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: Bachelor Autcion for a good cause  ( 30491 )
Hero Member
: 2415

« : July 26, 2012, 01:14:06 PM »

I have an idea I want to run by you. I'm willing to put in a lot of effort to make this worik, if you all think this is a good idea.

So far we have our own events for our own causes. Oantless Friday started with the goal to get more decent male clothing. It's focus now has changed. When i read through an old post, an idea by Sinnnn (not unfamiliar with some of you) which suggested a rp-auction, I thought we could do something similar, but for a real cause. Like the fight against cancer, hiv in 3rd world countires, etc.

This is the idea: a couple of bachelorors and bachelorettes are offering a date in an auction. Bids can be made for a date with a particular bacjelor(ette) and the highest bidder gets to room with their elected bachelor(ette). At the end of the auction, the bids are substracted from the balance of the bidders and collected by the dev-team. They recalculate that amount to real currency and make a donation on our behalf.

Any feedback is welcome, please from the A-team as well. You can shoot the idea down or support it. I hope for the last. If needed I will add a poll

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 7883

« #1 : July 26, 2012, 01:43:01 PM »

Uhmmmm........sorry, but i don't understand how did ou think it will work.

Hero Member
: 2415

« #2 : July 26, 2012, 02:58:20 PM »

ok, let me give you an example. Not picking a random name.. ;D Bear offers to be one of the bachelors. He will take the lady with the highest bid on a date. The bids are made online. for instance:
Brandybee bids 2000
ChristinaK bids 4000
Adera bids 10.000

The auction closes after a week and Adera wins her date. Her balance is subtracted with 10.000 achat dollars by the dev team, and they make a donation in real currency to our selected good cause

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 3856

« #3 : July 26, 2012, 03:14:43 PM »

Stretching out... ok...

If I am being sold off... should be a worthy cause...

I am not certain how much we can raise... but I will try to serve the cause to the best of my abilities...

Hero Member
: 10350

« #4 : July 26, 2012, 04:06:18 PM »

Fucking for charity ;D

Tight, your idea is crazy and almost impracticable. That means... I'm in it.

Of course we have to think about how to handle it - and we need more bidder then we have now. Which means we need much more advertising in game. But I like the idea and it's worth to to work on it.

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #5 : July 28, 2012, 09:59:30 PM »

Not sure how it would work ... But if it brings in some interest from the gay guys,  then it can only be a good thing  ;)

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 7883

« #6 : July 29, 2012, 12:44:35 AM »

errrr......no Brandy, i think you don't had understand the wholoe topic.

It's an idea to collect real money for a real money donation to help, for example, cancer research or another one.

Hero Member
: 3007

« #7 : July 29, 2012, 01:39:51 AM »

ok, let me give you an example. Not picking a random name.. ;D Bear offers to be one of the bachelors. He will take the lady with the highest bid on a date. The bids are made online. for instance:
Brandybee bids 2000
ChristinaK bids 4000
Adera bids 10.000

The auction closes after a week and Adera wins her date.
Over my dead body! (sorry Adera) I bid AChat$11,000.00


I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #8 : July 29, 2012, 03:47:58 AM »

I do understand HB but  I think it cause serve two causes lol ...   and ... Well ... You know me ... Hate to waste opportunities to promote the Forum . Hehe.  ;D

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 1688

« #9 : July 29, 2012, 04:08:52 AM »

What you are discussing here reminds me of a "Box Social".  It's the same thing, only different, if you get my drift.  I have a great story about a Box Social gone awry that I would love to share with you.  I'll post it in the Erotic Story section, even though it's not erotic.

Anyway... sounds like something fun for a good cause, and even though I'm only worth about 2 dollars on a good day,  count me in.

« : July 30, 2012, 06:01:43 AM Covems »

*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
Hero Member
: 3047

« #10 : July 29, 2012, 01:17:58 PM »

ok, let me give you an example. Not picking a random name.. ;D Bear offers to be one of the bachelors. He will take the lady with the highest bid on a date. The bids are made online. for instance:
Brandybee bids 2000
ChristinaK bids 4000
Adera bids 10.000

The auction closes after a week and Adera wins her date.
Over my dead body! (sorry Adera) I bid AChat$11,000.00


Aww and here I thought that a high bid would make everyone else back off. :P
Hero Member
: 2415

« #11 : July 29, 2012, 01:23:11 PM »

Patience girls. There is a time and a place for everything. I need to clear a few things with the dev-team and only if they go along with the idea, I will actively start looking for bachelors who offer their time..

And ofcourse, we would need a good cause.. Anyone with suggestions?

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Hero Member
: 2415

« #12 : July 30, 2012, 08:06:02 AM »

I agree with you, Covems. Though I was more thinking in the lines of a UN program for aid prevention in 3rd world countries..

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
Full Member
: 223


« #13 : July 30, 2012, 09:27:38 AM »

Hello kinds peoples of the DreamWorld's Forum.

I think this is a very kind idea.
I mean ... this put a nice layer of social responsability on our lusts and enjoyments.

I am maybe not a one who will bid for one, matter of my how I see myself.
( and actually, I donate for french red cross and "Medecin sans frontières" so I put no shame on myself. )

I may offer myself gladly and with pleasure ( even I don't think many will pay for me )
... depends on the conditions of the "Charity room" I think.

Anyway this have surely to be clarified ( the organisation who will receive the donation ... )

I may think that few peoples will participate, but that worst the try I think.
Anyway  ;D hi hi hi I could bid for having Hentaiboy in my virtual bed  ;D or Mister Lover ... or Mister Bear ... or ... ohh my gush where is my CC????  ;D

Flesh open when Mind Warm
Hero Member
: 7883

« #14 : July 30, 2012, 10:11:24 AM »

Eve......lol, dunno what you mean whit CC but, you know, my door is allways open for you!  ;D  and for all my friends, of course!
« : July 30, 2012, 10:26:39 AM hentaiboy69 »

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