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: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )  ( 1212332 )
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: 1600

« #1545 : October 20, 2013, 09:57:28 AM »

We walk inside the bar, my laughing has ceased for the moment we see JCM and Zoerink have already arrived and helped clean up the aftermath of the concert. Stone greets them both and I keep my distance from my spouse trying to regain my composure.
I put some money in the jukebox and I play more AC/DC, the “jack begins to play again and the laughing returns.

 Again puzzled looks from Stone. I avert my gaze and try to concentrate on picking up empty beer bottles. I sense she is walking towards me and I look down and see her boots. With Two of Stones fingers under my chin, she raises my head and I am looking looking into those lovely green eyes.

“Whats so funny? Are you going to tell me or do I have to beat it out of you?” Stone teases

I can take no more and explode with laughter and stagger to the office with Stone right behind me. Collapsing on the couch I cant breath I am laughing so hard. After a minute I pull myself together, sit up and explain.

“its the song, the words you changed.” I say sighing

“AC/DC are from Australia, right?”  Stone nods yes

“Well....... the “Jack” is Aussie slang for”...........i lean in and whisper in her ear.

Stone gasps then begins to laugh which gets me going again.

“are you sure?” stone gets out

“Yes the lyrics are all innuendos, but one thing is certain.......the jack is slang for V.D.!”
 I stand up and grab  a mailing tube on my desk. Leaving Stone laughing on the couch I go out to the bar and put up the Halloween poster.

OCT. 20 TO OCT. 31
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: 4985

« #1546 : October 20, 2013, 11:03:36 AM »

I Stumble into the bar. I'm a bit early but if our band is going toplay at this halloween party i need to check out if our instruments survived the last time on stage.

I know i will be busy with that till the party starts and i will have no time to change later so i'm allready wearing my Halloween outfit. As i make my way over to the podium the girls are giving me a wistle. Then one of the girls shouts out if i kept myself to the tradtion, and is i reach the podium i bend down and give them the anwser as i lift my skirt.

Yeah i kept the Scottish Tradition.

And as i get chears from the girls, i get on stage and start tuning the instruments.

mrsexlover, loving all girls, any shape,size or color

Come and join the chat at the town sqaure http://achatsquare.chatango.com
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I am into the big blue ocean swimming and dreaming

« #1547 : October 20, 2013, 11:23:35 AM »

I know is not very originall... but i like it :)

Hero Member
: 1600

« #1548 : October 20, 2013, 03:04:36 PM »

Stone and I head to my bat cave down in the Ice house to change into our costumes. I unlock the door and let Stone in who turns on the lights. I set my keys on the mini bar and spot two roses in a glass of water, the glass is so cold ice is forming.

“Hey Baby look at this” I say with no fear in my voice

“there back” Stone smiles at me.

I decide to see if the Grills feel like talking.....”Doris?  Stanley?

We stand there for a moment waiting.........nothing, then we hear a rush of wind blowing outside the door then faint and fleeting laughter.

We both shrug our shoulders and begin to change into our costumes. Stone helps me get all the straps buckled then puts on some warrior makeup on my face. I crack open a beer and watch as stone changes into her very hot costume. As always she takes forever to get ready. Finally she is ready and spins around to show me.

Taking her hand we pose in front of the mirror, we look good I muse the viking warrior and his main squeeze. We make mean faces and growl at the mirror...........then the room gets icy cold and jasmine fills the air and for a brief second we see the grills standing behind us smiling and waving......then they are gone. The sound system turns on and the Danube waltz plays at a high volume.

Not afraid at all I yell out “Hey turn that down!”

The waltz stops and is replaced by “THE JACK  which plays even louder. I spew my beer and Stone raises her sword to my throat and shakes her fist at our unseen visitors.
Both of us laughing we turn off the stereo and head up to the bar.

Hero Member
: 10350

« #1549 : October 20, 2013, 04:47:58 PM »

After having a shower i take on my costume for the halloween party. I take a look into the mirror and grin "perfect" i think to myself.  Looking forward to the party, dancing, playing a few songs with the band, having fun. Will there be new faces? Looking at my watch i notice, i have enough time to pick up Marilyn...
Few minutes later I knock on her door. As she opens the dorr, we both have to laugh. "Are you ready?" I ask. "Of course." She smiles.. we're hugging and kiss, then go to the bar.

Hero Member
: 3771

« #1550 : October 21, 2013, 09:47:41 AM »

I hear someone knocking on my door. I hurry to put my shoes on and open the door.
As I open the door I look at Lover and laugh. "Are you ready?" He asks. "Of course." I smile.
We smile, hug and kiss each other before we get in the car to go to the bar.

My alley: http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,1884.0.html
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: 10350

« #1551 : October 21, 2013, 09:53:30 AM »

We aprk the car. I open the door and help her out. Mmmm..she is looking so sweet, so very tasty... I offer my arm and we walk into the bar. Just as we are inside I look at her. "Do you have the little box we prepared?" I ask.

Hero Member
: 3771

« #1552 : October 21, 2013, 09:55:49 AM »

As Lover offers me his arm I take it and together we walk into the bar.
He looks at me and asks "Do you have the little box we prepared?" I smile and hand him the little box.

My alley: http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,1884.0.html
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #1553 : October 21, 2013, 04:49:36 PM »

The AB&G is all decorated and looking like a spooky lair. The dwarfs, staff & volunteers have worked like crazy to weave the webs, hang the spiders, do pumpkin head faces with lighted candles, mellowed lighting, and olde worlde mirrors to really set the scene for Halloween13.
Someone had thoughtfully set out the  Rotating Pleasure Table and Dentists Chair.

Some guests in their wicked costumes were already arriving and the Cocks N Roses were about to rock the house again.

I walk over to Old Joe to let him know I'll be disappearing for 30 minutes or so,  “ It’s my turn to get changed.”

I look at Stone’s and Jayc’s  scary  Viking costumes,  “ Impressive “ I nod smiling and throw Stone a tube of cream. She catches it in reflex and frowns at the labelling and then at me, narrowing her eyes.

I grin at her,  and point at her legs, shaking my head…   “The Jack is spreading girl” and skip off before any beer mats hit my head.   I hear Jayc guffawing in his beer as I make haste.

20 minutes later, my shower completed , I have my costume on and put the finishing touches of my make up on in the office.   

The room gently chills unnoticed and the radio switches to a Danube waltz softly playing. I am so busy concentrating on my make up, I am oblivious.
I stand back to admire myself in the full blown mirror….

I blink, that’s not my dress!!!   And look down to what I’m wearing. It’s totally different !!! …

I look up again in the mirror...

What the …
I look at the glass in my hand, surely it wasn’t that strong …
I take another drink and look in the mirror..   At last, I see what I’m supposed to see… the dress I am wearing ..

I shake my head,  confused .. then there is laughter floating in the air and whispers of desire,  and images of Mercer  dancing round the camp fire coming for me in the mirror.  A Jasmine scent surrounds me.

I back out of the room. The mirror is playing the dance as if it is a TV, showing Mercer, big strong and virile. I inch out of the door, shutting it behind me. And into the warm comfort of the bar.

I lean against the door panting a little, but not just with fright, with a thrill and lust that has enveloped me. The force is strong, the seeds taking root, the growing branches creeping along my veins.  Strong images of naked people sheened in sweat, panting, moaning in sensuous clinches.  I am feeling hot with sin.

“ Oh boy, I need another drink”  I shake my head again and walk over to Old Joe.  “ Give me a shot of Malorts”
“What?”  Old Joe looks confused. 
“Don’t ask, Just give me something to replace a cold shower” 
Old Joe looks astounded but fills up a glass and hands it to me. I take the bottle off him and fill the glass double to what he poured.

Old Joe also hands me a note he found :-

 Dear Brandybee,

   Satoire and I have made a visit to the bar, as you will probably discover.  We used the donut machine, making about 5 dozen donuts for a friend who really loves them.  We also took a case of Samuel Adams Octoberfest beer from the storage room.  You can put them all on Covems' tab for us.

   Thank you,
   Pafe & Satoire

( Forum Homepage / Organisations and Events / Groups & Families / The Nymphomania Sex Police  ( NSPD ) http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,1430.0.html )

 I down the Malorts in one, my face contorting with the vile taste.

"Open a tab for Covems, Joe.  Place these  on it, and this bottle of Malorts"   ;D

Old Joe just watches me pull the Malorts Face in amazement.

Then a light seems to dawn on him. Something strange is in the air tonight and he smiles.  Looks like there will be fun and games  before this spooky night is out ...

« : October 24, 2013, 03:32:58 AM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 2755

« #1554 : October 22, 2013, 07:40:16 PM »

Rushing home from work, I hop in the shower and wash all of the day's work away. Grabbing my costume out, I dress and head to the AB&G for the party. Stalking into the room, I sneak up behind a few of my guy friends and kiss them on the back of their neck and slink away before they could turn around.

Hero Member
: 3007

« #1555 : October 23, 2013, 12:17:17 AM »

Finished early from college, threw my valise into the trunk & headed down to the AB&G
sneaking through to The Ice Palace, hoped I might catch James in the guest dungeon, but I musta just missed him, Thought for a minute he'd changed his cologne, then I remembered.. jasmine... "Hi Doris" I called as I stripped of & dived in the shower, "You making an appearance this year?"
She didn't answer, but as I stepped out of my towel, my dress floated off it's hanger & over my head "Hey Doris, you're making me cold!" I said as my nipples sprang out, she didn't answer, but I felt a cold slap on my ass and sure enough there was a red handprint. "Ok, ok thanks for the assistance, maybe you'll show yourselves to BB later?" there was a kind of a warm smiley feeling then they were gone and I finished my make-up. I really must tell Brandy about this, I thought... but after that mojito!

« : October 23, 2013, 12:18:52 AM bluedenim »

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
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: 1842

« #1556 : October 23, 2013, 10:48:25 AM »

The Viking costumes Jayc had provided were indeed very evil and mean looking.  We both looked feral and the scabby tights I had rolled on to my legs would indeed make a man have second thoughts of any carnal desires he may harbour.

Jayc however looked very desirable with his big shoulders, six pack, leather and fur.  We  pull faces in the mirror to look mean and sultry, then burst into fits of laughter.

The Danube waltz   suddenly blares out loud around the Bat Cave, making us jump, and the hints that had been occurring recently suddenly all made sense.  Our mischievous resident ghosts – Doris & Stanley Grill were back for Halloween to cause chaos and mayhem!

“Hey turn that down!”  Jayc yells and the phantoms obediently do so,  much to our surprise, but then we should have known better…
“The Jack”  by ACDC  replaces it.  Jayc has another fit of giggles.

“Not you too”  I roll my eyes and speak to the roof. I raise my sword to Jayc’s chin and shake my fist at the unseen. 

Apparently the song “The Jack”  refers to VD – Venereal Disease or a sexually transmitted infection.
It was the song I had played, with the help of the Ghosts, for the sentimental lap dance, Lover had performed for Scary Bear at Crystal Lake. It seemed quite fitting as the words were perfect for the payback…

“Stone's got the jack, she got me back
She's got the jack, she's got me back”

However, as I was learning from my annoying spouse,  sometimes, ignorance is not always bliss and he was taking every opportunity to tease me about the choice of song.
It did have a great beat though and Lover’s delightful moves certainly seemed to hit the spot with big lovable Bear.  Maybe the teasing by Jayc and now The Grill Ghosts were actually worth paying that price.

We were still laughing as we turned the stereo off and headed up to the bar via the secret passage leading to the pool room in the AB&G.

Doris & Stanley float through the corridors of The Ice House and spot jcm0824 heading up to the bar too.
“Now, Now,  he can’t go to the party looking like that”  Doris eyes his jeans, T Shirt & leather jacket and with a sweep of her hand and click of her fingers, she changes his whole attire to leather basque, leather panties, stockings, suspenders and high heels.
“He looks just like that Dr. Frank N. Furter,” Stanley chuckles, “ I hope he doesn’t break his neck in those heels”

Stanley stops outside Bear’s dungeon and pokes his head straight through the door looking headless, next to Doris. He pulls back and turns to her.  “He’s in there getting ready, he’s just stepped out of the shower.”
“Oh goody” Doris says and is about to step through the solid door but Stanley cautions her ,  "he's naked!".

“Are you kidding?” Doris chuckles, “ I am not passing up this chance. Did you, with bluedenim?  I saw you slap her bottom”
Stanley laughs softly, “She is a beautiful young woman and I couldn’t resist blowing on her nipples as I handed her, her dress.”  He remembered how they reacted and hardened.

Doris floats through the door with Stanley right behind her. Bear was towel drying his hair and naked as the day he was born.
Doris caught her icy breath.
“Contain yourself my Dear” Stanley teased her.
Doris took her time … containing herself.

She let her ghostly eyes memorise his damp tanned skin, the outline of his developed muscles, trained naturally by outdoor living and his garage gym training routine.
His shoulders, waist, toned bottom cheeks, thighs, arms were powerful and male perfection. 

They froze his actions. He was stilled towel drying his hair in front of the bathroom mirror.

Stanley clicked his fingers by her ear to pull her out of her reverie.

“Time to go to work my dear,”  he whispered.  They both worked together efficiently.  Bear’s brain was adjusted to perfection.

His libido was upped to find his spouse even more attractive and lust worthy with a need to please. He fantasised about bringing her to powerful orgasms and to work hard to that end, wanting and needing to please her.

They planted a seed, he would need the help of another powerfully virile male, just for one night. He wouldn’t be enough. He would have to watch the action, with a raging need. Anything she did, would drive him wild with desire, with need, with want. He would be a cuckold for Halloween and he would find the action exciting, intoxicating, watching another man lusting and taking her, but after… after… after… the natural Bear would return, wild, scary and dangerous to the opposite sex, and yet still be tender and romantic.

There would be no malice to the chosen male, instead, there would be an eternal gratefulness for his lusty assistance and a friendship born akin to an understanding brotherhood. He would experience a power shift in his normally Dominant self but embrace the experience and be a better Dom for it.
“Do you think, that’s enough?” Doris asked Stanley,
“Oh, I think you have out done yourself my dear,” Stanley did a check of all his brain vitals. “I’ll just ensure, it’s one of his top fantasies in those special alone moments”
Doris giggled, “You are a naughty man.”
“Mmmm,  I think it’s the bad influence of my wife”  he answered grinning.

They returned Bear to real time, towelling his hair again and were pleased when his member began to show signs of growing and hardening.

“ Awwwww, Bless. He’s thinking of her already,”   Doris cooed as they withdrew from his room to seek out their next victim….

( Doris & Stanley are taking requests for Halloween in the AB&G, let Brandybee and Stone know. All guests posting, please join in by smelling jasmine; icy temperatures, finding red roses, catching ghostly movements in the corner of your eye.. I’m sure you get the idea of ghostly… you are not alone ideas.. Thank you”)
« : October 29, 2013, 05:09:50 AM Brandybee »

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: 149

If ignorance is bliss tis folly to be wise

« #1557 : October 23, 2013, 02:17:34 PM »

I pull in to the carpark of the AB&G still asking myself  what am I doing here what is the crazy costume I have in this back pack.  Well guess its too late now I get off my bike and walk in.  As I look around I see the outfits others are wearing and start to feel a little more at ease still in my civvies I wonder over to the bar and ask old Joe if there is somewhere I can change.  He nods and points to a door at the back.  I go through the door it looks a cupboard of some sort but it'll do I make the change and gingerly step back out into the bar.  I gesture to Joe about my clothes that are now in my pack he nods in acknowledgement.  I move slowly nervously around the bar as I do I spot jayc and stone and can't help but smile at there costumes in fact everyone seems to have worked really hard on there outfits mine seeming a little tame by comparison.

The tattoos are temporary ones plus I had been deliberately growing out my beard all week that combined with the small wig to extenuate my natural hair the rest was all me. I hoped  it would make me look like an old Celtic warrior something I would never even thought about before.  At this point I felt like a bit of a fool and was seriously considering diving straight back into that cupboard changing back and leaving but then.  "That scent again" I thought  then what felt like a very cold breeze cold enough to have an effect on my exposed nipples suddenly all my fear was gone replaced by that new found confidence from that night at the lake.  I looked over the other and saw Brandy

which caused all those feelings of longing to come back the scent of Jasmine was even stronger than ever and again came visions of that dance from before this time I could clearly see Brandy's face but she was wearing a different outfit.

I felt that longing again a desire to march over an have my way with her that some barbarian from legend.  I'd always had a soft spot for Brandy but nothing like this "what's  happening to me?" I ask myself shaking my head trying to regain my composure. "Was there some other force at work both here and at the lake the other night?" 
"Oh I need a drink!" I mutter to myself wondering over to the bar and ordering a double scotch.
« : October 23, 2013, 02:33:26 PM mercer78 »

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: 3444

« #1558 : October 23, 2013, 02:27:53 PM »

Driving back from the lake my phone beeps with a massage

“Its Luke” my sweet love say’s and then reads the message.

“Your costumes have arrived and are hanging on your door Sir”

“I hope you like what i picked out for you my Love” I say turning to my pet with a big smile.

Pulling into the Parking lot of the Bar & Grill I drive around the back of the Ice House, parking to the side of Jayc’s truck. Walking to the main door of the ice house I kiss my Pet tenderly and whisper “I love you”

Opening the door we walk in with my Pet taking her place one step behind me smiling to myself that she knows her place in the mean hall of the Ice House. Walking down the hallway I run my hand along the cold wall and over the wooden doors of the privates chambers.
Stopping with my hand on Miss Christy’s door I bow my head and think back to the last time I saw her….then, taking a breath, I walk to my door and take down the two costume suit bags.
Handing the key of the chamber to my Pet, she smiles and unlocks the door. Walking inside my chamber, the sweet smell of Jasmine is heavy in the air looking around my dungeon
“I’m home” I think to myself

Looking over at the bed i see a single Red rose laying on the pillow and smile turning to my Pet

“looks like our guests are back again”

Taking the rose off the bed i hand it to my sweet Pet “I think this is better for you my love”

I hand my Pet her the bag with the costume, it’s time to get ready for the party! I sit on the bed watching as my Pet opens the suit bag and pull out her costume.
Watching her face it the mirror seeing the big smile tells me she likes it as she holds it up to herself, staring at her reflection.
Hanging it up on the hock she starts to slowly strip taking her clothes and seductively keeping her eyes fixed on mine: as her last piece of clothing fall hitting the floor she turns and heads for the shower.

Hearing the water running and hitting her body I strip quickly and walk into the shower behind her letting the water run over us both. Taking the shampoo from the shelf I poor some onto her head and start to massage it into her hair. Moaning softly, she place her hands on the wall and drops her head forward and the water runs down over her.

Taking the soap in my hand I start to rub it all over her sweet perfected body. Letting my hands move over her whole body, I let them linger on her sweet butt cheeks letting my fingers play at her entrance standing close behind her I whisper in her ear
"we don’t have time right now but I want you right here later my Pet."

Stepping out of the shower I dry myself off and put my costume on just as I finished getting ready my sweet Pet walks out of the dressing room all dressed and looking stunning.

Smiling at how beautiful she looks

“Only one thing missing my Pet” I get up and walk into the changing room and take her collar off its stand.
Walking up behind her I whisper “hair” as her lifts her hair I slip her collar around her neck “there that’s match match better” I whisper as I kiss her ear.
Putting my costume’s lions head on I take my Pets hand and say “Lets Party”

Walking down the hallway I feel My Pet squeeze my arm turning to her “it’s going to be a great night my love”

Walking through the door from the tunnel into the Pool room we make our entrance into the bar.

« : October 23, 2013, 02:33:01 PM hentaiboy69 »

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #1559 : October 23, 2013, 08:18:36 PM »

The Malorts tasted disgusting but seemed to calm my raging hormones. They were going  into crazy mate mode lately.

I glance over at Bear who had just arrived and had joined the Cocks N Roses on the stage.
He looked amazing and my eyes swept over him.

He was dressed as a Roman Gladiator and it worked, my heart raced. He must have felt my eyes on him across the room, because he stopped what he was doing and glanced up and smiled at me. His smile was smouldering and I could tell he liked the spider web chain design attached to my back and the short shimmery patterned dress.

Icy whispers were back, caressing my ears,  “ Some things are just priceless… like the look in his eyes when you smile at him from across the room”
“So true”, I murmur and take a  couple of drinks in his direction, weaving between the tables, oblivious to the chained web sticking out behind me, comically colliding with other guests and knocking them out the way and upsetting and slurping their drinks.

Bear picks up his guitar and begins strumming a sensuous, pleading melody.  His guitar is perfect for his voice.
Right there, right then, he makes my heart smile and then he sings to me as though he means it.

I cock my head to one side, watching him sing, his voice totally hypnotic. I give him a half smile and he watches me back as I place the drinks on a nearby table. We lock eyes again.

As he sings, I begin to dance, swaying to the music, twirling round with controlled athletic and ballerina like movements. The music flows through my body as one with the other.
I use all of the dance floor, running and leaping lightly, making intimate love to his words in my powerful and sexy dance interpretation.
A single blood red rose appears magically in one of my hands, as I clasp them to my bosom, eyes shut lost in the music and  rhythmic dance . 

Stay with me – Goran Karan    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69unxtuWnF0

Don't turn away
I need your love
'Cause you're the only one, 
That I've been dreaming of

Don't turn away
Don't close the door
'Cause you're the only one
That I've been hoping for

Come hold me tight
I need your light
Just come and take me
To the place I long to be

Stay with me
Love is all I'm praying for
Stay with me
Give me strength to carry on

Stay with me
And hearts will surely
Find the way to go

Stay with me
Be my shelter
When the angels disappear

I run, in dance,  to the corner of the dance floor and I see him, the mesmerising man at Lake Crystal. He watches me with a fire in his eyes. He stands and approaches me and as I turn to continue my dance, he is next to me, matching my rhythm and dance moves.

He reaches out, catching my wrist, pulling me into his chest. He is just as athletic, just as strong in his dance moves as I in mine.  He lifts and carries and throws me high and catching me perfectly, sliding me along his body and floor in a powerful couples performance, as intense as the Tango itself. He uses my chained web to lead me as his dance partner to perfection.

Don't turn away
I need your love
'Cause you're the only one
That I've been dreaming of

Come hold me tight
I need your light
Just come and take me
To the place I long to be

Stay with me
Love is all I'm praying for
Stay with me
Give me strength to carry on

Stay with me
And hearts will surely
Find the way to go

Stay with me
Love is all I'm praying for
Stay with me
Give me strength to carry on

Stay with me
And hearts will surely
Find the way to go

Stay with me
Be my shelter
When the angels disappear.

We end  our dance looking into each other’s eyes both breathing heavy from our exertions. We freeze in that position for a full minute or so as the music ends and the bar bursts into thunderous applause.

Still holding me in his arms, Mercer78 looks at Bear over my head and a male understanding seems to pass between them. An unspoken agreement. They both nod and smile.

Then Mercer rolls me out at arm’s length so we can both take a bow in our appreciation of the crowds applause and cheers.

Mercer and I raise our hands and clap Bear and his magnificent singing and then do the same for The Cocks N Roses who played discreet backing music for him.

I look at Bear and we smile at each other like goofy idiots.  Then reality is back.

We leave the dance floor, Mercer leading and holding my hand. We return to our place at the bar and join Stone, Jayc , lover, Marilyn, Tango , hentaiboy69, jcm0824 , bluedenim, Zoerink, Sexilicious , mrsexlover, Old Joe and some other guests.

I am quite breathless and emotional from such an intense dance and find that I am looking at Mercer in female appreciation.  There seems to be a hazy god-like light around him.

He is so very attractive and handsome.
I order a cup of tea to see if that will balance my world again. The Malorts definitely wasn't working.

« : October 23, 2013, 08:34:52 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
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