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: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )  ( 1212690 )
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« #2130 : October 10, 2015, 01:37:02 PM »

"They will be here any minute!" I say to my spouse.

It is late at night and we are a few yards from a street lamp that illuminates an empty side road. She is standing provocatively on the pavement in high black heels that show off her long slender toned calfs through black stockings. Her legs disappear, just below the knee, beneath a beautiful red satin dress with a dragon design embroidered in fine gold silk thread above the waist. She looks at me coquettishly with her blue eyes, framed perfectly in dark navy eyeliner as she takes a long draw on her hand rolled cigarette. Her full blood red lips pucker as the ash glows orange. Strangely her red hair looks more aflame than the cigarette in the artificial light.

"I know, I can't wait!" She says, her words mixing with the exhaled smoke while the nicotine keeps her voice calm and husky.

I step behind her and embrace her around her tummy giving her a tight squeeze as I kiss her softly on the cheek. I can smell the strong gold leaf tobacco smoke in her hair. I deny her any contact on the lips because she is not in the mood for love play. Instead I grip her petite buttock and pull her dress's shoulder strap to the side and bite her white exposed skin. She moans and then I step away, covering the bite mark back over with the soft dress strap.

"I give you first souvenir of the night" I explain. "When will you be back?" I continue casually.
"It depends on what they do to me, honey." She sounds indifferent.

I look up the road and wonder what I should do when she leaves.  I don't even know where here is. I just followed my sat nav in my black Audi A6 to these coordinates and parked up. The deliveries used to get to me initially but now I find the whole thing routine. Living with a masochist has its perks but this wasn't one of them.

"Perhaps I should go now?" I think to myself. No! I know she'll be safe in their hands. She might get hurt but she'll be safe. What sort of person am I!

"Ok beautiful, have fun!" I bid.  She blows me an enduring kiss back with her bright red satin lipstick coated lips and I trundle off towards the end of the road, occasionally looking back at her. I'm not really dressed for going out. I wear a grey-blue T-shirt with a dark blue moleskin jacket and some casual jeans with a rip across the knee. My brown leather ankle boots complete my comfortable attire.
At the end of the road, there's a huge friendly wooden building with a sign saying "AChat Bar & Grill" in large, welcoming red lettering. A couple are canoodling on the porch and I am sure I can hear the sounds of live entertainment emanating out of the entrance in the form of singing.

"Perfect" I mull. I could do with a distraction.

I turn back to check on my wife, only to see that a white van has arrived. From this distance, I see a brunette has forced her to her knees and has her in a collar and lead. She pulls her through the double doors at the rear of the vehicle, by her hair, and jumps in the back with her. The doors slam closed and the van drives off away from me.

That's it. It's done! I take a deep breath and walk across the road to the bar half delirious.
I only take a few steps when a taxi comes swerving out of the car park at full speed and I literally dive out of the way to avoid being run over. Who could be in such a hurry at this time of night? Now I seriously need a drink!
I cross the courtyard, walking past a pickup truck parked out front, continuing to muse to myself.

I could do with some company. I think back to the days when going to the bar always meant playing drinking games with my friends and waking up with a hangover. We would play "truth or dare" or the hilariously revealing "I have never!" You certainly found out some interesting things about people playing that one.

As I open the door I try to take in the scene as I walk to the bar. The place isn't too busy but it's more cosy than I was expecting and it looks chilled and everyone looks dressed to impress. The other thing that strikes me is all the girls look gorgeous.
There is some rocking music coming from the stage.

A romantic couple seem to be dining in a booth and a beautiful girl at the bar fidgets on her bar stool while looking at some stories on her lap top. I wonder what they could be I chuckle. I sneak a peek through to a back room and see a pool table and even a god damn bucking bronco! Woah! This place is interesting.

Then as I get closer, I notice the hot redhead serving behind the counter. I wonder if I have a thing for redheads or perhaps it's just because she has a playful red cowboy hat on or that she has a deep glow about her.

Just then I hear the words from the band pumping out:

"We can't wait 'til tomorrow
You gotta know that this is real, baby why you wanna fight it?
It's the one thing you can choose, oh!"

That's a killers song and I love it. This place is getting better and better.

"Evening!" I start. "Nice place you have here."
She seems so happy to have a stranger walk in and I detect a distinct bit of devil in her naughty eyes. She makes me smile out of instinct.
I desperately want a beer but I glance across at the cocktail menu on the black board behind her and just can't help myself.
"Can I have a wet pussy please?"

« : October 11, 2015, 03:46:16 PM Lightyear »
Hero Member
: 9502

Lady of the twin moons©

« #2131 : October 11, 2015, 06:08:51 AM »

Standing in front of that old beat up wood door, I take a deep breath before pushing it open. The light spills in behind me for a moment and then I’m cast in darkness as it closes behind me. I hear glasses and music and so many conversations that it’s just a rumbling din of flock-like sound.

“I should have went through the foyer.” I mutter and wait for my eyes to try to adjust. The lights from the bar come through first, that old familiar beacon, and stepping forth with confidence I let  my feet take me where they need to go.

As I reach the bar, “Just a moment, let me finish this bit.” Stone says without looking up from an Amazon tablet.

“I just need a black russian.” I nearly shout over the noise.

“I haven’t seen one lately.” Stone begins smartly and then looks up to see me. “Hey YOU!” she says in surprise. “What are you doing back?”

“Well…” I begin the long list. “I finished my story for the contest, got paid for a commission. Wrote another story for a client and finally got healthy.” I spin with my jacket open showing of my lighter, sleeker body wrapped in a little black dress.

“Paid, huh? So you didn’t come back for your job?” She asked what might have been hopefully.

“Nope, no more bunny ears for me.” I smile from ear to ear. “I am sorry I left you all, but I had to, you know?” I asked hopefully.

Stone holds up both hands, “Hey, no explanations required at the AB and G. Welcome back.” and finally hands me that Black Russian.

Slowly that first sip hits my taste buds and I smile as if seeing an old friend and lean back on the bar,  just looking at it all.

Hero Member
: 1600

« #2132 : October 11, 2015, 03:33:12 PM »

Unlocking Stone’s truck, I slip into the driver’s seat and look around, shaking my head. Not only does she have almost all of the cabin mugs……. Now she has a most of the bars. Pulling out slow I hear a whistle and stop, Dopey runs up and climbs in causing a small avalanche of coffee mugs to spill out onto the parking lot. Laughing we put the Mugs by the back door and head out to the main road.
It’s a lovely day, the air is crisp, the sky blue, the trees that line the road turning colors.  Dopey opens the glove compartment and finds Stone’s stash of Kitt Kat bars and we split one as I drive. We cruise along, the clink of coffee mugs rattling on the floor the only noise.

I pull into the NYPHOMAINIA NURSERY AND GARDEN SUPPLY  lot and park. Grabbing a large cart we load up some hay bales  and then cherry pick some nice pumpkins of various size and shapes. “apples”  Dopey reminds me  and we pick out a nice bushel. We wander into the decorations aisle  and pick out some nice skeletons and black cats.

Dopey tugs at my pant leg and shows me skull ice cube trays

“Cool take them all, I officially proclaim you skull cube maker Dopey.” I smile,  He nods in agreement.

Stones truck loaded up we return to the bar. Backing up to the back entrance I can see the other dwarfs are waiting to help unload.
In no time at all our load sits by the stage and we begin the decorations. The band taking a break I decide to get us in the mood with some Halloween music. Shuffling through the pile of CDs I find what I am looking for.

Frankie Stein and the Ghouls. Turning it up loud, the tune  Goon River begins to play.


Hearing the song, Brandy  and Stone begin doing the swim much to the amusement of the Bar patrons.    :D
Hero Member
: 1842

« #2133 : October 11, 2015, 03:56:00 PM »

The stories are wonderful but I am aware that the AB&G is starting to get busier and busier.

I catch the sight of a stranger come to the bar and order a drink from the bar. I chuckle to myself when I hear him ask Brandybee for a Wet Pussy.

An amused Brandy measures & pours the ingredients into a silver stainless steel shaker…  1 oz Raspberry Liqueur ; 1 oz Irish Cream & 6 oz  Cream.  She adds the Ice, shakes it expertly and pours the delicious concoction into a tall tubular glass.

She hands it to him and leans in and speaks. Her voice is deliberately breathy and sexily husky,  “The best way to drink it…. is to lap your tongue inside the glass… let the juice and flavour soak into your tongue…. Let your tastebuds devour the flavour… and then … slowly… draw the liquid out. ” She smiles at him.

I see he stares at her lips, engrossed whilst she talks, soaking in every word and enjoying her tease.

I hear him introduce himself as Lightyear.

I smile & return to the stories.  One was getting particularly interesting and someone approaches the bar to be served, “Just a moment, let me finish this bit.”  I ask hopefully.
She mentions a Black Russian & I joke about not seeing many.

I look up and am delighted to see its Momma_Andrea. 

I immediately greet her with a hug and kiss and make her a Black Russian cocktail -  filling a glass full of ice and then a 5 second shot of coffee liqueur and 10 second shot of vodka, washing and mixing the coffee and ice together.
I place it in front of her, “It’s so good to have you back,” I tell her affectionately.

She explains she’s not here to work but as a customer now and was quickly becoming a renowned writer. I had always admired her work and truth be known, her news did not surprise me. She looks good, looks stunning in beauty and curvatious figure and brimming with confidence. She looks every bit like a woman who knew what she wanted.
“Welcome home Momma_Andrea” I grin at her.

Suddenly Jayc piles in with armsful of Halloween decorations and he and the dwarfs start putting them up.

He waves to me, Momma, Brandy, LightYear and some others in the bar.

Then pops a tune on the jukebox to put a spooky Halloween song on …

Well who could resist…  Momma, Brandy, FoxyRoxxy & I take to the dance floor and begin the Swim dance moves…  which went something like this …


« : October 11, 2015, 03:57:50 PM Stone »

: 3

« #2134 : October 12, 2015, 11:48:57 AM »

Brandybee impressively collects all the ingredients from memory and makes the perfect looking cocktail. I check to my left as a seductive woman comes up to the bar and gives a delightful twirl in her jacket before ordering a drink and chatting with her friends she dearly missed.

I feel a little intrusive to be amongst them but I am encouraged as Brandybee intimately addresses me with her teasing voice and the girl with the laptop smiles at me. I listen carefully as she delicately lowers my drink before me.

"Salut!" I hail politely and clink glasses with the young woman holding a Black Russian, I now know as momma.
Then while keeping eye contact with Brandybee I tilt it towards me and slyly dip my lips into the top of the tumbler. The silky texture of the thick cool creamy coating is certainly one to savour. I extend my tongue secretly beneath the opaque white concoction and feel a flourish of sensations as the alcohol permeates but the milk soothes. I am in no hurry as the waft of sweet "brandy" liquor lingers under my nose. I place the glass back onto the counter, licking my lips just before they reach saturation point.

A devious smirk appears on my face as I take a straw and stirrer from the bar and carefully lower them to the bottom of the glass. I circle them slowly and deliberately against the sides. I lightly blow into the straw and enjoy the brief rumble of bubbles as they jostle to the surface releasing more sweet aromas.

Then I take a long suck and watch the turbulent layers of fatty creams disappear up the tube. I am partially mesmerised as I gulp and follow the level of liquid rapidly descending down the edges of the glass leaving a beautiful smeary residue. When the level reaches the bottom, it makes a glorious slurping sound which I perpetuate by chasing and hoovering up the last slippery dregs from the base.
I remove the straw and slide a finger slowly around the inside and suck it clean. I try to detect any signs of blushing from the onlookers because that always excites me.

"Yum!" I steal a glance at the radiant girls to my left and right.
"I could easily devour two more like that!" I say.

Time seemed to slow down during the whole experience.

Seconds later, the tempo of the bar explodes. A flurry of activity swarms around me as a dude, with his arms full of Halloween decorations, appears followed by lots and lots of little hairy people who begin transforming the bar right before my eyes. I eventually clock it is all for the fright night party as advertised on the posters.

The classic swim music kicks in from the jukebox and I am suddenly watching a sexy array of dancers air front crawling their way across the open floor.
I sit back for a moment to watch the reunited friends enjoy some fun together.
I already know what I will be at the party. I ponder how I will make my transformation.
« : October 13, 2015, 12:04:04 AM Lightyear »
Hero Member
: 1600

« #2135 : October 17, 2015, 09:18:47 PM »

“Sit still” Stone scolds me as she puts the final touch of make up on my face.
“What do think Joe, is he too green?"  Stone steps away to give Joe a look.

Joe kicked back  on the Bar office couch takes a pull of his beer and gives his best “Evil Clown” Scowl then says “that’s perfect, time to get this show on the road.”

The staff has been busy all afternoon and the Bar is ready for Fright Night. 



The Kitchen staff has out done them selves with this years buffet  ;D





? ? ?


The band doing a final sound check, the doors to the bar open and Stone and myself stand by the door to greet the patrons

« : October 20, 2015, 11:02:42 AM jayc »
Hero Member
: 1842

« #2136 : October 19, 2015, 02:51:56 PM »

“The bar looks really good guys” I congratulate Jayc, the dwarfs and Old Joe as we do a last check of appearances before the guests arrive, everyone’s costume look great. Everyone has made the effort.
Even the dwarfs …

The bar is decorated wonderfully and looks like a spooky lair.

“Have you heard that Peeka might make an appearance this Halloween?” I ask Jayc.

He looks up from checking the footy wagers.

“Mmhmm, she lost a bet with Brandy,”  He confirms. “We just might get a strip tease or burlesque dance as one of the forfeits,”  He chuckles.  “We certainly would enjoy such a spontaneous performance.”

I nod and tease him, “We have certainly had a few of those in here. Do you remember when you lads gave us a good show … you, Lover, Tangoracer, Bear, Tightfit74… now that was a good night for us girls”

Old Joe laughs and joins in. “That was a good night.... I’ve made some new Halloween cocktails. Would you care to try some?”

“Is the Pope Catholic?” I answer him smiling.  “Line them up Joe”
He lines up some of the drinks so we can all have a taste and gives us the new menu  –
1. Bloody Devil
2. Black Widow
3. Hocus Pocus Punch
4. Zombie Brains
5. Spidey Senses
6. The Haunting

7. Dead Embryonic Cells

8. Witches Brew
9. Piña Ghoul-ada
10. Pumpkin Spice
11. Vampire's Kiss
12. Graveyard Gruel

13. Spellbound

“mmmm, Good work Joe”  We all nod our approval.  “Definitely an add for the Dentist’s Chair”

The dwarfs get the long spouted jugs ready for the chair victims and then spin the rotating-pleasure -table round and giggle.

The Cocks N Roses begin to play some great songs for Halloween & Jayc takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor. 

"Lets dance" He chuckles and we do the Monster shuffle ...

Full Member
: 248

Sweet child o'mine

« #2137 : October 20, 2015, 03:01:08 PM »

the sound check is gone and im very happy about my new guitar : its sounds is really nice.
now its time to get ready and become the buckethead

well dunno if i will keep this mask all nite , im already sweating in it :)

i see Stone and Jayc , they seem doing the last check too , i arrive at their backs silent as a snake and slightly touch Stone hip with a finger

she jump off her feet and falls in Jayc arms screaming , both of them look at me and Stone places one hand on her heart and says : " omw do you wanna kill me? damn my heart missed a beat "
i bite my lip to not laugh and try to say im sorry but looking at Jayc eyes a loud laughing comes out of my mouth
soon Jayc follows me and we both laugh
"Freddie !!!!" she screams at me and slaps my cheeck , then she join our laughing
"are you ready ?"  he then asks me
i nod and smile "i am .... ready to rock "

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #2138 : October 20, 2015, 04:38:42 PM »

I leave my dungeon, having put the last finishing touch of make- up on and step outside for some fresh air.

I see some bats flying round and smile, even they know it’s coming up to Halloween.

Taking my witches broom, I step inside the AB&G just in time to see Freddie teasing Stone with his white scary mask and bucket head. He looks quite sinister but that guitar sound he plays is phenomenal.

I hear him shout, … “Ready to Rock …” and I wave at him and blow him a kiss.

All the 7 dwarfs begin to dance with the other patrons and welcome one of their visiting cousins on to the dance floor dressed as a blood sucking spiderman. He shows off his moves in spectacular fashion…

Old Joe grabs my attention, “Want to try a Zombie Brain?”  he asks and guides me to the Dentist’s Chair …  (1 ounce Peach Schnapps ; 1 teaspoon Baileys ;1/2 teaspoon Grenadine )

It certainly looks quite evil and stomach churning

Old Joe pours it into his special jug with the long spout and I lie back with my mouth open in the Dentist’s chair.

“You got your strawberry and cards ready?”  He asks.

I smile and take one out of the fruit bowl on the attached table on the arm rest and wave the cards at him, flicked over to display Cocktail Number 4 – the number representing Zombie Brains.

“3, 2, 1 ..”   Old Joe counts down and pours the cocktail into my mouth.

It tastes quite delicious and the potent alcohol fills my mouth and threatens to over spill. I swallow furiously till all the shot has gone. Only a slight trickle dribbles from the corner of my mouth. The alcohol gives me a delightful warm glow. My tongue darts out and sexily laps it up.

Then I sit up, straighten my witch’s hat, slowly rise from the chair, bite into the succulent strawberry a little way and look around to share half of it with the next victim of the Dentist’s Chair…

I spot the next person and edge towards them with the juicy strawberry between my lips ready to pass on half the strawberry in a semi kiss, the booklet of flip-over-cocktail-numbers and the unspoken invitation to try one of Old Joe’s cocktails in the chair, just like I had done a few minutes earlier …
« : October 20, 2015, 04:42:01 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 10350

« #2139 : December 16, 2015, 04:15:21 PM »

Roxxy and I are on our way to the bar. This year, we had to care for the christmas tree and after we spent days in the forest, we finally found a nice one.

When we arrived at the bar, we noticed that Brandy already has built the "tree" for the garden. Jayc was playing some nice music

They helped us to take the tree in and together we decorated it. Stone and Woody were waiting for us and we did an old german tradition: For every christmas bauble we hung up, we had a drink. Hicks :o
After a while, we finished it. Just the the top was missing and so I climbed up the ladder to put it on.

What an amazing and contemplative mood :)

I'm thinking to tell them about the surprise I have...but then it wouldn't be a surprise. So I just smiled and had anticipation for the next days.

Hero Member
: 705

*Go Beyond The Reason To Love*

« #2140 : December 19, 2015, 10:48:14 PM »

It's a couple of days before Christmas. The bar, although fully decorated in holiday cheer, is quieter than usual. Almost solemn. The only familiar face I can see by peaking from behind the curtain is Old Joe. Everyone else must be engaged in holiday shopping or decorating duties, if not on holiday.  There's still quite a crowd out there, I think to myself, considering I had decided to do a very impromptu performance, which was announced very last minute. The stage lights suddenly turn on and the curtain begins to unveil me.

I clutch onto my mic, wearing a sparkly, golden, floor-length gown. Trying to shake off the pre-show jitters, I begin to walk towards my spotlight, as the piano rifts of Writing's On The Wall by Sam Smith begin to play.

Sofia Karlberg - Writing's On The Wall

A loud applause and cheers at the sight of my entrance make me forget of any jitters and an aura of confidence, as well as emotion, overcomes me as I hold the mic close to my lips and begin to sing into it, in my typical soft, yet recognizably unique tone.

"I've been here before
But always hit the floor
I've spent a lifetime running
And always get away
But with you I'm feeling something
That makes me want to stay"

"I'm prepared for this
I never should have missed
But I feel like a storm is coming
If Im going to make it through the day
Then there's no more use in running
This is something I gotta face"

My vibrato rings high with the song kicking into the pre-chorus, as I use personal memories to deliver the sharp pain of the song's lyrics. There's thin drop silence in the bar and I can feel everyone's eyes on me.

"If I risk it all..."

"Could you break my fall...?"

I fall to my knees right as I begin to sing the chorus in breathy, hushed, Marilyn Monroe-esque tone. Tears fill my eyes as every single word rings through my soul.

"How do I live?
How do I breathe?
When you're not here Im suffocating"

"I wanna feel love
Run through my blood
Tell me is this where I give it all up?"

"For you
I have to risk it all
Cause the writing's on the wall..."

The song continues on into it's second verse as I stay on the floor. Tilting my head I gaze intensely towards the crowd, my eyes watery and my lips quivering for dramatic effect.

"A million shards of glass
That haunt me from my past"

"As the stars begin to gather
And the light begins to fade"

"When all hope begins to shatter
Know that I won't be afraid"

Two men come swiftly behind me, lifting me up by my arms and ripping my dress off me. All I have on underneath is body paint, golden glitter, and strategically placed golden stripes.

My hands are clinging onto the mic, as I'm quickly fastened onto this belt, hooking me onto two wires that are masked by pieces of cloth. I'm turned on my side as both men make sure I'm safely harnessed before I'm swung upwards into the air, as I sing the pre-chorus.

"If I risk it all..."

"Could you break my fall...?"

I twirl, dip-low into the crowd, spin back upwards throughout the final chorus, much to the gasps, amazement and bewilderment of the crowd.

"How do I live?
How do I breathe?
When you're not here Im suffocating"

"I wanna feel love
Run through my blood
Tell me is this where I give it all up?"

As the song reaches it's end, I lie on my back while still suspended in the air, with only the the support of the two sturdy clothed wires. I spin and I spin and I spin all the way to the last word, as water falling from above is showered all over me.

"For you,
I have to risk it all..."

"Cause the writing's on the wall..."

A loud uproar from the crowd marks the ending of my performance. I stay in character, lying still in that fixed position in the air, as my body glistens under the spotlight with water dripping off of me. The cheers, loud claps, whistles and even some standing ovations encompass my being as I smile to myself, breathing a sigh of relief.


An hour or so later, I'm looking at myself in my specific mirror in the change room backstage. After applying some ruby-red lipstick to accentuate my lips, I throw on a red-coloured plaid shirt. I cock my head to the side to get a better view of how it looks on me in the mirror, before deciding to fasten it tightly around my bust and making a crop-top look out of it.

Smirking to myself, I look over my shoulder as I walk away towards my little suitcase. Checking myself out, I playfully wiggle my tushie. I chuckle at my silliness before grabbing my belongings and making my way out. I make sure to wave to Old Joe as I'm standing at the doors. It was my way of reminding him the deal we had made when I had given him a spare key earlier on in the night. He was confused and kind of upset when I told him I won't be a good ol' regular around here anymore but I got him to agree to look after my cabin every now and then just to make sure everything was good and functioning. I playfully warned him that I would be checking in from time to time to see if he was holding out on his end of our deal.

I break out of my trance of thoughts to see him waving back at me. Giving him a smile, I make my way out backwards. I give the bar one last, long look, taking all of it in.. all the memories, and then make my way to my car.
« : February 22, 2017, 01:31:09 AM ItsAmy123 »

Hero Member
: 10350

« #2141 : December 20, 2015, 07:05:44 PM »

"Hey, now tell me about your surprise!" Brandy is looking at me a few days later. "Don't be so mysterious, you know I don't like that." I grin and look to Roxxy, who also is grinning. I look around and notice, the bar is filled. Everyone is here for the big christmas party and the best, everyone is wearing an ugly sweater. It looks so strange and funny.

"Ok Brandy, it's time!" I hug Roxxy, we kiss each other deeply and I go behind the stage. Old Joe knows what to do - he dims the lights and and turns on the spot to the stage. The curtain is opening... and Freddy and I appear on stage. The old citizens of AChat village know what's going to happen, the younger ones are still surprised.

I take the micro "Hi all you amazing people. You know me as Lover, but not everybody knows, that I'm also the singer of the Cocks 'n' Roses, a band which was founded by members of AChat. But, and this is the sad message, we stopped after James, our drummer, has passed away. But today, Freddy and I are back, to give you a short christmas concert."

The mood is biased. Some are still astonished, some are not understanding what's happening right now and some are cheering and applauding.

"Before we sing a few christmas songs, we remember all the beloved ones, who have stopped their journey and left this earth. They are away, but never forgotten and in our hearts, they live on. If you have a special one, it's time to send him your thoughts now. This is our song:"

Freddie sits aside me and plays his accoustic guitar. I join him with my guitar and start to sing:

Pink Floyd  - Wish You Were Here unplugged version


So, so you think you can tell
Heaven from Hell
Blue skies from pain
Can you tell a green field
From a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?

Did they get you to trade
Your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange
A walk on part in a war
For a lead role in a cage?

"Come on everybody and sing with us" I say

How I wish, how I wish you were here
We're just two lost souls
Swimming in a fish bowl
Year after year
Running over the same old ground
What have we found?
The same old fears
Wish you were here

Hero Member
: 3444

« #2142 : December 29, 2015, 11:34:44 AM »

Sitting in one of the dark corner booths with Jinger we watch Amy and the lover take to the mic and sing. Lovers song gets me thinking of all the friends we have lost over the years of me being a regular in the bay and some of the great shows we have all put on here.
My mind goes  back to one of the sadist nights in the bar and a song that Lover sang that night.
Leaning over the table I kiss Jinger and whisper "Back in a min my love"
She looks at me a bit funny then smiles "Ok"

Leaving her in the booth I make my way to the stage and sit at the piano and lean into the mic and call Lover back to the stage.  Walking back onto the stage he gives me a strange look

"What you up to Tango" he asks

"You sing this better then me" I say with a smile "But the bar good bye version" I wink

He looks at me a big blank and the he remembers with a smile


Thank you for being a friend
Traveled down the road and back again
Your heart is true you're a pal and a confidant
I'm not ashamed to say
I hope it always will stay this way
My hat is off, won't you stand up and take a bow
(Stone)And at the Ice House Party,                                                                                     
You licked & sucked & kissed & fucked                                                                   
You must see, the biggest gift was for me                                                   
Was the Spit Roast gang bang                                                                                   
Thank you for being a friend....
Thank you for being a friend
Thank you for being a friend                           
Thank you for being a friend
(HB)If it’s a nice surprise you lack                                                                                   
Come here with me in the sack                                                                       
Whatever you need, anytime of day or night

I'm not ashamed to say
I hope it always will stay this way                         
My hat is off, won't you stand up and take a bow
(Brandy)And when we both got bolder                                                                               
With fucking chair and “Shades of Grey”  :P                                                               
The groans & moans of orgasmic spray,  :o                                                   
Will remind me of you.....                                                                                     
Thank you for being my friend
(I want to thank you)
Thank you for being a friend
(I want to thank you)
Thank you for being a friend 

As the song ends Lover turns to me and give a single nod of his head and heads of the stage.

I look around the bar and catch Stone's and Brandy's eyes both look like they are lost in that memory. They both give me a loving smile and then turn back to Jayc and Woody and kiss them both.

I sit at the piano for a few seconds and then make my way back to Jinger sitting on the seat next to her I put my arms around her and kiss her deeply.[color]
« : December 29, 2015, 11:37:46 AM tangoracer »

Full Member
: 248

Sweet child o'mine

« #2143 : January 03, 2016, 02:37:50 PM »

my turn now to grab a mic
"hey Bar & Grill
it's great to be here again playing for you all
this is our Xmas party
so it's time to have fun
pls sing out loud ,dance , scream
and of course ladies... your panties on stage are welcome
so dont be shy "
i laugh and watch Lover , he's laughing too and nods at me
" lets start now
with a jingle bell rock !!!"


Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring
Snowing and blowing up bushels of fun
Now the jingle hop has begun

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells chime in jingle bell time
Dancing and prancing in Jingle Bell Square
In the frosty air

What a bright time, it's the right time
To rock the night away
Jingle bell time is a swell time
To go gliding in a one-horse sleigh

Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet
Jingle around the clock
Mix and a-mingle in the jingling feet
That's the jingle bell rock

It's a bright time, it's the right time
To rock the night away
Jingle bell time is a swell time
To go gliding in a one-horse sleigh

Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet
Jingle around the clock
Mix and a-mingle in the jingling feet
That's the jingle bell rock

Christmas is coming
I just want to be with you
Nothing else that I could do
I'm wrapping myself up with you

Don't you know it's Christmas?
And I want you baby, by my side

Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet
Jingle around the clock
Mix and a-mingle in the jingling feet
That's the jingle bell rock

Yeah, that's the jingle bell rock
That's the jingle bell rock
Yeah, break it down for 'em real quick
It's Christmas baby, and I been waiting
You're all I need, I need, I need

as the song ends i grab 2 beers and hand one to Lover
"cheers my friend
happy xmas "

Hero Member
: 1600

« #2144 : February 05, 2016, 12:46:43 AM »

“What are those two up to?” Brandy asks Stone

“Not sure but they have been rehearsing all week in the storeroom, with the door locked.” Stone replies.

“Hey Joe, give us our tuxedos, were ready” Woody  yells before shutting the storeroom door again.


The Stage lights dim, Lover sits on a bar stool with his guitar on the side of the stage. Joe takes the mic.

“ladies and gentlemen the Achat bar & Grill presents woody and jayc performing the Serge Gainsbourg classic…….. Chez Les Ye-Ye”


Lover begins to play  as Woody begins to sing in French and Jayc dances to his left. The screen behind the men translates the lyrics to English.

Neither the tam-tams of the  yé-yé-yé-é
Nor the gray-gray that you were wearing
You were listening to ``da doo ron ron''
At the party doum doum where you were dancing

No nothing will change my mind
I'll find you my Lolita
With the yé-yés

Under the drums of the yé-yé yé-é
I'll cause a scene I know myself
Yes I'll finish in Sing-Sing
I have a switch-switch blade

No nothing will change my mind
I'll find you my Lolita
With the  yé-yés

Have a flashback to the past
Do you hear what I'm telling you
I'm crazy-crazy to love you.
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