins. I look up, showing a puzzled expression. “Oh..?”
“Yep.” he says, as he begins to roll up his sleeve. I drink my glass patiently as he shows me a small tattoo placed on his arm that reads “USMC.”
“USMC?” I ask inquisitively. “It’s United States Marine Corps son. Got it when I was on a tour in Iraq during desert storm. I was a bit old for it at the time, but hell…I figured never too old for some things right?” he says, winking back.
I break a smile, as I observe his tattoo.
“Really good one sir“ I remark.
Joe provides a hearty laugh, slapping the counter lightly. “Relax kid. Don‘t think you‘re the only who‘s a little different.” he says, as he rolls up his sleeve. Joe slowly begins to walk away, still chuckling before finally attending to Mason once again.
His words manage to finally get me at complete ease. “I guess this is the right place after all..” I whisper to myself as I await what other secrets will reveal themselves to me on this night.
: December 06, 2013, 10:01:07 PM hukk
: 16
1st Drink Is On The House :)
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1639 :
December 06, 2013, 10:18:24 PM »
Old Joe welcomes Hukk into the AB&G with the traditional first free drink. Then chuckles with James_Dean ,
"I think these two guys need a challenge to see what they are made of, don't you?" He says quite loudly. MasonPark and Hukk look at him with suspicion in their eyes .
JD replies , " Oh for sure Joe" tilting his cowboy hat back on his head to size them up.
" Boys" Old Joe speaks directly at the new comers, " We have a bucking bronco over there" he gestures towards the sandy bull pit, then reaches back and slams a bottle of Jack Daniels on the bar counter.
"The guy who lasts the longest on our lovable mechanical bull, wins this bottle, I think JD and Lover should keep the count to make it fair... Are you game? "
Old Joe and JD watch them intently, waiting for their answer.....
Jr. Member
: 72
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1640 :
December 07, 2013, 11:08:33 AM »
‘Thanks Joe, that’s mighty kind of you … and Covems,’
I say giving the old guy a crooked little grin before looking back towards the pool room first, craning my neck a little but unable to really see anything. Turning towards the rotating table my head slightly tilts as I watch the band and patrons locked in their passionate exchange.
‘Well Joe I’ve got to say this is definitely one hell of a bar you’ve got going here. I think I might just have to stick around and see how the rest of the night unfolds. No doubt there will be no shortage of action by the looks of it.’
I grin looking back at the old man behind the bar giving him another grin.
‘Again thanks for the drink, needed it.’
Seeing Hukk enter the bar I give him a nod, raising my glass to him before drinking it down then turn my attention back to the rest of the bar.
“I think these two guys need a challenge to see what they are made of, don’t you?”
the voice of Old Joe spoke, quickly catching my attention as I turn back to him and the others at the bar.
‘A challenge you say?’
I asked with a crooked grin,
‘Well hell I’m up for it if Hukk is!’
I raise my glass to Hukk and start to take a drink then realize it’s empty. Turning back to Joe I slide him the glass,
‘But I might need another one before I get on that thing,’
I say with a chuckle motioning towards the bronco behind me.
Hero Member
: 2755
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1641 :
December 07, 2013, 02:57:15 PM »
Pulls Mrsexlover over with me as I scoot us over closer to Tango and HB. I sit down over her face giving her my wet pussy to lick as I take Mrsexlover's cock into my mouth and sucks him deep into my mouth.
My hands are playing with his balls at the same time as I wiggle against HB's mouth. My hands stroke Mrsexlover's balls over and over as I take him deeper and deeper into my mouth. Sucking him deep, I wiggle my tongue around the underside of his cock.
His passion growing with every lick and suck. He places his hands on my head to guide me in how fast he wants me sucking his cock into my mouth.
Hero Member
: 622
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1642 :
December 07, 2013, 08:45:42 PM »
Hello Joe
Whadda ya know
I just got back from the live sex show.
So ... um... how long does Halloween last around this place?
Here I brought you a Christmas Wreath... or don't you have Christmas?
Still Halloween here, so I'll see ya later.
Hero Member
: 2078
Later, Space Cowboy
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1643 :
December 07, 2013, 09:05:13 PM »
“Crap..” is all I could think as I look over my shoulder to observe the buckin’ Bronco Ol’ Joe and JD spoke of while I down my drink.
“Well, Hukk my boy? Mason is game.” Joe says, still holding onto the bottle of Jack Daniels that rests atop the counter. I can imagine he notices the nervous tick of hesitation in my eyes. The slow feeling of dread that has slowly begun to roll down my spine and down toward my toes.
Joe, perhaps in an effort to snap me out of any thoughts of ominous peril suddenly speaks with a sharp tone. “Hey kid.” he starts. I look over back at him, and blink. “C’mon. There’s a bottle of Jack in it for ya’ if you win. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in life Hukk my’s to never turn down the opportunity to win a free bottle of Jack.” ol’ Joe concludes, laughing a hearty, boisterous laugh.
I slam my glass hard onto the counter, staring toward its empty base. “Well, how can I say no to a challenge?” I finally blurt, as I spin myself around the stool to face the mechanical bull.
Ol’ Joe claps his hands loudly, while releasing a laugh.
“Ha! That a boy you two! Looks, like we’ll be getting a show today!” he exclaims. With an energetic step I didn’t know the old man had, he charges over to the bull in order to get it set up.
I lean over toward Mason, who looks more curious then worried. “Why couldn’t we just accept a game of pool?” I whisper, as I scratch the back of my head, staring down onto the floor.
Mason chuckles underneath his breath, nodding in agreement before finally speaking, “Well, when a bottle of Jack is on the line, I will darn well do about anything to get that bottle.”
I slump slightly on the stool, my elbows resting just along the fringes of the counter.
“Ever ride one of those things?” Mason asks, scratching his chin. I take a moment to rummage through my head if at any point in my life I’ve ever ridden a mechanical bull. “No..” I say in a low hushed tone. “But, I’ve ridden on the Cyclone over in Cooney Island..does that count?” I reply dryly. Mason bursts out laughing, slapping my back with a loud thud. He begins to stand, shaking his head.
“Well, I can’t really say Hukk..” he says, pausing as he still chuckles. “But I know this ride may be a tad bumpier then the rides over in Cooney.”
I grimace while looking over to JD..the man with that cowboy hat on. He reminded me of the Marlboro man - casual and laidback, but with an air of wild outdoor ruggedness, that necessitated respect from those observing. I slowly nod at him. He nods back, while tipping his hat just slightly, smiling.
Mason looks down at me, shoving his hands into his pockets, still grinning. “Well Hukk. Lets show em’ what we’ve got.”
I begin to make my way over to the imposing mechanical bull. It looks old, rusted, and beat. The thing looks like a safety hazard. Ol’ Joe slaps the saddle loudly, as dust flies out into the air.
“Oh, she’s a real beaut’. Don’t worry fellas’….she may look ragged and used..but trust me. She’ll run just fine.” Joe says.
Suddenly, like a demonic force raising its head out of hell, the mechanical bull springs to life. “There we go!” Ol’ Joe shouts with giddy child like enthusiasm. “Alright…who’s gonna be the first one to ride?”
Mason and I look at one another with baffled expressions. A moment of silence settles across the bar, before I finally speak.
“Well, only one way to see who goes first..” I begin. “Rock, paper, scissors.” I conclude.
Mason laughs beneath his breath shaking his head, before nodding in agreement.
We each extend our arms, and say in unison “Rock, paper, scissors shoot.” I throw out paper. He throws out rock.
“Shoot. I lose.” Mason exclaims. “Well, I guess you win. Go up there then Hukk.” he says with a smile.
“Nice try Mason, but I’m afraid winner decides on who goes first. Tag. You’re it.” I reply, chuckling.
Mason shakes his head, looking down onto the ground, as he kicks his boots against the railing surrounding the bronco. “Well, a fella’ had to try.”
Mason dusts his hands, before finally climbing over to ride the mechanical buckin’ Bronco.
: December 07, 2013, 10:06:23 PM hukk
Hero Member
: 4985
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1644 :
December 08, 2013, 01:17:22 AM »
As Sexi is sucking me harder and deeperas i guide her head. I stop licking her pussy for a moment and turn my head to see Tango. He sure is having fun with HB but when he see me looking, a smile appears on his face and nods to me as he know what has come up in my mind.
With my hands on her head i pull Sexi's head of my cock.
"Stop for a moment my love, we are going to move this party to another place then the table. I have asked the dwarfs to fill up the pudding pit with nice flavoured puddingand both Tango and me agree on taking this party to a naughty foodsex mode "
I crawl from underneath Sexi and put some fingers in her wet pussy to pull her allong. I see Tango grabbing HB at her Cock to do the same. I look to the other people at the table.
"Come join us in a dirty food fuck in the pudding pit, you clean up afterwards in Tango's spa"
Karen immediately jumps up and start to pull her man's dick to follow her. As we leave the bar to head to the pit is shout, "you can all come and join us, this is going to be on to remember"
At the edge of the pit with my fingers still deep inside soaking wet tunnel, i turn her around and give her a kiss. "Jump in baby" i say, as i pull back my fingers and give her a little push.
Sexi takes a plump into the pit, but quickly reapears all coverd in pudding.
Now that's how i like you my love as i quickly jump in to start to lick the pudding from various places. The rest jumps into the pit too and soon your here nothing but moaning coming out af the pit from all the licking and sucking that's going on.
mrsexlover, loving all girls, any shape,size or color
Come and join the chat at the town sqaure
Hero Member
: 2755
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1645 :
December 08, 2013, 11:59:29 AM »
Smiles and nods when I hear we are going to the pudding pit for food sex. Excited to have tongues licking all over me eating the pudding.
He slides his fingers into my soaking pussy and rubs against my g spot as he pulls me with him making me moan all the more.
I jump in the pudding and rub it all over my naked body. When I stand back up, mrsexlover joins me and starts licking away at my neck.
He then starts moving down and licking the pudding off my breasts. Licking the entire breast to get the pudding before he moves in to suckle on my nipples. My body arches against him and covers him with pudding.
He then moves down to my stomach licking it clean while he fingers my pussy keeping me writhing against his body sharing that pudding with him. My pussy clenches down on his fingers milking them it was a cock inside.
Hero Member
: 1688
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1646 :
December 14, 2013, 10:06:38 AM »
"Lads", I say to the dwarves, "lets get this place into Christmas shape. We've already discussed, where the decorations should go, same as last year, so lets get to it."
The dwarves busy themselves and the house decoration goes up.
The Merry Christmas lighted sign goes on the mirror behind the bar
along with the Santa Wreath
Christmas Glasses on the wall near the door
And the Lets Be Naughty sign over the donut machine
Dopey comes over to me pulls me down and whispers into my ear. "Yes, Dopey", you can make your tree. I'm sure everyone will enjoy it."
"Ahhhh... doesn't that give you some Christmas spirit? Remember, all you have to do is believe."
I know it does for me.
Time for the "Ugly Christmas Sweater Party" I got mine all picked out.
If ya's haven't burned them, you can use the one Miss Stone gave out last year.
*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
Hero Member
: 974
Bitch's Corner
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1647 :
December 14, 2013, 10:54:12 AM »
back in the bar for the first time in a year.. like the xmas decorations Covers. head for the bar see old joe is still working here . There a lot of new faces in the bar.. when i think of the good time i had in here,, open mic night dancing with jd. get to bar get my drink and sit down to enjoy a night in the Bar & Grill
Hero Member
: 2465
I am into the big blue ocean swimming and dreaming
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1648 :
December 14, 2013, 02:29:12 PM »
I see Lydia and i go closer to her, and i have a sit in front of her. I ask old joe for a beer, and smile to Lydia.
Hello Lydia, long time from the day you dry my blood, can i invite you for a drink?
Achat Bar and grill, look like always in xmas, a stunning place.
Hero Member
: 3444
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1649 :
December 14, 2013, 03:32:01 PM »
Walking back into the bar first Time since the Halloween Party still in my uniform
Looking around thinking what a great Job Covems and the the boys have done with the place
Seeing Zoerink sat with a young lady at the bar I way to Joe with a smile and ask for a Mug of Black coffee
I sit at the end of the bar nod my he to Zoerink and the lady
Joe places the mug in front of me
"Hard day Tango"
he asks
"Not to bad caught a few speeders today that's about all" I reply with a sly wink and a smile
"Hi Captain"
Hearing Karen voice I turn and smile at her "coffee"
"Yes Please that will be great just what I need after that day"
Joe places a fresh mug in front of Karen
There you go Karen nice and strong just how you like it"
He says with a wink
Karen and I sit at the bar chatting about our day
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