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: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**  ( 283324 )
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: 142

« #60 : August 19, 2012, 06:15:53 PM »


Upon entering the dungeon I stopped.  “Fours!” I ordered, and blu dropped to the ground on her hands and knees.  I reached down and patted her on the head, “Good girl.”  I assured her, and then continued to the spanking bench.  As I gave a tug at the leash, blu followed on all fours.  “Stay.”  I commanded.  And blu sat back on her ankles with her hands at her sides and her eyes on the floor.  I hung the loop end of her leash on the edge of the spanking bench so that she was sitting in front of the imposing apparatus while I got it ready to imprison her body while I overwhelmed her with sensation.

Slowly and methodically, I gathered the belts I would use bind her body to the device.  The spanking bench is a specialized piece of furniture I had ordered just for this dungeon.  It resembled a wide saw horse, with a padded surface on the top that was covered with soft leather.  The legs of the device were actually one large panel on each side.  Each panel had several slots for belts, and several screwed in eyes for attaching ropes.  The top had a small channel down the middle under the padded surface, with several slotted holes for attaching a belt that was used to bind the torso of the victim being imprisoned by the device. 

Slowly I attached the belts that would bind blu’s ankles, wrists, elbows, and knees.  I also removed the top for a moment and attached the torso belt.  Occasionally I looked to blu and saw that as I readied the device, she was beginning to tremble more and more with anticipation.  The device was made from very heavy wood and had several concrete blocks that sat in the middle so that it weighed more than either of us and would not give during more intense punishments.  To demonstrate this, and to apply some more psychological stimulation, I occasionally gave one of the belts a good hard tug, drawing it tight, but barely budging the heavy bench making her eyes widen a bit.

Taking her leash in hand again.  I commanded “Up blu!”  She rose to her feet still facing the bench.  “I want you to lay your body over the bench.  Ankles here,” I pointed at the binding points for her ankles. “and your wrists at the same points on the other side.  Do it now.”  I said, and removed her leash, rolling it up and hanging it on the edge of the bench.  blu hesitated for a very brief moment, then forced her legs to step forward as she laid herself over the bench and I began to bind her body to it.  One buckle at a time, starting with her legs and deliberately going slowly I bound her ankles to the device, then her legs just above her knees.  As I did this I could hear her breathing heavily and the muscles in her legs were noticeably shaking.  After I bound her legs I ran my nails up one of her legs on the inside and brushed against her pussy, still wet from being lubricated and fucked earlier. 

Standing behind her I began to take up the belt that would bind her torso that was laying on top of the bench.  As I did, I allowed the dildo I still had strapped to my hips to rest against her swollen labia, not penetrating her but teasing her mercilessly as she tried in vain to roll her hips back and push herself onto my silicone phallus as she whimpered in frustration. 

Moving around to the other side I crouched in front of her and bound her wrists at the lowest point.  First the right, then the left, but before moving to the elbow straps I took hold of her long red hair and pulled at it lifting her head.  I put my own head below hers and gave her a deep loving kiss, my tongue exploring the inside of her mouth and staying in command throughout the entire kiss.  Then I lowered her head and took a hair band I had on my wrist and pulled her hair back, folded it over and secured it with the band so it would not be in her face, distracting her from the experience that was to come.  Finally, I bound her elbows to the device.  blu was now imprisoned upon the bench and was subject to whatever I chose to do to her.  From the front her face was between her extended arms , facing the large strap panel, and her peripheral vision blocked by her own arms.  From the rear, her legs were bound and spread with her feet flat on the floor and just under the thin gap at the base.  The firm flesh of her buttocks was stretched nicely over the edge of the bench and her wet genitals were completely exposed to whatever sensation I chose to apply.

Circling around the bench and my captive blu, I told her, “I’ve been watching you as my furniture arrived.”  I said to her.  “And while you have been noticeably curious about each piece, I know that you have paid particular attention to this one.  I was at the door the day this one arrived and I saw you watching it be assembled.  I saw the look on your face, and I watched you after the delivery men had left.”  The memory of that day flooded back as I described it to her.  blu had knelt down next to the bench looking over all of the fastening points.  Touching them with her fingers and running her hands along the leather top before laying her body across it.  I saw her come up on her toes as she imagined a punishment being meted out upon her while being secured to the harsh device.  blu didn’t say anything while I described the day she first laid eyes on the bench, nor her inspection of it. 

While I was explaining how I had watched her inspecting the spanking bench, I walked carefully over to my chest once again.  Reaching inside I pulled out a thin leather paddle and began to walk back around the front of the device.  Holding the paddle at my side so she could catch a glimpse of it as I walked past.  Finally, taking up a position behind her, I ran my fingers over her backside.  Her tension had been raised to a point such that when my fingers touched her bare skin, her whole body lurched forward against the restraints.  I ran my fingers over her exposed bottom, still a little pink from her earlier spanking, and soon to receive marks that will remain evident for far longer. 

I took a step back and held out my arm that had the paddle at the end of it.  I held it to her firm bottom, across both of her buttocks so she could feel its width as I instructed, “I want you to count the strikes as I deliver them blu.  If you lose count, or if you fail to count, I will start again.  Do you understand?” 

“Yes mistress.”  She said, her voice slightly broken from nervousness.

I pulled the paddle back and swung it forward, the air wooshing around it as it swung forward, finally delivering the first blow to blu’s rump.  The firm flesh of her buttocks immediately turned bright pink as the blood rushed to the impacted area and I heard blu give off a small squeak before pushing out a quiet, “One”  between her clenched teeth.

Pulling the paddle back again I said, “I’m having a little trouble hearing you dear.”  And I swung the paddle forward again, giving off a loud SMACK as it impacted her ass yet again.

“TWO!” She answered quickly this time.  Raising her voice so she could be heard clearly.

“Good girl.”  I awarded as I delivered another stinging blow to her beautifully spanked backside.

“THREE!”  She exclaimed, as the muscles in her legs tensed against the unforgiving leather restraints. 

I delivered another strike, making sure to make each and every one of the same intensity so that blu would not become confused and associate a lighter blow with my satisfaction, or a harder blow with my displeasure. 

“FOUR!”  She yelled.

I kept delivering the blows to her rump, turning it more and more red, preparing it for the final assault that would drive her over the edge when I would deliver the surprise I had for her.  Not wanting to make her delicate flesh numb I began delivering the final blows.


Pulling back the final blow, I let the paddle swing one last time.  It rushed through the air and struck her in nearly the same place as the first blow.  Her body lurching yet again.  As I noticed the skin around her knees bunch up as the muscles beneath clenched and tensed.

“TWENTY-FIVE”  She yelled, and I placed the paddle on top of her ass as I went around the front of the bench and crouched in front of her again.  Noticing a small puddle of what couldn’t have been more than three or four tears on the floor. 

“It’s time for your surprise blu.  I’m going to give you a few moments to rest while I get things ready and then we will bring this evening to its climax.  You are now permitted to cum when you feel able.”  I said to the back of her head, noting the heavy broken breathing as she came down from the adrenaline rush of having been punished with the paddle.  Still unaware of the fate that was about to befall her.  I grabbed a bunch of her hair once more, lifted her head, and gave her a single kiss on her cheek.  Then I got up and walked across the room to a small round bin next to the door and removed from it, a half inch switch that I had cut from a crape myrtle tree outside the AB&G a few days before.  It had started to dry out and had become a little rigid, but was still flexible enough to bend a little as I delivered the final punishment upon my dear sweet blu.

I walked back to the bench and around the front, holding the switch at my side.  Then I ran its length over her outstretched arm, which made her lurch and strain against her restraints.

“MISTRESS, NO PLEASE!”  She begged.

A little confused by the authenticity of her pleading, I crouched next to her head.  Choosing my words very carefully so as to not break the mood, “Unless I hear your safe-word my dear, I will continue.  Is that clear blu?”  I asked.

There was a pause for a moment.  She stayed still before speaking, possibly trying to make sense of my request.  Finally, she turned her head around so she could look me directly in the eye, with a defiant glare, and she begged again.  “MISTRESS, PLEASE NO!  PLEASE DON’T!”  Yelling even more and straining against the terse leather restraints. 

Having my answer, I got up and walked behind her and crouched right at her glistening pussy.  I gave her genitals a kiss as I opened a hidden panel between her legs and pulled out a retractable arm that was holding a Hitachi Magic Wand.  I also pulled out a foot peddle like the kind that is attached to a sewing machine and laid it on the floor.  I adjusted the arm so that the soon to be vibrating end of the Magic Wand was nestled firmly between the folds of her swollen pussy and I stood up walking back to my position I had when I was paddling her.  I placed my foot on the peddle which was wired so that the more pressure I put on it, the more intensely the Magic Wand would vibrate.  “You will count as before, starting with one.  Are you ready?”

“MISTRESS PLEASE DON’T!”  She begged once more.

“It will all be over soon my dear.”  I assured her, and the wind whistled as the switch sailed through it striking her across her buttocks causing the flesh to immediately rise up in an angry red line that I knew, from my own experience, first gave off an intense sting, followed by burning pain.


A second blow flew through the air and left another angry red line crossing the first one that was already beginning to turn purple and leaving little red dots from the broken capillaries just below the skin.  This time though, I started to press on the peddle and the vibrator kicked on. 

“AAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!”  She screamed again, “TWO!”  This time the yell and the count were broken.

As I delivered the third blow, more pressure on the vibrator control.

“AAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH! THREE!”  And I could hear her start to cry and whimper.  But looking behind her I could see that she was now aware of the sensation being delivered to her genitals, and she was rolling her hips to hit the right spot.

Making sure to keep waiting a few moments between strikes so the burning pain would have time to take full effect upon her, I swung again, this time hitting a little low and getting the tops of her thighs.


I looked around the front to make sure she was ok, as I had not meant to strike her legs.  Seeing that she was clenching her fists in anticipation of the next blow, I gave it to her.  More carefully this time to deliver the same strength blow, but on her ass.  This one struck her directly on the buttocks.  My own hand was now between my legs.  Rubbing circles over my haness and the silicone ridge nestled in my own flesh as I drove myself close to orgasm.

“FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!”  She yelled and I could see her back begin to tense as she got close to orgasm.  The peddle finally at its maximum.

Then I delivered another blow striking a harsh red line right across the first three.  It rose up and I saw her body begin to contract as her orgasm took over.  She couldn’t talk at this point and I didn’t wait.  I stepped off the peddle and got behind her pressing the dildo strapped to my hips into her gushing pussy making her yell and her back arch against the harsh leather strap holding her down.

I felt the contractions of her vagina through the dildo and into the small silicone ridge that was against my own clitoris.  It only took a few moments and I was taken by rolling pleasure waves coming over my body.  I collapsed over blu, our sexual contractions feeding each other’s orgasm.  It went on for an eternity and the extreme sensation caused me to have tunnel vision to the point that I could only perceive a small dot of light.  Finally as the orgasm began to roll back and my control over my body returned, I stood up, pulling the dildo out of blu. 

Immediately, I began to release her from the unforgiving grip of the spanking bench.  Her body completely limp and all her energy expended, I helped her to her feet and put her weight on my arm.  Her whole body, was soaked with sweat, and her hair smelled of sweat and tears.  Her face and eyes red from anguish and pleasure.  We made it back to my bedroom and I had her lay across my bed, her wounded ass up, not down, and I went to my first aid drawer, bringing back soothing creams and another damp cloth.  Then I pulled off the dildo and harness and placed it in the sink.

Though exhausted from the extreme mental pressure of the experience, I began to care for my wonderful submissive.  Sitting on the bed next to blu, her head turned to face me and she looked in my eyes and smiled.  “Thank you Mistress.”  She said.

I smiled back at her as I wiped her face with the cloth.  “You’re welcome my dearest blu.  I am so proud of you.  You are my special girl.”  I replied in kind.  Then I put a healthy amount of the soothing cream on my hand and began to gently rub it over the raised lines on her burning rump.  She clenched at first but then a look of relief on her face as the burning turned cool.

After rubbing the cream in, I took my time to give blu a loving sponge bath with the cool cloth and a bowl of water I had by the bed.  I cleared her face and her skin of the sweat that had poured out of her from the intense experience.  Working from her hands down each arm, past her torso, gently cleaning her genitals, and all the way to her feet.  All the time being careful not to touch the very sore love marks I had left on her backside.  When she was clean I went and took a very quick shower and came back to the bed.  Then laying beside her, I kissed her gently on the cheek as I held her hand, her grip still weak from the experience.  We both lay there looking in each other’s eyes as sleep took us.  That night my dreams were of blu and a fabulous night of gentle, romantic love making.  blu, is my dearest love.

« : August 19, 2012, 09:01:10 PM christinak »

Any power that is easily given can be taken away just as easily.

You can't have my virginity, but you can play with the box it came in.
Hero Member
: 3444

« #61 : August 21, 2012, 06:14:53 AM »

Waking up mid morning on my day off  "time to go do my chores"

After showering and dressing in a shirt and trousers grabbing a bag i throwing some jeans and a T shirt in my bag I head off to my car and drive down to the Bar & Grill packing out the back so not to be seen from the road.
 Walking into the bar i slide into the Pool room and threw the door to tunnels
Walking into The Ice House I smile and look around walking to the cleaning cupboard taking out the broom i start to sweep the hallways
Starting at the entrance sweeping up the hallway passing Bears door and smile I keep sweeping passed Miss Barndys door.
I get to Miss Christy's door i see a thin beam of light coming from under it being careful not to hit the bottom of the door with the broom i sweep passed and into the Large open space of the Great Hall. sweeping round it i stand in front of the St Andrew's cross ,Running my hand over it and think "one day  one day". I look at my hand and see a thin layer of dust on it. Finishing sweeping the the Great Hall and up the Hall way passed Miss Adera and Miss Azrielle Doors  passes the empty dungeon door standing out side one of the doors puts my hand on it and wondered how would ever own it or visit it . Sweeping right up to Miss Jannies door.
walking back to the cleaning cupboard i swoop the broom for a mop and bucket. Mopping all the floors i find myself standing in front of the new glory hole wall that Miss Chirsty has had installed for the Grand opening party. Going back to my cupboard i get the duster and polish out and go back to the cross. Standing in front of it again i spray the duster with polish and reach up dusting the right hand side of the cross passing the duster into my left hand leaving my right hand up there i dust the left side and then rest my hand on it feeling how good it feels to be that pose and can only dream of what it would feel like to be fixed to it tightly. I step back looking around to make sure NO one had seen me up against the cross. I finish polishing it and move to the great table polish it. With The Ice House all clean and ready for the Big Party I go back to my cupboard and put every thing back in its place.
« : August 21, 2012, 09:39:01 AM tangoracer »

Hero Member
: 3007

« #62 : August 22, 2012, 12:43:24 PM »

I am a sub.
I try to be a good sub.
Mistress tells me I ma a good sub.
It is what I am, it is a part of me that took 19 years to blossom and flower and now that I have found a good Mistress to serve I feel fulfilled.
I can analyse myself psychologically and I can see what may have made me what I am, but I cannot change the way I feel.

The paddling was gorgeous and I sucked the pleasure from every stroke, Mistress was consistent with her tempo and severity and if I could have I would have lifted my ass up high in an obscene pose to give her the best target possible.
Already warm and flecked where the tails of the leather flogger had licked, my ass was now getting a deeper heat, one that suffused and spread through my body and focused on my dripping pussy. I counted out every stroke and longed to scream "harder" but I knew there was more to come and Mistress was in control, she knew exactly what she was doing.
Pain? Oh yes there was pain, I am not Iron Man, I feel pain and by the time we got to 25 I had not just cried out, but also cried a few  real tears, but what that pain translates into is what I crave..
Then it stopped and Mistress came round to my head and kissed me.

"It is time for your surprise blu" she smiled and almost skipped back to her trunk.. My ass was on fire, but my desire was even hotter. Would she? How well did she know me and was she willing to gratify her sub's desires?
My prayers were answered when she appeared back at the front of the bench flexing a vicious-looking switch, bending it almost double and swishing it through the air, then she ran it up and down my arm and I shivered... OMG am I sure? what have I asked for?
I cry out "Mistress, NO! Please!" but Mistress is more savvy than that.....
"Unless I hear your safety word blu, I will continue. Is that CLEAR?"
Safety word, safety word, fuck, I can't even remember my name, what's our safety word?
I look her in the eyes, straining against my restraints.
"Mistress, no! PLEASE NO!"
But it is too late. Mistress walks round behind me and does something to the bench and I feel something pressing against my pussy. What is this? I don't know what is happening, has she got some device to punish my pussy while she beats by butt?
"You will count as before. Are you ready?"
"Mistress please don't!"
 But Mistress knows my cries are only for myself and I hear the whistling of the switch on it's first visit to my fiery-red ass.

Oh fuck that hurt....., oh the sensation.... if I had time, I'd smile at the beautiful stripe I know will be there tomorrow to remind me, but the fire across my ass, the sting..
"One Mistress!" I gasp and another whistle  and I feel another stripe forming and OMG... the thing pressing against my pussy starts to vibrate.....
"Two Mistress" and I strain against the bindings, pushing back against whatever it is as my orgasm builds the I hear the express train whistling towards me and
"Three Mistress!"
whatever it is vibrates faster and my squirming becomes more violent.. I'm soaring away, I can't control myself... Another swoosh and  Oh FUCK! right across the tops of my thighs, OH MY GOD that Hurt!
"Aaaaargh! Four Mistress"
I don't even hear the whistle , but I feel the fire as the next stroke lands right across the middle of my ass and I barely have time to cry
"Fiiiiiiiiive Misttress" before another lands, crossing over all the others in a diagonal line from the top of my left cheek to my right thigh, the whippy end curling round and digging in to the soft flesh at the top of my leg.
I lose control and start to cum... I am on a different plane and I feel myself pumping cum, squirting across the dungeon and the vibrator is gone and Mistress is fucking me with her strap-on and I buck and my orgasm carries on and on and Mistress collapses across me spent.

I don't know how long we led there, a sweaty, sated heap, but about a year later, Mistress stood up and pulled the dildo out with an audible plop, which reduced us both to a fit of giggles.

Mistress unbuckled me and helped me up, then almost carried me to her bedroom again, laying me face down across her crisp white sheets.

As Mistress sat down next to me I lifted my head and locked my eyes on hers. I spoke slowly.. "Thank-you Mistress"
She smiled at me and the warm feeling spread from my ass & sex up through my heart to my throat, where a lump was forming.
“You’re welcome my dearest blu.  I am so proud of you.  You are my special girl.”
Whilst I dreamt of nothing in particular Mistress soothed cold cream into my red and blue stripey bum, I could feel the raised welts as she gently, so gently salved me.
Then the Mistress that I serve, who's very intonation is a command to me, bathed me on her bed with a soft real sponge, starting with my head and working every inch to my toes until I was cleansed of the sweat and sticky residue of our love-play.
When she had done she left me to lay in my sub-space heaven while she showered, then came and led in front of me, each one gazing into the other's eyes, our nipples touching, her legs hooked behind mine and we fell into a deep blissful sleep.

Time flowed away from us and I was awakened by the cheerful whistling of Tango as he swept the Main Hall.
I hear him stop... in my mind I can see him by the cross in the Great Hall.. I wonder........ then he starts whistling again and walks back to the cleaning cupboard and I hear him fill the mop-bucket.
I kiss Miss Christy gently on the cheek and she stirs. "What time is it blu?"
"It's time blue got dressed and organized the stage ready for the boys tonite Mistress"
but instead I take her hand and kiss the back of it, I brush her hair back behind her small ears and kiss her full on the lips... "mmm I love your freckles Mistress," I smile at her.... knowing that I am playing our game again, for unlike me I know Mistress hates her freckles with a vengeance.
"blu, you are a very naughty little girl, and if you even mention my freckles ever again, you won't sit down for a week!" but she is smiling too and I bounce out of bed and run to the mirror to admire my medals... I run my fingers over my ass, tracing every line there is a 5-barred gate on my ass and a single purple stripe across the crease where my thighs meet my butt.. "You've done this before Mistress!" I turn and show her her handiwork and she slaps me hard across one cheek "Yes I have, would you like me to draw some more, cheeky little girl?"
I bend down and push my ass towards her face.. "Oh Mistress how naughty do I have to be?" but before she can slap me again I dance away to the bathroom giggling as I go.
When I return, Mistress is dressed and I kneel before her, head down, my ass on my ankles and legs spread wide apart. She undoes my pretty pink collar with it's heart-shaped name-tag and hands it to me.
"Go you little minx and behave yourself properly next time we meet!" I  kiss her hand again before standing up and walking to the wardrobe, opening the zebra-wood box and carefully laying my collar away, locking the box and putting the chain with the tiny key back around my neck. Then I retrieve the neatly folded clothes from the stand-chair and quickly dress before skipping out into the hall and slowly jogging back to the Bar & Grill, wishing I'd worn thicker panties as the rough denim rubs against the weals on my ass.

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Full Member
: 142

« #63 : August 22, 2012, 01:02:10 PM »

Rising from my bed the next day, blu was already her normal playful, but naughty self.  Looking on her I could not help but smile at my beautiful love.  I see the spark in her eye as she plays her games, mentioning my freckles, which she know's I can't stand but I play along.  I took some time to admire the pink lines and purple brusies I had left on her backside yesterday.  Before letting her go about getting ready for the party tonight, I stopped her and we held eachother for a moment before leaning in and sharing a passionate kiss.   

I went to my vanity and cleaned the dildo, the harness, and my leather.  Then, after putting everything away, I put on a silk robe and made my way out into the dungeon.  Normally I would have blu clean up, and later she would clean more thoroughly, but I went ahead and picked up our toys, and put everything neatly in its place.  Except for the belts on the spanking bench.  I left those, so blu could see them and have fond memories of her pain later.

Swinging over the lock on the door to my dungeon, I started to open it, when I saw tango cleaning the St. Andrew’s cross at the far end of the Great Hall.  I had asked him to make sure The Ice House was spotless before the party tonight, and I could see that he was doing a great job.  Everything was coming together, all the decorations were up, the custom glory hole booth had been delivered, and tango was putting the final touches on things. 

I looked briefly at the glory hole booth.  My own design, and a thing of genius, if I do say so myself.  It was actually two glory holes, inside a small room.  These were connected to an antechamber that worked kind of like an air lock.  You couldn’t get to one of the 4 inner rooms without being locked into the outer one first.  Then you would go to either side of a glory hole, with one side marked cocks, the other side marked hens.  This way, there was no way for anyone to know who was on either side unless that person went out of their way to make it known.  It was totally private and would be a lot of fun during the party.

I looked back over at tango cleaning, he was dressed as he had been told to, and was doing a fantastic job.  I had been debating about collaring him for myself for some time.  Several days ago I made my final decision.   On the invitations for the party I had made sure they mentioned a collaring ceremony, this would be for tango.  I started getting excited at the thought, it was always an exciting time when collaring a sub publicly. 

As tango was finishing I saw that he was pressing himself against the cross.  Fantasizing about being tied to it and having all sorts of marvelous tortures visited upon him.  I pulled the door closed a little more and narrowed the gap so he wouldn’t see me.  I always liked watching my subs fantasize when they thought I wasn’t looking.  For me, at least, this always felt like the best way to learn what they liked and what they desired.  When tango was finished imagining himself on the cross he started to put his supplies away.  Thinking quickly, I went to my chest and opened it back up.  I took out a blindfold, four 7 foot ropes, 20 clothes pins, and a ball of twine.  I didn’t have time to put on any imposing clothing or makeup.  I placed my items into a small bag that I threw over my shoulder.  Then I turned off the lights in the dungeon and stepped out into the great hall. 

I quietly went over by the St. Andrew’s cross, undid the front of my robe and opened it so tango could see me, put the bag behind the cross, and stood in the shadows waiting for him to return.  When he came around the corner from putting his things away, he started walking down the Great Hall.  “tango, would you come over here please.”  I said to him while stepping out so he could see me. 

tango turned to face me, his eyes went to the floor, but when he saw that my robe was open, his eyes fell on my body and locked.  “Yes, Ma’am”  He replied, trying his best to put his gaze back on the floor and then walking quickly to stand before me, his head down, but his eyes still clearly on me.

“tango, I’ve been wanting to talk to you.”  I said.  “Take off your clothes please.”

“Yes Ma’am”  He replied and began to undress.  It was clear that he was learning, because he didn’t toss his things in a pile just anywhere, he folded everything neatly and placed them on the floor at his feet. 

“That’s a good boy.”  I responded, and stepped over to the cross, putting my hand on it and running my fingers down one of the long wooden braces.  “You like this apparatus?”  I asked.

tango didn’t respond, and when he tried to talk he started to mumble.  Finally he squeezed out, “Yes Ma’am.”

“Then come over here.  Let’s see what you look like against it.”  I said as tango stepped in front of the device.  “Now, turn around facing out, place your feet on each of the footholds at the base, and extend your arms so that your wrists are even with the binding points at the top.”

As he stepped into position I could see that he was gritting his teeth, his member starting to become erect as he tried hard, mentally, to keep the erection from occurring.  “Like this Ma’am?”  He asked, seeking approval.

“Mmhmm,”  I began as I reached into my bag while stepping behind the cross, “just like that.”  And I slid a blindfold over his head and covered his eyes.  Surprised at this, I heard him let out a harsh breath of air and I saw that he could no longer contain his arousal, and his penis was fully erect.  I reached in the bag again, pulled out the rope, and began binding him to the cross. 

“Ma’am, what’s going to happen?”  tango asked, his voice beginning to shake.

“Shhhhhh”  I quieted him, and placed a finger on his mouth as I finished the last of the bindings.   I pressed my body up against his large frame and whispered in his ear.  “If you can’t keep quiet, I’ll have to gag you.  Nod if you understand.”  And his head shook up and down frantically.  Then I slapped the top of his cock with the palm of my hand making him hold a whimper behind his teeth.  “Good boy.”

I grabbed my bag and walked over to the great table and dragged a chair back in front of the cross, where I sat crossing my legs reaching in and taking out the clothes pins and the ball of twine.  “tango, I’ve decided to make you my own.”  I said to him as I took a clothes pin and threaded a length of twine through the center of the spring and slid it down to a knot I had tied at the other end.  And tied another knot on the other side of it.  “Will you be my submissive tango?”  I asked looking up to see his head bobbing up and down so fast that his chin was bouncing off his chest.  “Good boy.”

I kept threading the clothes pins onto the twine as I said, “Then tonight, I will collar you at the party.  I have taken the liberty of having a collar made for you.  Your collar is special.  It is a symbol of the trust that you are giving me to have control over you, and it also symbolizes your bondage to my needs.  Do you understand that?”  I asked, and he nodded again.  “I also have a special outfit for you to wear tonight too.  I know you are going to like it.”  I said as I finished threading the 20 clothes pins onto the twine and stood up approaching tango.

“You are going to feel some sensation.” I said as I put the twine over one shoulder and I began to drag my nails down tango’s chest, making my way slowly over his belly and past his waist, getting as close as I could to his penis without actually touching it.  tango’s breathing began to increase as my nails scratched his skin leaving tiny pink lines that quickly disappeared.  Then I took one hand and cupped his balls with it making his penis twitch.  Moving my hand outward I wrapped it around his shaft and stroked it gently.  I saw his face tense, expecting to be grabbed harshly, but then I stepped forward and put my feet on top of his at either side of the cross.  I then went up on my toes and placed his cock between my legs letting it rest against my moist sex.  I could feel him twitching against me and I could feel his heart beating against my breasts as I pressed in on him and whispered in his ear again.  “tango, this is a very important thing I am offering you.  I promise I will take good care of you.  In return you must do as you are told at all times, you must not disobey me, and you must never embarrass me.  Is that understood?”  I asked, and just as his head started to move up and down I caught his mouth with mine and kissed him with a deep loving kiss before drawing away biting his lower lip and dragging it with my teeth.  Then I placed the first clothes pin on his right nipple making his face tighten up. 

I stepped off his feet, taking my time to let his hardness drag against my labia.  When I was down, I started placing the clothes pins one at a time on his skin going down toward his genitals, finally placing one on the right side of his balls, then putting one on the left side and working my way back up to the left nipple, making exactly 10 on each side of his body with a long loop of twine at the end of each side, which I let dangle.  His face began to sweat more and more with each clothes pin and he would whimper as I placed them directly on his nipples and his scrotum. 

I stood back for a moment and looked at him writhing against the cross.  Then I stepped back and took his penis in my hand again, stroking it gently and I began running my fingers over his leg softly.  I laid my head on his chest for a moment and listened to his heart beating rapidly before kneeling down in front of my captive slave still holding his shaft in my hand and stroking it.  I kissed the bulbous helmet before me and continued to move the soft flesh up and down over the hardness underneath.  The kiss made him let out a long exhale before tipping his head back.  “You are permitted to cum whenever you feel like it tango.”  I said as I took his cock into my mouth.  I let the head of his penis fill the inside of my mouth and my tongue ran circles over it as I pulled some suction by sealing my lips around it and pulling my head back a little. 

I let go of his cock and began running my hands down his legs.  Then I pushed my head further down onto his shaft and I began to stroke him with my mouth as I heard him begin to moan behind his teeth.   I slowed down for a moment and mentally forced myself to relax my throat as I pushed my head further onto his cock and allowing him to slide past my mouth and into my throat.  I held him there for a moment and then drew back pulling in a large gulp of air through my nose before continuing to fuck him with my mouth. 

As I felt his legs begin to tense I made my motions more rapid and slithered my tongue along the bottom of his hard cock.  Then I felt him start to twitch in my mouth, and just as he let out a loud moan and I felt the first squirt of warm slimy sperm hit the back of my throat, I reached up and took hold of the loops of twine and pulled them down as hard as I could yanking all 20 clothes pins off at once like a zipper, leaving 20 painful little burning bites all up and down his torso. 

“OOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH”  tango moaned, and I felt an even harder stream of his warm cum flow into my mouth.  The pulses continued for a few more moments before I pulled my mouth off his still twitching cock, making sure not to spill one drop of what he had given me.   I let the slightly bitter sperm run down my throat a little before swallowing the rest of it down.  Then I stood up noticing the bright pink dots where the clothes pins had been attached.  I stepped back onto tango’s feet and kissed him deeply, letting him taste himself on my tongue.  As I pulled off his blindfold.  I looked in his eyes and rubbed his cheek with my hand.  “I love you my slave, my submissive, my tango.”  And I kissed him again letting him explore the inside of my mouth with his tongue as I gave a tug at the knots on the ropes, letting his arms come down to wrap around me and pull me in tight.

Then I stepped down off his feet and removed the bonds holding his ankles as well before instructing him, “I want you to put these things away tango.”  I said, pointing to the ropes, clothes pins, and the blind fold.  “Then I want you to get dressed, go home and get ready for the party.  When you come back, make sure you come to my dungeon first so I can get you dressed in your new outfit.  Understand?”

“Yes Ma’am”  tango responded, as he began to put his clothes back on.

I walked back to my dungeon letting my robe blow open and trail behind me.  I opened the door, and as I noticed tango watching I blew him a kiss and closed the door behind me.
« : August 22, 2012, 01:59:00 PM christinak »

Any power that is easily given can be taken away just as easily.

You can't have my virginity, but you can play with the box it came in.
Hero Member
: 3444

« #64 : August 24, 2012, 09:32:00 AM »

After finishing cleaning I put everything in it right place. Walking back into the great hall I hear Miss Christy’s voice “tango, would you come over here please”. Turning to where the voice came from I see Miss Christy with her robe open I bow my head. Seeing Miss Christy’s gorgeous body for the first time my eyes lock onto her body and won’t go down. Standing in front of Miss Christy I control my breathing and clear my mind.  I hear Miss Christy “tango, I’ve been wanting to talk to you, Take off your clothes please”. Without a hesitation I REPLY “yes ma’am” I strip folding my clothes I place them on the floor at my feet.

Miss Christy moves over in front of the St Andrews cross saying “Good boy.  You like this apparatus?” Taking a deep breath I think to myself “did Miss see me earlier when I pressed myself against it   NO    NO    NO    I was alone no one could have seen” yes ma’am I mumble.

“Then come over here. Let’s see what you look like against it” I step in front of the cross. “Now turn around facing out place your feet on the footholds at the base, and extend your arms so that your wrists are even with the binding points at the top.” Miss Christy tells me. “Like this ma’am” I ask looking for approval. All the time trying to keep control of Myself .
Miss Christy moves behind the cross and I feel a blindfold being pulled over my head taking a breath in surprise and loss all control and my cock stand up hard. I feel ropes around my wrists as Miss Christy binds me to the cross.

“ma’am what’s going to happen?” I ask in a shaking voice
“SHHHHHHHH” I hear, I feel Miss Christy press her body up against me and whisper in my ear “If you can’t keep quirt, I’ll have to gag you. Nod if you understand.” I nod my head quickly. Them feel a SLAP on the top of my cock holding my whimper behind my teeth I hear “Good boy”
The hall goes quirt then I hear a chair being moved the silence again.
Ma’am starts to talk “tango, I’ve decided to make you my own. Will you be my submissive tango.” I nod my head again quickly. I hear “Good boy again from ma’am.”

Then tonight, I will collar you at the party. I have taken the liberty of having a collar made for you. Your collar is special. It is a symbol of the trust you are giving me to have control over you, and it also symbolizes your bondage to my needs. Do you understand that? I nod again. “I also have a special outfit for you to wear tonight too. I know you are going to like it.”

“You are going to feel some sensation.” as I feel same thing land on my shoulder. Then nails moving down over my chest and down over my body. I start to breath faster as the nails go lower and lower. Feeling Miss cup my balls with her hand my cock twitches. I feel Miss take my cock in her hand. Hold my breath remembering what ma’am did last time. But feel Miss Christy step onto my feet and press against me I feel the warmth of Miss Christy as my cock rests up against her moist sex
My heart beats faster and faster as I feel ma’am press up against me.
I rear ma’am whisper in my ear “tango, this is a very important thing I am offering you. I promise i will take good care of you. In return you must do as you are told at all times, you must not disobey me, and you must never embarrass me. Is that understood?”I nod quickly and feel ma’am’s lips against mine and we kiss with a deep loving kiss. Thinking that’s our fist real kiss ma’am pulls away dragging my lower lip wither teeth.
I feel a sharp pain on my right nipple. I feel Miss step back from me the feel more little pinches moving down my body then one goes on the right side of my balls holding my whimpers back I feel the next one go on the left side of my balls then more pinches back up to my left nipple trying to count each pinch 20 I made it.

I then hear Miss Christy say “you are permitted to cum whenever you feel like it tango.”
I feel Miss Christy’s warm mouth around my cock I take a deep breath to hold myself as long as I can feeling Miss taking me deep into her throat I feel my legs start to tense as I feel a uncontrollable feeling rust throw my body I moan loudly and explode deep in Miss Christy’s mouth as I do I feel a shape pains all over my body all one after the other. I let out a loud moan of pain which makes my cock twitch and explode again.

I feel Miss Christy pull away, then stand back on my feet I feel her soft lips back on mine and the blindfold being pulled off blinking my eyes I feel ma’am’s hand on my cheek and hear a sweet whisper from her lips “I love you my slave, my submissive, my tango.” We kiss again our tongues dance and I taste my own taste on Miss Christy’s tongue.

I feel my arms being untied I bring them down rap them around Miss Christy and pull her in tight to me. Miss Christy steps down of my feet and unties my ankles. I look around and see all the cloth pegs on the floor. A small smile comes over my face so that’s what they were. Miss Christy points to all the ropes pigs and blindfold “I want you to put all this away then get dressed then go home and get ready for the party tonight and make sure you come to my dungeon so I can get you dressed in you new outfit. Understood “
“yes ma’am” As I start to clear up Miss Christy walks back to her dungeon I watch her all the way seeing Miss turn she Blows me a kiss and disappears out of site.

I finish clearing up get dresses and leave for home to get ready for the night.   


Full Member
: 142

« #65 : August 24, 2012, 02:14:47 PM »

The knock at the door interrupted me as I was putting on my makeup, but I had just enough time to finish my eyes before getting up to go answer it.  I tied my silk robe up and went to the dungeon door, opening it to find blu and tango waiting there.  The bracelets I had told them to wear so I could summon them were both glowing with a blinking blue light.  “It’s about time you two.  I summoned you an hour ago.”

“Mistress I was in the bar and…”

“Mistress I came as fast as I could…”

They both started to talk over each other and I put my hand up to stop them.  “Not now, just come in and let’s get you two ready for the party.”  I said and stepped out of the way so they could enter, then shut the large door behind me.  They both went to the middle of the room and stood with their heads down and their eyes on the floor.  “You two get undressed and kneel on the floor until I get back.  No playing with each other until I return.  blu, get your collar box as well.”  I said and walked back toward my room to finish putting on my makeup.

“Yes Mistress.”

“Yes Mistress.” 

I heard them answer from behind me, and as I turned the corner into my private room, I could see that they were already half undressed and were folding their clothes.  I sat back down at my vanity and finished putting on my makeup.  “Goddamn freckles.”  I thought to myself.  I went ahead and let my hair down, and gave it a little tease.  Being from Texas, I’ll always love big hair. 

Still in my robe I went back out into the dungeon carrying two boxes, one large and one small.   I placed them on a chair next to the entrance to my bedroom and noticed that blu and tango were both kneeling on the floor as instructed.  I was impressed to see that tango had managed to not get an erection during this time.  But precautions had to be put in place for tonight anyway.  “Both of you will wear chastity devices tonight because I want to make sure you are supervised anytime you have sex during the party.  In short my dears, I want to watch.”  I said to them from the far side of the room. 

Their eyes stayed on the floor as I chose the one nearest to me to start.  “So let’s get started.  tango come here and stand in the inspection position.”  He walked over nervously but quickly and stood as instructed with his feet spread apart and his hands behind his head with the fingers laced together.  “Good boy.”  I said.  Then I pulled up a stool and sat down in front of his limp penis.  I lifted it and his balls, not really to inspect anything, but just to torment him to see if he would become hard at the teasing.  To his credit his penis stayed soft.  But looking up I could see his eyes were closed, his face was tense, and he was sweating profusely.  So I took the smaller of the two boxes and opened it. 

“tango, look at me.”  I said, and his eyes opened and he looked down at me and what I was holding.  “This is a cock cage.”  I told him as he looked it over.  It was a small bent tube made of brass closed at one end, except for a small hole to urinate out of, and with a ring at the other.  The idea is that the ring fastens behind his balls and his penis is placed in the tube, then they are locked together so that if he begins to become hard it will be very painful.   I took the device apart while he watched.  The ring was hinged on one side so I was able to place it behind his balls, and I closed it around with the locking tab up.  Then I took the brass tube and placed his still limp penis inside it.  Then I took a small padlock out of the box, connected the two components together and snapped the lock closed.  I then pulled out a key on a blue ribbon and showed it to him.  “This is the key for your cage.  There is only one key.”  I told him, and I put the ribbon around my neck and let the key dangle down between my breasts. 

I gave the gage a small tap with my finger.  “There you are, best kind of safe sex there is.  Now go back to your place on the floor and kneel.  blu, your turn.  Come over here and stand in the inspection position.”  tango went back to his spot and knelt with his head down but instead of his eyes on the floor, they were fixated on the cold metal cage that had captured his penis.  blu stepped in front of me and placed her hands behind her head and laced her fingers together.  “Good girl.”  I said and I opened the larger of the two boxes and removed her chastity belt.  It was a leather belt that was to be fitted around her waist, with a second strap of leather that went from the back to the front between her legs, covering her anus and her vagina, except for a narrow gap in the leather strap between her legs that was filled with a wire mesh to allow her to urinate.  I placed the belt around her waist, “Turn around please.”  and put the two ends together in the back.  Then reaching between her legs I pulled up the strap and secured it at the same point with a metal loop passing through each of the leather ends.  Then I took a padlock like tango’s out of the box and snapped it closed, securing the belt to her body.

“Turn back around now.”  I told blu.  When she turned I said, “Look at me dear.”  And I pulled out another key, this one on a pink ribbon and placed it around my neck as well.  “Now blu, your evening will be different.  Bear is still demanding revenge for his collaring.  And since you have decided that you are willing to allow him to have you publicly, I have decided to make this part of tonight’s ceremony.  I am going to give this key to Bear when I see him later and he will be the only one who can unlock your belt.  When the time comes you will be tied to the alter in the great hall where Bear will be able to take you and have his way with you.  I am giving you one last chance to back out privately.  Do you still want to let him go through with this blu?”

“Yes Mistress, I know Bear would not hurt me.”  She replied.

“Ok then.  Go back to your spot on the floor and kneel.”  I said, and blu went back to the floor and knelt next to tango again.  I stood up and retrieved two garment bags and placed them in front of tango and blu.  Then I said to blu, “Collar.”  And she took her collar box and held it above her head in both hands.  I opened the box and removed her collar, closing it and leaving it in her hands as I fastened it around her neck.  “Thank you blu.”  I said, and she placed the box back on the floor and put her hands back at her sides.  “Now, I have placed a garment bag in front of each of you.  Inside are your party clothes.  tango, you put yours on now.  blu, you come with me.”  I commanded and I walked back to my bedroom to put on my party dress.  As blu got up and followed me.

I had purchased a black and red Victorian gown for the party.  It was very elegant and I had it fitted complete with a lace up bodice.  That and the corset is why I needed blu’s help.  I took off my robe, revealing that I was already wearing my black garter and hose.  “Get my corset ready dear.”  I told blu, as I put on my bustle and fitted the snaps on the sides.  Then I held up my arms and blu put the corset around my waist, I adjusted my breasts in it as she began to lace it up behind me.  “Not too tight dear, I want to be able to sit or squat as the need arises.” 

“Yes Mistress.”  She replied.

When she was finished I placed a silk hood over my head to protect my makeup and held up my arms as she lowered the dress over me and I took off the hood, putting my arms in the sleves.  Finally she laced up the bodice in the front and tied a lovely bow at the base of the V.  Finally a pair of black pumps that it was doubtful anyone would see.  No need for panties under all this armor.  I looked in the mirror, the neckline came all the way down revealing the tops of my breasts which looked like they were about to fall out from the corset pushing them up.  “It was a very beautiful gown.”  I thought, as I turned to get a look at the back in the mirror.  “Thank you blu, you may get dressed now.”  and blu stepped out of the room.

I gave the dress one more look and I stepped out of my bedroom to see that tango was already wearing what I had picked out.  It was a lovely Armani Tuxedo with a red cummerbund and tie.  “Well, you look very handsome tango.”  I said to him as he finished putting on his cufflinks and checked himself in the mirror.

“Thank you Mistress.”  He said with a wide smile. 

blu’s dress was much like my own but the dress came all the way up to her neck and did not come with a bodice.  I helped her lace up her corset after she had put on her garter, stockings, and bustle.  When I put the dress over her and she had adjusted it to her body, I let her look in the mirror.  Though she wasn’t too happy about having to wear a dress rather than bluejeans, I saw her smile at how elegant she was wearing that gown.   I let her use my vanity to touch up her makeup and hair while I helped tango straighten his tie.  When blu re-emerged from my bedroom, I put a red leather leash on blu and said, “Ok you two.  Let’s go to the bar and get our guests.”

Stepping out into the Great Hall I could see a light under Bear's, Adera's, and Janine’s doors and shadows moving within.  Obviously they were getting ready as well.  Then we walked to the back side of The Ice House and I had tango open the large warehouse door and fix it so it would stay open.  Then with blu in tow and tango not much farther behind, we walked along the path to the AChat Bar and Grill.
« : August 24, 2012, 02:41:12 PM christinak »

Any power that is easily given can be taken away just as easily.

You can't have my virginity, but you can play with the box it came in.
Hero Member
: 3444

« #66 : August 27, 2012, 03:04:15 AM »

On returning to The Ice House with the Guests from the bar I close the large wooden door and put a sign on the small door with in the large door "ENTRANCE" and leave the door unlocked.

Blue and myself lead the guests into the great hall and wait for Mistress to come out of her chamber to start to Party.

Blue and I walk over and stand ether side of Mistresses door I look over to Blue I smile over at her and say softly in a whisper  "you look gorgeous and have fun to  night" Blue smiles back "thank you tango you look so handsome to" her reply is soft and quirt

Then we both stand up straight hand at our sides heads bowed eyes fixed on the floor awaiting Mistress .

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #67 : August 27, 2012, 02:19:33 PM »

I take my clothing for the party to my dungeon, using the secret passageway heart beating wildly as it always does when I enter the Icehouse this way.  The Images of Bear taking Christi in raw lust repeatedly filling my mind.  Excitement  and anticipation flows through my blood.  As I unlock my door , I see the light on under Bear's door, no doubt getting ready for the big night too.

I lay my gown out on the bed,  a beautiful black straight dress with small embroidered blood red and purple roses on a green vine wrapping the length of my body,  backless with a discreet side zip. The bra is inbuilt and pushes my breasts upwards to show an enticing cleavage. I wear black  suspenders with matching blood red and purple roses and black stockings with a straight central line down the back of the leg and black lacy sheer panties.

The dress is stunning and I check it on in the mirror with my 3 inch black heels and then put my hair up, pining it in place, showing my slender neck. I see the faint marks of very enjoyable nights that bring a smile to my face as I spray my favourite perfume. I go to the bathroom and do my make up, going for a more natural look, hi lighting my bright green eyes and full lips. 

Satisfied at last with my look, I place my half mask on, again black, lacy with purple and red roses and matching glass jewels. I lock my door again and go to the big hall, seeing Blu and Tango.

" You look beautiful Blu " I whisper, smiling at her,  " Really beautiful...  And  Tango ... Wow ...  You are stunning in that suit  " I grin at him too. "
I look round seeing lots of familiar faces, some masked, some not.  I smile, nodding acknowledgement  to them as we catch each others eyes.......
« : August 27, 2012, 02:34:28 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Jr. Member
: 84

Sweet man o'mine :) :)

« #68 : August 27, 2012, 06:18:01 PM »

Walking from the Bar round the back I get to see The Ice House for the first time.
From the out side it just an old wear house knowing the time that my Tango had spent here in the last few weeks I hope it looks better inside.
flowing the marked path way to the large side doors and seeing the sign on the smaller door. Rubbing my belly I think No point on my mask every one will know its me

Opening the door i step inside WOW What a difference from the out side.
I know it was not all Tango's doing but i know he did a lot of it .
I walk into what looks like the great hall saying hello to friends from the bar
Then i see him thinks " I'v never seen him looking so handsome " walking towards him a hand grabs my arm  i turn and it Brandy i smile at her " you look gorgeous in your rube " " thank you Jane" pulling my arm more Brandy pulls me to her and whispers in my ear "His not yours in here remember I know you just want to go get him dressed like that so handsome and all" "Brandy was right his not mine here" I think to myself
"but he looks so handsome  i just want to go kiss him"

I stop myself and stand back next to Brandy and watch and wait for the night to start

Hero Member
: 1600

« #69 : August 28, 2012, 12:13:41 AM »

Early evening........dressed in a simple but elegant black suit and black shirt i stand on our deck and have a drink waiting for Stone to finnish getting ready. some time later she appears on the deck, dressesd to kill, i smile as i look her over. wearing a smoking hot black cocktail dress, showing lots of leg and dark hose and heels..............looking good Stone, i grin, not bad your self she replys with a sexy smile. looking at my watch shall we?  she nods yes.........i grab an overnight bag  and take her hand as  we walk out of our cabin to the car. whats in the bag? she inquires. oh just some over night stuff..........think were going to spend the night in the office, try out that new sleeper sofa Brandy bought me i laugh. good thinking batman she replies as i open her car door. we head up the drive and head into town. you want to wear masks? stone asks, no.. whats the point?.....i think we know most of folks anyway. popping a CD into the car stereo i search for a certain song.

i find the song.. BLue Oyster Cult     Dominance and Submission
i turn it up.... the sinister guitar riff begins

Oh yeah
It's been ten years, half my life
Just getting ready but then it was time
Warpage in the figures, radios appear
Midnight was the barrier, back in 1963

Each night, the covers were unfolded
Each night, It's Susy's turn to ride
While Charles, the one they call her brother
Covers on his eyes, murmurs in the background
It will be time...

Oh yeah
Susan and her brother, Charles the grinning boy
Put me in the backseat, and they took me for a ride
Yeah, the radio was on, can't you dig the locomotion
Kingdoms of the radio, 45 RPM
Too much revolution then...

Each night,
Each night, It's Susy's turn to ride
While Charles, the one they call her brother
Covers on his eyes, murmurs in the background
It will be time...

It's past midnight said Charles the grinning boy
And looking at me greedily, said it's 1964

In times square now, the people do the polka
Dominance....Submission...radios appear
New Year's eve, it was the final barrier
Dominance....Submission...radios appear
We took you up and put you in the back seat
Dominance....Submission...radios appear
Form year to year we looked out for the venture
Dominance....Submission...radios appear

the song ends i pull into the bar parking lot..i smile at Stone, its not what you think its about, 
this song is in reference to losing innocence around the time of the Beatles invasion of American music. Rock and Roll being a corrupter of our youth.

Hero Member
: 3007

« #70 : August 28, 2012, 12:56:06 AM »

So I run all the way down the secret passage from the pool room.. who left the door open? Someone else obviously in a hurry too, but I pull it firmly to before sprinting down the passage and into the Hall. I catch Tango up just as we get to Miss Christy's door.
I knock hurriedly and give Tango a quick peck.
Mistress is obviously cross and as we stammer out apologies at the same time, she shuts us both up. "get undressed!" and we do. I look at Tango and smile as we strip, he can't even lift his head up in case he looks at me and gets wood. I could be cruel to him, but Mistress would not be pleased, so I try to show him as little as possible. When I'm naked, I go to the closet & get my little zebrano-wood box and unlock it with the little key from the golden chain around my neck.
I go back and kneel down next to Tango, but slightly behind him. His head may be bowed, but if I kneel here, he'd have to turn to see me and he will find that easier to resist.
Mistress comes back with 2 boxes and announces that we are to wear chastity devices... I almost giggle, but she looks serious, so I keep my head down so she can't see my smirking.
Then she puts this "thing" on Tango.. I've never seen anything like it, it's like a medieval torture device... if he get's wood while he's wearing that, he'll be in agony.... OMG I wonder what mine will be like? How he can keep himself from getting hard while Mistress is handling his cock & balls is beyond me, he must be really serious about this to have such will-power. (or should that be "won't power?")
Then its my turn and I have 2 leather straps, one around my waist and one through my legs, the one through my legs is quite wide and thick, but my ginger curls are still peeping out either side.. if I'd known I'd have waxed this morning!
Mistress is talking to us, so I stop dreaming and pay attention.
"The key on this pink ribbon is for your chastity belt blu. I am going to give it to Bear so he can unlock you for the sacrifice ceremony on the altar. I'll ask you again in private, are you still willing to go through with this? You said you would let him take his revenge for his public collaring on you in my place, is this still your wish?"
I want to express my disappointment that Mistress needs to ask, it was my idea that I should spare my Mistress public humiliation in this way, Bear can wreak his revenge upon me without shaming my Mistress and I will do that for her without a moment's hesitation, but I realise she cares so much for me that she is just making sure, so I nod and bow my head.
"Yes Mistress, I trust Bear not to hurt me"
She sends me back to kneel on the floor, the says "Collar" and I lift up in both hands my little zebrano-wood box. Mistress takes out my pretty pink leather collar and fastens it around my neck so that the heart-shaped name tag rests in the dimple at the bottom of my throat.
I put my box back on the floor and Mistress tells Tango to dress from the garment bag in front of him, but commands me to follow her into her bedroom.
Once inside, Mistress takes off her robe and stands before me in just her stockings and garters, I am taller than her and I am looking down at her beautiful breasts and I just want to get on my knees and kiss her thighs from her stocking tops up to her beautiful pussy... can't I ever think of anything but sex? I will tell Mistress later when we are alone later and she can punish me for my lack of control.. oh god, thinking about that makes it worse!
I realize Mistress is talking to me. she hands me a beautiful black lace-up corset as she clips her bustle on and says "Not too tight dear, I want to be able to sit or squat as the need arises"
"Yes Mistress" I reply and leaving the bunny-ears in the middle, begin pulling the laces from the top & bottom towards the middle, using two fingers behind them and doing it again and again until, the corset is as tight as Mistress wants it. Then I do a beautiful double bow with the bunny-ears. We slip her dress over her head after she's put on a silk hood to protect both her make-up and her dress, then I lace up her bodice from the front and again tie a beautiful double-bow.
Mistress holds her feet out one at a time and I slip her black pumps on, I notice that she isn't wearing any panties, but I'm sure she knows and no--one will be able to see through all these frills down to the floor... I smile to myself and log the memory for another time.
Then she sends me to get dressed and I see Tango in all his finery, OH WOW! An Armani tux with a red cummerbund, he looks fantastic!
I almost throw my arms around him and give him a kiss, but then I remember and turn away to my own garment bag.
Oh Wow! I've never worn anything like this ever. it's almost the same as Mistress's, but rather than pushing my breasts out, my dress comes up to my throat. The corset, bodice & bustle emphasize my big hips even more, but Mistress is pleased with the result and allows me to use her vanity unit to put my make-up on and put my hair up (no pony-tail today!!) while she puts the finishing touches to Tango.
Then we are ready and Mistress clips a red lead to my collar and leads me off with Tango following close behind and we walk to the Bar.

We entrance into the Bar and Mistress announces that the party is ready to begin, I gulp, not because of what Bear has planned, but because I hope all the preparations me & Tango have done are up to the mark!

Brandy comes over to welcome us and as we stand 3 redheads together, she tells me how beautiful I look and I whisper how sexy she looks, boy she will wow them tonight!
I see TangoJane, she is obviously impressed with Tango and makes to come and talk to him, but Brandy pulls her back, for tonight he belongs to Miss Christy.
We lead the crowd back into the Ice House, but no secret passage this time. the big doors Tango spent so long oiling are wide open.
Mistress leads us to the center of the Great Hall in front of the altar and this time my stomach does tighten as I look at it, but Tango leans behind Mistress to whisper that I look beautiful and have fun tonight... I don't think he's fully aware of what the night has in store yet and I am subdued as I whisper back "Thank you Tango, you look so handsome too, good luck with the ceremony"
Mistress unclips my lead and tell me & Tango to take the trays of champagne round to all the guests and everyone is very excited, the noise of talking makes it difficult to make myself heard and I don't feel much like raising my voice, I am starting to get really nervous.
« : August 28, 2012, 09:50:23 AM bluedenim »

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Hero Member
: 7883

« #71 : August 28, 2012, 03:59:05 AM »

My second time in The Ice House....i can't deny the first time i was worried cause i had no idea about what it was, but now! I'd like to explore this place, digging into my memories to recognize the position of the place i was calling "Corner of the hidden desire" where me and my friend Jon usually meet, but tonight it's not possible....

The hall, just empty few hours ago, is now full of people of any gender and social state: business men, lawyers, shop managers and, of course, common people who work hard every day and at night looks for some fun and relax. I wonder how many of them know exactly what is this place and how many of them are really into stuff like this, but for sure i know they will remember this night!
While Christy is giving a wellcome to all, i see plenty of known faces but i notice some missing: Tight, Lover and Sexi! I'm sure they was at the bar and they had hear the announce of party, so why they are not here!?

I decided to sit on the sidelines, watching the reaction of the people....it's really interessing to have the chance to study all the possible approach people have with something new and unexpected! And till now, the show is not began....what gonna happen later!? Thinking on this, i grin and slowly touch Bear's belt.
« : August 28, 2012, 04:02:51 AM hentaiboy69 »

Hero Member
: 1600

« #72 : August 28, 2012, 11:50:43 AM »

The car parked, Stone and myself enter the bar from the front, i head to the office only to find Brandy is already at the ice house. Stone over sees the loading of the bar carts with Christy's liquor order. satisfied the order is correct we wheel the carts to the pool room and enter from the old secret entrance. heading down the passage we hear voices and laughter coming from the large main warehouse room.as we approach Christy who is looking radiant greets us warmly and has Tango take over the carts and set up the bar. i look around and see some familar faces. Tangojane greets us with hugs. Brandy welcomes us with her usual breezy style, she grabs Stones hand and they run off to see Brandy's harem room.feeling a bit useless i chat with HB for a bit then  give Tango a hand in setting up the bar.
Full Member
: 131

here for fun :) :)

« #73 : August 29, 2012, 08:17:54 AM »

Taking my time getting ready dressed all in Red and Black  Red knee length boots black Fishnet hold up stockings Black lace bodice all covered in a blood red figure hugging dress showing all the right bits of my body.

Finding it hard to get into my car i phone for a taxi 10 mins later the drive Knocks at my door I follow him to his taxi watching him walk down the path in front of me i watched his ass in his tight jeans. He pulls it to the bar and grill's Car park and pulls up at the front door. I get out and lean down and use his mirror to put on my bright red lipstick turn thank him and then pay him. Walking up to the Bar (not wanting him to know about the real party round the back)  doors i know his looking at my ass i wiggle it and go in. Hearing him pull away I open the bar door and see him going back up the road. Walking round to bar i see the old wear house thinking so this is The Ice House What will it be like inside. I get to the door feeling a little nervous to enter the party on my own i take a deep breath and walk in.

Looking around this magnificent hall seeing lots of friendly faces and some new faces
I walk over to Jane she is talking to a young pretty girl. Kissing  Jane on the cheek I say "Hello you look great hun" She turns and looks me up and down "WOW girl you really pulled out all the stops tonight you look stunning"  She turns to her new friend "Alita this is my best friend Karen and Karen this is Alita"  I turn to Alita lean in and kiss her check "nice to meet you" Jane turns to me "Have you see Dean arrr tango tonight"

As she say's it he appears in front of us with a tray of Champagne. He says "Champagne Lady's" He looks into Jane's eye and you can see how much they love each other. He then say's "Jane your's is he glass right in the middle it feezzy Apple juice" I turn to "wow tango you do look handsome tonight." He smiles bows his head and turns with the tray and off he goes.

Turning back to Jane "I'm so proud of you for letting tango do this I know you love him and this is NOT your thing" I put my arm around her "He will be safe her my girlfriend Miss Christy want let any harm come to him" I kiss her again "Yes i Know his keeps telling me that" she say's

"will lets go with the flow tonight hun and have some fun." I say and take a sip of my champagne

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #74 : August 29, 2012, 09:55:28 PM »

As I stand looking around the Great Hall of the Ice House, I am very impressed with the work Blu & Tango, and possibly other submissives , have done to transform the place, remembering how not so long ago it was nothing more than a dirty old storeroom. 

Christy and the unknown initials CBJ have indeed made it dark, yet elegant and a place that is exciting . The dim lighting is just right, enough to converse & see but also to allow privacy for those who want it. A perfect ambiance for an occasion such as this.

There are various contraptions round the room, some I recognise, and some I dont.. a St Andrews Cross with leather shackles for wrists and ankles,  benches  & cages with fucking machines,  chains and shackles on other wooden furniture, whips, canes, rulers, paddles, a swing, a very unusual chair.... all appear to be  on display. I’m not sure if it is for show or for use ... but very impressive and  the thought makes my tummy flutter with excitement and what the night may hold. In fact the whole room generates excitement  and you can feel the anticipation in the air around the guests. 
There even appears to be spare dungeon rooms, already prepared for use if so desired.

Tango & Blu carry silver trays of champagne in flutes around the guests  and I smile my thanks as I take one off the tray.

I see Tangojane  checking out Tango in his fine clothing. I grab her arm gently  “ Remember, he’s not yours tonight” I remind her .. “but later when he returns to you with that big happy grin on his face, girl you can sure make up for it”
She smiles at me, “  I know, you are right,” she whispers.
“ You two are special, not every couple have the love & trust you have... and besides .. means you can play too “ I grin wickedly.
Tangojane grins back “ You never know ,”  she giggles.

I grab an extra champagne and hand it to Hentai, sitting nearby watching the room. “You look gorgeous tonight. I like that belt ” I tell him & Tangojane nods in approval. He has a wicked smile on his face.

Jayc & Stone join us & we kiss in greeting,  and I offer to show her my hareem room, excusing ourselves for a few minutes.  I notice Bear’s & Adera’s lights are still on as we pass their rooms.

Stone likes the fabrics and colours & marvels  at the space within my dungeon,  “ You staying here tonight then ?” She asks. 
“ Of course”  I grin, “ I take it, you’re going to be using the office and new sofa bed.”
“ It’s already made up , my Jayc is very eager to try it out, “ She replies chuckling.

She notices the small curtains closed over portraits hanging on the wall.

 " May I ? "  she asks reaching for the tasseled purple pulley. I nod, watching as she draws the curtains open slowly. We both stare at the framed pictures there.

A large one of Bear collared on his knees with the stocks holding his neck and wrists in place. The leather collar prominent with the silver charms hanging, the Stone, the Panda, the Bee, the Riding Crop and the Little Short Dress. Then two smaller matching framed pictures, one on my own with him , the other showing Stone, Pachacutie, Me, Christi & Adera with our Captive.

" So you got your trophy pictures up at last"  Stone smiles.  " He gave me mine back you know.. I was so terrified when he got his payback" She fishes in her purse and dangles the two returned silver charms -  the Stone and Panda - at me.

She shudders at the memory of him binding her, blind and mute in the office at the AB&G.  " I think people thought I got off lightly compared to Christi .. but on a scale of 1 to 10, I can guarantee  I was more scared, at least a 50, when he left me there, waiting for his next move.
I think Christi was more excited by his wild male rawness when he used her for his own ends.
Bear knows exactly how to enact his revenge, leaving me waiting like that ... and Jayc pretending to be him... " Her voice trails off, pausing for a moment remembering and then continues..

"And he & JD got you too, that was some public humiliation"  She grins at the memory of me collapsed, sexually exhausted after my massive, powerful orgasm with the vibrating egg at the table in the crowded Bar, following his striptease, " Have you got it?"

I blush, " Yes" taking her to to the top draw in my desk, there the egg is lying, cleaned, polished & lying in an a green velvet box with the remote control by its side.

Stone chuckles, " Actually, I meant your Silver Bee charm?"

I frown, my brow furrowing " Actually, no... he's not given it me back yet... Damn... Do you think that means, he's not finished with me yet? It never crossed my mind,... I wonder why he's still kept it... "

We are silent for a moment and then I grin " Great pictures though huh?  It's what started all this, "   I wave my hand gesturing to my wonderful dungeon and the Ice House in general. I pull the purple tassel to hide the pictures once more, keeping them safe from prying eyes.

" I left a similar framed picture of the big one for Christi in the great Hall of the other big Dungeon" I chuckle. " I'm not sure what shes done with hers, but I know she had been threatening to collar Bear for quite awhile as well ... I'm sure she has hers safe somewhere too"

Stone notices the tapestry overhanging the hidden door and she examines the detail. " This is exquisite, memories of a great battle with the English Knights"

I agree, " They were fun times"  I get the key from from the desk and draw back the curtain and open the hidden door, " Seems to be a narrow storeroom or something but there's no lighting"  We peer in the doorway into the blackness before I shut it again quickly as I hear voices & foot steps approaching, drawing the tapestry curtain back in its place. I hurriedly return the key to the desk.

Just in time,   JayC &  Hentai arrive to see my room too. After they  have toured my chamber, we return to the hall and Karen ( All_for_you ) ,  Alita & JD have joined the group all chatting about what the night has in store.  All of them very beautifully dressed. A thought suddenly enters my head, " Did I lock that hidden door again ... yes .. of course I must have... Didn't I ? .... "

Tango and Blu appear again replenishing out champagne & Tangojane’s apple juice & the thought is lost in the moment. 

Soft classical music plays in the background, soothing us, yet building the anticipation for the night ahead........
« : August 30, 2012, 08:47:17 AM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
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