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: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**  ( 283238 )
Hero Member
: 3007

« #30 : August 07, 2012, 01:42:43 PM »

I am grateful for the lace over my face.. my eyes are tightly shut anyway.. I find it hard to keep in control, I really want to scream out and writhe in ecstasy but I am sub, I am sub, I may not, I may not, control, control.. oh my god this is worse than being beaten, I'm not sure I have enough self-control...
I realise that I have stopped breathing.. Miss Janine is whispering into my ear.. "breathe little one, breathe"
I gasp lungfuls and my head swims, I feel myself floating... I haven't been this far into subspace ever before! I am detached from reality.
Then Miss Janine starts breathing hot air on my pussy and I feel it swell and sweat.. Then she starts licking me.. slowly along my lips and teasing my clit-bar. Keep your lower half still pet, she says huskily as I let out a low moan of animal hunger and feel my legs begin to shake uncontrollably.
Pleeeease.pleeease. Cathy, stay up, you can control it, you can control it, God I don't think I can.
I whimper... and look pleadingly towards Miss Janine, but her eyes are on my pussy, as she tries to break my will and make me beg out loud! This is a contest of wills and I don't think I can win.

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Full Member
: 142

« #31 : August 08, 2012, 09:05:01 AM »

The next day I came down to The Ice House early.  Our founders now in place, it was time to have a party.  A chance for us to show off a bit, but also to recruit some new members.  Surely there would be a few kinky people that would join us in our new home.  We had plenty of room to spare that was for sure.  As I made my way into the great hall I found tango, in his yellow shirt and bow tie.  Tidying up a few things and getting some of the loose wrappings from mine, Bear’s, and Janine’s dungeon’s thrown away. 

“tango come!”  I called.

Tango dropped what he was doing and came over quickly to me.  “Yes Ma’am?”  He replied.

“tango, I we are going to have a party.  We will be inviting people from the AB&G to a kind of open house.  I want everything here to be top notch the day of the party.  We are going to have a few fun items as well.  I have  a construction crew coming to install a proper glory hole that everyone can enjoy and that people can occupy without anyone knowing who was on the other side.  You will make sure that they keep everything neat and tidy, while they work.  Understand?”  I instructed.

“Yes Ma’am”  he replied

“I am also having some invitation items delivered.  You will assemble them as soon as they are here.  I also want you to make sure that the large doors on the side of The Ice House are working.  We will not be using the tunnel for this party.  Understand?”

“Yes Ma’am”

“Good boy, you can go back to what you were doing until the deliveries start to arrive.”  I said.

“Yes Ma’am.”  He replied hesitantly.  “Miss Christy, I think there is something you need to see.”

“Oh?”  I inquired.  “Show me.”

tango and I walked over to the great table.  “Miss Christy, if you will just stand back a bit, look at the table and tilt your head slightly….”  He began.

“tango, what is this?”  I demanded, becoming irritated.  Then I saw it.  “tango, go back to your work.”

“Miss Christy?”  He replied.

“Now tango.”  I instructed.

“Yes Ma’am”  tango replied, and he went back to stacking the trash by the back door.

What was in front of me was a barely visible smear on the great table.  It could only be seen if the light hit it just right.  A sweaty outline of two bodies.  One, the dulcet shape of a woman, with her back on the table, its feet and palms flat.  “blue”  I thought to myself.  The other, with the small hand prints of a woman, appeared to have been working up and down the length of the others body.  “Janine”  I concluded.

As I tilted my head more, I could see out of the corner of my eye that tango was watching me while he worked.  I let him eye me as I continued my forensic reconstruction of the sexual encounter that was now before me.  I felt my face begin to flush as I noticed the tiny pricks in the surface of the great table.  Outlines that suggested hands and fingers…..vampire gloves.  The hair on the back of my neck began to rise and I began to feel very warm.  I watched the ghostly images on my table make love in front of me.   blue’s ass appeared to be writhing on the table.  Janine must have been tormenting her for what seemed like ages before she allowed her to orgasm.

As I continued in my voyeuristic examination, I could see Janine’s elbows working down the sides of blue.  Her breasts and knees making marks between blue’s feet.  Then the imprint of her chin right where blue’s moist pussy would have been waiting eagerly for her talented tongue.  My own nipples had hardened now and I was beginning to feel the moisture becoming apparent between my own legs.  I watched as my blue, was slowly brought to the edge of ecstasy.  Tormented with her own desire.  My God, it must have been wonderful for her.

« : August 08, 2012, 11:53:22 AM christinak »

Any power that is easily given can be taken away just as easily.

You can't have my virginity, but you can play with the box it came in.
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #32 : August 08, 2012, 12:44:30 PM »

She was trying so hard, and even through the haze of my own arousal I could tell it and felt myself even more impressed, and pleased...

But this girl was going to cum for me, I wasn't going to give her any choice in the matter.

When I was licking I woiuld hook her clit bar with my tongue to give it gentle tugs.

Only to cary that when I would suck on her clit before pulling the bar firmly as I grasped it between my teeth.

Yet sometimes I would simply slide my tongue deep inside her, loving the feeling of her spasming muscles, loving the taste of her arousal as it flowed freshly from her.

Feeling my own passions mount I reached up to toss the gloves aside so I could bring my hands into play leaving my mouth teasing the bar and the pulsing flesh it pierced while I brought the first two fingers of my left hand and pushed them fimrly between slick, grasping vaginal muscles.

I pulled my lips back as my fingers hooked and started upward, hoping to find that pusling spot on her upper wall, but either way wanting her to feel me deep inside her as I brought my right thumb to that metal bar to roll it and tug it.

I allowed that carack of command into my voice. "Cum for me! Now!"

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Hero Member
: 3007

« #33 : August 08, 2012, 02:09:38 PM »

eyes tight shut, focus, focus, nooooooooo noooooooo I can't, I can't, pleeeeeease Miss Janine, I mentally plead, maybe she is telepathic and can hear my voice in her head? maybe not, she is pushing me...Oh God the ecstasy.... oh God this is torture... she is tonguing me deep and pulling my clit-bar with her tongue.... My mind is fried, I can't do it, then she pushes her fingers deep into my pussy and massages my G-spot and my hips rise in reflex, my ass clenches, my thighs shake uncontrollably..
"Cum for me, Now!"
and I do, earth-shatteringly, butt-clenchingly, an animal noise forcing itself from my throat.. I gush, I squirt. I squirt further than Susie taught me, I drench Miss Janine, her hair matted with my cum, I shake all over and collapse like a wet rag, gasping like a fish out of water, my outline clearly marked on the table with the sweat I leave on it.
Miss Janine looks me in the eyes..
"blu, you were better than I believed possible, you are more than a credit to your Mistress."
She kisses me hard on the lips and my cum drips off her hair onto my face and neck.
"I am satisfied, blu, you may go and clean yourself up, then return to your Mistress"
I forget myself and clasp her close to me, she is smaller than me and I never realised.... I want, no desire, to pleasure her so badly..
She pushes me away smiling broadly.
"Enough young blu, go before you forget yourself"
I go.. my legs wobbly as a young foal's.. I hope the changing room in the B & G isn't occupied..I need to change into my stage outfit & do some numbers with the boys.... then I realise, I don't even know what time it is... I quickly undo my collar and fold it into my hand, must put it back in it's box until Mistress commands me to put it back on. I look at the heart-shaped name tag and smile....
« : August 08, 2012, 02:12:32 PM bluedenim »

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #34 : August 09, 2012, 12:49:37 AM »

My room now readied I've taken off my leathers and cleaned them both outside, and in.

I hear a soft sound of movement in the room, but I know it's just my pet getting used to her new home.

I slip into the Victorian, four legged free standing bathtub that I put in for both aftercare and simple clean up, and I let out a happy sigh as I feel the warm waters envelop me.

As I feel my body relax I let my mind drift and I think about the arousal still gently writhing through my body that had been coiling inside me like some mythic serpent.

That darling, darling girl blu had been eager to satisfy it, to be sacrificed to that mythic beast, but I didn't want to.

Even now as I lay here I didn't feel that urge to satisfy it on my own.

For blu it was one of the greatest secrets I have learned as a dominant that spared her... though I do allow myself a smile smile as I think "For now."

Dominance , in it's purest form for me, is about giving. Is about taking a deep and profound satisfaction from the submissive's pleasure as you could ever take from your own.

I wanted to savor blu, to explore and enjoy her, and to make it about simple physical release on my part seemed to cheapen it. Through her Mistress's blessing and her willing submission she had given me a gift, and I drew a deeper pleasure from it then simple physical climax.

I smiled happily as I thought back to the shaken legged, happy, girl that continued to her duties once I was done with her.

The joy that the image, and my deeper contemplations of it was so strong it pushed that pleasure/pain threshold itself, and I savored that ache as a delight all it's own.

I continued to do as as finished bathing, while I had washed away a great deal of the remnants of blu and my passion before I had begun arranging my arriving things I had known it would be a sweaty process, and had waited till now to fully clean up.

Realizing I must have drowsed off I heard sounds from the main hall, and set to drain the tub, and rinse my body with the detachable shower head. Not being one terribly worried about modesty, and knowing that it would be a wasted notion in the Ice House I simply dried myself off and walked into the main area.

There I saw Christina and her house sub tango.

With no need for tango I ignored him, knowing that his place as a house sub was to be quiet and unobtrusive until called upon.

Christina however had my full attention, and from the smile on her lips, and the heat in her eyes I had the same from her.

Now while I was as naked as she often kept her subs I displayed the difference in how I carried myself as I walked up to her and gently put my hands on her hips so I could raise myself up and give her another soft kiss that she seemed quite content to accept.

Looking in her eyes I spoke normally. "Thank you for blu Christina darling. You should know she did exceptionally well and deserves to be rewarded."

Arching up further I then put my lips to her ear. "And so do you."

I then lowered myself back down before turning and giving an inviting look over my shoulder before walking back to my quarters. Stopping at the door I didn't look back as I spoke "Whenever your wish it."

I then slipped inside and walked to the four poster bed I had contemplated bringing blu to rest in, but had realized it better to let her return to her duties. Climbing in I left the blankets still folded down to lay by my feet as I felt my body rest into the soft materials.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Hero Member
: 3444

« #35 : August 09, 2012, 03:43:51 AM »

Doing as I was told I go back to my chores . Putting all the rubbish by the back door I start to sweep the floors starting at the far end working my way down the long hallway I hear a door open behind me I turn stand to attention with my back to the wall eyes down .Even with my eye down i see the naked figure of Miss Janine glide down the hallway. Seeing this Goddess for the first time i feels my cock twitch i take a deep breath with Miss Christy words "You have to learn to control that" i clear my mind and my cock calms down. Out of the corner of my eye i can see Miss Christy and Miss Janine talk still standing to attention Miss Janine walks back past with out a glance she pauses at her door of a second and the steps inside and closes her door.

Returning to my chores I walk over to the big side doors looking them up and down seeing there are some big bolts holding two large metal straps looking the doors closed walking to the cleaning cupboard and get same tolls and a small ladder taking them back to the great doors taking my smart shirt off I start to undo the bolts. Taking them all down i stand back and look to see if there are any more bolts seeing that there wasn't I give one of the doors a push and with a loud sqeeeeel of metal on metal at the hinges the door opens and lets the bright sun light into the Ice House for the first time in years . Looking out side making shore there where no cars parked in the way I push the great door wide open
turning to the second door i pull it open to getting some grease I squeeze some on each hinge and work the doors opening and closing them they start to swing freely. Looking over the doors seeing there is NO lock on them I close them from the out side i walk to my car knowing there is a large padlock in the trunk. Returning to the doors I go back in side and putting the bar across the two doors i slide the padlock throw the lop and lock it shut. Turning and walking to the great I place the Key on the table smiling to my self . clean the mess I have made and put the tolls and ladder way getting some paper i write a note

  Miss Chirsty This is the key for the NEW padlock on the side doors They both work and i have greased them both
placing the key on the note i get back to my chores and wait for the delivers to to arrive
« : August 09, 2012, 08:12:25 AM tangoracer »

Full Member
: 142

« #36 : August 09, 2012, 10:57:10 AM »

I stood before the great table imagining blue and Janine coming to a glorious orgasm when from behind me I heard footsteps.  I turned and Janine was standing behind me.  Her hair still damp from bathing, and completely naked.  As she approached, her eyes met with mine, but not in a way that demanded the usual level of control.  She was looking on me with softness and romantic passion.  She placed her hands on my hips and brought her lips up to mine.  I felt her kiss as first a brushing motion against my lips and then pressing in just enough to make my pulse quicken.  She then pulled away from me and glided toward her dungeon, which I could see through the door was now fully furnished.  I watched as she made her way to a four post bed pulling back the covers, leaving room for me, and inviting me to join her if I wished. 

I looked over to make sure tango was keeping busy, and noticed that he was headed to the back door with a tool box.  Paying him no more mind, I walked into Janine’s dungeon and closed the door behind me.  The once cold drab office she now occupied, had been transformed into warm surroundings that seemed to hold you gently the moment you walked in.  Elegant and inviting, the mood was all at once made just a bit raw by the few sinister items Janine had chosen to leave in plain sight.  To the untrained eye, it was a very elegant bedroom like any other.

I locked my gaze on Janine now.  Slowly I walked to the bed, my heart was about to jump out of my chest, my desire tempting me at every turn.  But this moment could not be rushed.  It had to be taken in slowly and enjoyed until every last exquisite drop of passion had been extracted from it.  The bed was covered in soft linen and Janine had now sunk into its warm embrace.  I looked in her eyes and saw the desire there.  Her breasts now raising and lowering in deep breaths of arousal. 

I stood at the edge of the bed, closest to the side she had left open for me.  I didn’t say a word.  No matter what was said, words would have tarnished the moment.  I looked longingly in her eyes and began to undress before her.  Taking off my top slowly, folding it neatly and placing it on the bed.  My bra came next, my breasts exposed to the air, I felt goose flesh for a moment and my nipples became hard.  Folding my bra in half, I placed it on the bed next to my top.  Up on one foot then the other, I slid off my sandals and pushed them just under the bed with my feet.  Next, I slid off my jeans unbuttoning them, taking down the zipper and sliding them over my butt.  I slid one leg out gently, then the other.  Again, taking time to fold them and place them neatly next to my top.  Finally I slid my panties down over my butt and took my legs out of them in the same motion as my jeans.  Naked now before my would be lover, I folded my panties and gathered the rest of my clothes.  I placed them all neatly on the bench at the foot of her bed.

The entire time I was undressing, I watched Janine devour me with her eyes.  I walked back over to my side of the bed and slid in next to her, enveloped by the same soft linen that held Janine.  I moved in close and placed my hand on her shoulder as I felt her leg drape over mine.  We lay there face to face, but bare before each other.  The thick makeup and dark mascara of our alter egos scrubbed away leaving only two lovers deep in each other’s embrace. 

My eyes still locked with hers we lay there for a while.  My fingers slowly moving over her arm and her leg gently brushing mine as we got to know the touch of each other’s skin.  All the while we gazed into each other, sharing the air between us in deeper and deeper breaths, before finally as if sharing the same thought we both moved closer and our lips met in as gentle a way as we were being held by the soft bed. 

Both of us reached down and took hold of one edge of the covers, pulling them over our entwined bodies.  Looking into each other’s eyes once more, before our lips met again, and our hands began to explore.   

Any power that is easily given can be taken away just as easily.

You can't have my virginity, but you can play with the box it came in.
Hero Member
: 3856

« #37 : August 10, 2012, 07:54:06 AM »

My eyes narrow at Blues words, unsettling in her warning. A fact not lost on Hentai Boy as she glances up to me.

I shake my head,  “A choice of words  often  reveals insight of the soul.  Such matters are taken as troubling but rather a roadsign”

A cryptic response perhaps,… but in my world,  I often spoke in such matter to those not experience I  our ways.

I glance down  to her, “Trust me in this, you are not ready to meet the creature in me that is a Dom, nor shall you ever  unless I deem you ready and capable. No offense, …but you are not,  there again  few,… very few ever meet my criteria.”

Her eyes widen  and as we descend  her nervous glances take in the dark environment as we move down into the dungeon, crossing into the great hall. Noting  obvious smudge on the great desk. I make a mental note to myself to speak to Chrusty of her subordinate. It was apparent blue did not have an absolute trust in my judgment, and therefore was unprepared yet to confront Ursus. Christy , would have to weigh this matter  and  ponder my self imposed restrictions, not one of rejection, but rather imposed boundaries which must still be held.  Trust sometimes is a difficult thing to earn.

I take HentaiBoys hand and walk slowly through the hall to the entrance of my dungeon. Coxing her on with gentle reassurance. The foyer is neat and orderly, my large desk there  polished and shining under the lights. The work crew I had hired had obviously jumped in and finished unpacking and cleaning. Even the glass barrier looking into the main chamber sparkled clean.  I appreciated the their diligence in unpacking that large oriental crate.

HenaiBoys eyes widen as she saw it beyond. The large stone like Dragon, on it’s hind legs,  bent forward  with both clawed arms extending slightly forward.

“Wh…what is it?” stuttered HB.

“A fucking machine,…quite elaborate . A beautiful piece I had commissioned months ago and only now arrived.”

My mind wandered back to the reason we came here

“You wanted to draw me?" I ask eying HB curiously, while  running my fingers thru my hair. . My hat was still missing,… no doubt still at large somewhere in the bar. “I am afraid my western wear is a bit shorted at the moment.  With your interest in the dungeon would you prefer  I slip into some more reflective of the dungeon?”

I glance back to Hentai and laugh. Her attention seemed locked on the statue before us, rather mesmerized by it.

“HiHi… indeed… that would be perfect Mr. Bear“. She responded. Slightly embarrassed by the object.

I grin and move to a chest against the wall. The glass observation window dominated one wall. Another wall cold in it’s original form though my  collection of floggers, crops, canes, and whips were hanging on it neatly arranged.   Opening it, my eyes drift to the leather bracers…I pick them up fondling with memories. Then drop them briefly as I peel my black tshirt off my back. And reach for the bracers… sliding them on slowly , tightening each in a ritualistic pattern long practiced.  It’s instinctual that rise of the persona…the bracers a release to the retrained mindset held within.  I turn slow to HB , fist clenched as I pump one arm, then the other,, muscles straining tight as the flow of flood work into the constrained and relaxed tissues of arms and chest. It was unintentional, but the single act had triggered it all. Ursus sttod before a creature totlaly unprepared. But Ursus understood boundaries... religiously...  right now... the barrier of him acting was as if a stone wall had raised before us.

My eyes darkened now with a piercing sharp fire slowly lift to HB, settling on that tantalizing delicious morsal  as I instinctively become aware of the subtle body signals  I catch the nervous shock as our eyes meet.  I reach for my body oil,.  a slow soft smile crosses my face as I move towards HB, brushing  close as I move past and eye my new toy. A remote lies on the sliding mounting platform., I pick it up… eying it curiously.

“Well this should be interesting…” switching it on… the dragons eyes glow slowly alive red., the forearms of the creature jerk slightly… and HB jumps back.”

“These are a toys of a dungeon player…not all… “ I glance over to Hentai and see concern there, but a fascination besides. My thumb rolls over a control… and  a large phallus slides forth from self lubricating  sheathe…It’s pinkish grey girth hanging there unmoving. I rach down and release the mounting bench,… set with wrist and ankle ties, and a   foot stand, sliding it back towards the dragon. Locking it in place.

Then press another button on the control,… the phallus begins to extend slow and begin pumping…

“OMG…” I glance to the shocked HenataiBoy gasping at the sight. Nervously eying my intent.

Shaking my head… as I turn it off. “You came to draw…” my lusty eyes do fall on HB… “Perhaps best we go to the office…I might find myself too tempted here.”

In truth… I was… the need of Ursus tugged at my soul… not to torment… but seduce…and I slip my arm under hb’s, led us back from all to the office again..pausing as we reached the desl… I looked down into HB’s eyes… head tilting as I studied the expression there. They briefly held my piercing gaze before breaking brief.. Meeting mine again. I could sense HB’s excitement.. almost feel the rush of the heart beat between us. her parted lips... fingers rising to brush her hair back, eyes that flamed with excitement  trembling before me…. a want…shifting slightly closer to me.

  It was enough to stir my own desires. I reach out,… ease the sketchpad and drawing materials from her grasp and set it on the desk.  Then lift my hand to HB’s chin… leaning closer as I read  the expression and saw the beginning of pursed lips.. Then kissed…lips caressing against Hb’s in a slow caress as my hands  began to wander and explore.

Hero Member
: 7883

« #38 : August 10, 2012, 02:57:04 PM »

Being able to complete the sketch for the poster of the B & G was my primary object tonight, but as usual, my body had taken a decision by itself, helped by the fact of being in a place where i have pleasant and vivid memories, but also by the presence of Bear: i've never feel attracted by him before, but now something has changed .... it's not the gentle touch of his hands on my body or his warm lips on mine, it's his presence and his manner, firm but gentle at the same time, something i had allways look for in a man.

I let him continue to caress my body, while uncertainty leaves room for little shivers of pleasure that  run along my back, from head to toe.

My left hand caressing his neck and his hair, while my tongue is trying to open a breach between her tight lips, well closed on mine, as to take my breath away. We remain like this for few minutes, with his hands fumbling with my blouse, now fully open, and pulling it down along my arms, till stop  it on elbows.

I bend my back backwards, taking advantage of his strong arms as support, ended up moving my face away from him .... only a trickle of saliva link our mouths, it seems to shine under the lights of the office. I smile at him sweetly, then push hil slightly, forcing him to lean with his hands on the desk. He looks at me puzzled, trying to figure out if something wrong happened ....

"This place is full of sweet memories for me, Bear .... till i was fifteen i had play hide & seek so many times here!" i walk around, step by step, day dreaming "me and my best friend, usually hide between the crates of the warehouse, till one day something unexpected happened ...."

A sparkle of curiosity light in Bear's eyes, so i continue, stepping a bit far from him.

"One day, we end hiding in a realy tight space .... the steps of the seeker were close,  and to let him don't find us, we were forced to stand up against the wall." i observe him while his eyes followed my movements.
Another step away from him, getting closed to the corner of the room.

"I had my back against the wall and he was leaning against me, only his hands were on the wall, preventing my movement .... we had to hold our breaths and at any step i heard, my heart bumping faster .... our faces was closed, so much!, but not as our cocks .... "

I reach the corner, turn to Bear to face him, but not before to be sure he can take a good look at my bum tighted in black shorts. I laid my shoulder and head on the wall, deeply looking at Bear.

"When the seeker went far, we can finally breathe .... we can relax, but i was so excited and can't hide it to my self! Before my friend move, i had kiss him .... awkwardly, to be honest, but it was my first kiss, after all!"

I stare at Bear, captured by my story and slowly lick my lips, with malice, inviting him to reach me with a slow and firm movement of my hand. He gets up from the desk and approaches me with a firm step, stopping virtually on top of me, with his hands on the wall over me and his head bowed near mine.

His glacial eyes sparkle, waiting for my next step. And i don't make him wait any longer ....

"If you want, i can show you what happend next  my pretty Bear ....* I whisper to him, as I observe an unmistakable bulge in his jeans.

He grin and nod at me, without hesitation .... i can read desire and excitement in his eyes. Two eyes that are gazing deep into me trying to expose my inner self , trying to capture every nuance of it.

I feel the shivers increase and with them the desire to discover what lies beneath those jeans .... i kneel, exciting i slowly remove the belt ....  the buckle first, then from the jeans and finally i can put it around my neck. I feel like i'm unwrapping an unexpected but really welcome gift, but more must be be done to finally enjoy it ....

The first button fall down, then the second .... one by one, they all get down under my finger, till a superb and almost erect cock pop out from the pants. I contemplate it ecstatic, it's my gift! I graze the head with my fingers, it reacts immediately .... the same happens in Bear, which can not hold a sweet moan.

I caress it gently from head to balls with my fingers and Bear gives me more great groans. I look at his face softened by the pleasure that he's beginning to feel and i smile at him. Then i gently stroke Bear's cock, licking the head moving my tongue in circkle over it: i feel it throb and grow in my hand, it is fully erect now and I have a craving to taste it!

I welcome the head between my lips, in a beautiful and much desired kiss, i let it enter but not completely. I  begin the slow movement with which i invite it deeper and deeper .... more confidence i gain with Bear's cock, more the speed movement rise and more deeper it goes in my mouth, till balls hit my low lips.

I continue for one, two, three times .... then when i feel it all in, i stop, trying to stimulate it with small movements of the tongue .... i repeat the operation a couple of times, until a hot liquid flood my throat. It's too much, takes my breath away .... i let it move out of my mouth, so i can breathe! the hot seed of Bear slides down my cheeks, neck, up to my breasts ....

I pick a little on the tip of the index and middle fingers of my right hand, then get them close to my lips and lick them: it has a slightly tart flavor, my favorite!

I look at Bear standing over me, whit his body curved to the wall .... we smile each others, realizing that the fuse was turned on and we can't stop.
« : August 12, 2012, 03:31:33 PM hentaiboy69 »

Hero Member
: 3856

« #39 : August 11, 2012, 01:09:01 AM »

The hard release takes my breath away, and I slouch there momentarily against the wall reaching down to run my fingers through Hentasi’s hair as my juices are milked from me, dripping now across her body.  Those  eyes that had held innocence flamed now of a desire within, HB seemed almost breathless, those eyes betraying a need yet unfilled.

I reach down, sliding the blouse completely off., bending to take a kiss from those cum smeared lips. Fingers still stroked along my semi erect shaft… keeping it looping there in its heavy preparation. I reach down and guide Henatai to her feet… pulling behind as I whisper….

“Both hands on the wall”, not really requesting… my hands taking Heantai’s leading them to where I want positioned. Hentai hands are stretched to the corners… back arched,… hips jutting “Keep them there… do not move… ..” My bulk leaning over HB as my hands slip down,,, reach around and loosen the shorts… peeling them slowly along the firm rounds of the buttocks… my hands run slow… grazing along the firm toned rounds,…and I slide aginst Hentais body… making certain my shaft, slick with salvia smears against the exposed flesh.

I sense Hentai tremble in anticipation as I kneel behind, lowered the shorts along the legs… letting them pool at the feet. Then reach up… my hands now sliding slow along the toned curves…kneading the flesh as I lean forward… drag  my lips against the cheek… nibbling slow as my fingers continue to lightly tease along those flanks.. Pausing… as I reach back to the desk and grab the container of body oil. I raise the spout above Hentasi jutting bottom… letting the liquid drip slow along the small of the back,, until rivlets peel down,… running along the smooth of the flesh, into the crease until the spilling dwon along Hentai’s thighs.

I set the bottle aside… my fingers spreading as I knead now smearing the oil across that toned bottom… hearing the soft moans as my caresses work the oil into the skin… my fingers tracing slowly as the glide along and into the crease. Brushing light against the  tight puckered  rosette, pressing tighter there as the thick thumb begins to worm inside the tightness.  I feel Hentai shudder under the intrusion,, a soft moan and the press of hips against the penetration..

My words now flow… encouraging the movement,… praising the effort to hold the position and move only the hips. My own excitement rising now…I reach down begin stroking… spreading the slick oil along the head and thick shaft as I again tighten.

The thumb twists as oiled finger stretch between the legs, brush lightly across the smooth scrotum… and along the excited shank of Henati…

The thumb works deeper,,, pumping freely as oiled as it is…the groans and moans louder as I brush the prostrate…

Holding there and circling slowly…as Hentai begins to pump against that buried thumb… The gyrations feed my fire… I rise slow… working yet as I hear the  groans and moans build….Henatis body trembling as I lean forward and brush my own tightening shaft against the hip.

Sliding the thumb out… I guide that bulbous head to the loosened  orifice… press slow against the whimpered cries of resistance until I feel my rim penetrate… hold stilll as Henati adjusts to the stretch,,,, and move again…

I see the flex of fingers on the wall feel Hentais movements pressing slowly back… that want… desire…
My hands slick, slide around… cupping the breasts… kneading as I am fed deeper and deeper…
Henatai’s head throws back… mouth parted… quickening breaths as I am ridden deeper…
My fingers  tug and roll against the nipples… the one hand slides slowly up,  wrapping to the throat as I ease Henatai from the wall to settle pinned onto my shaft…

Feeling the movements build there my hips now lifting in response as I bend over Hentai… and let my own desire begin to build. It is a dance… fluid smooth as my cock plunges deeper,… stroking in the slickness of the oil… as Hentai moves to the rythmn on me…

Eyes close,… I pull HB back… lifting  my partners body to mine… a tight sensuous  melding of the unison… as I loose myself to my lust… and move quicker… savorring the tight clamp along my shaft as it glides…. builds… feeding the hot flames of desire Somewhere Hentai has surrendered to the release…going limp against me… as I continue to churn… oblivious now… pumping in bolder strokes higher…. faster until again that peak is reached.. and my body tightens  under the last resistance of the edge… into that white explosion of the orgasm. I press the hips back… impaling Hentai…, holding steady as the pulses ripple from my loins… and my seed again races…    spilling deep. Into the warm tight confines.

We hold there…. Gasping… bodies trembling ….and I ease the collapsing shaft slow from Hentai… leaning down to kiss slow along the neck…. easing Henatai back with me to the desks edge, wher I can settle with HB cradled there until we find ourselves again.
« : August 11, 2012, 01:16:59 AM Bear »

Hero Member
: 7883

« #40 : August 11, 2012, 02:41:58 AM »

Lying on the cold wood of the desk, i let Bear's hands caressing me gently, enjoying the chills that run through my body at every touch. I have no more breath in my body, he has taken everything from me but gave me a lot but i'm not satisfied, i want more ....
I wish i could go on, but i remember this night is held the contest for the best stripper and i had promise to Brandy that i would take some photo to commemorate the event and to sell them to the B & G girls. And, if i'm not wrong, Bear is one of the contenders!

I sit on the desk and stare at his toned body and giggle.

"Hope you gonna win the contest tonigth, my dear Bear ...." i tell him, stroking his massive chest and shiny because of the sweat "i dunno how are the others contenders, but i know you have good chance ...."

"The strip contest .... i had forget about it!"

He gets up from the desk and retrieve our things scattered around the room. I get up myself and approached him from behind, silently, and i lean against his back, wide and muscular, enjoying the warmth of his body.

"Make me a promise, Bear .... give me a chance to know you better, to know your world ...." i whisper to him, holding my arms around his chest and kissing his back.

He turn to face me and hold my shoulders, dropping our clothes on the flor, whit his head moving closed to mine "I will, my sweet HB, but i don't think you are ready for it ...."

Grinning at him, i lift on my toes and kiss his lips "Maybe .... but till i try it, i can't know it for sure!"

Its icy eyes looking at me deeply, then said firmly "We'll talk about this the next time .... now, let's take a shower!"

I nod and follow him. The cold water flowing over my body refresh me and it returns my energy. I dress and place a little the makeup, when i notice Bear's belt on the desk: i put it around my waist, is a bit large, it slips down my right flank, but it looks good, afterall!

Bear's hands hold me from behind, caressing the belt and my belly  "Are you lookng for a trophy of tonight, HB!?" he ask me, whit his mouth closed to my left ear.

"i don't need it, sweety" i answer, wrapping his neck whit my left arm "let's say this is something i will take whit me to be sure you gonna look for me soon ...."

He touched my neck with his lips, gently, then whispers "I'll do, i care too much for that belt!"

We laugh together and, having collected all our stuff, we are moving towards the passage who lead to the B & G. In the Poll room, before saying goodbye, i take his face between my hands and kiss him again, passionately.

"Consider it like a good luck kiss ...."

He nods slowly and then disappear in the changing room. When the door close after him, i move to the counter to prepare all the things i need for the photo: lights, camera and a couple of memory stick.
« : August 11, 2012, 11:41:01 AM hentaiboy69 »

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #41 : August 11, 2012, 07:25:42 AM »

I enter through the secret passageway and descend the steps, my heart beating fast as it always does down here ... you never know what to expect.  The place appears empty and I note the transformation and cleanliness of the place from when I was last down here,  but it still has the ambiance of a dark, mysterious, exciting place to be...

I trail slowly around the corridors, noting the strange contraptions &  items adorning the place & walls, some I recognise such as whips and strappings and some... some I just have no idea....

I pass doors to enclosed dungeons with signs & names to show ownership now.

I see one that I may recognise but am not sure... a brass plaque with an engraved Bear upright in stance , mouth open, claws showing as though defending his territory...

Next door,  a similar door, black oak , studded, with  black ornate handle and lock .  A brass plaque is fitted to this door too , engraved upon  a Bee in flight, sting prominant  about to land on a Rose in fulll blossom .  Could this be the door to my key..

I try it in the lock & find it fits and I push the door open. The room has been cleaned.  A four poster bed in the corner waiting to be dressed to my tastes, A mirror on the wall of the headstead, A large old Oak desk  big enough for a person to lie on,  a walk in closet for clothing & equipment & on one of the walls , another mirror- the largest I've ever seen, which makes the room seem twice as big as it is. The room is spacious and dark and exciting. I click the light on, and the wooden crossed frame holding the bulbs in the centre of the ceiling illuminates. there is also a dimmer dial which  I try out smiling to myself.  ;D

I enter, looking around in amazement ...  someone had been kind and thoughtful to  arrange these basic items of a dungeon and I make a mental note to find out and thank them.   As I look closer,  I see rings and holding attachments to restrain, by the desk, the bed and in front of the mirrors.   I cant help feel a ripple of excitement at the sight of these ... the room just feels ... well ... naughty.  :-*

Then I notice a tapestry wall covering,  about 10ft in length and 4ft wide. I look at fine intricate detail and smile ... a battlefield of  English & Orange Knights, Gladiators, Spartans, Barbarians  , Matadors ... fighting for their glory.. lances, swords, flags... Warriors fighting their cause.

I touch the high quality fabric & as I do so, I find it is on runners and it slides back to reveal a hidden door,  black oak, studded and again black ornate knob & key.  I try my key to find it opens to a short corridor and to another door that is locked. My key does not fit this door and I wonder if it leads to the Bear dungeon next door...

I lock the door again and pull the tapestry back in its place, hidden once more.

I go to the desk and see another box, similar to the one I had had delivered in the Bar & Grill.  I open it and find a message inside...

" Welcome to your Chamber Brandybee & as a  Member here. We hope it meets with your requirements .. C B J  ... Please open the top draw of your desk.. a welcome to our world "

Those initials again.  I open the draw to find handcuffs and keys,  spanking paddles, blindfolds, feathers, wrist, legs, arm & ankle binds, dildos & vibrators and  items that I wasn't too sure of ... maybe butt plugs...  :o

I shut the draw again and wonder to the walk in closet..  spacious for clothes & equipment and an archway leading to another door, a bathroom with a shower  area & stand alone bath with ornate feet. 

Overawed at my Chamber,  I stand open mouthed.  Ripples of excitement descend on me.  I am even more honoured now I have seen the gift of my Membership. My mind filling with items to make my chamber unique to me & my naughty fantasies...

Smiling and still overawed by what I had seen, I leave locking my door to return to the bar and shop .. shop ... shop .... :P  :P

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Janine Dee
Hero Member
: 2541

« #42 : August 12, 2012, 09:27:59 AM »

My eyes shine brightly in the darkness, not even wanting to hide my delight. Moving close enough to share our breaths our legs entwine, my left between hers and her right between mine as my hands start running over her shoulders, and exploring the lines of her back.

The only time I'm not smiling at my explorations is when I am bringing my lips to hers for the softest of kisses. Still definite, but so very soft, our tongues staying in our mouths as we build connection, and just let the passion simmer.

Christina's hands are at the small of my back, gently working the muscles as I start to suck on her bottom lip, leaving her top lip to smile.

My body starts showing signs of having other plans, perhaps memories of it's earlier need, as my legs spread enough to let her thigh slide up enough to brush against my sex, and I feel myself gasp at the contact, a ready warmth spreading up from that juncture.

My protege seem happy to oblige my body's request and brings her breasts so our hardened nipples may brush each other, causing both of our chests to heave with increasing passion.

I however feel my own desires rising rapidly, with no desire to rein them back into control, and Christina works happily to fan those flames as her lips move to my neck, kissing and sucking her way up to suck at my earlobe with increasing fervor, and then returning to my neck to suck with a intensity that the logical, detached part of my mind is sure will leave a mark.

It is but a whisper however as my body arches at the sensations rushing through it and I push the length of my body into the contact.

A contact Christina shows her enjoyment of by sliding her hands from the small of my back to the globes of my posterior, to dig her fingers into the muscle as she encourages my lower body to continue it's contact at the increasingly wet flesh moving against her thigh.

My fingers move to ding into her shoulders as I bring us to a kiss, bringing my tongue to dance with hers.

Bathed in moonlight
I'm proclaimed by angels cry
Think well
Do take your time
Because your soul
will be mine the day you die

Kamelot, Descent of the Archangel
Full Member
: 142

« #43 : August 12, 2012, 11:59:28 AM »

Smiling at my mentor, she draws closer and our bodies become more entwined.  As our nipples touch I can feel my whole body go flush and my insides begin to tingle with desire.  Rolling my body so that I am still next to my mentor, but now on top of her, I can feel her legs spread and mine drift further up until my thigh is against her pubic bone.  Then as I look into her beautiful eyes I can begin to feel her start to grind against my leg.  Leaning forward into her so that she can have as much contact as she needs I drop my head down so that my strawberry hair surrounds our faces like a private curtain. 

When our lips come together again I allow my tongue to begin to dance with Janine’s allowing hers to occupy my mouth and mine hers we trade our passion as she continues to build her arousal against my leg and I can feel my thigh becoming moist at the contact.  Moving down I begin to apply soft kisses to her chin and her neck, making my way to her ear, slowly nibbling on her delicate lobe.  The whole time my fingers have been drawing over her supple frame occasionally grasping at her available flesh.  Moving back to her neck I begin to give little bites and finally apply my mouth as though a vampire and I begin to suck at the exposed flesh before pulling away leaving my mark upon her. 

Now moving down past her neck taking time to kiss her heaving breasts, I lay my head on her chest for a moment and listen to her heart pounding against the cage within.  Her body so warm I feel her arms wrap around my head for a moment as Janine holds me close to her, making me smile in contentment before letting me go to continue my exploration of her delicate body.  Her fingers still working through my hair, as I begin to kiss each of her breasts kissing around the edge of each areola before sucking each nipple into my mouth and slowly releasing it between my teeth.

Now moving past her breasts I take some time to kiss her abdomen, my hands continuing to work at her breasts and moving up to brush my palms against her cheeks as I feel her face push into my hands, and I feel her breath increase in pace.  My kisses now becoming more evident as I go lower and I begin to smell Janine’s desire, as her pubic hair starts to brush against the base of my neck, and I allow my head to drop between her legs.  Looking to each side I take a moment to kiss the insides of her thighs gently. 

Not wanting to push the moment too fast, I take her outer labia between my hands and begin to press it together.  Allowing my fingers to press the flesh in on itself and letting the soft flesh of her genital mound to apply the necessary pressure when I find her bump under the cushion of skin, and I see her chest heave as she draws in a sharp breath.  Only then do I let a finger slip between the folds for a moment, then bringing it to my mouth to taste her desire. 

Now, taking her soft buttocks in my hands and letting my arms press her legs up, I press my mouth into the warm folds of her wanting hole.  My tongue, like a hungry serpent slithering between the delicate flesh, devouring my mentor and taunting her desire as it rolls in circles around her sensitive bump before flattening over it.  As I feel her begin to raise her hips into my face, I let two fingers slip inside her.  My palm up I draw them up and down in “come here” motions but allowing them to spread apart to brush the walls of her soaked vagina, as my tongue works to bring her arousal to a maximum peak.  When I begin to hear her breathing come in shorter and shorter breaths, I flatten my tongue once more.  Pushing her over the edge, and feeling her vagina grasp at my fingers, then pulling my tongue away, spreading the convulsing flesh with my fingers and blowing gently on her clitoral hood, making my mentor shudder. 

Her climax now drawing down, but her body still shaking, I move back up her body and hold her in my arms while her orgasmic contractions start to release her, before I kiss her again and let her taste herself on my tongue.
« : August 12, 2012, 12:02:25 PM christinak »

Any power that is easily given can be taken away just as easily.

You can't have my virginity, but you can play with the box it came in.
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #44 : August 12, 2012, 08:07:20 PM »

I arrive at my Dungeon  with Tango in tow. He had kindly informed me his services as House Submissive were at my disposal as an owner of a Dungeon and I asked if he was able to assist me with moving in and making my chamber more comfortable.

He informed me he was required to address me in a formal manner at all times,  but we agreed that it would only be Miss Brandy in the Ice House.  The Bar & Grill was my domain and Brandy would be fine there. Grinning at him, I told him,  I obviously had a lot to learn about etiquette in the Ice House and I was relying on him to guide me when needed.  We would play it by ear and hopefully not fall fowl of any rules. He then began to strip his jeans & t shirt off until he was completely naked. "I have a certain dress code down here, black trousers & shirt. This " he waves at his folded jeans & casual clothing, " is not acceptable, so I have to take them off"
I nodded.  " Ok,  maybe you should keep a spare pair in my room" I grin, " Not that I'm complaining mind "

I was quite excited by the boxes that had arrived and were waiting by my door.  We carried them inside and  I said to Tango grinning  “  Ok first things first, as is tradition in our country ... go put the kettle on..   the tea things are in the top part of the antique corner  cupboard by the desk, & the small fridge & ice compartment conveniently hidden in the bottom part.”

Tango  smiled and found the things and mugs required while I opened the boxes containing Deep purple and sage green flowing chiffon drapes and fabrics for this main area, another containing the same but cream and burgundy for the bathroom , and another containing white and gold, recognised colours of royalty , for the dressing room.

I cut the wrappings off a large, green, gold and burgundy intricately patterned rug roll  and centred it in the main free area in front of the large mirrored wall. Large cushions placed by the wall.

Tango bought the tea over and I explained the colour scheme for each room, wanting the chiffon drapes and fabrics to adorn the walls, ceilings and doors to create a Bedouin & Hareem  effect , each room to be erotic and sensuous.  He nodded and set to work hanging  the fabrics under my direction.  I unpacked more boxes and placed golden genie lamps containing massage oils in the bathroom, and matching gold candle holders and tealights, along with various toiletries . 

One of the oil genie lamps, I placed   on the bedside table, and set to work decorating the four poster beds in the purple and green chiffon drapes and with several different sized cushions.

Soon the place was transformed into the harem room I wanted.

As we look at our work, I ask Tango to put picture hooks  up and runners and pully for small curtains  on the wall. I had plans for that later.
I put the kettle on again to share another cup of tea....  before releasing Tango to his other duties....

On my own now, I look at my Chamber, pleased we had created exactly the effect I desired.
« : August 13, 2012, 10:57:30 AM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
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