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: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )  ( 1150992 )
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #75 : July 18, 2012, 02:04:02 PM »

“ARHHhhhh, “  I groan at JD’s joke but I can’t help but laugh at his quip ...  I shake my head at him and blow a kiss in his direction.

 I see Bear head to the back pool room  ...  now that could be interesting...  think that’s where Christie has stored a few of her ...items .
I see Christie has noticed him too and we grin at each other across the room.  She approaches Adera and I see her suddenly smile at Christi’s words.

Blu seems busy doing an amazingly sexy, erotic dance on stage. She is enthralling, even Covems is transfixed on her.  The lighting showing her sensuous curves and the champagne glistening on her skin is a vision to behold in the giant semi globe.  I never knew you could even bend like that..  mmm  If I lose my bet, I’ll have some living up to do  to match that performance...

I nod to Stone to indicate I wanted her in the pool room with Pachi and her flute.  Christi and Adera have already clocked me going that way.

Bear’s bending over the table taking practice shots, the room empty but for him ... his tightly toned ass displayed in my direction. I take a moment to admire, muscular thighs, calves, trim waist, broad shoulders,  biceps ... leaning against the door jam ... mmm...  certainly a fine specimen.  The red ball hits the corner pocket and he breaks into my thoughts...

“ You looked enough yet? “  not even breaking off to look as he eyes another ball to shoot. His sixth sense is amazing, probably the untamed animal within...

  I  smile, cocking my head to one side,  carrying on my appraisal   “ No not yet ... “

He chuckles .. “ So what you got in mind for the return of my hat?”

I slowly and reluctantly move,  after one last lingering look... and  pick up a pool cue and chalk the end,   “Best of three ?   “

A slow smile forms on his mouth,  “ Seems a bit too easy to me”

“ You think?  You haven’t asked what I get yet if I win.... “

“ You won’t “  He grinned .    I nod smiling ....  the arrogance of the man so dammed attractive.....

He sets the balls up ....  The games about to begin ....

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 1688

« #76 : July 18, 2012, 02:22:08 PM »

I love to use my hands... build things.  Heading out to help with the firepit.

"Princess Miriabele helped free the Rabbit Emperor from the traps of Farmer MacKenzie.  Then she got the rabbits to help defend MacKenzie's farm from the evil trolls."  I say to no one.  "But it was the Battle of Heather Clearing against the trolls and Pyrates where she really shone." 

« : July 18, 2012, 03:06:48 PM Covems »

*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
Hero Member
: 7883

« #77 : July 18, 2012, 02:57:29 PM »

Seems like all the customers are fashinating from the show of Blue and i can't deny it is.......her sinuos body is now shining thanks to the champagne drops, who cover her skin and her red head are dancing in the air like snakes at every move she makes. Man she is really born to ipnotize peoples whit her sexy and charming body.....and of course her erotic appeal really help her!

No matter gender....men, women......everyone are staring at her, exploring every inch of her body, and of course i'm doing the same.....she is really grown from the first time she had enter in the bar....eh eh!

but now i had to focus on the contest whit Brendy...."hey, someone had seen JD!? i need a little of practice!"

Hero Member
: 3444

« #78 : July 18, 2012, 02:59:26 PM »

On hearing the request for help with the fire pit i look at Jane and smile she say's " gone then "
I lean over and kiss her deeply walk over to the bar turns and blows a kiss to Blue and one up to Azrielle as she sings here sweet song
jet to the bar and ask "is this where you sign up for the Fire Pit"
Stone answer "yes you may as will go start out the back and held JD"
"Thanks i will do just that        and thanks again" I turn back to the bar and asks "can i have 2 beer please"
Stone servers the beers with a nice smile i put the money on the bar and take them out back .
walking from the coolness of the bar into the heat of the sun it takes my breath and have to squint my eyes from the brightness looks around and see JD over at a pile off rubble and walks over hands him one of the beers  and say "looks like we have our work cut out this afternoon"
we drink your beers and get on with it

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #79 : July 18, 2012, 06:20:36 PM »

 I get a coin out my pocket,  “ Tails you go first , Heads I do ... agreed? “
Bear nods his head; I smile as the coin flips in the air landing heads up on the pool table.  I shrug my shoulders at him and pick the coin up  popping it back in my pocket.  “ I win “   
Unknown to him the coin is double sided heads...  he couldn’t win the toss.

Still wearing my  Daisy duke shorts , skimpy  T shirt and buckled ankle boots I bend double near the table, wiggling a little to get comfortable, aiming my cue at the balls thinking , maybe Bear’s concentration  could be put under a little pressure too.  My chin almost resting on the cue as I take my time and shoot....

The first game goes well, Bear sees I’m  no floozy at it,  but he just pips me and victory is his.
He grins and I shrug at him ... “ It aint over yet Mr.. “

Christie and Adera walk in ... “Who’s winning?”   Christi asks.  I flick my head at Bear “ You might guess “ 

“ Ok if we’re up next after you?”  She asks.
“ Sure”  Bear says  “ Maybe I’ll play the winner of your game, this one shouldn’t take long... “

I bob my tongue out at him... “ just  rack the balls “  rolling my eyes.

Stone comes in with Pachi  “ Mind if we watch,  Its cool in here and Pachi needs to cool down  a bit”.

 The Panda sits in the corner by Stone munching his Bamboo sticks and salad quite happily and I wave her in

 “ Sure, I’m just about to show Bear how  to take defeat gracefully “
Bear  laughs softly and takes a swig of his beer.

He racks the balls, as Adera & Christie move behind him to sit down.

  Unseen by Bear, Adera  grabs a gimp mask  from a nearby shelf and hides it behind her back and Christie checks a back cupboard is easily accessible and grabs some leg binds , hiding them behind her too.

Stone sees this and ensures her flute is easily accessible in her bag.  I move behind him to look at that fine ass again.

 Tension fills the air a little but Bear continues with the task in hand. Once satisfied the balls are placed to his liking,  he takes the cue and bends double to take his shot.

Like lighting, I grab his cue and pull it behind him sliding it out of his grasp and throw it out the way, “ What the ...” he exclaims.

 In the same instance, Adera  jumps on his back before  he can straighten up, slipping the gimp mask over his head  and zipping it tight before his senses can react gripping him tight with her legs.

 Christi  places  the leg restraints  just above the knees and pulls tight and fastens the Velcro. 

Bear’s reactions kick in. His wrestling ability and strength awesome, He straightens  with Adera still on his back as Christie & I take his arms.

 He swings us round like rag dolls but we hang on determined in our task to restrain him.  He takes us to the floor and we grapple, his strength more than a match for us. Adera sits on him to pin him down but is bucked off a few times.

 Even blind and legs severely restricted, Bears display is impressive.

  I try and force  his arm in an arm lock as Christi tries the same ... 

“Stone,” I gasp..  “ We sure could do with some help here “  I look up and Stone is grinning standing by the door..  “ I think you ladies are doing just fine at the moment”

“ Stone, this isn’t a time ....”  Bear starts to try and stand  and my words are lost,

Adera is sitting on the floor, her short skirt up her waist.  Christie is still struggling with an arm as I am.

 He starts to overpower us just as I hear the sweet music of the flute.

Pachacuti  rises up and ambles over to Bear, ... stands behind him and locks him firmly in a head lock , still chewing his bamboo. Bear unable to move Pachi’s bulk,  not with the leg restraints and gimp mask on.

 Hes  fastened tight and recognises defeat. He  tries but after a few unsuccessful  attempts stops struggling.

  Christie, Adera and I  all bend double, breathing deeply .. out of breath but triumphant and grin at each other ...

“ Stone, what was all that about? Why’d you wait for?”  I laugh at her. “He nearly got the better of us.”

Stone grinned. “ I felt sorry for him, besides I was enjoying the show.. “

“ I could tell”  I go to the cupboard and fetch the stocks out and a knees mat.  Christi helps me put it on  Bears neck and wrists, whilst Adera  binds his thighs and ankles securely with leg restraints.

We all check  the restraints just to make sure, before  Stone plays the flute for Pachi to release his captive. He sets him down gently before returning to the corner for his bamboo and salad.
Christi & I make sure Bear kneels  carefully on the mat, knowing his knees aren’t what they should be.

“ Who wants to take the gimp mask off?” I ask.

“ It’s your show”  Adera grins  and adds  “ ... and funeral “

“ Thanks “ I mouth to her.

 A little nervously I unzip it and take it off.   Bear looks at me and I see the fire & threat flashing in his eyes...   

I cock my head on one side looking at him,  even like this .. he never has that look of a ... submissive .

I move a lock of hair from his forehead and grab the package I bought off Stone earlier  ... 

A leather black studded collar,  engraved on the centre plaque a Bear and  hanging delicately 5 stainless steel silver charms ...  A Panda, a Stone, a Bee, a Riding crop and a Short pretty dress .. handmade and very impressive.

As I fasten it round his neck, I lean forward and whisper in his ear ...

 “ Payback in full” and pull his hair to position his head and snog him deeply.

As I draw away,  “ And know this, these people here owed me ... it was my doing, not there’s”

To the others  “Think it’s time for a picture” as I set the timer for us all to stand around Bear. 
I take 4,  one of us all, including Pachi with our quarry ,  One of Bear on his own,  One of his collar and head and one  of my own with him.

I look at Christi & Adera, “ I think this is your territory now,” I laugh ...” I know it’s your pleasure (island ) and I got a date with a bull “

 I throw the keys at Christi for the stocks.

Setting Bear’s hat  back on my head, I say to Christi & Adera

  “ Do me a favour before you release him,  let me at least have a running start “ ....
« : July 18, 2012, 07:28:25 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 3856

« #80 : July 19, 2012, 01:02:06 AM »

I test the binds, muscles cording tight,, but my perdicatment for the moment well written and all I can do is fume there bound eying Christy in defiance. "Just where you you wanted me girl, hope you are enjoying this. Cause I'll turn this on you some night." I licks my lips, now in anticpation of that test of wills, adding slowly. "You know that for a fact."

Christy scoffs at my threat, yet I can read in her eyes she understands I could if she lets her guard down.

Hope the bar enjoys  the show in the meantime, since it may be a few days before Christy makes up her mind.

The only positive.... at least I have my hat back.  For that I'll go thru hell.
« : July 19, 2012, 09:16:52 AM Bear »

Hero Member
: 7883

« #81 : July 19, 2012, 06:54:35 AM »

After some not so good try on the bull, i'll take a break and sit near the bull area, to rest a little and to enjoy something fresh....

After few time, i notice Brandy coming out from the pool room whit a satisfed sparkling light in her eyes. I can see her breathing hard and it's really hard don't paying attention at her messy clothes, a cliar sign about something had happend in the room.....and probably something it's going on, couse i can recognize Bear voice and Adera laughing whit another unknown girl.

Brandy is loocking back at the room, tempted to join again Adera and the other girl......she is biting nervously her lips, like she is trying to fight agains a strong desire whic is burning inside her, but at last, she turn back and walk away from the pool room till she join me near the bull.

"Looks like you had a fight whit a wild bear.....and, let me say this, i'm not sure you had win....." i said handing her a bottle of beer "take it, you really need a drink...."

"Something similar....it was hard but i had win..." she answer and after taking the bottle she drinks it all in one go. Some beer is sliding slowly from the side of her mouth ....down to the neck....mmmh, what an heavenly vision.....

I move closed......bow my head to her neck and gently lick the beer from it.....the scent of her sweaty skin is sweet and i can smell it for the first time. When she realize what is happening, i can see the fire in her eyes and i can't hold a malicious smile....i don't want to avoid her burning eyes, i'm not scarried and she have to understand it.

I gently fondle her messy hair and smiling "consider this like the begin of the hostility.....but if you wanna to retire, this is your last chance...."

Her expression have no change......she is determined and ready for the challenge, i can read it in her eyes and in her grin. mmmmh, even when she is angry she look so beautyful!

"ok, Bee, let's find Lover and then.....let the dance begin!"
« : July 19, 2012, 08:35:50 AM hentaiboy69 »

Hero Member
: 3856

« #82 : July 19, 2012, 07:09:41 AM »

I move closed......bow my head to her nech and gently lick the bear from her neck..

LMAO  don't you dare edit that...

a small win in the prior sequence of events apparently.... ;)

Hero Member
: 7883

« #83 : July 19, 2012, 08:17:30 AM »

pardon, gentleman.......i mean beer! lool! licking a bear, it's  a bit hard and to much fur....ih ih!

I move closed......bow my head to her nech and gently lick the bear from her neck..

LMAO  don't you dare edit that...

a small win in the prior sequence of events apparently.... ;)

too late....just done it!   ::)

but don't worry......i can leave this like a trace of the original phrase!  :D
« : July 19, 2012, 08:33:55 AM hentaiboy69 »

Hero Member
: 3856

« #84 : July 19, 2012, 10:53:35 AM »

pardon, gentleman.......i mean beer! lool! licking a bear, it's  a bit hard and to much fur....ih ih!

ROFL.....  :D

getting deeper and deeper there HB,... no fur I am shaved.  ;D

Stop blushing...

Hero Member
: 7883

« #85 : July 19, 2012, 11:10:14 AM »

eh eh eh......ok, now we need the proof or we don't believe you!   8)

Hero Member
: 3856

« #86 : July 19, 2012, 11:29:51 AM »

Let's see... I am bound  up... MIA until Christy's reurn Sunday...

hmmmph... like how am I stopping anyone from popping the jeans open and checking that out.  ::)

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #87 : July 19, 2012, 12:58:24 PM »

Still slightly out of breath, leaving the pool room , I notice Stone and Pachi leaving after me.

Blu approaches me,  “ You seen Bear, we’re due on stage again in a bit?”

“ He got collared by someone to sort some (young)  min or   issues,.... think he’ll be tied up for a bit,... but he’s bound to be around later” I answer.

Blu returns to the other members of the band to reorganise their tunes.

I see a few strapping lads, Covems, Tangoracer & JD appear to be building out the back.. a firepit .. “nice idea “ I muse.

I make  my way to the Bucking Bronco and see HB who mentions  something about my tussled look, and hands  me a very welcome House beer  - Bear knuckle – mmm  very soothing on my parched throat.  As I stretch my neck and guzzle,  a trickle leaves the side of my mouth and I feel  HB lean in wickedly to trace her tongue along my neck... 

I stop drinking slowly looking into her Dragon eyes...   The  move obviously done purposely to unsettle me... I see the challenge in her gladiator eyes.

She ruffles my tussled hair and I suddenly grab her wrist, stilling her hand.

 Holding her gaze as I  slowly remove her hand and bring her hand to my lips sucking on her index finger , gently nibbling  and a final  warning nip with my teeth  ...

 “ Careful, who you mess with girl .. “  I warn, ensuring she is just as unsettled.

 I hold the words long enough to sink in to her startled brain, then grin suddenly ..

“ I believe I am up first ...  “   nodding to JD that his services were required when he was done  out the back  and to Lover ..  that I was more than ready for the challenge....
« : July 19, 2012, 01:13:50 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #88 : July 19, 2012, 01:02:32 PM »

i didnt write young  LMAO      young issues?  is sooooooooo not what I was saying ..    it was min   or    LMAO

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
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Tonight, it's bottoms up!

« #89 : July 19, 2012, 01:04:18 PM »

I hear HB yell for me from inside the bar...  "Sorry racer and covems, I have to go for a bit.  I'll be back.. and I'll bring you both another beer with me. "  I meet up with HB.  It takes practice I tell HB.  Better luck next time.  I head back to the bar.. almost colliding with Brandy as she seemed in a hurry to leave.  She was breathing hard... and her clothes were quite in disarray.  I hear some voices in the back room, but too busy to  check it out, I head back out to the firepit and assist racer and covems.  Here's another brew, dudes.  Let's get this thing done before they close the bar.
« : July 19, 2012, 01:24:01 PM james_dean »

Live... Laugh... Love...    OR..   Load..   Aim..  Shoot!
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