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The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
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: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** ( 284963 )
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#390 :
August 31, 2016, 01:28:07 AM »
Kaitlyn had no idea what time it was when she awoke, only that Andrea was gone and her butt cheeks n nips were telling their own story. The cool satin sheet slips effortlessly from her lithe body as she sits up. "Ouch" I muttered as my full weight comes to bare on my sensitive cheeks, pushing the burn deeper into my tissue,. Waking my sex once again, that deepening ache.
The frenzy of last night much more than just a memory, a reminder, this was no game…. I mused to myself, looking down at my pert little breasts, both proudly revealing their part in last nights play, standing tall, tingling, alive. "No explaining these away" I mused. Wondering how long I might have to hide my "tell-tale" betrayals. "OMG, what would Tristan think?" I chuckled to myself, thinking how that conversation might begin, and end.
The faint aroma of fresh coffee snapped me out of my fugue and I noticed a plush white robe n slippers accompanied with a note written in elegant cursive laying at the end of the bed.
"Good morning my Peaches, here is a robe n slippers for you, wear nothing more. When you are ready please join me for breakfast. Let me also remind you, and those "angry cheeks", I have not released you from silence, beware my young playful filly. Lady Andrea."
A smile graces my face, I quickly begin dissecting Andrea's note, her words, her message to me. The tone affectionate but not playful. "What could that mean?" I pondered, as my ravaged body parts soon chimed in with warnings of more punishment. "More spankings?" The thought trickling through my body, immersing me in mixed signals, eliciting cries from my frightened flesh, desire form my sex.
I slide into the thick, heavy robe. It's plush cotton cradling me, wrapping me in soothing warmth. Searching for it's sash to tie me in, but finding none. I notice the empty loop holes surrounding the waist. I smile again, knowing this is no mistake. Oh , how I lust the way this woman plays with me. I quickly slip into my slippers and follow the inviting aroma of coffee, down the long pictured hallway, the wide spiral steps, revealing a sunbathed kitchen.
Lady A is dressed impeccably. Her hair no longer bound by lock-tite braids, flows full and softly around her alabaster skin and lays dangling over a white collared biz shirt, the two top buttons left open showcasing her "girls", their fullness and deep cleavage. All neatly tucked into a sharp designer black knit skirt falling just mid thigh, just covering the tops of delicately laced matching stocking. She does not look up as I enter the kitchen. Busy reviewing my homework, she motions me over to the large cherry kitchen table, to juice and coffee. "Help yourself princess, then gather your thoughts and speak.” Andrea cautioned ”I release you from silence." "For the moment" she quickly adds, knowing this filly was unpredictable and needed guidance. Wanted it. That was her leverage.
I say nothing, struggling to hold onto one thought long enough to form words. "OMG" I thought to myself " I couldn't keep my mouth shut last night, and now nothing?" The hesitation seems an eternity. I grab at the next flying thought “What do you get out of all this?”
Andrea broke into a loving smile. She recognized the puzzlement in her little princess, the uncontrollable curiosity in those eyes. "Well, Princess ……." Andrea spent the next hour answering countless questions, offering numerous reassurances and enjoying every second. She was glowing.
My pace slowing as I burn through the questions swirling in my head. Andrea calmly, sometimes amusingly, answering each one carefully, thoughtfully. The more I listened to her words, her tone, the more I appreciate and understand what she offers me. Feeling intoxicated by lingering sensations in my flesh and this strange new erotic world, I raise my gaze and seek out my Lady A.
"One more thing" I pause, looking long into those mysterious hazel eyes" My robe open providing a visible flesh highway between my covered breast and long legs, postured slightly open for my Lady's benefit. "Can I have a hug"
Andrea's expression changes instantly, her mysterious eyes open wide with affection, she chuckles. “You can always have a hug.” She reassures Kaitlyn as she walks over to her "wanna be" sub, gesturing her to rise, wrapping her arms, pulling her tight until she hears a soft whimper from her Peaches. “I am not allowed to withhold affection from you, Hugs will always be here.” My promise.
That was all I needed to hear, I felt at peace, calm. A sigh escapes my lips. “Could that be a rule?” I erupt without thought. “Even if you’re mad at me or we fight, I can call “Hugs” no matter what?” I look at Andrea imploringly.
Andrea considered this slowly. “OK, but it won’t get you out of a punishment.” quickly adding, “And you can’t abuse it. No calling “Hugs” every two minutes.” Trying to anticipate any unintended leverage this might give her "clever: little sub. Oh, how she was going enjoy this unpredictable duel, she would be kept on her toes, that she knew already.
"Now, back upstairs. I have placed your dirty clothes in the laundry, you will find clean garments in the closet. Put them on, I will be up. shortly to "offer" you something that only you can accept or reject."
"Offer you something that only you can accept or reject"…. The words lingered in my mind, paralyzing me, assaulting my mind with delicious implications.
Why are you still here?" Andrea asked matter-of factly Looking at me quizzically, "NOW, Go , Girl"
Andrea had recaptured my "wandering" attention, I was just bout to reply when …..
"Shhhhh Girl, that was a rhetorical question, I do NOT want an answer, I want you to OBEY, now GO" Andrea barked.
I open the walk in closet doors housed within a seldom used spare bedroom, finding a single hanger with two items neatly attached and a pair of old black n white converse sneakers lay directly under them on the hardwood floors. "Huh" I muttered to myself as I mused over this outfit, a bright red bikini top with a very short bleach white frilled mini skirt, with NO panties I quickly noticed, chuckling. Confused. Expecting either black latex or some delicate sheer black lingerie, I slip out of the robe and slowly begin dressing as I wonder what Andrea has planned for me in this silly outfit. Surely she did not intend on taking me out in public with this, a quick wave of anxiety surges through me, flesh blushing on it's own. "No, she wouldn't" I said arguing with myself "Are you sure?" I quipped. I was in the middle of my own late night monologue, playfully bantering with myself while toying with the skirt, which was now around my neck when Andrea entered the room with something being presented in the palm of her hands.
Andrea rolled her eyes, but didn’t comment on it. “Turn around.” She twirled her index finger in the air and spoke with a calm. I was still kinda stuck in silly mode, caught off guard and looking very ridiculous I was sure, when I heard Andrea add … “Do you want this collar or not?” her voice calm, but serious.
I quickly realize how inappropriate my behavior is, how important this is to my Gamer Girl, my Andrea. I assume a submissive posture, lower my head and shoulders, pulling my arms close to me. "“I’m sorry my Lady. I do, I swear I do.” I plead. I feel Andrea lean over my slightly hunched body, seeing a silver appointed black leather collar with 3 shiny stainless rings and "PEACHES" embroidered It is beautiful, I let out an involuntary sigh. "Hair" was all I heard, but I understand the command at once and lift my tousled hair revealing my slightly tanned neck coated with fine baby hairs bristling at attention. Yes, my Lady.” I reply obediently
Andrea drew the collar slowly to her Peaches neck, ceremoniously, taking pleasure in each breath, each moment. This was a new beginning for Andrea, not completely unfamiliar, just new. It had been to long. Andrea leans in closer, I feel her breath wisp the edge of my ear lobe. " My little Peaches, you have given your submission freely. I accept this gift and in return place upon you this collar, my gift." "It is yours to wear, but it is MINE and all that it holds is MINE, until one of us takes it off… then you will be mine nevermore." Is this understood?”
The weight of this revelation suffocates me for a moment, preventing a reply. Andrea's tone, her words, the gravity of her comment. No, this was definitely no game, last night ….not a dream. This is real, and important. I feel it's weight in my legs. It's burden in my mind. “Yes, my Lady.” was all I say. I feel the cool leather close in on my exposed neck, tightening along all sides as Andrea closes the straps in the back, cinching it snuggly. With a last tug the collar is in place, I am filled with a sense of safety and calm from this "ownership." The restriction ironically providing me a sense of liberation, freedom from decisions. This feeling is so powerful, I feel it spread through out my body, leaving a deep ache, a desire in it's wake. I want to be held, hugged. I turn to Andrea expecting a matching expression of affection, desire, lust. "Hug, please , my Lady" slips out of my mouth before I see Andrea has other plans in her eyes.
“Turn around.” She twirls her index finger in the air. "Bend over, place the palms of your hands flat on the floor just in front of your feet." I hesitate, caught off guard again, expecting a hug, not commands. "NOW" Andrea says firmly as I feel her long slender fingers press down hard on my upper back showing me the direction, like a trainer to a dog.
I submit instantly, feeling lost, confused, and now exposed. I do not need any help achieving the requested posture, I am after all double jointed and otherwise very flexible, but I allow Andrea's hand to guide me all the way to my resting place, out of respect. My palms assume their position, I say nothing, I wait, bracing myself for anything, not sure what is coming.
Andrea, circles Kaitlyn, admiring her flexibility, her obedience. A smile escapes as she notices the short white skirt still draped around her neck, covering most of her face and allowing her hair to spill to the floor. She lets her fingers roam along Kaitlyn's naked flesh, leaving a trail of goose bumps in her wake. Her fingertips listening to the subtle trembles of the flesh, tensing muscles. "Why, do you tense up, Girl"?
"I am sorry my Lady" I did not realize …." I am quickly cut off bye a quick lite slap to my outside cheek.
"Sorry is not an answer" Andrea quips "Now, relax those cheeks for me, I want that delicious slice of cake smiling at me, not frowning."
"Yes, my Lady" I exercise control over my muscles and loosen the shields of my defense, as I do so my butt cheeks drop and my slice opens slightly, revealing a glistening cavern between two very red and slightly welted cheeks. Feeling more vulnerable then ever now.
As soon as Andrea is satisfied that her "charge" is fully exposed. "SMACK" the force of Andrea's first spank about knocks Kaitlyn off balance.
I recover quickly, catching my balance in my precarious perch, finding it helps distract my mind from the fresh sting quickly seeping into my burning flesh. I bite down hard on my already tormented inner lower lip. My butt cheeks tense involuntarily, bracing for the next assault.
"SMACK" another forceful spank to my other, just as sore, butt cheek. Again I say nothing, preferring to bite deeper into my own flesh, finding a way to offset the increasing sting in my exposed buttocks. Scrambling to maintain my balance. I remain silent, defiant, again. "You are NOT listening. STOP, clenching those butt cheeks" Andrea exclaimed "NOW"
"SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK" a flurry of spankings rain down on now numb flesh. Sensations slowly changing from sharp stings to an uncontrollable tingle. This would continue until I show some sign of submission. Did I really want a repeat of last night? The answer to that question now alluding me. "Did I?" I thought to myself as the spanking continued, the burn now traveling deep inside.
SMACK, SMACK Andrea continues the spanking, alternating cheeks, waiting to hear her name. She circles, wondering just how long her Peaches plans to be defiant today. "Who would cry wolf first? Who?" She thought to herself.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry” I cry out "PLEASE forgive me my Lady ANDREA " I do not want to disappoint" I plead, somehow feeling I have diminished this moment for her, for US. This collaring should have been a beautiful and delicious experience for US.
"Please" "Lady Andrea" those two words echo in her ears, sweet n creamy in sound. Andrea standing just behind Kaitlyn quickly squats behind me, finds what she is looking for, delivers a wicked slap to my exposed labia, puffy from the past 24 hours, peeking out a bit too far.
"AHHHH" escapes my clenched lips as I involuntarily jump off the floor from the unexpected blow to my very engorged, sensitive labia. "Ouch" I keep to myself, "that one hurt", as I grasp for the edge of the bed to catch myself, wiggling my hips as if to throw off the sting.
"Be Still, Girl" Andrea quickly commands as she presses a hand between my shoulders preventing me from moving. "I am going to the car." You will dress in the things I have provided.” Andrea paused for clarity. “You have TWO minutes… And I feel I am being generous.”
Andrea walked out the door without another word, nor a look back. Leaving a hint of anger, frustration in the air. I quickly dressed, now happy my silly outfit came "sans" panties…. Omg, my labia and butt cheeks were on fire and it was spreading.
I had no idea where we were headed. Andrea was volunteering no help and I was not about to ask. I kept quite, trying not to think about my increasingly sore butt cheeks, suspecting Andrea was searching out every bump or hole for pleasure. After what seemed a very long time, I finally blurted out "HUGS" "as I leaned over and pleaded with my eyes "I need your HUGS, ANDREA".
Well, if I thought I was ALWAYS going to get my way with this woman, I was learning very quickly , I would be WRONG. Andrea's eyes never left the road as she rebuffed my plea "When we get there" is all she said, and not very nicely either *Gulp*
A few minutes later we were pulling into the Achat B&G parking lot, pretty empty once again. But I reminded myself it was early afternoon. I recalled how Andrea and Joe had rehashed the "Good Ole Days", when the club was alive with dance, drink and song. "What a shame" I thought. I was about to mention this to Andrea before I realized she was already closing the door and walking around the front of the car not once meeting my eyes. I quickly exited the car to avoid any further "punishments", my butt and nips felt every bump in the road.
As soon as Andrea was within reach, she finally met my gaze as she grabbed me whispering "Here is your hug." "My little Peaches." Her embrace, tight, affectionate, everything I needed at that moment. I melt in her arms, my face nuzzling in her thick soft brown hair.
I look up to find Andrea's eyes for additional reassurance, confessing my brattiness "I was a BAD Girl"
“And it’s done.” Andrea responded softly. “Dealt with, little love.” Her face breaking out in a smile "Now, let's go have FUN" as she grabs my wrist and leads me to the club. She waves at Joe as she passes by but does not stop, I wave awkwardly as Andrea is still leading me by my wrist into the game room.
I look around, not sure what to think. This day is not going as expected, Andrea is purposely keeping me off my game, throwing me twists n curves, not letting me get comfortable. I look over at her and sarcastically ask "Are we playing with BALLS or DARTS" tonight?"
Andrea chuckles at her cheeky sub, "Neither" she replies playfully as she produces an OLD brass key, "We are ICEHOUSE bound." she says in a sultry tone "It's the Dungeon" for you my little Peaches". Andrea focuses on my gaze waiting for a reaction.
She does not have to wait long and is not disappointed, my face begins to glow as my mind registers the words. I am lost no more, all is well and on course as I repeat Andrea's words "ICEHOUSE" "DUNGEON" unaware I was speaking aloud, My mind to busy wandering..
"Yes, Peaches" now let's go PLAY". Andrea grabs my wrist once again and leads me down a steep stone stairwell, each step launching a cascade of echoes down a dimly lit brick hallway. Andrea stops at an indistinguishable door. This door has no number, no name. It looks no different than any other door we have passed in the hallway. Andrea unlocks and open the thick heavy door, leading me in by the wrist.
To Be Continued ……
: August 31, 2016, 07:40:42 PM Kaitlyn1989
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#391 :
September 15, 2016, 02:00:58 AM »
Andrea leads me into her chambers by the wrist. The dim lighting casts shadows dancing along stone walls, strange furnishings randomly placed in an otherwise nondescript room. The air cool, damp, a bit musty but not disagreeable.
“Oh my” is all that is capable of crossing my lips as I take in this new world.
I look around familiarizing myself with this strange, exotic yet foreboding place. Its stone walls scarred with a long history, the oversized other worldly furnishings, solid and heavy, and the “Windows”. NO WINDOWS, none at all, just a large wood door and a couple of light bulbs suspended from the ceiling. Although it is clean, neat n organized, it is certainly no Four Seasons. My eyes are drawn to the large metal restraining rings, I look around and see them placed strategically around all the otherwise haphazardly placed furnishings. Their presence sends shivers across my raw flesh. My mind wanders to dark places, my heart hastens, my flesh screams.
The alcohol fueled defiance of last night, had come for payment in the form of PAIN. An inescapable reminder with each step, each gluteus contraction sending ripples of searing heat across my ravaged butt cheeks, dissipating into deeper flesh. Where lines between pleasure and pain blur. Where “Desire” trumps “Logic”.
Although I felt its enticing knock, I was not there yet, not even close. I was all by myself tonight, no alcohol fueled buzz to get this party started and the guests of honor from last night were front n center, commanding my attention. My Respect.
I do not want to disappoint or reveal any weakness to my Lady A. I am her Peaches, I am her “Bitch”, I am as tough as her love, she knows this. She understands me. But my body pleads otherwise, needs to be heard. I must submit.
“My Lady,” my voice but a whisper, not sure it wants found.
“Yes Peaches? What’s going on in that head?” Andrea quickly picks up on my vibe change. Exhilaration replaced by apprehension, impetuousness by caution. “Tell me, NOW.”
“My Lady, I do not want to disappoint or disrespect your wishes.” my voice still but a whisper, my posture portrays submission. “I want to be your tough, defiant, Peaches, willing to endure for you.”
“Come girl, get to the point” Andrea quips, “I am listening.”
“But, my bottom still really hurts.” slips across my tongue without warning. My voice now pleading.
Andrea shuts the door, sealing with a “thud” echoing across the modest size room. The sound of old tumblers and latches can be heard as she engages the lock. I feel her soft fingers cup my chin, lifting my face to meet her interrogating eyes. “Peaches? Are you asking me to leave it alone?”
“Yes. Please, my Lady.” I plead softly meeting her gaze, it’s intensity, trying not to blink.
A softening in Andrea’s eyes, a playful wicked smile spreads across her face. She closes her grip on my chin, pulls me closer, just inches from her face. I feel her warm, moist breath. “Oh my Peaches, I lLOVE when you say please.” I feel the feline like texture of her flattened tongue glide along my face from chin-to-ear, leaving a coat of her saliva in its wake.
I feel her hand slide down my back, across the skimpy white skirt barely covering my “rouged” cheeks.
She whispers “You’ll be good?” as her hand plunges between my thighs, touching n groping in a way only an owner of property does, with authority, no hesitation, no excuses.
“Yes Ma’am.” I reply quickly, knowing now is not the time to be playful, but respectful.
Andrea draws my earlobe into her mouth, I feel her tongue circling, then with a flick she flips it between her waiting teeth n bites while tugging playfully. “Now, go put your face to that Saint Andrews cross” she whispers. “We’ll tie you down, so you don’t have to be good.” Andrea teases, her voice melodic and soothing.
I obey without hesitation, now more at ease knowing that my Lady Andrea is at least mindful of my plight. Knowing once bound I have no say, no recourse. I am hers, at her mercy.
I walk towards the large iron structure mounted to the wall, its cold iron, simple design and ever present restraining rings at all corner. I begin to feel my inner demons fill my head with doubt n fear, nightmares of eternal bondage, inescapable restraints, abandonment. My breathing accelerates as I draw nearer.
“Calm. Calm yourself.” I lip subconsciously, the cross now looming in front of me. “Have trust in your Lady A. She would not hurt you” I counter in my head quickly. There is no reason to fear. She loves me, I know this. I slowly raise my arms and follow the outstretched angular metal.
“Ohhhhh” a faint gasp escapes my lips as my flesh makes first contact with the cold, unforgiving metal. Stepping forward I move my legs to mirror the lower angular iron limbs. Spreading my legs wide to meet the cold smooth metal. My face now only inches from the cool stone wall. My body begins to press against this smooth cool surface. I soon find this quality appealing n soothing to my flesh.
Andrea watches with satisfaction and hunger as her “charge” silently, submissively presses her barely clad body to the Saint Andrews cross. Her lithe tanned body seemingly out of place along the large foreboding structure. A smiles takes shape,
I maintain my silence, while trying to control my own inner fears. Focusing on the worn etchings in the old stone walls. I hear the echoes of my Lady Andreas heels as she walks toward the far wall, her gate slow, deliberate.
Andrea opens the large mahogany doors to her armoire, revealing a wide array of equipment unique to this art form, all neatly organized and displayed. Each with its own place and purpose. Collars, belts, harnesses and rope. O-rings, D-Rings, Spreader bars and shackles. Floggers, switches, paddles n whips.
She muses over her options, waiting for an appetite to reveal itself.
I hear the creak of doors, then rustling and jingling. I want to look, but I dare not. I must be obedient. I hear the crack of a whip behind me, I tense immediately, biting down on what’s left of the inside of my lower lip. Bracing myself for the inevitable. I wait ….. but nothing. As I begin to relax my clenched muscles I sense my Lady at my side. I feel a warm hand gently take my left wrist, a leather band is slipped around me, wrapped tightly and then buckled securely before being attached to the adjacent “D-ring” above.
“Peaches? Have I ever explained the history of the Icehouse? Andrea asks rhetorically, knowing full well she had not, as she slowly, deliberately walks around to my other side.
“Yes, my Lady A, they made ice here in the old days” I quickly replied, proud of myself for remembering.
Andrea lets out a light hearted chuckle at her subs unexpected answer. This clever little redhead missed nothing and had a dangerous memory. “Yes, but I am talking much earlier than that, before the need for ice at the Achat B&G.
She took Kaitlyn’s other wrist in preparation of restraint as she recounted the original construction and use of this strange place.
“A long time ago, my pretty Peaches, this use to house Confederate prisoners of war. It was a stockade. A military jail of sorts.” She lectures calmly as she secures the clasp to the D-Ring.
I say nothing, Waiting. Trying to remain calm as my bondage gets closer.
There is a long pause, I feel Lady A draw closer, then a whisper “Do you know these walls are over 2 feet thick, solid stone?”
“No, I did not my Lady” knowing once again it is rhetorical, I reply respectfully all the same.
“Yes, my dear they are and that makes them incredibly soundproof” Andrea teased.
I feel my loss of control take hold once again. Oh that word, “soundproof”, so harmless before, now when combined with my inevitable bondage, sends shivers along my spine. My breathing quickening.
Andrea’s trained eye and ear, watching, listening for any and all changes in her “Charges” demeanor. Unlike last night, she would not, could not, lose her control in here. Not while her “charge” was under her bondage. She had to maintain control.
I feel her body slide up along my right side, arms surround my waist, move slowly, gently up my sides, over my abdomen, to my angry little nips tucked away carefully inside the red bikini top Andrea had set aside. Her fingers slip effortlessly under the shear fabric, moving up, finding her target. Her hands cup n cradle my noticeably HOT flesh and rock hard nips.
“Ohhhhh, my” A deep moan hitchhikes a ride on my breath as I feel her cool soft palms soothe my ravaged flesh, as she presses her warm fleshy mons into my own aching flesh.
Andrea quickly removes her hands at the first sign of Kaitlyn’s arousal and allows them to explore her property freely, without rush or purpose. Just meandering. This is her night, her pleasure, she had been patient long enough. HER NIGHT.
Her hands roam not to excite Kaitlyn, but to pleasure herself. She deftly releases the clasp on the red bikini top allowing it to float to the floor. Revealing those red, raw angry breasts, nips stretching outward. Without hesitation Andrea pinches the closest hardened nipple between her finger nails and twists quickly.
“Ahhhhhh” I quickly take a deep breath, caught by surprise. Lured into calm by her roaming caresses. She gives it another “twerk, and long tug” wanting more from her Peaches
“Ahhhhhh” I wince louder this time, a long hiss passes my lips. The sting intensifies, spreading.
Andrea, now satisfied with her little subs affirmations, releases her twisted nipple with a quick hard tug.
“Ouch” I yelp loudly, straining to get a glimpse of Andrea’s eyes, her expression, some idea of where she was going. She kept close but behind, to the side, just out of my view.
Andrea’s right hand quickly quarantines my mouth, cutting off my protest as her other hand slides slowly down my torso, across my flat stretched belly, searching for her Peaches. Fingers comb through my brass tipped pubes sliding over my hood, finding my creases and becoming my glove.
A hum vibrates Andrea’s palm as I attempt to release a breath, a sigh of pleasure. I push my hips back, meeting Andrea’s anticipating thrust. Her fingers delve deeper into her Peaches flesh, splaying my labia, massaging my fleshy folds between experienced fingers. She allows a finger to pluck n tug at my sex as her hand makes another pass along my quickly moistening slit.
I smile, understanding only now my Lady A’s intentions. Her plans, for “no panties” Then, as quickly as Andrea brings me to pre-boil, she withdraws her expedition. Moving her target lower, I feel her body slide south, her moist panties sliding along the back of my thigh, leaving a snail trail as she squats along me.
I draw a fast, deep breath, my mouth now unrestrained. “Nooo, please my Lady, don’t stop, that feels amazing. More. Tease me more.” My voice thick with need.
“What? Your wants? Your needs? Andrea counters as I feel her agile fingers cage my ankle in leather restraints. “You, silly girl.” I feel a tug on my right leg as she buckles me to the lower D-Ring. “This is my night Peaches, not yours my love. You are my dessert, my indulgence, my pleasure. For as long as I desire”
“Yes ma’am” I offer apologetically for my presumptuousness. “I understand” as the magnitude of this reality settles in.
“Do you Peaches? Do you really think you understand”? Andrea taunts as she pivots to my left leg, entrapping my other ankle in its leather restraint. “Do you have any idea how essential your morning gifts are to my day?” a strong tug on my left leg as Andrea secures my last appendage.
I feel the weight hit me like a truck as the tug secures my last remaining limb. “Yes, my Lady A. Of course I do” I reassure her, as I am now fully bond, restrained, immobile, HELPLESS. And I don’t like where this conversation is going. Omg, my little brain flooded with what if’s, feeding into my fear.
“Are you sure, my little princess?” Andrea inquires as she rises, slowly, allowing her weight to crawl along my secured body. “Do you realize these gifts are to me as my words, my presence is to you?
I subconsciously begin to test the reality of my bonds and quickly discover they are real, not toys. “Yes, my Lady Andrea, I know this. I would be crushed” I plead.
Andrea says nothing for a moment, I feel her warm breath at the back of my neck, her body pressing into mine, her hands snaking their way along my torso to my neck. My body continues to betray me, testing my restraints, the depths of my imprisonment. The more I struggle, the further Andrea backs away from me.
Preferring to observe her precious Kaitlyn; to learn, understand her. She waits, watches.
I quickly notice her absence, my struggle intensifies, my muscles exerting.
“My Lady A? Where are you?” my cadence urgent “Please, speak to me."
I slip away, my inner fears n doubts, feeding the beast. “Let me go. Please, let me go” I cry.
A reassuring hand touches my face, a whisper at my ear. “My little Peaches. My love. I would not, could not ever leave you while you are in my “charge”. Period. Nuff said. There is nothing in this world that could draw me away from you” her voice that of an angel. Gentle, soothing, penetrating.
“Calm yourself, Kait. Trust in me, I know you do. Let go. Let go. I have you. I will always have you, my Peaches.” Her tone penetrating, healing.
“Promise me.” I ask, still unable to see my lady’s eyes. To know her intent. "Promise me, make it a rule. Please, for me”
I am greeted by a soft kiss to my cheek, another to my ear “You silly, adorable girl. This is already a rule above all others, A code of conduct. It is my bond to you, I will never betray your trust. NEVER.” Andrea administers a playful slap to my butt cheek, mindful of her implied promise to be “gentle” as she whispers “now, I want you to show me just how much you trust your Lady A by pushing that vulnerable sexy little ass of yours out as far as possible” she teases “Show me how much you love your Lady A.”
I arch back, pushing away from the cool iron structures as far as my bonds permit, pressing my hips back hard, forcing my legs outward, opening, granting access.
My sex is hungry with anticipation, my little hole puckers to be touched, teased, kissed, licked n ravaged. I wait as I feel Andrea lower herself to my waiting derriere.
Andrea admires her work from last night on her Peaches succulent butt cheeks, she takes her cool palms and spreads her subs cheeks wide to fully expose her treasure.
I resist the urge to protest as her hands anger my raw flesh, instead aroused by my new vulnerability.
“I’m gonna plug this ass.” it was no question, just information. “Something to fill that little hole.” Andrea never taking her eyes off her puckering jewel. “It’s MY little hole.”
Andrea rises slowly, presenting me with a stainless steel princess plug. She caresses my moist lips with its cool, ultra-smooth surface. She presses it to my waiting lips. I did not need further instruction, my lips open allowing the cold plug to penetrate my mouth, swirling my tongue along it coating it in my saliva, fully aware of its destination.
When Andrea was satisfied her “jewelry piece” had been properly prepared she removed it from Kaitlyn’s mouth and instructed her “Mmm, NOW, let’s pry those sweet cheeks apart, little peaches.” “Loosen that tight doorway for me, make it easy on yourself. Push out for me, then suck it in, follow my voice and it will be over quickly.
I feel the cool metal at my tight puckering entrance, I obey my Lady’s command and I push my muscles outward, then inward, then outward again, opening the smallest of holes for my Lady A to gain entrance. I can feel her press against my resisting muscles, I feel them stretch n burn in protest, my contractions become more frequent, more intense as it’s girth disappears with a snug "sucking" sound.
I wiggle my hips, my butt muscles continue to contract, attempting to rid itself of this intruder, it is futile. My vaginal muscles come to the rescue, also contracting in protest, not use to the feeling its neighbor is experiencing.
“Ohhhhhhh”, I continue to wiggle, “That feels so very weird, uncomfortable.” I protest “I feel like I need to pee”, blushing now, not that my Lady A could see my face, still within inches of the stone wall.
“SHHHHH, girl, the feeling will pass, I promise” Andrea reassures her sub. “Just relax and accept it. Submit to me, it is not yours anymore. This ASS belongs to me; you have gifted it to me.”
Andrea admires her newly jeweled property, she touches it, twists it, teases her new toy.
“Ohhhhhhhh, Fuck YES” I acknowledge, the feeling, amazing inside me.
Andrea reaches around with her other hand and presses her fingers deep into my splayed lips, exploring with agile fingers, eased by my ample wetness, Silky n slippery.
I release an audible moan my knees begin to tremble. My body in heat.
Once again, Andrea withdraws here attention as soon as Kaitlyn reveals her intense pleasure. Taunting n teasing her impetuous "charge".
“I’m going to do something I have never done, little love. You are going to be the first.” Andrea tells me.
I am slow to respond, my body still wanting her touches, my mind catching up. But this admission by Lady A, something new, never before done. I was half exhilarated and have apprehensive.
“What’s that my Lady” What do you intend to do? Please tell me”, I plead for some clue to my fate.
My vision still obscured by my secured position facing the wall, I can’t see Andrea. I tense up automatically, not knowing what to expect. But, nothing happens, I am afraid to let my guard down. “What is she up to?” I muse. I remain silent, obedient, without protest, only occasionally tensing up as I hear her approach.
I feel Andrea approach my exposed, vulnerable, butt cheeks once again. I tense automatically, expecting the lash of a switch across my aching flesh. Instead, worse, much worse, I feel her talons dig into my sides and she proceeds to torture me with tickles.
“I've never tickled anyone.” Andrea confesses and chuckles simultaneously.
“Stop, Pleaseeee.”
“ohhhhh, nooooooooo”
“You can’t, NOT fair.”
My ramblings, erratic, caught up in uncontrollable muscles contractions. lost in a sea of laughter from Andrea's incessant tickling.
Her hands and fingers dancing and floating quickly and strategically across Kaitlyn’s secured vulnerable body. She was thoroughly enjoying this. She had never met anyone so sensitive, so dangerously ticklish before. This was a weakness she wanted to explore, to cultivated and use.
I buck increasingly harder at my restraints. My body thrashing, attempting to escape this torture. Bring it to an end.
“Pleaseeeeeeeee, stopppppp” I could not get anything else to come from my lips. My safe word alluding me, in my frenzy of laughter. Beginning to hyperventilate, my breathing much too quick, losing CO2. I risk fainting if I do not calm my breathing.
Andrea did NOT stop, she wanted to hear the room fill with her “charges” uncontrollable laughter, watch her thrashing body strain helplessly against her restraints.
Kaitlyn’s breathing accelerated, her face now more flushed, redder than her angry raw butt cheeks. “NO, NOOOOOO” I laughed loudly with all my lungs. “STOP, OH STOP the TORTURE …. I can’t breathe”
Andrea slowed but still did NOT stop. “Tell me who’s my girl?” as she redirected one hand to torment my sore swollen, rock hard nipples again. Making it more difficult to answer her Lady A’s question.
“I AM.” I yell n laugh at the same time, indistinguishable from each other.
“YOUR PEACHES, I AM YOURS” my vision blurry, my breathing out of control.
” MEEEE”, I AM” I plead, “PLEASE STOP”
: September 15, 2016, 10:17:45 AM Kaitlyn1989
Hero Member
: 9502
Lady of the twin moons©
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#392 :
October 01, 2016, 07:17:41 PM »
Andrea stopped and wrapped her arms around that heaving torso. She put her chin over Kaitlyn’s shoulder. Held her as she calmed and caught her breath. “Good” She said in her ear. “Now, let me go get something else. Don’t move” she joked as she moved away from her charge.
Lady A came back from that wooden wardrobe without a word, but letting her heels click on the floor as she slowly took each step. Kait still breathed deeply as Andrea again propped her chin over the golden tanned shoulder of her California girl and spoke softly into her ear.
“I think you should recognize my next tool.” The Domme said with mystery, “and maybe an appreciation for it.”
Kait had no idea what it was, nothing was brought to her sight. All she felt was Andrea’s hands as she slowly squatted down behind her. Fingers made soft caresses down her back and over her still sore rump. No slap, but a remindful pat to tell her that “Mistress” remembered. Then down her fit, firm thighs, so softly the touch all the way down to her calves. Then the pin pricks started, a little medical pinwheel, “Oww” with two rollers went up her naked leg.
Andrea smiled at the involuntary jerk of the tanned shapely leg. She rolled the stainless steel medical device slowly and watched as Kaitlyn tried to pull away, shifting her torso left and right, it was all she could do.
“Your skin is very sensitive.” Andrea stated the obvious, more to herself than to her pet. “Let’s see how that warm ass likes it.”
She rolled the wheel up, its little needles poking at the flesh, not piercing. She moved it over those sweet little cheeks. They were supple and gloriously made. Andrea couldn’t help herself and sunk teeth playfully into one cheek as the other took the pin wheel.
“Oww” Kait whined. “Don’t bite.”
“I should spank, then?” Andrea countered.
“OK, you can bite.” Kait said quickly but with a little giggle.
Andrea continued to roll the pin wheel over that rump as she stood up now behind her charge.
“Lean back.” She stood to the side and ordered.
Kait looked at her as she made a few inches room between herself and the Saint Andrew’s cross. Slowly she felt pressure on her excited hard nipple, then the bite of a clothespin as it settled into place.
“Sssssss” She took in a breath through her teeth. “It hurts” Kait supplied even as the other one was put on.
They were connected by a slim chain, like you would turn off a ceiling fan with.Andrea gave the protruding wood handles little flicks with her fingers, sending jolts of pain through the constant dull throb. Kait squirmed and moved forward to the cross.
“If you knock those off, I spank that ass,” her Lady warned, “then I put them right back on.”
Kaitlyn pouted, “but you promised.”
“And you promised to be good.” Andrea reached between those open legs and ran her fingers along that moist pussy. “You will be good.” It wasn’t really a question, but more like a dare.
“Yes, my Lady”
Andrea grinned and let a single digit slip between the lips. “Good girl” She reached up and tugged gently on one clothespin, just to give it tension. She smiled when Kait groaned. Her hand played back and forth with her girls splayed lips and that finger teasing into her hole as she pulled down on the clothespins. Kait’s hips were moving wanting the attention but her torso slipping left and right to escape her Lady’s “fondling”. Andrea smiled at her conundrum. One hand gave pleasure and the other brought torture. “But it was such a little torture” She thought to herself.
Andrea let go the nipple and instead grabbed Kaitlyn’s light red locks, making her arch back and keeping those nips away from the cross. Two fingers shoved up in her prisoner as she spoke into her ear. “You’re not being very good.” Andrea chided.
“I’d rather you suck them.” Kait pleaded.
“Very tempting,” the brunette agreed. “But I want to see if I can make you cum, even when you’re in discomfort.”
Her fingers were moving in the young woman’s pussy, probing and tweaking her secret places. They weren’t all that secret to Andrea. She licked up Kaitlyn back, softly and tenderly even as the clamped nipples throbbed.
“I don’t know if I can” Kaitlyn confessed sheepishly to her mistress.
Andrea’s voice was pleasant and soothing, “Shh, it’s not for you to worry about, my little love. It’s my task, Peaches.” and she kissed kaitlyn’s spine all the way down to her new princess plug.
Fingers drove in, working that sweet little pussy as kisses and nibbles moved from cheek to cheek. Andrea’s tongue swabbed thigh and ass crack alike, as she curved her fingers forward, rubbing lightly in that “spot”. She let her other hand caress the silken muff and glance across Kait’s button. Her Kait didn’t shave, but kept it neat. She played with her girl and even flicked the butt plug with her tongue, making it vibrate with each teasing, until her kitten started to purr. It was soft and low at first, barely there, but she heard it.
Andrea gave her own little sigh at this success. She moved her hand from clit to buttplug and toyed with it in earnest now. She pulled it and moved it, not out, but putting pressure on that ass ring. She drove her other fingers so deep in pussy that she felt it on the other side. This time when Kait purred louder Andrea took a playful bite of sexy ass, growling like a tigress with fresh meat.
“It feels good?” She teased, “even when something hurts?” Andrea stood slowly, still working her fingers in that princess quim, and pressing on that butt plug. She licked under Kait’s arm and then right in the pit, tickling there.
Her girl giggled and squirmed, “Stooppp.” Trying to scrunch it closed but impossible being strapped to the cross.
Fingers slipping in and out. Three now stretching that little “Juice box”. Andrea licks and kisses back to that slim throat. She abandons the princess plug and wraps her hand around Kait’s smooth taut tummy.
“I’m going to make you cum.” She dictated to her sub, pressing herself close to Kait’s back, her mouth at her ear, “But just before you go over the edge,” she paused for effect and tugged on the clothespin chain, “I’m going to pull these off, and the freedom from them will launch you higher.”
Her fingers were cramping and her wrist was getting tired, “But it would all be worth it.” The Domme thought. Kait’s ass was moving now, trying to drop her hips and hump that hand. She was enjoying it and had put the pain somewhere else if not forgotten it. Andrea ran her fingers up and down that firm belly of her athletic girl, always keeping it near that little chain. Sometimes running it so far down as to give a rub to her mound. And in her ears was encouragement, words to help a girl along.
“Look at my sexy girl” Andrea hissed. “Fucking my fingers like a little slut. Mmm, look at her go. She WANTS to cum. Oh yes.” She licked that succulent earlobe and then continued. “I want that cream ALLLL over my fingers. I want to taste it.I want my girls juice! Give it to me, peaches.”
“I want to, I want to.” Kait gave. “I WANT to cum for you.”
Andrea started jack hammering her hand. Those three fingers going in and out and then dropped it down to two just before… She YANKED the chain and stripped the clothespins off those tender nipples. Kaitlyn cried out, but her pussy clenched. Andrea felt that, felt her fingers squeezed in that fleshy vice. Kait’s knees locked. Her nipples throbbed in a different way now and it sent it straight to her womb. Her mistress dropped down behind her and was ramming in and out of that clenching pussy, that cumming pussy. Her baby’s ass was tightly clenched and she could see all those muscles strain. It was beautiful. Kait was cumming for her.
Andrea pulled them out just once as it felt they were being forced out, and Kait gave a little squirt, a tiny one and Andrea shoved her fingers back in and was rewarded with a gorgeous gasp and relaxing ass. Still she thrust, even though her fingers hurt she still plumbed that sexy pussy, letting Kait get all that climax until her body relaxed and she hung on the cross, panting. Andrea spread those thighs a bit and gave what she could get to a little lick, catching just a bit of that peach juice.
Slowly she stood, licking and sucking her own poor fingers, licking the dew of her luscious Peaches. Then wrapping arms around her she whispered in her ear, “You were beautiful, baby. You were perfect.” She praised and kissed that sweet neck and nuzzled.
Kaitlyn mewed like a kitten and pressed back into her mistress. Andrea couldn’t see it but she had the sweetest smile with half closed eyes as if far far away and still coming back.
: October 02, 2016, 05:07:22 AM Momma_andrea
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#393 :
October 19, 2016, 04:35:39 PM »
I am slipping away, hyperventilating. My mind unable to control my breathing, overwhelmed by incoming stimuli from Andrea’s orchestra of tickling and her well timed, strategically placed torments of my “ravaged” flesh from last night. I hear words, pleading, sounding like my own. “YOUR PEACHES, I AM YOURS” but they seem so far away, between worlds, my hyperventilating now causing alkalosis, consciousness ebbing away. In the distant I hear ”MEEEE, I AM”. “PLEASE STOP”..
Andrea slowly reins in her control, realizing her Peaches is too close to losing consciousness. As she commits her final acts of delicious torture, now aware of her own building excitement, dampness and the intoxicating smell of sex in the air. Andrea draws in a deep breath, allows herself a moment of bliss as she relishes this new found power over her “charge”. Suddenly aware of her free hand deep inside her own skirt, draped in damp fabric, her fingers furiously polishing her demanding pearl.
Kaitlyn’s body still twisting n thrashing against her secure restraints in a feeble attempt to escape her Lady Andrea’s fingers, her tormenting touches. Her Peaches had revealed this weakness but Andrea assumed she was exaggerating. She should have known her Peaches does not lie.
Trying to catch my breath, I feel the weight of my limp body deep within restrained wrists aching at supporting my full weight. I feel my body still shuddering trying to complete Andrea’s sonata of torture. I hear “Good” whispered softly into my ear followed by a gentle kiss. A low moan escapes me as I feel my Lady Andrea's warm embrace, softening the convulsions of agitated muscles. “Calm, my precious. Breathe” Andrea once again whispers, before giving my ear lobe a quick playful bite. “Don’t go anywhere” she jests as her embrace retreats, followed by the echo of her heels.
“Nooo, please my Lady A, do not leave me” escapes my lips before I can process the futility of this protest. My entire body still a mix of buzzing, tingling and stinging sensations. There is no reply, none expected. Just the sound of doors n drawers opening, her musing over what to select, taking her time purposefully. I slowly recover, breathing stabilizing, the feeling in my legs coming back, screaming in defiance as I force them to bare more weight, knees uncertain as I strain to see Andreas intentions.
The echoes of high heels on the cool stone floor, slow and deliberate. Followed by a whisp of warm moist air along the nape of my neck sprouting goosebumps along my spine culminating in a deep ache within my tailbone forcing a gasp from me.
“I think you should recognize my next tool.” Andrea reveals with mystery, “and maybe an appreciation for it.” Hesitating, before allowing this new “toy” to touch her Peaches already hyper-sensitized skin. Stepping back to enjoy her “Charges” uncertainty, curiosity. Watching those slim tanned muscles twist and contort, defying human physiology, in an attempt to expose this next torture. Oh how Andrea relished these moments, her own weakness revealed.
I strain to see what new form of torture my Lady Andrea has planned. My hair damp with perspiration, wavy, with wet bronze tips. My vulnerable body glistening in a sheen of body oils and sweat beads . Head twisting back n forth attempting to gain an advantage. “Please my Lady, I am not yet ready for another assault” I protest, “At, least show me, tell me. This is NOT fair”. I quip, the “brat” in me awakening.
“FAIR”? Andrea quickly retorts and lets out a devilish laugh, “Oh you adorable, silly girl. There is NO fair in the depths of MY “ICEHOUSE” dungeon”. Andrea is emboldened by her “charges” new tone of defiance. The mere possibility of a feisty battle sets off an involuntary rush of excitement thru every measure of her body. Her long slender fingers dive immediately into Kaitlyn’s thick soft, wet hair and grabs a fist full, drawing Kait’s head back until her ear is just within Andrea’s lips. “Remember this my precious Peaches. In here there is only ME.” As her free hand slides roughly, heavily up Kaitlyn’s torso taking NO time to pause or linger at longing treasures until her fingers reach Kait’s exposed neck, grasping fully, pushing her head further back, forcing her back to bend as far as her restraints would permit. Andrea was now peering deeply into Kaitlyn’s wide eye gaze. Frozen in time.
The weight of those words, the heaviness of Andrea’s sultry tone lingering in the thick air, now fully saturated with the scent of sex and the intensity of her stare. All, left me intoxicated. My mouth opening in an attempt to reveal these feelings, but my words imprisoned before escape as Andrea took advantage of her opportunity and thrust her hungry tongue deep into my mouth. The weight of her lips mashing my own, the ferocity of her tongue exploring my mouth, the touch of her hand firmly on my neck, cradling me. Each exposing the intensity of my Lady A’s own pent up desires.
Empowered by this “secret” discovery, I playfully clamp down on her tongue with my teeth, revealing a defiant look within my eyes, testing my Lady’s control. Refusing to let go of her tongue or her eyes.
Andrea anticipates this from her “young” unknowing “charge”. Oh, what fun this is, she mused, having the irreplaceable advantage of experience. An under rated quality Andrea felt, as she wasted NO time reasserting her control, her dominance. Andrea tightens her clutches on Kait’s exposed neck and thrusts her tongue even deeper into Kait’s mouth, now preventing her from using her teeth. Andrea enjoying the victory as Kait’s eyes betray her bravado.
Andrea is too old, too experienced and too fucking excited to make any rookie mistakes. She was not about to give Kaitlyn one second to recover her wit. NO, she wanted her “charge” on the defensive, off balance, a bit perturbed. Maybe even agitated. All, would eventually play into her well planned jigsaw puzzle. Andrea reveled at her game play, once again taking a moment to enjoy these precious moments
I gag as Andrea thrusts her tongue deeper into my mouth, hungry with passion, cutting off my airway. Her fingers tighten. I quickly SEE in her eyes and FEEL within her clutches her ownership, the realization of my failure. Thrown off guard but reacting quickly I attempt to counter Andrea’s surprise attack only to discover she quickly withdraws her tongue before I can reapply my oral cuffs. I feel her hand quickly cover my partially open mouth arresting any hopes of protest. Ensuring NO “last” words of defiance. As her hand tightens I feel downward pressure, applying more strain on my neck and keeping me off balance. I feel the pangs of frustration begin to build, adding its own fingerprints to my already volatile cocktail.
With her hand still firmly in place, Andrea allows her body to slowly slide down Kaitlyn’s. Using her leverage and Kaitlyn’s lack of balance to her advantage, she grinds her crotch against Kaitlyn’s exposed skin, feeling every goosebump through her now wet panties. And feeling Kaitlyn’s own arousal from the soft hum n vibration emanating from her palm. Andrea continues her slow, deliberate descent until she comes to a full squat. Legs completely spread, Andrea looks down to reveal a large wet spot on her otherwise untouched panties now fully exposed under her black dress skirt. Andrea leans into the back of Kaitlyn’s calf muscle, pressing her wet spot firmly against that hot sweaty tan skin.
Now Andrea usually had a game plan, and was pretty particular about following it, being a creature of habit. But this did not imply she was not capable of “ADD LIB”, she had and would continue to make exceptions to “GAME” play as long as it suited her. This was one of those exceptions, her unexpectedly quick heightening to passion, Kaitlyn’s unexpected defiance and her screaming sex all demanded immediate gratification. Andrea began to hump Kaitlyn’s calve muscle. Slow short deliberate movements at first, up and down that warm smooth calve, pressing firmly, mashing her lips.
I try to protest, but nothing, my mouth completely sealed. Words reduced to muffles. My body position unnatural, uncomfortable but rendering any attempts of retaliation useless. I slowly surrender to my predicament. I feel Andrea press against me, immediately feel her patch of wetness against my upper inner thigh. Omg, the significance of this feeling, her hot wetness sending a wave of arousal coursing thru me. She presses harder, her lips mash against my forgiving skin, her labia flatten, the ball of her pearl hard, poking into my flesh. I catch myself flexing my hamstring muscle in response.
Andrea begins to slowly slide her crotch down my leg, lingering a bit to massage the back of my knee with her swollen puffy lips. Her panties now wedged deeply into every crease, soaked with her juice. My pleas, my moans nothing more than muffled vibrations into my Lady Andrea’s saliva coated palm. She continues her attack on my leg. The immense arousal offset by my contorted unnatural position creating additional inner tensions. Conflicting sensations battling, creating a blender of feelings.
Andrea feels Kaitlyn’s own participation in this carnal indulgence, her finely shaped, athletically toned calve muscle now flexing in unison with Andrea’s motion providing a delicious terrain. What started as slow and deliberate ended in a gush of juices forcing their way thru cotton panties and flowing down Kaitlyn’s tan skin as Andrea bounced up and down Kaitlyn’s calve like a piston in overdrive.
I feel Andrea’s pace quicken, the heat building along my calve muscle, leaving a slimy runway along its path. Her enlarged pearl buried in my flesh submitting to be polished. My own excitement intensifies, somehow being fueled by this unnatural position, my inability to move, to focus on a single sensation. I feel Andrea’s passion erupt along my calve in a stream of dispersed hot fluid. Coating my skin, quickly coalescing into droplets which then meander down my leg.
The friction creating a burn, which turns to an itch, which screams to be scratched. Andrea never letting up on her grip, keeping Kaitlyn’s voice jailed within her, enjoying the feel of her charge in the palm of her hand and the muscle of her calf. An unexpected climax, so early in the evening. Andrea lingered there, rubbing her happy pearl along her “charge” enjoying another precious moment. Knowing how special and fleeting each is.
Andrea releases her grasp as her body shudders with convulsions in the throes of climax. The immediate freedom to move, to release my lungs, my voice and rid myself of the unnatural position combined with my own hidden pent up arousal culminated in my own intense orgasm emitting a short, small burst of my own juices. Not enough to call a “true” squirt, but certainly enough to be pouring, not dripping, from the edges of my drooping labia. Finally, a long deep moan is allowed to escape my lungs. My body quivers in quick successive mini convulsions until once again I find my wrists supporting the bulk of my weight and my Lady Andrea hugging my thigh.
“Oh Peaches.” the sound of affection radiates from Andrea’s voice as she realizes another surprise. Her “charge” has also climaxed and left her with a treat, her undeniable scent heavy in the air. Andrea looks up to her Peaches and is instantly rewarded with a steady pooling of droplets forming at the very bottom of Kaitlyn’s exposed lips. “Oh Baby, my precious Peaches. You give me treats so early. OMG, I LOVE You” Andrea lets her “charge” know how happy she has made her and quickly positions her lips, her tongue directly under Kaitlyn’s nectar spring. Capturing one droplet at a time. Watching, counting, licking until no droplets remained. Andrea was tempted to spread her “charges” cheeks wide and thrust her hungry tongue deep inside that creamy hole, dragging out each reluctant drop. The plough her fingers deep into Kaitlyn’s well to remove the balance. “NO” Andrea quipped playfully, very content at the moment, willing to let the rest of her dessert ripen for later.
I press my hips backwards and down as much as my restraints will allow. Blindly searching for my Lady Andrea’s mouth, her lips and thirsty tongue. I NEED to feel her HOT, hungry mouth surround my hypersensitive lips and relieve the ache. But it is never that easy with my Lady A, she positions her lips and tongue just out of reach, allowing them to lightly brush up against my screaming sex. But never enough to sooth the ache, cool the burn, just a tease. A reminder that we are NOT finished.
Andrea stands up, slowly, never allowing her body to leave her “charges”, snuggling up against her hot, sweaty body. Pressing her hips into Kaitlyn’s still very rouge butt, coating her raw flesh with the residual juices still trapped in her own panties. She slides her hands up along Kaitlyn’s body making sure to hit a few ticklish spots along the way, letting her “charge” no that “PLAY” time was NOT over. This was just round ONE. She reaches Kaitlyn’s chin and gently, but firmly grasps her and turns Kaitlyn’s face to meet her inquisitive eyes. “Open wide Peaches, give me your tongue” Andrea demands.
I obey instinctively, parting my lips, relaxing my jaw enough to allow my tongue to slide between my moistened lips waiting instructions. “Yes. Ma’am” I reply
Andrea draws closer, her wet lips and cum drench ring around them still visible and the scent still present. “Taste your PEACH nectar my precious, I want to share my dessert with you.” Andrea reveals as she places her lips within reach “Now, lick and suck your succulent juices from my face”
“Yes, my Lady, Of course” I obediently reply as I begin to lap at her full lips, recognizing my own taste on her face, lips, tongue, Deep inside her mouth, I was everywhere. I feed on her mouth until she abruptly pulls away.
“PEACHES. How is my precious little SUB doing”? Andrea teases playfully as she plucks Kaitlyn’s bottom lip with the forefinger of her free hand, never taking her eyes off her “Charge”.
“YOU, have made you Lady Andrea a very happy Domme” she coos “I rarely climax so quickly.”
“My Lady Andrea, you know how I want to please, want to be your everything.” I say with unfiltered adoration and love. “YOU too made me climax, I was so surprised, not believing me capable. “I LOVE YOU my Lady. You make me so happy”
“Hmmm, are you Good”? Andrea asks inquisitively, “Are you saying you’re finished for the evening?”
“Yes, my Lady, YOU have made me very happy,” I quickly respond, mistakenly thinking this is the right reply.
Andrea quickly closes her fingers tightly into my cheeks, I feel her fingernails press into my flesh forcing my jaw to separate, quickly filling my partially open mouth with three fingers. Plunging them deep, making me gag. She never breaks eye contact, always looking for that “tell” in her “charges” expression. Then, there it is. The look Andrea wanted, a surprised, confused, bewildered look. “I have made YOU happy”?
“Yes, my Lady, YES, YOU make me very happy,” I quickly respond, struggling to enunciate my words, with Andrea’s fingers clutching my flesh preventing my mouth from full closing. Now not sure what to say. “Please, my Lady, tell me what is wrong. What have I done? My tone sounding more urgent, slightly lost.
Andrea basking in Kaitlyn’s worry, her uncertainty. Her vulnerability. It excited her so. But she could not reveal this, not yet, she was not finished, she needed more, she would demand more from her SUB. “Peaches, since when is this about YOUR needs?” “I thought I was YOUR priority. What about MY needs”?
“But, but, I thought You sa…” I attempted to counter
Andrea’s fingers closed tighter on my aching cheeks, her fingernails now deep in my flesh, cutting me off mid-sentence. “Shhhhhhh, my presumptuous “charge”, I will be the ONE to determine when we are finished.” “Is that understood”?
“Yes, my Lady of course, I am here to serve you, I only thought ….”. I plead my case
“Shhhh, no more words”, you are restricted until further notice” Andrea says in a firm but caring voice “Nod, if you understand”
I hesitate, a looming confrontation is building inside me. The impetuous ‘Brat” not quite ready to go peacefully, the wiser alter ego pleading for control, resolve.
Andrea noticed the turmoil in her Peaches eyes immediately, a smile spread across her smooth alabaster face. Could she possibly ask any more of this girl? OMG, If Kaitlyn only knew how delicious this all was for her Lady Andrea. But of course that would have to remain a “secret” for the moment. Andrea was indeed NOT done, not even CLOSE.
To be continued, Part 1 of 3.
: October 19, 2016, 07:27:08 PM Kaitlyn1989
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** PART 2 of 3
#394 :
April 10, 2017, 03:30:57 AM »
Lead in from end of PART ONE: Dated October 19, 2016 …
WOW babe, I am sorry. I have held you prisoner within your own dungeon for way to long. But tonight, I fulfill a long overdue promise to YOU, I write us out of here tonight, allow us to pop up for air; see who happens to be upstairs in the Achat B&G and have that long overdue Black Russian with Ole Joe.
“Hmm, are you Good”? Andrea asks inquisitively “Are you saying you’re finished for the evening?”
My voice still compromised by aftershocks “Yes, my Lady, YOU have made me very happy. Climaxing together, what more could I ask?” I manage to respond, mistakenly thinking this is the desired reply.
My misguided intuition discovered quickly as Andrea’s fingers close quickly and tightly into my cheeks, her fingernails pressing into my flesh forcing my jaw to separate, parting my mouth. Exposing a partial opening which she quickly fills with three intruding fingers. Unable to close my jaw, her fingers move deeper soon pinning my tongue, preventing any verbal rebuttal. Never breaking eye contact Andrea explores mine, looking for a sign her charges expression.
I attempt to respond but am incapable on enunciation. My jaw locked open, tongue pinned. All efforts to escape this hold thwarted by my restraints and the iron cross they are tethered. My eyes become my voice, pleading to be heard.
Andrea continues to search my eyes with the precision and efficiency that only come from experience. Looking for clues, weaknesses, NEEDS. No different than a skilled Poker shark, knowing everyone has a “Tell” it’s just a matter of smelling the blood.
Then, there it is. The look Andrea wanted… her charge in conflict. Surprised, confused, bewildered and yes, a hint of defiance. She allows a devilish smile to escape “I have made YOU happy”? Andrea finally quips.
I struggle to produce a simple YES with little success, sounding more like someone on Quaaludes. With the aftershocks of my orgasm fading and my inability to communicate or escape my predicament, a feeling of defiance begins to overcome me. My Harley awakens.
Andrea basks in this realization. It excites her. But she can’t reveal this, not yet. She was not finished, she wanted more, needed more from her precious SUB. Without releasing her hold or gaze Andrea calmly continued “Peaches, since when is this about YOUR needs?” applying a bit more pressure to my cheeks as an exclamation point. “I thought I was YOUR priority. What about MY needs?”
I foolishly attempt to reply to a rhetorical question, still unable to enunciate but am cut off before gibberish leaves my lips.
“Shhhh, my presumptuous charge. I will be the one to determine when WE are finished.” Now, no more words, you are restricted until further notice” Andrea instructs in a firm but caring voice “Nod, if you understand.”
I hesitate, a looming confrontation building deep inside. The impetuous ‘Brat” not quite ready to go peacefully, whilst the wiser alter ego pleads for control n resolve.
Andrea recognizes this turmoil, a delicious smile spreads across her smooth alabaster face. Knowing she is close. Close to releasing Harley. Close to opening the chaos that always follows. Just one more nudge is all she needs. “Do you understand or not” is all it took as she intentionally released her hold of my words, removing her fingers from my mouth and grip on my jaw.
“Well babe, from the cum trail you left on my legs I thought I WAS taking care of YOUR needs.” erupts from my lips without hesitation, without thought. Confirming the “winner” of my inner battle. The “BRAT” decides it is time to join the party once again, the ache in my still rouge butt cheeks evidently no longer a deterrent. Harley is awake, ready to play too and not one to be silenced.
Andrea knows a Domme needs RESPECT. That along with trust and communication form the foundation of a successful long term D’s relationship. Respect is normally reinforced through discipline. Disobeying a “restriction” requires just that. But she was not yet ready to cap this fire, becoming greedy for the possibilities. Her own desires and cravings exposing weaknesses. Andrea recovers her composure before she betrays her control. “Hmm, do we have a problem my dear?” she manages in a controlled tone “You disobey ME within the same breath?”
“Just stating the obvious, my LADY” replying flippantly without answering the question or attempting to look back for a reaction. Peaches was gone, Harley now driving this bus. I push my hips back as far as my restraints permit, then begin to shake my booty as if answering her question.
“So, you think ONE orgasm is sufficient for your Lady A?” Andrea coolly plays along wondering how far her Little Love is willing to play this out. The refusal to even look back not going unnoticed. mmm, she loves the spirit in this Filly, filling her with memories and their unforgettable desires.
“Well, you’re the “wordsmith” choose them more carefully next time.” I quickly quip, in the same tone, still refusing to glance back at Andrea for any feedback. Completely All-IN at this point, no bluffing, no Joker up my sleeve. The BRAT in me pushing back, exploring her boundaries and fueling the tension. As my mouth acted in defiance my body quietly prepared for retaliation.
Andrea’s experienced eyes notice the subtle tightening of Kait’s firm tanned buttocks and hamstring muscles in anticipation of her discipline. She smiles in delight, admiring the restrained body in front of her; naked, tanned, sinewy and glistening in sweat n body oil. No longer concerned about concealing her true feelings since her SUB had made it perfectly clear she had no intentions of looking back.
Andrea is in no rush. These are moments to be savored. Steeping back to admire her property more fully, musing over how to deal with this delicious defiance, she watches the jeweled plug securely snuggled in her “Peaches” tight ass. The dim overhead lighting twinkling in the jewels prism as those gluteus muscles tighten in preparation of a presumptive strike. Andrea is fixated on this image, those finely shaped tanned globes encircling HER very own jewel plug. This ASS belonged to HER. It was her property, forbidden to all others without her consent. Andrea immediately feels the impact of this knowledge, this image and the thoughts racing in her head. She becomes aware of her next climax slowly building inside. “This was more intoxicating than any drug.”
The silence deafening. Andrea’s lack of action seems an eternity. “What could she be up too?” My bravado relying on a rapid tempo, my confidence being tested. I want to glance back, to peek, get some idea of her intentions but I dare not. I wait, muscles begin to cramp from my constant tensing. “What’s the matter Mistress, not sure how to ride this filly” I retort hoping to produce some action, anything.
Andrea finds her hand under her skirt, fingers busy pleasing a deep, demanding ache through soaked panties while fixated on that tanned ASS and the mesmerizing way the light reflects off the jeweled plug. This gives her an idea. One that would put a muzzle on her charges defiance and also stoke the flames of naughty little pleasures so much hotter. Slipping her fingers inside the waistband, sliding her panties over her full curvaceous hips allowing them to drop to the floor. She knows how she will quite this BRAT, bending over at the waist Andrea picks up her white panties, the smell of sex pungent and fresh. The fine fabric wet with her own fluids. Using both hands she balls the fabric up as she moves closer.
I finally hear movement, my muscles burn from lactic acid, still tensed assuming an impending SMACK any second. Andrea’s heels echo off the stone in this sparsely furnished room as she approaches, stopping just short of touching me and hesitating. Obviously waiting for some reaction from ME, which was NOT happening, I remain motionless and tensed. Waiting and wondering where is my impending punishment?
Andrea moves the balled-up panties to her right hand before reaching Kaitlyn, freeing up her left hand for another mission. She hesitates upon reaching her, waiting for subtle clues in breathing and body language to reveal important details. Then without touching anything else her left hand moves to the jeweled plug, fingers deftly grab it and give it a firm TUG applying instant pressure to very tight muscles. The response is immediate and expected. .
“AHHHHH” escapes my mouth, caught completely off guard. Expecting a SMACK, but not anticipating a play on the butt plug. Involuntary muscle contractions as my muscles try to adjust to stimulations. As soon as my mouth opens in reaction to the assault on my ass Andrea shoves her balled-up wet panties inside preventing me from closing my mouth. Yet another move I did not see coming.
What’s the real difference between a pro and an amateur? The pro knows the next move well before the amateur, making everything look effortless. As soon as my mouth opens Andrea is busy plunging the soaked panties between lips n teeth filling my open mouth. Simple “Cause and Effect.”
I recognize the scent, and the taste immediately after I recover from my surprise. Gagging from the fabric filling my airway I attempt to resist before her panties fill my mouth. My head attempts to twist away but her strong fingers and control of the butt plug prevent me from escaping her judgement.
“Do NOT bite my fingers Little Love.” Andrea warns in a firm tone as I continue to resist. “This is YOUR doing, you forced me” she adds while undoing a silk black foulard from her neck. “I asked you for silence. If you will NOT give it to me willingly, I will TAKE it.” she finishes as I feel a smooth slippery material cover my mouth and face. Feel it tighten as her nimble fingers quickly secure it behind my head trapping her cum drenched panties within my mouth.”
As Andrea restricts my airway I am forced to breathe through my nose. Her taste now making its way down my throat as I try to clear the fluids trapped in my mouth. Her scent filling my nostrils with every inhale. My senses now fully under Andrea’s control.
The lack of oxygen from the nectar soaked fabric filling my mouth, my bondage and Andrea’s well timed manipulations of the butt plug all prevented me from regaining control. An erotic cocktail was brewing inside.
Andrea lifts the front of her black skirt before pressing her wet forest into my backside. Her dampness soothing my thigh, coating me in her own aloe. Continuing to keep me off balance with skillfully timed manipulations of the butt plug; pushing, pulling, twisting. “What was that? I can’t hear you. Nothing to say NOW, Peaches?” she whispered in a sultry tone.
My breathing labors as I adjust to a diminished airway. My body squirming and twisting as the plug teases and tests it’s hold. Muscles contracting involuntarily no longer under my control. My ass moving to a new conductor.
All while Andrea relishes the warmth of skin to skin contact. Her moist flesh and damp pubes mashing into her SUB’s firm thigh. Moving up n down from knee cap to the cusp of her finely shaped buttocks. Pressing harder with each pass, mashing her full lips into Kait’s taut muscles. Moving from side to side in an attempt to splay her thick lips and allow the itch in her sex to be scratched.
I feel Andrea’s body press up along my muscles, damp pubes tickle my hypersensitive flesh as the heat from her sex penetrates. The constant manipulation to my asshole preventing me from thinking of anything else. Rocking my hips backwards pushing my thigh into Andrea’s cooch. Becoming a scratching post for a needy itch. Yet still wondering where the impending punishment is for my defiance. Her pace quickens, as does her heat, each pass coming closer to my own needy crack, an involuntary moan escapes my partially open mouth in anticipation.”
Andrea immediately breaks contact and steps back from her Peaches upon hearing this, removing her thickening mons from Kait’s warm flesh. “Patience” she reminded herself. Admiring the long trail of glistening DNA coating the length of those long legs. And savoring her own mounting excitement. Wanting it to last.
Realizing she was back in control, Andrea is ready to administer her surprise. There would be discipline, punishment…. Just not in the form her precious Peaches anticipated. Andrea smiled as she withdrew a finely crafted Stainless steel instrument from her now disheveled skirt. Twirling a medical Pinwheel between her fingers.
My objections to Andrea’s retreat is quick but muffled, unable to say much of anything with panties still imprisoned within my mouth. Pushing my hips back, gyrating from side to side, searching for Andrea’s flesh. Her sex.
Andrea is well aware of her Peaches weakness to stimulation, specifically TICKLING. She had inadvertently stumbled across this revelation weeks earlier and committed it to memory for an occasion such as tonight. Savoring her good fortune she ponders where she will begin her tortuous ticking. “Ready for that punishment now my defiant SUB?” Andrea quizzes me in an unexpected tone.
To be continued .....
, Part 3 of 3
: April 10, 2017, 09:48:42 AM Kaitlyn1989
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon** Part 3 of 3
#395 :
April 10, 2017, 03:35:49 AM »
I immediately tense up, expecting the first lash from a leather crop to caress my already rouged and tender checks. Clenching my glutes so tightly the jeweled plug disappears. Only to twitch uncontrollably at the first touch of the cold tiny spiked wheel as it touches the sensitive flesh behind my knee slowly working its way north along the back of my thigh. “Naaaaaaaa” fills the room as I try to protest this form of completely unexpected discipline with Andrea’s cum drenched panties still locked in my mouth. My body moving involuntarily in hopes of escaping this prickling feeling.
Andrea moves the medical device slowly, so delicately it meanders its way up those long slender thighs as though it had a mind of its own. Each pinpointed spike awakening a new pore, sending a new jolt of electricity through her Peaches body. Pausing as necessary to accommodate Kait’s erratic body movements even though she had deliberately shortened the leads on each ankle and wrist restraint in hopes of avoiding too much movement.
The tortuously slow ascent up the back of my thigh filled my body with waves of electricity bouncing around like a pin ball. The physical exertion requiring more oxygen forcing my breathing to quicken and become labored as a result of my restricted airway. The unpredictable path now moving with a mission crossing to the inside of my thigh. Finding virgin skin not accustomed to such stimulation causing spasms and muffled wails in response.
Andrea now squatting directly behind her Peaches spread eagled thighs, navigating her will to its first destination. Directing the pinwheel along her inner thigh. Pausing, retreating and then proceeding again purposely keeping her Charge is a frenetic state. Caught somewhere between uncontrollable laughter and agitation. But that was all about to change. “How’s that attitude now my impetuous BRAT?” “hmm, where is Harley now?” Andrea asks playfully.
Andrea’s destination becomes apparent, the anticipation amplifies the cacophony of sensations already racing through my being. Slowly working its way up my inner thigh on a collision course with my fully exposed and vulnerable crotch. Each forward motion finding a more sensitive pore to awaken. I hear Andrea’s words but they do not register, my body only anticipating the next touch of a pin. Knowing where she is headed.
Andrea is not about to let this end quickly, redirecting her weapon just before touching the exposed drooping lips of her Peaches quivering body. Directly it up along the crease of her buttocks. Tracing its lines along those perfect globes.
The difference between being ticklish and arousal is that of a razor’s edge. I did not need to know this, my body SCREAMED it the moment Andrea made her course correction. Those same cool tiny metal spikes which just a moment ago caused uncontrollable muscle reactions quickly turned to a deep ache. The wheel outlining the delicate area cupping my cheeks, spreading waves of arousal to clusters of nerve endings. Muffled protests quickly turned to moans. Escape to yearning.
Andrea is surprised by the sudden changes in her SUB as she leaves her inner thigh and traces the crease of her buttocks. Presuming her Peaches is ticklish everywhere. Relishing the knowledge this devise can be used for discipline and pleasure. At her whim. This empowers Andrea, arouses her as well.
As she guides the pinwheel out of Kait’s butt crease and up along her outer hip, circling her cheek, the change is immediate. Moans return to squeals of protest. A body embracing its touch now frantically searching for escape again. All within a few millimeters. Andrea marvels at this, its power. The possibilities. The more she muses, the deeper her own ache becomes.
The moment the pinwheel exits my butt crease and touches the edges of my pelvis, my world flips upside down once again. The desirable sensations arousing nerve endings gone, replaced once again by tiny bolts of lightning over stimulating my flesh and nerves. Back n forth the pinwheel moves, without care. Toying with me, my body. Pushing me between pleasure to tortuous tickling. My breathing accelerating, my body awash in stimulation, my mind slipping away into a fog.
Andrea is so captivated in her control over Kait’s sensitivity with this new toy that she is caught off guard when she realizes her Peaches is hyperventilating and close to passing out. Quickly dropping the pinwheel to the floor, she pulls herself up Kait’s limp lithe body. Pulling the scarf from her face before removing the balled-up panties from her mouth. Allowing unrestricted airflow. “Oh babe, are you ok?” Andrea asks urgently “Speak to me Peaches. Please.” she extolls as she unbuckles my restraints.
I hear Andrea’s voice in the fog. But I cannot make out the words, only that her tone is worried. I am confused by this. I try to call out “I am here, Andrea. Where are you. Are you OK?”
Andrea pulls me into her embrace as I slip off the Iron cross, before gently dropping to the floor, laying my head in her lap. “Peaches, I got carried away. Lost my focus, forgot you could not utter your safe word. Omg, please forgive me.”
As Andrea’s voice gets closer I can begin to make out her words. As I open my eyes I am greeted by her caring, worried eyes. Her hand caressing my face, my head pillowed in her lap. “What happened, babe. “Are you OK?” I ask still confused and uncertain of what’s happened. “What are we doing on the floor?”
Andrea’s look of concern soon melts away to one of relief, affection, then happiness. “You, silly girl you passed out on me.” You scared me. Don’t ever do that again.” She pleads.
“Guess I got a bit carried away. I told you I was very ticklish. And your panties wedged in my mouth did not help, but they sure tasted good.” I said playfully trying to relieve Andrea’s fears. Now realizing what happened.
“Next time we will stick to SPANKINGS for discipline young lady”. Andrea replies, her voice still not fully recovered. “We will save the Pinwheel for pleasure” she quickly adds.
“It’s OK my Lady. I am good now. We can continue.” I answer as I take her hand into mine and look up to her.
“I think we have had enough fun n excitement for one VERY long session” Andrea informs her young charge as she helps her to stand. Followed by a BIG tight squeeze. “What do you say we throw some clothes on and go see what’s happening upstairs. Check on Ole Joe. Drinks are on me and I NEED a BLACK Russian.”
I feel the heat in my cheeks as I smile, filled with an overall sense of wellbeing. I love my Lady. She loves me. “As you wish my Lady” is all I say.
We both dress and straighten ourselves up in silence, reflecting on our experience and our feelings for each other. How extraordinarily special each has become to the other. And wondering how lucky I am.
“Ready to pop up for some air” Andrea asks playfully as she opens the door.
I follow her lead, taking her hand in silence as we walk down the long hallway to the stairs leading up to the Achat B&G, Ole Joe, a couple of drinks and our NEXT adventure.
: April 10, 2017, 09:50:39 AM Kaitlyn1989
Hero Member
: 2808
Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#396 :
January 08, 2020, 06:26:03 AM »
With arms entwined the masked guests glided along the gravel path which led up to the secret oak doors of The Ice House. The long shadows of the trees provided a cooling shade over the AB&G garden, car park and driveway and kept the entrance to this secret place secluded and mysterious.
The rules of this particular evening was somewhat intriguing. Patrons of the AB&G had been invited to place their names in a large beer keg on the bar counter and did so with the knowledge that they would be taking part in a masked special sex party at The Infamous Ice House.
The Ice House are the dungeons of the AB&G and run by a secret committee. There was a special understanding of all the patrons. Sexual fantasies were lived out without ill thought, judgement or malice.
The pairings, and those of the other invited couples had been decided upon by an unknown committee belonging to The Ice House. They had drawn out and paired their names according to tastes and preferences so no one would be disappointed.
These were then placed in a sealed envelope with a reference number and an invitation to attend the party forwarded to the people interested to take part.
The guests arrived at the appointed time at the AB&G Garden already masked and then sought out the reference number of their partner for the evening that was worn discreetly on their left wrists.
I had joined in the sex lottery in the AB&G without a second thought and hoped my partner was excited as me to take part.
I had on my classic tuxedo suit and a gold wolverine mask.
My reference number was on light blue card with a navy ribbon to tie it around my left wrist. It made me smile as my number was 007. I wondered if that was a coincidence or just the humour of the secret committee members.
Then I saw my partner, exquisitely dressed with 007 on her wrist. First impressions did not seem to disappoint either of us. She was stunning!
Our chemistry seemed to be immediate and electric. My heart beat seemed to quicken.
My formal dress complimented her elegant full length white satin evening dress. Her neck was adorned with a thick banded gold choker chain matching the one that she wore around her delicate left ankle. A hot wife perhaps!
Her hair had been taken up off her neck and accentuated its beautiful line. She looked graceful and very attractive. She wore her mask to hide her identity and it added volumes to her intrigue.
A prerequisite of this special event was the use of the masks to bring out the beautiful, forbidden, and exotic facets to the free living but fun loving residents of Achat.
Each mask was half-height that covered the upper portion of faces but left cheekbones and mouths exposed. The chosen masks told a story themselves of the wearer. By hiding, they were free to explore fantasies, telling the world who they were or would like to be. Their exposed expressive eyes were a window to their yearning pleasures.
Outwardly the guests and the party venue were an epitome of elegance, class and respectability. Beneath the false façade, however, there was a different agenda. Each of the couple's role would be different and ultimately a variation on a common and endemic theme... sex and pleasure!
I offered my arm to my partner, as did other paired couples and causally walked arm-in-arm to the Ice House doors. The railings nearby were adorned with twisted white ribbon and white roses in varying states of bloom. The heady perfume of the blooms wafted on the warm breeze and pleasantly teased the nostrils.
The music from a string quartet greeted the guests as they strolled through the doors and into the magnificently beautiful vaulted entrance room. The walls to the room were adorned with exquisitely detailed wall hangings depicting a myriad of scenes selected from all periods and areas of medieval history and sexual positions.
The guests were guided forward by two opposing thick ropes strung between paired sets of medieval oak bollards. They were ushered forwards towards the entrance into the central core of the property and into a large Great Hall. The end of the aisle by the hall entrance was flanked by two smartly dressed male concierges, their faces hidden by creatively crafted masks. Their expressions featureless but their behaviour and gestures outwardly respectful. Their words were few and appropriately selected.
An air of suppressed excitement and developing expectancy amongst the guests blended seamlessly with the mixed aromas of expensive perfume and aftershave. There was a hint of interlaced pheromones to generate a truly explosive atmosphere and a cacophony of numerous conversations and distant chamber music.
The myriad of individual couples drifted across the polished wooden floor. Some began to dance and some gathered in groups to chat. They were forbidden to identify each other though and all abided by this unspoken rule.
The ceiling to the grand hall was punctuated at its third positions by two cut-glass chandeliers. Tall modern uplighters were fixed at around 7ft in regular intervals along the walls. The uplighters were interposed with large wooden frames holding pieces of BDSM art, not to everyone's taste but nevertheless appropriate for the grand hall.
The raised voices and laughter of the guests created an ambiance of bustling excitement. Their attire and unique masks instilled an air of mystery.
Plainly masked and sparingly clothed male and female waiters carried trays of glasses of champagne, whiskey, spirits and wines or a selection of carefully prepared hors d'oeuvres. They spilled in from a single door at the far side of the grand hall and dispersed across the floor and into the various corridors and vestibules that led into adjacent areas of the simplistically decorated building. As the waiters slowly passed among the collection of guests, outstretched hands reached for the glasses or the finger foods. The waiters returned to the food preparation area when their trays became empty and repeated the treks with refilled trays to look after guests.
The Caucasian male waiters were carefully selected by the event's organisers. They were tanned and had beautiful athletic physiques. Similarly the dark skinned waiters included for those guests that preferred their coffee black had similar athletic physiques.
The female waiters were selected regardless of their height but were seen to be pert, slender and with toned figures. Their dress code could be regarded by some as being provocative but by others erotic and stimulating.
The men were dressed in a mixture of various designs of beautifully tailored figure hugging three-quarter length black silk shorts. Shorts that left little to the guest’s imagination. Their bare torsos were covered in similarly coloured waistcoats. They wore soft leather moccasin shoes that matched their attire.
Each of the female waiters, their hair carefully groomed and held in place by a single plainly embroidered black clasp, were dressed in black figure hugging boned bra corsets. The silk corsets were laced at the back by thin black silk ribbons. The loose tails of the ribbons trailing down over their tastefully short black silk skirts. Their legs were sheathed in sheer black lace topped stockings. Their feet cushioned by simple black flat shoes with each shoe being finished off with a tiny black silk bow.
The appearance of both genders of waiters was classy but sensuous and was specifically designed to complement the dress code of the assembled guests. It was a case of seen but not heard as the waiters stealthily circulated amongst the guests disposing of their refreshments as and when required.
As the evening wore on the lighting level was slowly lowered and supplemented by subtle background music that was hypnotic and alluring. The mood of the evening began to change from one of sophisticated elegance to one of sensual mystery.
I looked at my partner and growled softly. She looked ravishing and I guided her to a side entrance that lead to corridors and private dungeon rooms.
Turning around we stood to survey the crowd. I watched the behaviours of the constantly moving throng of guests partying with curious interest. My eyes swept back and forth across the dance floor watching for anything unexpected or out of the ordinary but realistically no one could be classified as ordinary. It soon became readily evident to us both that the mood of the evening was beginning to transform into something a little more playful, more sexy and a more sensual atmosphere.
Many of the couples stood stationary in close embrace with their arms wrapped around each other. Their lips were sealed in sensuous stolen moments with tongues playing and probing. Other couples were gyrating to the tempo of the music, their legs interlaced in their desire to be closer and rubbing against each other sensually.
My partner and I studied the seemingly countless designs of masks worn by the guests circulating around. There were the beautifully manly and strikingly sophisticated black moulded cut-outs to the wonderfully ornate, sensuous and erotic Venetian masks worn by the women.
In one case a women had applied white foundation across the whole of her face so as to provide a complete contrast to the blackness of the lace whilst another had make-up using a vividly coloured blusher to the area of her face than lay beneath the mask. The effects of both was simply stunning and evocative. Other women had coated their lips with graduated shades of lipstick, such as scarlet or emerald green or even black to match the colours of their masks.
Some masks worn by the men were not dissimilar to the head armour worn by the Greek or Roman warriors, the colour indicative of bronze, tin or gold leaf. The shapes were angular and seemingly aggressive in their expression and yet still had an air of mystery, intrigue and power.
I moved and positioned my body behind my partner momentarily placing my hands on the outside of her upper arms. I stroked her gently partly to provide comfort and reassurance, partly to let her know, I found her attractive. As the hypnotic and mesmerising beat of the music continued with periodic changes in form and mood, I leisurely slid my hand down her arms to eventually rest on the uppermost part of her hips.
I stood there for several minutes savouring the feminine roundness of her body. It was indeed a pleasure for me to touch her and I hoped for her to be touched in such a subtle way.
She stood still not yet wishing to display any outward signs of attraction towards me. I wanted to stir her emotion and make her body sexually alert. I wanted her to feel emotions that were raw and almost animalistic in nature. I hoped I would succeed.
I pressed into her from behind and in this embrace we both watched in fascination as the various scenarios began to play out before us. I stood a little closer to her so was in pressing contact with her buttocks. Although our breathing was shallow, it was controlled and quiet but our appetites were developing.
I saw a tall black well-built male and his petite female companion who were leaning against the wall. The black guest lightly kissed and nibbled each side of the woman's slender neck, interspersing these with kisses on her upper chest. He was rewarded when she dropped her head backwards, her eyes peering upwards towards the ceiling. The shape of her breasts flattened under the tautness of her dress as her posture changed.
His black fingers wandered up and down her back tracing her. He grazed his fingers across her small bottom pushing the shiny material up into the crack between her cheeks. She twisted her body in response to his sudden intrusive probing. He wrapped one of his muscular arms around her back and pulled her tightly to his chest almost crushing her lithe body. There was no subtlety to his movements. They were basic and rough but from the petite women's response she seemed to relish his manner.
This interracial couple appeared to care little of the surrounding guests. One of her hands disappeared in between their pelvises and the movement of her arm seemed to suggest the exploration of his manhood. His mouth parted slightly as she gripped him firmly. He grasped the back of her neck, closed his eyes and tightened his grip.
I knew nothing of my partner’s history, her age or even what she expected from the evening but little did that matter as neither of us were at the gathering for a long term relationship.
What I did know though was that little display had excited her. She was now breathing a little more heavily. I wondered if her panties were damp or soaked. I knew she had attended this soiree of her own accord and had thus consented to the promise of the evening being partnered to a stranger where sex was most definitely on the agenda.
She, like all the other guests were here for excitement, pleasure of the unknown.
Whilst scanning the crowd of fellow guests I noticed a partially nude male waiter walking across the floor, quickly followed by one of the female waiters who was also topless with her hair now unencumbered and swinging free. Her breasts swayed rhythmically as she walked.
This was certainly going to be an interesting evening indeed.
Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
Hero Member
: 2808
Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#397 :
January 10, 2020, 02:40:29 PM »
The more I looked around, the more aware I became of partially nude waiters walking around. Many of the other guests turned their heads as the waiters passed by to admire the stunningly toned bodies and overt sexuality of their servants. Verbal exchanges passed between the various partners that noticed the change in dress and the mood of the evening had turned yet another corner.
My partner snuggled back into my chest, her mind absorbing the sensations as her hands slowly fondled the sides of my muscular thighs. Her gaze scanned the hall watching the couples and their differing behaviour. Some were intimate now, openly fondling each other. She was in her element as she cherished and watched the sexual human interaction.
Some couples had moved into shaded corners perhaps because of a slight reticence that frequently came from the first experience of such gatherings. Others were in open areas around the grand hall and were more blatant in their actions seemingly enjoying the thrilling experience of being on display to other like-minded people.
A beautiful women dressed in a long flowing red gown drew our attention. She was passionately kissing her companion. Her exposed slender neck adorned with a single string of white pearls. Her squat mask fashioned gracefully with features of a peacock's feather. One side of the mask was a mirror of the opposing side. Their lingering kisses were passionate and urgent. Her needs for him clearly palpable. She unhurriedly dropped down his body to kneel at his feet. Her head came to rest at the level of his groin. She gazed up to look at him through the oval apertures in her mask and spoke to him. Her words were swallowed by the mesmerizing music that fully enveloped the guests and made it only possible for him to hear her.
She parted her knees to steady herself. The material of her evening dress stretched between her parted thighs. She edged it up to expose her knees and then unhurriedly slid her hands up the front of his thighs. Her hands finally rested together to cover the prominence within his tailored black trousers. She leaned forward so her forehead came to rest on her clustered fingers. The beat of the music pulsing, developing and evolving each moment. Her fingers gradually splayed allowing her parted lips to come into contact with the smooth material of his trousers and the hardness that lay bound beneath. She rested there, savouring his firmness, his shape and his size. Her face rolled back and forth across his manhood as she continued to savour and devour the beauty of him through touch alone.
The scene was sensual and charged.
I enjoyed the show and allowed my hands to rise from my partners hips to her waist, fondling her slowly, then moved higher to caress the sides if her breasts with my thumbs. She did not object and my slow caresses, turned into stronger fondling, moulding her breasts into the palms of my hands.
She was still faced outwards and I relished the softness of her buttocks pressed against my cock.
We continued to watch this couple as the lady kissed his crotch.
He savoured the intimate attention of her then bent forward and, grasping the underside of her arms, pulled her up into a standing position beside him. His hands slid over the mounds of her breasts and gently caressed her unique shape.
I mirrored his movements on my partner and was delighted to hear a soft moan escape her lips. Their nipples hardened beneath the gossamer thin material of their dresses.
The couple kissed passionately again, their minds seemingly ignorant of the numerous guests passing by and observing their behaviour.
He dropped his right hand and gently cupped the mound of her womanhood, his index finger moving inwards into the gap between her thighs. He pressed, pulsing in and out in synchronisation with the flow of the music.
I copied his actions so my partner could feel as well observe this obscene behaviour.
I saw the woman we were watching, close her eyes and her hands gripped his lower arms. He had found her special pearl and her special rhythm. He had found her weakness and the route to her inner core. He played and relished his find with a brutality she wanted
I in turn, cupped and rubbed my partner’s pussy over her dress with my right hand while my left hand groped her titties. My middle finger found her little nub swollen and hardened by her arousal. I concentrated on that area mercilessly in much the same way as the other man.
His senses, like mine, continued to closely monitor our women’s arousal that was reflected in her body language. The pace of his finger and mine, naturally matching the changes in her responses. The internal charge of both women were lit and inexorably began to build and build.
I shifted my posture so my hardening man hood could grow and rest between her buttocks as I continued to masturbate my partner in full view of many voyeurs.
There were embracing couples that occupied the deep shadow spaces in the hall. The subtle low intensity lighting provided a sense of mood and mysticism and, at the same time, partially illuminating the varying states of passion displayed for those wishing to view and not participate.
The voyeuristic couples stood close-by watching, listening, absorbing and some self-pleasuring. Their carnal interest fuelled by those couples displaying their bodies, their mastery and their sexuality. There were the skilled and the less skilled, the teachers, the students, the masters and the subordinates.
There were the couples that were still fully dressed in all their finery and those that were partly clothed and partly naked but in all cases still clad with their mysterious, colourful and glamorous masks. Their toned bodies were in all states of arousal.
We caught sight of a tall man walking naked closely behind his partner, one side of his face partly shielded by a silver mask punctuated by menacing looking short spikes. His long flaccid member sprang out from his smooth shaven groin in a graceful crescent arc. His shaft hanging down to stunning effect.
My partner caught her breath and subtly licked her lips in envious appreciation as his girth bounced gently off his thighs.
I rubbed her pussy and breasts a little harder to encourage her excitement.
She moaned and I growled into her ear, “Good Girl.”
I noticed that a man was watching my partner’s reaction as I groped her and to feed his yearning perhaps, or maybe mine, I unzipped her dress partially at the back, so I could pull it down and expose her full breasts for him.
She groaned as she felt the cool air of the room on her heated skin and the new flesh on flesh fondles on her breasts. I bunched them up briefly for him to see before returning to my rhythmic masturbation of her. Tempering it all the time so she would simmer and not cum until I was ready.
“You are being watched my sexy little slut. Does it turn you on to have your body admired so?” I whispered and let my tongue tease her lobe and inner ear.
Suddenly something caught my eye, I stared in total fascination at a moving picture of pure eroticism. For a short distance away an elegant woman, perhaps in her early to mid 50s. She grasped the hem of her white satin backless dress. She was facing away from me. She slowly lifted up the material to reveal her legs sheathed in white silk stockings to the top of her bronzed thighs and her smooth naked cheeks. She proceeded to ruck her dress up and carefully position it over the depressed curve of her lower back. Her exposed posture both evocative and enticing. She stretched out her hands and placed them onto the curved back of a black velvet settee which was situated at the side of the room. She proceeded to place both of her knees on the settee base and she waited, poised, anticipating and ultimately needing to be taken from behind.
She was a beautiful slut in need of a good fucking and waited patiently for her invitation to be accepted.
I watched, as did my partner, as a tall man moved in behind her, turning partially sideways to her he started to unbutton his crisp white tightly tailored shirt, button by button. He revealed a smooth muscular chest. He briefly turned further around to see who was watching. He was going to accept this invitation.
He was on display and he revelled in it. From his confident behaviour it was evident that he was proud of his body and was fully primed and ready for his part in the subsequent erotic unpaid show. He had obviously performed for others before and was eager to do so again.
He shed his crisply ironed shirt and discarded it over the side of the settee. His hands moved to his belt, which he unclipped and retracted from its belt loops. It was similarly discarded onto the settee.
His eyes focused on my partner whilst he proceeded to undo the top clip to his trousers and draw down his zip. His trousers dropped down his legs to become a crumpled bundle by his feet which he lifted up and folded over the settee as well. He had quite a few watching him now. He was naked apart from his mask and was a perfect specimen of the virile male sex with a beautiful coffee coloured skin.
The women bent over alluringly in front of him, turned her gaze towards him as if to draw his attention and gasped that she had enticed such a worthy mate.
He stepped forwards, his large hands gripping the side of her hips and pushed up the bundled material of her dress so he could inspect his prize along with the voyeurs.
He was rewarded with a very wet and excited pussy baring back at him.
The guests watched as the olive coloured man slid his hands up and across her exposed white skinned back and then round beneath her chest. He lightly gripped the wings of her bodice and proceeded to pull them apart allowing her breasts to fall free.
I shifted my partner to my left side, held her closely to me but still allowed her to see their show. I inched up her dress to bunch at her waist, exposing her very wet crotch and with my left hand from behind her, I probed in between the cheeks of her bottom and caressed her slowly. My fingers burrowed into the gap between her thighs. She turned slightly to help me and parted her legs, like a good little slut.
She had her naked breasts pushed in my direction. I could easily mouth and spit on her nipples anytime I wanted. Her beautiful evening dress was nothing more than a bunched up belt at the moment. Her pretty panties were wet through and pulled tightly on her mons as my fingers explored her crevice from behind.
The performance near us was incredible. The sight of this beautiful couple about to have sex made my partner and I, feel extremely aroused. I desperately wanted to have her but was equally torn with the overwhelming need to watch this couple perform in public.
The olive skinned man stood tall with his legs a foot or so apart. The audience watched as his cock began to thicken and rise from its depressed resting pose. His balls hung in a tight pair below the base of his shaft. In a matter of seconds his manhood became fully engorged extending upwards to finally rest on the crack between the woman's cheeks.
The woman shuddered slightly as his heavy manhood touched her. The man gripped his thick shaft with his hand and started to squeeze and massage his hardness, the details of its head becoming more pronounced as his tight grip constricted the blood flow.
We watched with deepening eagerness as the man lifted his heavy cock off the woman's bottom and began to guide the knob in between her glistening pussy lips. She let out a loud throaty sigh as his girth stretched her lips apart. She leaned purposely backwards against him as she slowly accepted the full volume of his beautiful cock.
He gripped her pelvis firmly. His fingers were embedded behind her hips and without any subtle lead in, he suddenly began to fuck her, thrusting fully in on each stroke. There was no tenderness in his actions. Love and tenderness were far distant. His actions were simply sex at its rawest and most basic. He was fucking a slut who had offered her pussy.
The smell and sounds of sex filled the room. It was an intoxicating heady mixture and one to fuel the needs and desires of those watching this base performance.
My partner gripped me tightly and reached up to kiss me. Her intention and needs made very evident by the blatancy and urgency of her kisses. Our joint arousal had reached a point where neither of us wanted to or even had the wish or desire to hold back. I pushed my fingers into her pussy and began to explore her wet, tight pussy from behind.
I wanted more and in my eagerness to possess my partner, I manoeuvred her across the room to a solid white wooden table set against a wall that had been used by guests but had discreetly been cleared by the waiters.
The show of the couple could still be seen by us both and as we moved we continued to watch the man's tight buttocks pump back and forth in his rapid fuck rhythm. The women's cries and involuntary groans were physical proof of the exquisite pleasure that he was giving her.
The woman grasped the back of the settee tightly to counteract his vigorous thrusting.
Her face was screwed up tightly as he bottomed out, reaching the deepest point in her and then she exhaled when he withdrew, only to thrust in again. She was in sensuous heaven and any thoughts of anyone watching her were cast from her mind long ago.
My partner felt so turned on. Her skin was now bathed in perspiration. Her pussy was drenched and she was sluttily writhing on my fingers. The thought of having sex in front of other sexually charged guests felt incredibly erotic, even empowering and invigorating to us. The mask was giving her an added sexual confidence never known before.
The part of her face exposed below her exquisitely laced black and emerald green mask formed into a sexy smile. It was meant to tease, it was meant to entice and it was meant to get my attention.
It did all three.
: January 14, 2020, 05:25:01 AM Vaughan
Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
Hero Member
: 2808
Reborn by her Master like larva to a Butterfly...
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#398 :
January 14, 2020, 06:58:52 AM »
Her lips parted to reveal the moist tip of her tongue which she drew across her lower teeth. She stepped back from me, so my fingers were no longer engaged with her pussy. She then tipped her head downwards and watched as she slid her hand down across her pelvis. Her fingers clustered to form a tight arrow shape as she reached out to slip her index finger in to her panties and in between the top of smooth hairless folds. Her legs parted slightly.
She lifted her head and stared directly at me. Her expression changed. Her vulnerable eyes closed to small slits as her fingers played in her velvety moistness. It was incredibly erotic and I was transfixed.
She plunged two fingers inside her folds to seek out her sweet spot. Her twinned fingers gently flowed back and forth squeezing her swollen bud in a slow sensuous rhythm. I watched fascinated.
She reached out with her spare hand between our close bodies. Her developing smile told all, there was wickedness in her mind. She released my cock from its hiding place, slid to her knees and with her mouth opened, she slipped her lips around the large head of my shaft. Eagerly her head bobbed up and down on my hard flesh.
After a short time of enjoying her lips around my cock, I grabbed her hair and face fucked her.
I knew though, that a new mysterious mouth such as hers would soon bring me to orgasm so needed to pace myself. I decided, after the initial rush and indulgence, for a controlled restraint for now. I pulled her up and pushed her fervently against the table.
Her bottom slid up onto the table top. I looked into her eyes silently asking for permission to take her. She responded with a secret little consent smile and slowly slipped down her panties, spreading her legs wide.
My thoughts had pondered on what her womanhood would look like and now I knew. My eyes stared lewdly. She was smoothly shaved, wet and inviting. I could see her lips and swollen clitoris protruding from her sexy little hood. She was a beautiful rose that I wanted to show off.
I pushed her legs wide open and allowed the gathering crowd behind us to visually explore her pussy.
“Can you see all these strangers looking at your cunt?” I whispered and she moaned softly. Her pussy flushed visibly and the increased moisture glistened in the low light.
I enjoyed her display. Her tits were still bared with nipples fully erect and her pussy was openly on show to all who looked. She was uncharted territory and everyone around wanted to see her sluttiness. Her one arm outstretched over her tummy and her tiny fingers started to explore the contours of her cunt. She naughtily spread them open and revealed the entrance for her audience.
This was too good an opportunity to miss. I moved forward and buried my face in between her legs, tongue fucking and eating her out hungrily. My tongue slid across her vulva from her perineum to her sensitive rosebud. She shivered under my skilled lingering caresses. Her hands grasped my head to hold me still but my tongue continued its exploration of her engorged bud, along with its hood, now fully retracted to expose its sensitive surface.
I felt the urge grip me. It was an almost uncontrollable primal need to have this woman whose parted thighs beckoned me.
My cock was all ready for her. I had left my cock out throughout her display and wonderful mouth play.
I could smell her perfume mixed with the aroma of her sex. I breathed in deeply, taking my fill.
As I stood up, we both heard and saw the interracial couple behind, enjoying their public display. The woman was now laying on her back on the large settee. Her legs apart with her feet planted on the leading edge of the seat. Lying over her was her stunning naked partner.
We watched the incredibly erotic act of them fucking. There was no other way to describe their actions. He was rough but she willingly responded. Through his parted legs we saw his darker shaft slide rapidly in between her reddened engorged sex.
Her pussy lips folded and responded to his welcomed invasion. Her sweet uncontrolled and involuntary sighs and moans were a testament to his prowess as her lover.
I looked at my own mysterious partner and we both knew immediately. She needed to be fucked.
I didn’t bother undressing. It always turned me on more when I stayed clothed and my woman was stripped or sluttily obscene as she was now. Everything in the room around seemed to fade into a mist of obscurity.
Our thoughts and senses focussed purely on the moment. Her parted legs, her sex wonderfully exposed for my pleasure and indulgence and my cock erect and proud. She leaned back on the table, grasping the underside of both of her knees. She lifted her legs and closed her eyes waiting for me to spear her.
She felt me move in place between her raised legs and place my hands on the table either side of her hips. My hot breath played a dance across her face. Her level of anticipation and expectation was almost painful and too much to bear.
The next few fleeting seconds were truly exquisite as I made a single slow thrust deep into her body. She was my slut now. She was a new fresh pussy squeezing on my cock.
New pussy was always exquisite but this was more so with the hidden identity of both. The masks made it more exciting if that was possible and the fact, I was fucking this stranger in front of people just heighted the taboo a little.
I was fucking this mysterious woman and intended to make her remember this moment and every time she did, I wanted her pussy to tingle at the thought.
I stayed still inside her, pulsing my muscles. The initial beautiful thrust of my cock forced waves of pleasure through her entire body. She caught her breath and opened her eyes wide. She saw the sex haze of the room and the swath of people that had collected around to watch.
She clenched her pussy on me. My cock filled her sex so amazingly. She savoured the feelings that she had yearned for so long, feelings awakened that she recalled from past lovers.
I thrust in to her slow and lingering. My pubis ground against hers as I bottomed out each time.
Then gradually over a few minutes my speed imperceptibly increased. My thrusting was accompanied with primal grunts and groans as I sought to bring her to her first orgasm. Beads of sweat dripped from my forehead and chest onto her exposed tummy. She was glistening too from her own exertions.
She was totally absorbed by her rapidly changing emotions and sensations that arose from being fucked by a new and mysterious lover.
Feelings that coalesced and seemingly evolved with every passing minute. The pleasure I gave her was absolute and seemingly infinite as my cock found sweet spots inside that she never knew she had. Thrilled feelings of being watched and admired by several pairs of unknown eyes washed over her in sinful waves. Excitement that those same eyes had visually caressed her intimately and knew of all her nudity and her sexual arousal that was usually hidden. She basked in the naughtiness of her exposed nudity here and yet in their normal life, no one would ever know. May be they would wonder though…
This new found naughtiness caused her to whimper and stifle her cries of pleasure as I repeatedly pushed my thickness into her wet orifice. With an animalistic lust, I took her over and over again much to the delight of the watching crowd.
I squeezed my hands around her waist, repeatedly pulling her pelvis towards mine in an attempt to force my engorged cock into her deeper and deeper. Sometimes I broke my grip to stroke and grope her breasts, hips and tummy.
She in turn lustily clawed at me, her long fingers digging into my shoulders and arms, unable to find a balance between the pleasure and greedy need of it all.
Soon her body could take no more, she began to show signs that she was about to cum. Her movements intensified, her muscles contracted randomly and her breathing became rapid and shallow. Her face contorted as her mind flooded with extraordinary and overwhelming pleasure.
Finally, her body took over and she erupted into a powerful, moaning climax as I continued to fuck her. Her jerking was uncontrolled and flowed in powerful waves throughout her being.
The sound of wet sex filled the room as I ploughed into her. Climax cream drenched and smothered my cock as more and more of her juices seeped down, wetting the underside of her cheeks and pooling onto the table.
I reached around, below her bottom and found her tight rosette. My wet fingers probed and rimmed her, never going inside, but just exciting the nerves at her rear entrance.
It was like she was hit with a cattle prod. She bucked and clenched with excitement and let go small wicked squeals followed by sensuous throaty groans. Her inner sexual tension began to build again. Suddenly her orgasmic waves peaked and she dissolved into another explosive and noisy climax. Her pussy muscles involuntarily gripped my shaft as I continued to fuck her. She convulsed until eventually lay calmed on the table.
Now I could let my restraint go, it was my time for ultimate pleasure. She lay there prone as she recovered her breath and I fucked her with unbridled passion.
I rammed into her and then she upped herself on to her elbows so when I was deeply inside her, her lips were near my ear for a brief moment.
She whispered in my ear, “I belong to you. Anytime you want, you can take my panties off!”
Those words hit a cord with my most base instincts and it drove me to thrust even harder. I could wait no longer, my simmering balls and pelvic muscles suddenly contracted.
I felt my life force shoot up from the core of my body through my shaft and right on target into her body. My thrusting became uncontrolled as the last vestiges of my insides seemingly exploded from me.
We collapsed together onto the table. Our sexual and physical energies dissolved and dissipated for the moment. Some of the assembled couples then began to behave to create their own shows. Some were suitably stimulated to fuck, others wanted to watch some more performances and others just wanted to fondle, tease and masturbate.
My partner and I were going to rest and eat before enjoying more of the evening.
This unique party continued on while the outside world were completely oblivious to the events that were taking place that evening. Of course, inside this great Ice House, the mysterious couples played and indulged in each other to their heart’s content with the safety net of knowing, their identity was safe and not known.
(I hope you all enjoyed this story and hope it’s the start of others taking part in this topic. Please feel free and write your own experiences and fantasies of attending this party. It will be fun to read and may inject some life into the story section and Ice House)
Her kisses left something to be desired ... mmm ... the rest of her.
Hero Member
: 2178
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#399 :
April 23, 2020, 10:07:43 AM »
As I reviewed the elegant invitation again I still felt a sense of indecision. It had been a long time since I'd attended such an affair. I was alternately filled with consuming dread or excitement. There was a reason I'd stopped attending, a very good reason. Closing my eyes I fought those thoughts of him and the tears that always followed. With a deep breath and forced resolve I decided this may be just what I needed to begin again. My hands were shaking as I put the invitation back into it's envelope and slipped it into my purse.
The lobby was busy with new hotel guests arriving and I recognized a few well known faces with famous names. I could'nt help but wonder if they also held an elegant invitation in their pocket, and smiled at the prospect. If things went as planned I'd never know. I checked for messages and the desk clerk handed me a small slip of paper that only said "Lunch" I turned and headed towards the elevators having left the note on the desk. There would be no lunch tomorrow. I would not even respond. If he was smart he would not be expecting one.
Kicking my heels off as I entered I was calmed by the room the hotel had reserved for me. Having stayed there many times before they knew I desired a room with windows that did not face any other building. I disliked closing my blinds. I preferred to rise with the sun as it brightened the room. The bed had been turned down and the wine left to breathe. After setting my things down on the desk I poured the deep red Cabernet into a crystal glass and took a sip before noticing the single red rose in a vase near the bed.
My mind immediately went to the "Lunch" note. Not a question. A statement. Or was that the error of the person taking the message down? I wondered why I bothered to even contemplate such things as it mattered little. I had stopped being available to him when he had stopped being available to me. If I was going to go to this Ball tomorrow night there would be very little time for lunch. He had been the one to set the rules of priority. As was my nature in relationships I listened well. That is not to say I had not whined about it. He knew I was unhappy yet did nothing to change it. A woman always knows when her position of priority had changed and yet he claimed it hadn't. The beautiful perfect rose, as nice of a touch as it was, had thorns.
Hero Member
: 2178
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#400 :
April 23, 2020, 10:13:32 AM »
As I sipped my wine I flipped through the catalog of dresses the designer had sent to me. Each were exquisite, with matching masks and heels. This was going to be a very difficult choice. Restless I walked to the window and looked down on the street below. As I stood there lost in thought my phone began to ring and I ignored it. I was not playing a game of cat and mouse. My goal was not to make him chase me. I knew he played no such games and only chased the woman who had caught his eye, not the one he already had. I also knew he would not continue to try for very long. As my absence gave him time to fancy himself elsewhere. I will love that man to my last breath but I have tired of crying myself to sleep over him. I also knew he would be at the Ball. I prayed I could avoid him but knew it would be impossible. My heat for him could find him in a room of 100 men without having to search. All I had to do was close my eyes and I would feel him. The perfect match in every way. Although I had my suspicions over what had changed it, every woman knows, he'd just not found the words to tell me. And I had asked. Many times. Taking a deep breath as the tears formed yet again, I poured myself another glass and ran the water for the bath I had been looking forward to all day. It, and the wine, would help me to sleep through the night.
I woke with a start to the knock on the door telling me that coffee had arrived. I stretched full out as I told them to use their key to enter. As the smartly uniformed elderly gent entered the room I slipped into my robe and sat near the window where he was placing the array of fruits and coffee. He left silently with a smile and a nod. I checked my cell for messages. 3 missed calls but only 2 messages. Both from my assistant at the office. It was going to be a busy day. First was the dress. A choice had to be made and the order placed shortly.
I wanted no feathers or sequins for this gathering even though it would be quite appropriate. I wanted my body to decorate the dress and scream sex from across the room. No need to hide the purpose of the event or my eagerness to please and be pleased. On the very last page was the dress I was looking for. Cut to the belly button where a beautiful beaded gem rested and accentuated the small waist. It was almost completely backless with two slits up to each mid thigh. Beautiful and delicate lace thigh highs, strappy very high heels and an amazing mask were paired with it. I placed my order and realized I was now more than excited. I was wet with the anticipation. I knew from past balls that only the skilled were invited. The organizers had a reputation to uphold after all and never wanted anyone leaving unsatisfied. Smiling I returned my calls to the office and leaving instructions that I would be out of pocket for the next 24 hours. I was not to be disturbed. Under any circumstances. My male assistant chuckled and cheekily told me to have a good time.
As I stepped out of the shower the girl I'd hired to do my hair was waiting in the room. I wanted my long raven hair up, yet messy, with small sections falling round my neck. She did a marvelous job. As the sun began to set out my window I realized the time to leave the room was close and panic began to rise. I rang for a whiskey and it arrived at the same time as my dress. I allowed myself time to sit and stare at it as I sipped the much needed whiskey. I was not a stranger to these types of gatherings. I had only considered them part of my past. It should be easy to slip back into them but oddly it was not. At least not yet. I started with the mask as make up had to be applied around it...and not much of it. A bit on the eyes and bright red lipstick and it was done. The dress fit like a glove yet leaving enough room for comfort. I clipped on the long gold back chain to drape my back. Out of respect the collar would not be worn tonight and with the thought of it my breath caught again and I pushed the thought away. The gold cuffs on each wrist remained. I practiced in the heels and took a last look in the mirror. I'd carry no purse tonight. Only the invitation. As I closed the door to my room I heard my phone ringing inside and I turned towards the elevators. My resolve perfectly in place. I never settled for second place.
Hero Member
: 2178
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#401 :
April 23, 2020, 10:16:11 AM »
The ballroom was almost as magnificent as those already in attendance. I exchanged my invitation at the door for an equally elegant notice of a number. I was to find the other guest in the room who had been provided the same number. Smiling I made my way into the room. Yes, this is how I remembered it and there was a sense of returning to place you had missed without knowing you had. I gratefully accepted a glass of champagne with a strawberry in it and walked the perimeter of the room as it seemed those already paired were dancing slowly to the music playing softly in the background. I paused a moment to watch them and felt breath against my neck as he whispered in my ear "Shall we join them?" I answered by holding my number up and he took my hand and led me to the center of the floor. As he turned me towards him he showed me his number, took my card and put them both in his jacket. A Gentleman. I was pleased. Looking closer even his mask could not hide that I knew him. Or of him. We had worked on a few major projects together but not as a team. We had been on other sides of the table. Again I found myself smiling with pleasure and he noticed and smiled back at me.
As we danced he pulled me closer and my breath left me. I was soon intrigued by this tall dark haired man who seemed to look down into my soul without effort. The music kept the same slow tempo but seemed to rise in volume as only it and he existed for me. Others drifted off the dance floor and had found shadows or corners as still others joined us just beginning their introductions. I was in no hurry. These moments were important as I felt the heat in both of us rise. He whispered "I always dreamed of a chance with you but you always appeared otherwise engaged". Lifting my head from his shoulder I looked into his eyes, our lips so close I am sure he could feel my whisper and replied "Timing is everything". His hand on my bare back grew tighter and I was soon off balance as he picked me up and carried me to an available couch against the back wall.
He sat with me in his lap and kissed me as I had not been kissed in a very long time. I felt his desire in every move and with my kiss let him know I was ready to enjoy every wave of our mutual heat. I was glad the couch was not in the shadows. I did not wish to hide. As my date moved his lips from my mouth to my neck I stretched lengthwise against him raising my hands up over my head my ass in his lap. one foot on the floor. He took a moment to let his eyes slowly wander from mine down to my feet and back up. The slit in the gown allowed my bare leg to be viewed in full. As I watched his eyes take me in I felt another set of eyes on me as well. I did not need to turn my head to catch his eye before he burried his head between the breasts of another. Its not the first time I'd watched him do similar things but he was unaware that I had. He, on the other hand, had never had the opportunity to witness me with another because it had not happened. I had belonged to him. He owned me. Heart, mind and spirt and I desired no other. I pushed these thoughts, and the heat of his gaze from my mind as I gazed back into my dates eyes. Intuitive I saw a question there and I ground my ass against his cock to ease it away.
He pushed the folds of my low cut gown away and exposed my breasts so fast I gasped. He whispered "Tonight you are mine kitten, and I will make you forget any other." I almost moaned my response of "Please". He once again smiled at me and pushed my dress up enough to cup my center. Finding it wet and aroused pleased him and he said "What a gift you bestow on me baby girl. Show me your need" I immediately lifted my hips for his gaze as I felt my need drip down my thighs. I whimpered and he growled still watching me and making me wait. When I thought I'd cry with my need he inserted a finger into my core and i instinctively ground against it. My eyes closing and my head rolling back against the couch cushion. He moaned his approval as he took another very wet finger and spread it against my star and slowly inserted it a bit at a time making my hips rise further as i ground harder wanting it all. "I never knew you were such a naughty little girl or I'd have stolen you away months ago" "Somethings are worth waiting for" I replied and he shoved both his fingers in harder and curled one up as he used his other hand on my clit and leaned over taking a nipple into his mouth. I was lost as he sucked and finger fucked me right there on the couch in the room with others dancing near. I did not even sense them.
: April 23, 2020, 10:47:21 AM JessiCapri
Hero Member
: 2178
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#402 :
April 23, 2020, 10:20:32 AM »
It did not take long for my climax to begin but I fought it. So perfectly amazing was his touch I wanted it to last. Feeling the contractions begin he turned his hand and added another finger whispering "Give it to me my masked beauty" and my back arched up as I began to shake and lose control coating his hand as it vibrated inside me. His mouth covered mine and I sucked his tongue into my mouth hard as I came giving him what he demanded. As I gasped for breath I felt myself being lifted up and our positions changed. Sitting up with my breasts exposed he stood in front of me as he began to unzip his trousers. I pushed his hands away wanting to touch him. My hands undid his belt as I looked into his eyes. I wanted him to know this was something I enjoyed and not just something expected. I completed the unzipping slowly and watched as the trousers hit the floor in a pool at his feet. His dress shirt reached his thighs and I began to slowly unbutton it ignoring the impatience in his eyes. He best get past that as I intended to take my time and show him just how lucky he was in his assigned partner of the evening. As I worked the buttons I noticed the couple to our right. She was attempting to please him yet the shape of his mouth told me he was beyond disappointed. I had spoiled him it seems and I could not help but smile at the thought. Let him grimace. I shall make this man scream.
I smiled into his eyes as I undid the last button and pushed his shirt aside. He was magnificent and without touching him I admired him from both sides feeling his eyes on me. First I blew gently on the tip watching it jump for me. Such was his need I heard a soft moan and I smiled up at him to say "Just you wait..." My mouth was watering for him so I gathered it in my mouth and slowly let it drip over the head watching it glisten and drip down the shaft of his cock. As much as I could sit there all day and watch this I felt his frustration so I bent forward and kissed the tip gently and slowly. I felt his hands grip the back of my hair and was thankful I'd had it arranged to look messy from the start. Without moving my head I slowly widened my lips taking the tip into my mouth and holding it there. My tongue worshiped it from inside, twirling around it. I let him pop from my mouth so I could drag the tip of my tongue around the edge of the tip and then bring it into my mouth again. Again stopping at the tip, then tightening my lips as I took him all the way in. Sucking slowly till the tip hit the back of my throat and I swallowed the tip of him down as I flicked my tongue up and down his shaft. I gave it a moment before I began to hum so the vibrations surrounded him with the most impact on the tip. As he moaned I moved my mouth down and let him slip all the way out before bringing him back in fast. Sucking harder and moving my tight lips up and down his shaft as my saliva dripped down my chin I smiled up into his eyes as I cupped the boys and tickled them with my finger tips. His hand grasped at my hair as he ground his cock deep into my mouth grunting and I pressed my thumb into the spot behind his balls, massaging as he fed me. I swallowed every drop of his seed and pumped his balls gently with my other hand as my thumb continued to give pressure.
He groaned as I continued to suck gently. Into my ear he said "You should be illegal". I giggled then gasped as once again I found myself being carried. This time to a table nearby where he gently placed me. He lifted my dress up round my neck and entered me quickly. It seemed to me to be all one motion and fast with no time for me to catch my breath. He held my hands like a vice above my head as he rammed me hard and my wetness splattered and coated him. My lips found his in a teeth scraping kiss as I met every thrust he gave to me. I came again as I clutched him hard no longer thinking of anything other than my own satisfaction. Demanding more of him as I rolled my hips and bit his neck. I wanted all of him as he took all of me. My heart pounded and breath stopped as his cock moved in and out of my saturated pussy and I exploed beneath him as I felt him swell. As I felt him fill me I tightened my legs aound him from my position on the table and lifted my hips as he ground hard into me and screamed my name.
He collapsed on top of me in a sweaty heap as we both gasped for breath. I held him close to me praying the table was strong enough not to break. I can only imagine what a sight we were, my hair unrecognizable from the design it once was, my dress up around my neck, sweaty and naked, as I watched a pair of eyes walk past making sure he took in every inch. I could tell he was not happy by his expression. But I knew he had enjoyed his session very much. So I smiled softly at him as I began to adjust myself. My date rose and we both watched each other put ourselves back together. As I glanced around I noticed the same being done by many couples but most had left the hall already. We laughed realizing we had out lasted most of them. I thanked him for an amazing evening and he kissed my hand. I eased myself off the table as gracefully as possible and we both laughed softly again. It had been a night I am sure we would both remember for a long time.
I hunted for a lost shoe under the table without getting on my hands and knees. Not at all a graceful look. I decided I could return in the morning to find it. I held my one shoe and made my way to the exit. I thanked the hosts for a wonderful evening and for the wonderful partner choice they had made on my behalf.
: April 23, 2020, 10:45:21 AM JessiCapri
Hero Member
: 2178
Re: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**
#403 :
April 23, 2020, 10:22:57 AM »
As I exited I only had visions of the comfort of my room in mind. Fate had other plans. Just on the other side of the exit I felt a familiar tingle on my skin. He had a way of doing that to me.I could, quite litteraly feel the touch of his eyes. My muscles, still twitching and weak, started to shake as our eyes met. He'd been waiting for me. He handed me my missing shoe. We exchanged no words. I read his eyes and he read mine. He held out his hand. I stared at it a moment before looking back into his eyes. I sighed. He smiled. And I put my hand in his. Together we made our way towards the bank of elevators. "I missed you at lunch." he said. I replied "I was busy." Squeezing my hand gently he growled "I knew you could not resist me....for long."
He has written his name on my soul. I would always be his.
(I hope you all enjoyed this story and hope it’s the start of others taking part in this topic. Please feel free and write your own experiences and fantasies of attending this party. It will be fun to read and may inject some life into the story section and Ice House)
: April 23, 2020, 03:26:47 PM JessiCapri
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