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: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )  ( 1215445 )
Sr. Member
: 392

« #2025 : January 12, 2015, 04:39:25 AM »

Grabbing my back from the back of my car, I straighten up carefully.  I’m pretty sure that the gym is going to kill me before I actually get back in shape after the Christmas partying. I've not been here for a while and I hope the locals remember me. Since I am doing 'Dry January' the bar seems to be a bit of a strange place for me to head to but I need some company and I was kind of hoping that my favorite cop might be there.

Pushing the door open, that familiar smell fills my head. Steak, beer, everything that I desire. This probably isn’t the best idea I have had recently. I chuckle to myself as I walk in. A big, Juicy steak isn’t so bad is it?
Perching carefully on a stool at the bar, my legs still stiff after the workout, I see a familiar face smiling at me.

“Haven’t seen you for a while!”

“Hey Joe. Yeah I’ve been a little busy with work and family stuff.” Looking down, I smile to myself.

“So, what can I get ya?” says Old Joe, his husky tones drift across the bar.

“Steak and salad please and a decaf coffee if you have it!” I hesitate before I carry on. “Er….Joe that police officer hasn’t been in today has he?” My cheeks redden as I look down at my hands.

Joe laughs “Awwww, that’s why you popped in huh? And there was me thinking you just wanted to see Old Joe.” He walks away shaking his head as I look around uncomfortably, trying to disguise my embarrassment.

I notice a girl sat down the bar from me, dressed head to toe in leathers, her black hair hung perfectly down her back. I don’t remember seeing her before. Old Joe brings my coffee and I sip the bitter liquid, still hoping that he might show. 

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: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #2026 : January 12, 2015, 06:21:21 AM »

I stand looking at the bed Jayc and Stone kindly had delivered to replace the smelly Pachi one he had nested in while he was ill.  It was a stunning four poster bed and I was very grateful for the thoughtfulness of the couple. The smell of boiled cabbage had nearly gone but still lingered in the air.

I must remember to send a note to tangoracer, the Head Sub to arrange for my harem room to be fumigated.

I refreshed my makeup and go back up to the bar, just in time to see Covems kissing the last of the long line of ladies waiting for that leg popping moment.

The woman in his arms sighs… and yep -  there it goes… one of her leg rises from the knee to a 90 degree angle.  He ends the kiss and holds on to her till the leg hits the floor again before she moves away with that dreamy look on her face. He really is quite potent.

The dwarfs approach him tugging on his sleeve and within a few seconds they surround me and hand me a gift.

“Open it, Open it” they urge and I do.  It is so beautiful and thoughtful.  It’s a sign for my cabin. I had had an accident in the bulldozer with a steering wheel and killed the other sign that had identified the cabin in the lake as mine.
Now I had a new name and a new sign for my home

It was soooo special, beautifully crafted and designed.

“Why boys, Thank You.” I say quite overwhelmed and kiss each on the cheek. Bashful blushes and looks all coy.
I buy them all a drink of anything they wished to taste.

I move towards Coves. “Your idea?” I ask him, noticing his cherry red lips seem a bit swollen after his marathon kissings.
“I just helped with the design, Dopey carved it and it was a joint effort to stain and buff it up” He grins.
“Well I love it. Thank you.” I clink my tea cup with his sarsaparilla and motion to the lipstick smears on his face with a finger circle, mirroring the marks on my own face.
He grins and wipes the at the area making the smears even worst, but I wasn’t going to tell him. It kind of suited him.

Old_Joe walks over and interrupts us to refill my tea cup and his glass.

“The results are in,” he casually mentions,  “For Brandy to fulfil her bet. Seems you, Coves and AusWoody have won a sexy Lapdance off the boss,”
He produces the poll.

1.  Jayc  Page 138 Reply 2060      1 (7.1%)
2.  Stone Page 138  Reply 2061    0 (0%)
3.  Brandybee Page 138 Reply 2062    1 (7.1%)
4.  Old_Joe  Page 138  Reply 2062    0 (0%)
5.  Lover. Page 138  Reply 2063    0 (0%)
6.  FoxyRoxxy  Page 138 Reply 2064    0 (0%)
7. AusWoody  Page 138  Reply 2066    5 (35.7%)
8.  ItsAmy123  Page 138  Reply 2067    0 (0%)
9.  Darbi29  Page 138  Reply 2068    1 (7.1%)
10. terric   Page 139  Reply  2070    0 (0%)
11.  Pookie77  Page 139  Reply 2071    1 (7.1%)
12.  Covems  Page 139 Reply 2073    5 (35.7%)

I chuckle.  “Stone sure knows how to wager”
Coves chuckles and whispers,  “That’s two you owe me now” and nudges my shoulder.
I nod, “We must set them up soon.”

A new girl enters the bar and introduces herself to us as jasmine_t. She is clad all in leather and attracts a few admiring glances.
“Hi there”  Coves, Old Joe and I greet her.  Old Joe pours her a drink and waves her money away. “First drink is always on the house and then …”  he drops his voice,  “Coves tab is usually open..”
“I heard that,”  Coves mumbles good naturedly, “I must figure out how to pay that one day”

Jingerbird comes in looking for someone, we high five and Old Joe serves her while she waits.

AusWoody approaches and Old Joe tells him the news of his promised Lap Dance. He raises his glass and toasts Stone & Jayc laughing.
He looks at Covems and clinks his glass with his sarsaparilla.  I see the wicked looks they exchange...

“Oh no,”   I spurt my tea on the counter top.  “Don’t even think of an MFM”

Coves and AusWoody feign innocent looks,  “Would we?“  AusWoody says in fake hurt.
“How could you even think that?”  Coves joins in the pretence.

I roll my eyes,  looking at their handsome faces and lean towards them… “Because I know you two…”

I call the next round out, “Joe, set us up with more drinks would you?” as the guys laugh at my flushed face ...

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
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: 145

T-girl who loves to play in latex

« #2027 : January 12, 2015, 10:54:10 AM »

Jasmine was observing people riding a mechanical bull that was giving his riders a good shakedown and occasionally sending them flying, when suddenly she heard loud and almost simultaneous voices "Hi there!"

Jasmine was cough off guard by that welcome, quickly turned to find three people looking at her with smiles. A light blush was seen on Jasmines cheeks and her dark green eyes blinked rapidly for few seconds, when finally Jasmine were able to squeeze out of her with a bit confused voice "Em..uh...Hello!" and also returned a smile, same time giving even bigger blush.

Bartender pours her a drink and waves her money away. “First drink is always on the house and then …”  he drops his voice, “Coves tab is usually open..”
Jasmine stood a bit shocked and continued to blink, when finally she regained control, smiled to bartender and took a glass with dark brown liquid in it. Smell was strong so Jasmine decided to ask: "I'm driving, wont that kick me off the road, if you know what I mean?"

Bartender smiled as he replied: "Well miss'y, judging by that tired look of yours I would advice you to hit few of those and stay in hotel for the night. It's nice and clean, I'm sure you wouldn't be disappointed." after a short pause he added "by the way - name's Joe. Or Old_Joe, depends how you like it" Joe smiled again.

Jasmine thought to herself: "Perhaps Joe is right, I am tired of road and could use some R&R. Those people seemed to be friendly and polite, no over drunk bully has attempted to de-bed her yet and even better is that none of those types are seen in here. Well - It's settled then, girl!"

Jasmine raised her right eyebrow looking at Joe, brought a glass to her lips and said with a little coquettishly voice before quickly finishing the shot "Really?..." Booze was strong, but Jasmine had her deal of those before, so she almost didn't show any signs of discomfort from the strength of that drink.

Then she took a deep breath and addressed to all three: "I'm Jasmine, nice to meet you! You have a very nice place in here..." Jasmine smiled.
« : January 12, 2015, 10:57:57 AM jasmine_t »

Hero Member
: 10350

« #2028 : January 12, 2015, 11:14:14 AM »

OOC: Of course it's ok jasmine. Maybe it just would be better, to write 1st person view. Makes it easier for you and us.

Roxxy and I finish our dance and go back to the bar. We're sweating and need a drink now. It seems we were dancing for weeks... As we reach the bar, we see jinger back and welcome her. I high five Cove and Woody "Hehe guys, congrats. One day, Brandy will learn not to mess with big guys!" Saying that, I turn to her. "You better go and warm up yourself. We will care for everything." She nods. Roxxy is grinning "Make them dizzy!"
As I order a margaritha for Roxxy and a beer for myself, Roxxy turns around. "Hello, nice to meet you." I look and see a new person, dressed in black. She introduces herself as jasmine and we all hug. "Nice you made it Jasmine. This is our bar - just sit down and have a great time. Oh, if you like... the stage is always open for a show. May I leave you girls alone for a moment?" I ask.

I enter the stage, take the micro and talk to the crowd:
You know, time is running. Soon there will be Valentine's Day. We're looking for a good event or contest in forum, so if you have any ideas, throw them to me. By the way, Valentine's Day...  What do farmers give their wives on Valentine's Day? Hogs and kisses!

Going back to the girls. Roxxy welcomes me with a smille and a big kiss.
« : January 12, 2015, 11:21:20 AM Lover »

Full Member
: 145

T-girl who loves to play in latex

« #2029 : January 13, 2015, 09:34:34 AM »

After receiving a hug I bit a lower lip a little and slightly blushed, giving a light nod to Lover as he asked his question.

As Lover went on stage, I turned to Joe and ordered another shot for courage, then turned back to Roxxy and asked her: "Is it always so friendly in here? I almost forgot how it feels to be in such a nice and friendly place, well you know, large city bars are all different..." I smiled.

Finishing another shot in one go, I felt hot after few seconds and decided to open zipper of my leather jacket. I lowered zipper to middle of my chest and moved jacket sides to take form of nice decollete, reviling my tanned body and slightly breasts.
« : January 13, 2015, 09:53:52 AM jasmine_t »

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: 10457


« #2030 : January 13, 2015, 11:01:56 AM »

Welcoming Jasmine with a hug she asked a question

I grin and  smile  back at  Jasmine  when she says,  large city bars are all different

Yes   its  very  friendly in here  but you have not  seen all the fun there is in here
you stick around Jasmine all the  fun will start soon  smiling  and yes  this is a unique Bar we have ...
"to bad you missed the pudding fight  or wrestling fight   nop nop  never a dull moment here" .

Lover  gets off stage  walks back to us  smiling I say to Jasmine  he loves the stage .....

 lover reach us us   with his big smile and blue blue eye  kisses me and  I  whisper

baby you  killed them with that joke  great one  we  go on  talking and having a great time  waiting to see the 

lap dance  BB will give woody and coves

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 3444

« #2031 : January 14, 2015, 03:14:10 PM »

Driving back in to Nymphomania after such a long time undercover on a top police assignment, the lights of the town look so warm and friendly. A little smile crosses my face as I drive passed HQ and head straight for the Bar and Grill. Slowly I pull into the car park and sit in my car for a few minutes wondering what I have missed in the time I've been away. Getting out, I go to the boot, take my trusty cowboy hat out and place it on my head, running my finger around its rim. Walking to the doors of the bar I pause again and gently push the doors open.

Walking into the bar I look around and see my old friends and some new faces, I smile again as I see the red head sat at the bar slowly I walk over to the bar
"Hi Joe can I have a long, cold beer please?"

"Hi Tango and welcome back its been a while."

He slides my beer down the bar just like he always did, right past the red head and nods his head towards her with a big smile.
Catching the beer I bring it to my lips and with one swift gulp half the beer is gone, I move down the bar so I'm stood beside the red head

"It's Jinger isn't it" I ask as I take a second mouth fall of my beer,
"Yes it is so glad you remembered" she said with a big smile as her face reddened 

Sr. Member
: 392

« #2032 : January 16, 2015, 08:53:44 AM »

Old Joe brings my steak and salad. Looking at the size of the steak, I know I won’t be able to eat all that. Chuckling to myself, I tuck in, thinking that perhaps I can find someone to help me.
I see Brandy and that bikie bloke Woody. She gives me a big smile and we high five as she walks past. Woody just winks. Jasmine is sat just along the bar from me and I gulp as I see her neck the shot that Old Joe has just given her, surprised that she didn’t react at all to the strong liquor.
Roxxy and Lover have finished their dance. It must have been quite ….. energetic. They both look like they could use a drink. They greet me as they walk by holding hands and I return to my dinner. Turning round, I see Lover on the stage, mic in hand. He mentions Valentine’s Day. I have a few games I would like to play but it all depends on that certain person.
The door opens and I glance over. My breath catches in my throat. He asks Joe for a beer and catches it as Joe slides it down the bar past me. He puts the bottle to his lips and I watch as he gulps it down, head tilted back, drinking quickly. As he stops, he moves towards me, heart quickening as he nears.

“It’s Jinger isn’t it?”

Oh my! “Yes it is. So glad that you remembered!” My face reddened a little. Turning to face him, I smile.
“Tango isn’t it?” As if I would ever forget that.

“That’s right.” He said. Offering me his hand, he looks me straight in the eyes. “Would you like to dance? Haven’t held a woman in my arms for a long time.”

Stretching out my hand to take his, I stand and he leads me to the dance floor.

Come chat with more than just one person at a time at The Town Square.. http://achatsquare.chatango.com
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: 145

T-girl who loves to play in latex

« #2033 : January 17, 2015, 02:30:05 AM »

I replied to Roxxy with slight intrigue in my voice:
"A pudding fight, eh? Well that's something I wont miss next time!" I smiled and continued "There must have been a lot of girls covered in chocolate in theirs wet t-shirts..."

Suddenly I realized that I'm showing my interest for girls too obviously and tried to correct myself
"I...I mean it's fun, right?! To get...all covered in chocolate pudding....and...and such..." I lowered my eyes and blushed "I'm sorry, I guest this drink is quite strong after all"

I thought to myself "Oh gosh, this is embarrassing, what those people think of me now..."

Hero Member
: 3444

« #2034 : January 17, 2015, 08:42:24 AM »

Jinger takes may hand so I can lead her to the dance floor, turning to Joe "Put something slow for us" I say with a wink
Joe just smiles and winks back.

Just as we reach the dance floor the first notes of Richard Marx  with Right here waiting


Gently I spin Jinger around and take her into my arms, feeling her arms go up around my neck and pulling herself tight into me letting myfeel her firm breast squeeze hard against me. We slowly more as one to the music my hands move on her down her back and rest on her sweet shaped ass checks. Giving her checks a gently squeeze I feel her pull herself tighter into me and rub her face cheek against mine. We move our faces slowly as the song comes to and end to let our lips meet and softly kiss each other.

The music ends and we just stand in the middle of the dance floor kissing. Gently I pull my lips from hers and look down at her as her eyes open letting me look deep into them. I smile "Thank you for that lovely dance" I whisper in her ear

"Any time"   

"Now I need a shower its been a long day" I look over to my Spa and smile again. Taking a chance I ask "would you like to join me"

"What a shower here?? in the bar??"

"In my Spa its over there"   Pointing to the closed door, taking her hand again I lead her to the door and push it open and turn on the lights of the spa.

Sr. Member
: 392

« #2035 : January 26, 2015, 08:29:49 AM »

As Tango opens the door, I hesitate a little. He looks back at me and smiles. It’s all I need. He squeezes my hand and I follow him through the door. As my eyes adjust to the light, I see a huge walk in shower and a Jacuzzi bath. Even massage tables.

Tango starts to remove his uniform and I try to avert my eyes but I find him fascinating, spellbinding even. I watch as he takes off his boots and starts to remove his belt. He eases his trousers over his rigid thighs and I scrutinize every part of his bare flesh as he reveals more. As my eyes wander back up his legs past his thighs, I giggle a little as I spot the Donald Duck boxer shorts that he is wearing. He looks over at me as I try to muffle my giggle.

“Don’t ya just love Disney?” He lets out a snort as he continues to remove his clothes.

Slowly he unbuttons his shirt. I wish that he would hurry but I also enjoy the anticipation. The feeling like when you go down that first hill on a roller coaster. Swoooshhh! Oh my! The tingles pulse through my body. I can’t move. I just want to watch. His shirt falls to the ground. His muscles flex a little as he turns to face me. Wiggling, he drops the boxers to the floor as well.

My breath catches in my throat and Tango offers me his hand.

“I think it’s your turn. Do you need some help?”

Come chat with more than just one person at a time at The Town Square.. http://achatsquare.chatango.com
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: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #2036 : February 08, 2015, 06:19:55 AM »

Jayc and Stone approaches me, both chuckling, “Don’t you owe me a strip performance for losing the Super bowl?”  Jayc asks mischievously. Stone raises her eyebrows and nods her head and takes a sip of her drink.

“You want this now?” I ask.

“Well the place is full and no time like the present,” Jayc nods.

I turn round and see Covems and AusWoody grinning at me like two Cheshire cats.
“Are you in on this too?” I ask them with narrow suspicious eyes. They just shrug their shoulders and try to look innocent.

I turn to pick up my cup of tea off the bar, only to find Old Joe, leaning forward on the bar counter, by our group and holding out what looks like a very flimsy two-piece bikini, with a hopeful look on his face.
"It’s a damn conspiracy!" I mutter under my breath, then aloud,  “And you, you should be ashamed of yourself,” I try to scold him but his cheeky face makes me burst out laughing.
“Ok, ok, you got it,” I tell them all, snatch Old Joe’s offering and I head off to the office to change.

I look back over my shoulder, catching all of them high fiving each other with broad grins on their faces.

“I’ll be back.  Go set up the music and two chairs in the middle of the Doris Bar Stage.”  then look at Covems and AusWoody. “You two may as well have your Christmas jumper lap dances at the same time...”

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #2037 : February 08, 2015, 07:18:49 AM »

The curtains are drawn to the waiting audience.  AusWoody and Covems are both sitting in their armless chairs, leant back and relaxed.  Legs out and open in front of them.

Both look hot, tall and handsome, a little wild, untamed and dangerously... bad boy!

Auswoody is wearing a white T shirt, denim blue jeans and black leather boots. He has decorative silver chains hanging from the belt loops and ending in his pockets. He has an open leather jacket on with biker emblems sewn on and a big white skull emblazoned on the back. It is sleeveless and the tattoos on his arms are artistic, bold and noticeable. His taunt chest muscles can be seen through his tee shirt as can the protruding tell-tale outlines of his nipple piercings.

Covems is equally as attractive but in cowboy gear. He is bare chested wearing a black leather waistcoat which shows off his toned sun bronzed skin and faint smattering of chest hair with that delightful line leading from his flat inny belly button to below his belt. He wears a black cowboy hat with an indian weave band around the top of the brim, leather tassels tied just above both biceps, black jeans and a silver rodeo buckle on his black belt. He has patterned black cowboy boots on.

The music begins and the dwarfs hit the spotlights on the stage. Both men are flooded with light. I have my own spot light as the curtains draw back and I take my position at the right side of the stage. A pause of silence hits the bar before there is a flood of cheers and whoops in appreciation for the sexy looks of the biker and cowboy and then, after a minute or so, my spotlight is turned on and it illuminates me…
I am dressed to tease and then to please …

Red Hot Chili Peppers- Suck My Kiss   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jp2q8eluvVg

The sexy white shirt had a massive emblem on the back -  The New England Patriots Football Team,  much to Jayc's delight. His Team had beaten the Seattle SeaHawks and were crowned Super Bowl Champions.

« : February 08, 2015, 08:25:27 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P

« #2038 : February 08, 2015, 09:42:23 AM »

No sooner had the door closed behind me, when suddenly music began to play and bright spotlights began to sweep across an audience, needless to say I began to feel abit confused at what I see since the sign outside did say Bar&Grill, so of course I was expecting to find more of a eatery atmosphere. I look around noticing everyones attention focused on the stage and two men sitting on chairs, confusion turns to abit of panic as I begin to fear that  I had just walked into a gay bar. But Just as suddenly, a third spotlight flashes and illuminates another person coming up on the stage, which by the glow of the light, is obviously female by the shape of her curves and long hair flowing from under a hat.

Confusion returns and I turn to open the door once more and step out to look at the sign yet again, confirming that it did show Bar&Grill, and not stripclub. I step back inside and then it dawns on me that maybe I'd just walked in on a private party, but since no ones asked me to leave, not that anyone was paying attention except to what's going on up on the stage, I spot an empty table and move over to it, sitting so my back was to the wall and hoping a Waitress would come along soon as I glance up at the stage just as the woman takes a seat to the right side of the stage.
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #2039 : February 08, 2015, 10:41:40 AM »

Red Hot Chili Peppers- Suck My Kiss   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jp2q8eluvVg

The music intro starts and a voice sings hot and husky, pausing between words to let the tension build …

Oh yeah,
Oh yeah,

I rise, slow from chair but in time with the beat of the music. I stride one foot in front of the other, sashaying my hips one side, then the other as my hands fondle over my clothing, caressing my ribs, my waist and my breasts. The white long shirt rises up and then slips back down, provocatively, a little higher with each movement.  I lick my lips, sing the words, emphasising the words to have sexual meaning. I eye both men before placing a hand on each of their thigh nearest too me, waving my body in sexual heat.
I turn in time to the next line and bend double, wiggling my ass at both men and my cleavage at the audience.

Hit me….

Simultaneously, both men spanks my nearest bum cheek over my shirt. Its stings a little but I don’t have time to react, the tempo of the music speeds up and the song starts in earnest…

Should of been, could of been
Would of been dead
If I didn't get the message
Goin' to my head

I am what I am
Most mothers boys
Don't give a damn

I turn and sway over to AusWoody gripping his wrists at his sides, bending double, lowering my body so his face is crushed by my breasts. I wave my body against and on him, and slowly drag myself down. Covems enjoys the show as he watches my shirt writhe up a little, exposing my thighs. I massage AusWoody with my body in a sexy but slutty way singing at both men…

Aw baby think you can
Be my Man, Be my man

Someone full of fun
Do me 'till I'm well done
Little Bo Peep
Cumin' from your stun gun

Beware take care
most mother’s boys
Have a cold ass stare

AusWoody touches my back and shoulders lightly and fondles my hair, clearly enjoying my snaking body pressing into him and rubbing into his groin.
I slowly snake up and kiss him on the lips. I turn round and slowly fondle my legs down to my ankles, bend double, waving my bottom and pussy at him, up and down, up and down, meant on purpose to tease him.

Then I move over to Covems to repeat the same moves with him. I bend over him lower, press and writhe my chest to his face and then lower, waving my body in order to massage him. As I do so, I lower my head so my hair drags sexily across his skin.

My breathing and singing is now soft pants. Dancing with such virile men is bound to have a natural reaction to my scantily clad body. I kiss him too gently on the lips...

Aw baby Are you there
Suck my kiss, cut me my share.

My writhing body on Covems has me on my knees, hands on both his thighs, squeezing suggestively. My swaying ass juts out at the audience.
In time with the music, Covems scrunches up my shirt from under the arm pits to slowly reveal my black G-string and black stockinged hold ups.
The crowd enjoys and cheers the view. Covems thrusts his groin into my soft breasts just as AusWoody stands up and strikes my ass once more in time to the words and music. My ass glows red from the stinging slap.

Hit me. You can't hurt me, suck my kiss

I stand and place my hand on AusWoody’s chest, push him back a few steps and dance round him. My hands slowly brushes his body as I sing to both men and gyrate to the music.

Kiss me. Please pervert me. Stick with this
Is she talking dirty
Give to me sweet sacred bliss
Your mouth was made to suck my kiss

Look at me can't you see
All I really want to be
Is free from a world
That hurts me

I push AusWoody back in his chair as I dance for both men, slowly removing my shirt and revealing, one shoulder, then the other until all you see is  the skimpy black shiny bikini, Old Joe had given me to wear. The shirt falls forgotten to the floor.

I sway and shimmy and thrust and groan. It’s sexy, hot, provocative and deeply suggestive.

I stand, still swaying to the music, between both men and turn my back to the audience.

I let both men pull each side of the bow in the centre of my back till the top loosens and falls free.
Covems keeps hold of it. My breasts fall free of their encumberment.

AusWoddy uses his right hand, Covems uses his left hand to cup a breast each and take advantage, kneading me mercilessly.

I need relief
Do you want a girl

Covems dangles the bra from the finger of his free hand and at the word thief, grins and places my bikini top in his pocket.

To be your thief

Aw baby just for you
I'd steal anything that you want me to

Chicka chicka dee
Do me like a banshee

I turn round to the music and now dance proud showing my bare tits to the audience. Free and natural, they swing and bounce in time to the music. My nipples are erect and the bare flesh slightly reddened from the men’s play. 

The crowd cheer as they see me naked except for my little hat, stockings, 3 inch heels and G string.
The men’s hand move down to squeeze and stroke a buttock and thigh each.

Low brow is how
Swimming in the sound
Of bow wow wow
Aw baby do me now
Do me here I do allow

At the next line, both get ready to spank each cheek again on “Hit me”.

Hit me.

Covems and AusWoody, swing their hands back and spank my G-stringed bare ass.

You can't hurt me, suck my kiss
Kiss me. Please pervert me. Stick with this

It stings again but they both make up for it by soft soothing fondles.

Is she talking dirty
Give to me sweet sacred bliss
Your mouth was made to suck my kiss

I dance round to Auswoody’s chair and swing my legs astride him. I sensually ride his jean clad cock, allowing my breasts to brush and tease his face and mouth. I hold on to his shoulders as I lean my head back, shut my eyes and enjoy the naughty stimulation.
He massages my waist and guides my movements on his cock. He hardens and I feel him through his jeans and the thin material of my panties. I moisten in response.

Should of been, could of been
Would of been dead
If I didn't get the message
Goin' to my head

Before the stimulation gets too much, I get up and dance around Covem's chair then straddle him in much the same way. I move up and down, his crotch touching mine. I sing with moans in between the words, as the dry humping excites. My breasts thrust out at his face, nipples and flesh brushing his nose, cheeks and lips. He holds my waist and controls the steady frottage movements. I feel him harden and moan.

I am what I am
Most mother’s boys
Don't give a damn

The movements cause the sexual tension to be high. I am moist and in danger of causing a wet patch on Covems jeans.

I move back off Covems, turn round to face the audience and grab my ankles. I rock and roll my hips, bending my knees so he has a close and intimate view of my bottom and what is nestled in between, covered only by the thin fabric of my G string.

I look sexily at both men and sing as my ass moves up and down...

Aw baby think you can
Be my Man, Be my man

Someone full of fun
Do me 'till I'm well done
Little Bo Peep
Cumin' from your stun gun

Beware take care
Most mother’s boys
Have a cold ass stare

Aw baby Are you there
Suck my kiss cut me my share

Both men grin and once more spank my inviting ass, causing me to sting and redden once more in time with the song.

Hit me.
You can't hurt me, Suck my kiss.

Both men rise off their chairs and stand each side of me. I stand too and each of them takes the bow at my hip holding my G-string up.

Kiss me. Please pervert me.

At the word “Pervert” they both pull and the G string falls away. This time AusWoody keeps the trophy. My trimmed ginger pussy is naked to the AB&G world. The crowd cheers.
I continue to dance and strut round the men, clad only in my hat, my stockings and 3 inch heels. My breasts sway, my pussy glistens in the spot light and my red buttocks flex and bounce to the beat of the music.

Stick with this
Is she talking dirty
Give to me sweet sacred bliss

As the song ends and I complete my sexy routine, I bend forward and blow the crowd a kiss just in time to the “Kiss” in the song.

Your mouth was made to suck my kiss...

The curtain closes and both men shake hands and snog me in turn.

The AB&G erupt in their applause and cheers ...

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
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