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: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )  ( 1205134 )
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: 1600

« #960 : December 22, 2012, 10:58:21 PM »

As the party goes into full swing i head to the office and get a large bag of gifts for the regulars and staff 's stockings. Let see what we have here i muse. Lots of books i see

Brandy  a romance novel  "The bare chested blacksmith" by Wilma Fingadue

Bear    "The ultimate guide to knot tying"  by C.U. Bound

Lover   "Better oral sex" a study by Connie Lingus, introduction by Heywood Jablome

Covems  "Understanding Eva  Robots and the men who love them" by Rob Otix and Jean Eeuss

HB  "Better bull riding techniques"  by Hertz Balzac

JD  "The Mecho Bullmaster 6500 SE repair and maintence manuel" by X.S. Skrews

Old Joe  "A Bartenders Dream"  by Allotta Cleevage

And last but not least i smile, for Tango and Janes stocking  a little police outfit for young Frank and a baby teeshirt and wool cap with the bar logo
My task complete i head back out to  the party in time to see the ladies on stage singing a  great send off song for Tight..... the Bar roars when we all sing the chorus. Beaming as i look around, great party, great poeple
« : December 23, 2012, 11:09:16 AM jayc »
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #961 : December 23, 2012, 01:47:24 PM »

We sing our song - Thank you for being a freind - to Tight and there are giggles at some of the clever word changes ...  He listens and chuckles at the memories and jokes in the songs..   he is also aware of the swatting of hands Pafe and Satoire seem to be displaying around him, as they bicker..

Covems wishes the dwarfs a " Happy Birthday"  and we all sing to them and raise our glasses... they do cheer up our bar and they work ever so hard ..  HAPPY BIRTHDAY LADS  ...

I approach the mic too ...   " Ladies & Gentlemen ...  A little birdy told me that another milestone has been reached, which is quite a feat in our Achat & Forum land,   please raise your glasses ...

To  Jayc & Stone,  Congratulations on your 1 year Anniversary - 12 months together,  is a wonderful milestone  ....   Drinks are on the house "

In the corner of my eye, I see Pafe & Satoire still bickering away... oblivious to the free drinks call ...


                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
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: 149

If ignorance is bliss tis folly to be wise

« #962 : December 23, 2012, 06:22:17 PM »

I arrive just in time to join in the toast and then decide to make one of my own:  Merry Christmas to all my new friends and thank you for welcoming me in to your world.  I then take a seat with glass of scotch and decide to just enjoy the atmosphere for a while.

Hero Member
: 548

« #963 : December 24, 2012, 07:25:38 AM »

   While Satoire is deflecting my hands, I step in and give her a bump with my hip that causes her to move out of the way.

   “You wait for a change, blondie.”  I say.  I can see that look in her eye.  “I going to give Tight a kiss.”

Jr. Member
: 61

« #964 : December 24, 2012, 07:26:29 AM »

I give Pafe a shove on her shoulder.  “Okay… but I’m going to kiss him first.”

“No you’re not.”  Pafe says to me and gives me a push on my shoulder, causing me to take a step back.

“Grrrrrrrr”… I give Pafe a harder push on both her shoulders, which makes her have to take a couple of steps backward.  I move to get to Tight to kiss him.  I can feel someone grab me by my arms and pull.  It’s Pafe…

Hero Member
: 3856

« #965 : December 24, 2012, 11:59:42 AM »

The dancers peel from their performance for Tight to other men at the table and I rise intent on taking my place at Santa’s throne pausing as I eye the ladies reach for partners.  A sly grin takes me and I can’t help but notice Brandy, her toned legs accented in those heels, naked  yet stunning as she parades towards JD and leads him away hand in hand, well from the smirk on his face… it might as well be hand on cock..

Ah there is more to this night I think, eying others leading men forward.

My eyes linger on Brandy’s luscious stunning form, and she catches my gaze, her eyes sparkling of sultry sexuality that courses through her veins. I find myself … captivated …in the moment as our eyes meet and she reads my admiration,… and the devious desires that tickle in the moment in my soul. That she steps forward, tugs me towards the line up front momentarily catches me off guard. The sensual movement against us, working between JD and I groping and brushing against us fuels the anticipation.

That she sets ground rules then begins to tease those cocks alive with her prowess of  excitement. The feel of her touch,.. her mouth,.. builds my lust quickly, and I want to reach out take my pleasure. Her disapproving glance stops me in my tracks.. Her rules here…. I reluctantly draw my hand back… fighting that wanton lust to just grab her hair and fuck her face.

Licking my lips…I settle back to take enjoyment in her attention. Letting her lead me higher with her expert technique. Yet that probing finger disrupts matters, far too early for my tastes it a polishing move for me, not one that typically leads me higher. I move uneasily there, feeling she wants us to perform like marionettes in the moment on her fingers.  I will give her this,.. but in my own way.

I let my mind wander back to that hot summer night when she nearly broke me. My memory drifting back to those images, her licking and sucking, slobbering in over my manhood with full appreciation , and unfettered inhibitions which her inebriated state had allowed her. I could sense that she really enjoyed the moment of my predicament captivated by  that throbbing mass which she nearly had teased to climax. My blood boils hotter with the images as I stroke myself faster, and find the pleasure of her tongue and mouth teasing on my head.

Oh yes,… as I hear her moan, …she my mind drifts along, remembering her bound against me on the night of the male strip. Her supple body pressed to mine, whimpering,… trembling as I teased her with the egg,… the feel of her fingers brushing against the mass of  manhood as her excitement climb. Yes,… her public orgasm had been my wicked plan,… but the feeling of her dancing in a sensuous climb towards it had not been totally  without temptation. Part of me wanted to do more… to twist her about….kick her legs apart as I bend her over the bar table… to take her there openly … let her find realization of those sweet teasing words… to slide my slab into her steamy sex and feel her,…oh yes… the fantasy dances in my mind… leading me closer as I play on myself. To feel her body writhe as she feels the ecstasy in the moment… surrendering to the words of my promises. My excitement builds fast.

I hear a moan. Peep as I eye JD release his treasure to Brandys smiling appreciation. Once done draining him her lusty eyes drift to mine with expectation. I meet them.. Holding that momentary gaze which seems an eternity… wanting to read  that moment of ecstasy in her eyes… but there is none… so I hold to let her read my moment… letting the teasing play in my bottom race me to that peak and release.

Brandy smiles at triumph in the spread of our seed. on her body, marking her claim in the moment proudly. Recovering from fall from my peak, I rearrange myself as she  bids farewell to her partner JD. Meeting her turn to me with the fantasy still burning in my mind. She looks fabulous … a  glow in her moment ,.. and I can’t help but tease a bit more…but old Joe is right,… I feel I am so not her type.

With a flourish of respect I kiss her hand and move off, pausing at the table to pat JD, and wish him merry Christmas. He glances up to me…

“Did she…”

I nod.. Cutting him off to complete my own thought “Yeah, she made us her bitches up there. “ Thinking the retribution of her own embarrassment  of the egg episode completed.

He mutters to himself, “I am not certain what to think now.”

I chuckle.. “Well I wasn’t thinking banana slugs that’s for certain.” and I leave him confused, pondering my meaning as I head back to the throne to check on the dwarves.

Hero Member
: 1842

« #966 : December 25, 2012, 06:45:42 AM »

I  serve the guests as the wonderful entertainment  continues, ensuring Tightfit & Jayc get that little bit extra on their plates and in their glasses.

I feel a little exhilarated after my performances on the stage, and have a warm fuzzy Christmas feeling. Tight seems to be enjoying all the attention from his friends and appears very touched by all their efforts to show him how much he will be missed.

As I pour some wine in ssgt’s, jeanona’s and mercer78’s glasses, my mobile buzzes to let me know of an incoming text. I check the screen.
“ They have arrived, we are out back now with the delivery” 

I feel a thrill of excitement,  and finish the task in hand and then sneak out back. I won’t be missed for 20 minutes or so.

I see the van and go greet  Mark, the Market Man, wearing his Christmas Santa hat with tinsel wrapped round.

“ You got them ok then,”  I say in greeting, really excited.  He smiles back , “ Of course, it’s a big and order & we wrapped them and labelled them just as you ordered “

“ Oh thank you so much, I know they will just love them ... I can’t wait to see their faces..  I know they will love them as much as Jayc & I do... “

Mark  shouts some orders to some of his guys in the back of the van  and they begin to unload the carefully wrapped christmas boxes  and begin to trapse into the bar,  laying  the boxes in front of the lucky recipients at the tables. The guests and regular  punters look surprised but happy at their unexpected gift.

Everyone has one, everyone is remembered......

They begin to open the boxes...

For the guys   a beautiful handknitted blue sweater,  with a bold Santa, Reindeer, Snowman and snowflakes on the front

For the girls ...  a similar handknitted  jumper in red with Mother Santa, Elves & Christmas Tree with snowflakes..

For the dwarfs ... a green one , with  Santa , and sleigh pulled by Rudolph the Red nosed reindeer and his friends...

And for my jayc,  Bear, Covems & Old Joe  , because I know they particularly adored them ...  A rainbow of Christmas  colours -  red, green, white,  a holly leaves wreath with red berries and inside that is... Santa and the elves standing by the sleigh & Christmas tree with silver glitter thread in the wool....

I see the joy and surprise on all their faces...   I know they will Enjoy their beautiful, bold Christmas sweaters .. &  wear them with pride this Christmas ...


Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #967 : December 25, 2012, 08:43:02 PM »

I  return to  my place at the trestle table, feeling a little restless after servicing the men on stage, my retribution  back firing a little.

The gleam in both JD’s and Bear’s eyes & their male scent  had ignited a fire within, I was finding hard to tamper down & quell.  The image of their excited cocks still prevalent in my mind.

I sit at my seat and can see  Santa Bear in the corner of my eye, sitting on his throne. Every now and then, a lady would venture over, sit on his lap and whisper in his ear.  They would giggle and squirm a little at his whispered words back before he would gift them from his bulging sack...

My thoughts are interrupted by a gift being placed in front of me, by  one of the strange men in Santa Hats and decorated in tinsel, who had suddenly entered the room.  They place a similar gift in front of each and every person, before disappearing again.

Excited chatter fills the room as the guests begin to pull at the bows on the gifts as they unwrap  the boxes. All that is, except Pafe,  Satoire  & Tight.  The ladies seem to be in some kind of heated discussion much to the bemused Tight . Their boxes remain at the seats.

The presents  are soon opened and  the guests are holding up fabulous Christmas jumpers,  some  hold them against each other, admiring the colourful  & detailed workmanship.  What a wonderful, thoughtful gift  !

I adore mine and will no doubt  wear it with pride over the festive season. I fold it carefully and place it over the back of my chair delighted.

I decide it’s time, now,  to visit Santa ,  he seems to have a lull in interest , as the ladies attention are with the  gifted sweaters at the moment.  I see Dopey & call him over  to me,  & whisper in his ear. He nods at me and scuttles off.

Bear  is holding up a beautiful glitter threaded Christmas themed  jumper,  admiring it with a pleased smile on his face.  Even the dwarfs have been remembered and his little elves are trying theirs on.

I approach him and smile as our eyes lock. The interest is still lurking there and I feel his gaze sweep my  slender form, the fullness of my breasts and the curve of my hips before returning to my eyes.  The smouldering heat in their depths causes my breath to catch and I am reminded of him earlier, growling as he seeded and scented by body.  Is he picturing my naked body as I am picturing his?

The fire I thought quelled  flickers into life,  the embers  just side tracked a little by the surprise gift of the night.  Now , it was there  again reminding me that this man was exciting and potently attractive.

I stand in front of him,  and  he pats his knee for me to sit..  “ Hello Santa,  I have been a good girl , a very good girl this year “ I say softly  to him, smirking and sit on his lap, grinding purposely on him in pretense to get comfortable.

“ I know.... Santa knows everything  and what would you like for Christmas this year ? “  He murmurs  in my ear as his finger slowly strokes the length of my spine.  I arch back a little responding to his flirtatious touch and loaded words.

I flush slightly.  He knows,....  he knows , I  have desires  in this moment coursing through my veins, desires that I am having difficulty in controlling and he is enjoying my unfulfilled discomfort  and teasing it more.
That finger touches each vertebrae and I try to concentrate...  “  I hope that Santa feels I’m a good girl to empty his sack of all his goodies and that he feasts on my  good homemade wine .. “  I murmur  back, quite distracted.

Bear chuckles at my innuendo and reaches  to pass me my stocking. Inside is a gift from  Jayc &  Stone – a book, I had been wanting awhile now -  The Bare Chested Blacksmith...  The picture on the front makes me smile, the naked torso quite stunning.
“ The stuff dreams are made of “  I hold up the book by Bear’s chest and he is unsure if my comment is directed at him or the unknown male model on the front cover...

He smiles again and reaches into his sack ,  “ From me to you”  he says softly, giving me his  wrapped gift, 

“ Why thank you Santa “  and then on cue,  Dopey appears with a gift  in a metallic coloured holly green gift box, with red holly berries on, tied with a silver ribbon and curly bow.
“ A little something for you too...”  Smiling, I kiss him full on the lips,  then , I rise from his lap and with Dopey in tow, I go &  place an envelope in each Christmas stocking  containing a Christmas bonus for all the staff with a bottle of their  favourite liquor. 

I feel Bear’s eyes on me and I look back at him , undressing him boldly with my eyes.  His eyes  flare a moment in silent answer.. 

Then, ,I turn to Old Joe and instruct him to gift all the guests with a bottle of Champagne for their Christmas table...  I turn to look back at Bear  but his attention is on the next lady occupying his lap .... 

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 1688

« #968 : December 26, 2012, 05:37:32 AM »

I finish cleaning up and head back to the table for some more sarsaparilla.  “What’s this?”  I ask no one, as I pick up a wrapped package.  There’s a tag with my name on it…  “Thank you, Stone.  Although I feel I’ve already gotten a wonderful present already.  Just being included in everything that is going on here is a gift in itself.”

I tear open the wrapping paper with the eagerness of a small child.  I open the box and pull out a sweater.  “It’s beautiful!”  I exclaim, holding it up.  It has wonderful Christmas colors with Santa and his sleigh, complete with elves and reindeer inside a wreath on it.  I check the tag… it’s going to fit!

I pull off my tux jacket and slip the sweater on.  “Thank you so much Stone!”  I say, holding the bottom of the sweater out proudly.  “I love these, and I love this one!”

Satoire and Pafe are starting to get loud in front of the Guest of Honor.  “Catfight!”  ;D  I say out loud as I spot the commotion then I go up to them.

“Ladies...”  I say, stepping closer to Pafe and Satoire.

*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
Hero Member
: 548

« #969 : December 26, 2012, 07:23:51 AM »

   “Oh no you don’t.”  I say to Satoire and pull her back by her arms.  Satoire spins around quickly and we get into a bear hug, pushing and shoving, each of us trying to get leverage on the other…

   We have all moved off the stage and are now at the table where TightFit is seated, trying to enjoy a meal.

   We’re really starting to go at it now, and the people gathered around us begin to move back and form a circle.  Our hands flailing at each other, as we try to get the better hold on the other one.

   Suddenly I can feel someone grab me around the waist, and I struggle against the hold.  I can see that it is Covems who has me… “Let go”…

Hero Member
: 1688

« #970 : December 26, 2012, 08:53:11 AM »

I grab Pafe around the waist.  “Somebody grab Satoire.”  I say.  Lover grabs Satoire around her waist and holds her there.  She struggles to get free and almost succeeds, so Lover pulls her up slightly so her feet come off the floor and Satoire stops wriggling.

“Ladies…  This is supposed to be a time of celebration and a tribute to our dear friend Tightfit.”  I say.  “There’s no need to fight over which one of you goes first.”

“You’re right.”  Pafe says.  “Then I’ll go first.”  She tries to free herself from my hold, but does not succeed.

Satoire struggles again in Lover’s hold, also trying to get free, but also failing to do so.  She loses a shoe in the process.

“Pafe.  Satoire.”  I say.  “If you really want to decide which one of you should go first, I suggest you earn it.

“How do we do that?”  Pafe asks calming down, she eases her struggling and I relax my grip on her.  Satoire is also calming down a bit.

“By making use of the Pudding Pit.”  I answer.  A murmur of approval goes up from the crowd, and I can see faces breaking into smiles...

*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
Jr. Member
: 61

« #971 : December 26, 2012, 11:35:31 AM »

I feel someone’s arms go around my middle and they pull me into a hard body.  Turning my head and looking up I can see its Lover who has a hold of me.

 “Hey sailor… new in town?”  I say while struggling to get free.  Then he lifts me from the floor, my feet dangling… one of my shoes drop off.

“You want us to wrestle to see who gets to go first?”  I say to Covems.  “In a pudding pit?”  Lover relaxes his hold on me and my feet are back on the floor.

“What’s the matter Satoire… chicken?”  Pafe pipes in.  That’s a button she knows can be pushed.

“I didn’t bring any wrestling clothes.”  I say to Pafe, while sliding my foot into my shoe.  “And neither did you.”

Hero Member
: 548

« #972 : December 27, 2012, 05:58:29 AM »

   I look around at everyone and see a lot of smiling faces and heads nodding in agreement.  “We could do it in bra and panties.”  I say to Satoire.  A wolf whistle comes from somewhere in the crowd.  “Or would that be too embarrassing for you?”

   “I’ll do it.”  I announce and a cheer erupts.  Looking around the crowd, I see so many familiar faces of my friends.  I hope they won’t think less of me for agreeing to this Pudding Pit Match.

   “What must we do?”  I ask.

Jr. Member
: 61

« #973 : December 27, 2012, 06:30:40 AM »

“Hell Pafie… I’d wrestle you in the parking lot… bare assed.”  I tell her.  I can see her trying not to smile, because she knows I would do it.

“I’m game for this.”  I tell Covems.

“Let’s do it.”  Pafe and I say at the same time and a cheer goes up from the gathered crowd.

Hero Member
: 1688

« #974 : December 27, 2012, 01:06:17 PM »

“You each should have seconds.”  I say to them.  “Someone to assist you between rounds of the match.  I suggest you each choose a dwarf.”

“Dopey.”  Pafe says quickly.

“Aw, Dopey’s busy being an elf.”  I say to her, looking over at Dopey.  He nods his head up and down quickly, his hat falling into his eyes.  “Happy is an elf for the night, too.  But the others are all free.”

Pafe chooses Grumpy and Satoire chooses Doc.  “There’s a dressing room off of the Wrestling Pit area.  You two can strip… er... get changed there.”  I say.  “It will take about 15 minutes to get the pit ready.  Sneezy, Bashful… I’ll need your help.”

*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
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