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The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
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: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** ( 283374 )
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: 3007
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#375 :
September 30, 2014, 01:07:20 AM »
I am cold, cold and lonely. I don't know if I'm asleep or in subspace, or how long I've been here.
I feel hands at my wrists, then I'm scooped up and draped over someone's shoulder. Dave? No this is too small, too soft, but I recognize the scent, the touch.. "Momma?" It is, Momma has come for me..... I try to rouse my self .. "Momma, I can walk"
"Shut up, your eyes aren't even open." comes the reply and she slaps my ass. I don't understand, I hope Momma isn't cross with me, so I flop over her shoulders like a rag doll.
Momma lays me down, it's the bathtub and the bath is cold, I curl up and wrap my arms tight around my naked body, I hear her turn the faucet ans I jerk as cold water splashes onto my feet.
"What are you doing, Momma?" I almost whisper, my eyes are still tightly shut and I'm unwilling to uncurl, even though the water is getting nice and warm now.
"You stink and you are disgusting" She tells me and I feel ashamed.... I never want Momma to be ashamed of me, I feel tears start to well, sliding down my burning cheeks and plopping into the bathwater. Momma starts to clean me with a soft sponge and I turn my head away in shame, I don't want her to see me cry.
I feel her gently soaping my neck and breasts, the sponge soft on my sore nipples, then she turns the water off and pushes her hand between my legs up towards my dirty smelly semen-smeared pussy and I clamp my legs together, embarrassed at my uncleanliness.
"Open!" comes as a command and I obey as I must. She washes up my thighs, lathers my ginger curls and combs them with her fingers then spreads my labia apart and pushes the sponge up between my lips into my vagina, cleaning me, but ever so gently.
"Hand and knees, pretty!" Again a command, an instruction to be obeyed and pouting I turn over and crouch on my hand and knees, my legs apart, dipping my back and presenting myself as if for sex or punishment, my nipples dipping into the warm bubbly water, but my head bowed , my lank hair hanging over my face, hiding me from her gaze. The shame does not ease as Momma gently washes my wealed back and ass rubbing round my full cheeks and then roughly scrubbing my pink star and another tear of shame drips unseen into the soapsuds.
Now I hear take the spray and she wets my hair and starts to drag her fingers through the knotted curls.
"Why are you doing this, Momma?" I plead.
"I haven't seen you in days," comes the reply, almost an admonishment "I wondered where you were."
I answered ungratefully, my pout obvious and unwarranted "You knew where I was!"
"Hmmm... and how long would you have stayed there Blue?" she responds
She has me and we both know it... "I was restrained, Momma!" I whine
"Yes, how foolish of you!" schoolmarmish this time and another tear plops loudly into the bathwater.
My hair thoroughly rinsed, Momma takes my hands and pulls me to my feet, wrapping me in a big fluffy warm towel and rubs me dry, pausing to gaze at me with an expression I'm unsure of.
Then she hooks one finger through the ring of my collar and with "Come on, let's get you fed!" leads me off out of the dungeon, naked except for my collar, my head bowed and my copper hair beginning to curl and frizz as it trails down over my bosom to my navel almost reaching the matching tight curls of my mound. I am so happy and so ashamed and I follow like a little puppy.
: October 02, 2014, 11:17:01 AM bluedenim
I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Hero Member
: 9502
Lady of the twin moons©
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#376 :
October 14, 2014, 08:35:14 AM »
Blue was feed raman and then some fresh pears. She still only had the towel draped around her shoulders as she sat in the one little chair in my private cell. Her long red hair was still damp, and probably would be all day. Casually I came up behind her and stroked my fingers through those long copper locks, trying my best to detangle them without a brush. Finally giving up, I bunch all that hair into a single tail and tie it with a leather thong.
Blue tilts her head back and looks up at me. “Thank you for taking care of me.” she says contritely.
I give her a wide smile and stroke her cheek gently with one hand. “Oh, this isn’t free, little love.” My other hand pulling forcefully on the ponytail, pulling her head further back. I kiss her deep red lips. She doesn’t struggle or argue, she only moans through my mouth. Finally I break it but stay nose to nose. “Time to pay, pretty.” I give her a sly smile.
Across the bed, she is on her back, her head hangs right at the edge. Leather cuffs hold her arms; one tied to the foot, one to the head of the old twin bed frame. She went willingly and just obeyed. Now I walked around the restrained girl, letting my fingertips touch where they can. Her supple, pale arms, across her slender throat, then between her breasts as my hand opens and smooths down her belly. Standing at her head I look down at her before kneeling.
Upside down I kiss her forehead and my fingers roam her body I stretch across to get them down to her thigh and I feel a tongue at my exposed belly. I slap her open pussy, hard. Her ankles are tied to the frame and her knees bent harshly to make her fit on the little twin bed.
“No one told you to touch me, pretty.” I chided as I sat back on my heels.
“it was a lick.” she said impertinently.
My fingers slapped her mounded tit flesh, forceful and strong. “And now you are trying to Top from the bottom.” I said calmly, “I’m not giving you a spanking… not right now.”
you gonna do, Momma?” she truly asked.
I kissed her nose and then her lips as my hands ran down her torso before answering. “Love you.” I said softly, and put my tongue in her mouth.
: October 14, 2014, 08:39:05 AM Momma_andrea
Hero Member
: 3007
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#377 :
October 16, 2014, 03:12:56 PM »
Padding along behind Momma Andrea in my bare feet on the cold stone floor as we walk to her cell, I feel so foolish, I don't know what to do with my arms, maybe I should be in all fours on a lead?
We go inside and she sits me on the only chair in the middle of the floor. I feel clean, refreshed and wonder what the day will bring as I sit patiently with just the damp fluffy towel wrapped around my shoulders.
I hear the microwave ping and Momma brings me a bowl of hot noodles... I smile ironically to my self.. "Student food", but it's hot & filling and I wolf it down ravenously, licking the bowl clean. Momma snatches it from me, "Show some manners girl" and I shrink visibly. But she isn't cross, she brings me a plate of fresh fruit and I eat two juicy pears, slurping noisily and wiping the juice dribbling down my chin with the corner of my towel.
All the while Momma is standing behind me dragging her fingers through my nice clean locks as they twist together like a climbing vine. I smile inwardly knowing after 22 years that without a hairbrush & comb she has no chance of taming my tresses.
I hear her sigh and she pulls it all together in one hand and ties it round so that it hangs like a big ponytail down my back, but it will soon look like a firework explosion.
I tilt my head back to look at her, loving the attention and knowing I owe her big time for coming and rescuing me. I speak softly in my best sorry little girl voice "Thank you for taking care of me"
She smiles back at me with a grin reminiscent of the Cheshire cat as she strokes my cheek "Oh, this isn't free, little love" and she pulls my ponytail , tilting my head back further and kissing me hard on the lips. I don't fight it, I love it and push my full red lips back against hers, giving a moan of pleasure into her open mouth. Finally she pulls off, but remains very close, staring deep into my eyes. "Time to pay, Pretty." she almost winks at me, then scooping me up, carries me across to the bed and lays me across it widthways, slipping lovely leather cuffs onto my ankles and wrists and restraining one leg to the bedhead, the other to the foot. Then my wrists, again stretched the length of the bed. My knees are pulled back and wide apart. I offer no resistance, I am in submissive mode and curious to find out what she has in mind. If I bend my head backwards I am in the perfect position for deep-throating and I smile at the irony.
She walks around the bed, stroking my body with her fingertips, first up and down my arms and I am suddenly covered in goosebumps. Then my throat then down between my large breasts and my nipples stand up like marines on parade. She kneels at my head and leans over me, kissing my forehead and moving down along my body, her hands on my thighs. I tilt my head backwards as her full heavy breasts slide over mine, the sensation on my nipples is exquisite, I see her navel level with my nose and her dark thatch approaching my forehead. I poke my tongue out and lick her belly, I want to taste her, to appreciate her.
' WHAM! '
I recoil in pain as I feel her slap my damp open pussy hard with her flat hand.
"No-one told you to touch me, pretty!" she says in a school-maam voice and I feel like a naughty little girl caught pulling another's hair.
My inner brat rises quickly to the surface and before I can stop her she whines back "It was a lick." poutng as she does.
Without changing expression, except perhaps for a sardonic smile, Momma slaps both my breasts with her fingers. Not viciously, but hard enough to leave distinct red prints on them. "And now you are trying to Top from the bottom." she says in a matter-of-fact voice. "I'm not giving you a spanking..... not right now.."
The insinuation is not missed but is tempered with curiosity and the inner brat leaps forward once again with her sweetest innocent little-girl voice before I can regain control and take an adult view of my situation, "What are you gonna do, Momma?" I squeak, already cursing my bratty inner child.
Momma bent over me again, kissed my nose, then softly settled her luscious lips on mine and as I opened my mouth in anticipation, before we began tongue wrestling, she breathed into me "Love You" and then squashed her mouth onto mine, thrusting her hungry tongue between my teeth and pulling my head up to hers.
I wish I wasn't tied down so I could hug her, so I could wrap myself around her, but I have been told no actions unless told. I feel tears of gratitude of emotion welling in my eyes.
So, here I am. A little girl, restrained, submitting to another's will and loving every sensual second of it.
: October 20, 2014, 02:26:26 AM bluedenim
I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Hero Member
: 9502
Lady of the twin moons©
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#378 :
October 26, 2014, 08:00:51 PM »
Her body was under me, restrained and open to my explorations. My fingers ran along ivory flesh, tickling and teasing. My digits were gentle, added brush strokes to her canvas of welts and bruises. I kissed her deeply and tickled into her armpits. She jerked and laughed into my mouth as I stole her breath. I wanted all of her, to consume it, to make her essence mine. I found her neck and bit her there as my hand cupped her generous breast. My play wasn’t hard, nothing yet was hard. I nuzzled under her chin and let my thigh rub her mound. She was beginning to squirm under me. She wanted to touch me but couldn’t. I smiled wickedly as I scooted down. I settled into her saddle. My belly mashed her pubic mound as I feasted on her ivory boobs. We stared at each other as I lapped from nipple to nipple, not deciding which one to take. Her eyes finally left me as I bit one.
Her head went back as I sunk my teeth into the whole thing. It was a puppy bite, with mock fierceness I growled with the red rosebud in my mouth. Then I sucked it, pulling it up as I raised my head. I could feel her try to wiggle under me. Her ass nearly raising from the bed. Now I did BITE and smacked the other one viciously.
“Naughty girl.” I chastised, but gave a wicked grin as I rolled to one side and leaned on my elbow.
My other hand trailed down her flat milky tummy and circled her belly button once as if marking it for later, then on down to her flame haired crotch. My fingers played through the hair, lightly brushing it and then pulling little tufts of it. I kissed her cheek and licked her ear as I pulled harder; yanking up with a jerk and watching her wince. I did it harder when she tried to fight her own response.
“I keep going till you cry out.” I put plainly and jerked another tuft of her pubes.
Now I smacked her little lips and then pulled her deep copper pubes. Still she held in and bit her lower lip so adorably. I continually slapped her inner thighs and then yanked her red tufts only to spank her little pussy at random in the sequence. I smiled at her wincing but I wanted her screams, her cries, her begging for an end.
Hero Member
: 3007
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#379 :
October 28, 2014, 09:47:18 AM »
I lie, helpless and horny, wondering what this crazy wonderful woman will want of me. Running her fingers up and down my body while we share our breathing, our mouths airlocked together as if we are underwater. I am very ticklish and she knows it, playing with me and I twitch and jerk, giggling into her mouth, my pussy clenching at the air and getting wetter every minute. She bites my neck and I moan into her as she sucks the moan from me, rubbing my wet pussy with her thigh now, cupping my breasts and I am writhing in ecstatic agony, I want to tear my bindings from my limbs and roll her up, but I am restrained and helpless and she knows it. This is what she wants of me.
At last she breaks off our kissing and grinning moves around so she is facing me, climbing onto the bed between my legs, her crotch on my crotch, my legs are already pulled apart and I open my knees as far as the straps will let me. We lock eyes.. for once mine aren't the ones filled with devilishness and she tongues my tits, flicking my erect nipples with her tongue, first this one, now the other, then she gently bites one and my eyes roll upwards, then my head falls back as I let out a cry of lust. She takes my nipple deep into her mouth as she bites, suckling me and pulling it backwards as she raised her head. I lift my hips off the mattress pushing my groin into hers and trying desperately to make some of the play, but that is not what she wants, I am to be tortured by her as she sees fit and she bites hard onto the breast already in her mouth and slaps the other one really hard making me cry out in pain and with a tear in my eye, I lift my head up to look at her and she grins evilly at me. "Naughty Girl!" she chuckles and moves to lie next to me on the bed. I drop my head back and moan in despair, but she just chuckles some more.
I feel her fingers dancing on me again, down my belly, round my navel and down towards my wet pussy. She runs her fingers through my ginger curls, now as if combing them, now as if teasing it into shapes then starting to pull it harder and she kisses my cheeks and licks my ear as she pulls fingersfull harder, enough to make me twitch. I try to not squeal every time she does it and bite my lip, but she is watching me, gauging my reactions and looking me straight in the face she waits until I open my eyes and says "I'll keep doing it until you cry out!" and pulls again, harder than before, I could have a bald pussy by the time this is over.
So this is the new game.. Part of me wants to give in, to blubber like a little girl and be comforted by Momma, but my defiant side is stronger and I close my eyes and try to focus on other distractions. This is a game and I play games to win.. I think about what I just told myself and smile at the irony.. we all know I will lose and I remember one of my Mother's favorite quotations " it matters not who won or lost, but how you played the game." and we are playing this game to break my will. Why do I torture myself to no end? Because the torture itself is the end, Momma knows it and I know it, she is like a cat playing with a mouse, teasing me, watching how I react before deciding how best to torture me next.
My philosophising is halted by a slap to my pussy-lips, then when that doesn't elicit a cry, Momma starts slapping the tops of my thighs. Full hand slaps, each one leaving an imprint. It stings with each slap and the stinging builds up into a greater pain and all the while she is tugging my pussy hair like a 9-year old girl pulls anothers hair in a fight.
The stinging on my thighs stops, but is replaced instead by Mpmma pulling the ginger curls on my pussy-lips to open my wet slit and begins spanking the inside of my labia and I squirm and fight my bindings.
I am nearing the end of my resistance and Momma knows it, she can see the tear I cannot hide as it squeezes from my eye and runs down my cheek to fall onto the floor.
"Momma, please. Momma, I love you!" I cry but she wants to hear me beg and I'm not there quite yet. Not quite broken or not quite fulfilled? Momma can see the wetness between my pussy lips as she can see the wetness in my eyes and she will give me release or break me I am close to both.
I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Hero Member
: 9502
Lady of the twin moons©
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#380 :
November 01, 2014, 07:25:39 AM »
“I love you too, sweet blueberry” my fingers rake across her tummy and back down to violently smack her red swollen lips, before getting off the old bed.
I dropped my skirt as I sauntered over to the toy cabinet. Then pulled my panties off too, as I perused the tools at my disposal. The flogger looked fun, but I wanted precision. The crop was the way to go. Slowly I turn back around. Blue’s upside down gaze meets mine. I smack it once in my hand, that’s enough for dramatics
Standing over my tied down Blue, my knees on either side of her head. “Let’s test your concentration, pretty.”
My arm stretches out and the crop falls. My hand guides it, but gravity does most of the work. And it smacks lightly into the crest of her mound. She barely jerks, but we have her attention. My legs spread, I lower myself a little to her restrained body, planting my nether lips upon her face.
I swing the crop this time. “Lick” I command. “LICK”
I feel her warm breath on my labia and then a gentle lick from the top of her tongue swabbing down my slit. She is rocking her head, because I feel her nose proceed down my cunny’s path.
At first I time the strokes with her tongue, but soon she is keeping pace with me. SMACK into that pretty pussy, her pelvis jerks but her tongue keeps licking. SWAT and her concentration holds. Like a kitten to it’s cream, she doesn’t stop. Lick upon lick. I want to grab her by the throat and grind into that pretty face.
“Good girl” I praise her. “Now get it up inside.”
The crop smacks her mound hard, like a coach's whistle changing the exercise. I look down but can only see her neck as her face is buried under me. I smack her pussy quicker from my own excitement. Finally I do reach down and grab the back of her head; grinding my wet slit into her face. Its hard to stay on target. but I never let the crop stop. There are no cries between my thighs, only yummy sounds beneath me. Her little moans into my pussy are sweet. but maybe I’m not swinging hard enough.
Hero Member
: 3007
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#381 :
November 02, 2014, 04:58:45 PM »
"Momma, please. Momma, I love you!" I cry but she wants to hear me beg and I'm not there quite yet. Not quite broken or not quite fulfilled? Momma can see the wetness between my pussy lips as she can see the wetness in my eyes and she will give me release or break me I am close to both.
"I love you too, sweet Blueberry." She almost sings as she drags her fingers across my belly making me shiver with pleasure and closing my eyes I lift my hips, pushing my pussy up to meet her fingers, inviting her and 'SLAP!' I let out a little squeal as she smacks my already puffy lips really hard, missing my exposed clit nestling behind it's bar, and they throb and a moment later the heat spreads deep into my vagina as I clench and unclench, desperately wishing for a dildo, fingers, a big fat cock, anything to fuck my aching hole.
I sense she is gone and I open my eyes again, drop my head right back over the edge of the bed and I watch as she undresses and I look hard at her black trim-haired mound and wonder if it is glistening or if I am imagining it.
She is picking up toys, weighing them in her hands and making faces, swishing and slashing and my eyes widen.. This is not the Momma I thought I knew... This is a darker Momma, Oh how I love this woman. She swishes the flogger a few times and I imagine my sore beasts tingling under it's , but then shaking her head, she puts it back and picks up the short black-leather plaited riding crop. A smile, almost a snigger, blooms one her face and she turns a little to look straight into my eyes and we lock gazes as she slaps it against her hand, my expression of wide-eyed pleading seeming to harden her resolve. Walking to the edge of the bed Momma stands one leg either side of my head I can't lift my head without my nose hitting her square on her clitoris. "Let's test your concentration, pretty!" I hear her say, her voice muffled by her thighs pressing against my ears.
I breathe her musky scent and I close my eyes again but as I savor her heady odors I am wakened from my reverie by the crop slapping smack in the middle on my wet pussy and I jerk my head up only to find it trapped between her thighs as she lowers herself down, forcing her lower lips onto my mouth.
Smack! the crop splats onto my pussy again, but this time it hits me square on the clit, bar and all. I cry out but I am crying into Momma's pussy and although her voice is muffled her command is loud and clear, "Lick." LICK!"
I obey, fearful of her trying to motivate me, flicking her clit with the end of my tongue while my nose buries itself into the folds of her labia, then rocking my head, I lave down across her lips savoring again the deep scent of her arousal.
She is slapping my pussy hard, now on my clit, now on my puffy wet lips, as I increase my tempo and depth of penetration. I want to scream in pain I am not used to such treatment of my genitalia and it hurts so, it hurts and I want to tell her but I couldn't if I tried, so I try harder and harder to satisfy her lust, my hips lifting and squirming under the assault, but all that does is push my pussy higher into the air as if I'm begging for more...
"Good Girl." I hear better now as my rocking my head means that my ears are now no longer pinned. "Now get it up inside!" and an extra hard smack emphasizes her command as she changes her posture to allow my tongue access to her love tunnel.
I know I must be doing it right because she is getting wetter and her cream is smearing all over my face and she starts beating me faster, like the tempo of bolero in "10" as she approaches orgasm. I have got past squealing now and am torn between the pain in my pussy and clitoris which is now burning like a furnace and translating into endorphins that are transporting me rapidly towards a climax of my own and I am in a race to make Momma cum before I lose control completely and slip into post-orgasmic sub-space.
I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Hero Member
: 9502
Lady of the twin moons©
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#382 :
November 02, 2014, 05:59:17 PM »
I NEED more, from her, from me. I grip her hair now, close to the scalp and ride her face. My hips move back and forth, using her nose and tongue to grind my sex flesh. The crop swings, sometimes missing its target and smacking her pale white thighs. I grunt loudly and curse her tongue as if it’s her fault. I feel am so close but I just can’t reach it.
Letting her head go with a jerk and tossing the crop across the room. Blue’s juice covered face pants for air. I look frantically around for something… and there it is. Yanking the knife from its sheath hanging on a peg, I get back to Blue’s thighs. Her head up now, watches me with alarm. She is about to say something, but holds her tongue for just now. My fingers slide into the ropes of one leg. Carefully the knife follows and with a hard jerk upward, it’s cut. I push the freed leg to the floor and climb on top of her still restrained form. I can’t help but lick up her body until I reach her face I kiss her hard as my thigh meets her red hot pussy and my pussy meets hers. It is on fire. I can feel the heat from her smacked and abused sex. My hands go up her exposed sides as I begin to grind into her. Moaning now, my tongue trails to her neck. My hip rotation making the old metal bed squeal and groan. I move my mound as close to hers as I can. My lips clamp to her jugular.
“Shh, shut up.” and I bite her throat as my own climax builds.
Riding her thigh, I reach between us to find her sopping wet, burning cunt. Three fingers slide inside the slippery hole. I pull from her neck to watch her “O” face. Her eyes rolled back as she gets the filling she wanted.. My rotating has stopped and now I’m just frantically riding her leg. My fingers ramming into her. I watch her face, I listen to her start to moan. I feel my fingers being gripped. I close in on her, our bodies colliding everywhere.
“Cum, baby. cum.” my words a plea.
I kiss her again as we ride together. I feel it so deep, down below my belly. I start to cum. my body convulses above her. My fingers shove deep inside. I taste my blueberry and moan into her mouth. My fingers grip into her hair as my cum over takes me. The wave I was riding swallows me and engulfs me in its tidal force. My hips jerk and I mash into her thigh. My chest heaves above her as I finally look down at my red haired muse. My breath still ragged and coming in gulps.
“Did you cum, baby?”
Hero Member
: 3007
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#383 :
November 04, 2014, 03:37:14 AM »
She must be getting close now, her pussy lips are spread wide and she starts riding my face like a sybian. I'm having to snatch breath whenever I can and hold it as she grabs my hair close to my scalp with her free hands and pulls me harder into her tossing her head and smacking the crop wildly with the other hand and I feel it's stinging slaps on the tops of my thighs as well as my sore swollen labia.
Then she lets go and leaves me, gasping and writhing. I open my eyes and look for her, what now? I see her take a knife down from it's sheath and walk around the other side of the bed to between my wide open legs.. I watch like a rabbit caught in the glare of headlamps, wide eyed, unable to move or speak and not knowing whether to scream. In her current state of wild arousal, do I trust Momma as she slides the knife up my thigh? Then she cuts the bindings on my leg with a sharp upwards pull, digging the rope deep into my leg before it breaks and my leg is free. The relief washes over me as Momma pushes my leg down to the floor and starts to crawl slowly up my body, licking her way from my belly-button round both of my nipples, up my neck as I throw my head back and moan, then she pulls my head back to meet hers and kisses me hard full on the lips and I feel her pussy-grinding into mine, her trimmed curls feel like wire-wool on my raw cunt. She pushes harder into me rocking and grinding and her mouth leaves mine, her tongue trailing down to my neck. The bed is squeaking and shifting across the floor with the force of her thrusting.. I am in agony, my cunt- is burning, my clit is throbbing like a blind cobbler's thumb, but I need.., I need..
"Ssshhh... Shut up!" she growls at me and bites my throat, sucking a mouthful of my flesh into her mouth before closing her teeth on me, Omigod, Omigod, this I can't hide under my clothes, she is marking me as hers with a hickey that will take weeks to fade..I am branded, owned and my heart soars and all the pain transforms into endorphins and I am flying away to my happy place, moaning loudly with pleasure.
I feel her fingers at my pussy, opening, pushing rubbing my g-spot and I clench down on them, I feel my orgasm coming and I know I'm going to squirt.. I have lost control of Momma, my desire to make her cum for me has been reversed again. I feel her humping my leg like a frustrated hound as I start to shake.
"Momma?" I struggle to gurgle the word out.
"Cum, baby, cum"
Oh Momma, Momma , I want you so badly, I so want to please you Momma, to make
cum, to make you happy, Momma, please, Momma. I can't stop now and my back arches as I spasm with a screech and pump and pump. I feel Momma kissing me, sharing my breath, wrenching my head up with her fingers clenching my copper curls as if she would pull my hair out by the roots and then I black out, my mind lost in swimming sapphic sensations.
A hundred years or so later, still gasping like a fish out of water, I open my eyes and Momma is looking deep into them, her breathing as labored as mine.
"Did you cum, baby?"
I just lie there, open mouthed, my eyes like I've had half a dozen espressos, unable to answer..
Momma leans over and undoes the cuffs from my wrists and the reaching round unties my leg.
I whisper the question I need an answer to.
"Momma, did
"Oh, you bet little blueberry!"
I squeal with delight and throw my arms around her hugging her as tight as I can my legs wrapped around her ass pulling her down onto the bed on top of me.
"I'll take that as a yes, then." Momma chuckles as I kiss her all over her face, little pecks, covering her and making her giggle like me.
"Well we missed the Halloween party, blueberry, but I think I need to wash you all over again."
"Let's take a shower this time, Momma, I wanna wash you all over too." I grin. "Then we'll dress and go to the bar for something to eat. I want to show Ol Joe that hickey before I cover it up, it will drive him crazy, he'll probably spank me himself for being such little slut!"
I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Hero Member
: 9502
Lady of the twin moons©
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#384 :
August 14, 2016, 04:52:39 AM »
Kaitlyn gets up on the couch in her room on her hands and knees she wiggles her pert little ass to tease, always a tease that peaches. From somewhere she found a flogger and holds it up in both hands as if presenting a gift.
“I’ve been a bad bad girl, Andrea.” She puts on a pout. “I need to be punished for leaving my Lady all alone this weekend.”
Andrea chuckles at first at the display, putting a hand over her mouth as the other holds her elbow up. “God, you’re silly. Where did you find a flogger?”
Kaitlyn sits back on her heels. “A friend,” was all she offered as answer. “Now, come punish me.”
Andrea was still smiling but was shaking her head, “No, Peaches, you don’t know what you’re asking. You have no idea.”
“Of course I do, I just asked it. I want to see what this is like… with you.” the blonde pressed onward, “Just don’t hurt me to bad.”
Andrea was silent and even turned away, her face in her hands she finally asked, “are you sure?”
Andrea turned at that, snapped around on her heels like a Drill Instructor. Peaches was still on her knees, her eyes locked with Andrea’s even after her warning. She was almost defiant. She wanted to experience submission and even pain, but she thought she could trust Andrea.
“You will need a collar.” The older woman instructed.
Kaitlyn smiled as she brought one out from between the couch cushions, “Got one!” She piped almost triumphantly.
“You’ve been planning this.” Andrea stated, not questioned.
“I’ve read all your stuff.” the blonde responded and boldly added, “I want to be all things for you. I want to fill this role.”
Curvy bodied Andrea cupped the young woman’s cheeks in both hands. “Baby, it’s NOT really you.” She tried to gently deny Kaitlyn’s request.
“Let me try!” She boldly argued with a fire in her eyes.
Andrea smiled as she pushed a lock of blonde hair from Peach's face. “Alright then. You need a safe word, something you would not normally say during a scene.”
Kaitlyn perked up and become almost puppy like, her excitement so obvious. “Like what?”
Andrea walked around her, tapping her chin in thought “Backgammon, to long. Turnip, could sound like something else” Finally she spoke “Canoe”
“Canoe?” Kait questioned.
“Yes, you say that and everything stops, no matter what. Play is over, restraints come off. We stop and see to baby.” Andrea kissed her forehead at this, “Because Baby is the most important thing.”
“OK, can we just do it here?” Kaitlyn looked around her room where she had invited Andrea.
“I have a place.” the brunette said. “It has everything we will need. Do you want to go see it?”
Kaitlyn nodded with a wide smile.
They went back in her car to the Achat B&G. The parking lot was still empty but it was a Sunday night. Kaitlyn drove around back as instructed and parked behind the bar next to an old tin building.
“What’s this?” The blonde was confused.
“It’s the old Ice house. Its how you ran a bar before refrigeration.” Andrea explained.
“Sooo, its under ground?” They got out on opposite sides of the car
“Most of it.” Andrea confirmed looking over the roof. “Not reconsidering are you?” she almost sounded hopeful.
“No.” There was that defiance again. “I want to try.”
Andrea had a key and thanks to the light on her phone they made their way into the cellars to find the main switch. The lights came on every ten feet and the stone hallway seemed endless. The ladies heels clicked as they walked together until Andrea stopped at what looked like a not particular looking door. In fact it looked like all the rest. She opened it with a key and gestured the blonde inside with a welcoming movement. Kaitlyn hesitated for just a moment as if to say something, but then stepped inside.
There was an old brass bed with just a mattress centered on one adjacent wall with a St. Andrew’s cross made of cold steel on the other and in the center was what looked like an elaborate saw horse, but upholstered in black vinyl with eye hooks at the bottom of its legs and edge of its platform. Kait looked up into the dark wood ceiling. Eye hooks were there too, and on the wall opposite the door was an old wardrobe cabinet in dark walnut.
“What’s in there?” She asked with a suspicion of what the answer was.
Andrea sauntered forward with her hands behind her back. “Oh, you know… tools and rings and dangly things.” She tickled under Kait’s chin. “Whips and chains that excite me.”
The blonde muse was not daunted. She stepped closer to her would be Mistress. “OK, I’m ready.”
Andrea cut that off. “Not tonight, tonight you read and do the survey.”
“Survey?” Kaitlyn began to protest.
Andrea turned on her, “YES, a survey. What do you like, what you don’t like, what intrigues or entices you. And what is an absolute NO GO.” Andrea waved a finger in her face on that last one. “BDSM is all about trust and communication, Princess,” She pulled Kait by the hips to her and held her close. “Because the last thing I want to do is hurt you.”
“Ahh,” She hugged closer. “but isn’t that the point?” She said innocently.
Andrea looked to the heavens and shook her head and then pulled her by the hand towards the door, “Let’s go get your laptop and read, silly Peaches.”
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#385 :
August 16, 2016, 03:06:07 AM »
I leap into the next question before Andrea has a chance to finish the last. My tempo quickening, keeping pace with with my insatiable curiosity and appetite. My ache burns deep inside, spreading with each question. My mind unable to escape the visions of the BDSM video I stumbled across looking for sexy Gif's to post in the Forum. It wasn't my first porn vid, I do have 3 older brothers and fuck off on an adult chat site, but ….this was different. Everything about it was different. It was no choreographed fuck film designed for a 5 minute wax job. This was amateur, it was raw. a kinda "in your face" real to it. Ferocious yet under this façade lay a fascinating layer of trust, control n understanding
The questions hadn't stopped since they left Andrea's private dungeon deep within the old stone halls of the Icehouse, nuzzled just behind the ole Achat Bar & Grille where Kaitlyn had surprised Andrea, and Joe as well, the other night with her crazy over-the-top rendition of an obscure lesbian song. Setting off a whirlwind 72 hours, both surviving on carnal adrenaline, popping up for air only when necessary. Ahh fresh LUST, nothing quite like it, best "drug" in town while it lasts. Andrea was taking a scenic route back to her place, showing Kaitlyn all the local landmarks, while answering her incessant questions. Never losing patience nor raising her voice with this refreshingly different Cali girl. This one was a twist at every turn. Andrea basking in her muse, feeding off her ceaseless energy, she felt that fire once again. That which she felt lost had returned, Andrea caught herself biting her lower lip. The thought of reopening her dungeon once again, rekindled deep intense memories that immediately resonated in her sex. Andrea bit her lip harder, hoping Kaitlyn would not notice. The fire quickly turns to a flurry of butterflies as Andrea remembers why she closed it in the first place. Is she really ready to do this all over again? She glances at Kait again and quickly thinks "FUCK Yes"
"Am I always a sub?" I blurt out braking Andrea's trance. "What about when you are not online or when I'm with friends?" Andrea had hoped the longer "scenic" route would have provided Kaitlyn an opportunity to calm down, that was not going to happen with this little fire cracker, she was wound extra tight with excitement and desire.
"Kait, as I have explained many times now, it all depends on you n your partner. These are all things that must be discussed, negotiated and agreed upon before any attempt at play. Peaches, preparation is paramount to this type of play."
Andrea took advantage of a deserted 4 way stop to answer Kaitlyn, she turns to meet Kait's eyes, reaching out she brushes her cheek with a fingernail. Cupping Kaitlyn's chin in her hand she raises her gaze to meet her own.
"Kaitlyn, it is important that you understand this, each D/s relationship should be unique to the partners involved. Some day my precious little Peaches, you WILL fully understand and appreciate this. You will also come to known of rapturous ecstasy that accompanies this play if done right."
Andrea leans over, using her gentle grip on Kait's chin she pulls her half way and their lips touch. " Kaitlyn, a promise to you, if you take my hand, give me your absolute trust, I will never fail you, never leave your side and show you pleasures you have not imagined." My eyes never blinked once, lost in Andrea's affectionate gaze, she had my full attention, I barely managed a whisper, replying. "Please, take me Andrea."
The night felt sultry, the air was thick with moisture and still plenty warm after midnight even with the convertible down. Their hair heavy with dampness danced gracefully in the night air. Andrea was wrapped in a cozy snug fitting burgundy knit dress accentuating her full breasts and curves with black lace fringed stockings just peeking above her tall leather boots and matching lace sleeves graced her long slender tan less arms. Her golden brown hair pulled back tight into a delicately weaved braid.
Andrea and Kaitlyn could not have been more different, Sure they shared the same "body parts", but that was about it. Their looks, personality, approach, interests, hobbies ….. to the way they dressed. Kaitlyn "Cali" casual and playful, sporting a black laced long sleeved midriff over small firm perky "braless" breasts, revealing a tanned soak flat tummy, faded jeans exposing red lace fringed panties and her favorite black "Rag n Bone" designer boots. Kaitlyn loved her clothes.
"How do they do that?" "Why" "omg, I would freak, there's no fucking way. "I stated defiantly while still half immersed in my imagination, still fascinated by the exposure to the intensity of the art form I witnessed. Images filling my head once again. The intensity of the sub's orgasms still plying in my mind, teasing, toying, taunting me. Her tears, her submission and finally absolute exhaustion. It all fascinated me, stirred fires deep inside. I turned to Andrea for answers.
The tone and delivery in Kait's voice betrayed her casual, impulsive, fearless personality. She was at odds with all this, her desire to have no control versus her underlying fear of immobility. Andrea felt empowered by this revelation.
Do what Peaches? Andrea asks politely never taking her eyes off the road and disguising the building excitement and anticipation in her own voice easily. It was obvious to her that Peaches has some issues with control but she also recognizes that subtle plea for the" raw intensity" in her voice. This both surprises and pleases Andrea, she feels her nipples strain against the fabric. A slow heat building between her thighs. This is all so wonderfully unexpected, exciting......
"The Bondage !!" "All those contorted positions !!" "How could someone let themselves be bound like that" I quipped. Looking over at Andrea for confirmation, her flawless complexion glowing in the dash lights, her impeccable posture. She looked so polished, professional, and confident. Surrounded by a "quite" calm, not even the wind could startle a strand of her hair.
Andrea glances over at Kait as she flips the blinker before turning onto a tree lined residential street. She too is glowing, her flushed bronze tan skin, eyes wide open, mouth slightly parted with that lower lip slightly extended. The "model" tease.
"Peaches, breath girl breath, you're going to pop an aneurysm" Andrea's voice responded lighthearted yet calm n relaxing. I turn to meet Andrea's eyes as she explains "Baby, you miss the point, you see only actions not intentions."
"The Domme is ALWAYS with her Sub during bondage; soothing, comforting, assuring her that she will let nothing happen to her "Charge.
Peaches, you must understand that the "sub, is the Dommes absolute focus and concern."
Kaitlyn slowly sank into Andrea's eyes, drawn in by their honesty. Her voice conveying a deep personal respect for this misunderstood and often vilified art form.
"You must understand that LOVE, TRUST and COMMUNICATION between a Domme and her "Charge" is paramount to a successful BDSM experience. This is not a game my Peaches"
As Andrea pulls into the driveway she adds "There is so much to learn and discuss before we push forward my adorable, carefree, silly girl," There is a time for silliness, but NOT here."
Andrea peers deep into Kait's eyes looking for some acknowledgment, she reaches out and takes Kait's hand. Without a slightest blink Andrea locks in her I gaze and , closes her grip. "Kaitlyn, I must confess, I am honored that you would choose me to be your Domme."
"That, you do so not fully understanding what you ask of me, or yourself, does not surprise me nor diminish my affection for you". Andrea once again searches her Peaches eyes for a clue, she needs to know her baby is satisfied for the moment. Andrea also knows she needs to search her own soul and make sure she too is ready for this. She has history. Memories. Loss and heart break, Was she really ready to risk all that once again? Her temptress, those soft, inviting hazel eyes, she already new the answer, Kait had used the phrase more than once in her over zealous pursuit, "Resistance is futile."
"Well, Kait, this is home sweet home" Andrea cheerfully chimed as she closed the convertible roof. "Watch your head." The roof clasps engaged with a thud, Andrea removes the key and each gets out on opposite sides. "Kaitlyn." Andrea's voice is measured, calm but firm.
"Yes, Andrea" I look over the top of her convertible, leaning against the car, resting my braless breasts on the edge of the convertible fabric turning them from a B to C cup, Meeting Andrea's eyes with a perky flirtatious smirk. .
"Are you forgetting something young lady?" Andrea asks in the same measured voice, paying no attention to Kait's flirtations. .
"Oh, you mean this" as I give Andrea a devious wink and quickly lift my midriff over my perky, firm , now fully aroused breasts. Wiggling and flashing Andrea. I giggle, I am giddy with excitement.
I quickly see Andrea is not amused, I look for some reaction in her eyes. There is none, just that steady focused gaze, no facial expressions, I am confused, I find myself caught off guard, I go to lower my midriff and speak ,"I …..".
"Stop" Andrea demands once again in the same calm , measured voice, "Shhhhhhhh", no more talking, Peaches"
My feelings a bit hurt, but I am more confused than anything ' What's wrong …" I start to ask.
Before I am able to finish my first word, once again Andrea quickly, calmly n firmly "Shhhhhh, I said NO Talking. I will NOT repeat my self again. Understood?"
Still a bit shocked, but a fast learner, I say nothing. I meet her piercing gaze, unwavering and I simply nod my head.
"That's better, "good" little girl." Andrea's voice now filled with affection n warmth that mirrored her beaming smile for this
fearless wanna be "SUB". Andrea mused to herself, "Could this work?, Is Kaitlyn even "trainable"? She is obstinate, it might
take a lot of time and conditioning to break this philly mustang. But the possibilities were calling to her, oh the memories.
"Peaches, are you not forgetting something that we discussed earlier?"
I hesitate, recount the night, all our discussions, my mind a DVR rewinding through all conversations. "Oh, My laptop and the questionnaire.", I reply excitedly and very proud of myself , did not even need a clue.
"Yes, you have homework tonight, I expect it completed before bedtime, and I expect you naked while you study. Is that understood?"
I am eager to obey and reply impulsively, quickly. "Ye…." I can't even get one word out before Andrea puts a finger to her lush red lips.
"Shhhhhhhhhhhh, no more words, You are restricted from speaking until I release you Peaches. If you understand, then Nod."
I nod my head eagerly, like a 'bobble-head" , excited to be playing. Little did I know what was in store for my training.
Thus begins my journey with my Mistress Lady A. My Andrea, my "Gamer" girl, my Lara, my Miranda. My everything.
: August 17, 2016, 08:17:23 AM Kaitlyn1989
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#386 :
August 26, 2016, 06:33:11 AM »
"You have homework tonight, I expect it completed before bedtime, and I expect you NAKED"
Andrea's words still lingered in my head as I rushed up the brick steps, three-at-a-time. The possibilities in those words, the emphasis on "NAKED", stirring my imagination, simmering my excitement.
Looking back at Andrea, "Race YA" I said playfully, teasing her with my best "fuck me" smile and "bedroom" eyes
"I think, I'll pass on that Peaches" Andrea replies, playing along, dragging my eyes downward, to her Jimmy Choo black leather Stiletto pumps. As if to say it was only her choice in shoes this evening that prevented her from besting this athletic blonde. "Anyway, Peaches" sounding more playful now, while dangling something before me, see " I have the keys baby. You're not going anywhere without ME.
I smile, happy to see Andrea in Gamer Girl mode. Spinning around, I quickly finish off the rest of the steps, waiting like an eager puppy next to a large wooden framed entry door with stained bezel glass accents.
Kaitlyn's exuberance clearly visible in her ascent of the steps, Andrea admiring her new young impetuous friend. Her unabashed excitement, vivacious youth, and a body that filled those faded jeans like a mould. She caught herself plucking her lower lip watching those jean covered cheeks bounce up the steps. Smiling deliciously.
The large entry door slammed with a solid thud behind them, softly echoing in the foyer and disappearing down the long halls. "Welcome to "your" home, Peaches" Andrea stated matter-of-factly as she removed her scarf, driving gloves and purse, placing each in it's place on a marble foyer stand.
Looking around with cat like curiosity, absorbing every detail, each precisely placed accoutrement. I want to know everything about my Gamer Girl, then it hits me, the significance of one simple word lingering in the air, "Your" room ….. Was this part of the "Play"? I wondered. My excitement building, spreading moving deeper. Oh what fun this was going to be.
"Oh, Do I get a "grand" tour? See the bedroom?" I quipped playfully, teasingly, my excitement empowering me.
"No" Andrea simply replied, in that calm poker face voice, offering nothing else. No other clue. Kaitlyn's expression was immediate and priceless, Andrea felt her own excitement build, her expectations soar
Well, I was ready for just about any reply to my flirtatious tease, ready to return serve and move one step closer to my prize. But "NO". "NO". This was not one of them. I was speechless, shocked, confused. My eyes, my expression surely betrayed me, I felt uncomfortably naked all of a sudden, exposed by this cunning women.
As I struggled to gain my wits, come up with some clever reply. "Undress for me , NOW", was all I heard before the "SMACK" that filled the air, stung my bottom and was quickly followed by a familiar voice, AHHHH". "Ouch, Andrea that hurt" I protested, rubbing my burning butt cheek. Looking up to Andrea for answers.
Andrea met my eyes quickly, forcefully, locking me in her gaze "Tell me Peaches, you have such a good memory, what did I ask of you when we arrived? What did you acknowledge before entering MY house?" her voice without a hint of anger, disappointment or judgment. Her eyes never leaving mine, cradling my confusion.
I was completely off my game, confused, anxious, frustrated … a blender of emotions. Unable to grasp one long enough to taste it before being pummeled by the next. I could not catch my breathe, my thoughts.
Andrea saw the "realization" in my eyes before I had a chance to utter the words and quickly brought a manicured finger to her polished red lips "Shhhhhhhh, no words, I never released you, baby".
Andrea saw the storm build in her Peaches eyes, the turmoil, conflict. This was it, the moment of truth. She would soon know, have her answer. She could begin to feel the signs of her own excitement and anticipation build, the moisture captured in her cotton panties betrayed her outer calm.
"I thought we were just playing." left my lips without thought, an automatic reflex before thinking, before I knew what was coming. SMACK, another forceful slap to my other butt cheek. " AHHHH, STOP THAT". I yelled, my eyes welling. One check burning, the other tingling with sensation and my emotional storm building, loosing control.
SMACK, an even harder slap to my butt, Andrea quickly pulling a slender finger to her full lips, whispering "Shhhhhhhh". Capturing her little princesses eyes, "Peaches, how many times must I tell you this is NO game" Her eyes now pleading. " I warned you early on, remember Peaches, my message to you in game when you first tempted me?" Andrea recalled her message to Kaitlyn, "Oh baby, be careful what you ask for. Such soft sweet innocence is food to the likes of me."
I bit my lower lip hard, sinking my teeth, fighting for control. Feeling more slighted and embarrassed than hurt. The rising storm building within washing away any burning sting from my butt cheeks. " I thought you cared for me?"
SMACK, it came without hesitation or softening, Andrea landed another open hand slap to my butt cheek. "Please, Kaitlyn, your SAFE word, Speak it, let us be done with this. You don't have to do this for me. Let us just be lovers, baby. Please." Andreas gaze softening as she is confronted with her own doubts and ambivalence. What was she doing? Was Kaitlyn trainable? Was she even a "sub" at all? Could she be the "Domme" in this relationship?
This time; no protest, no words, not even a whimper or a tear. The inner turmoil between submission and defiance now over, consumed in an emotional storm and a revelation. I wasn't sure if it was the words, the plea in Andrea's voice or the softening in her gaze, it didn't matter, I understood now, an epiphany. She LOVES me, she is struggling with this as much as me. The game was now ON; my confusion replaced by insight, frustration … determination, slightedness …. affection. I GOT it. NOW, I WANTED it, too.
Andrea recognized the change in my eyes and expression immediately, sending shockwaves to her sex, Moaning. Feeding off my expression, my eyes, the anticipation of what would happen next. Oh how she missed these feelings. Feeling so ALIVE again.
A rush of adrenaline filled me, empowered me. I glared at Andrea with a wicked tease "What, forget who's wearing the pants around here? I released defiantly. Turning my backside directly at Andrea, taunting her, never releasing her from my gaze.
This time it was Andrea whom was caught off guard by my quick recovery and flippant remark. . She was unable to administer another smack to my sweet waiting ass before I was able to complete my taunt.
SMACK, SMACK, Andrea took advantage of my new posture and landed a slap to both cheeks. Stinging her hands. Not a sound, just a hiss as I bit down deeper on my tormented lower lip and looked back with a glint in my eye.
"Undress for me now in silence or say your SAFE word". Andrea replied reasserting her control.
"Oh, Is that how you like it? I taunted Andrea in defiance as I cross my arms grab the bottom of my midriff and quickly pull it over my head, tossing it at Andrea's feet, revealing bra less, tanned, perky breasts with nipples at attention.
Before Andrea even realized what happened, SMACK, her hand came down hard and fast on my left breast and nipple leaving an angry red patch accompanied by slight welts from her fingernails. Andrea quickly looked up to meet my eyes, she did not want to hurt her baby, she was losing control, caught up in her own building excitement.
I hissed as the sting spread across my breast and exploded in my nipple. Biting down, now drawing blood from my abused lower lip. I let my tongue trace my wounds coating them in warm blood, never once releasing Andrea from my gaze "That all you got?" I taunted.
SMACK, Andrea came down instantly on my other breast, leaving matching marks, angry red nipples stretching upward. Our worlds disappearing, consumed in our own storms, eyes locked, no time for blinking.
My teeth dig deeper into my lower lip, I have Andrea's full attention as I slowly unbutton my faded Rag n Bone jeans. Slipping my thumbs in pushing them over my curved hips, allowing them to slide down my tan athletic legs revealing blue laced panties. Stepping out of them never taking my eyes off Andrea's, I bend over, twisting my hips to the side and shaking my firm already angry red buttocks at Andrea. "I know this is what you really want". I toyed with her, preparing for the worst.
SMACK, SMACK, Andrea's reply came quickly, with a sting, followed by a slow burn, catching both of my cheeks. Andrea's hands tingled with numbness, her breathing labored, face flushed, excitement building as her control wanes.
The burn spreads slow, mixing with my emotional storm. I lower my head, raise my ass high, slipping my thumbs under the lace panties I slowly draw them over my tan less bottom, revealing my own twin, very red, moons. Glancing back at Andrea, gauging her reaction. I am not disappointed. I see the hunger in those hazel eyes, a loss of control. I smile devilishly and taunt my "would be" Domme again.
" Admit it, this sweet ass is what you really want. Come and get some" I teased bracing for her LUST.
Andrea was quickly losing what control she had left. The site of those delicious cheeks raised high for her inspection, her pleasure and Kaitlyn's unabashed impertinence, her defiance. Daring her, challenging her. Toying with her. Andrea gave into her needs.
SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK one after another, the air was filled with thunder and my screams for MORE. Andrea and I both losing track of how long this mindless frenzy went on. Both caught up in our own storm.
"MORE, ANDREA" ….. Give me ALL of it, I want ALL of YOU" I Screamed, now reduced to a crouch on all fours, my face resting on the cool marble floor, as if it could help soothe my searing cheeks, now raised high, served on a platter, red, angry, raised flesh.
Andrea rained down another flurry of barehanded slaps one after the other alternating each cheek. Her hands beginning to ache, her sex on the edge, OMG, how much more could this girl take? Andrea thought, wondering also how much more she could give. Who was breaking whom here.
"Spank me. Punish me, I am yours Andrea. I submit to you, to you alone" I cried, lost in my own rapture. Tears now streaming down my cheeks, drops of saliva fused blood fall from my lip, my body trembling in a sea of sensations.
Andrea wasn't sure how long she had lost control, only when she had regained it. Staring at fire red, angry cheeks laced with welts and fingernail trails. Glowing blood red, throbbing from the trauma, a body trembling. The sound of her baby's cry. Finally able to pull her eyes away from those angry glowing red cheeks, Andrea rushed around Kaitlyn's limp, sobbing body, in search of her Peaches eyes. She had to know her baby was OK.
As Andrea knelt down, she could hear my whimpers, the sensations catching up, now overwhelming my nervous system. She reached down and cupped my chin, gently lifted my head up, searching for my eyes, for me, lost in a sea of tousled sweat soaked blonde hair. "Peaches look at me baby, Are you OK?" Andrea's tone apologetic, caring, loving. She was no longer sure who was being "broken". Who was the "Dom" who was the "Sub", this relationship was breaking all the rules. She was trying to understand what just happened. She had never lost control before, It was dangerous. Forbidden.
Andrea dropped to the floor cradling me, pulling my limp, drained, sweat coated body into hers. Running her long fingernails through my long dangling bangs hooking then behind an ear, exposing my flushed tear soaked face. Blood dripping from teeth marks in my lower lip. Finally revealing those tell tale hazel eyes.
I am a cocktail of sensations never known. A place where pain and pleasure sit side by side, as twins, indistinguishable. As ONE. I feel everything, I feel nothing, My circuits overloaded, drained. It is euphoric. I feel Andrea's touch, meet her concerned eyes, I look up, I pour my soul into her eyes. No words are needed, nothing lost in translation, a connection unknown.
It was almost 11:30 when Andrea realized the time, her knees and joints also a reminder. I am still curled in her cradle. "Kaitlyn? Now if you're quite finished, you do have homework to do before bed. Is that understood?"
Her voice sounded like a dream, faint, ghost like at first. Calling my name. Growing closer with each approaching word. Andrea, I recognize the voice, I smile, listening. Obeying. Without a "peep", I nod my head once submissively, lovingly.
Andrea, cradles my face with both hands, still tingling from their deeds, tilting my head back she kisses my forehead. "Good night sweet Peaches, do all your homework, fill out the entire questionnaire, and think very hard about this choice. "Baby, you have to understand this is not a game. I love you either way, remember that.".
Andrea could feel her panties, wet from her sex, her excitement. Making a "sloshing" sound as she ascended the steps to her chambers. Musing… oh what a night, filled with twists n curves. This young filly defied description, unpredictable, RAW.
3 1/2 hours later, countless searches and 244 questions answered, I was finally finished. Exhausted, physically and emotionally, I head off to find Andrea's chambers. The cries of my breasts and buttocks now audible after the deafening numbness subsides.
It is just after 3:00 am, Andrea is laying under Egyptian silk sheets, curled up on her side, drenched in moonlight. I slip under the. slippery cool sheet, snuggle up to Andrea, pouring myself into every void between us, Nuzzle my face into her thick soft brown hair. Slipping my arm around her waist, feeling a waiting hand taking mine into clasp, closing gently. Neither said a word, falling into slumber.
Hero Member
: 9502
Lady of the twin moons©
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#387 :
August 26, 2016, 04:07:55 PM »
Andrea went to bed at 11:30, leaving silent Peaches on the couch till what she learned was 3 in the morning, because that is when she finally felt a warm body slide next to her, and pull the covers up.
By mid-morning while sipping coffee, Andrea looked over the finished questionnaire and then watched the new devotee finally emerge from the bedroom. She sat across the table in a robe with hair dishevelled and looked imploringly at her new “Mistress”.
“Gather your thoughts,” Andrea cautioned, “and speak.”
Kaitlyn opened wide and began to gesture, then thought for a moment. “What do you get out of all this?”
Andrea gave a loving smile, “Pretty much the same thing I get now. I get to tease and torment you. I get to play with you and make you cum… or not let you cum. I get that pretty blonde head between my legs, not a lot will change. Sure, sometimes you will be tied up when I do those wonderful things to you and sometimes I will swat that little butt just because I want to.”
“And we make the rules?”
“Yes” Andrea answered quickly.
Kaitlyn thought and slowly started to smile. Can I have a hug?”
Andrea chuckled before she stood. “You can always have a hug.”
She took Peaches into her arms and pulled her tight. “I am not allowed to withhold affection from you, that is never a punishment. Hugs will always be here.”
“Could that be a rule?” Kaitlyn asked into Andrea’s ear. “Even if you’re mad at me or we fight, I can call “Hugs” no matter what?”
Andrea considered this slowly. “OK, but it won’t get you out of a punishment.” Then she spoke up, “And you can’t abuse it. No calling “Hugs” every two minutes.”
Kaitlyn pulled back to look Andrea in the eye and put on a pouting face, “I wouldn’t do that.” She said innocently.
Andrea threw her head back and laughed before coming back with a sarcastic, “Yeah.”
Hero Member
: 9502
Lady of the twin moons©
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#388 :
August 27, 2016, 02:50:25 PM »
Kaitlyn wasn’t all in black like she thought she would be. Andrea had laid out a red bikini top and a white short skirt but with no panties. Kaitlyn didn’t find it odd but instead give a silly grin when told to dress in the skimpy clothes. When Andrea came back with a black leather collar that said “Peaches” on it, she found the skirt around Kait’s neck, with its short hem just going past her perfect rosebud nipples and the top on her head, like Stitch from the cartoon.
Andrea rolled her eyes to heaven, but didn’t comment on it. “Turn around.” She twirled her index finger in the air and spoke with a calm air, catching Kaitlyn’s hip when she tried to keep going 360 degrees. “Do you want this collar or not?” Andrea stated simply but seriously behind her.
Kaitlyn heard the tone and remembered the importance of the object. She hung her head now and bit her lip as she realized what a mistake this foolishness was. “I’m sorry. I do, I swear I do.”
Andrea reached over the red dyed head of hair. “Hair” she simply commanded.
“Oh,” Kaitlyn grasped the meaning and pulled her tresses up off her neck. “Yes, my Lady.”
Andrea pulled the leather tight to her throat, but not around it yet. She leaned into Kaitlyn’s ear and softly spoke. “You have given your submission freely. I accept it and in return place upon you this collar. It is yours to wear, but it is MINE and all that it holds is MINE, until one of us takes it off… and then you will be mine nevermore. Is this understood?”
The words rung through Kaitlyn’s head. “Mine nevermore?” This was no game, you played, but it was no game, she remembered. “Yes, my Lady.” she finally spoke.
Andrea wrapped the black leather around, encasing Kait’s throat and clasping it, sealing this bargain they had made. Kait smiled wide as she felt its restriction. She wanted to kiss and be held. She felt thrilled, but Lady A had another plan.
“Touch your toes, little peaches.” And she put her hand on the slim back and pushed hard.
Kaitlyn obeyed and let herself go over and immediately felt a stinging SLAP to her still sore bottom. From one cheek to another Andrea beat her pert little ass. The skirt that was so funny minutes before was now in her face and covering her eyes as she felt each blow.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry” And she was. She wanted a “do over” on this moment, her collaring should have been beautiful and delicious. She felt a final smack right across her exposed labia. The slap stung hard and Kait’s feet danced off the floor in a frenzied tattoo as she put her hands on the bed to keep herself up.
Andrea moved next to her instead of behind her and put her hand firmly on Kaitlyn’s back when she tried to stand, keeping her down. “I am going to the car.” Lady A said evenly in measured tones. “You will dress in the things I have provided.” Andrea paused for clarity. “You have two minutes… And I feel I am being generous.” She spun and left and there was a hint of anger in her tone at the end.
They rode in silence except for the time that Kaitlyn called “hugs” and was rebuffed “When we get there.” was her only answer. The convertible pulled into the front of the AChat B&G and parked. Andrea opened her door and swung her legs out. She got around to the other side just as Kaitlyn got to her feet. Andrea grabbed her and pulled her close in an embrace, wrapping her arms around “peaches”.
“Your hug.” She said softly.
Kait buried her face into that deep brown hair. “I was bad.” she confessed.
“And it’s done.” Lady A told her. “Dealt with, little love.”
Andrea took her by the wrist and smiled at her. “Come on.”
They walked into the front door. The jukebox was playing. It was a Saturday night but there was no live band. Summer time and vacations really slowed the place down. Old Joe waved from the bar but they didn’t stop. Andrea still holding Kaitlyn by the wrist took them back to the game room and around the pool table to the inside corner.
“So, pool or darts?” asked the cheeky sub.
Andrea did chuckle, “Neither.” pulling out her dungeon cell key, she put it to a slim opening next to the “Dogs playing Poker” painting and pushed. The wall swung outward into darkness and a cool draft could be felt.
Kait’s eyes lit with understanding. “The Ice House” and she smiled.
Her Lady returned the smile. “Let’s go play, Peaches.”
Hero Member
: 9502
Lady of the twin moons©
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#389 :
August 28, 2016, 11:04:56 AM »
Even with lights, the stone stairs and long brick hallway seem dark and foreboding. There is a coolness to the air that can’t be shed and everything echos, especially your footsteps, making it seem that you are not alone. Andrea guided them again, this time coming from the other direction. But still she stopped at an identical door to the rest of them and unlocked it. Kaitlyn walked inside and turned to face her Mistress.
“My Lady,” Kaitlyn spoke up. “My bottom still really hurts.” She tilted her head down and looked pleadingly.
Andrea shut the door and cocked her head “Are you asking me to leave it alone?”
“Please.” she spoke softer.
Andrea got a wicked smile and grabbed the redhead under the chin and brought their faces together. “Oh, I love when you say please.” And then licked Kait from her chin to her ear.
She let her hand slide down the girls back and to the white skirt that easily flipped up to feel that warm ass. “You’ll be good?” she whispered in Kait’s ear as she manhandled her ass.
“Yes Ma’am.” came the quick reply.
Andrea licked under the earlobe and flipped it into her teeth, giving it a bite and tug. “Go put your face to that cross” she still whispered. “We’ll tie you down, so you don’t have to be good.” Andrea’s voice was melodic and quietly soothing.
When her Mistress backed away, Kait moved with purpose and greeted the cold steel of the Saint Andrew’s cross. She spread her legs and put her arms along its frame. The wall was inches in front of her, red brick would be her only view. She heard a small door creak, and rustling and jingling. Then she felt Andrea at her side, she caught her in her peripheral vision but didn’t know if she was allowed to look. Leather was wrapped around her left wrist and buckled securely and then it was attached to the “D” ring above. The same for her right.
Now Andrea paused in her work. Kaitlyn felt her pressed against her, felt arms slide around her waist and then moved to her humble, little breasts. Hands sliding across the bikini material and a warm groin pressed to her ass. Andrea’s hands roamed over her torso, not to excite Kaitlyn but to the pleasure of Andrea. She tweaked a hardened nipple, toyed with it and pulled. The pinch was firm and the tug was constant. Fingers smoothed across her tight belly and delved down into her “V”. Now she understood “No panties” as her mound was petted and her lips caressed. Andrea squatted down behind her. Kaitlyn pushed out her ass excited to be eaten, but instead felt leather wrapped around each ankle and shackled to the wide cross’s base.
When she stood back up Andrea pushed her hand between those thighs and rubbed that already damp pussy. Her other hand back at Kait’s breast, she whispered in her ear again. “I’m gonna plug that ass.” it was no question, just information. “Something to fill that little hole.” Andrea’s hand drew back as if to swat…
But no, she stepped away with a smile after Kaitlyn had tensed.
A stainless steel princess plug was brought to the girl’s lips. It pressed in and Kaitlyn wet it. She tried to coat it well with her saliva because she knew where it was going next.
“Mmm, let’s pry those sweet cheeks apart, little peaches.” Andrea warned or taunted as she fondled Kait’s sore globes. And pressing in, she “popped” the butt plug in place.
Kait couldn’t help wiggle her hips, moving that butt around. It was foreign and strange, but now a part of her, there was no getting it out. It filled that hole and somehow made its presence known in her other one. Her pussy clenched at the invader while still being empty. Andrea moved her hand along, pressing at the jewel tipped plug before reaching lower to that hot wet tunnel. She stroked it and splayed the lips till kaitlyn sighed.
“I’m going to do something I have never done, little love. You are going to be the first.” Andrea told her.
She could see her “Peaches” tense up a little, she could feel the apprehension, but Kaitlyn was shackled. Her body was at the mercy of her older lover. Andrea took her time and walked around the room, knowing the suspense was killing her. Kaitlyn stayed silent, she didn’t protest, she didn’t panic. Andrea came to her, behind her, hands went up the girls exposed ribs…
“I never tickled anyone.” She confessed finally as she ran her fingers along Kait’s sides. She moved her hands so quickly and softly up and down that tanned flesh until Kait cried out in laughter.
“NO, NOOOOOO” she laughed loudly with all her lungs. The tension was broken but this was still “torture”. “STOP, OH STOP.”
Andrea was smiling wide, and she didn’t stop. She tickled and caressed her sexy charge. She kept going as the room filled with wails of laughter and Kait was red in the face. Her knees gave way and she hung there by her arms and Andrea kept tickling.
“Please, PLEASE!” The girl begged.
Andrea slowed but didn’t stop. “Tell me who’s my girl.” Her fingers went just under Kait’s little breasts and tormented her again, making her body jolt and move now as if electrified. “Tell ME!” and she kept tickling until she said it.
“MEEEE!” Kait yelled out.
Andrea stopped and wrapped her arms around that heaving torso. She put her chin over Kaitlyn’s shoulder. Held her as she calmed and caught her breath. “Good” She said in her ear. “Now, let me go get something else. Don’t move” she joked as she moved away from her charge.
: August 28, 2016, 11:07:17 AM Momma_andrea
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