Dancing with JD, Stone and Jayc, the AB&G are rocking at The Cocks N Roses tunes. We are laughing and giggling at the strange moves we are inventing as we move with The Groove.
I signal to the others I need a drink and JD follows me to the bar to be served by Old_Joe. He immediately pours me a fresh cup of tea and a Jack Daniels for James_Dean.
“I have those tickets printed for Strip Night,” Old Joe tells me as I arrive and places the boxes on the bar.
“Great,” I grin and look at the tickets. HisGirlOnly is very sexily dressed in the corner with a “one night only” underneath.
JD admires her amazing figure. “I’ll put them at the end of the bar so everyone can help themselves”
“Good idea,” I agree and ask Old Joe to give them out with every new drink ordered.
I look round the bar to the patrons drinking and dancing.
“I will dish some of these tickets out,” I tell JD and Old_Joe. “Will you make preparations to the bar for the big night?”
“ Sure” JD assures me. “ I’ll speak with Covems and the Dwarfs and to Jayc & Lover. I’m sure Stone & FoxyRoxxy will help out too”
I leave JD and Old_Joe to discuss the beer and food orders with Jayc and take the tickets round the bar.
I hand them out to :-
Zoerink if he can make it. He was just leaving on another overseas trip si I kiss his cheek and wish him well.
Snowbunny78 who had popped in after being away for awhile. I hugged her and welcomed her back.
Cutieguy, Tomi85, Handsomedude and TG_Chaser who were sitting in the corner. They were big fans of HisGirlOnly ( HGO ) and would not miss this night for the world. They whooped and raised their hands when they realised she was star attraction that night. I signalled for Stone to bring more drinks to their table.
Peeka joined their table and I handed her a ticket too.

I pass them out to all The Cocks N Roses band - Mrsexlover ; Lover, Freddie, tangoracer, hentaiboy69 and Bear.
Jcm0824 was out of town on business but we hoped he would be back soon. He had left a message to buy all a drink at the bar and I told Old_Joe to open a tab for him.
I gave tickets to Hukk and Jayc who were feeding Pachucuti (Pachi The Panda ) some bamboo. Jayc agreed to speak to Old_Joe, JD and Covems and The dwarfs about the preparations.
I gave tickets to Mercer78 who had just arrived from a trip overseas and looked tanned and very handsome. He was sitting with Khaten and Maron211177 who also received tickets.
On the next table were Marilyn and Jondas enjoying a bottle of wine quietly in the corner. I passed them tickets too and complimented Marilyn on her new dress releases in her boutique in Artists Alley.
Jakehart8 and maekimmi was sitting with FoxyRoxxy as they watched the band. I passed them tickets too.
Maekimmi was new in town and I welcomed her to the infamous AB&G ensuring she had her first drink on the house. She smiled and said she was enjoying the bar and band.
Covems is at the back of the bar by the stage. I wave to get his attention, " Cove, I need to speak to you about the bar ta..." but he didnt hear me and disappeared from site. I'll just have to catch him later.
I then see Ginuwine at the bar and punch him playfully on the shoulder. “Here, you have to be here for this,” I hand him a ticket for the HGO Strip night. He grins and promises to come. We order more drinks and move to a quieter table.
ItsAmy123 enters the bar, and I call her over, “Hey girl, let me get you a drink.” She smiles and nods. Bear walks up to the bar and we both turn to admire his sexy butt in those black jeans of his.
He turns and grins, that sixth sense of his is pretty amazing. He orders a drink and joins the table.
We all move round for him. “To fun and friendships” I raise my glass in toast.
Ginuwine, ItsAmy123 and Bear raise there’s in unison and say “Fun and friendships”
I turn too Bear, “Are you taking requests for solo songs?”
“Sure, What would you like?” He smiles at us all.
“I don’t know, “ I contemplate. “You choose something suitable.”
Ginuwine pipes up “Gift Of A Friend - Demi Lovato”
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-B6vdCf6cr4“Sounds perfect.” I agree.
Bear groans, “It’s a girly song”
“mmmm, maybe you can think of one more suitable” I chuckle. “Otherwise I have the perfect hat for you” passing him the pink Stetson.
Bear looks at it in disgust and we all burst out laughing as Amy plonks it on his head.