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The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
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: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** ( 283239 )
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: 142
The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
July 27, 2012, 11:13:37 AM »
I arrived at the Achat bar and drove around the back. Sure enough there was a large warehouse. It looked like it had been there forever. All closed up, it was impossible to see inside. So I parked my car and walked around the front. I was dressed for dirty work. Old crappy jeans, comfy shoes, a t-shirt and little makeup. I was wondering if Brandy would even recognize me after last night.
I walked around to the front of the bar and knocked on the carved door. Brandy had asked that I come by before the bar opened to get the key and check out the warehouse. The door opened and JD was standing there broom in hand. “Hi Christy. That was something to watch last night. Too bad the place got busted though.” He said motioning for me to come in.
“I had fun.” I said, taking off my sunglasses and walking in behind him and stopping for a moment to let my eyes adjust. “I just hope that you weren’t put in a bad place because of me.”
“Not at all!” JD replied. “We get busted every other week here. It’s how the local cops justify drinking on duty if you ask me. This may be different though. Not sure yet, but the chief and the managers have been summoned. We’re not worried about it though.”
I short laugh escaped my lips and I followed JD to the bar. He reached behind and produced a single old fashioned key. It was brass and about three inches long. Heavy for its size.
“Now please don’t lose that key. We only have the one. And I wouldn’t even know where to go looking for another if it was lost.” JD said. “Brandy said you would know where the door is.”
I nodded, said thanks, and walked to the pool room as JD got back to his sweeping. I opened the pool room door and stepped in. There on the wall were the restraints that had held Bear the previous evening. Now a reminder of an evening gone horribly wrong. Shaking my head for a moment, I began looking for this secret door. I had the lights on, but I still couldn’t see where this door was. Suddenly it caught my eye. On the back wall was a chair that doubled as a cue rack. On the floor though, one could just make out an outline of where the chair moved across it in an arc, like a door. I examined the whole thing as closely as I could before noticing that there was a small keyhole on the side of the rack.
I pushed the key into the hole and gave it a turn. I quiet clack came as the mechanism inside released and I noticed the chair move slightly. I took hold of the side of the chair and pulled the door open, revealing a long tunnel that disappeared into darkness about ten feet in. On the wall was an old fashioned light switch. I moved the switch up with my finger and with a loud click and a small spark from the switch the tunnel was illuminated. Still very dim, but none the less lit. I placed the key back in my pocket and stepped inside. On the inside of the door was a round wooden handle. I grabbed at it and pulled the door closed behind me, hearing it clack again as the mechanism re-engaged. Only worried for a moment I thought I now had no way out. But then I saw the small lever near the base of the door.
Turning I headed down the tunnel which slanted downward at a steep angle and then what must have been about a 500 foot walk till another steep walk uphill. This must have been under the parking lot behind the bar. Reaching the top I came to another door. This time it was just an ordinary door but when I opened it I was met with a metal wall. Not sure what I should do, I gave it a push and it swung open to reveal a small room with a metal desk at one end. A dirty glass window separated it from what must have been the rest of the warehouse. Stepping inside I realized that my metal wall was really a large book case covering the door. This one I left open and stepped inside. I quickly opened the outer door to this office and stepped into a cavernous space flanked on either side with many storage areas. All of them recently emptied by the looks of them.
“Jeez!” I thought, “Brandy really went to work for me here.” Looking down the space I noticed that all the lights had been left on. A thick layer of dust covered most everything that hadn’t had stuff stacked on it until today. The walls were dark and dirty as well. The lighting wasn’t really all that good. Most of the place was covered in dark shadows and the place smelled like and old warehouse should. Dirty. It was perfect. I was going to need help first to make this a reality. Time to do some recruiting.
A small piece of paper was taped to the wall at the far end, too new to be left over trash. I walked down to the end and read “The Ice House, enjoy your new space Christy. Hugs and Kisses, --Brandy”
My wicked smile spread across my face again.
: April 01, 2015, 01:46:11 PM hentaiboy69
Any power that is easily given can be taken away just as easily.
You can't have my virginity, but you can play with the box it came in.
Full Member
: 142
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#1 :
July 27, 2012, 12:37:28 PM »
Clearly I would be needing help. But first we need the appropriate furnishings for a dungeon. So I pulled out my cell and sent a text to blu. “Go to my house and get my lock box. Bring it to the warehouse behind the AB&G entrance is in the pool room. Just pull open the cue rack, I've left it unlocked.”
Next I started flipping through my contacts. I got to Bear…..pausing for a moment, I wasn’t sure he would want to be involved after last night, but I figured I would try any way. Besides, this place would need his creativity. A text wouldn’t do it, so I called. “Blast! No answer.” I thought. So I left a message. “Hey sweety, I know last night didn’t go down that well, but I may have a way to make it up to you. Come to the warehouse behind the bar. The entrance is in the pool room inside the bar. Just pull open the cue rack. I left it unlocked. Please give me chance to make it up to you.” I blew a kiss into the phone and hung up.
The last time I moved I had to find some movers that were……sensitive about my lifestyle. Let’s face it. If the average person came to my home and saw my back room, they might faint. And getting someone to move your queening bench can be a little awkward. But I did still have the number of a moving company that was helpful and discrete. I made the call and told them that the spare key was under the mat by the back door. I’d agree to pay extra if they could get it done today. Everything in the back room and don’t forget the large wooden trunk.
I walked down the middle of the warehouse and felt that the space called for a long table. Perfect for a large meal all the Doms and Dommes sitting around it. Perhaps one of our subs trussed up as a table ornament in the center. Large candles burning as the other subs served us. The excitement of having this space was overwhelming. I could only hope that there would be enough of us. There were enough storage rooms off to the side of the main walkway that I was sure there would be one for every Dom and Domme that would like to join us. Each was about 20x20. “A private dungeon within a dungeon” I thought. I caught myself giggling for a moment before going back to the contacts in my phone. I found myself thinking of Bear. He for sure would know who might be interested in some fun with us. Then I wondered how often he checks his messages.
: July 28, 2012, 04:06:13 PM christinak
Any power that is easily given can be taken away just as easily.
You can't have my virginity, but you can play with the box it came in.
Hero Member
: 6966
Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!
Re: The Ice House **Members Only**
#2 :
July 27, 2012, 01:42:32 PM »
I shout to JD, when, he'd finished in the bar.. to grab Jayc and come down to the Ice House, Christy could probably do with some help cleaning.
I grab some rags, a cleaning fluids & a bucket . And importantly a bottle of whiskey and 2 glasses. I head down to see Christy to help out. The place is dingy and dark . Shes at the far back sorting through some items and making phonecalls.
I wave the bottle at her as she's talking and she gives me a thumbs up. I crack open the bottle and pour us both a good measure. She finishes her call and grins at me
" I take it the place meets with your approval? " I ask grinning back.
" It sure does" I hand her her glass " To the Ice House, "
" To the Ice House ", She repeats and raises her glass to in toast.
"l I came to help with the labour " I roll my sleeves up " There's a nice oak glass cabinette upstairs for your Dom Hall if you want it . Thought it could hold their special drink bottles .. One of the lad's can bring it down for you when you are ready ... Ok ... where do you want me to start ... "
Full Member
: 142
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#3 :
July 28, 2012, 04:01:19 PM »
What a day it had been. blu and Brandy had been such a great help. I had sent blu home to get cleaned up and Brandy was back at the bar. The Ice House was all mine for the moment. My furniture had arrived earlier and I it was all now set up in my private dungeon. Spanking bench, queening chair, stockade, and all the suspension attachments were installed in the celling. The only piece of furniture I didn’t have installed in my dungeon was my St. Andrews cross. I had that placed at the far end of the great hall, as I now called the cavernous space running down the center of The Ice House. The cross and the great hall would be for use in a public setting. I had also taken a short break and gone to the remaindered furniture store outside of town and picked out two large tables. One was a long ornate banquet table and chair set with seating for 16. The other was just a large decorative table that we would use as an alter for whatever public ceremonies the Doms chose to have. These would be delivered in a few days. Along with two large 8 foot chandeliers that would be installed in a week or so.
I had placed an order with a friend who made fetish furniture to make me a new St. Andrews cross to replace the one in the great hall. This one would be a little more fancy, with more binding points, and instead of bare wood, would be covered in padded leather. It would also be built in such a way that it could be detached from the wall and become a free standing table. I had also ordered a punishment chair and some attachments for my existing spanking bench. I was now standing in a large storage area upstairs that I wasn’t sure what to do with yet, but was sure that I could find a good use for it.
Brandy had also taken a break while I went furniture shopping to go to her meeting. She informed me that Az had smugly offered to give me a list of all the tunnels leading into The Ice House. I was really going to have to deal with this cop at some point. Maybe a $1000 gift card at Krispy Kreme? I shook my head, it wouldn’t matter much longer anyway. We had found the other entrances and I had already convinced myself that what we need is a new one so I had a crew building it already. It would take about a month to finish, but when it was done, if the local constabulary decided to visit via one of the existing tunnels, they would be met with a very stubborn brick wall at the other end. Then I thought again, you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Maybe Az was just wanting to join the fun? I would have to find a way to speak with her alone about this. Even if she was now saying that her cops were not interested in my place, they would be once word got out. Better to deal with this now, rather than later.
I went back downstairs and walked the great hall once more before stepping back into my own dungeon. Looking at the dirty floor I could already imagine blu, hog tied and gagged upon the floor. I smiled and let my mind wander in to exotic bliss. After a few minutes of this I found myself sitting and propped up against the wall. My legs spread and my fingers dancing over my vagina, bringing me to a sublime orgasm as I played out the scenario in my mind. And as the waves of pleasure rolled over my body one at a time I smiled at the thought of what would come.
: July 28, 2012, 08:35:59 PM christinak
Any power that is easily given can be taken away just as easily.
You can't have my virginity, but you can play with the box it came in.
Hero Member
: 3007
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#4 :
July 29, 2012, 01:31:19 AM »
Busy, busy, busy...... a little sub's work is never done...
After Miss Christy sent me home to clean up, I went back to the B & G to check all the sound equipment over ready for our next gig, took me only a few minutes, then I just couldn't resist, so it was back to the pool room, pull the cue rack and carefully close it behind me.
The Ice House is really grimy... "Well this'll keep me out of mischief for a day," I grin to my self. I go back to the B & G & get a yard brush from the Janitor's closet, he isn't in until later and he won't mind, specially if I give him a kiss as a thank-you.
I fasten a cloth round my hair to keep it all up & covered, I'm gonna need another shower after this... I wonder if Jeanona has head-dresses like this anywhere in her designs....? goes kinda well with the jeans & denim waistcoat....
I see that Miss Christy has already had some furniture delivered and I can't resist posing with it & imagining....mmmmm... Hey wake up girl!, if Mistress finds you on her spanking bench with a wet pussy, you'll be in bigger trouble! Lol! I should be so lucky!
There seems to be a mysterious wet spot on the floor against the wall... can't think how, no-ones been down here with drinks..... better not mention it to Miss Christy, I'll come back with a mop once I've shifted the dust.
Wonder what Sis will make of all this? I'm sure she'll want to "inspect" it once it's all ready for business... shame she won't be fit to play for a while....I giggle out loud! My new neice will be putting in an appearance some time soon.. wonder if we'll get another redhead? maybe I can take her to the dark side with me... Poison Ivy junior..I laugh and the sound echoes around the high ceiling.. hmmm there'll be some good sounds echoing around here soon, I cast my mind back to Tango.... if he's only a Constable now, does that mean he won't get Corporal punishment next time? So many thoughts spinning round my vivid imagination that I don't feel the passage of time and the dungeon is clean and ready for business before I realise I need lunch and it's mid-afternoon. Pack everything away and as I'm pulling the big mop-bucket back to the B & G, I see Miss Christy & Brandy-Bee in the main Hall drinking a toast and getting ready to get some cleaning-up done themselves.
"The dungeon is done Miss Christy" I stop and tell them. "I've even saddle-soaped the leather on the equipment and polished it. May I go home for lunch?"
Miss Christy gives me one of her loving smiles and my heart sings "Good girl, I'll reward you in the appropriate manner later, but you've done well, so go home & rest" she kisses my cheek and then takes BB by the arm and starts off to the far end "Oh and leave that, I think we'll be needing it." she says pointing to the big mop & bucket.
I skip off out of the B & G and start the walk home.
I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Hero Member
: 3856
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#5 :
July 31, 2012, 01:01:09 PM »
I follow Christy's instructions... quietly entering the Great Hall and noting the progress alrady in this place. Oh this place has potential I think to myself. Maybe it doesn't look like much in the moment... my eyes wander about at the furnishings already in place. Though the clutter of packing material, straps and boxes still clutter areas.. it is looking pretty impressive.
The soft moans of pleasure filter through the room,... and I peer slow around a corner seeing Christy there lost to a fantasy... riding her fingers her blouse open as she plays at her breasts. Watching her there tugs on that lust that was built up yet never released. Already I feel myself swelling... hot... wanting of delivery of her promise. It might not have been in front of a crowd... but that did not matter. This was to find a pented release of the frustration.... and something more.
I eye the near pile of debris... quietly pulling a couple lengths of strapping material and some rope... I toss my clothes to the side. quickly form a slip knot in a couple of the strapping ties and hold them in my teeth as I ease around the corner... I am almost upon her when a gasp and whimper escapes her lips,... closed eyes open and she smiles towards me...
Her voice smooth and seductive as she "I was just thinking of you..." Her eyes widen as she sees the ties there.
I launch at her... my strong fingers gripping her with an iron clamp... pulling her from the wall spinning momentarily across the empty space to the great table...crashing thru chairs as I whip her about with her press her face down upon it. Squirming under my weight as I pin her there and struggle to pull an arm back as I slide a tie up her arm to the elbow… hold and pull the other arm back barely anchoring the other end to the elbow joint on that. I tighten it… then pull her up…. slip another tie around her wrist the cinch this across her the front of her waist binding the loose end to the free wrist… before stepping back and eyeing her leaning against the table, the binds pulling on her arms… making her ample breasts jut enticingly forward.
I reach up…. My hands ripping her blouse open and spilling those luscious mounds out. Her eyes set on me,… anticpating,… filled with fire, as her pink tongue runs expectantly along her lips before she speaks between her short hard breaths of excitement.
“I was wondering if you would come.” she says… desire building in that gaze on me.
I open my robe,… begin unbuckling the belt and unzipping, recognizing she wasn’t speaking to me… but to that persona which flared alive now in my soul. He nods in recognition. Silent now… purposed filled.
I grip that throbbing shaft already rigid and seeping of it’s anticipation of her body and step between her legs feeling the heat burning there at her core as I rub against her. My hands slide into her hair, pulling her head back as I lean in and hungrily kiss those waiting lips. Hard and passionate as my teeth clamp tight to her bottom lip in a hard pull as my kiss breaks from her. She glares at me… breast heaving,… it’s enough to tell me that lust smolders there.
My hands bunch her breasts together as I lean down further, sucking, licking, nipping those hard points with eagerness. Foreplay is irrelevant. This moment is lust… raw… simple lust of her body. The ache in my loins is painful…that need of release simply the only thing on my mind. I tear from her breasts… biting a nipple hard as I withdraw and rake my teeth against the skin as it stretches and slips from grip
Then grip myself pressing that engorged bulb to her, sinking slow in to her velvet slickness as I reposition, and roll into her as my fingers dig into a hip. The other hand scoops a leg up and hooks it about me. My hips begin to churn frantic, that thick hard mass driving deep into her tropic heat., The pace and madness building as I feel that rapid rise to the point of ecstasy. Her legs wrap to me, tightening trying to draw me in. I feel her bite onto my shoulder, desperately seeking leverage as her hips respond against me.
The pain sharp… I hiss… snarl as I grip her hair and yank her head back… the lock of my dark lust filled eyes fixed to her, eying her expressions as her cries and whimpers… groans escape her in flinching moments.
The moment is sheer power… a taking… primal… I fuck her.
Oblivious to time… simply the feel of her sheathed onto me.
That edge of release swelling… and I yank her head back, exposing her neck. The beastly growl of conquest escapes me and I plunge down… biting on her throat in that claim of primal stake. It all crashes on me… body shuddering as sweet bliss of the orgasm wrecks itself on me in a crash. Releasing that neck grip as my body is washed by the waves…. The flood of my seed pulsing into her.
My eyes close to it… hearing nothing but her own pants commingled with mine. I look again to Christy… her breasts heaving with the flush of her own excitement… those eyes locked on me yet,.. Burning bright of expectation…
I do not know if she came.
I don’t care.
This moment was mine….I lean forward… lick the sharp bite mark on her throat. Grin mischievously at her as I pull free and shift her on the tables edge. My fingers dip between her legs… scoop the seeping juices from her core and lift it to her lips… smearing it slow along her lips before I move in again and kiss her deep and hard, tasting us there….in a long slow exchange.
I pull back again… eying her there on the tables edge. Our juices seeping from her core… pooling beneath her as they begin to trickle over the tables edge to the floor.. Taking in the sight which I may not see again, her bundled tight dripping of my lust on the Lords table.
I give her a thought filled look as I stuff my drenched cock back into my pants and straighten the robe. “I think this place just won’t feel right until there is a collared one on this table. Naked… a gold chain…” my mind floats along memories. Of a different time. “Perhaps someone will step forth with an appropriate center piece. Think it over… I‘ll be back in a bit to turn you free if no one else doesn‘t. ” I let my eyes savor the moment, Christy bound, her haughty defiance towards me burning bright.
My fingers slip inside the robe pocket and finds the leather collar I had been forced to wear. I pull it out, eye the charms and tug the riding crop free of it., tossing the silver charm to the table top beside Christy.
“One down,… four to go…” I mutter. wandering off to check the facility. Wondering if now the others might be getting rightfully nervous.
Full Member
: 142
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#6 :
July 31, 2012, 02:50:12 PM »
I sat on the floor enjoying my fantasy. I drifted now to imagining Bear the night before. What could have been, Bear released and taking me in a lustful rage. My fingers worked faster now bringing me to the brink, suddenly I was taken again and I heard a small whimper escape my lips as my legs closed around my hand.
After allowing myself to be lost in the moment, I slowly opened my eyes and standing before me was the very image that had been in my mind. For a brief moment I thought I had fallen asleep and was dreaming. But came to realize that he was real and had been standing there the whole time. Watching me. He must have come straight from his meeting, his long black robes hid most of his form but I could see from his face that he had enjoyed watching me. I looked up to meet his eyes, “I was just thinking of you.” I said between the heaving breaths of post orgasmic bliss.
He didn’t say anything. Then I looked down and saw that he was holding packing straps and rope. I looked back up and understood right away. My fantasy was about to become reality. I looked in his eyes again and saw that Bear was not before me, a recently caged animal was now standing over me and was looking on me as a starving predator looks on its prey. I was about to be consumed in a sexual feast. Before I could even consider the possibilities he had me by the arm and was dragging me out of my private dungeon and into the great hall.
With a single motion it seemed, I was brought from the floor to being pressed face first into the table. I could feel his desire in his motions. I knew he would have me. And I wanted to give myself to the animal now in control. I pushed up on my toes and raised my rump into the air, offering myself to him willingly. But instead I was surprised by a sudden length of rope being cinched around my elbow and then being attached to my other elbow behind my back, my shoulders thrust behind me and my back arched in uncontrolled response. I felt my wrists being tied together as well and then being bound to my torso. He was now my captor as well as my enraged lover.
Suddenly I was flipped over onto my butt, and brought to the edge of the table. His hand grasping at the neckline of my blouse and shredding it down to my belly. The bindings caused my breasts to be thrust forward from behind the curtains of my torn clothes like overly eager actresses making their premier debut. This kind of forceful, animalistic, raw sex was what I had desired all along. I spread my knees apart as he advanced between them . His robe now open he had unzipped his pants and released pulsing cock, which he was now stroking with his muscular hands.
All at once, he was on me, biting, grabbing, pulling my hair, and crushing my breasts under his hands. I was ready for him before he had taken me off the floor, but now I was soaking. Aching inside, the desire to have him in me was overwhelming as I tried to push my hips forward onto him. As he bit down onto my ear I leaned over and breathed into his ear, “I want you, take me Bear.”
But as he raised up I saw that he wasn’t listening. He was lost in sexual desire. The animal within had taken over. Not that it mattered. Just as I was about to repeat myself louder, I felt his hand go behind me, grab a clump of my sweaty matted strawberry hair, and pull my head back. Then I felt him. Pressing into me. I rolled my hips as best I could to admit him as deep as I could in this position and let out a moan as my aching was replaced by the pain of being entered after wanting. Then the pleasing fullness and gliding motions as he began to thrust into me with more and more force.
He only lasted a moment. His excitement bringing him to orgasm after only a handful of thrusts. I felt him explode within me like a dam bursting as he slumped forward over me. Pushing me back on my bindings and causing the ropes to begin to cut into me. But I didn’t care. I was lost in watching Bear get his release. His cock pounding inside me as he spilled his seed. As he withdrew he gave me a sullen look that said every bit, of “You asked for it, now you got it.” And I did. Oh God I did. And it was dripping down my leg as my vagina pulsed from the beating it had been given by my enraged lover. I felt his hand between my legs scooping up some of our juices and bringing them to my mouth. His seed and my lubrication, salty and musky as he kissed me and spread them in my mouth with his tongue.
He said something I didn’t hear, then he put his softening penis back in his pants and zipped up. I lost sight of him for a moment and heard his heavy footsteps as he walked around the dungeon. Then I felt his hand on my waist grasping at the rope that bound my arms to my body. And with a single pull of the line, I felt all the bindings go slack. And I was free. I felt like a used dish rag. And I loved it. I leaned onto him for a moment as the blood ran back into my hands, tingling as it went. Then slid off the table pushing our mess off onto the floor. My blouse torn I went into my dungeon and opened my large wooden chest and pulled out one of my older corsets and had Bear help me fasten it up the back. Then after wiping off the excess with my panties tossed them into a pile of trash and slid on my jeans. I would need to get to a bathroom soon or I’d be wearing wet jeans.
I could see that my Bear had returned. He told me that he really saw the potential in the place. And that he would need some space for some kind of jail. I let that one sink in and began thinking of all that space upstairs, as I strolled away from him toward the entrance room. Before I disappeared behind the dirty glass wall and through the false bookcase, I turned, looked over my shoulder, and said with a contented smile, “Glad you like the place. The third dungeon on the left is yours.”
As I walked down the long tunnel I suddenly realized what he had said just before touring the dungeon. “One down,… four to go…” I smiled at the thought of what my sisters in crime had coming.
: July 31, 2012, 03:10:57 PM christinak
Any power that is easily given can be taken away just as easily.
You can't have my virginity, but you can play with the box it came in.
Hero Member
: 6966
Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#7 :
July 31, 2012, 04:59:10 PM »
I flatten myself against the wall in my cheer leaders top and skirt. How out of place could a girl be. I'd only popped down to pick up the bucket and mop and well nearly walked in on Bears payback and Christie's ecstacy. Heart thumbing and trying to breathe quietly as Bear tucks himself in having ... finished ... leaving a used Christie bound for awhile .. I hear Bear growl about 4 more to get ... gulping...
Note to self .... check first who's down here before visiting, even to collect things needed for the bar...
My breathing eases a little as I hear Bear going the other way from me taking a tour of the place ... best get out quick, they no doubt have Dom things to discuss .. like .. subs on display ornament duty with gold chains and red heels ..
Making sure, the coast is clear, I take the bucket and mop and rush to the steps , relieved to step through the door again ...
Hero Member
: 3007
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#8 :
July 31, 2012, 11:36:52 PM »
I'm returning to the B & G much cleaner now and the boys will have unloaded and set up ready for tonight, so I have time on my hands & I can't resist the temptation to sneak back through the pool room to the Ice House. BB & Miss Christy should have finished cleaning & gone home by now, so I should be able to have a good look around at the new furniture, but I can hear noises.. people ...oh Wow! definite Animal noises! someone is having a good time!
My eyes adjust to the dim light and I cautiously edge my way towards the sounds... OMG Bear & Miss Christy! I see how he has roped her and I remember the promise she made to him in the Bar & Grill... is this his retribution? He was supposed to be having her on the bucking bull in full view of the clientele... I had offered Miss Christy myself in her place to save the shame, but this was unexpected. I sneaked past and hid in the entrance to the dungeon. I know I shouldn't watch, this is so personal, but I can't look away.
Bear is so animal on his passion.. I've never seen this side of him, he's usually so romantic. He finishes, stuffs his beautiful cock back into his trousers and rips a charm from the collar he'd had forced upon him, throws it at Miss Christy & walks off muttering.
Then he returns before I had chance to go to Miss Christy unties her and stalks off again, presumably now looking for the others to revenge himself upon. I ran to catch Mistress up as she left the scene of their passion. She started as I appeared beside her. "Blue my little sweet, how long have you been watching?" "I saw it all Mistress. Did you plan this?" "What did Bear mean about a collared one with a gold chain on the table Mistress?"
I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Full Member
: 142
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#9 :
August 01, 2012, 07:55:26 AM »
Arriving back at the AB&G, my appearance was far removed from the way I had left a few hours earlier. When I had left I must have looked like I felt. Like a used dish rag. Now, cleaned up, made up, wearing my favorite jeans, and a sleeveless top, I made my way into the bar. I had still felt a bit unsure of how to handle the blu/Bear situation. I had run into blu on the way out of The Ice House and spoken to her for a minute. She had expressed a desire to take Bear’s revenge in my stead, probably for her own selfish purpose. subs can be so selfish sometimes **sigh** “Pick your battles.” I thought to myself.
Anyway, I had given her a very stern look and told her to mind how she talks as any plans I may or may not have had with Bear were none of her business. And that spying on her Mistress was unacceptable and she should remember her place. After a good scolding on this subject, I asked if she still desired to be with Bear since it appeared he was looking to take revenge on all of us. And that what she just saw would be a good example of how he might handle her. At this suggestion I saw my sub light up and almost dance before answering me with a yes. I told her I would have to think on it and had her exit ahead of me so I would know that Bear wouldn’t find her before I had a chance to talk with him.
It was now night time, the AB&G was really coming to life again. I decided to take a stroll through The Ice House, just to enjoy the sight of my hard work. As I exited the tunnel into the dirty entrance room, the music from the bar faded out of hearing as I pushed the book case closed. I switched on the lights and walked down the great hall. Walking down the hall I stopped by the third Dungeon, Bear’s Dungeon, and peaked inside the cracked door. He had been busy. Boxes of every size were stacked against the walls. Some large some small. And a large crate in the center of the room with some kind of East Asian markings on it. I pulled my head back from the door, “Can’t wait for a tour.” I thought to myself.
The place really was coming together. All we need now is more people. I pulled out my cell and began to flip through my contacts again. Then I came upon a name that made me pause. Janine Dee. Would she? The last time we had spoken it seemed that she was getting ready to move away. I looked down the great hall to the last Dungeon on the right and imagined Janine strolling out with one of her pets on a leash crawling dutifully behind her to join the rest of us as we watched someone’s scene. Before I knew what I was doing I pressed the call button on my phone and heard it ringing. Crap, voicemail. But I left a message anyway. I explained briefly about the new Dungeon and invited her to come and see for herself. I provided directions through the back of the AB&G and into the tunnel. And ended the call.
As I made my way back to the bar, I shoved my phone back into my purse, and turned my thoughts back to blu. How would we make this work? Then just as I came to the entrance to the bar, a wonderfully devilish thought came to mind. We’d need more people, but God what a scene it would make. I tucked the thought away as I re-entered the pool room and headed to the bar. What I needed now was some time to relax.
Any power that is easily given can be taken away just as easily.
You can't have my virginity, but you can play with the box it came in.
Hero Member
: 3856
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#10 :
August 02, 2012, 08:52:55 AM »
Christy's last words echo in the empitness of the Ice house., but I grin and move to the chamber she has assigned to me. An office slapce perfect for a desk, with a glass partition darkeded by dust and grime on the far wall. I wipe the glass, and look thru the smudge eyeing a larger cold room inside. Remenets of an old hook and pulley system are still there.. obviouls used for lifting the larger ice blocks of ice.
A couple chains , a bit rusted still hang there, a little work should make them functional. Th chamber needs some tlc... and I pull out the cell phone. Dial up Acusitions... and do a bit of negotiations for furnishings. Rather pointless... budget cuts due to NSPD costs over runs for donuts have created havoc. I resign myself to the fact I'll have to use my sources to equipe this. Another phone call... redirecting a specaial package for delivery and then a an office supply... a judges chamber does need proper furnishing, a large desk espcially.
Satisfied things are slowly repositioning in order. I see a wall hook and slide out of the robe hanging it and the grey wig there and sag against the wall closing my eyes. Christy has reawaken a side that has laid slumbering contently for many months. There again she likes the fact of her empowerment to that she can tug on those shackles and waken that beast. Breathing slowly it settles sated for the moment.
And I move off home for a quick shower and change of clothes with that that strong odor of sex still upon me.
Full Member
: 142
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#11 :
August 02, 2012, 12:26:16 PM »
I jog quickly to my private Dungeon, tango in tow, and texting blu on my way, telling her to come down to The Ice House quickly and to be dressed appropriately. I was so excited that Janine seemed to have gotten my message and was here now. But I had to calm myself. The last time we had seen each other I was still unsure of who I was. I had to be able to show her that I was now in control of myself and that I was capable of wielding power on my own.
Entering my Dungeon I see that blu has already been here cleaning. I had required that she come and clean the room floor to ceiling and make sure it was ready when we have our first scene. A quick glance noted that she had done a good job indeed. But I would have to make a more thorough inspection later with her here to sweat over it. I reached in my large trunk and produced the outfit I had worn in the bar the other night when dishing out my vengeance upon tango. I went behind my folding partition and I got dressed as quickly as I could, darkening my eyes with liner and mascara as I went. Then I reached in and pulled a long dark red cloak out and put it on. I looked in the mirror and checked to make sure I was ready. It’s not often someone of this stature comes to your Dungeon.
I came out from behind the partition and then turned my attention to tango, standing in the middle of the floor. “Jesus” I thought. He looks like he’s been at a bar all day. But his eyes were struck with a look that made me feel that he was looking to me for guidance. I hadn’t been shopping for the house sub yet. I didn’t have an outfit for him. Oh well, too bad for tango. “Get your clothes off.” I ordered. He stood stunned for a moment. “NOW!” I repeated. In a flash his eyes dropped and his clothes came off in a few motions. I reached into the trunk again and produced a posture collar and a leash. “Kneel.” I ordered and he dropped to his knees. “This is temporary understand? I will have a collar made for you to wear around the great hall later. I haven’t had time to train you properly, but for now just do exactly as you are told and you will do fine.”
“I understand Miss Christy, may I ask who that was in the Bar?” tango inquired.
“No, just know this. If you embarrass me in front of her, I’ll skin you alive and feed what’s left to my dog. Got it?”
His head dropped as he spoke, “Yes Miss Christy”
Before turning off the ringer on my phone I texted Bear and let him know Janine was here. I hadn’t been in the bar long and wasn’t sure if he was there or not, and I was sure that he would be very interested in her arrival. I only hoped he and blu could make it here in time. I attached the leash to tango’s collar and led him into the great hall, then I heard it. **boom Boom BOOM**
I made my way out and into the cavernous space. Again **BOOM BOOM BOOM** louder this time as I stepped into the center of the great hall and stood ready to meet The High Priestess. Looking down at tango, I saw that his cock was hard as a rock. **ugh** "We're going to have to work on your self control. For now just kneel next to me on the floor, don’t move, don’t raise your head, and don't speak unless told to do so.” I told him.
“Yes Miss Christy” He spoke and dropped to his knees.
Just then blu appeared from the other side of the hall. "I'm here Miss Chisty." She said, out of breath. She had been there the whole time and had gotten my text. She was naked as the day she was born, holding the collar I had made for her, and her leash. I was so proud of her. She knelt at my feet, seeming to not even take notice of tango, and I quickly put her collar and leash on her. She then took her place on the other side of me. I would have to remember to reward her for this with a good flogging later.
Suddenly I could see at the end of the hall that a blue light had filled the entrance room. Then the door, on its own it seemed, flew open and a grey fog began to fill the space before me. I could sense my subs trembling at my feet and I patted their heads to calm them. Without even seeing her yet, we knew. Janine had arrived.
: August 02, 2012, 01:24:04 PM christinak
Any power that is easily given can be taken away just as easily.
You can't have my virginity, but you can play with the box it came in.
Hero Member
: 3856
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#12 :
August 02, 2012, 12:54:43 PM »
I hear the frantic noise from the main chamber. Having returned I am pleased that the contacts acted so quickly... the big desk already in place... though the other items spewed haphzarly about. That special order from the orient already sitting in the view room. I'll unpack that later after I maage to straighten the space up.
Dressed in jeans and a black tight tee shirt I put my efforts into cleanup, sweeping and srubbing at the years of grime here until it had slowly takes a sense of sufficiency.
the clatter and voices from the main room catch my attention and I move to the door leaning lazily against the frame as I watch Christy, Tango and Blue scramble.
An eyebrow arches amused.
Someone important is arriving... someone very important as I watch Christy direct and demand perfection there from the others.
Hero Member
: 3444
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#13 :
August 02, 2012, 01:16:56 PM »
On hearing Miss Chirsty dismay on seeing my hard cock as i kneel at her side i hide it under my legs and concentrate on calming myself down taking deep breaths and keeping me eyes fixed on the floor it start work as i relax and my heart beat starts to drop. with Miss Christy word running around my head i feel the leather around my neck and know i will do a good job for miss christy
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#14 :
August 02, 2012, 03:09:06 PM »
Walking into the Ice House I breathed deep as I laced my fingers and stretched my arms up above my head. Already I liked what I saw seeing and smelling, Age, history, that feeling of stories engrained into the very walls, yet walls cleaned and bare, waiting for new stories to be written. Smiling I felt the wiggle in my stride, I felt good, great even, I felt an energy that I hadn't in a long while.
The breath left me in a happy sigh as I dropped my hands to my sides.
Walking into the main area I saw her, ChristinaK, back, better, stronger, and all the more beautiful for her journey. I felt a pride in her growth, and I didn't keep it from my eyes as I took her in with her submissives at her sides, blu I already knew of course, but I had yet to meet her boy.
Still, they weren't my real concern as I locked my fond gaze on her.
"So, you spoke my name and I have appeared."
Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die
Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
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