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: The Achat Bar & Grill . ( AB&G )  ( 1212567 )
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: 4985

« #1920 : April 21, 2014, 09:22:12 PM »

I walk to the mic

"Give it up for Freddie and Lover, ladies and gentlemen"

"Now lets take it down a notch or two and settle down a bit while i do a romantic love song for you all, so grab your loved one and head to the dance floor for some close dancing"

I walk back to my keboard and sit down and as i stretch my fingers is say.

"This song is for the special lady in my life, you know who you are, this Your Song"

It's a little bit funny, this feeling inside
I'm not one of those who can easily hide
I don't have much money but, boy if I did
I'd buy a big house where we both could live

If I was a sculptor, but then again no
Or a man who makes potions in a traveling show
I know it's not much but it's the best I can do
My gift is my song yeah, and this one's for you

And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple but, now that it's done,
I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind
That I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world

I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss
Well a few of the verses, well they've got me quite cross
But the sun's been kind while I wrote this song
It's for people like you that keep it turned on

So excuse me forget, but these things I do
You see I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue
Anyway, the thing is, what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen

And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple but, now that it's done,
I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind
That I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world

I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind
That I put down in words how wonderful life is
While you're in the world


mrsexlover, loving all girls, any shape,size or color

Come and join the chat at the town sqaure http://achatsquare.chatango.com
Hero Member
: 10457


« #1921 : April 25, 2014, 01:27:45 AM »

Lover and me walk over to Freddie with a few hellos and drinks .
Freddie asked me if he can take lover with him "Sure I don't mind if he don't"

Lover looks over at me kisses me and they walk away to the stage ...As  I am walking to the front
 I see ZoeRink getting  ready to leave out once again bye Zoe be safe and we will see you again soon . I say hello to
Marilyn let's  go cheek out the guys they are going to play we walk to the front and join the others.

I'm So Excited! this is the first time for me to hear my Handsome hubby The Rock star. sing on stage

Looking admiralty at my guy he has the most amazing  voice  :)    freddie is a amazing guitar player

The Band members join them

MY love comes to the  front of stage  I run and jump on Lover putting my arms around his neck and kissing him you Rock baby . freddie ask's  what about me?   you to Freddie I say  Just then the crowd want's more  .He  gives me a grin with that  Handsome  smile of his  his eye's light up  I smile look at him say go baby they want  more ;)  I whisper I want more  later to  ;)

                             My Rock Star  :-*

                             Stunning Performance guy's

I am going home
« : April 27, 2014, 03:50:47 PM FoxyRoxxy »

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #1922 : April 27, 2014, 11:46:56 AM »

Dancing with JD, Stone and Jayc,   the AB&G are rocking at The Cocks N Roses tunes. We are laughing and giggling at the strange moves we are inventing as we move with The Groove.

I signal to the others I need a drink and JD follows me to the bar to be served by Old_Joe.  He immediately pours me a fresh cup of tea and a Jack Daniels for James_Dean.

“I have those tickets printed for Strip Night,”  Old Joe tells me as I arrive and places the boxes on the bar.
“Great,” I grin and look at the tickets.  HisGirlOnly is very sexily dressed in the corner with a “one night only” underneath.

JD admires her amazing figure.  “I’ll put them at the end of the bar so everyone can help themselves”
“Good idea,” I agree and ask Old Joe to give them out with every new drink ordered.

I look round the bar to the patrons drinking and dancing. 

“I will dish some of these tickets  out,”  I tell JD and Old_Joe.  “Will you make preparations to the bar for the big night?”
“ Sure” JD assures me. “ I’ll speak with Covems and the Dwarfs  and to Jayc & Lover. I’m sure Stone & FoxyRoxxy will help out too”

I leave JD and Old_Joe to discuss the beer and food orders with Jayc and take the tickets round the bar.
I hand them out to :-

Zoerink if he can make it. He was just leaving on another overseas trip si I kiss his cheek and wish him well.

Snowbunny78 who had popped in after being away for awhile. I hugged her and welcomed her back.

Cutieguy, Tomi85, Handsomedude and TG_Chaser who were sitting in the corner. They were big fans of HisGirlOnly ( HGO ) and would not miss this night for the world. They whooped and raised their hands when they realised she was star attraction that night.   I signalled for Stone to bring more drinks to their table.
Peeka joined their table and I handed her a ticket too.

I pass them out to all The Cocks N Roses band -  Mrsexlover ; Lover, Freddie, tangoracer, hentaiboy69 and Bear.
Jcm0824 was out of town on business but we hoped he would be back soon. He had left a message to buy all a drink at the bar and I told Old_Joe to open a tab for him.

I gave tickets to Hukk and Jayc who were feeding Pachucuti  (Pachi The Panda ) some bamboo. Jayc agreed to speak to Old_Joe, JD and Covems and The dwarfs about the preparations.

I gave  tickets to Mercer78 who had just arrived from a trip overseas and looked tanned and very handsome. He was sitting with Khaten and Maron211177 who also received tickets.

On the next table were Marilyn and Jondas enjoying a bottle of wine quietly in the corner. I passed them tickets too and complimented Marilyn on her new dress releases in her boutique in Artists Alley. 

Jakehart8 and maekimmi was sitting with FoxyRoxxy as they watched the band. I passed them tickets too.
Maekimmi was new in town and I welcomed her to the infamous AB&G ensuring she had her first drink on the house. She smiled and said she was enjoying the bar and band.

Covems is at the back of the bar by the stage. I wave to get his attention,  " Cove,  I need to speak to you about the bar ta..."   but he didnt hear me and  disappeared from site.  I'll just have to catch him later.

I then see Ginuwine at the bar and punch him playfully on the shoulder.  “Here, you have to be here for this,”  I hand him a ticket for the HGO Strip night. He grins and promises to come.  We order more drinks and move to a quieter table.
ItsAmy123 enters the bar, and I call her over,  “Hey girl, let me get you a drink.” She smiles and nods. Bear walks up to the  bar and we both turn to admire his sexy butt in those black jeans of his.
He turns and grins, that sixth sense of his is pretty amazing. He orders a drink and joins the table.

We all move round for him.  “To fun and friendships”  I raise my glass in toast.
Ginuwine, ItsAmy123 and Bear raise there’s in unison and say “Fun and friendships”

I turn too Bear, “Are you taking requests for solo songs?”
“Sure, What would you like?”  He smiles at us all.
“I don’t know, “ I contemplate.  “You choose something suitable.”

Ginuwine pipes up  “Gift Of A Friend - Demi Lovato”    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-B6vdCf6cr4
“Sounds perfect.”  I agree.

Bear groans, “It’s a girly song”
“mmmm, maybe you can think of one more suitable”  I chuckle.  “Otherwise I have the perfect hat for you”  passing him the pink Stetson.
Bear looks at it in disgust and we all burst out laughing as Amy plonks it  on his head.   

« : April 27, 2014, 11:59:28 AM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 10457


« #1923 : May 02, 2014, 12:13:35 PM »

Soaking  in a hot sensual bath at  home  I feel refreshed and energized.
I get my self ready to go   back to the bar I want to look  nice for my guy. I choosing a very
 eye catching sexy dress that my guy would love to see me in it

I drive back to the Bar  as  i  get  near the door i can still hear the joy and cheers  of it every one  is still having a great time in there .I wounder what
they are  up to know ..

I walk in slowly seductively in my feminine and alluring way I see my  Love is  seating at the bar with the  guys  our eyes meet I captivate his gaze is on me,  I see a slight smile on his face  we both smile as I slightly move my hips  walking his way my confident aura glows..

I warp my arms around him  kiss him in his ear and whispered to him you where Wonderful baby  you need to be singing more :)

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL

« #1924 : May 03, 2014, 03:56:31 AM »

As I walk up to the door of the bar, I stop a moment to listen to the different sounds taking advantage of my enhanced hearing ability.  I open the door and head inside.  In front of me is a room full of activity, People interacting with each other and having a great time! As I walk up to the bar, I see foxyroxxy  to whom I give a polite wave before sitting at the bar. :)
Hero Member
: 10457


« #1925 : May 03, 2014, 08:12:17 AM »

I see Abraxis is new and wave to  him comes and seats withe us at the  Bar welcome
how  are you  I am Foxy  nice  to meet you  have a drink here with us  this is  Joe  he will get any
the best drinks in town .  :)

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL

« #1926 : May 03, 2014, 06:55:32 PM »

"Nice to meet you Foxy" I say as I take as seat.  "And nice to meet you as well Joe. A drink sounds great, I would love a nice cold beer"  :)
"oh, and please feel free to call me Ab."  It is warm in the bar and full of activity.  I feel relaxed and happy as I take in the surroundings. :)
Hero Member
: 2755

« #1927 : May 08, 2014, 04:55:58 PM »

Seeing James walk in the AB&G, I walk up over to him and softly kiss him on the cheek. Sitting on his lap with my arms wrapped around him, I see him smile. I smile back and whisper softly in his ear how much fun I had with him in the Icehouse.

Jr. Member
: 93

Dixie Sweetheart

« #1928 : May 08, 2014, 05:33:51 PM »

Sitting at the bar, sipping on my drink scanning the bar not seeing the one person I had been looking for. I turned to ask for a refill, when I heard that ole familiar voice asking old Joe for a soda and a beer for Dirish. I looked over and couldn't believe my eyes..... Omg its James!!! I walked over to him as sexi was already there, and I reached over and gave him a kiss and hug, so glad you are back sweetheart.  :D

Hero Member
: 3007

« #1929 : May 08, 2014, 11:36:47 PM »

Me n Sexi are still chillin when we both see a familiar face and hear a voice we have both sorely missed. I want to run over and hug him, but Sexi is quicker and she squeals with delight. I watch her jump on James' lap, hug his neck and begin whispering in his ear, she is so happy to see him and I guess they have some catching up to do, so I catch his eye and blow him a kiss then sit down again and stir my mojito. I'm so relieved he is ok. I see a man with him I've never seen before, I guess it must be Dirish. Then I know what to do, I go over and introduce myself and thank him for telling us about James and keeping us informed. I ask him why we've never met before.

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Hero Member
: 2755

« #1930 : May 11, 2014, 06:32:23 PM »

Looks deep in James eyes, "Of course I'm alright. Nothing bad could ever happen to me. There too many people who look out for the others. :)" Brushes his hair back from his face and down his chest as he greets Snow and Blue. Turns and says hi to Dirish and softly kisses him on the cheek. "Thanks for being such a good friend to James." Sits snuggled up against James as I sip on my Hot n Tot just relaxing and being near my good friend.


« #1931 : May 21, 2014, 07:36:49 AM »

Sitting with James at the bar, 3  very beautiful young ladies come over excited to see him. He introduces me to Sexi, Blue, and Snowbunny. "Ladies" as I nod politely in their direction.  Sexi seems to be very excited to see James as she had jumped right into his lap wrapping herself around him tightly.
"Thanks for he beer James".  Turning to the bartender, I asked him  if there were any special nights or event planned.
Every night is special here he says with a sly grin. Welcome to the AB&G. Your next drink is on the house since James bought the first.
Looks like a great place I say to James. The band is playing and everyone is having a good time.
Hero Member
: 3007

« #1932 : May 21, 2014, 01:00:24 PM »

Well, if you can't beat 'em, no point having a sub, is there join 'em.
So I swing my leg over Irish Dave's lap and, careful not to jolt his beer arm, I start up a conversation, firstly about where he hails from and why I've never seen him around before and how close he & James are.
We talk about all sorts, he isn't as shy as I thought he might be and I wriggle my daisy-dukes a little more snugly into him and undo my hair so it falls over his shoulder. I ask if he's aware of the things we get up to in the B & G, tell him all about the pudding pit and the dwarves.. speaking of the dwarves, I haven't seen 'em for a while, which usually means they're up to something.. I whisper in Dave's ear some of the naughty things they've been known to do and he chuckles.. a low deep chuckle that tickles right through me.
I think this is going to be a good night.

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Hero Member
: 1885

« #1933 : May 21, 2014, 04:10:12 PM »

(Dedicated to Brandybee, winner of the Town Square "Guess what's In The Egg" competition)

The deep red curtain is my only protection from years of emotional therapy if this goes wrong. But I know that protection was about to be taken away. I hear myself being introduced and call the reserves of my courage. "This is for The Square" I tell myself defiantly raising my chin.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68IFfpJNLUs    Ginuine Pony

The curtains opened. The spot lights flashes on me and I am blinded. I can't see the crowd. "What luck is this" I think with relief. A smile finds my lips," I know I can do this"

I'm dressed in a studded black leather jacket and leather shorts. On  my feet high heeled black shoes with a silver stiletto heel.  A black leather nine tailed whip hangs at my side.

A solitary chair sits in the middle of the stage as I had requested.
I take smooth  bold steps towards it my heals clicking to the rhythm. My cat of nine tails whips against my thighs with each main beat.
On reaching the chair I slide my hand along it before taking my seat. I run my hands down my body, they move between  my firm thighs and I use them to pull my legs apart. My body writhes to the music as my hands and the whip continue to caress it. My breath pours from me as my temperature rises.

Standing I spread my legs and spiral my hips as i  drop my buttocks halfway down to the floor. As I dip up and down I wave my tummy in rhythmic pulses that continue down to my hips. I roll my right hip forward with the beat of the music then I sway it seductively at Zoerink. He reaches up and takes the zip clasp in his fingers. I shake my head slowly with a teasing grin. He grabs the clasp with his teeth and slides it down. "good  boy" I mouth silently at him before winking and swaying my body away.

Rolling my body in large twists I slowly slide my shorts down over my gyrating hips before pulling them down quickly to the floor. I leave them resting on my feet as I slide my hands provocatively  up my silky thighs. One stilettoed heal steps out of the folds of fabric. A moment later the other kicks the shorts Into the air landing perfectly in Hukks lap. I briefly raise an eyebrow as he looks up. "Yeh u got me into this "I try to relay to him without words. A brief playful smile,   shows he's forgiven before I  twirl around to the back of the chair.

I wrap the whip around it, a hand holding each end. I flip myself backwards until my long hair sweeps across the floor, my back fully arched then pull myself upright once more. Sliding my hand through my hair  I pout at the audience.

Spinning around the chair I face the crowd and pull open my jacket in one deft defiant move revealing my leather studded bra. I shake the jacket free without missing a beat. Finally I let it drop to the floor before kicking it towards BB. I give her a wink in thanks for her advice.

I turn my back on the crowd and bend forward clutching the chair. Alternating between rolling my hips and shaking my buttocks. I lightly slap the whip over my buttocks. A soft pink glow covers them before I start twirling around the chair again.

Caressing the back of the chair I  squat down and up behind it with my legs spread. I place my hands carefully on the seat of the chair and flip over it landing  again facing the crowd. Turning my back on them I unhook the bra and throw it at martin before turning to face the room again, wiggling my silver nip tassels. Rotating my right shoulder sends my right nip tassel into a frenzied spin before I swap shoulders making my left tassel dance. Finally I set both tassels alive drawing the entire rooms attention to my full breasts.

I slide on to the floor and smoothly push the chair back behind me with my feet.  Slowly I  crawl to the front of the stage like a jungle cat stalking her prey.
I move provocatively, raising my butt. A gently arched back swaying with the music.  My head is lowered as I gaze up at my voyeurs through my lashes. My eyes relay both enticement and a savage lust.
"come and get me baby…. I want to tear your little world apart."
Through opened lips my tongue traces my top row of teeth before I roll myself onto the floor.

Laying on the stage I allow my hands to envelope my breasts, arching my back and pointing them proudly in the air. My fingers slide down over my tummy feeling the muscles that tense and relax as they control the circling and thrusting of my hips. Moans escape from my lips but I make no attempt  to suppress them. I give myself to this moment allowing it to wash  over me, thrilling and tantalising me. Next I  move my hands smoothly  between my heated thighs. Spreading my legs I caress the silky inner muscles with long slow strokes. I give my kitty a light whip before doing  a backwards somersault and crawling to the back of  the stage once more. A teasing glance over my shoulder  tell all who watch my butt to continue watching.

The spotlight illuminates the thin layer of perspiration on my body glittering  as I sit  facing the back of the stage with my knees bent beneath me and legs spread apart. I slap the whip hard over my shoulder onto my back, this time squeezing the handle so that as I slide the whip back up a trail of fake blood lines my flesh. Each  slap of the whip seems to cut deeper. On the third slap the spotlight goes out and the curtains close behind me.

Visit me at The Town Square.. http://achatsquare.chatango.com/
Hero Member
: 2078

Later, Space Cowboy

« #1934 : May 21, 2014, 04:59:03 PM »

Day 45..

I sit sloushed against the bar counter....moaning in agonizing pain like a dying beast..still waiting for Pachacuti to finish watching his Panda Marathon.  Morgan Freeman's voice...a once enjoyable sound, has now become a source of withering torment..with each word he provides knifing against my skull.

"This panda is named BoBo...he can't seem to get enough of those bamboo leaves. Simply majestic."

Old Joe walks over and prods at my limp body, checking to see if I still had a pulse. "Hukk...the NCAA tournament is over..hell...it's already time for the NBA playoffs...just give it a rest and go home."

I stare back up at him with blood red eyes, and disheveled hair. "I will not move until this Panda finishes occupying the T.V!" I shout back.

"..You're missing out on so much stuff here Hukk. The Cock N' Roses played here, and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves except you." Joe says.

I proceed to look around. I hadn't notice all the activity around me these past few days.  Slowly I stand..my bones crunching and cracking  after being stationary for so long.

Lover suddenly jumps onto the stage. He takes the mic away from Martin and asks for some silence.

"Ladies and gentlemen..today you are all in for a treat." Lover allows his voice to echo across the room...allowing for the suspense to build as a sly grin cracks across his face. For today, you will experience a show most men can only dream of experiencing. Please....a BIG warm welcome to the lovely..stunning...HisGirlOnly...THE AUSTRANLIAN JEWEL!!"

The men begin to hoot and howl, as they flood towards to the front of the stage.

"Was she supposed to dance today?!" I say to myself. I scamper on over, and grab a seat in order to enjoy the show.

Hush descends upon the stage, as a bright spot light illuminates a single chair. Out comes Zoe, radiant and beautiful like always, sashaying across the floor with poise and elegance. Seduction seems to drip from her very pores, as she lights up the stage...engulfing all the men in a blazing hot fiery performance for the ages. All the men seem to be captivated by her moves..our eyes focused on her lovely exposed flesh that glows faintly.

I take a big gulp, tugging at my collar. "Hubba..hubba!" I mutter to myself. Zoerink, who has taken a seat next to me replies back "You ain't kidding.."

Zoe tosses me her shorts, that lands perfectly on my lap. I look up and give a smile, my eyes still exploring her hips, back and bare breasts.

Finally, the show concludes and all the men still stare slack jawed. Brandy breaks the silence and screams from the top of her lungs "WAY TO GO GIRL!"

With that, we all proceed to give Zoe a thunderous standing ovation.

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