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The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
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: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) ( 1205097 )
Jr. Member
: 61
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#990 :
December 30, 2012, 01:45:14 PM »
Getting onto my knees I pull the rest of the torn bra from me and toss it at Pafe. She catches it, I rush her again and push her onto her back, feeling a bit self conscious with my boobs out in full view. I wrap an arm around Pafe’s shoulders, pressing her down, while my other hand picks up one of her legs and I pull it up. This causes Pafe’s shoulders onto the floor of the putting pit.
Covems get on his knees, feeling for Pafe’s shoulders. His hand finds my breast. “Hey.” I say. “Wrong woman.”
He finds Pafe’s shoulder and starts to count. “One!” “Two!” “Three!”
Covems slaps the pudding, sending some flying around the pit, and tell us to break, separating us with his hands. I get off of Pafe and stand, getting into a crouch to start again.
Hero Member
: 2415
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#991 :
December 31, 2012, 05:05:09 AM »
I watch in silence, the events of the whole night too much for me to vadem, grasp fully. So instead i leave all my thoughts behind and empty my mind, opening it to fully enjoy the pleasures and tributes of the evening. Modest as i am, I get red cheeks with the attention i am receiving, both physical and emotional. A lump in my throat does not prevent my mouth to smile as wide as it can, showing the double feelings I have. It’s such sweet sorrow to leave, the pain of goodbyes unsooothed by the bright future that is beckoning me closer.
I let my eyes drift over the crowd as Satoire and Pafe go at eachother in the pudding pitt. With each smiling feast, each par of glistening eyes of all those that came this night, my smile widens as tears start to run down my cheeks. In my heart I feel it is time to part and head dwn the new path that lays ahead of me. But I can’t let go, not just yet. A few things have to be done before i can go. I complete my circle over the crowd where I meet the eyes of a few friends and see the sparkle, the passion they have for this place. The place i will miss and that will always have a place in my heart.
With a special hand sign I draw the attention of Doc and quickly he moves closer, getting on his tip toes as I lean in to whisper in his ear. He listened concentrated, nodding with each phrase i finish. Then our eyes meet and he winks at me, before turning and heading off to the entrance under the bar. Before he can run off, i grab his christmas sweater and hold for a moment.
“Congrats on your birthday, for all you guys..”
He smiles, then pulls himself away and hurries off.
Carefully I take the hand of my princess and my touch makes her turn her head, our eyes meeting. With a smile on her face, her cheeks still blushing from the passionate moments we had earlier, she raises her eyebrows in a silent question. I lean in, kiss her lips gently then whisper.
“Excuse me for a sec, princess. I’ll be right back”
Quickly I move to the stage and talk to the house band. They start nodding enthousiastically as i explain my request and turn to eachother to agree on how to play.
I turn to the pudding pitt on the centre of the stage and wait patiently for the wrestle match to finish. As Pafe and Satoire emerge from the pitt, dripping witrh pudding, their luscious forms accentuated by the slippery cream, I step down from the stage and walk up to them, giving the winner a deep, passionate kiss before I kiss the other. I smile, my face coated with sweet scented pudding and make my way back to the stage. On my queue the band starts to play and the attention of the crowd turns to me. A spot is lit by Doc and lights me completely. With the mic in my hand, i look at my friends. For a second I choke and it takes a few deep breaths before I find my voice again and my voice sounds, stuttering as I try and find the words.
“My dear, dear friends…
I wish I could explain how I am feeling right now. How sad I am, how happy I am, how much I love you and this place…”
I pause for a sec, clear my throat and let my eyes glide over the crowd from left to right.
“There are only a few certainties in life and one of them is that with each person you meet, saying goodbye becomes inevitable. It could happen after only a few minutes, it can take a lifetime but at some point you have to say goodbye. I feel blessed that you are giving me this goodbye. You’ve bestowed me with the biggest honor possible. Thank you…”
To the side of the stage is a stool and I move over to pick it up. Next to it is my trusted guiter, Yasmine, and carefully I pick her up and fondle her strings while I take a seat on the stool in the spotlight again.
“But feel trusted, that I will take each and every person that I met here with me, wether close or distant. For what it’s worth, all of you have changed me, have influenced me and, for a part, made me who I am today. The best way for me to honor all of you, as my friends, is to take the lessons I learned from you, the things I experienced with you, the thoughts, desires, hopes and wants I shared with you, and use them to be happy”
Slowly I start to strum, falling in with the band that is playing the opening melody as a loop.
“Know that all of you make this place into a community that makes me proud to have been a member off. Your passion, your kindness, directness and openness make this a place to cherish and share with as many people as possible. I hope to see this place flourish more as it already does, I will check in from time to time”
Old Joe has started filling glasses and is lining them up on the bar. The dwarves jump in and quickly place the glasses on serving trays, balancing with agility on the stools before jumping off and dashing into the audience. Everyone is handed a glass until the whole crowd is served. The last glass is brought to me by my princess and with a smile on her face and a tear in her eyes, she hands it to me, making sure my fingers are closed tightly around the stem of the glass before releasing my hands.
“Before I sing, I want to toast with all of you. A toast to all people, from all corners of the world, with all colors of the rainbow, from all genders, orientations and believes. We are all one people, we all breathe the same air and share the same earth. We all deserve to be our own person.
‘May angels accompany you on your path. One naughty, one nice, to guide you on your way. May you make mistakes and learn, may you find glory and despair, may you find balance in all you are… To all people’ ”
I raise my glass and empty it. At that moment angels start to fall from the ceiling, swirling graciously, falling onto shoulders, faces, backs and chests. Then I start my song.
“Leaves are fallin' all around, time I was on my way
Thanks to you, I'm much obliged for such a pleasant stay
but now it's time for me to go, the autumn moon lights my way
for now I smell the rain, and with it, pain
and it's headed my way
Aw, sometimes I grow so tired
but I know I've got one thing I got to do
A-ramble on, and now's the time, the time is now
Sing my song, I'm goin' 'round the world, I gotta find my girl
On my way, I've been this way ten years to the day
Ramble on, gotta find the queen of all my dreams
Got no time to for spreadin' roots, the time has come to be gone
And though our health we drank a thousand times
it's time to ramble on
A-ramble on, and now's the time, the time is now
Sing my song, I'm goin' 'round the world
I've gotta find my girl
On my way, I've been this way ten years to the day
I gotta ramble on, I gotta find the queen of all my dreams
I tell you no lie
Mine's a tale that can't be told, my freedom I hold dear
How years ago in days of old when magic filled the air
'twas in the darkest depths of Mordor, mm-I met a girl so fair
but Gollum and the evil one crept up and slipped away with her
her, her, yeah, and ain't nothin' I can do, no
I guess I'll keep on ramblin', I'm gonna
Sing my song/Sh-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, I've gotta find my baby
I'm gonna ramble on, sing my song
Gonna work my way all around the world
Baby, baby/Ramble on, yeah
I can't stop this feelin' in my heart
Everytime I feel I will leave, I really gotta part”
While the band slowly fades out, I wait for the applause and cheers of the crowd. Slowly they settle down until the room is almost completely silent. Just the soft ruslte of shuffling feet and clothes rubbing against eachother is heard as a background noise. Knowing I have the full attention of the crowd, I close my eyes, tears running down my cheeks.
“The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say”
With a poof the spotlight goes off and in the rumour that erupts in the darkness, I leave the stage through the curtain in the back. My princess is waiting there and hands me the large bag with the presents i received. I see the sad smile on her face and brush my lips over her, whiping away the tear that rolls down her cheek.
“It’s goodbye princess, not farewell. Who knows what happens after tomorrow’s sunrise. Make sure all moments are worthwhile”
I place the bag over my shoulder and walk through the short hallway to the back of the Bar & Grill. In the doorway leading to the loading dock at the back of the building, the familiar silhouette of Brandy is etched out by the cold moonlight. Her eyes flicker in her shadowed face, she shivers when I embrace her and pull her in close.
“Thank you Brandy, for everything you’ve done. Know that you will do brilliant with the tasks you’ve accepted. Thank you for looking after my baby. You know what I mean”
I kiss her lips gently, keeping her eyes locked in with mine, feeling warm and happy. Then slowly I entangle myself from her and step through the door, into the cold chill of the night. Midnight is coming closer, the death of one year, the birth of another. Like a phoenix, bound to the eternal cycle of time. I look up into the clear sky, taking in the immensity of the endless night sky then start to walk.
I feel Brandy’s eyes in my back, the joined by another pair. 4 arms embracing as I walk off the Bar & Grill parking lot. I turn once, smiling as I see All_for_you and Brandy blowing me a last kiss. I catch them and blow back two kisses before I turn and start walking down my new path, towards a new destination…
(the angels can be cut out according to the scheme below and will look like this when folded the right way. Copy+paste the pictures of the angels and print)
The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 6966
Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#992 :
December 31, 2012, 08:17:51 AM »
Holding All_ For _You's hand, squeezing it tightly , emotions too strong to speak , tears running down my cheeks uncontrolled... the moonlight at the back of the bar showing Tightfit74's lone figure as he walks & slips away ...
" Good bye Tightfit74, May God bless you and keep you in his care" My mind speaks my prayer for my throat is too closed to utter a word.. " Take Care my friend, I'll miss you "
I light a cigarette, the first I have had in years, looking at All_For you , silent understanding between us ... I walk away into the night, needing some time on my own.....
I'll return later, once my "big ouch" is under control ... to the bar to see the New Year in....................
: December 31, 2012, 08:24:51 AM Brandybee
Full Member
: 131
here for fun :) :)
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#993 :
December 31, 2012, 11:54:39 AM »
Standing holding Brandys Hand Squeezing it tight, with tears rolling uncontrollably down my cheeks as I watch My King My love walk into the darkness.
" Good Bye My Sweet King" I say softly as my heart breaks.
As Brandy walks away I see the flash of a lighter and the glow of a cigarette.
I drop to the floor crying uncontrollably
Not know what to do next with the words of My King “It’s goodbye princess, not farewell. Who knows what happens after tomorrow’s sunrise. Make sure all moments are worthwhile” . Still going around in my head I wish My sweet King all the happiness in the world and know in my heart he will find it.
Love you my sweet sweet King TightFit74
Mijn lieve koning Ik hou zoveel van je
Ik zal er altijd voor je als je ooit terug te komen
Maar in mijn hart wens je het grootste geluk van de hele wereld
Ik ben altijd op yours mijn koning voor altijd en eeuwig
Hero Member
: 548
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#994 :
January 01, 2013, 10:15:00 AM »
After Covems raised Satoire's hand in victory, we both climb out of the pit and embrace. She feels so good in my arms as she always does.
Satoire whispers into my ear. "I won, Pafie. I should claim a prize of some sort from you."
"What would you like?" I whisper back.
"Shower with me and we can wash the pudding off of each other." Satoire says.
"That's it?" I ask. "No special tasks... no special requirements?"
"Hmmmmm... maybe." Satoire says.
We head into the shower and close the curtain behind us. Doc and Grumpy have placed our clothing outside the shower and gone on to other things. The crowd has moved off.. back into the bar to continue their revelry and it's quiet out here. Only the sound of the two showers going, with Satoire and I in one and Covems in the other.
Suddenly a hand comes shooting into our shower. "Got any soap?" We hear Covems ask.
Laughing, we slap at his hand until it retreats out of the shower. I hear his water turn off and his curtain pulled aside and expect him to open ours at any moment. Satoire and I are a little disappointed when he doesn't.
Finished washing, we exit the shower and comb our hair out by the sinks. That's when I notice that our clothes are gone and in their place are the robes we wore to the pit.
"That Covems!" Satoire says. "He took our clothes."
I laugh and say. "We'll get him, Sat. I don't know how yet... but we'll get him. At least he left our shoes."
We put on the robes and go into the bar just in time to see dear Tightfit toast us all and sing his song. I feel melencholy listening to him, know that this may be the last time we see or hear him. I wipe a tear...
Satoire says, "He'll be back, Pafie... he'll be back. Maybe not to stay... maybe only for a word or two, but he'll be back. Always remember that."
I kiss Satoire on the cheek and adjust my robe... "I wish this had a little more room in the bust."
Hero Member
: 1842
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#995 :
January 01, 2013, 10:29:14 AM »
Pafe & Satoire’s wrestling match is riveting to watch, very sexy and the guys eyes contantly sweeping their sexy vanilla covered bodies wishing they are able to sponge and lick them down. They don’t mind an iota as the two contestants splash and splatter the delicious pudding over their faces and clothes.
I see Brandy & All_For_You enter the bar, just in time for the Count down to New Year. They look a little red –eyed and I sense that they had said their last good byes to Tightfit.
His song was very moving and I pick up an Angel to treasure. “ Good Luck, my friend” I say to the angel, kissing it and blowing the kiss to travel on the wind , hoping it will find its way to Tight’s cheek on the winding road to his new life out there.
The crowd cheers as the Clock chimes to show midnight is here and the room erupts in kisses and 2013 well wishes. Even Pafe & Satoire stop their match to see the New Year in and the old out.
Jayc takes me in his arms and snogs me thoroughly.
“ Happy New Year Darling” I whisper to him as our kiss ends . He smiles and repeats my words and then we are whisked away from each other by exuberant punters, kissing our cheeks and saying Happy New Year.
I find myself in front of Tango’s cheerful face... “ Happy New Year” I greet him, “ Tell me Tango, could you help me out with something.. “ We walk to the bar, well wish Old Joe for the New Year and order drinks as I outline something I have in mind.
Tango grins and clinks our glasses, kindly agreeing to help out. He leaves me to join Tangojane by the wrestling pit again and I see Jayc is still surrounded by some lovelies , enjoying their attention and is very animated in an anecdote he is relating to them. He too has a good position by the wrestling pit.
I notice Bear is sitting on his Santa throne again and Old Joe cuts into my thoughts... “ Haven’t you had your gift from Santa yet?”
“ No, not yet, I guess I was a little busy looking after all the guests, making sure their glasses were filled and their plates full of delicious food & the wrestling match of course” I say, “ Santa seems to have a quiet moment now, I think I might just go and see what he has there. What’s he drinking?”
“ Peppermint Schnapps” Old Joe replies
“ I’ll have one of those with a whiskey chaser” I order Santa’s drinks and make my way over to him
“ Thirsty Santa?” I ask as he motions for me to sit on his lap and I pass him the glasses to sup.
The crowd cheers again as the wrestling match winner is announced Pafe’s & Satoire’s differences resolved for the moment ...
Hero Member
: 2755
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#996 :
January 01, 2013, 11:49:24 AM »
(Happy New Year everyone. Miss you all and hope to have my own internet soon)
Hero Member
: 9502
Lady of the twin moons©
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#997 :
January 01, 2013, 01:19:17 PM »
Leaning on the bar on the other side from old Joe. I look at him in my waitress bunny suit.
"So we gotta clean all this up?" I look at him with disbelief.
The old bartender just nods and starts for the back room
"I'll get the fire hose." he says back to me.
: 14
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#998 :
January 02, 2013, 03:59:08 PM »
A small series of groans fills the far side of the bar as Satoire pins Pafe down for the count. Slamming my shot-glass down with a triumphant smile, I hold out my hand as three other patrons slap twenties into my waiting palm. I tap out my pipe as I wave for Stone's attention and point at my empty glass. He smiles as he sees the wad of twenties hit the bar knowing it will all make its way into the cash drawer by the end of the night. Overall the night has been a good one. For me, peaceful even with the pudding flying at the other end of the bar and the cheers of the crowd. I come here for peace, quiet, perhaps even the solitude I find at this end of the bar. This morning she slapped my shoulder with a smile and told me that I just came here to gawk at gorgeous women. Should I tell her about the pudding? She would just love that. I can see her laughing now as she tossed a towel at me and called me a voyeur.
For a moment I try to think of her covered in pudding and smile to myself as I decide to pass the market on the way home.
I could still feel the tightness down below from Brandee's performance. I have to find out where she got that outfit. Could just see presenting it to my woman at home. I know she would wear it for me. Not that she needed that sort of thing to turn me on. Just the thought of her in a tank top and shorts made me hard and horny as a stone toad.
But, hell, I am still a guy and the sight of beautiful women dressed in little else but pudding and strings of cloth still do the same for me. Generally make it embarrassing to get up. But here in this place I doubt anyone would notice one more hard-on more or less.
I rise from my seat and walk – Okay, maybe stagger a bit after all the bourbon I have downed here – over to Santa's throne. I am proud to say I did not spill a drop on the way over.
“Have anything in that bag of yours for wayward city cowboys, Santa?” I am hoping my New York accent is not too lost in the haze. As much as this man may hate his city, he is still proud to be born there. Though I did prefer it when it was called the Big Apple rather than living on a giant bullseye.
With a glint in his eye and a belly full of jelly, or one big-ass pillow, Santa tosses a red and white striped box my way. Hell, the darn thing even had my name on it. I'm seriously hoping this isn't the real Santa up there or this is about to blow up in my face. Cost of being on the Not-so-nice list for 40 years in a row. Shit like that catches up with a man eventually.
Ripping the paper off (never was able to do this neatly – Sorry, Mom) I nearly drop my drink. Also a first. When the hell did Fifty Shades of Grey come out with a cookbook? The bottle of Wild Turkey was a nice touch though. I thumb through the thing as I head back to my seat, almost but not quite ignoring the pudding-ed body of Satoire and Pafe as I slide by mumbling something about scallops and chorizo when I should be noticing Satoire's breasts nearly exploding out of her soaked top.
Sitting in my seat, Stone delivers me a fresh one, taking away several napkins covered in scribbled notes as he does. I will come to regret not sticking all of those napkins in my pockets later but for now I have only one thing on my mind. Actually two.
What the hell did I ever do to get on the Nice list this year? And, yeah. Pudding.
Have to remember the pudding.
Hero Member
: 1688
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#999 :
January 06, 2013, 07:53:55 AM »
Slowly... deliberately... I begin to sweep up from another bawdy night in the AChat Bar & Grill.
*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
: 6
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#1000 :
January 07, 2013, 01:08:56 PM »
Wearing a simple black T shirt and a blue denim skirt, that's just long enough to cover the top of my dark stockings, I move a lock of brown hair off my glasses and look round a little confused. I almost decide to just go back home but instead wander over to the bar, looking the place over. Once at the bar I take a small hand mirror out of my handbag and check over my hair and makeup, occasionally looking up and down the bar at what to have to drink.
Now that i'm here I might as well enjoy myself a little, arching my back to show off my bum and small breasts as I lean against the bar I look round for the bartender. Almost in a nervous way I ask in a slightly deep but feminine voice, "Ex-Excuse me? Can i get a bottle of cider? And a glass?"
Drink in hand I mostly keep to myself, looking round occasionally at the other patrons, dipping one knee to give my hips a slight tilt and make me look a little shorter.
Hero Member
: 2755
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#1001 :
January 07, 2013, 03:34:38 PM »
welcome to the AB&G Claire
and quick hey to everyone out there just popping around to check forum out
Hero Member
: 1600
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#1002 :
January 08, 2013, 01:15:10 AM »
The party winding down I notice Joe and Momma Andrea and Covems sizing up the mess that is our bar. I approach the group and say “let it slide, nothing we can’t take care of tomorrow, lets all head outside and have us a big bonfire to end the year” Covems smiles and props his broom in the corner and summons the dwarves to build a big fire. The rest of the staff springs into action. Joe and Momma load up a cart of lagers and stronger drink. Stone heads to the kitchen and makes Turkey sandwiches. I begin picking up loose wrapping paper lying all over the floor from all the presents.
Nearing Santa’s throne Bear gives me a curious look, “were building a bonfire to greet the dawn and new year” Bear smiles “cold out there better put on a sweater” i smile back “I will if you will “ I lay down the challenge. Our conversation is interrupted by a loud WHUMP and the chatter of the dwarves outside. Bear and myself bolt out to the deck to see the fire blazing and a singed but safe Grumpy. “too much kerosene” Doc says as we step outdoors “your beard is a little burned but it will grow out” as he concludes his first aid on grumpy. “so much for paper and kindling” I shrug.
I step back inside the bar and walk over to the big table, Brandy is chatting with Pafe and Satorire, no doubt about their recent space adventure with Commodore Spock. Leaning in “ladies were going to have a bonfire, why not join us” I see HB, JD, Tango and Jane already walking towards the door with Mr.sexlover and All For You and Sexilicous filing in behind them. Outside Lover his handing out beers and setting up some folding chairs. I head to the office to don my ugly sweater and grab a camera to get some photos. Walking back out the bar is deserted, looks like everyone is in the mood for a roaring fire. I hold the door for Stone and Ssgt and Jenanona who were helping out making the tray of sandwiches.
“hold the door” Thundersax and Mercer join the milling crowd of people all in good spirits. “ok time for a group photo” I yell getting everyone’s attention after some groans and mild protesting we manage to get in a group with the dwarves in front. I set the camera on timer and run to Stones side before the flash. “alright people a big smile!”
Thundersax breaks out his sax and begins to play a soulful version of “Silent Night” I can hear Stone beginning to sing soon joined by Brandy then all the guests join in. looking around I smile warm from the blazing fire and even warmer by the fine company
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: 10350
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#1003 :
January 08, 2013, 08:31:04 AM »
As we're all are standing together, singing silent night joined by thunder's sax I feel goose pimples all over. I look around and see all my friends, some are still sad because of Tight, that's ok. Some are meditative, thinking about the last and the new year - what will be? In some faces I can read confidence.
I smile. I'm looking back to a great year. It was a great year because I wanted it and I was determined to make it a great year. I did it my way. But I also know this all would not have been possible without all this wonderful people here. Everyone is crazy, but everyone is also caring and unique in his own special way. It seems I'm sending out a "Thank you" to everyone when I look at them. I'm proud to be part of this group.
"Pafe" I whisper, as she is standing right beside me "remember Star Trek. There was one vision, to boldly go where no man has gone before. But there also was a great massage. Peace and love is possible, even between completely different people and nations. We are living this message here. I'm so proud of it." Saltwater melts in my eye... I'm not sad, it's a tear of love. Pafe smiles says "It's always wonderful to discover new worlds. But it's more wonderful to discover lovely people and share precious moments." We hug...
I have prepared a last long speech. But I know this is not the time to talk. A good song is like a good pic. It says more then 1000 words can do. And I have the perfect song for this moment. Just as I want to start I notice Claire standing bit outside. "Claire, you are one of us. Join this circle!" And I'm happy to see she does - a bit faltering but then she is with us.
"I want that everyone now takes his neighbour's hand and let's sing together. Watch the bonfire, look around and feel all the love and connection between us. Let's swear to make this year another great year - for everyone. We're friends, some are lovers and we are one big family. No one is alone - never. We are one!"
I start to sing the first lyrics
When you walk through a storm,
Hold your head up high,
Of course everyone knows this song and starts to sing loud too
And don't be afraid of the dark.
At the end of a storm,
There's a golden sky,
And a sweet silver song of a lark.
Walk on through the wind,
Walk on through the rain,
Though your dreams be tossed and blown...
Walk On! Walk On! With hope in your heart,
And you'll never walk alone...
You'll never walk alone
Walk On! Walk On! With hope in your heart,
And you'll never walk alone...
You'll never walk alone. (Gerry live in Celtic) (Celtic - Barcelona, just the stadium)
Hero Member
: 3444
Re: Achat Bar & Grill .
#1004 :
January 08, 2013, 08:55:00 AM »
Walking out into the cold of the fresh air and feeling the warmth of the fire on my face.
I put my arms around Jane and HB Happy New Year you to and kiss them both on the cheek. Holding them both close they both kiss me back on my cheeks.
Thinking to myself "this is going to be a great year"
Jayc calls us all together for a group photo groans come from us all be we all huddle up with the dwarves in front. Jayc sets the camera and moves in next to Stone.
The sound of a deep soulful sax fills the air and then the clear crisp sound of Stones voice. Then Brandy joins her more of the crowd join in and the sound of Silent Night fills the air.
Seeing all the smiles in the crowd as the song rings out.
I kiss Jane and HB again and squeeze them bath
As Silent Night ends Lover asks as all to stand in a circle and join hands and he starts to sing
AND we all join in with the fire burning in the center of the circle I look around it and It makes me proud to be in such great company that i can call my friends.
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