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The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
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: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) ( 1215265 )
Hero Member
: 2465
I am into the big blue ocean swimming and dreaming
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1995 :
October 24, 2014, 11:42:39 AM »
I see everybody is having fun, Brandy, Tango, Hukk, Leigh... the zombies Jayc and Stone (famous cause theyre in tv news) and i cant resist just to... Old Goat of course, sure I do not miss drinking with jondas... and after some tequila shoots, i start to...
Beers for everybody... beers everywhere, also tequila, whisky, ron, ginebra... beers for everyone except sexi, who preffer something strong... mmm i see the Bar Grill Cop and multitask man, Mr SexLover and i ask him to dont do a alcohol control in the exit.. cause could be hard... he laugh while drink a tequila shoot taking the salt from Blues neck, while Woody laugh with a drink in his hand.
In the other side, Tango and Jinger dance slowly... pookie and Terric just dance naked.. "those are my girls" i though to myself, and drink with Lover and Foxy another shoot of tequila.
I start so see gnomes who come from Stones House, they scape i guess... but i dont mind... thats Achat Bar.
alcohol causes distorted reality ... I love it ... but I think someone put LSD in the drinking ... and the party goes a litle crazy... thats fun
Meanwhile... Maron is waiting for Kathen...
And Bear waiting for his drink....
: October 24, 2014, 11:59:42 AM zoerink
Hero Member
: 705
*Go Beyond The Reason To Love*
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1996 :
October 24, 2014, 08:01:15 PM »
With only a couple of hours remaining till midnight, the bar is now filled with familiar faces, a rowdy crowd, tonnes of energy and just a certain livelihood. Loud music is playing over the speakers,
is attending to customers and cleaning up spills,
are occupied amongst one another,
have only eyes for each other on the dance floor, and everyone else is just channeling good vibes through and throughout.
Suddenly the music stops and smoke fills up the stage area. Everyone stops what they're doing and looks in the direction of the stage to see what's going on.
A familiar, thumping beat begins to play as I emerge from behind the curtain, wearing a tiny, cream-coloured, see-through, two-piece outfit, and the crowd recognizes the iconic,
Sweet Dreams
song by
the Eurythmics
I walk towards the hyped and cheering crowd in a seductive, slow fashion... glaring at them with a certain fire in my eyes.
"Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree
I travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something"
As the song's music picks up speed, I begin to execute perfectly choreographed moves as my tiny frame channels the beat of the song.
"Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you"
"Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused"
I spin all the way to the left-end of the stage as the song goes on.
Scraping my nails against the darkened wall, I dip all the way down into squatting position... flashing my tramp stamp to the audience and hearing an even louder uproar of cheers from them as I turn around and engage in opening my legs to a near 180 degree angle.
"Hold your head up, movin' on, keep your head up, movin' on"
I slide, on all fours, back to the centre of the stage while flipping my hair to match the sharp whipping sounds of the song.
"Hold your head up, movin' on, keep your head up"
I continue to slink around on the floor like a sex kitten until the song reaches a sharp, remixed breakdown.
My toned, little body slithers on stage to the sharp beat of the breakdown, which is lead to an end with another fierce hair flip.
Looking up, I gaze even more fiercely at the rowdy crowd and mouth the final hushed whisperings of the haunting song...
"Everybody's looking for something" ...
: December 03, 2015, 01:19:44 PM ItsAmy123
Hero Member
: 705
*Go Beyond The Reason To Love*
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1997 :
October 24, 2014, 08:24:40 PM »
A pole magically descends from the ceiling horizontally and I jump up and latch onto it as the second verse of
Britney Spears
starts blasting from the booming speakers.
"Three is a charm,
Two is not the same.
I don't see them harm,
So are you game?"
I slink and move around on the pole as a male dancer emerges behind me.
"Let's make a team,
Make 'em say my name
Loving the extreme.
Now, are you game?"
Our bodies move in sync as we bump and grind to the highly sexualized song.
"Are you in?
Living in sin is the new thing, yeah..."
"Are you in?
I am counting..."
are carried onto stage by two bouncers much to their own surprise. I walk up towards them, standing right in between the two surprise guests, and flash a smirk as the chorus of the song kicks in. With the initial shock wearing off, both beautiful ladies succeed in matching my steps effortlessly.
"One, two, three,
Not only you and me.
Got 180 degrees and I'm caught in-between"
"Countin' one, two, three...
Peter, Paul and Mary.
Getting down with 3P, everybody loves... Uh!"
The song suddenly slows down as the bridge kicks in...
"What we do is innocent,
Just for fun and nothing meant..."
I look towards Brandy, lifting her chin and cupping her cheek, as I begin to lean in...
"If you don't like the company,
Let's just do it you and me"
I press my lips gently to hers for a mere few seconds, engaging in a soft, sensual kiss.
"Or three..."
Turning my attention towards Stone, I cup her cheek as well, pulling her in for sensual kiss lasting a couple of seconds.
Hearing a collective
from the shocked crowd due to our three-way kiss, we all turn to face them smirking and giggling as the beat of the song begins to pick up again for the final chorus....
"Or four... on the floor..."
: December 03, 2015, 02:09:34 PM ItsAmy123
Hero Member
: 705
*Go Beyond The Reason To Love*
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1998 :
October 24, 2014, 08:34:52 PM »
I playfully push both ladies into the wild crowd and they begin to crowd-surf back into the arms of their loved ones with the energy being at an all-time high at the the bar.
The final chorus of the song plays as I execute my final set of choreography with a slew of back-up dancers from my dance classes.
"One, two, three,
Not only you and me.
Got 180 degrees and I'm caught in-between."
"Countin' one, two, three...
Peter, Paul and Mary.
Getting down with 3P, everybody loves...
A drum roll kicks in as my performance nears its end and I really start to lose it as I slide back down to my knees and flip my hair to a maximum level of fierceness before a final
to mark the end of it.
The lights go off and the crowd erupts in cheers as I stay still, catching my breath and basking in the glow, before swiftly making my way backstage to the dressing room.
: November 22, 2015, 12:53:38 PM ItsAmy123
Hero Member
: 10457
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1999 :
October 26, 2014, 12:32:51 AM »
Drinking with lover and Zoe
every time zoe turns around I pour my drink on his
I dont drink so this is the only way to get ride of them
every one looks so spooky with there Halloween costume.
the party is off to a good start ...
I myself am just dressed in red maybe I will dress up later
I love the costume lightdees is wearing
Lover and I
congratulat them on there marriage
cheers to you wishing you many Blessing ......
Hero Member
: 1600
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#2000 :
October 26, 2014, 03:05:25 PM »
I pull up a bar stool by Ole Joe and he hands me a cold Beer.
“So how is your new serving wench working out?” I say with heavy sarcasm.
“Believe it or not she is doing a great job, she handled that puke clean up like a professional, even wore a level 3 Haz. Mat suit.” Joe answers with a hint of praise.
“well she will get the old stress test tonight, its early yet, Just wait till we start putting out free pitchers of Brandybee punch. Joe winks.
Draining my beer I set the empty on the bar and tell Joe I will be in the office finishing up the monthly books.
Closing the office door to get some quiet I catch a faint smell of jasmine? Sniffing again, yes that’s jasmine my eyes dart around the room. Nothing seems amiss and I relax. pulling out my chair. I plop down in my seat when suddenly I hear FRUUUMMMMMPPPPPPPPPP and unseen hands grab my legs! Immediately Followed by Stones Laughter from under the desk.
“Trick or treat darling” Stone says between Laughs. “Did I scare You?”
Once again a victim to a Stone Prank, I reach under my ass and remove the deflated whoopee cushion and toss it on the desk, able to breathe again I respond “Well if my sphincter biting my underwear is frightened……that’s a big yes.”
Stone still halfway under the desk rests her arms on either side of my open legs. She looks quite alluring, in her torn up party dress and ghoulish make up. Placing my hand under her chin I gently lift her head up.
“So tell me dead girl if that was the trick when do I get the treat?” I say with smile.
“Right now, right here?” Stone says surprised.
“Why not, nobody will come in here when the door is closed, thats bar policy.” I assure Stone.
“Alright dead boy, you just sit back and enjoy your treat.” Stone smiles and gets to work.
A rush of excitement runs down my spine as Stone unbuckles my belt and undoes my pants and pulls them down around my ankles. My boxers follow the same route as my pants as I slump in the chair a bit and get comfortable.
I let out a sigh as Stone begins a slow wank, working me up to full erection. Her thumb slides across the crown on her downward stroke, causing my precum to ooze from the slit. Hard and throbbing now, Stone starts licking the underside of my shaft, from the base to the tip with delightful swirls around the engorged head of my cock.
Wanting to open my legs further but restrained by the pants around my ankles Stone pulls off one of my shoes which I toss to the office floor. “that’s better” I sigh as I push out the chair a bit and grab the armrests.
Stone really gets going now sucking, wanking, and that tongue, oh my god, eyes closed as my climax looms I lock my hands behind my head and begin bucking my hips.
As I begin to cum I hear the office door opening, I open my eyes and I am looking Brandy saying something but my orgasm addled brain cannot function.
“Jayc, you ok? Brandy asks her head cocked.
“Uh, yeah, you startled me that’s all.” I mumble then flinch as Stone hidden from sight squeezes my sensitive cock and stifles a laugh.
“What is your shoe doing over here?” Brandy asks with suspicion.
I ignore the question at 1st then repeat it “my shoe over there?” giving me a few extra valuable seconds to come up with some explanation.
“uh im changing my sock that shoe give me blisters.” Flinching again, I give Stone a nudge under the desk to knock it off.
“Jayc are you wanking? That was a sex face when I walked in here” Brandy says laughing and taking a few steps closer.
“Wanking? Yeah right with my hands around my neck” I try and get her off the scent.
I pretend im on the computer when Brandy spots the deflated whoopie cushion.
“Oh that? Its cushion you sit on and it makes fart noises” I say nonchalantly.
This is getting worse by the second, I attempt a diversion. “what do want anyway? I am working on the payroll”
“More like wanking the payroll……….not sure where the rubber fart bag and a single shoe fit into your kink, but Jay lets not do this in our office…………you have the Bat Cave use it.” Brandy says as she makes a run for the door. The rubber fart bag hitting the door as it closes.
Hero Member
: 705
*Go Beyond The Reason To Love*
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#2001 :
October 30, 2014, 11:20:01 PM »
I emerge from my dressing room, donning my angel costume outfit, to a series of loud cheers, hoots and hollers.
I cover my ears, grinning and chuckling as I make my way through the rowdy, loud and excited crowd and find my way to my familiar stool at the bar.
"My, my, my... lookie what we have here.. our very own naughty angel,"
says Old Joe as I hop onto the stool and get comfortable. I smirk and bat my eyelashes at him coyly in response.
"Tequila on the rocks,"
he goes on to say, lifting a glass and then placing it before me.
"On the house,"
he continues...
"You definitely deserve it for putting on that electrifying performance. That level of energy was definitely a first for us here at the bar."
I say, blowing him a playful kiss and then raising my glass to him.
"Thank you so much for kind words Joe,"
I continue, grinning from ear to ear,
I down my drink in one gulp, sighing.
I lick my lips and then proceed to look around..
*The night has just begun*
I smirk, thinking to myself.
: November 22, 2015, 12:57:24 PM ItsAmy123
Hero Member
: 622
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#2002 :
October 31, 2014, 09:27:53 AM »
Covie, Pookie and I thank everyone at the lake for a wonderful party. We hurry to Lopdoodle and change into our costumes. Then, using the dwarfs' tunnel behind The Cove we emerge via the secret door into the pool room of the AB&G.
Pookie is dressed as Bat Gurl.
Covie as Robin.
And I as Cat Woman.
Alas, we could not find a Batman who could keep up with us.
We go into the bar, just in time to see Amy's fabulous dance with Stone and Brandy. The kiss at the end is passionate, and stirs a few feelings in me. "Hmmmm... I wonder." I think to myself.
The three of us go down the bar, greeting everyone as we go by with kisses, hugs and air kisses. We make our way to Covie's usual spot, at the end, just above the dwarfs' panel.
We call Joe over and order our drinks. Pookie and I each request a Witch's Brew, which is Pineapple and cranberry juice with a shot of Malibu Rum. mmmmm....
Covie, in his own imaginative way orders a glass of bourbon. "Cowboys..." I mumble in a sarcastic tone. Covie looks at me and wags a finger. "Don't make me take you into custody, Catwoman." He says.
"Mmmmmm... " Pookie hums a little. "Maybe later we can rehabilitate her." Covie and Pook clink glasses.
"A little mayhem could be in order." I say to the two of them.
Covems says "uh oh," with that sheepish grin he has.
"Covie?" I purr at him, "you know this place as well as anyone. Is there a way to shut all the lights out at once? Plung it into darkness?"
"Yes ma'am," he replies, "there's a main switch in the electrical room. One that specifically shuts the lighting circuits."
"Ohhhhhhh," I reply to him with a grin. "We may need to do that later."
Covie informs us that the switch will only kill the overhead lighting. The outlets will not be effected, so with all the lit decorations, the bar will not be completely dark.
A plan begins to form....
: October 31, 2014, 09:30:23 AM terric
Hero Member
: 1842
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#2003 :
October 31, 2014, 11:57:37 PM »
Brandy frowns as I approach her cleaning the toilets. I sniff the air , “Boiled cabbage”
“Is that you? “ I smiled.
“Your damn Panda!” she grumbles.
I giggle at her. “Come on, we are on stage next”
“Oh jeeze, I forgot about that” she brightens up from her cleaning chores.
I wave her costume at her. “Come on, we need to get changed”
10 minutes later we are ready and behind the stage. Amy was already doing her sexy thing on stage.
“Are you ready?” I whisper to Brandy. She nods and smiles when Jayc and AusWoody suddenly appeared in their dancing gear. They hand us microphones and in the fanfare of the music blaring out, we are carried on stage.
We quickly join in the steps of Amy’s sexy dance moves. The thrusts and circles of all our hips are both sensual and suggestive and perfectly timed as we join in the singing. The crowd sings and cheers us on
Towards the end of the song, Amy leans in and sexually kisses Brandy. Their lips meet open mouthed for a brief few seconds causing the audience to gasp in shock. It was hot and brief.
“Boiled cabbage?” Amy whispers, whiffing her scent in such close proximity.
Brandy rolls her eyes and continues the dance moves as Amy turns to me. I step in close and we pucker up for our open mouthed kiss. It’s brief but just as hot and fuels the fantasies of the watching men.
Then we break off and continue dancing. Amy playfully pushes us away. The crowd grab us and we crowd surf over their heads till we land by the bar.
Old Joe has a cup of tea waiting for us.
“That was really hot ladies” he gushes. Then carries on watching Amy on stage strutting her stuff with her dancer friends. She is stunning and spectacular. The men are all enthralled.
“I best get changed and get back to work,” Brandy says as she drains the last of her tea.
“Me too” I agree and head back to the office.
Just as I finish changing, I hear the door rattle and Jayc speaking to someone. I dive under the desk with a naughty idea in my head. I had bought a whoopee cushion earlier and put it under the cushion on his chair.
He enters the office, changes back into his halloween costume and sits down with an almighty “Phhhhrappppp”
I cant help laughing and grab his legs from underneath the desk, poking my head out. We tease each other about tricks and treats and it soon develops into me undoing his belt and going down on his delicious cock.
I take his penis out and lick the crown suggestively as he groans. My tongue explores the ridges and little slit, softly tongue fucking his little hole. I move to lick the underside, slow ...teasing ....and meant to drive him wild. It works, he moans and slowly circles his hips.
I push my lips slowly over his helmet and take him, inch by inch to the back of my throat. The wet heat of my mouth causes him to growl as I devour him. I begin to head fuck him, sucking in my cheeks to add pressure to his cock. I move slowly at first, then faster and faster and faster.
He is rock hard and throbs. I soon feel his breath change as he reaches climax and I suckle him as he suddenly releases, jettisoning his spunk deep into my throat. mmm He tastes devine.
At the same time, I hear the door go and Brandy enters while he tries to regain composure and hold a conversation. Wickedly I suck and wank his sensitive softening cock some more....
Hero Member
: 6966
Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#2004 :
November 09, 2014, 08:14:37 AM »
I girate my hips in time with Amy and Stone on stage and turn with each jut of my hip. The dance is hot and sexy. The audience bay their approval and then there is “The Three way kiss”
Amy turns to me and we lean towards each other, her open mouth touches mine, our moist lips meet and for brief heart stopping seconds, our lips lock in a tantalising kiss.
She moves in time with the music, breaks contact and turns to Stone. Again their open mouths meet, tongues touch in a sexy kiss that offers the promise of many men’s fantasy.
For a moment the audience holds their breath, wishing for more.. but alas the tease is over and the grinning ladies fuelling their fantasy return to their sexy dance routine.
It is hot, smouldering and leaves the audience wanting more.
Before I know it, our part of the dance is over. Amy continues to tease and capture the men’s attention, whilst Stone & I find ourselves crowd surfing over their heads to be plonked in front of the bar and waiting cups of tea on the bar counter.
Old Joe beams at us, obviously moved by the sexual play on stage.
“You ladies could fill the house with a show of lady love” he teases, clearly lost in the fantasy of the moment.
Stone & I look at each other and roll our eyes. “What is it with men and naked women playing with each other?” Stone whispers to me.
“Ask jayc” Old Joe chuckles, staring at her straining hard nipples in her dance top, then mine, taking a moment to admire. Then he heads for a better position to admire the rest of Amy’s dance routine.
We finish our tea and I go down to the Ice House to check on an unwell Pachi in my harem room. Stone heads to the office to check a few things with Jayc.
Pachi is cleaned up and curled up on a blanket in the corner. I stroke his head, scratch his ears and offer him some water. He laps it gratefully, nuzzles me and settles back to sleep. I change back into my zombie maid’s outfit and close my door to return upstairs to the party.
As I pass the spare dungeon room, I hear sexy sounds of two enraptured females and chuckle to myself, “Seems Momma_Andrea and bluedenim are enjoying Halloween in the best possible way”
Still smiling, I make my way to the office to update Jayc & Stone on Pachi’s progress.
I knock on the door and enter. I immediately notice Jayc’s eyes are rolled up to the back of his head. Stone is nowhere in sight.
“Are you ok?” I ask. My first thought he is having an epileptic episode and may need first aid.
I then notice his shoes in strange places on the floor and I become suspicious. He has been wanking! Amy’s dance routine must have really got him going, and maybe the 3-way kiss helped.
I chuckle amused. I tell him that Pachi is doing fine but probably needs some TLC from Stone when she has a minute. “I have left my dungeon open for her to visit”
I tease him about the rubber, spongy fart cushion and shoes before realising, Jayc is coming out of his stupor and regaining his zapped strength.
“Rubber and leather” I tease him, “Perhaps, you should save that for the Bat Cave…or are you fantasising about another in here?”
I see his face change, semi menacing and reach for the cushion. Laughing I make a quick exit just as the cushion comes flying through the air at my head. I exit just in time and it smacks into the door, falling harmlessly to the floor.
Cleaning and tidying mainly done, I breathe easy and see Hukk & Leighdee and Lover & FoxyRoxxy smooching on the dance floor. Zoerink is dancing with a couple of babes looking extremely happy.
Covems, Pookie & Terric emerge from the secret pool room entrance dressed as Batgirl, Robin and Cat Woman. There seems to be a mutual theme going on there. I wave to them and indicate their drinks were behind the bar. They wave back.
Amy finishes her dance and sits at the bar, chatting to Old_Joe amid congratulatory claps on the back for her stunning performance.
I join AusWoody at the bar and buy him a drink. I kiss his cheek and invite him to join me for the next dance…
: 8
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#2005 :
November 15, 2014, 05:41:41 AM »
sneaky miss malphes slips in and takes a seat in the shadows. such a lurker she.
Hero Member
: 1600
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#2006 :
December 05, 2014, 10:54:35 AM »
I stroll into the bar sporting my new Christmas sweater, call it a preventive strike if you will, merely an effort to stop my spouse from buying me one.
As i walk to the office i spot this wool atrocity hanging on the office door with a note.
"Here is your new jumper jay hope you like it xxxxxx Stone."
I smile and open the bottom draw of my desk and pull out this beauty.
With my luck she will adore it.
Hero Member
: 1842
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#2007 :
December 14, 2014, 11:07:40 AM »
I find my wonderful jumper Jayc has bought me in our empty office. Everyone is bustling around getting the bar ready for the festive season.
I smile and look at the photo of me and him on his desk. He loves me. He really, really loves me and after nearly 3 years together too. I love my jumper.
I hold it against me twirling round, singing “All I want for Christmas is you”
As I dance around the office I suddenly notice something gold and rectangular glittering on the floor and pick it up, it reads “Bank of Nymphomania." Mr Bear and an account number. He must have dropped it in here. I put it on the desk for Jayc to return it to him.
I quickly put my new sweater on and text Doc. “Has the consignment arrived yet?”
He texts back, “ Yes we are just about to label them all up”
“Are you all dressed as Santa’s elves?” I quickly text again.
“Of course.” He replies. I giggle as I can almost see him rolling his eyes on the other end of his mobile.
“Good. Make sure a Christmas jumper is delivered to all of our Forum Villagers. I want them all to wear one when they come to the bar. They will get a free drink off Old_Joe”
Brandy suddenly bangs into the office door and arrives in the office with armfuls of mince pies she attempts to plonk on her desk.
“Stunning jumper Stone” she giggles spotting my presence as she wrestles with the boxes, trying not to let them topple over.
She spots the Gold credit card lying on the dark wooden surface and picks it up from Jayc’s desk.
Another text comes through from Doc and it bleeps loudly. I look at my phone with Brandy peering over my shoulder.
“The delivery guy wants to know, who’s paying for them this year.” Doc texts again.
“Paying for what?” Brandy asks, quite unashamed of reading my private texts.
“Oh, just some little gifts I have arranged for the patrons…” I say mysteriously.
I begin to answer Doc and type, “Put it on Cove….“ then see that gold credit card and pause. It's glittering in the fairy lights, still in her hand.
I look at the card, and look at Brandy, then shake my head, “ No we shouldn’t, it would be wrong” and start to finish my text.
“Oh yes we should,” she grabs my phone and deletes Covems details replacing them with Bear’s and presses send.
“Well he does owe you some new stockings,” she shrugs, “Just say you ordered them in special from Oxford Street, London”
And with that she hands my phone back and breezes out the office!
“But…but… I asked him to,” I say to a now empty room. My phone suddenly bleeps a low battery warning.
“Shit,” I cuss as my phone goes dead. I cant even correct what Brandy’s done and my charger is at home.
“Maybe he won’t notice his bill” I try to diminish the nervous shudder.
I place the gold card in an envelope and seal it. I go out to the bar and give it to Old_Joe.
“Will you give this to Bear when you see him?” I ask him
“Sure I will” He smiles.
“Good and err … don’t tell him who gave it to you. Just say it appeared on the bar or something”
“Ok” Old_Joe agrees a little confused.
“A good Samaritan who doesn’t want any thanks ok” I try and explain.
“Arr,” he agrees then. “You can count on me”
“Thanks Joe, you don’t know how much that means to me” I kiss his cheek and wander off to help Jayc and Covems decorate the Christmas tree, in my fabulous new jumper of course.
: December 14, 2014, 11:13:38 AM Stone
Hero Member
: 6966
Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#2008 :
December 15, 2014, 10:17:42 AM »
“Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow…. “ Dean Martin’s soft melodic voice rings out around the Bee Hive as I take another batch of mince pies from the oven. The place smells of home baking and with the Christmas tree twinkling, tinsel shimmering and various decorations around my place … the festive season is alive and kicking.
My doorbell chimes to “Good King Wenceslas last looked out on the feast of Stephen” and I remove my oven gloves not realising I have flour on my face and hair and go to answer it.
Bashful and Sneezy are at the door, dressed as elves, with a wrapped box. “A surprise from Secret Santa” they both say in a well rehearsed univoice. They hand me it to me with a card and then cough, before starting a rendition of “We wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year”
They sing beautifully and I feel a tear welling in my eyes.
I listen patiently at the door and clap when they hit the final note.
“That was wonderful fellas, here, I have something for you”
I go back inside and place some mince pies in a box with two small bottles of sherry and give it to them outside.
They give me a hug before clambering back on the wagon. “Don’t forget you have to wear it at the AB&G,” Bashful says before starting up and driving off to make deliveries to the other residents.
I soon finish the baking and pile the boxes in my truck, then shower and get ready to go the bar.
Some 45 minutes later, I am unloading the boxes into the bar with Old Joe’s help.
“Make sure, everyone gets a mince pie and a drink of mulled wine or English sherry,” I tell him, “But only if they are wearing a Christmas Sweater of course”
Old Joe chuckles and then notices my jumper, “Wow” he says.
“Merry Christmas Joe” I kiss him on the cheek and look around. The boys have done me proud. Christmas has arrived at the bar.
Even Old Joe has his sweater on
Hero Member
: 10350
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#2009 :
December 17, 2014, 08:47:17 PM »
"Last christmas, I gave you my sweater..." but whom did i give it? Shit, I can't remember. All I know, I don't have it anymore. But soon the annual Xmas party in the bar is starting. What's this? In a corner I see a boxand a note from Roxxy "Hi baby, my dad has worn it every christmas, he gives it to you now." I open the box, put it on and look into the mirror
Awwww perfect
I take my car and drive to the bar, while Chris Rea is singing just for me
"I'm driving home for Christmas
Oh, I can't wait to see those faces
I'm driving home for Christmas, yeah
Well, I'm moving down that line"
Only Old Joe is at the bar. He offers me a drink of mulled whine. "I added a shot, I know you like it." "Thanks old friend. This is what I need now. A very busy year is close to its end. And I've got the feeling, also the last days need our full attention." Stone, Brandy and Jayc are in the office, Roxxy will come later too. So I decide to check the stage, the lights and the sound machine. Everything is fine and I start some background music. Old Joe looks at me "German rock? What about christmas songs?" "We will hear them soon enough and for the rest of the next 7 days. Let's listen to some real music as long as we get the chance!" We both laugh. I'm sure, when theladies come up, they will yell to change it. "Let them yell, let them yell, let them yell" I sing to the melody of Let it snow and grin.
"Hey Lover" Joe asks, "do you take a speech again?" "Sure, if I get another drink of mulled whine!" I wink and smile. He nods "with another shot of course"
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