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: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )  ( 1220739 )
Hero Member
: 3007

It's just a game...is it???

« #1860 : March 03, 2014, 05:50:30 PM »

Just walking in and being welcomed so warmly by hukk is probably what helped me being quicker at ease.
As he surprisingly lifts me up, hugging me hard, the only sound that comes out of my mouth is: "hhuukkk" feeling a bit crushed in his strong arms.
But my thoughts quickly turn it into a quality " Mmh strong guy, and doesn't look so bad..." as i silently wave him good bye, still under the surpise effect as he walks out.

At the bar, Foxy arrives and welcomes me too. "These guys seem all nice folk, I think I'm gonna have fun here"
Being so close to all this funny group, I naturally listen to Foxy's story with stone... My eyes stare a bit, very curious. But the excitement at the idea of those two making naughty things makes me hold my straw as if I was beginning to suck ...sthg else. Totally unaware of it, Foxy looks briefly at me as she's telling her story and adresses a big smile to comfort me and tell me it's not wrong to think naughty here.
I turn my eyes back a short moment, but quickly come back on her with an slightly ashamed but interested smile.

Later on hukk comes back all in green and begins with his prparations for St-Patrick's day.

- "Say this St-patrick's day looks like something very interesting" i say to him.
- "Yes, you'll see how mad it can be here little Peeka" he answers "But shhhht" turning his look discretely towards Joe "don't tell him!!" And smiles at me like an accomplice.
Not knowing how far it can go yet, I just tell him "ok. I won't tell him. I'm not sure what you have in mind, but...what if I did tell him anything??" Taking the most innocent and attractive look I can.
- "you would learn the powers of a leprechaun my little peeka!!" he answers in a big sadistic laugh.
- "Aow... sounds bad" i say. "these dwarfs don't look funny or sexy at all. And you don't look like one of those. i think being punished by you could be...huh...more exciting, couldn't it?"
But what is this St-Patrick's day anyways?...we don't celebrate it where i come from.

Seeing Brandybee and mrsexlover coming in with "fucked hair" from a door I hadn't noticed yet, my mind starts again to play with me and make think of naughty things. "Oh, there's a Spa here too?? Niiice" I say. But my inner voice tells me that is really not a common spa, and now I'm sure these white stains on the floor I saw before must be what I thought.

With all this in mind, I order another of these wonderful cocktails and prepare mentally for any foolish thing that could happen to me. "Peeka... you should go home. ... or not!!!" And dance again. Coming closer to hukk...

Hero Member
: 2078

Later, Space Cowboy

« #1861 : March 05, 2014, 08:48:19 AM »

While continuing my preparations for St. Paddy's day, Peeka comes along, curious over all the objects out on display.

"Oh, and this? I don't think I've ever used this." Peeka says, holding up a half yard. She begins to make some rather sexual gestures with the half hard, winking back "Is this how you use it?"

I laugh loudly, while observing Peeka's playful usage of the half yard. "Just forgot to add the beer, but you don't bob it up and down over your mouth all the time."

Jay suddenly appears. “Hukk you magnificent Bastard  you brought DAS BOOT!!” 

Jay and me both stand in admiration of Das' Boot that is placed on the table. It almost seems to give off a faint heavenly glow. We both kneel down and bow our heads in silence.

"Yes Jay...it's the one and only: Das Boot. Standing at 13 inches in height, and able to hold 2 litters of beer  ...Das Boot is God's gift to men..ranking right up there with breasts and handle bar mustaches." I say in awe of the radiant splendor that I behold. I clear my throat and pray." AHEM. Oh LORD. Thank you for this magnificent object you have seen fit to deliver upon us men. We are unworthy of such a object, but we humbly accept it, with all our heart."

"Amen." Jay and me both conclude in unison.   I stand back up, and begin prepping for the first event. "Lets go with a golden Oldie. Beer Pong."

I retrieve an 8 foot table and begin to place 10 plastic party cups on each side. Finally I retrieve a beer pong and place it on the table.

"Alright, for all those who don't know the rules, I shall explain. Two teams face off against one another. The amount of people on each team usually is just 2 v 2 but if you guys want to go 3 v 3, I'll just have to add 2 more cups on each side to make it more interesting. The cups are placed in a triangle formation..sorta like bowling pins.  The object of the game is to throw (lob it) your beer pong in the opposing teams cup. If a beer pong lands in the cup, the opposing team must drink that cup of beer containing the pong for that round. The amount of times a team is allowed to shoot for a round depends on the amount of team members. So if there are 2 players in each team, then 2 shots (1 shot each from the 2 players) are allowed from that team each round. A winner is determined once one team has cleared the opposing teams cups of beers (forced them to drink all their cups). The losing team must then proceed to drink the winning teams remaining cups of beer as well.

"Also, one last addition to this beer pong game. Because I know you people like all things sexy, I'll add a little naughty twist. I addition to drinking a cup of beer(s) that round, if the opposing team lands a beer pong in your cup, they may choice which article of clothing for you to remove. So think of this as a sort of strip tease beer pong. Table and body bounces are allowed. Do not cheat. " I finally conclude.


I look around the bar, and see a few head nods in approval of the game. Pachacuti  comes along to the table and seems pumped up to play. "Groowl, ROOAR!"

"Yes, Pacha.....you need nerves of steel to play this game." I respond back. I proceed to fill the cups half way with beer.

"Now to determine the teams. Who dares to play?" I ask loudly in the bar.
Hero Member
: 3007

It's just a game...is it???

« #1862 : March 05, 2014, 09:17:50 AM »

trying out the half yard and playing with it in obvious ways Ianswer to hukk's question "is this how you use it?" with "well, you named it a half hard...So I'm just helping, hihi. Only one ball huh...bowl under, but what a nice one!"

"Das Boot looks attractive too, but really too biiiig, even for me huhu"

Becoming a bit joyful thanks to the cocktails I already had, I feel ready for all. And the game hukk is proposing seems quite fun, so I shout
"Count me in, I can play with beer-balls...huh I mean beer-pongs!! You hukk go in the opposite team, I'll get you naked boy!!" And begin to jump around very excited.

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #1863 : March 05, 2014, 12:13:14 PM »

I amble over to Old Joe and without even ordering he places a fresh cup of English tea on the bar top for me. I settle on the stool as he studies my hair!

“What?”  I ask him sipping the tea.
He just chuckles and shakes his head. “Want me to tend to the place, while you …. Erm… sort yourself out?”

I catch sight of myself in the long horizontal mirror behind the bar and chuckle too and stare in disbelief at my “Just fucked” hair.
“I see what you mean” I agree.  “ I’ll drink this first then head out to the cabin to get ready for St Patricks Day”   

Old Joe rummages around the back counter and finds my truck keys and throws them to me. I catch them and blow him a kiss as he turns to welcome a new comer and pours Peeka her first drink on the house.

I smile at her and raise my cup of tea in welcome. She stares at my hair too and the white robe with “ I’ve been Tango’d “ emblazoned across the back in orange squirly writing.
I just shrug my shoulders, smile crookedly and raise my eyebrows and say “Welcome to the AB&G, it’s quite the party here, when it starts”

Jayc and Stone are busy putting the finishing touches to the decorations and Hukk is inspecting the 7 Dwarfs now dressed as leprechauns.  I’m impressed he managed to get them all dressed like that and wonder what Covems will think when he  gets back.

James_Dean (JD ) joins me and stares at my hair, “ Nice”  he mutters sarcastically and I playfully punch him on the shoulder. 
He orders a drink and I pay for it, just for a change, and make a mental note to chase Covems up to pay his dues.

I see the poster for the Erotic Story Contest, Stone had kindly put up earlier to remind the villagers to read and vote before  31 March 2014

Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests > " MEDIEVAL " THE STORIES. EROTIC STORY CONTEST 6.   http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,3006.0.html   

HisGirlOnly, CutieGuy and Tomi85 were pinning another one to it. 
“Whats that about ?”   JD enquires nodding over to them.
I pick up the leaflet from the end of the bar and we both read it…

Prize 500A$
1. Post your BEST steak pic and your BEST BJ pic and submit in pm to HisGirlOnly (HGO)  ••
2. Deadline is 12th March
3. Judging will be done my forum mods BB, Lover, HB
4. 1st come 1st served pic priority meaning u post 1st u get that pic for competition
Have Fun!  ••

Forum Homepage > Organizations & Events > Contests > Town Square best steak & BJ competition

“Sounds fun”  JD  nods impressed and I agree. 
“You should enter” I point out the prize of A$500. 

As we chat, Lover, Roxxy and Freddie  join us and I pass the leaflet to them to read.  All look at my amazing hair but are too polite to mention it.  Lover is still hugging that box and I wonder what on earth is inside it.

Hukk, Jayc and Peeka then begin discussing a game for the “Das Boot” and as the villagers gather round in interest, I make my excuses to leave.

“Laters guys, I need to pop home and sort my rather fetching appearance out”
They all nod wondering, how I was going to tame the “Just fucked hair”

I pick up the truck keys and still in my white spa robe, jump in the driver’s seat to return to Moose Lodge.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 10350

« #1864 : March 06, 2014, 04:40:52 PM »

I wondered what hukk was doing, all I knew was he's planning St. Patricks Day.

I look at the boot he was showing around the bar and hear him shouting he has "Das Boot".

I wonder more and more, Das Boot is a German term for A Boat and very famous in an old movie about a submarine in world war 2.

But I never have heard this term in relation with a boot before!

I smile.. you learn something new every day, one more proof our village is not just sex and fun, but also education and teaching.
It brings joy to my heart  ;D

Jayc also loves DAS BOOT and it seems is having fun - I'm sure, it will be another great party and I'm looking forward to it ;D

"Now to determine the teams. Who dares to play?" Hukk asks loudly in the bar. .

I smile to Roxxy and shout "Of course I am in. I never would miss a crazy game" I laugh out loud. How often did I drink from such a boot in my younger years and also this beer pong game I've played often enough.

I look around and dont believe my eyes. I see Brandy and her new uhm.. hairstyle???
What the hell is it?
I almost spit my beer as I'm laughing my ass off...

I hear her talking “Laters guys, I need to pop home and sort my rather fetching appearance out”
We all nod wondering, how she was going to tame that “Just fucked hair”

I knew she wouldn't be too long. Her cabin, Moose Lodge, was over on Crystal Lake.  I could wait till she returned.

Roxxy and I mingle with the others and buy Old Joe a drink.  "You still got that box I see?" He says to me and I nod then wink,
"But not for long Joe, not for long"  I answer him.
"What are you up to now?" He asks not really expecting an answer and I dont disappoint him and just laugh.
"Wait and see Joe, wait and see"

Brandy arrives back about 45 minutes later, looking quite stunning in her brand new dress and her hair thankfully back to normal. She walks in looking slightly vacant thumbing her necklace thoughtfully.

She walks over to join Stone and Jayc at the bar, watching some patrons trying out  "Das Boot".

I walk over to her and Stone.

 "Brandy, Stone... I have something for you" I say, standing behind them. As expected, both turn around.
I indicate for them to hold out their hands.

"This one is for you!" I grin.

Both are suddenly holding the box in their hands now, looking at it.  I nod to Halie and she is ringing the bell.

"Ladies and Gentleman, friends, neighbours and hukk... the box game just has finsihed and two great Ladies may open the box now!"   

I lead them to stage. Looking at me, with a mix of surprise, fun and also displeasure they start to open it.... the thrill is rising and everybody comes closer to see whats inside. Brandy and Stone just find a little piece of paper inside.
"Read it loud please" I say grinning devilishly.

Stone is reading The owner of the box has to choose another person to do a... she stops and is starring at me... then to Brandy who is taking the piece of paper and goes on reading ...to do a  pudding twist in bar!"

Both are starring at me while everyone in bar starts screaming, stamping and whistlening...

"Pudding twist..pudding twist..pudding twist"

I better leave the stage before they both recognize what's going on and hurry back to my girl. She welcomes me with a long kiss before we stop and have to laugh and start screaming too "Pudding twist...pudding twist"

"Hey Stone and Brandy, I think I don't have to explain the rules...lmao"

Stone whispers to Brandy "What the hell is a Pudding Twist? Is is some kind of eating contest?" 
Brandy groans,  "No, not at all, It's a wrestling match in the Pudding Pit... The Lover has struck"!!!

I raise my drink at the two ladies centre stage as the thought of the pudding bout sinks into their shocked brains.

Well, this might be a very special St. Patricks Day... ;D

« : March 06, 2014, 05:45:17 PM Brandybee »

Hero Member
: 2465

I am into the big blue ocean swimming and dreaming

« #1865 : March 07, 2014, 02:52:46 PM »

The night is over my head, i arrive to the port, my lovely port.. and just in front of i can see the lights of achat bar, so i walk, step by step to the bar, and i go direct to the bar.

I need a beer, a big one, the bigest one.... HELLO EVERYONE!!!

Hero Member
: 10350

« #1866 : March 07, 2014, 04:14:30 PM »

I see an well know face stepping inside. "Hey zoe, great to see youre back. Just in time, Brandy and stone have to do a pudding fight soon" I laugh and high five him.

Hero Member
: 10457


« #1867 : March 08, 2014, 12:52:32 PM »

Drinking a few margarita with 3 x  shots of the best Tequila in them im feeling tipsy drunk.hey Joe

thank you. you make the best  margarita  keep them coming please and A Caipirinha for my love please.

 we mingle  enjoy all the company of every one  kissing my honey now and then .. we hear some moaning

sounds coming from the back room
ahhhh oohhhhh ahhhhh we wounder who its  from .

Feeling a little buzzy  I see Hukk dressed as a  leprechaun or a green alien I think doing the shuffle dance   

I scream ! are we under attack by  aliens


They assured me it is the Dwarfs dressed as leprechauns, they lough saying Halie had to many
margarita for the day.

Hukk is shouting   

St. Patrick's Day  St. Patrick's Day  St. Patrick's Day is coming up. Lets decoration when  they are done I have to say the bar looks great with all its St Patricks Streamers shamrocks and banners
   He starts to rap  the   Leprechaun Rap
We all join in the raping and shuffling

"Lep in the Hood"

I come from the land of the Irish spring
Dublin's the place where I learned my thing
From the Emerald Isle to your place in the hood
I'm the man of green come to do no good

Lep in the Hood, come to do no good
Lep in the Hood, come to do no good

Plenteous dope, this place is hot
There's a lassie, she's just my type
I hate to resort so soon to magic
Haven't been laid in so long it's tragic

I'm so bad, I'm good

I'll show you what to do, so lend an ear
Don't worry, little lassie, you've got nothig to fear
Sit with the lad who's lean and green
And let me show you why I'm a love machine

Come to do no good

I'm a wee green guy who's new to town
Show me what you do when you get down
I'll do up, you go down
We'll cause a scene, you'll love the green

Lep in the Hood, come to do no good
Lep in the Hood, when we're bad, we're good

From the cliffs of More to your front door
Better turn out the lights and pray some more
We're gonna party through the night until the dawn
Then you and I are gonna get it on

Lep in the Hood, come to do no good
Lep in the Hood, come to do no good

Lep in the Hood, come to do no good
Lep in the Hood ...

Come to do no good.

We all start to lough even Pachacutie after CuteGuy  got him drunk

I walk over to

Pachacutie and give him a hug  no hard feeling little guy after I rolled you off My Hill I see you are

fine he nod to me and we give him more beer.
I walk back to my Gorgeous Lover And kiss him mmmm baby you still got this gift! is it time to open it at that moment  Hukk  pulls out a box full of glass Das Boot and shouts

Now to determine the teams. Who dares to play?"Hukk asks loudly in the bar. I look at lover he smiles and shout "Of course I am in and laugh. here we go agine lol I am in to. the other men's eye  open up and cheer  Das Boot Das Boot.they are all drinking from the Das Boots. I drink my margarita in it
My honey is drinking his beer

spit his beer laughing at that moment Brandy walks  out from the room we heard the moans coming from
every one  stares in disbelief they start to laugh  but  do not  say any thing  to  be polite .Brandy  screams what! its my new hairstyle  Just fucked hair. She drive off to go get changed comes back soon I was thinking it would take her days to come it out  but shes a wounder women comes back clean and fresh  how did she do it I will always  wounder .Zoerink  walks in we welcome him back good to have you back Zoe.

Lover  says honey its time its time  yay so he walks over to Brandy and stone  nods at me and I start ring the bell and hands them the box  it  is time to open the box he tells them to  open it  up and read the note

Stone is reading The owner of the box has to choose another person to do
a..Pudding twist...pudding twist

we  all  starts screaming, stamping and whistlening...

"Pudding twist..pudding twist..pudding twist clapping  for the lady's to  do Pudding twist!..

Honey! go hide before BB and Stone  throw you their Boot hahahah

  With my Strawberry MARGARITA BOOT in my hand I go cheer the lady's


     Pudding twist !  Pudding Twist !  Pudding Twist !

           "Just another crazy fun day at the Bar! "

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 1842

« #1868 : March 09, 2014, 01:24:43 PM »

I am standing with Jayc and Hukk giggling over demonstrations with the  “Das Boot”  of fine German beer.

“You should try it baby,”  Jayc teased me.
“You just want to see my T Shirt beer soaked,” I tease back.
Jayc grins at Hukk and agrees, “She knows me too well”

Hukk’s smile widens, “I’ve got a white one you could borrow,”  he suggests in an exaggerated hopeful voice that makes me burst out laughing.
“Seeing as you asked so sweetly, I just might,” I reply.

At this I am interrupted by Brandybee chuckling at Jayc and Hukk’s leering faces.  “ You should, you were quite good at the Yard Of Ale”  She comments.
I notice  she is wearing a beautiful new teardrop sapphire necklace around her neck.
“That’s beautiful,” I compliment her looking.  “New?”
“ Sort of,” she answers mysteriously and before she can say more, Lover joins behind us.

"Brandy, Stone... I have something for you," He catches our attention and we turn round.
He makes us open our hands and places the box  in them as he says, “This is for you”

Stone and Brandybee have the box.

We both look a little puzzled and then FoxxyRoxy rings the bar bell and announces,
"Ladies and Gentleman, friends, neighbours and hukk... the box game just has finished and two great Ladies may open the box now!"   

Brandy and I look at each other, knowing somehow we are the subject of a little devilment but not sure yet how this is going to play out.
Lover then leads us both to the stage and I whisper to Brandy, “What have you done now?”  She feigns innocence.  We both follow him as we both look at the box wondering what on earth is inside it.

Once on stage, Lover encourages us to open the box and we find a … note.

I open it and I read aloud, “The owners of the box has to choose another person to do a… I stop in disbelief.
Brandy takes over and goes on reading ...” to do a pudding twist in bar!"
Everyone starts clapping and cheering.

I whisper to Brandy to just make sure I knew what a pudding twist was … and she confirms what it was.
She says, “It's a wrestling match in the Pudding Pit... The Lover has struck"!!!

I begin to laugh. Brandy looks at me bewildered and laughs too, “You think this is funny?”
“Yes, I owe you for the secret valentine date. You know I should have won that.” I remind her.
“In your dreams,” she retorts.

Brandy raises her hands and addresses the audience,  “Ladies and Gentleman”   the crowd’s cheers start to subside.
“Your wish is our command, Give us a couple of hours to get the pit and costumes ready and prepare for the “St Patricks Day Brandy and Stone wrestling extravaganza “
The crowd cheers and claps again …   

We leave the stage and I purposely tread on Lover’s toe who yelps as he feels it crush under my stamping weight.

“Jayc is in my corner,” I tell Brandy, “Who’s going to be in yours?”
“I have no idea,” Brandy frowns, “I wonder if someone might volunteer”

I make my way to Jayc intending to change in the Batcave dungeon. I think my  “Little Oak” wrestling robe was in his wardrobe there.

I greet Zoerink and Freddie who had also arrived and seemed eager to stay for the pudding wrestling. They are chatting with a new girl Peeka and I smile at her in welcome.

Jayc orders the leprechaun dwarfs to prepare the pit with strawberry edible oil.
Foxxy agrees with the pudding choice and wonders if she can buy a bottle for use on Lover later. 
“Sure, I’ll arrange a bottle for you,”  I agree helpfully and make a mental note to include extra odourless mint, chilli and ruby red essence to make an interesting but harmless skin irritant that causes the skin to colour bright red over a period of time. It’s semi permanent so will colour the skin at least a week before wearing off.
“He’ll look like a bright red tomato, “   I think silently to myself and smile sweetly in his direction.

Then with that delightful thought,  Jayc and I make our excuses and  go through the secret entrance to our dungeon to prepare for the imminent wrestling match.

« : March 09, 2014, 01:28:00 PM Stone »

Hero Member
: 2078

Later, Space Cowboy

« #1869 : March 10, 2014, 09:07:46 AM »

The bar seems to be in high spirits, as we all conclude our St. Patrick's day rapping.

"Cheers!" cries Zoe and CG, holding their drinks in the air.

I down my drink and slam it on the table. "Alright, so who is up for the beer pong challenge?" I ask once more.

"Count me in, I can play with beer-balls...huh I mean beer-pongs! says Peeka. 

"Of course I am in. I never would miss a crazy game" answers Lover next. I flash a thumbs up, in approval for their willingness to play, and potentially embarrass themselves too. "We still need one more person!" I cry. Halie, stumbles toward us, weaving her caprhinna drink in front of our faces. The alcohol from her drink splashes on her faces and shirts while she speaks "Of course I am in!" We all stare at Halie with a bit of uncertainty. "Honey, I think maybe you're not going to be able to play." Lover says, trying to lead Halie to a chair for her to sit.
Halie, shakes him off, "Don't tell me what I can and can not do! I'm totally fine. I can play."
"Halie, you're tipsy. I think you've had enough." I intervene, laughing. "HA. I know what it ish. Both of you are scared. Lets up, the bet then. Loser does 100 push ups, along with stripping!" she says in a slur. Lover rolls his eyes, shaking his head in disapproval. "I don't know.."
I grab Lover by his left arm and lead him away "Hey, c'mon. This will be fun. Halie is too drunk to win, and Peeka looks like she has never even played before. This will be an easy win."
Lover sighs, but nods his head in approval. "Alright, but I only do this because I love her!" We both spin around and walk back to Halie and Peeka.
"Alright then, you two versus us. You know the rules. Let the best team win!" I shout. Peeka claps her hands in excitement "Yay! You guys are going down!"
I roll my eyes and do a thumbs down motion. "In your dreams Peeka. Sorry that your first time experience here at the bar will be a humiliating one!" I laugh, arrogantly. I grab Pachacuti who drinks alongside Jay and Stone. I could tell the panda has had one too many drinks already. He has a red tie around his head like a bandana, and sporty black sunglasses on. "C'mere you. We need you to referee the game."

"Growl, roooar, snarl!" he answers back. "Sure, just make sure to wash later." I reply back.

Lover and me take our place on one side of the table, and Halie and Peeka take their place on the opposite side. Ten cups of half filled beverage are placed on each side. Pachacuti stands at the center of the table, slightly slumped over, barely able to stand erect from all the alcohol in his system. "Alright, normally a rock, paper, scissors, duel determines who goes first. But, because me and Lover are so nice (and want to show a bit of mercy) we'll allow you gals to go first. LET THE GAME BEGIN!" I shout.

Pachacuti hands Halie the beer pong ball. She stares at it in amazement for what seems to be forever, not saying anything. Finally she says
"Oh..so what am I to do with this ball again?!" she cries. Lover nearly falls back laughing. "This is gonna a walk in the park." I whisper to Lover.

"Oh sweety, you gotta just throw that ball in one of the cups over where they are." Peeka explains.

"OH! Is that all? Well, here goes." she yells, readying to throw the ball. Lover and me both stand, with our arms crossed, waiting for her to miss.

She takes her sweet time....having one eye shut and angling herself for the perfect shot. "Hey, anytime you're ready hot shot." I say.
She lets the ball fly.*plop* It lands perfectly in the cup. I stare down in amazement for a second, but quickly snicker. "Luckily shot."
Lover takes the cup and drinks it before placing the empty cup on the side of the table. He proceeds to remove his shoes and tosses them over to Pachacuti. Next goes Peeka.

"Okay..here goes nothing!" she cries. Just as she's releasing the ball from her hand, Halie accidentally slumps onto her right shoulder. "?!"

The ball flies toward my forehead. *smack* It bounces off, and lands in another cup. "ROOAR, Growl!" Pachacuti yells, holding his right arm up, indicating doubles for Peeka. I seem furious, unable to coupe with how lucky both they were. "Dammit, I shouldn't have allowed for bounces..." I mutter. "YAY! Now drink up and strip!" commands Peeka. "ROOAR, WOOF, ZOINK!" adds Pacha.

"Dammit, I know panda...shut it." I yell. I drink from 2 cups and slam them on the outer edge of the table. Next, I remove my own shoes and hand them to Pachacuti. Me and lover stare at one another. "Things just got real." I say. "Yes...I think this won't be easy after all." Lover says.

We both show our serious faces and stare down at our opponents. "We will break you." I say. And with that...the game of beer pong resumes, all the while playing to the song of Eye of the Tiger by Survivor that happens to be blaring in the bar.


What proceeds is a montage of the game, showing a back and forth slug fest between the teams. High fives are exchanged during moments of triumph. Groans and shouts of anger are displayed during moments of despair. Halie and Peeka, keep making miraculous shots, while we rely on skill to inch closer to victory. The game seems evenly matched, with neither team able to pull away with a huge lead. After what seems like one hour of the game, it now comes down to 1 cup each. Both teams are down to their bra's, panties, undies, and shirt. We all look a little tipsy at this point.

Jay watches on in amazement, with a drink in hand as the game proceeds. Stone, walks over to him wondering what has got his attention.

"You've been here for one hour. Everything oka-" "SHHHHH!" Jay interrupts her. "This game is good. I don't know who is gonna win..." he mutters.

Stone sits by him, observing the game. Meanwhile, I lean on Lover, whispering. "Alright *hiccup* We got dis' amigo! We ain't gonna lose to them!" I say, while wobbling.

"We got those boys *burp* on the ropes now...we jush' gotta concentrate..." Peeka says to Halie who is barely able to stand.
"ROAR, GROWL!" cries Pachacuti, indicating for the game to resume. Peeka, proceeds to go first. She lets the ball fly. *tap* It hits the rim of the cup and falls on the table. She slumps on Halie, disheartened by the missed attempt. "Don't worry Peeka. I got this!" cries Halie. 

Halie takes a deep breath. The area around us goes quiet as she enters a Zen like state. She suddenly opens her eyes and focuses on the last cup.

Jay begins to speak ..."Mother of God..."

"What is it Jay?" asks Stone. "Her eyes....she's got the eye of the Tiger..." he points.

Halie's eyes seem to be lit aflame. She proceeds to throw her beer pong ball. The ball travels in slow motion as we all stare. *Plop* It hands in the cup. Lover and me throw up our arms in disbelief.

"ARRGH! This is utter B.S!" I yell. Lover shushes me, while he tries to concentrate on his shot. He throw and it is way off, hitting Pacha on his belly. "Yep. I'm drunk." Says Lover. I smack my forehead with my hand, before angling for my shot.

"You can do this Hukk. You are the man. You were born for this moment!" Lover says trying to motivate me. "I am the man!" I cry before taking my shot. It flies in the air and lands just on the rim of the cup. It actually rattles around it somehow...twirling around the rim of the cup.

"YES. GO IN BABY!" I cry. Halie suddenly hunches down and blows the beer pong off the cup with a single puff.

"ROOAR! GROWL, KABLAAM!" Yells Pachacuti, pointing his furry paws to Peeka, and Halie. "Holy Moses, they won!!" cries Jay.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT COUNTS!?" I scream, grabbing Pachacuti by the neck. "Snarl, roar, grunt." replies Pachacuti back.

"GIRLS ARE ALLOWED TO BLOW THE BALL OFF FROM THE CUP!? ARRRGH!" I cry. Meanwhile, Peeka, and Halie both jump for joy, absolutely glowing both from victory and from all the alcohol in them. They suddenly stumble backwards, nearly falling on a nearby table. "Alright, you two, you know what to do....100 push ups!" cries Halie

Lover and me seem to sob...still taken aback from our lose. We reluctantly place ourselves on the ground...and proceed to do 100 pushes up in our underwear's. Lover begins to count "One....two....three...."

This makes for a good diversion while, Stone, Jay, BB, and the dwarf leprechauns prepare for the pudding twist match up.

« : March 10, 2014, 11:38:09 AM hukk »
Hero Member
: 3007

It's just a game...is it???

« #1870 : March 10, 2014, 10:56:42 AM »

The game has begun and I can’t seem to wait to have those overconfident guys stripping.

As my 1st ball hits hukk’s head I stare holding my hands on my mouth  desperate to see it land in a cup...what eventually happens, triggering a joyfull jump «YAY! Now drink up and strip!»

Hukk tries to intimidate us with his serious face «We will break you». To what I respond with «haha! what are you gonna break??? Look at this!» Turning around, showing him my butt and slapping it in provocation.

The game goes on, we all miss and hit. Nothing is decided yet.

After almost an hour, and first afraid of Halie’s condition, I regain confidence at each of her succesful throw. «Damn you’re good Halie!! Gimme five!»  until i miss a decisive ball. But there she is again to reassure me «Don’t worry Peeka. I got this!» «Ok, come on! You can do it!» I shout before letting her concentrate for the last throw. I lean back on a table, desperatly trying to keep my balance.  And staring at the last cup, some of the cheering public could see my doubtful look as i think «damn is there really only one cup left? I see so many at the moment...She can’t miss» ending with a big «Hiccup!!!»

After Lover missed his last ball, I shout «Don’t shoot the referee! haha!Poor Pachacuti» giving him a small caress on his face. «Snarl, roar, grunt»

So hukk goes for the last cup too. It is close...the ball rattles around the edges but isn’t falling yet. Already in disbelief I shout «NOOOOO!» Staring at this slow motion rolling ball with eyes almost coming out of my orbits. That’s when Halie blows it out the cup. I look at Pachacuti, not knowing what he will decide. This second seems to last for minutes, my heart beats at such a rate...then he points out at Halie and me designing us as the winners. Jumping for joy, I hug Halie, give her a big kiss «You’re a genius Halie!!!» and enjoy our win jumping around and in Pachacuti’s arms. «Snarl, roar, grunt»

«Alright you two, you know what to do...100 push ups!» shouts Halie. To what I add «Mwahah! Yes show us what those muscles are good for!!» I approach lover and Hukk, kneeling before hukk, just before his face and begin to count with the public. «haha, now I know what I came for. Seeing you like this is such a pleasure dear! I love this bar!"

«Mmmmgrrmmbll 34, mmgrr 35... you...36...just won...37...because we...38...were gentlemen enough...39...to let you begin...40" says hukk trying to keep his breath under control.
To what I answer "Haha of course sweetheart... just keep being gentlemen, that’s how we love you guys!" Tapping their back slowly to encourage them.
« : March 10, 2014, 11:00:26 AM Peeka »

Hero Member
: 2208

French Nympho Shemale

« #1871 : March 10, 2014, 11:36:33 AM »

Hi Joe,
Suze lemon please...

mmmmm better than some fuck  8)

Thank you, bye...

I'm here for the pleasure of my body and my... mind
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #1872 : March 10, 2014, 04:44:00 PM »

Old Joe watches in amusement at the fantastic beer ping pong going on with the other patrons in the bar and laughs when the players get drunker and drunker and loses their clothes one by one.

Eventually the boys lose and the girls all admire the fabulous rippling muscles of Lover and Hukk as they do 100 press ups each.

Nat33 arrives just in time for the last few and orders a drink.  Old Joe duly serves her and says "Stick around, the wrestling will be starting soon"

The dwarfs had set up the dipped pudding pit beautifully.  They had pulled a special rubber sheet to help contain the strawberry oil and made the flooring toe deep with delicious smelling edible warmed oil.  They had then thoughtfully handed out squirty bottles of the oil to the ones seated near the pit for squirting at will at us wrestling girls.

Cameras were strategically placed so that the action could also be viewed on screens around the bar and Happy and Doc were in charge of ensuring that it was all filmed and the best bits replayed to the excited audience.

“Das boot” long glasses were placed at the corners for ale to be drunk between rounds in true St Patricks Day style.

Dopey was in Stones “Little Oak” corner to replenish her glass.
Sneezy was in my “Queen Bee” corner to do the same.

Lover went to change into his very sexy black latex suit to protect himself from the oil to act as referee in Covems absence.

FoxxyRoxy was beside herself in glee when she saw him in such a tight revealing outfit.  “He looks so hot” she gushed to Hukk, who had to agree.  He was a very handsome, good looking man.
The music for the grand entrances was all set.   
The crowd waits patiently as we both change in our dungeons.

I wear a slinky black bikini with a lacy camisole over the top and a black eye mask with little bees on. I then place my black boxing robe on with a warrior yellow and black bee embroidered on the back and my black thigh high zipped boots.
Mrsexlover  meets me at the entrance and offers to be my corner man. I gratefully accept and hug him for his support.
We wait patiently in the pool room and he whispers words of encouragement and inspiration.

Stone and Jayc arrive shortly after.  Stone is also dressed the part in her “Little Oak” tree colours of forest green and purple.  She has a purple bikini on with a see through lacy green camisole and her white silk boxing robe with purple edging and a bonsai “Little Oak “ tree in green and brown on the back. She has matching purple zip boots with the little oak emblem on the ankles.
We nod and complement each other on the oil costumes, we had found in our rooms, ordered no doubt by Lover, Jayc and tangoracer in their payback plans.

We hear Lover in the main bar, begin our introductions

“Ladies and Gentlemen,  the Fight Night event is about to begin.  A big round of applause for ….“Sok-it-to-em Stone, “     

The intro music starts as Stone flexes and makes her way to her corner of the pit. 
Music blares out at her entrance -   

You're going down - sick puppies    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0M5D5OA-d4

The crowd cheers  especially when Jayc, ceremoniously removes her boots and she struts in the oil around the pit, showing off her fabulous figure.

As her music dies down,  Lover speaks again with his microphone…  “And her opponent,  a big hand for …  Bash-it-to-em Brandybee”   

My intro music is then played as I enter, waving to the crowd, followed by mrsexlover.

Fight to Win  By  YourFavoriteMartian    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9I8HINeAcuQ

Mrsexlover also flamboyantly removes each of my boots and I strut in much the same way as Stone had done earlier.

As my music ends ,  Stone sings her tune  “ One of us, one of us is going down” 

Of course, I have to answer in kind with my song   “I’m gonna fight, fight fight to win”  I sing…

« : March 10, 2014, 04:45:45 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 1842

« #1873 : March 11, 2014, 09:11:36 AM »

“One of us, one of us is going down,” I sing loudly towards Brandybee.  I am psyched up and looking forward to taking on the Queen Bee in the pudding pit.

We stare each other out and she sings back, “I’m gonna fight, fight, fight to win.”

The crowd cheers at our displays of defiance to each other and feel the excited tension in the air.

Lover steps forward in his knee height black buckled boots and laytex, tight fitting, black suit. I appraise his attire and handsome figure and face.  He would not look amiss in the “Blue Oyster” gay bar. And with that tight little butt, he certainly would not be short of propositions from the male cliental!

“The rules are quite simple,” Lover announces into the mic so all can hear.
 “There will be three rounds lasting 10 minutes each.  A pin down of both shoulders lasting 3 seconds gives a point to the opponent who does the hold down.
No biting or gouging.
The rounds will be started off by me ringing the bell, at which point the girls will down the ale in “Das Boot” held by one of the dwarfs and make to the pit to begin their wrestling.
No one is allowed to enter the pit except me, as referee. But you are allowed to squirt oil at the girls using the squirty bottles provided. ( Little do we know, that oil is icy cold, compared to the warm strawberry oil in the pit )

The winner will be decided by the patrons of our Forum Village by taking a bottle of wine to Jayc in Stone’s corner in support of Stone.”
 My supporters cheer and wave their “Little Oak” flags at this and I raise my hands to acknowledge them all, blowing kisses.

“Or if you think Brandybee should win, by taking a bottle to mrsexlover in Brandy’s corner,”
Brandy’s supporters raise a cheer then, with mine booing hers in a good natured show of support for both of us.  Brandy also waves to her supporters and raises her clenched fists to salute them.

Lover then introduces each of us as we circle the pit.

“The girls wrestling tonight are our very own Head Bar Maid and general scrubber – “Sok-it-to-em Stone” She is  5ft 7” ( about 1.73m ), weighs  9.5 stone ( about 60kg ) and is a 36C cup with a 30inch waist. ( about 76cm) ”

As I strut passed Brandy ,  “You fat knacker,” Brandy goads me and I grin at her. 
“You are just jealous of my curves,”  I answer,  “and at least I’m not as ugly as sin like you!”

Brandy chuckles at me and Lover then reads her attributes loud out as I return to Jayc in my corner.

I reach in my bag by Jayc  and fetch out 2 bottles of Strawberry oil, containing the extra mint  mild skin irritant and Ruby Red special semi permanent skin colouring ingredient.   I hand one to FoxxyRoxy  and one to HB for their intimate moments with Lover and tangoracer.  "Enjoy"  I whisper, smiling.

Brandy circulates the pit, peacocking around showing off her fabulous figure.
Lover announces, “We also have the owner of The AB&G -  “Bash-it-to-em Brandy” She is slightly taller at 5 ft 8” ( 1.77m ) , weighs in at 9 Stone (57 Kg ) and is a 26B cup with a 28 inch waist (about 71 cm)”

The crowds cheer and clap at our strutting and fighting talk.  Brandy returns to her corner and mrsexlover.  He kisses her on the cheek.

“Ladies, are you ready?”   We both nod and  Dopey fills my “Das Boot” with ale and Sneezy fills Brandy’s.
As the long glasses are filled to the top,  Lover waits and then rings the bell. “ Round 1” He shouts.

At the same time, Brandy and I grab the glasses and begin to chug the ale down our throats. The crowd and our seconds shout and cheer encouragement....

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #1874 : March 11, 2014, 11:24:27 AM »

I take the long “Das Boot” glass off Sneezy quickly in case he decides to add any extra ingredients from  that constant allergy he has and of course I want to beat Stone to the centre of the ring.

The Ale is strong and cool as I tip the never ending amber liquid down my throat, swallowing furiously. Some oozes from my mouth and trickles down the outside of my throat. Then more gushes out and onto my black bikini top and lacy camisole.

I arch my spine to tip the glass, thrusting my breasts out in much the same technique as Stone in the opposite corner.  Our slender figures are shown off to perfection, our long braids falling down our backs.

The cold liquid gushes down my neck and then floods over my breasts. My bikini top, now wet, clings to my mounds and my nipples pucker and point.  The camisole top goes quite transparent and clings to the bikini top and just accentuates my luscious curves.

I feel the alcohol reach the pit of my stomach and in lightening quick speed pass through into my blood stream.  It makes me feel slightly whoosey and giggly and slightly flushed.
The ale seems never ending, but at last the final part of the liquid gushes down the glass and into my throat.

I shake my head to try and clear the sudden rush of euphoria and gigglyness and hand the glass to Sneezy. Then on unsteady feet make my way to the centre of the pit.

Unseen by me and Stone, Bashful speaks with Sneezy and Dopey.  “Did you add it in the drink?” They both nod and grin mischieviously. “Good, put another dose in the next one” He instructs and hands both another small bottle of poppers (amyl nitrite). These are used to cause a short, sharp head-rush like 'high' and enhance sexual experiences.

I walk slightly unsteady. The oil on my feet and ground makes for easy slipping and a couple of times I nearly over balance.

Stone is a few seconds behind me on her drink and as she hands the glass to Dopey, I take advantage and grip her in a headlock from behind.
In doing so, her breasts jut out and jiggle in her skimpy bikini. The nipples rise up to the edge, tantalisingly, threatening to pop over the top. The light brown of her areolas can be seen peaking.

It crosses my mind that the boys had ordered bikini’s a size too small for us!!

Stone struggles but we are quite evenly matched. However in doing so, her nipples slip out of her top much to the delight of the crowd. They are pointed and proud as the material begins to slip under her orbs.

In our struggle, we slowly turn round so all can view her beautiful tits slowly slipping out of their covering.  People sitting near the ring, squirt oil at her tits, aiming for her nipples. The cold liquid causes goose  pimples on her breasts and her nipples to harden and react. She gasps at the cold temperature on her skin, much to their delight.
I arch her back even more and she is soon exposed and oily at the top.

Then I lose my footing on the slippery surface and crash down in the oil.

Stone feels my hold weaken and takes advantage of my winded state as I lie under her.

She gets free and and straggles me, pinning me, face up in the oil. My hair drenches in the toe deep oil of the pit.

She grabs my bikini top and rips it off, throwing it into the crowd and tears my camisole top so it hangs useless on my body.
My breasts are exposed and she pins my hands above my head.

People squirt at both our tits and we both pit our strength against each other.  We writhe our bodies on each other.

It is strangely erotic as I feel her warm body grind into mine and I shake my heterosexual head, wondering why I was having these errant thoughts.
As I squirm to get free, ensuring my shoulders are not pinned down for more than 3 seconds,  I squirm against Stone’s nether regions.
She writhes to keep me pinned but in so doing, she is circling her hips on my tummy and bends forwards, dragging her oily nipples over my face.
She too is breathing rather strangely and if I didn’t know better, I would guess she too was finding our grinding sexually stimulating.

I try to buck her off me and she groans as her pussy is pressed close to my belly button.

The alcohol (and poppers) is affecting us in our displays of power.

Stone slips on my oily body and ends up lying on top of me.  We hold each other’s hands. She is trying to pin me down, I am trying to push her off.  I wrap my legs round her, trying to tip her off.

The effect is, we are sawing against each other, pussy to pussy, breasts to squashed breasts, similar to a couple engaged in missionary sex.

The more we try to pin down and push off, the more we are grunting and breathing hard and simulating sex.
The crowd roars it’s approval.

The motions of rubbing our intimate parts against each other in the oil is stimulating us both and our heterosexual minds are confused in their alcohol ridden state.

The strawberry fragrance fills the air as our bodies flush and temperatures rise. We are grinding and panting.  Stone pushes into me but mistimes a rhythmic thrust  and I manage to slide and push her off.

Before she knows it we are kneeling.  Stone is trapped and I have her hands pinned chicken winged behind her back. Her head is trapped under my elbow.

The crowd squirts oil at her bottom and between her legs and my bare breasts.

She moans as she feels the icy liquid hit her heated core. My nipples harden as the cold liquid hits its target.

I edge her to the side of the pit and see Tangoracer’s grinning face.  He has two bottles of oil he is squirting cowboy style at us both.

He then cheekily reaches over and slowly takes Stone’s bikini bottoms down. They slide down to her knees easily in the oil exposing her rounded cheeks and pink pussy lips.  He aims his oil for her valley and furrow and to his delight, goose pimples appear on her smooth flesh.
Stone groans at the intimate shots.
Her buttocks and pussy lips glisten in the light and shimmering oil.

We continue to slide around the pit so all can view her delightful charms.

Happy and Doc, filming all the action,  keep showing replays on the screens of Stones bikini top oozing down to show her  fine tits, Stone ripping off my top and flinging my bra, exposing my breasts and then Tango easing her bottoms down to expose her butt and pussy. The crowds appreciates all the close up shots of our bodies.

I suddenly loose Stone so she topples forward in the start of a roll over. Before she can complete though,  I pin her down, folded in two.  She has her butt in the air and is staring at her own pussy as I pin her feet over her head.  Her shoulder’s are pinned flat to the floor. She is helpless in this position.

Her pussy is exposed as her bikini bottoms are at her knees. I quickly whip them off, throwing them into the crowd for a souvenir.

She is naked from the waist down.

Lover moves towards us and begins the count,   …. 1 …. 2 …. 3  oggling the close up of Stone's pussy.

As the count ends with long pauses in between as he takes a good look of Stone's charms,  I loose Stone and stand, tits exposed in my ripped camisole. I raise my hands in victory.

Stone slowly unfolds and stands naked waist down,  her trimmed black pubic hair shining with oil.

The audience cheers in appreciation.

Round 1 to the Queen Bee -  Bash-it-to-em  Brandybee.

« : March 11, 2014, 11:34:01 AM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
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