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: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )  ( 1212495 )
Jr. Member
: 76

« #1875 : March 11, 2014, 02:09:40 PM »

Me and HGO snuggling and drinking our samubuccas as we watch the amazing fight that BB and Stone are putting on!

Its getting really hot as the oil was being poured on them and both

1,2,3 its all over!

Amazing 1st round!  ;D

We get up and applaud the amazing fight as applause roars through the bar! :D

Visit me at The Town Square.. http://achatsquare.chatango.com/ :)
Hero Member
: 1842

« #1876 : March 11, 2014, 04:06:59 PM »

Brandy has me pinned, bent double holding my ankles. I try to struggle but I am held fast unable to move. My bare arse and pussy points up to the AB&G ceiling.  I would normally be embarrassed by such a position unless it was Jayc of course but strangely I find it quite exhilarating, especially as I can see Lover looking at me. I could see that naughty gleam lurking in his stare. I feel cold oil squirts on my pussy causing goose bumps.

I feel tingles throughout my body exposed to the eyes of all the bar in this way. I wondered when I had become such an exhibitionist and decided it was the Ale thinning and pulsing throughout my bloodstream.

I hear Lover’s dulcet tones .. 1… even his voice was beginning to sound sexy    2 … how could that number be so  hot? …  3…  shit!  I just lost a round!

Brandy looses me and I flop into the warm oil.   It feels delightful on my skin and I lay there a minute, enjoying my nudity in full view of the baying crowd.

I stand up and a rush of heat floods to my sex.  My swollen pointed breasts flop over my small bikini top. The camisole top does nothing to hide my blushes, if indeed I had any.

Graciously, I return to my corner as Brandy enjoys her victory round and I wait patiently as her supporter’s cheers die down.
Dopey fills my Das Boot glass with ale again as I chat to Jayc who is taking his time with the towel, drying my breasts and pussy off of excess oil.  A moan escapes my lips as I find myself pushing into the towel and eyeing his delectable body.

Unseen, Dopey mixes a few drops from his secret bottle in to the glass before continuing to fill it with ale. 

Jayc is soon satisfied with his buffing and I am standing in my corner, nude from the waist down. My little thin tuft of black pubic hair contrasts with my faintly tanned skin. My breasts hang loose over my purple bikini top and my little lacy camisole is drenched and see through with the oil. My dark hair is still plaited and glistening in the strawberry oil.

I look at Brandy. She is topless except for her torn camisole top which hangs loosely on her shoulders. Her breasts are slightly red and nipples pointed where mrsexlover has buffed her up with the towel too. Her ginger hair is plaited and coated in oil that shimmers in the lights overhead. She is still wearing her back small bikini bottoms.

Lover steps forward and rings the bell for Round 2.

Dopey passes my ale and I tip it down my throat.  I swallow as quick as I can, filling my tummy with the alcohol.  It seems to go straight to my head as I begin to feel very happy and a warm buzz resonates throughout my body.  The beer is cool and refreshing in my throat but in my rush to tip it down, some gushes out over my face and over my exposed tities.

I finish my boot again just after Brandy and she rushes at me. My reactions seem slower than normal and I blame the sluggishness from the alcohol addling my senses.

She takes me to the floor and I am winded for a brief moment.  She slides on top of me and tries to pin me down, but I wriggle and buck and we find ourselves face to face on top.

I am underneath, then I successfully shove her over and she is underneath me. We roll over in this way about three or four times.

Breasts and nipples crushed against each other, pussies grinding together with just the thin material of Brandy’s bikini bottoms separating the puffy mons from grinding one on one bareback.

We both breath hard in our exertions but also, the oily warm bodies writhing together is sensual and intimate.  We are both fighting the pleasure that seems to be stimulating our bodies to distraction.

Suddenly I manage to fling a leg over Brandy and sit on her with my back facing her.

I quickly begin to push her bikini bottoms down to distract her and the crowd roars in delight when they see her trimmed red pubic hair slide into view.

I throw the bottoms into the crowd and grab her ankles and pull them up in a reverse frog position. This exposes her labia and members of the audience immediately begin to squirt cold oil in between her legs.

Her pussy is soon soaking wet with oil and replays of the direct hits and zoom shots are played in slow motions on the screens.

I feel her trying to push at my back and she moans as some of the cold oil hits her swollen clitoris, stimulated by all the teasing jets that have landed.

She pushes me hard and I slide off her in our oily state, loosening my grip on her ankles as I use my hands to stop myself falling.

She flings her leg open at the same time as me, and we find ourselves in a scissors position, pussy to pussy on the floor. We grind to try and take advantage of the other. But we are evenly matched and our oily pussies mash together.  Our intimate lips kissing the other.

The sensation is nothing I have ever felt before and I’m sure Brandy hasn’t.  In our alcohol and poppers saturated brains, we try to extricate ourselves. Unfortunately the grinding and counter actions only succeed in doing the opposite.

We are grinding our pussies together, moaning to get free but sounding like bitches in heat, and we rub ,and grind , and circle in the semi nude on the floor of the oily pit.

The crowd and close up shots on the screens show two very excited women in a state of sexual ecstasy and the crowd are cheering and egging us on.

I bite my lip, and as we circle the floor, see an advantage. I quickly lurch forward, grabbing one of Brandy’s leg and throw my other over her chest, I crush her tits against the back of my thigh and bring her leg up high to hug against my chest.

Her red pussy is exposed to the crowd, my left upper thigh and bottom crushes down on her collar bone and chest. She is trapped. 
The crowd squirt more oil at her pussy and mine as I bring my other leg to rest on her tummy.
The  icy oil is cold on our heated centres.

Brandy claws helplessly at my bikini top with her free arm but all she does is succeed in tearing it so it hangs useless around my waist. She rips my camisole and manages to tear it from my body.

I pin her clawing arm to the floor with my legs and hold on tight. Her shoulders are flat to the floor.

The crowd cheers and Lover steps forward...     “1… 2… 3…   Sok-it-to-em Stone wins round 2”

I loose Brandy and we both stand unsteady to our feet.  I do a victory circuit around the pit. 

We return to our corners, nude, glistening in oil, flushed, breathing hard and slightly drunk as the ale begins to take effect and we become more and more giggly and lose more of our usual inhibitions.

Jayc grins at me as he begins my towel rub.  “That was hot baby,” he murmurs.

Round 2  to Sok-it-to-em  Stone.
« : March 11, 2014, 04:09:20 PM Stone »

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #1877 : March 11, 2014, 04:24:13 PM »

Lover takes to the stage and announces a short break before the final and deciding round.

The wrestling pit fight between  Stone and I  is currently a draw.  The winner will be decided by you in our Forum Village.

If you wish Stone to win, take a bottle of wine to Jayc in her comer and post doing so here. 

If you wish me to win, take a bottle to mrsexlover in my cormer.

We have both enjoyed taking part in this bout and will write the winning round between us,  once the bottles have been counted up and the winner decided.

I hope you have enjoyed it as much as we have writing it.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 2465

I am into the big blue ocean swimming and dreaming

« #1878 : March 11, 2014, 04:39:39 PM »

I have to go, but i am enjoying this truly fight between two truly lions... or i must say... kittys... :P

I see they are draw, and i put a botte in mrsexlover corners, sorry Stone, i like you a lot, but... Brandy is brandy   ;D

After it, i see everybody, and say see you soon!!!, as always, nice times are short.

BRANDYBEE   1         STONE    0 
« : March 11, 2014, 09:41:25 PM Brandybee »

Jr. Member
: 76

« #1879 : March 11, 2014, 09:27:55 PM »

After watching that amazing round 2 by Stone while cuddling HGO we finally decide on who to pick as a winner  :)

                                              I get up and hand a bottle to BB
                                            HGO gets up and hands bottle to Stone
                                             You were both amazing its a draw!  :D

BRANDYBEE  2         STONE   1
« : March 11, 2014, 09:42:25 PM Brandybee »

Visit me at The Town Square.. http://achatsquare.chatango.com/ :)
Hero Member
: 3007

It's just a game...is it???

« #1880 : March 11, 2014, 09:37:28 PM »

i was already drunk before the fight began. Since the beer pong game i didn't even put my clothes back on and still am walking around in my bra and panty.

Just before the fight, holding myself close to the pudding pit, I nearly fall into it. Because lover sees I have difficulties holding my balance and tries to help me in. That's when i see someone threw my dress, shoes and stockings in the sticky pudding.

"Damn! who did that??? I shout in all directions. Huuuuukkkkkk where are you, come on!!!!" of course he's nowhere to see. At least for me who sees all double and circling around me.

During the fight, each time some cloth gets ripped off from Brandy or Stone I yell as hell with the crowd "yeaaaah! show us those tits" Whispering at Foxy next to me "damn that's a hot fight Maybe we should take on the guys sometime, hihi!" not realizing how abused we could get in such fight.

The fight ends on a draw.
"Damn a draw??? How can this be????" I shout. "They still have something to tear off!!! Let them fight a third round!!"

Hoping the bottles also bring a draw, I go to Jayc and hand him my bottle for Stone's win.

« : March 11, 2014, 09:59:31 PM Peeka »

Hero Member
: 2078

Later, Space Cowboy

« #1881 : March 12, 2014, 06:27:51 AM »

I stumble my way toward the fight (still in my boxers) between the two lovely vixens, Brandy and Stone. With all that alcohol in my system, everything appears before me in a rush. Lights, breasts, and shimmering skin all seem to mash together, spinning around chaotically in my head, forming an odd cocktail of sexual arousal and nausea. I hold my glass of beer up in the air, and scream from the top of my lungs,"KICK HER IN THE NUTS!"

Pachacuti -buzzed as much as me- leans against my shoulder and speaks "Growl...moan...hiccup".

'Oh...right...they don't have balls.." I say, with half opened eyes. As the fight ensues, I occasionally spew out complete nonsense. "Bring out the gimp!....Every kiss begins with K.....Ba da ba ba ba...I'm Lovin' it!"

With the fight nearing its end, Pachacuti nudges me to go and pick a winner. "Oh...this is an easy call. Ish will pick the winner." I gingerly make my way toward the area of voting. For me..a simple walk to vote for the winner seemed like a difficult endeavor; an epic long odyssey across a bar that appeared to stretch for miles, thanks to the alcohol rushing through my veins. Along the way, I happen to encounter Peeka's clothing laying on top of a table. "Here. Put on some clothing! You both are naked!" I say at Brandy and Stone, tossing her clothing inside the ring. Finally at long last, I reach Halie's table and place a mug of beer on it. "The winner...Halie". I say in a slush.

I plop my body down on a nearby chair,flashing an idiotic and proud grin as if I just made a genius call.  "You're welcome Spain." I say loudly.

I slowly ease my head on the table and begin to pass out.

Hero Member
: 1600

« #1882 : March 12, 2014, 11:14:23 AM »

Fanning myself after  two hot and smoking rounds   i place a bottle in front of Stone.

Brandybee  2    Stone 3    Foxy  1      :D
« : March 12, 2014, 11:32:22 AM jayc »
Hero Member
: 4985

« #1883 : March 12, 2014, 01:23:25 PM »

Brandy is back in her corner and i take the job on me to wipe her clean with my towel again. Getting the sticky oil off her aroused parts makes he only wanting more as she closes her legs to catch my hand between her tighs.

Just blowing softly over her nipples pointing forward gets her moaning and tilting her head back, also releasing my hand. I have seen what the dwarfs put in her beer, so i'm not wondering about her horniness.

When Brandy is cleaned up and sit's down to catch her breath i grab a bottle and put it with the others in our corner.

Brandybee  3    Stone 3    Foxy  1      it's a tie again  ;D

mrsexlover, loving all girls, any shape,size or color

Come and join the chat at the town sqaure http://achatsquare.chatango.com
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: 149

If ignorance is bliss tis folly to be wise

« #1884 : March 12, 2014, 03:46:19 PM »

I had been watching events on fold from a distance for some time memories of Halloween still fresh in my mind a fine bottle of claret in hand I dash towards the ring and hand the bottle to mrsexlover and give a knowing nod and a wink to Brandy.

Brandybee  4    Stone     3                     By default -   Foxy  1
« : March 12, 2014, 03:50:48 PM Brandybee »

Hero Member
: 10350

« #1885 : March 12, 2014, 04:19:22 PM »

It's the great fight i expected to be. Stone and Brandy are experienced fighters and its always a big fight. Hard to decide who will get my bottle but one will get it.
Before they started, stone handed a bottle of special massage oil to Roxxy, telling her to massage me. I was surprised - it was me who brought her into this situation by giving them the box. Seems she is not mad at me - or is it just another devilish trick of her? But there cant be anything bad in a massage oil and so im just looking forward to the massage. As stone was so nice, i decide to put my bottle into her corner. "Here jayc, take good care of it" I say. "Bet you" he says, watching his girl all the time.
I also turn back to the fight and smile...hehe two hot ladies are giving their best to win.

Brandybee 4          Stone 4               By default - Foxy 1

Hero Member
: 3444

« #1886 : March 13, 2014, 03:05:04 AM »

As we set and watch the two hot sexy ladies   Stone and Brandy   Fight and slide around i the oil filled pit. With are bottles of the oil ready to squirt over them if we get the chance. As the ladies fight pulling each others clothes off we all squirt them as the more clothes get pulled off   

Bandy rolls Stone on with her Ass and pussy for all to see and squirt with the oils and gets the first  1  2   3    from Lover  Brandy wins round 1

After downing there boots again   Stone gets the better of Brandy and gets her in the reverse frog hold letting the crowd see and cover her trimmed
Pussy in the oils to  with  a   1     2     3     from Lover Stone wins round 2

Turning to my sweet pet I pick up the two wine bottle with a smile she leans over and whispers where to put hers.

As I get up Karen pulls my are and tells me where to put hers.

Brandybee   6               Stone  5   

: 14

« #1887 : March 13, 2014, 07:19:21 PM »

After downing a few drinks straight, i look around and see a whole lot of people cheering loudly. Seeing 2 lovely ladies going at it , i decide its about time i voted. i grab a bottle and got off the stool. I saunter slowly towards the ring..... i pass the bottle to mrsexlover and blow a kiss to brandy.. good fight Ladies...

Brandybee   7               Stone  5
Hero Member
: 3007

« #1888 : March 14, 2014, 10:39:47 AM »

Back from my sunbathing on the beach, someone's fillled the pudding pit again. Hmmmm... wonder who fancies 3 rounds with the little redhead? OMG, BB & Stone are going at it like PROs.
Seems to be a lot of cheering & noise going on in the bar, business as usual there, then!
I wander over to Old Joe and smile my widest smile. "Any help needed here, handsome?" Joe smiles "Thought you'd fallen off the planet blu! Could've done with your help cleaning up after the pie fight! Are you still employed here or just on a permanent vacation, you'd be in hot water if I was the boss!"
"Sorry Joe, after the pudding pit I kinda got lost with Pookie & Teric and just lost track of time."
"You young 'uns! It's not good enough!"
"Don't grump at me Joe, Sweetie, I said I'm sorry, look I'll make you a nice coffee, cheer you up. If the boss wants to punish me, it would be my lucky day! Anyways, what's with the wrassling?"
After Joe explains everything about BB & Stones very one-sided match (well so biased against poor Stone, I mean, she's fighting more than just Brandy here!)  and says how everyone is giving a bottle of wine to the girl they want to win..
"ok, old-timer, I'll get me a nice Nappa Valley form the store"  With my bottle of straw-colored nectar under my arm I trot across to JayC and hand it over. "Hey BB, Wanna take me on after?" I pout at what little I can see of Brandy and wiggle my ass at her!

Brandybee 7                         Stone 6

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
: 2

« #1889 : March 14, 2014, 06:46:53 PM »

Foxy had mentioned to me about this cool bar that she and her friends had been going to.  She guaranteed it would be a lot of fun if I showed up.  I thought to myself, what the heck its Friday and its been a tough week, I'll go in for a bit and see what I think.  I pulled into the parking lot and found it packed.  "Wow this must be a happening place."  I whirled my truck into the first parking spot available, making sure my side mirrors didnt take out the side of the Porche parked next to me.

Opening the door of my vehicle I was hit with a blast of sound coming from the building and as I walked across the lot to the front door, I was bombarded with an increase sound wave every time the front door opened.  "Hmm, this must be a happening place, or everyone is too deaf to know how bad it is."

Opening the front door, my hair flew back as the sound wave was even greater.  The lights flashing and the music going, I could feel the stress of the week melting away.  Or perhaps it was a survival instinct to just get into the door. 

There was tons of people on the dance floor, doing a typical two step to "Boot Scoot Boogie" and a smile came across my face as I saw the denim shorts and boots.  "Goodness!" I said to myself, "If the guys look this good, the women must be killer."

I felt like a running back for some NFL team, weaving my way between groups of people drinking, laughing and talking, dodging spilling beer and coping a couple of good feels, I made it to the bar.

Working my body between a couple engaged in a tight embrace, I waived at the bartender.  He nodded an acknowledgment to my request and held up one finger as he went to the register to ring up the latest bar tab for a couple who had been dancing so close for so long, they decided to move the party to a more private location.  I waited patiently, my eyes traveling around the room, checking out who was having a good time and the ladies who might be looking around the room, looking for the same thing as me.

"What can I get you," said a voice, that pulled me out of my trance.

I turned back to the bar and said, "Jack and Coke."

"You got it," said the bartender and headed off to make my concoction. 

Watching the bartender walk down the bar, I noticed a couple of bar maids who were drop dead beautiful.  I know they are that attractive, because my heart sped up 20 points and the excess rush of blood that should have gone to my brain, but wound up at my other head.  I was broken out of my trance when the bartender came back with my drink.  "Want to run a tab?" he yelled. 

I shook my head in the affirmative and reached into my front pocket for my walled, pulling out my debit card.  "Tell me your name," i yelled back as I handed over the plastic.

"Joe!" he yelled.

Reached out my hand I said, "Jake!  Nice to meet you!"

A smile crossed his face as he shook my hand and took the card.  Before he turned to head down the bar, "I'll be right back!"

I took a slug of my jack and coke and smiled as I realized there was a lot more Jack than coke.  "Oh, yeah, Joe's getting a good tip."

Joe came back with my card and handed it back to me. "So tell me Joe, who are those two lovely ladies you're working with?"  "Oh," he said, "the redhead is Brandy and the brunette is Stone." 

"Thanks," I said.  Joe smiled and headed back down the bar like greased lightening, looking for the next customer. I stood at the bar, sipping my drink, feeling the stress leaving my body.  I leaned with my back to the bar watching the crowd when I heard a disturbance down the bar.  Swinging my head to the right I could see those two lovely creatures I was watching earlier screaming at each other. 

Everyone in the bar went stone quiet and the DJ turned down the volume so he could hear as well.  I'm not really sure anyone could hear the exact words, except those lucky customers standing right in front of them.  Before I could make my way down closer, Brandy grabbed a beer from a guy in front of her and threw it at Stone.  Stone backed up instinctively, but she couldn't step out of the way quick enough to get the three quarters of the liquid.  Everyone let out a collective "ooooo" at the same time.  After the initial shock of the cold liquid hitting face, breasts and torso.  She calmly walked to the bar, picked up a towel began to dry her face.  With exaggerated movements she folded the towel, laid it on the bar, picked up the soda water spigot aimed it at Brandy and began to hose her down from head to toe.  A loud applause and "whoo hoo" went up throughout the bar. 

I reached down, picked up my glass, took a long drink, swallowed it slowly and smiled.  "Yep," i said to myself, "Roxy was right.  I'm going to have a lot of fun here."  I walked down the bar and placed a bottle in front of Stone.  I turned and went back to my drink.

Brandy 7...Stone 7
« : March 14, 2014, 07:00:31 PM jakehart8 »
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