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: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )  ( 1212339 )
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: 1600

« #1800 : February 04, 2014, 12:08:18 PM »

The stage lights dim then suddenly “leave your hat on” is abruptly taken off and a scratchy three blind mice begins to blare from the sound system. Three figures can be seen stumbling out on to the stage.

As the song fades out the lights come on and on stage its the three stooges dressed like Chippendale dancers ! Jayc with a perfect “bowl cut” wig is Moe, tango doing a dead on impression is Curly and Lover is Larry.

Running into each other Moe yells “spread out!”

 Hello (Moe, low tone), Hellooo (Larry, a major third higher, with Moe still holding his 'o'), Hellooooo (Curly, a major fifth higher than Moe, forming a major chord with Moe and Larry)!"   

Curly notices all the lovely ladies in the crowd  and wanders away to flirt with the women. An Angry Moe grabs Curly's G sting as it stretches longer and longer, Moe lets go and with a loud snap the elastic material cracks Curly in the ass!

Curly lunges toward Moe Barking loudly "Rrrowf! Rrrowf!"

Moe "You imbecile!"

Larry “Leave him alone!"

Moe slaps Larry  “Oh, a wise guy, eh?"

Moe  “okay look you knuckleheads we have to do a striptease, so lets dance and  dangle our dongs for these Dames delight

Larry “Hey, where's your dignity?

Moe poking Larry in the eyes  “You will dangle or I will mangle”

Curly   “My father died dancing; on the end of a rope”

the music begins and the boys begin there erotic dance  stooge style
Hero Member
: 3444

« #1801 : February 04, 2014, 12:34:08 PM »

Stepping forward front and center of the stage

Swaying my hips twice  and stepping forward with my left foot pulling my hands back as my hips moved forward doing the same with my right foot and then again with my left foot I stop right at the edge of the stage

Looking down at all the ladies  "WOO WOO WOO"  I say and run back to Moe and Larry
Moe grads my arm "What's the big idea?! Get back there"
With a slap to the back of my head from Larry I make my way back to the front of the stage turning my back to the Ladies I bend over and shake my Pink thonged ass at them. (making the crowd scream)

Standing back up rolling my shoulders and moving my hips I slide my jacket off my shoulders letting it slide down my back till it hocks in my elbows. Looking back over each shoulder down at all the ladies wide eyes as I let my jacket fall to the floor kick it to one side.

Turning back to face the ladies I move right to the front of the stage Gyrating my hips right in front of them.
"oh Boy"  I say and jump off the stage and into the lions pit.

Moving along the line of the ladies and stop right in front of Brandy with the devils glint in my eye. Putting my hand on the top of her head I left my right leg onto the back of her chair moving my hips and my grown only inches from her face. Looking back to the guys with a big cheesy Grin I rub her face hard into my pink leather thong.

stepping back from a shocked faced Brandy I grab my chaps by the hips and rip them off throwing them into the ladies
Turning around and bending over pushing my bum out I wiggle it along the front row with a few slaps as it passes by them all.

jumping back onstage I move back to Moe and Larry in just my pink thong boots and my hat moving back in time with them.

Hero Member
: 10350

« #1802 : February 04, 2014, 05:37:03 PM »

Curly comes back to us, just wearing his pink thong boots and moving his hat. Hes pointing to me "The ladies want to see you now" "They can see me, im standing here" "No Larry, dance" I nod and jump to the end of stage - least i wanted. Unfortunately I fall down and land straight on Roxxy. Holding myself on her boobs. "Wow what a brain" I smile... "Sorry I excuse myself later" I whisper and crawl back to stage. Looking around... shouting

"Are ya listenin'? Ba-ba-ba-boo, ba-ba-ba-boo, ba-ba-ba-boo!!" I start dancing to the music, turning around, lifitng my jacket. Slowly shaking my ass to the rhythm of the music... jump up and around ""And when I'm finished with my crooning, on my knees I'll fall! My life! My love! My all!" I whisper

I unbutton my jacket and throw it to the beautiful girls in fornt of stage. The music stops and a new song is starting. Tom Jones is singing "Sex bomb" I step forward to the music, tearing down my shirt. The girls are screaming and I even can see hukk's face full of pleasure. I  blow him a kiss and sing along with Tom "Sex bom, sex bomb..." Holding the shirt to my nose I take a deep breath... and get dizzy for a moment. Phew...it needs to be cleaned....
Got my mind back, shaking my hips now forth and back. I jump down, landing in front of stone. I show her to unbelten my trousers which she is doing full of excitement. As she is holding it I step forward... and she pulls the belt away. My trouser wants to slide down and I try to keep them. Holding them with one hand I make my way to Brandy. She knows what I want and unbuttons it. I can see her laughing... "Baby, if you knew there's a wild animal inside, you wouldn't grin" I whisper. Her eyes get bigger, starring to my danger zone...

I move to Roxxy, turning my upper body to the left and to the right, wiggling my butt... sit down on her lap, grabbing her head,, pulling it to my chest... She kisses my nipples which are hard now... I kiss her deeply and get up, standing close to her. Take her left hand and guide it to my zipper... she knows what I want and just a second later we hear a noise... ssssssssstttttttt... again I turn around and pull down my trousers. My ass is close to her and everybody sees I''m just wearing a little red thong.

Billy Idol starts singing "Eyes without a face" while  I'm crawling like a puma, face to the crowd while I can hear them screaming and shouting... I feel some of them are putting dollars into my thong and smile. As I reach the end of stage, I jump up... dancing to the song I go back to Moe and Curly.

"All for one!"  I say. "One for all!" Moe says  "Every man for himself!" Curly is shouting.We look at him, shaking our heads.

Hero Member
: 10457


« #1803 : February 04, 2014, 05:45:41 PM »


All the  lady's run to front  stage  to get a better  view   Brandy with here  Binoculars, Denisee   comes seats by me Hgo runs to the front she looks very excited  HB  Stone  and Lydiarose  all enjoying  and others  .

Mrsexylover   gets on the mic  with all the  shouts lights and smoke  the stage  is alive and   jumping

  Mrsexylovers  with a  voice that  sounds   like Berry White  smooth and very sexy  He   introduces
 Lover  Tango and Jayc
The audience stood and applauded  the performance all  are excited .

Hukk  looks at me and teases me  about Lover  I shake my head as  he says  hes his   going to give him the  most  I wink and say  I hope you do  he can  buy me dinner  after the show  ;) . smiling .

Jayc   and all the  guys  do  Larry Curly and Moe jokes.

Then  Tango  jumps  up on the stage wearing a   A hot pink thong  his hips side to side  moving in close to the lady's they go  wild  scream and  shouts as he  passes  by me and Denisee slap his ass give him a few bills  .  Tango stand  in front  of Brandy rubbing his pink thong  on  her  face  hope we  don't have to  give  her  CPR  his all on her  face  then   pulls away     as   Bandy  puts a  few bills   in his thong  he walks away  shacking his ass.   Hgo  is getting wild  jumping up and  down  she is  out control   she jumps on stag  till loverboy  draggs  her off  ….

Hukk  and Tomi  Laugh as they are dragging her   off stage .,.

As we keep on drinking  champagne  whistle and cheer the  guys   on  for more more .
Lover  come  shaking his sexy ass  WOO WOOO   here  come my  favorite  one strut his walk to the front wiggling  his ass  mmmm seducing and exciting  all the lady's. Stone pulls his belt off    and Brandy  unbuttons  his pants   giving the  lady's  rash of  excitement .I can even see Hukk   enjoying it as he blows   him a kiss ….     

Sexy  Lover  looks my way with a   grin   he starts walking  my way wiggling  his sexy oiled body  yummy  lusting this gorgeous stud  he comes and   seats on my lap wooo woo  I wrap my arms  around him so he will not move away  holding him tight  he pulls my head to his chest as he dose I start licking it and  gently bite his nipples and flicker my wet  tongue over them they get so hard  he give me a kiss  I suck his tongue  as  I reach down and  stroke his  cock  he gets hard as a  rock  stands up turns around looks at me  I look at  him  we smile  knowing what is   going to happen …my hand is guided  to his zipper  I pull it down as I did he turns  around  very fast and pulls his  pants down showing a little Red thong his ass is on my face  every one is  screaming and shouting  I  grab it and  kiss his butt cheek  stick a  $$$  on his thong  He crawls away like a puma   before he  gos I pull his thong and slap his  butt cheeks  and let go of the thong   great show  honey   …....  :-*
« : February 05, 2014, 03:53:14 AM FoxyRoxxy »

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 2465

I am into the big blue ocean swimming and dreaming

« #1804 : February 04, 2014, 07:11:58 PM »

WAO WAO WAO!!! I go and all of you make a party without me?? lol... :) im back for a couple of days (not much, but at least, some time just to say hello to everyone on here).

I go into a bar, i see HGO, OH! MY FRIEND!!! So nice to see you on the bar, after ask jayc for a beer i look around, and smile to Roxxy too, Lover, Brandy and Tango, in a very interesting way, as the incredible ;) Mr Green. So happy to see you all on here.

Little by little, sip by sip, the beer is running out, I'll have to order another, was so hard weeks, and next weeks will be hard again, so i will drink all my rest time, all my 2 days break. I feel good and sad, sad because tonight i read a bad notice about a friend, and good because i know shes fine, my soulmate, you know i will be always, close, as a sea wolf watching you, taking care of you. HAPPY AND GLAD TO KNOW YOURE OK :), now, take your time... step by step.

HELLO EVERYONE!!! SO NICE TO SEE YOU ALL, I will not be so much time here, but enought to say hello, and drink something with you.

Hero Member
: 1822

« #1805 : February 04, 2014, 08:00:24 PM »

Welcome back zoerink ask Joe for a beer tell him write that on my invoice than come her sit down and enjoy the show with us  ;D

Hero Member
: 1885

« #1806 : February 04, 2014, 09:18:44 PM »

I contain myself very well. Watching , watching, theater glasses in one hand , empty whiskey glass in the other. I plant a loud slap on Tangos butt as he shakes on past..Eyeballs wide as Roxxy's man does his thang...OMGGGG
Too hot cant take any more
I sprint to the bar , returning in seconds with buckets full of soapy water and sponges. I drop the buckets on the floor in front of the girls.
Grabbing one sponge I hit the stage...squeezing a huge glob of white bubbles down Tangos back as I turn his back to the girls. The bubbles slide down his back, down his butt..i squeeze more and more bubbles from the sponge down his body...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..I hear moans of appreciation from a few of the ladies and am spurred on.
I tear off my top and rub myself all over in the bubbles on Tangos back
Suddenly loverboy is dragging me from the stage with his jacket wrapped around me. "easy now, baby girl" he soothes"yes, yes I know, naked men"
I try to grab Hukk and Tomi to stop myself being taken away from the stage but they are laughing too much to bother helping.
"noooooooooooo" I scream out "I want the boys"
Out of the corner of my eye I see the Sea God has returned…
OMG Zoerink!!!!! Finally breaking free I sprint into his arms and he spins me in circles.  At that moment I realize that I'm still half naked.
I rapidly pull away and start to do up the buttons on Loverboy's coat. "How long you back for?" I ask in a surprisingly composed voice

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Hero Member
: 1600

« #1807 : February 05, 2014, 03:45:46 AM »

My arms folded I watch my fellow stooges woo the crowd of lovely ladies. Larry finishes to the roar of the crowd and returns to Curly and I.  Curly's comments deserve another slap, but its my turn to show the boys how its done.

The music changes to Adam Ant “goody two shoes”


I show off my fancy Foot work, my Moe wig almost flying off my head  as I really ham it up as I slowly strip off my vest. Hopping off the stage I shimmy up to the two ladies who started all of this and bend over. With my encouragement Brandy grabs the tear-away flap and in an instant my shorts are gone and I’m  wearing nothing but a skimpy red “banana hammock” with a firecracker drawn on the front. A laughing Stone puts a dollar in my waistband and I sit on her lap for a photo.

I rise to my feet and work my way through the crowd of women who are all hands. Its all I can do to keep my thong on. I glance up at lover who winks and nods.


Grumpy Watches the delivery truck pull up, the driver approaches the Dwarf.

“Did you order 50 pies from the Achat bakery?” the man asks

“Why yes I did, and please charge it to Mr Covems account.”  Grumpy says nonchalantly

The dwarfs unpack the pies and load up the carts and move out to the bar and load up the prefilled Seltzer bottles.

The crowd hardly notices the dwarfs as they place pies and seltzer bottles on the tables and bar. Happy brings 3 pies and seltzer bottles up on stage just as I climb back up. The music dies down.

Curly “Hey Moe! Hey Larry! Refreshments!” as he points to the pies.

Moe   “ Mind your manners you chow hounds and wash those hands! You have no idea where they have been!”

Following Lovers subtle hand signals, we have a good idea were our initial and secondary targets our seated, and we strategically  take our places for the grand finale to our little show.

Curly fiddling around with a seltzer bottle sprays me in the face. I respond with the patented “Moe gut/top of the head/chin punch” Larry carrying a pie gets caught up in the scuffle and fumbles the pie upwards into my face..................”Moe it was an accident”
Wiping the lemon meringue from my face I smile and grab a pie “oh yeah? I fling the coconut cream  pie at a ducking Larry and hit Curly square on the side of the head.

 An enraged Curly growling at me grabs a pie. The throw is perfect, missing me on purpose and hits Ole Joe on the chest and chin and breaks his cigar.

The bar falls silent........Ole Joe grabs a bar towel and wipes the goo off his shirt when he hears a chuckle for the tables..........its Brandy,

 Ole Joe begins to chuckle too then quickly picks up a chunk of the smashed pie and hurls it with the accuracy of rifle and nails his employer right on the forehead with a loud splat.

Stone sitting right next to Brandy busts out laughing and is hit with a well flung ball of coconut cream thrown by yours truly. And to add insult to injury Brandy sprays her with a seltzer bottle, hitting near by tables who retaliate in kind.

Handing my partners cold beers, our work done we watch the pie fight grow and gain momentum.   ;D ;D ;D :o


« : February 05, 2014, 03:49:08 AM jayc »
Hero Member
: 10457


« #1808 : February 05, 2014, 04:45:35 AM »

 I see Zoerink  I greet him welcome back  . Out of where I see a pie  fly over my head   it   landed on  my  x  I laughed  and said   Tom are you ok   he gave me  smirk like whatever  I said would you like  a glass of milk   for that  pie  me being  so sarcastic and kind .

I think  I had a little to much wine  I see pies all  over flying by  and little Dwarf men running  around I see Brandy and  Stone Cover  in pie .. ..

I try to  run away   from the pies   I go hide   behind  ole Joe      behind the bar the safest place I thought   and    give him a   ;) 
« : February 05, 2014, 04:50:09 AM FoxyRoxxy »

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #1809 : February 05, 2014, 05:03:21 AM »

I take my seat at the front of the stage, waiting in anticipation with Stone for our beloved boys to come out and do their sexy strip routine. The wager and strip performance had made it around the grapevine of our Forum Village and the AB&G was heaving with expectant customers.
All the girls at the front were giggling and sipping champagne discussing the boys’ lunch boxes and other fine attributes.

We were all excited and then Mrsexlover announces the big show
"People of the AB&G it's my pleasure to bring you the next act on this stage, as the management was asking for the chip'n dales, it turned out they could not affort them, so let me proudly introduce the you Lover, Jayc and Tango as
                                                                 SOME STRIPPING MALES ! “

The lights dim, the music plays and intial cheers sound before silence befalls the crowd, watching in enthralled interest.

I immediately spurt my champagne in unison with Stone as the boys come on as “The Three Stooges” but in the appropriate dress of the famous  guy Chip N Dale sexy dance troop.

Jayc was dressed as Moe. His bowl cut hair style perfectly framed his face and made him look hilarious in his white collar and cuffs and black dicky bow and black trousers.
Tango was dressed as Curly.
Lover was dressed as Larry.
All are extremely, fit, toned and very very handsome.   

In typical mayhem, the three guys in character begin their show and banter.  Everyone is roaring with laughter at their antics.

Then Tango / Curly steps forward with his closely shaved head belying his name.

He wiggles, gyrates, pulls sexy pouts and shows off his fine physique. The ladies cheer and encourage him to  “ge rr am off “  Wolf whistles fill the air.  He strips slow and seductive to reveal a hot pink thong.
Tango suddenly jumps from the stage and  struts in front of the baying ladies and makes his way to me and Stone.
Before I know it , I  have a grinding pink, leather thonged,  cock,  eskimo kissing my nose, before the grind gets harder and I can’t help but sneaking a naughty kiss there.
He moves back and I lick my lips, tasting the leather on my lips.
He dances and as he does so he pulls his chap trousers off, much to everyone’s delight.
He is soon naked, except for his pink boots  and sexy little hat.

Lover / Larry moves forward next after a few more funny little interactions with the other two.
This show is pretty amazing.
The aptly named “Sex bomb “  begins to play and Lover prances around the stage, dropping to his knees and sexily removing his jacket.  His chest and body takes your breath away.
We all cheer and encourage him to remove “More More “
He blows a kiss to one of his adoring fans – Hukk, who smiles and looks round to everyone “ That was for me – Did you see that, that kiss – it was for me “  He looked so pleased!
Lover jumps down the front and encourages the ladies to unbutton and loosen his clothing. I get to unbutton his trousers with a big big grin.
He strips seductively and is soon down to his naughty red thong-  Magnificent.

There is a bit of a melee as HGO  grabs buckets of soapy suddy water. She can hardly contain herself, jumping on stage to accost the gorgeous men. We all laugh and cheer as Loverboy71,  Hukk & Tomi join in and playfully drag her off stage.
We are all laughing so hard, and yet, the boys have still managed to maintain that very sexy atmosphere of a hot strip dance.

Zoerink suddenly makes an appearance and I kiss him in delight, shoving a glass of Champers in his hand.   “The show is not over yet – you are just in time for the finale” I tell him chuckling.

Jayc / Moe then begins his routine.
Stone is beside herself in excitement.  “God isn’t he gorgeous?”  she whispers to me.  I roll my eyes and agree   ::)   ;D
He dances and does some wonderfully clever foot work. The crowd love and cheer him on.
He jumps down to the front as dollar bills are placed in his trousers & naughty ass spanks.
He strips very sexily and arrives in front of me and Stone. We each take a side fastening and tear the trousers open. He is left wearing a very sexy red thong and a very fine package indeed
Stone cheekily gives him a dollar for his efforts, stuffing down the front of his thong to join a firework rocket strategically placed there.
He returns to the stage and all three guys finish their routine and comedy antics.

Suddenly cream filled flans are flying through the air. Old Joe gets splattered and I catch sight of the giggling dwarfs.  They were obviously working hard behind the scenes!

Stone gets a full one in the face and I laugh, spraying her with more squirty cream. As I laugh I get one in the face!!

Its mayhem, its fun and all hell breaks loose as a pie fight breaks out…..

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 2078

Later, Space Cowboy

« #1810 : February 05, 2014, 02:47:52 PM »

The lights suddenly dim, and everyone's attention turns to the stage. "It's about to begin!" cries a jubilant Brandy.

Hello (Moe, low tone), Hellooo (Larry, a major third higher, with Moe still holding his 'o'), Hellooooo (Curly, a major fifth higher than Moe, forming a major chord with Moe and Larry)

"Oh God...they can't be serious.." I cry, as begin to laugh deliriously from this genius comedic spectacle. JayC, Lover, and Tango proceed with their Three Stooges routine, gyrating their pelvises and buttocks for the 'dames' delight. Lover looks over in my direction and suddenly blows me a kiss.

"That was for me – Did you see that, that kiss – it was for me!" I yell, nearly fainting into the arms of Foxy who catches me. The females continue to hoot and holler, yelling out for the three men to continue their seductive chip n dale strip tease. "Noooooo.....I want the boys!" pouts HGO, as I look over in her direction. I see her trying to clamber up to the stage again, with out stretched adoring arms. "Quick, LB and Tomi! Grab her! She's gone Coco for the stooges!" I shout. We drag her from the stage and place her back on her sit, where she proceeds to pout. "Alright ladies! Lets make it Rain on the stooges!" I shout. Denisee looks at me curiously, while Tango shakes his rump in her face. "Make it rain? Oh my, I've never done that before!" she says with a red flushed face. "You've never made it rain?! Alright here are some bills. Now just do what I do!" I proceed to go over to Moe (JayC) and make it rain on his body. "Today's forecast calls for RAIN!" I shout.

I throw some of my dollar bills into the air and watch them float back down on Moe's body. HB shakes her head and yells out. "Eh Eh Eh!? That's not how you make it rain!" She snatches the remainder of my dollar bills from my hand and shows me how it's done by making it 'rain' on Tango's.

I nod my head in approval and look back at Denisee who laughs. "Never mind. That's how you make it rain! Look at the hand motion. She has it down pat!" I chuckle.

“Did you order 50 pies from the Achat bakery?” calls out a man. I look over curiously to see 50 pies being set at a table across from the stage. "Hey, what's with the pies?" I ask those around me. The girls seem to not take notice, as they are too enthralled with the show in front of them. "Hmm...I think they're up to something.." I think quietly to myself. My suspicion is confirmed as they begin to take calculated pie shots at certain targets within the crowd. *SPLAT* I break out laughing, upon seeing Stone's face covered in pie. She wipes some of the cream off her face and proceeds to hurl it in my direction. I duck just in time, but unfortunately the person behind is creamed. *SPLAT* I turn around to see a pied Lydia. I once more break out laughing. "Oh boy, did you get creamed!" I say giggling. Suddenly, I turn around to see two pies being hurled in my direction by JayC and Lover. *SPLAT SPLAT*  I'm motionless for a few seconds, as the pie cream slowly rolls off from my face and down to my Tuxedo. I stand up and scream "This tuxedo cost me 600 smackers!" I repeatedly slap the front of my face lightly with both hands while shaking my head. "Why I outta! You bozo's! I'll teach you!" I yell, as I charge at them with my head lowered down like a ram.

HGO noticing my charge deviously sticks out her leg to trip me over, causing me to fly over to the edge of the table where all the pies are placed. I land on the table and accidentally springboard some of the pies into the air. *SPLAT SPLAT* My tuxedo is completely ruined from pies. I proceed to pick myself up and look over my shoulder, to see a lot of the ladies covered in pie as well from the launched pies. My attention zooms in on one particular person who just walked into the bar. It's Zoerink whose face is now smeared with pie. "Oh, hola! Long time no see!" I yell while waving.

Jr. Member
: 76

« #1811 : February 05, 2014, 05:29:30 PM »

I stroll slowly into the  Achat Bar and Grill  and notice there are a lot of people covered in pie so I cautiously move up to the bar avoiding anybody that might have a pie in their hand and order myself a nice cold one  ;)
Then I notice HisGirlOnly sitting not far from me and shes looking fine so I couldnt help myself and gave her  quick kiss.
(Hopefully nobody throws a pie at me)  ;D

Visit me at The Town Square.. http://achatsquare.chatango.com/ :)

« #1812 : February 05, 2014, 07:41:51 PM »

My drink stained mind notices the party getting full steam when suddenly pies start to fly around me. I duck as one flies past, and as I duck, splat, another pie hit's my face. I hear a voice worriedly asking, Tom are you ok, but as I'm covered in crust and filling I can't recognise where that came from. It is kaos all around me. As I wipe off strawberry jam from my face, all I can see is women cheering, cocks and asses flying around my face and HGO dancing topless on the stage.

This is so much fun. I never thought the bar could be this wild. My inner lust is starting to wake. I can't keep my eyes off  the half naked HGO beeing dragged down from the stage by Loverboy. Some already started to get dirty with eachother. This is as close to a snake pit that I ever been. More people join, I have difficulty making out faces in the heat of all naked bodily parts around me. I let my excitement start taking control over my actions.

I pull off my pie stained shirt while I head straight at HGO. It's like a slow motion movement, me dancing towards her to the music. She is the embodyment of all I can wish for in a woman my mind manages to think while all my blood seems concentrated to one place of my body. All people fade away around me. I don't care no more. I only want you and nothing else.

This place has a strange impact on me. While I move through the crowd halfnaked , shaking my head in a vain way trying to lower the alcohol level in my body, the sudden impact of realisation is hitting home hard. What am I doing? What is this place? How can I react so strong? Omg what was I thinking? Is all this nudity getting to me? Nearly tried to hit on my best friend!
« : February 05, 2014, 07:44:10 PM Tom_Hardy »
Hero Member
: 1822

« #1813 : February 05, 2014, 08:06:44 PM »

I just having fun laugh on the others and I see corner of my eye Tom acting strange he take of his shirt and start to walk straight to HGO. I go after Tom and grab his arm “hay what you doing what you want to do she HGO” I pull him away and drag him to the bar “one more drink Joe” I lean to Tom and say “you'll be sober in the morning buddy and HGO won’t know a thing I don’t tell her”

I turn my back to the bar look around HGO get out from Loverboys hands and run to Zoerink and Loverboy still try to put on her his jacket while Zoerink spins her.
Hukk I throwings pies on every one I laugh on him “that’s it bro pie eweryone” I yell it to Hukk
Than I look other end of the bar new face “hi there I’m Tomi” introduce myself to him “ hi I’m CutieGuy nice to meet you” he answer, hay Joe one more drink to our new friend.

Hero Member
: 4985

« #1814 : February 06, 2014, 12:35:31 AM »

I Stand at the bar, drinking my beer and laughing at the guys doing their 3 stooges routine. The girls are winding up more and more, then a pie fly's past my head and is hitting Old Joe, i think that was ment for me.

More pies are flying, Stone and Brandy are getting hit, Hukk also. In his effort to get away from the pies he lands smack in the middle of the pile. Pies are flying in the air everywhere and there is no escape, we all get covered witch cream.

girls are screaming as the creams slides into there shirts and dresses. Some are even throwing their clothes off so they can join the fight. My clothes are also ruined so i get out of them too. Grabbing some pies i join the fight with nothing more on then my boxers.

Somehow i end up between the girls, using my pies to cream their hot naked body's even more. Not a boob is cream free. I get hold of Miss Stone and hurl her in the direction of jayc who catches her and starts to lick her body.

That's giving me a idea, and as i look around i see i'm next to Miss Brandy.

"Sorry Brandy but i think you're in need of a clean up"

i say as my tongue comes out and licks his way down her boob, twirling it round the nipple so the cream makes it stick out even more as my tongue goes back into my mouth. maybe i get smacked in the head for this but so far i'm liking it

mrsexlover, loving all girls, any shape,size or color

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