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: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )  ( 1216557 )
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #1980 : August 27, 2014, 12:22:42 AM »

Having placed AusWoody’s treasured bike in the stone built garage at the back of the AB&G, we walk back to the bar and up the stairs to the attic room. It’s a little dusty but on the whole, adequate for what he needs. A clean bed, ensuit bathroom and large window overlooking the sprawling hills and Crystal Lake in the distance.

“You live out there?” Woody asks taking in the splendid view.
“Once upon a time” I mumble.
Woody looks at me waiting for me to expand but I change the subject.

“If you want the job, I need a bouncer to keep an eye there’s no trouble round the place. Before you kick anyone out, you check with me, Jayc, JD or Lover first. They are my management team here. If the NSPD need any help, then we do. We look after our local officers and ensure they have plenty of donuts. I may need you to do some lifting and odd jobs round the place too. Covems and the dwarfs do a lot of the maintenance but they may need you on occasions. Are you interested?”

Woody nods and we discuss his pay, board and food. He seems happy with the terms.

“Good, then you can start right away. I’d ask the dwarfs to clean this place for you but I need them for a job round the lake. Maybe Stone can help out”

We return to the bar and Woody stops dead in his tracks at the show on in the bar. It’s the beautiful and dynamic Amy expertly singing and wrapping her body round the pole. She is hot and sexy and the men bay for more.

I chuckle up at his 6 foot frame and tell him to take a seat while I fetch him a beer. He doesn’t hear me as his attention is focussed on the stage.  I push him still laughing into a front row seat.

I catch Amy’s eye as she writhes and gyrates, “Way to go girl” I mouth admiringly and nod my congratulations.

I make sure that the guys all have drinks. I walk over to Old Joe who is also transfixed towards the stage and roll my eyes at Stone. No good asking him anything at the moment!

“Give me a cold Fosters for Woody will you and make sure Amy gets a bottle of champagne. That dance is tremendous”
She draws a pint glass and I take it back to Woody.

Water suddenly floods the stage from above and the sides and Amy, along with some other women, get soaked tops making them transparent much to the men’s approval. I wonder if the dwarfs had arranged that strategic seating of the women.

“I think I’m going to enjoy working here,” Woody murmurs looking at the girls dripping wet before resting his eyes on my ample cleavage and the water slowly soaking into my top and wakening nipples.
I spy Dopey grinning at Doc which seems to confirm their guilt.

“It is fun” I agree and burst out laughing.

Tango and mrsexlover arrive back mid show and settle next to Jinger and HB, noting their tops are quite wet too much to their delight.
“Can I put this on the notice board?” mrsexlover asks showing me a recruitment poster for the NSPD and staring at my breasts and hard nipples now visible through my top.

“Sure, and congratulations on your promotion fellas. Drinks on the house to celebrate I think” I smile at them both.
He pins it up. Stone dishes out the free drinks and everyone settles to watch Amy’s finale.

The dance is superb.  The crowd cheers as she exits the stage to dry off and returns to the bar where Old Joe serves her. Everyone claps her on the back and clamours to buy her a drink. Stone hands her the bottle of champagne, compliments of the AB&G.

The admirers eventually drift away leaving her in peace to sip her drinks and chew manically on a straw.

Dopey tugs on my blouse and I bend down to hear what he says. “Is Amy drooling on that straw?”
I look over at her from across the room, “Sure looks like it.”  I watch a few seconds, cocking my head to one side and add “If I didn’t know better, I’d think she was performing fellatio.”  Then shake my head dismissing the idea. “No the guy must have a needle dick if he’s built like a straw!”
“Maybe it’s got sherbet on” Dopey states helpfully, “I like lemon best”
“You could be right” I ruffle his hair.

Coves suddenly jumps on stage, picks up the mic and tells a few jokes and I crack up laughing.
I move over to him and slap him, friendly on the back.  He’d been inspecting the dance pole and fire pit outside.

“I hear you may be expanding your talents”

He chuckles and nods. “If you’ve got it…“ he brags good naturedly, purposefully leaving the sentence unfinished. He hands me a card with his name advertising his services.
“Pencil me in for two hours,” I grin wickedly.

I introduce him to AusWoody and they shake hands.  “Woody’s going to be a doorman and help you and the dwarfs out when you need it”

“Stone’s given me my “Honey do list” already” he moans to Woody. “I also need to get some wood for the fire pit”
“Actually, I have a more important job first, Can I borrow the dwarfs for a couple of hours?” I smile at him.
“No problem,” he shrugs
“I’ll sort the wood out. You just need to do what you need to do round here. Woody is moving into one of the attic rooms so he’ll be knocking around the place. I’ll ask Stone to clean the attic up.

Coves whistles and all the dwarfs come out to him from various crevices and hidden tunnels around the AB&G. 

He instructs them to come with me and I leave with them singing their signature tune. “It’s off to work we go …”
They jump into my truck and I head out to Lake Crystal.

“Can any of you drive a bull dozer” I ask them, then as an after thought mutter to myself, “Never mind, I think I’ll enjoy doing it myself. Are you ready boots?”

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 1600

« #1981 : October 02, 2014, 01:40:27 PM »

Standing on the stage I grab the mic.

“Howdy folks, just a quick poem I owe Mr. Covems, the Packer fan.”
‘The Packers came to town and kicked the home team’s ass.

“And the sorry ass performance the mighty Bears gave.”

“Surely has ole Papa Bear George Halas rolling in his grave”

« : October 02, 2014, 01:47:54 PM jayc »
Hero Member
: 2465

I am into the big blue ocean swimming and dreaming

« #1982 : October 03, 2014, 08:49:51 AM »

Oh... always a pleasure to have a drink and see you all again :)

Hero Member
: 2465

I am into the big blue ocean swimming and dreaming

« #1983 : October 15, 2014, 06:35:00 AM »

Is thursday morning, the day is dark, some back clouds over my head tell me that today is not a good day to be outside, so i walk from the port to the city, and go into my second house, the Achat Bar&Grill, so nice place to be always. I am so tired after take my hill again :P

I walk into the bar, and i see Almost everyone is here, the stunning Brandy dance over a table while Woody and Covems clap their hands encouraging her to continue dancing. I smile to her, and as always, i receive a smile in back. I look around and see also Jayc and Stone, Maron and Khaten, Hukk and Leighdee... all of them in their own conversations, and i say hi to all of them without disturb, but giving my smile to all of them.

I go to the bar, but before (sorry Brandy) i insert some coins to change the music, HB is there too... and  laugh with Tango and bear, and i choose "Feeling Good" of Muse, a nice song and you can continue dancing Queen Beeee :P sorry for the change, hope dwarfs  will be ok with that change too, Sexi looks how i change the music and start laugh too, clapping hands to Brandy too, with Momma Andrea, who do the same and sing the song.

But there is more persons dancing... in a dark side of the bar i can see the twins naked sisters, Terri C and Pookie in a sweet and seducing dance with MrsexLover (also the cop) and the blue californian girl, The cop is really a lucky guy i think myself ;) .

In a big table, Tango, Jinger, old Goat, Foxy and Lover, Amy (so tired after the bar dance sesion) are having a conversation, and i sit with then, asking first for some drinks for everyone... this one is mine... :)

Also, i look around and look for some nice persons that arent here for a long time...  as Lydia, Zoe, Peeka, Karen, or Tomi... hope they are fine, wherever they be, and of course... my Vecina... i miss her.

Everybody drink!!!

(i do a selfie too :P )

I dare everyone to talk about... what kind party we can do?
« : October 15, 2014, 07:03:13 AM zoerink »

: 16

1st Drink Is On The House :)

« #1984 : October 15, 2014, 12:53:38 PM »

I serve Zoerink his favourite poison and  explain we had all been to Crystal Lake and Hyperion House. Jayc & Stone had thrown an early Bonfire Night for the villagers.
The fireworks and burning of the Fawking Guy was an English Tradition held every year around the 5th November.

I pick up the posters from the bar . 

"You coming to the Halloween Party? "  I ask him.

"Sure, I would never miss it" he grins.

I hang the posters up  and  ask him,  "What are you wearing?"

"You will have to wait and see" he laughs and reads the Poster.


                                                           :D   ;)   FIRST  DRINK  IS  ON  THE  HOUSE  !!    ;D   ::)
Hero Member
: 2465

I am into the big blue ocean swimming and dreaming

« #1985 : October 15, 2014, 03:40:54 PM »

Thank you Old Joe... as always... i will be there... and i am thinking about what to wear...

I cant scared Maron... maybe...

Or be more classical... but we have one green in the party... this one couldnt work

Terric and Pookie sure will come running...

And i will do the same...

Or also, can be more classic

any other ideas???

To be continued...

Hero Member
: 2078

Later, Space Cowboy

« #1986 : October 18, 2014, 04:43:57 PM »

I toss around in my bed, with my bed crumpled sheets barely covering my nude body. It's 7 am, and I am at home, passed out, recuperating from the previous night of mischief and romance..groggily muttering out the name Glen, the character from the show The Walking Dead. In the background you can hear Leigh preparing breakfast, while humming out a pleasant tune that accompanies the clanks and pings of pans being readied for cooking.

*Ring tone of TMNT theme song blares from my phone*

My eyelids slowly crack open, my vision hazed and disoriented. My hands stumble about..trying to locate my phone that vibrates atop the bureau next to my bed. Finally, I pick up the phone and speak.

"Hello..? Who's calling?" I ask half asleep. It turns out to be Zoerink on the other end.

"Halloween costume party? Happening over at the bar for the next few days..? Is that so? Can I dress like the character Jean claude van damme plays from the movie Blood Sport? No...I don't think the reference will be lost on anyone. Alright fine..I'll think of something else."

The next day I arrive at the bar, dressed as Guile from Street Fighters..as portrayed by Jean Claude Van Damme.

I spot Zoerink and give him a big welcome back hug and handshake. "So, what do you think?" I ask with a note of pride and excitement for my costume.

Zoerink merely grimaces, his face showing obvious objection to the costume. Politely he says it looks great and pats me on the back. I treat the fellow to a drink and take my usual sit at the bar, enjoying the festive Halloween atmosphere.

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #1987 : October 19, 2014, 08:49:43 AM »

A few days after the Early Bonfire Night at Crystal Lake …

I sigh and look at myself in the mirror. I wanted to dress up as a sexy vampire but alas The Sea Hawks let me down
So a Zombie serving and cleaning wench it was.

And a bet was a bet and it was only honourable to pay the forfeit Stone had wagered.

I make my way up from my dungeon harem room to see Old Joe serving the guests as they arrive for the Halloween Party.
Their costumes are stunning.  The bar has the beginnings of Halloween decorations but not quite finished. The early Bonfire Night had interupted the preparations.  It still looked good though.

I look at Hukk and tease him,  “Shouldn’t you have some blood and guts showing?”  He rolls his eyes as if I should know better.

Then he teases me,  “So you have to serve and clean up during the Halloween Party… interesting”

“Oh shut up” I hiss, feighning a grumpy look.

“Now, now, that’s not polite to the customers.” He chuckles and boldly  shouts “Wench, An Ale Now!”

I bob my tongue out at him and go behind the bar to serve His Hukkles Lordship with a fake smile.

Leighdee chuckles at his antics. “She might get her own back, maybe you should be careful”

Hukk laughs, “You know me babes, I like to live dangerously” and kisses her on the lips.

Zoerink compliments me on my bloody makeup whilst staring at my buxom breasts, pushed up by the maids corset.

I blow in his face,  “Would you like a drink Zorro?”  I ask him sweetly.

He grins and asks for a “Boob shot?”
I laugh out loud and place a shot glass in my cleavage, “Sure, No hands now.” 
I pour a drink of his choice in the nestled glass and thrust my boobs out for him to dig in and throw back before placing the empty shot on the bar counter, using his teeth only. It was perfect, not a drop was spilled!

“Old Joe, get the dwarfs in gear. And where the hell is Coves?  I want this place decked out properly for the Halloween Party” I demand of him.

Old Joe shakes his head laughing when Jayc pokes his head out of the office. “Coves is busy with terric and pookie,  oh and by the way, you lost the bet remember. We give the orders tonight”

“Oh yeah…mmm,  I keep forgetting… Boss,”  I mutter under my breath pouring drinks for him and Stone and place them on a tray to serve  to them in their office. "Why, do I get the feeling, this is going to be a LLLOOOONNNNNNNNNG,  LLLOOOONNNNNNNG Night!"


« : October 19, 2014, 09:16:03 AM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 1064

« #1988 : October 19, 2014, 01:38:28 PM »

Good morning sleepy head, as I greet my sexy but hung over party stud with a kiss... (in the background I have softly playing on my ipad2, "Home" by Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros- http://youtu.be/LzPPAw5tnqs)
as he mumbles and rumbles in bed, I hear him uttering out a name Glen, from the show The Walking Dead. My only thought about it is that he must be feeling like one of the cast members; right about now- I chuckle with a smile and whisper, "my baby".

I go back to the kitchen and make him a hot cup of coffee then fix his plate and serve it to him in bed. He leans up against the headboard, rubbing his head and squinting as the morning light brushes his half massed eyes. I join him and reached into my purse and hand him some Tylenol; to be taken once he has managed to get some food down his belly. As he begins to eat; his cell phone rings and he struggles to retrieve it...(out of his sight)

I snicker as I watch his fingers roam all over trying to search for the phone. He finally is successful and I take his plate, insist that he finishes his coffee and head for the kitchen to clean up. Afterwards, he is still on the phone so I run him some bath water; feeling like he might be on for a minute or two I make the water hot. Eventually he is off the phone and I inform him that his bath water is ready and that he might need to add some cold to it- "Make sure you test it first before entering bae, don't want you boiling your meat and potatoes," as I laughed. He gave back some form of response, not quite sure what it was, but hopefully he heard me. He eventually comes out and is dripping wet with a towel wrapped around his sexy body. I have to resist for the moment, I know we have to go shopping for our costumes; that much I was able to hear from the kitchen as he spoke on the phone.

As we make our way to costume shops, Hukk is able to find his costume without much stress or strife, unfortunately the same could not be said about me, dammit I muzzled out with a half hearted smile. I told him since he had his costume, that if he wanted, he should go on to the bar and I will meet him later on. He asked me if I minded and I reassured him the I would be fine, and that I would catch up with him later in my new costume. He kissed me on my lips then said, I hope you find what you are looking for sweetie. I replied thanks, but ahh bae you know me I do not give up hehehe! He flashed me a sneaky sexy smile and replied, Oh don't I know it! as he turned with a smile and walked away. I continued to watch his sexy ass walk away and when he was finally out of eyes view, I go back on my mission.

« : October 20, 2014, 09:11:25 AM Brandybee »
Hero Member
: 1600

« #1989 : October 19, 2014, 03:32:20 PM »

Kicked back in my desk chair I watch with amusement as Stone adjusts Brandy’s desk chair and spins around like a kid, glowing in her wager victory over the owner of this noble establishment.
“ This is going to be great, bout time she  sees what it is like working out there.”  Stone says with a smile.

As if on cue Brandy enters the office with Tea and coffee. Dressed as a sexy zombie serving wench she gives me an update on party preparations. The shot bar and dentist chair is set up and operational. The Pleasure table has been set up . Cock n Roses roadies have arrived and are setting up. The dwarfs are finishing up the decorating, all in all a good report when suddenly my phone rings.

“Jayc…………what?.................oh man………..ok, that sounds good………I will get Brandy to take care of it, thanks.”  I hang up.

“Hey Brandy, seems we have a little problem out there. I guess Pachi got into some old rotting produce out back and is not feeling well and just threw up over by bathrooms. Doc had Dopey bring him down to your harem room till his stops getting sick and his  diarrhea stops.”   It takes all my will not to explode in laughter as I continue.

“Everybody is busy so could you be a love and mop up that lake of vomit out there for me please.”

A stunned Brandy leaves the office Speechless, when out of Earshot we burst out in laughter.

After we regain our composure we change into our costumes. This year we chose to go as 1980 horror movie victims   
“We look ghoulishly sexy my dear” I say admiring our pale bloody look.  Holding the door open for Stone we make our way out to the bar to greet the arriving patrons.
Hero Member
: 1842

« #1990 : October 19, 2014, 03:36:18 PM »

Hero Member
: 2465

I am into the big blue ocean swimming and dreaming

« #1991 : October 19, 2014, 04:48:52 PM »

I was in my couch, watching the highlights of the football matches, and suddenly, something stop the program, there are news and i see in my old TV... and a scary editor talks about a very bad news, the apocalipsys is here.. says something about zombies, a virus, and the population is scared for it.

My first reaction, is to be worried about it, but after this, i see in the old TV some familiar persons... OMG!!! I recognize Brandy, Stone and Jayc... so i smile and laugh, and think that this is not gonna be so bad... i guess, so i go to the street, where some zombies are walking, they are not with Rick, Lory or Hukk Glenn, and i run to my home to wear my halloween clothes without loose my own identity.  In the street, i find some friends...

Of course... i have my own channel of tv, special only for friends.

And of course... hope i can find her in the party  ::)

Hero Member
: 1064

« #1992 : October 19, 2014, 11:28:38 PM »

     I finally arrived at the bar and feeling very satisfied about my costume. I see Hukk sitting at the bar with his back facing me. I hurry up and sneak up behind him, and give him a quick smooch on his neck. He turns around with a gaze that warmed me from head to toe. He stands, looks me up and down with the most pleasing look across his face.

So I proceed to ask him his opinion of my costume. Of course I had to model it as I am striking poses, to make sure he got the full monty :P. I eagerly await his verdict. He whispers in my ear, not only is he pleased but wants to make sure I know he will be the one taking it off later on tonight. I smile and say oh my we're being  naughty already (hehe) He flashes me a familiar alluring smile that does as exactly what he intended it to do. I return his notification with nod of understanding. Soon after, later plans are cleared; he response and tells me how inviting I look to him.


      After I am sure he has gotten a good look at my outfit I join him at the bar. He introduces me to the bartender named Old Joe...Old Joe this my wife Leigh and Leigh this is the best bartender this side of heaven. Well hello there Mr. Joe, its nice to meet you. May I ask, can you make a drink that is my signature drink? Well it has parrot bay coconut rum, pinnacle whip and pineapple juice. He looks to see if he has those liquors available he turns back and says, darling you are in luck...I happen to have them both. I was pleased and asked could it be in a tall glass? Please and thank you, I replied. He nods and turns to go doctor my concoction up and returns with it. He instructs me to taste it to make sure its alright. I replied no need, if my hubby says your the best bartender this side of heaven, then there isn't any way it wouldn't be anything but perfect. Hukk, tells me to put it on his tab so I comply.

      I look around and I see Brandy waiting tables and not looking to thrilled to be doing it either. But she makes her way over to tease Hukk about him not being ghoul-ish enough. And as only Hukk can do, he sets in on teasing poor Brandy on having to serve; instead of enjoying the festivities, and bellows out his order to her she reluctantly gets it for his rotten butt. I warn him she might be inclined to ahhh make you pay for that one...he giggles and say eh baby I am not to worried. I laugh and said ok babe, you don't know the mind of a woman. He clears it all up by reminding me how he likes the danger. I simply reply yes my love you do. You do that very well and he planted a nice kiss on my lips as he is still looking the costume over.

I am almost sure that he is trying to think of a feasible reason for us to go home. But, I make sure he puts that idea on the back burner; he smiles for me knowing what was on his mind. I stare at him and I am admiring his costume and just how sexy he looks in it; he catches me looking at him with a bit of seduction in my eyes; and quickly, replies "back burner" right?! I laughed and told him he was right, all I could do then was smile.

     Taking it all in, admiring the decorations and all the efforts that were made to make the bar look so jovial. Admiring everyone's costumes I see a couple who I am not familiar with, but recognize their theme for their costumes. How retro to take the slashing back to the 80's and they both look very nice. I began to tell Hukk how nice the bar is and how friendly it seemed. They are playing some good tunes too and I so love to dance.

So me and my bae get on the floor and do the damn thing! I think we danced three songs in a roll. We go back to our seats and I ask bae to go get us another round; before you do can you ask Brandy if she is able to have a drink with me?

I see her assisting others with their body shots; but do not see anyone buying her one of her own. Hukk, nods and goes to see if she would like one of my specialty drinks. While waiting for his return I am thinking yeah she looks like she could use one...especially having to clean up puke uggg poor girl.

But I must warn her the parrot bay coconut rum is 90 proof and the pinnacle whipped is 40 proof...hehehe she wont be feeling any pain after ahh I would say about 2 of those....

« : October 20, 2014, 09:12:59 AM Brandybee »
Hero Member
: 2078

Later, Space Cowboy

« #1993 : October 20, 2014, 09:52:57 AM »

Seeing Leigh dressed in leather is always a pleasing sight and I show my appreciation for the choice in outfit by providing her a lingering, steamy kiss. I pull away to admire  the way her curves are fully accentuated by the leather that presses against her flesh..her breasts tightly squeezed, barely contained. I growl teasingly, and whisper into her ear how I look forward in removing it later.

I introduce Leigh around in the bar, where she is welcomed warmly by all. Brandy scampers on by, dressed well in a ghoulish outfit. We take good-natured jabs at one another, laughing at our calls in costumes. I clap my hands together like a King demanding attention. "I say, the service here is most ghastly." I say in a haughty tune.  She rolls her eyes, before proceeding to bring us back our ordered drinks.

Jayc and Stone soon drop in, showing off their 80's themed zombie outfits. I waste no time in providing a horrible pun. "Take a look at these dead beats.." Leigh, Stone and Jayc release a groan, while I chuckle at what I deem to be a clever knee slapper. "Get it? Because you guys are dead." I continue, explaining the obvious.

"We get it." says Stone and Jayc simultaneously.  We soon exchange hugs and handshakes and catch up on lost time.

Later into the night, Leigh whispers into my ear how she would enjoy a dance. I look over to her side, and observe how her eyes radiate with sultry intentions. I waltz on over to the jukebox and proceed to take out a quarter. Placing it inside, I select a Halloween Classic and dance my way to Leigh to the beat of Nick Caves and the Bad Seeds "Red Right Hand."


We dance face to face, with me reciting the lyrics menacingly, my eyes glowing red with bad intentions and a shark toothed smile.

"On a gathering storm comes
a tall handsome man
in a dusty black coat with
a red right hand.."

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #1994 : October 22, 2014, 09:55:09 AM »

“Be a love” “  Be a love”   I repeat like a mantra then break out laughing, before retching again at the slug slimy lumpy puke.
I am kneeling deep in Panda vomit scrubbing the floor clean with a scrubbing brush and bucket by my side.  Jayc’s instruction had been well and truly noted.

I had the fore-thought to wear a zoot suit and Coves fishing waders. I felt a sight but at least it saved my wonderful Halloween costume from the lumpy sick and smell of half-digested salad and bamboo.

For the umpteenth time, I emptied the bucket of putrid sick and disinfectant down the nearby lavatory and flushed.
Just a few more lumps to remove and more squirts of fresh smelling disinfectant and the lake of sick would be cleared up.

Finally finished, I stood up and stretched my aching back. The place was as good as new and free from sick and diarrhoea at last!

I walked out the back and hosed the waders down, removed the zoot suit and gloves, wrapped them in a plastic bag and disposed of them in the skip.
I returned Cove’s waders to his office and went to wash up and refresh my make-up and perfume.
Soon, I was back at Old Joe’s side, serving the drinks.

I serve a drink to LeighDeexxx and welcome her to the AB&G as I missed it first time round. She was too busy attached to Hukk’s lips, “The first drink is always on the house” I tell her the custom.

“Can you smell boiled cabbage or something?” she asks sniffing the air. “That’s a very authentic decay perfume for Halloween”

“Thank you” I smile and think silently to myself,  “Must be the lingering Panda Puke and looking by how busy it was getting, I had no time to shower to refresh the clinging odour.”

“Oh Brandy” I heard Stone call.  I turned for her to show me an empty glass, “Be a dear and fetch me a fresh glass.”

I smile sweetly and of course go fetch her a pint of lager served with the full complement of nuts, crisps and Bombay mix.

“Be a Love, Be a Dear “   Noted, Oh House of the Gnomes!

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
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