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The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
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: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G ) ( 1212418 )
Hero Member
: 10457
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1890 :
March 17, 2014, 02:42:36 AM »
Of course I am in! Hukk how can I miss a beer pong challenge.
Yes I am tipsy a little but to much I think you are the one that's drunk I laughing I am
drinking margarita not caprhinna thats lovers drink haha .
Lover is trying to lead me to the chair Honey I am fine I can do this I can.I warp my arms
around my handsome man and gives hims a big mwahh juice margarita kiss ..
come on Peeka lets get this game started Hight5. we scream and shout wooohooo even if I am sluring
and tipy's Peeka shouts Yay! You guys are going down! woohooo yahhooo
1st ball hits Hukk’s head but Peeka makes it.
lots of intimidate shouts Peeka is shaking her butt showing them and slapping it to distract them.
The guys are laughing at us Peeka I keep making shots we are down to our bra's panties the guys
are falling down drunk, hey dearling are you ok over there blows him a kiss..
Jacy and Stone are watching as Pachacuti keeps sipping on the beer some one watch him ..
Hgo Tomi and CG are drinking at there table cheering from there .
Every one is watching then I hear Hukk shout anytime hot shot, When I hear this it sets off a
trigger in me . I blink at Peeka I throw the ball with a force that must been send form heaven
hehe it lands in the cup woooohooo sorry guys but you should know I am Mexican when we
Mexican drink its like drinking water sorry Mijo I say to Hukk I am the hot shot
I tell lover see baby I told you I can do it.I turning around to peeka we high5 each other
dance around cheering .
Know its Lovers turn hehe I flash him a smile and flutter my long eyelashes distracting him we
shout hehe he tells Hukk to shhh but is to late he threw the ball and misses hitting poor
Pachacuti on his belly he lets out a big cry not because it hurt him but because it knocked out his
drink he had ..
Know its Hukks turn they guys seem to be pumping themselves Lover is motivating telling him he
can do it I see sweat is coming for both of them peeka looks a bit nerves I tell her don't worry
Peeka this game is ours HUkk say his the man! his the man! haha we will see who is the man he aims
it go's around the cup rim, I get dizzy and suddenly hunches down on the table and I give out a
single puff and there go's the ball in the cup .
"ROOAR! GROWL, KABLAAM!" Yells Pachacuti.
what just happen Peeka shouts we won we won jumping with joy from our victory I say with my Sofia Vergara accent! Who's the Hot shots now! 100 pushes up on the ground now! Drop 1 2 3 4 but wait I go on top mine Peeka you on Hukk 5 6 78 ..100
Stone Jay BB and the dwarf leprechauns prepare for the pudding twist match up.
this is the big even the fight has brought the crowed in few more come in I see Nate BLue mercer78 Ginuwine zoerink
and Jake I welcome them all and Jake glad to see you made it to the bar drinks are on me have a
fun time here I am sure you will like it here .. Stone I sure would like a bottle of that sweet smelling oil you made she hands me one with a grin and looks at lover.
Lover change into his black latex suit to referee the fight mmm and he looks gorgeous in it mmm
I cant control myself looking at his handsome good looks mmm he looks so hot ..
Lover starts the introduction's.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fight Night event is about to begin. A big round of applause for
….“Sok-it-to-em Stone
And her opponent, a big hand for
… Bash-it-to-em Brandybee”
The crowd cheer as the two sexy lady's make there entrance the audience reaction was with cheers to encourage giving them confidence Both lady's dressed very sexy brandy in her
black bikini and Stone in a purple bikini both showing there perfect Physically Fit body's
the fight gose on and on pudding splashes out to the crowd body parts are exposed they are nude now shouting come on Stone!get her girl woohoooo Stone! I walk over to Jacy and place my bottle of wine on stones side Good Luck
: March 17, 2014, 02:45:53 AM FoxyRoxxy
Hero Member
: 10457
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1891 :
March 17, 2014, 03:07:08 AM »
Taking Jayc advice I walk over to Hukk as he is passed out and create art work on him .
Jr. Member
: 93
Dixie Sweetheart
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1892 :
March 17, 2014, 03:41:47 AM »
I was driving down the highway and seen a sign reading AB&G exit 69 1/4 miles. With everything that has been going on in my life I had to pack up and leave town unexpectantly) Memories started coming back to me of ole familiar faces and the fun and exciting things that took place at the grill. It brought a smile across my face, and a slight tingle that I haven't felt for a while. "Ah hell Jamie, what do you have to lose?" I asked myself... as the exit came closer, I followed the exit off the highway. I head straight up to the AB&G hoping to see some familiar faces. As I sat in my car, I took another look at myself in the rearview mirror and smiled. *deep breaths girl you can do this I thought, also wondered who was going to recognize me after about 4 or more months. I slid out of the car, close the door took in one more deep breath and walked towards the door. As I did, I placed a hand on the door and started to push it open... *shook my head* "nah this is crazy I don't think I can do this... As I turned around and was heading back to my car. I heard someone yell.. "Hey are you going to come in and have some fun... ahhh come on girl you don't have to be scared!" I turned and smiled ... and try to see who it was but it was a lil dark, but the voice sounded familiar.
So I walked back towards the door and stepped inside.. quickly ran over to the bar and sat down. Turned away from everyone and held my hands over my face. The bartender came over and said, "what would it be miss?" I said anything you got hard and strong, He said , "you got it!" Then he stood there looking at me and said you look familiar.. don't I know you?" I kept quiet as he passed me my drink, the next thing I know there was a tap on my shoulder.
: 16
1st Drink Is On The House :)
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1893 :
March 17, 2014, 04:01:32 AM »
"Well , well , well," I greeted an old face. "Glad you came to us and your friends"
Snowbunny smiled, "Thanks Joe" and ordered her favourite drink.
I served her drink and put it on Covems tab. He really must get around to paying that or Brandy will be looking at some payback soon.
I place a bottle of wine in front of her. "For the wrestling match" I explain. "We are kind of voting who should win between Stone and Brandy"
"Replays are on the screens around the place" I add gesturing towards the screens. "It's good to see you again, you look great"
: 1
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1894 :
March 17, 2014, 07:09:43 PM »
I pull into the AB&G car lot on my Harley. I heard about the wrestling match and was keen to see the replays of two of the best looking women in Nymphomania. I enter the bar and see a guy behind the bar. He smiles at me and says "What's you poison Stranger". He introduces himself as Joe and explains the first drink is on the house. I order a glass of wine and sip it, watching the replays of the fight on the screen.
"Give me a bottle of wine, Joe" I ask, paying for it, but he waves away from my cash, muttering that he'll put it on Covems open tab. I wondered who this guy Covems was. He's mighty generous for sure.
Then I take my bottle and take it to BrandyBee's corner before getting a good seat at the front to watch the third and final round of the strawberry oil wrestling match.
BrandyBee 8 Stone 8
: March 17, 2014, 07:12:57 PM Brandybee
Hero Member
: 10457
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1895 :
March 19, 2014, 02:04:42 PM »
Hukk is passed out but he was so nice to hand me his wine bottle
it has been a great fight the lady's where fantastic .
whoever wins just remember you both are winners!
This is hard but I have to stick with Stone so I walk over and Place the bottle next to Jacy.
BrandyBee 8 Stone 9
Hero Member
: 6966
Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1896 :
March 22, 2014, 05:34:17 AM »
Mrsexlover takes his time rubbing the excess oil from my glowing skin as I sit in the corner of the pudding pit. He is kneeling down in front of me, having already done my back. I shut my eyes trying to concentrate on the last round of the wrestling match. I have to win. My street cred could be at risk.
Stone was far better than I remembered, and if she took victory tonight, Lover ( in his delightful latex hot pants ) would take control of my wardrobe for a whole week.
That would be sacrilege. A man choosing my clothes for me, who had no intentions whatsoever, except for payback. Even I knew, I deserved it for all those annoying little pranks I had pulled on him.
I grin as I remember the strips and the “He’s my bitch banner” then shudder, knowing his payback will be sweet to him but sour for me. My smile falters. I have to win this round!
Mrsexlover rubs the towel over my breasts and I groan. The alcohol and discreet amyl nitrate doses fires my brain and bodily responses. I groan as my nipples harden even more and my clitoris swells and tingles. I rub my body into his hands and he notices.
“Are you…?” he purposely leaves his sentence unfinished and chuckles, watching my responses with interest. I grit my teeth as he moves the towel down my torso to my waist and then discreetly places a hand underneath. He fondles my knee and edges up the inside of my thigh.
My breath ratchets as I feel his hand slide slowly up. My knees move apart of their own accord, inviting his naughty hand to explore unhindered. My mouth opens a little and I bite on my lower lip, stifling little whimpers of insincere protests.
He watches my teeth nibbling my lower lip as his fingers reach and stroke my furrow under the towel. They are cool in contrast to my wet heat. He strokes his index finger up and down my slit, parting my labia, dipping in a little and stroking my sensitive clitoris. He keeps his wrist still and moves his finger up and down, in the rhythm of a clock pendulum, up and down, up and down.
It is exquisite. My breathing times in with the finger motion and I flood him with my excitement.
The consumed alcohol dulls my inhibitions and the poppers, raise my sexual awareness. I moan a little, thrusting my hips slightly on his hand.
“You are.” mrsexlover concludes as he finds me wet and hot. He thrusts two fingers inside me. I gasp at his intrusion and he begins to finger fuck me, pressing down on my mons pubis with his other hand on top of the towel.
In doing this the top of my vagina wall and G spot graze along his sliding fingers. It’s amazing. My mind focus’s on the pleasure and intensifies. Nothing else matters except those fucking fingers. My hips circle on him. My legs fall open. The wrestling match and wager, suddenly, not a priority any longer. All that matters is those wonderful fingers setting my body alight.
Mrsexlover leans forward and whispers to me in my sexual state, “Brandy,” He stops the see-sawing inside me and my eyes open to stare at him, a wildness of need, willing him to continue.
My pussy throbs around his fingers. His thumb rests on my clitoris. I moan a little in protest and try to circle my hips to set his fingers in motion again.
“If I do this, Stone will have the advantage over you. Your strength will be sapped,”
“Who the hell, can think of a wrestling match at a time like this” my mind screams silently and a weakened voice of reason parts in my feverish brain and announces, “You will be wearing last season’s wardrobe dear!”
“Arrr” is the only frustrated thing, I can say in answer to him.
Mrsexlover shakes his head, “I can’t do it to you Brandy” and withdraws his fingers. My body is bereft and throbbing for release and frustration.
I grab his hand wanting to ram those fingers back where they belong but the bell rings for the last and final round.
Chuckling, mrsexlover, pulls me to my feet and Sneezy hands me my Das Boot glass full of Ale and another discreet and extra dose of poppers.
I am trembling in need for release as I take a deep breath and tip the glass to my lips.
The bar patrons cheer at our total nudity and in anticipation for the last and final round.
This time, Stone beats me by a few seconds and from behind me, she grabs my breasts in her oily hands. As she swings me round, mrsexlover deftly grabs my empty glass and hands it to Sneezy.
Her intention was to shock me and she succeeded. She slides her hand from my breasts and up to my neck. Her arms lock into place under my arm pits and her fingers lock behind my neck.
Then she slowly walks me around the pit. I feel her naked breasts crushed against my back, her pubic hair brushing against my buttocks. Its intense in my highly sexualised state.
My breasts jut out and my pussy is still throbbing and wet. She parades my body slowly round the pudding pit and the thrill of being exhibited this way is firing my errant libido even further. My fuzzy brain just can’t comprehend the strong sexual thrills that seems to be rising to the forefront.
The crowd cheers and they fire their jets of icy oil on my breasts when I get near to them. Several land on my swollen needy clitoris, protruding from its protective hood and on my overly sensitive nipples.
Stone seems no better than me. I feel her uneven breathing on my shoulder and know that the crowd are firing at her buttocks as we pass them. I feel her hard nipples drawing in the oil by my shoulder blades.
I try to struggle as she holds me in front of jakehart8 ; Ginuwine , Handsomedude and Mercer78. She manages to kick my legs apart and arches back, presenting them with my body. They take their time firing steady jets of oil at my naked body and then target my dripping pussy. Jet after jet hits my swollen clitoris. It reacts, I react. I like it too much. I throb with a deep seeded need for fulfilment.
Then I feel her hold weaken as someone unexpectedly fires oil in her face. I take advantage and shove her back managing to break her hold and tug her arm free.
We slip and fall to our knees but are soon up again on our knees grappling with each other, breasts crushed to breasts. We moan and grunt as we wrestle for advantage. We tug each other’s hair and grind and writhe against each other.
My pubic area and clitoris rubs hers and her thighs. I like the stimulation far too much and loose concentration. Stone pushes me and falls on top, my legs tucked useless underneath me.
She writhes on top as we grapple and manages to grab my leg, pulling it up and moving to the side, crushing my breasts with hers as she pins my shoulders down.
Lover sees my exposed pussy and picks up a squirty bottle of oil and aims. I see him grin and then fire.
It all happens in slow motion. I see the jet of oil arc in the air and know instinctively where it will land, as it lowers out of my sight.
My body responds in excited anticipation as it gets closer and closer to it’s target.
It’s all too much I feel the first part of the oil splatter on to my swollen and excited clitoris and I scream in joy. I am catapulted into euphoria. My body shatters and jerks in the oil underneath Stone as my much needed orgasm shatters and explodes.
Stone feels me topple and no doubt has the same stimulation of oily jets to her exposed bottom in the air. I feel her tip over too in reaction to my deep pleasure.
She breaths and gasps has her orgasm takes her.
We gasp and moan and writhe and spasm in the pudding pit as our euphoria takes us.
I have no energy to push Stones dead weight off me and can barely hear Lover’s count..
Stone wins the wrestling match.
The crowd cheers and Jayc lifts up Stone to carry her to the corner.
The dwarfs come into the ring with a stretcher and kindly load me on to take me to my dungeon to recover.
Lover grins at me as we pass and whispers, “I guess I win too”
I smile in my drunken, poppered and euphoric afterglow.
“Sure, do your worst, I’ll worry about it tomorrow”
Hero Member
: 3007
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1897 :
March 23, 2014, 11:55:55 AM »
So, standing in the bar after being suitably admonished by Joe, I feel sheepish and I'm looking for some way to redeem my self, but I feel someone close by.. I turn & Momma_Andrea is standing by my side, wearing a corset like mine with a short black leather skirt that makes her gorgeous ass all the more noticable.. she throws down a shot & then picks up a beer glass and starts gulping it down, I feel her aura, something, something....... She looks to be in a mood.. or in The Mood.. the mood for something.. God knows I have waited for this chance for so long and she is glowing heat next to me.
“Hey, you want to see something?” I say just above the loud noise level of the bar? She shrugs, so I lead her by the arm that isn't holding the beer through to the pool room. I walk over to the cue rack and turn the little handle...
“I knew about that, I work here.” she waves a bored hand........
“But have you been inside?” I smile at her, so hoping she'll play...
To my surprise, Momma walks over and pushes past me into the passageway, now it was her turn to smirk.... “Coming?” she jerked her head towards the secret passage. I look at her with a puzzled expression, but follow willingly. When we arrive at the other end, after pushing through the heavy door, it slams behind us with a loud bang, making us both jump and giggle like schoolgirls.
The Momma takes my hand and it's her leading me! We walk along past the various dungeon doors.. I notice the light is still on in the guest dungeon and I hope Jame & Sexi remember to give me my key back. Then we come to the last door and as Momma stops in front of it, I read the name out loud. "Andrea"
Momma grins widely as she takes out a key and unlocks it.
"Come on in" she shrugs and flicks on the light switch. The bulb is blue (very appropriate, I think to myself) , casting the room in a dim hue, but all can be seen. There are shackles on the wall, a single brass bed in the corner, a wonderful tall wardrobe closet and in the middle of the floor, a solid, sturdy spanking horse.
“So you had a room all this time?” I ask in a disbelieving voice?
This story is now continued in "The Ice House" thread.
I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Hero Member
: 10350
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1898 :
March 23, 2014, 04:17:05 PM »
1... 2... 3...
Stone wins the wrestling match!
I shout so everyone knows its over.
As Brandy is passing me, I grin and whispers, “I guess I win too” Brandy smiles in her drunken, poppered and euphoric afterglow.
“Sure, do your worst, I’ll worry about it tomorrow”
I wait a few seconds, then call her "Hey Brandy, you know I was sure I win. There was no doubt. Just go into your office - you will find a note which banner you have to post and also the clothes you "may" wear next three days already are waiting for you. YOu will need some bodyguards, every member of AChat, no matter if girl, shemale or boy, will try to get you!" I start loughing out as loud as im able to...feeling her view is hitting me deep in my inner organs.
Halie is looking at me "Is it very bad honey?" "She still is a queen, no matter what shes wearing. Im sure, she will meet some very interesting people and have some funny chats." "Youre right baby. She will wear it with grandeur - same as you had your banner and always had the right answer to silly comments."
I pull her to me, kiss her deeply... "Its party time honey. Just one thing i have to do..."
I get up on stage. "Ladies and gentleman, friends and family, guests and alcoholics.." I look around to see who thinks he is meant by my last word and smile... "Stone and Brandy as always gave their very best and it was a perfect, hot and sexy show. In fact we only have winners today - ok, im a very special winner and Brandy might not feel so..haha... but we were allowed to see something which never will be in any other bar around this world. Thanks for everyone who voted for stone and.. well...those who voted for Brandy, thanks for... hm... ok, youre also welcome here." I laugh...
"I dont want to talk for hours now. Im sure you all are very thirsty. Drink my friends, tonight its all for free. Covems is not there so i decided he is paying everything. Lets drink on him" I raise my glass "Thanks Covems!"
The whole bar is laughing and shouting "Thanks covems!"
"Ok, before i finally go, do you know what happened yesterday here in our bar? A gorilla walked into a bar and ordered a cold one. Old Joe gave it to him and said, "That'll be $25". A minute later, making conversation, Old Joe also said, "We don't get many gorillas round these parts"
The gorilla replies, "I'm not surprised at those prices.."
Some are laughing, some are still thinkingif im joking or if it really has happened... back to Halie i say. "Lets dance honey" I take her hand and we go to the dancefloor.
Hero Member
: 10457
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1899 :
March 25, 2014, 06:39:07 PM »
It sure was a good fight they are both winners but now it is time to party
My lover pulls me to him I love when he takes me and kisses me with with his sensual kisses
mmmm honey .
He take my hand and we are go to the dance floor to dance the night away
Hero Member
: 3007
It's just a it???
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1900 :
March 25, 2014, 11:02:38 PM »
The fight is over and the winner announced.
Holding on Foxy's shoulders as I jump in my alcoholic distress, I shout "WUUUUUTTT?!!? No third round??? Boooohoooooo!!!"
We all admit it was a damn hot good fight, but little Peeka can't seem to get enough of that.
As lover pulls Halie to the dance floor, I have to resume myself thinking of getting back my clothes Hukk threw in the pudding pit.
Looking at Pacha with my most beautiful and begging eyes "Sweet bear of mine, would you get those out of there for me?"
"grrrmm snarl grunt" he goes and walks away like he just had been called to serve someone.
"Damn gggrrrHukk, gonna have to walk in that mess now"
So drunk I am, it doesn't last long until I slip and fall in the sticky and oily mud. The front half of my body is covered. After some more hesitating and unsecure steps I decide to go on my four to prevent falling again. Face down, butt up, I finally reach my dress and shoes. Of course they are impossible to wear and I really need a shower now.
I remember Brandy coming out of a door with that weird hair "mmh so there was a spa here, I should go there"
I walk in and soon feel the heat and moisture of the place. I head to the showers, some are public, some individual. But the public ones are closer...
I take off my panty and bra, and start washing the sticky mess off all my clothes a bit, then just enjoy the hot water dropping on me.
After 10 minutes, I feel a bit less drunk and really relaxed and the fight comes in my mind again. "That was hot" I think in a smile.
That's when my hands don't just wash my hair or body anymore. But start caressing my body softly. With each sexy flashback of Stone's and Brandy's hardened nipples popping out of their bras, wobbling wildly, being oiled, my hands fondle my own breasts, massage them and my fingers pinch softly my nipples. Eyes closed, I feel they are really hard, but it's those of the fighters I think about.
Then the flashbacks go to where the ladies were catching and rubbing each other's oiled bodies. My hands go down on my belly in a soft but firm pressure. It's my own body I feel against each of theirs. I cross my arms as if i was trying to hug and lift myself up.
After that the pictures of the fight turn to the fighter's legs and pussies. I snif the air as if i could smell them. My hands reach my hips and meet again on my cock. In a surprise I open my eyes again and see my hardened cock raised. "oh my god, Peeka, what are you doing?" I look around to see if I'm still alone. I get a bit scared, but I can't seem to take my hands off my shaft. I am overwhelmed by the flashbacks. "let's hope noone comes in now" My grip gets tighter. I hold it firmly and start jerking softly, slowly as the hot water keeps on flowing on my body...
Hero Member
: 3444
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1901 :
March 26, 2014, 02:17:33 AM »
With Stone pinning Brandy to win the fight Lover lifts her hand in victory and the bar cheers and whistles to show there appreciation of a good fair hot and sexy fight.
As Stone and Brandy go to back to their corners to get cleaned up with the help of Jayc and Mrsexlover.
Lover Takes Roxxy to the dance floor holding her tight against him in his latex outfit. Doc and his team move onto the stage and in a matter of minutes have the inflatable ring down and cleared away.
Turning to my Pet I kiss her softly "Back in a few minutes my Pet" She holds my hand as I get up trying to pull me back. Turning back to her I look into her sexy eyes and lean down and kiss her passionately and then move away to the stage.
I take my trusty guitar and put it over my shoulder and push a few buttons on the sound system computer, taking the mic and the stand to the front of the stage.
Letting Lover and Roxxy finish their dance with a nice hug and a passionate kiss.
Lets give one more big cheer for Stone and Brandy for such a hot Fight"
The bar erupt into claps cheers and whistles as Stone and Brandy move off to clean up
"This is something I have be working on for a little bit I hope you all like it
All bound for Achat Land
All bound for Achat Land
All bound for Achat Land
All bound for Achat Land
All bound for Achat Land
All bound for Achat Land
Hey Hey!
All bound for Achat Land
All bound for Achat Land
(Bring my beer back!)
Hey! Hey!
All bound for Achat Land justified!
Hey! Hey!
All bound for Achat Land Moderators of Achat
Achat Land, Achat Land,
All bound for Achat Land
They're justified, and they're ancient,
And they like to roam the land.
(Just roll it from the top)
They're Justified, and they're Ancient,
I hope you understand.
(To the bar, to the bar, to the bar now)
They called me up in Tennesse
They said, "Tango, stand by The JAM,
But if you don't like what they're going to do
You'd better not stop them 'cos they're coming through."
(Bring the beat back!)
Hey hey!
All bound for Achat Land (justified!)
Hey hey!
All bound for Achat Land (Moderators of Achat!)
Achat Land
Achat Land
All bound for Achat Land
They're Justified, and they're ancient,
And they drive the crime lab van.
(Just roll it from the top)
They're Justified and they're ancient,
With still no master plan.
(To the bridge, to the bridge, to the bridge now)
The last train left an hour ago,
They were singing "All aboard"
All bound for Acaht Land,
Then someone starting screaming "Turn up the Strobe"
(Bring the beat back!)
Hey! hey!
All bound for Achat Land (Justified!)
Hey! hey!
All bound for Achat Land (Moderators of Achat!)
Justified and Ancient, ancient and a-justified,
Rocking to the rhythm in the ice-cream van
With the plan and the key to
Enter into Achat
Vibes from the tribes of the JAMs.
I know where the P.D.'s at
'Cause I know what time it is.
Threes on a dial
Make mine a b52
New style, meanwhile, lost on a mission while
Drinking in the Bar of life
Drinking in the Bar of life, hey!
Drinking in the Bar of life, hey!
Drinking in the Bar
Drinking in the Bar
Drinking in the Bar of life, hey!
Vuga Vulez, Saga Shan Isa Go
Vuga Vulez...
(Bring the beat back!)
Hey! Hey!
All bound for Achat Land justified!
Hey! Hey!
All bound for Achat Land (Moderators of Achat)
They travel the world
In their crime lab van
They've voyaged to the bottom of time
They've been to the place
Where they Achat mate
And the Staff still cry,
"Mine's a B52"
As I finish singing I stand with my head bowed to hear what the bars reaction will be. [/color]
Hero Member
: 7883
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1902 :
March 26, 2014, 05:12:34 AM »
Sitting on my chair, i can hold a smile listening at Tango's new sound funny and crazy, something only him can write.
I look around to see how the others react, when i notice Peeka sneaking to the SPA, half naked and partially covered by mud
"I wonder how she end like that......" i tell my self following her movement till she disappear in the SPA.
I'll try to concentrate on listening Tango's song, but time by time, my eyes turn into the direction of the SPA, wondering why she's taking so much time to come out of it
Jr. Member
: 78
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1903 :
March 26, 2014, 10:25:43 PM »
As I enter the bar for the first time I see two lovely people, both wearing corsets, one of them wearing a very sexy, very short leather skirt.
The leather skirt lady is being led away by the other girl. I notice she is spilling her beer a little and hope she doesn't get any on her corset.
Both of the lovely people have intent hungry looks on their faces. I sense passion between them. I feel a twinge of desire. For a second I think
of approaching them but dismiss it. Then the two of them seem to disappear into the wall by the pool table. I shake my head and look again.
Nope they are gone, if they were ever there in the first place.
I look up at the stage and I see a striking figure. I am still feeling aroused by the sexy phantoms that passed me a moment before.
So the lovely person on the stage has my full attention. Though I must admit it is more lustfull attention than paying attention.
He is saying somehting about free drinks for everyone, except bears have to pay $25 per drink. I vaugely think that is not really fair.
Why do the bears have to pay so damn much to drink here? Then I think maybe bears break stuff if they drink too much.
I take a look around but don't see any bears drinking here. I am not surprised though. I am sure most bears cant afford that much for a beer.
But I do see a very lovely creature covered in what appears to be pudding walk past me. I get a mental image of licking pudding off of a hard nipple.
Then I watch to see where the pudding girl is going. She goes through the door to the spa. I think good thing. She does need a shower.
I fantasize for a minute about helping her wash that pudding off and what pleasant surprises may await as I ...I find I am starting to walk towards the spa.
I stop in my tracks and shake my head to clear the fantasy and let my attention go back to the stage.
There is now a singer doing a catchy tune that I have not heard before, but the name he sings of in the chorus sounds very familiar to me.
I notice someone else that is sitting at one of the tables...She keeps looking towards the spa...staring over there actually.
I just assume she is either having the same lustful fantasies about the girl covered in pudding as I am, or she is lucky enough to be here with her and is waiting.
I have to move aside to a allow a couple people to get by. They are carrying what appears to be some large deflated inflatable. I wonder for a second...
is that one of those bouncy rooms filled with balls. I do like balls a great deal, especially when they are bouncing. Once again my mind has gone to sex.
From bouncy room with balls, it is not that much of a wonder I think of balls bouncing against me during wild sex.
Which makes me long once again to go into the spa and pull off my little skirt, white stockings and pink top and join the lovely girl in the shower.
But I am actually very shy with new places and people, so I get a beer from the bar. I make sure the tender knows I'm not a bear, so I get the free drink.
I then make my way to a table, that is located well for me to sit and drink and people watch. I feel that once I get past my shyness I could really enjoy this place.
Treat me nice. Treat me rough. Then cuddle and give me a kiss!
Hero Member
: 2078
Later, Space Cowboy
Re: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )
#1904 :
March 29, 2014, 07:30:04 AM »
My face is still plastered against the dirty bar table, my mouth drooling out saliva while I remain unconscious.
I begin to moan incoherent words concerning magic, my arms shuffling around the table, as if trying to grab something. I begin to have a vision. I see a man. I see Neil Patrick Harris.
I slowly pick my head up, displaying a droopy, dazed expression.
"Neil Patrick that you..?" I ask in a sloppy slur. "Yes my stupefied friend. It is the one and only. The legend in the flesh. Neil Patrick Harris, or as I am known in the streets, NPH." He says, taking a bow. He casually proceeds to pick from my jumbled, matted hair, a cigar that sticks out from the top.
He starts to search his pockets, then looks at me. "Hm..I can't seem to find a lighter..would you happen to have one?"
I shake my head "Um..."
NPH flashes a smile and holds up his hand. "No worries. Shazzam!" With a quick flick of his fingers, he ignites the cigarette.
My jaw drops, as I marvel at his wizardry. "Whooa, how did -"
"I suddenly create fire from my fingertips?" NPH asks, cutting me short. "Oh my drunk, simple minded friend, you forget that I studied the art of magic. Also you're currently passed out in a bar, and having a dream. Pretty much, you can make anything happen in this wild and crazy fantasy of yours."
" You mean this isn't really happening..?" I ask, in a disappointing tone.
"You mean you're asking me if I, Emmy award winning actor, and magician extraordinaire is actually here with you, talking to you in a bar? C'mon man, the real NPH has better things to do, then to chat with some drunk slob. Besides take a look around you. Does any of this seem plausible?"
I begin to scan the bar. I see a huge Tango bottle singing about Achat land.
Next, I fix my gaze to a Pink Panther telling a horrible, horrible, Gorilla Joke.
"Now that you mention it...all this does seem a little odd...." I reply back. I look over to my side and see a passed out Panda. "Yea..a giant panda..I must be drunk."
NPH puts out his cigar and shakes his head. "No, that's Pachacuti. He's real. Everything else though..." he points to his head with one finger and twirls it around, indicating I was crazy.
"What should I do..?" I ask, sheepishly. "You get up." NPH, answers back.
"Get up?" I ask. "Get up." he repeats once more. NPH suddenly stands over me and begins to scream into my ear. "Get up Hukk. GET UP HUKK. GET UP!"
I collapse off from my chair and land on the dusty, creaky wooden floor. "Foxy and Ol' Joe stand above me, their arms folded, shaking their heads."
"Where...did NPH go..?" I ask, darting my eyes in every which way direction. "NP who..?" ask Ol' Joe. Halie helps me get to my feet, dusting my hair and clothing off. "You were screaming on about magic and Gorillas, that we decided to try and wake you up." she explains. I feel a throbbing headache, as I stumble forward.
"Who won the fight?" I ask, in a raspy voice. "It was a close bout', but Stone came out on top!" Ol' Joe exclaims. With the help of Ol' Joe and Foxy, I make my way over to Stone, who is celebrating with Jay and all the rest. I give her my congratulations, before making my way to Brandy who seems a little downhearted from her defeat, but over all still joyful. I provide her a hug, and wish her better luck next time in her next bout against the current reigning bar wrestling champion 'Stone Cold.'
"I think I'll go home for a bit, to freshen' up." I say. "Sure you can handle the drive..?" asks Ol' Joe, with a worried look.
"I've done this millions of times...I got dis'.." I reply back.
As I leave I see maekimmi and snowbunny, seated by the bar counter, sipping their drinks. I tip my proverbial hat to them and give my hello's before exiting the bar.
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