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The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
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: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) ( 1205649 )
: 7
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#195 :
August 02, 2012, 04:05:02 PM »
he turns his head slightly hearing a voice comeing from the end of the bar as he raises the Acu boonie cap brim slightly to see who was speaking to him "that i have" he says with a slight nod his dark brown eyes almost black in the low light of the bar as he stands up finishing the last of his drink seting the glass upside down on the bar and wlaks down to the end and sits down next to the stanger "names kyo but most in my unit call me satan...whats your name" he says as he removes his boonie cap placeing it upon the bar his hair well kept in a high and tight but spiked up and very dark as he starts to hold out his left hand but shakes his head remebering he is back in the states and holds out his right hand instead in a friendly offering
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: 2755
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#196 :
August 02, 2012, 04:12:34 PM »
Looks around in confusion at all the activity taking place in one second because of the entrance of the one person. Seeing that it didn't pertain to me, I go back to wandering around and find the bull empty, so I sit down and talk quietly to the bull. After a few moments of silent conversation, I look around and laugh silently. Reaching down, I start to pet the bull in loving caresses. So lost in my own little world, I don't see what everyone else is doing so content to explore her mind and let it all out without fear of others hearing due to all the commotion and noise around the place.
Jr. Member
: 84
Sweet man o'mine :) :)
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#197 :
August 02, 2012, 04:23:21 PM »
Taking his hand and softly shacks it i'm "Jane nice to meet you Kyo or would you like to be called Satan?"
" you said your unit so i take it your on leave then? and going by all the sand i would say Iraq" i say with a smile
why'll i talk to Kyo i see Sexi walk in go around the bar and go's over and leans on the bull. I wave a hand to her but she dosn't see it
i turn back to Kyo
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: 1600
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#198 :
August 02, 2012, 11:25:16 PM »
the band finnishes there 1st set. i jump on the stage and grab a mic............hey everybody a quick annoucment. wheres Brandy? get her up here i smile. Brandy climbs up and stands next to me. the crowd cheers and all know this little lady as the owner of this establishment, but she is also a quite the writer.............i just got word our Brandy Bee has won the Achat erotic story contest!!!!! so lets all raise our glasses to Brandy!!!!!!!!.......... a standing Ovation loud cheers and whistles i give her a big hug and a kiss " congrats Boss i shout into her ear over the roar of the round on the house!!!! lets drink up folks and have a good evening
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: 6966
Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#199 :
August 03, 2012, 12:00:05 AM »
I mop up a few spills and look up when I hear the song and smile " Its off to work we do hi ho hi ho ... " and find myself annoyingly humming it ... As I finish I notice the office door still shut ... " wow that JayC is a goer... mmm ... if only I could remember..."
Covems is working hard and the pudding pit nearly done, I send some drinks out to him and the workers .. think the fire pit will be a good place for the guys to strip and display their wares too ... smiling as I think .. Neo, my imaginative hunky guy, would love to be involved .. as I take a moment to picture him with that stubborn curl in the middle of his forehead, semmi naked, muscles bulging...
which reminds me .... Tight and JD need to sign up ... would be such a waste to keep those fine contours hidden ...
I return to the bar area and Tight approaches, he's breath takingly handsome , and I check him out imagining him strutting to a tune as he removes an Item of clothing. Bringing me back to reality , He asks about the leaflets and American Footy... " I think it would be great .. I love the designs .. All Yours? "
He nods, " They are great". I see the logo hes designed for the Bar & Grill. " Oh I love that, That needs pride of place over the door & behind the bar, I'll check with JayC & JD but I cant see a problem."
I move into him and go to kiss him on the cheek but just before it lands, he turns his head, his lips meeting mine. Our lips brush lightly before turning into a full blown snog. His arms circle come round me, holding me close as his tongue teases and succeeds in invading my mouth, deepening the kiss and taking my breath away. He ends it slowly with a a closed peck... looking at me as he pulls away.
Fanning myself, I ask, " What was that for?
" I 'm in a good mood " He grins " And I haven't forgot the mechanical bull caper either"
" Arrr, I had, ....5 seconds wasnt it? .... and... I'm not sure what you are talking about" I grin back, knowing full well Tight wasn't stupid. I see him look over at a new girl in the bar by the bull ... Sexilicilious... He orders a couple of drinks and heads her way.
I see Bear going into the pool room, looking good in a black T shirt and tight stone washed jeans .. that ass mmm .. looks like hes a member of the Ice House then ... I've received a note off him, a warning about payback ... I wonder if Stone & Adera have had one too....
As i serve drinks to MrSexlover and Kyotoma , suddenly black robed figures enter the bar and deposit a massive stone coffin into the room.. I watch intrigued as it suddenly opens and a magnificent lady exits and heads towards the pool room. She looks extremely important... looks like the IceHouse is going to be busy ... as the music blares round the room that one of her assistants had put on.
I look as Christi suddenly grabs Tango who surprisingly is on his knees and hurries to the Icehouse ... Well , i see another recruited member .. smiling ... Big wrestlling Tango .. A sub .. well , what a surprising turn of events lol
I go over to the notice board for the list of strippers .... JayC's name is at the top... I quickly add Tights and JD ... lol I might mention it to them later ..... and give them a beer with the baby oil ... lol
Suddenly , I'm aware of JayC on the stage, shouting my name ... What now ... and when did he get out the office ...Ii get bustled on the stage ... He mentions the erotic story contest ... I did .. really ? wow .... blushing.....
: August 03, 2012, 12:03:37 AM Brandybee
: 7
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#200 :
August 03, 2012, 01:36:36 AM »
he smiles to the woman slightly as he turns her hand up over his kissing it softly "i would prefer being called Kyo for now the only time i go by satan is if i have a loaded weapon in my hands and a target to erase from the planes of life" he says in reply to her questiion befor his eyes shift to the stage for the announce ment as he hears the crowd chear he cant help but give out a loud almost ear shattering yell of "whoooa" out of habit of useing the armys terms befor turning back to his current drinking companion "actualy i have been back about a month from iraq releaced back to reserve status so i will not be back there my next stop is in the phillapeans in 2014" he says in reply to her second comment "the sand and dust is what was still left in the fabric of my uniforms since washing them all and much of it from the long hike from my home down south whiel makeing a treck up to NC"
Jr. Member
: 84
Sweet man o'mine :) :)
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#201 :
August 03, 2012, 02:41:03 AM »
Smiles "Kyo" it is then turns to the stage a Jajc takes to the mike and call Barndy to the stage we ALL CHEER as Jays makes the annoucement. I smile as i hear the "WHOOOA" come from Kyo. Turning back to him "so your just passing throw then or are you going to hang around for a few days"
i ask as Jayc replaces our drinks with the one on the house. Seeing Tight walking over to Sexi with a drink in each hand. Karen and Martin walk over and join me at the bar i intorduce them both to Kyo they both say "Hello and welcome as one" Martin shacks his hand and Karen being Karen gives him a kiss. Jayc slide whiskies down the bar to them.
Full Member
: 111
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#202 :
August 03, 2012, 08:16:15 AM »
After sitting at the bar and downing a couple of Ice Cold drafts with Miss Brandy, whom may I say, at least to myself, is one of the best looking, sexiest woman I have seen in a long time, I think this is some crazy place, LOL
I see 7 little dwarfs building something. I think they are calling it a Pudding Pit. Wonder where Snow White is. Does remind me of the Hot Oil Wrestling in New Orleans. Ring was filled with hot oil and lovely ladies in very skimpy bathing suits. The suits don't stay on very long. Lovely node bodies shining with the oil covering them. Before long the have grabbed me and pulled me in with them. Oily hot bodies covering every inch of me as the remove my clothes. I try to resist, lol, but not to hard.
I next see the riding bull. Reminds me of Gullies, in Texas, and a real bull named Tarrus. There you ride real bulls, if your are crazy enough. Being a young stud, you know I had try, Lasted all of 2 seconds and Tarrus didn't like be being on him that long. Wont try that again
I see that Bear is operating the bull. Seems to be enjoying it as much as Tarrus enjoyed throwing me, LOL. Have to wonder about a bar that hes two Bears, and one of the is real.
I look at Miss Brandy, Is it always this crazy in here i laugh, she nods yes. I look at her, I ask D0 you have a pen. She says yes. Can i use it I ask. throwing caution into the wind i walk over and sign the list to strip. Cant beat them mind as well join them, Lmao. I turn around and wink at brandy thinking Lady i am doing this to win your affection.
Hero Member
: 2415
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#203 :
August 03, 2012, 09:05:29 AM »
I stop and turn in my tread as the room fills with smoke, a coffin is brought in and Janine makes her entrance. I turn and smile, touch my forehead with my fingers, then swing them down in a gallant wave of welcome. With a hint of mockery in my face, I watch her disappear into the pool room, her destination all to clear. The Ice cellar seems to have found their mistress.
With two glasses in my hands, I walk up to Sexi, who is still straddling the mechanic bull, whispering in its make believe ears, as if she is pleading with him to keep her on his back. I watch her for a few moments, a sweet smile forming around my lips, then wink at JD, who understands what I’m hinting at. With a sudden jolt, the mechanic beast comes to live and with a loud yelp Sexi grabs hold of the strap around the beasts’s torso.
I step to the side as the mechanical bull starts to twist and turn, hurling Sexi’s body all over it’s back as she clings on for dear life. If eyes could kill, I’d have dropped dead and turned to dust after the first time she locks hers in with mine, after her second pass, there would have been nothing left but a fading memory of me. With a big grin on my face, I raise my glass and shout at her, the music of the country boys overwhelmingly loud.
“Machines don’t take well to hypnotism!”
In a reflex she releases the grip of one hand to shake her fist at me, and immediatly is thrown off as the bull starts its next swing. Sexi tumbles and rolls over the mat and dusty floor, ending up at my feet. Her clothes all out of shape, parts of her body all too visible for the glaring eyes of the guys around the bull penn. I help her too her feet and support her by her elbow, as she sways and stumbles, dizzy from the ride on the bull. I look at JD and wink, he’s made up for some of his action to make me fly after 5 secs.
I offer Sexi her glass, red raspberry and cranberry juice, with a twist of lime and crushed ice. As she puts it to her lips, she spills and the red juices runs down her chin and neck, drizzling in between her breasts. Her tight, wet shirt sucks in the juices and colors pink. From the corner of my eyes I see Covems approach and grab him by his shoulder as he passes.
“Covems, when your pitt is done, I have the a volunteer for the first pudding fight. She brought her own topping”
I point at Sexi and her raspberry shirt, her nipples pushing through the fabric like ripe cranberries, and smile when I see the surprised and appalled look on her face. Quickly I grab her shirt as she turns and tries to flee, the fabric suddenly tearing, leaving her in a sexi, lace bra in the middle of the bar. Embarrassed by the situation I put her in, I quickly grab her arm, drag her to the office while scooping up Brandy on the way over.
“Brandy, can you hide Sexi in the office for a while? I accidentally ripped her shirt apart and well, can’t let her stay like this. I have a cheerleaders uniform in the back of my car, I’ll go get it quickly..”
I leave the office quickly, heading out of the bar, as suddenly my eye falls on the list for the male striptease. 4 names are on there now, and to my surprise mine is there too! That little… brat… I stop and turn, head to Covems and whisper in his ear. He listens carefully, then his face turns into one big smile as he nods.
“Time to turn the tables, we’ll call it even after this..”
Quickly I go to my car and take the box of uniforms from the backseat, then return to the office. I open the box and show the 4 different outfits to Sexi, who picks one. Brandy has left the office, giving Sexi some privacy to change. Slowly I walk up to the door, turn the handle then turn my head as I hear Sexi’s voice..
The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
: 7
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#204 :
August 03, 2012, 09:19:40 AM »
he nods to the other to not really hearing thier names over the music haveing forgot to pull the ear plugs out from when he first entered the bar....he raises a brow a s the new woman kisses him throwing him off slightly as he leans back from her looking at her as if instantly asking what that was about but simply shakes his head and gently slaps her ass befor picking up the b;ackish drink that had been set down beside him....he was already feeling the effects from the first drink by that point his body felt like a inferno was burning him alive from the inside out as he quickly leans his head back the glass held to his lips as he quickly downs the entire drink in a single pass
he sets the glass down upon the bar so that the bottem was up once again to indicate to the bar tender not to serve him any more as he stands up and grins slightly looking at the mech bull "i think its time to tame the beast" he says looking over his shoulder at jane befor walking over twards the bull and geting in line to ride.... he had already gone 19 seconds on kilimanjaro the roughest bull he had ever seen in a rodeo bvefor he figured this one would be a cake walk in compairison as he waits he takes note of the operators patern with the controles watching it form a almost repetative set of twists and turns and reverses he begins comiting them to memory to give him a idea of what to be ready for when he actualy climbed onto the he waited he because to slowly unstrap the velcrow on thwe cuffs of his uniform befor unziping the blouse and hanging it over the back of a near by chair his arms were taned and looked like tree trunks untill they flexed the years working on military vehicals had built them up quite like a body builders arms.... he then pulls a bit of 550 cord from his pockets lashing it around the loose matterial around his legs so that his pants would be tight and not catch on the saddle his legs put most body builders to shame the time spent hauling 400+ pounds of gear on his body at all times had built his legs up to the point the skin had been streched extreamly thin over the muscles so much so that he had scars upon his legs where the skin had actualy riped from over flexing his calfs and thighs befor
he then smiles streching his arms back causeing the under t shirt of his uniform to rip down the chest slightly befor he reached out helpiung the last person to be thrown from the bull up to thier feet waiting to see if they took another crack at it
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: 3444
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#205 :
August 03, 2012, 10:31:05 AM »
Coming back into the bar from the pool room i see that the table is empty where i left Jane scanning the room i see Sexi fliing off the bull and land at Tights feet. looking round the Bar and see Jane ,Karen and Martin all up at the bar Jane has here back to me putting my finger to my lips telling Karen not to stay anything I walk up behind Jane put my arms around her rub the little Bump and kiss her on the neck "Sorry about that my love" i whisper she holds my hand turns and kisses me "that ok my love "she replies Jayc slide an Ice water down the bar with a lough "that on the house Tango"I catch it and smile "Thanks Jayc"
i turn to watch the a guy take on the bull "looks like he can handle that beast" i say to them
Jane turns and says that's "Kyo his a soldier back from Iraq"
" have to get him a drink when he comes back"i say with a smile.
Hero Member
: 3856
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#206 :
August 03, 2012, 11:28:22 AM »
I slide back thru the hidden door and wander into back into the grill griining at the wild party now taking shape again. Many new faces are in the crowd, which os always good to see and I hope they get into the spirit of the levitity here. First things first a drink to wash down the grit in my throat from the ice house.
JD grabs me as I pass the bull... asks me to handle things for a moment.. the reason I lose as he moves away quick. Settling into the seat I play breiefly at the controls, A tight brush of finger apss acros the nape of my neck and I glance up, catching the gaze of a sultry vixen moving past me giving me a seductive glance as she sways slow to the bull. leans back against it squirming entingly along the machine. My eyes are glued to her dance.
I feel arms slide around me, embracing me in a warm hug from behind. "Hey Bear, good to see you back Have you seen my Tango about?"
I pat TangoJanes hands... not taking my eyes off the performance before, suddenly realizing I have never seen a bull mount so sexily before as the vixen slides on.
"Don't worry...he was collared into some official buisness. I am certain he'll be back as soon as he is freed" I spare a quick diversion from the fox there now sliding and holling her hips across the the machines smmoth back and give Jane a wink. Uncertain whether she understood the inuendo. Isee here beaming as she glances to the pool room. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why. Then focus again on the woman now sliding her hands against the riding rope... her slim fingers warpping to in as she presses forward across the machine, grinding her hips tight to her fingers as she rolls back...
"Bear..." I feel a tap on my shoulder... "Aren't you suppose to be working the controls?" JD is already back. His internal radar of hot women must be working quite well. I hear a mutter oath of amzement from him. No doubt suddenly realizing the erotic bull dance being performed.
She moves now against her grip on the riding strap, hips rolling slow again the heel of of her hand.. riding it slow to the beat of the band. This one knows how to ride...and the crowd of cowboys begins to thicken aroungd the bull pit. Her eyes dart amoung the audiance... licking her lips as she continues her bull dance. Her free hand sliding up, palming her ample breast as she closes her eyes and kneads those marvelous mounds.
Another tap on the shoulder... "Bear... Bear.." JD leans in insistant in his tone..."This really is a matter for a professional.."
I am not one to argue... wordless I creep rising... catching her sultry eyes locking on me. her mouth parting as her tongue slide across her lips...then moves against her hand with growing force...
JD is already in the seat. His eyes locked on her performance and I catch a smile on his face... glance back to the fox on the bull and realize her eyes now teasing onto JD. Strangely... JD's hands are motionless at the controls. A smirk crosses my face... apparently I was handling things just fine. I ease back away into the crowd and heading to the bar as originally planned.
A few steps only... as a woman brushes by me quick holding the remenents of a torn blouse as she dashes to the womans room. I feel a brush at my hips and see a dwarf in hot pursuit. the crowd makes him easy to snag by the collar and I lift him feet still churniing... eyeing him curiously. Must be one of Covems minions...
I cross the bar carrying the creature squirming under my grip, and move out to the pudding pit.
"Lose something Covem? I found this one at lose in the bar in hot pursuit of a woman." I ask still holding the creature by the scrawn of its neck. He looks up,... then glances around counting his little group... nodding.....shaking his head apologetically as he moves to me and takes the dwarf back. he leans down... a low conversation I can not understand... then straighten up.. "No... no... I said HOE Find us a HOE."
I glance at the pudding pit... grin wide... a lot is changing here... everyday.
then wander back into the bar... pausing as I see ssgt atanding at the office enterence decorated brightly in celebration of Brandy's achievement in the erotic story contest. I shuffle close... glancing at the the list...
"You doing this?" I ask him... he seems in question then grins nodding..
"Best way to join the fun huh?"
I nod... "Tell you what... you do and so will I."
He signs aboard... and my signature goes under his.
I am not certain anyone cares to see much more of my nakedness... but it a habitual thing...and briefly wonder if any actually believed pantless friday really had an intent.
I slap ssgt.. on the back... "Drinks on me... now lets get into mischief."
This night is young...
: August 03, 2012, 11:41:32 AM Bear
Hero Member
: 4985
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#207 :
August 03, 2012, 12:38:46 PM »
As i stand at the bar with Karen and Jane i see Tango sneaking back out off the poolroom. He looks very happy.
Then turn my attention to the bull, just in time to see sexy flying off and showing some of her parts as she lands. Mmmmmm not bad, not bad at all.
Next the soldier mounts the bull, well he can have my support, as a former soldier myself any one serving there country gets my support.
As Tango kisses Jane's neck, Karen pulls my arm.
"Martin my love did you see that list there for the strippingcontest, why is your name not on it, i know you are going to win that"
"I think Tango makes a chance as well" Jane ads to that.
I look at Tango, he smiles and i smile back, " For you girls we do anything" and i walk to the list and put my name under ssgt and a Tango put's his under mine.
"I just knew you would enter it for me" Karen tells me with a smile, and after a big hug and a passionte kiss we all go back to our table.
mrsexlover, loving all girls, any shape,size or color
Come and join the chat at the town sqaure
Hero Member
: 1842
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#208 :
August 03, 2012, 02:18:36 PM »
The music from the Country Boys is blaring out and the bar is in full swing.
I'd checked on Pachi and given him a walk earlier.He was quite happy in his pen outside, eating Bamboo & salad with Covem's and the 7 Dwarfs, I never can remember all of their names - Lets see, there's Doc, Sneezy, Dopey, Grumpy,Happy, Sleepy & .. mmm, no, I'll have to ask Covems to remind me of the last one.
They seemed to get on well with Pachi and he seemed to be very fond of them. They had worked very hard on that pudding pit. I take drinks and Donuts out to them all as Bear arrives with one struggling in his arms, apparently running amok in the bar. I eye him warily and quickly leave the refreshments on the side for them as he speaks with Covems.
I too had received a payback warning from him about his binding and collaring. Not to worry, I have connections in Chicago, I wonder if he knows , I know people.. lol
I return to the bar and see some new faces have arrived, " Welcome mrSexlover, Kyotoma, Ssgt and Sexilicious - its tradition here - first drink is free on the house." I prepare the drinks and dish them out. " I hope you enjoy coming here & enjoy all the fun"
On Brandy & JayC's instructions, I leave a bottle of Christi's favourite whiskey behind the bar, to enjoy with her important guest, Janine, hoping she also will pass through here on her way to the Ice House & enjoy our hospitality.
" Hey Brandy," I call to her as she passes - " Congrats on the writing achievement "
" Thanks" She replies and seems a bit embarassed by it all. " Looks like the list is growing for the Ladies Night male strip. Can you let Lover know to make the announcement that it will be soon and for the contestants to start making preparations for their routine, music request & costumes"
" Sure, I'll make a note of the ones on the list already, in case anymore sexy men want to show off their fine physiques and add to the list "
" I'm impressed you got JayC on there", She laughs.
" I'm impressed you got Tight and JD "
" Arr, yes ", She grins, " I must get round to telling them at some point "
I hit my forehead with my open palm, lightly slapping it , " You haven't asked them yet? "
Grinning, Brandy takes over at the bar as I check the list :- So far - JayC , Tightfit , James_Dean , Ssgt, Bear , Mrsexlover , Tango
I grin at Brandy as I tell her. " Looks like it could be quite a night "
: 7
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#209 :
August 03, 2012, 02:50:56 PM »
he hoists his body up onto the bull quickly lashing his right hand to the saddle and griping down on to the leather strap as he locks his heels in to the stirups and looks over himself dubble checking that he was good to go befor placeing his left hand into the air over his head and noding to the man at the controles and yelling over the music "push the beast to the maximum please sure i want to feel like my arm is geting riped out of place again" he says as he leans back slightly waiting for the intial thrust of the bull.....
he raises a brow as the bull jerks forward for the first time knowing that the opperator was already pulling out all the stops as he holds on tightly determand to make a new record for the bars walls as he feels the second jerk of the bull this time back and to the right and he quickly leans slightly forward and left to counter his own wieght as the thrid jerking buck hits him then the fourth and the fifth he holds on locking his legs to the bulls sides the wood and steel crack and groun under his griping legs as he is flung about but refuses to let himself move from the saddle as he gets into 5 seconds on the bull whiel being flung about his eyes try to afix on one point in the room as much as posable to keep him from geting to dizzy as he grits his teeth feeling the leather in his hand starting to become moist as he tightens his grip more with heach move the bull made.
his eyes glance over to the bar as it flashes by seeing what he beleaved was a former soldier by the way the man was holding himself he quickly lets out a loud WHooah befor realizeing he had just heard a cracking sound from under was the leather strap he was useing for balance snaping under the strain of his grip and body yanking against it. he loses balance for a moment but trys to hang on useing his legs only at this point as he watches the hands of the operator trying to anticapate the next movement both his arms now up in the air his righ hand still griping the leather to show the operator he had broke the straps to the machine as he waits for it to stop and the strap to be replaced he looks over at the clock 10.9 at that moment yet the machine did not stop..
he finaly lets go with his legs quickly pulling them up to his chest and tucking into a ball as he want sailing threw the air headed twards the operators booth hiting the top of the paded rail just befor rolling over it and landing upon the bulls controles...."um....i think i broke your toy sir" he says holding out the leather strap to the man "if you have some scrap leather laying about the place i could have it sixed in about 10 minets" he says as he stands up and steps out of the operators booth
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