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: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**  ( 283475 )
Jr. Member
: 84

Sweet man o'mine :) :)

« #210 : December 07, 2012, 07:09:51 AM »

Standing in the great hall i see HB rush down the hall way and throw her arms around a pretty young lady they look so happy to be with each other.

Looking up the hallway I can make out the door where my Tango is is not shout properly walking slow and quietly I make my way to it.
picking throw the opening I can see him laying on his front on the bed.

Quietly I move over to the bed and set on the edge of it "Are you OK my sweet" I ask softly

He turns his head and smiles at me "I'm fine mt sweet" he say's

"Your back looks painful is there anything I can do" Gently I rest my hand on his back softly I run my fingers over his back feeling the raised wilts from where the crop had landed. I put my hand over my mouth feeling his pain as my finger move over his back.

I know this is all part of this side of his life but I never thought I would ever see him like this. I see the butter on the bedside table I dip my fingers into the pot and gently start to rub it over his back. I hear a soft moan as my fingers rub it into his back and i feel him relax under my hand.
Letting my hand run down over his butt and onto his thighs they feel warm to my touch rubbing more butter into them.

His legs open just a little as my hands move up his inner thigh he moans softly as my finger just touches his balls. Then as I move them up over his butt letting them run up along between his checks and over his tight little stay. I lay down beside him and kiss him gently my finger rests on his butt
covered in all that butter.

I kiss him harder and our mouths open and our tongues find each other and dance there own love dance.

Not know what he is aloud to do here right now or if he will get in trouble for me being here, but my finger works its way gently into his tight ass
wiggling it gently inside him he moans and pushes back against it. Feeling him push back I slide a second finger into him.

I break our kiss "Do you like that my love" I whisper

"YES Miss Jane I do" he replies

He had never called me that before "What is Miss Jane aloud to do to you here tonight tango" I ask softly

"Miss Jane can do what ever she fills fit to do to here my Mistress has told me to be a good boy and do as i'm told" he answers

"Anything I wish"    "Yes Miss Jane as long as it doesn't hurt me"

My fingers work deeper into him as we speck "Anything I wish"  I take my finger out of his ass and move them to his mouth he licks the butter of them for me " I will be back Latter my love I have same thing in mind for you but I will talk to your Mistress first about it."

I kiss him again and get up and walk back to the door looking back at him I blow him a kiss them walk out leaving the door as i found it.
Back in the great hall I see Miss Abby and walk over to her."Miss Abby I have just Left tango in your room I hope you don't mind me going in to see him" 
"No Jane I want all his friends here to have there chance to go and see him." She say's with a nice smile.
"He told me I may do anything with him here tonight Is that right" I asked with a big smile
"yes that's right Do you have something I mind Jane" she asks back
"Yes I do" I lean close to her ear and whisper to her my plan, She turns to me with a big smile "That will be fine Jane But make sure he is not hurt any more tonight his back has had all I want it to take tonight."

I kiss Miss Abby on the Cheek "Thank you Miss Abby I will never do anything to harm him."

I look around the Hall and see the person I need to talk to next and make my way over to them..........


Hero Member
: 7883

« #211 : December 07, 2012, 11:50:26 AM »

I lay my head over Evelyne's one.....the scent of her hair is delicious and the weight of her body on my shoulder is just a pleasure: her presence is warming me and i'm very happy to be here with here tonight!

I lift her face gently and stare at her beautyfull eyes: i can see a strange light in them, probably the memories of her past are running in her mind and maybe it's time to take her out of here. I move closer to her face and gently kiss her lips....not a deep kiss as before but not a simple friendly too....i'd like to make her know i'm always here for her, not only for a wild night, but as friend, a good friend i hope!

I help her to stand up and lead her to the passage for the B&G where we both take a shower and change into our daily clothes. I have to admit she looks gorgeous even in her manly suit and looking at us in the mirror, we seems like a normal couple: Evelyne with her suit, just an invisible touch of makeup, and me wearing a skirt and sleeveless top! I can't hold a smile at that image and she notice it, looking at me with an amused expression. I kiss her again but this time my tongue search for hers and start a voluptuous dance in her mouth: they found each others, touch, till we both can hold our breath!

When our lips are finally away, we smile each other.

"Whant to join me for a last drink before we leave!?"

"You know i don't drink alcohol...." she answer me a little embarassed.

"Don't worry, no alcohol.....just a cup of hot milk!" i  say smiling again "you know, i had miss something warm in my mouth tonight...."

At my words, her face turns red while i hold her arm and move to the counter. here, alone, Old Joe is busy with his routine ed is surprised to see us back so soon.

"Joe, can you give us two cup of hot milk, please!?" i ask him.

Two minutes later, two steamy cups are in front of us.....
« : December 10, 2012, 11:05:06 AM hentaiboy69 »

Hero Member
: 3856

« #212 : December 09, 2012, 12:54:23 PM »

I ease Bluedenim slowly down to the alter… her weak kneed limp form still trembling from aftershocks as she settles there.  The taste of her juices smeared on my face,… her aroma filling my lungs fuels the lust which has been building. Penned too long the beasty inside trembles in anticipation of  Blu’s offering, it’s too tempting to take her immediate, I need the lust tempered, and luckily have a willing subject to distract me and temper the need.

My eyes drift to Adera, bundled nicely her attire shredded and in disarray.  I search for signs of distress, but note the moist parted lips… the subtle brush of her tongue and dilated pupils. Her eyes meet mine with hopeful anticipation, and I am not one to deny. I cross back to her, run my hands along her toned supple body.

“Delicious…” I mumble more to myself than the crowd. Fingertips drift along her toned body and I break briefly reaching for the lubricant, smearing the slick gel generously over the engorged member jutting full and in need from the flaps of my leather pants. I position her for the crowds view, hiking her hips up knees spread as I bend in and tease at that beckoning puckered entrance, a slick finger running slow at her orifice playing there along the tight rim before probing deeper, penetrating deeper to fuck and tease as it brushes slow against the prostrate. Then pressing a second finger, so tight in the grip of her anus as the lubed digits press and move prepping for my  attention. I hear her moan… the delight in the moment feeling her shift, eager in fucking the digits back, wanting more… wanting no doubt for me to gift her that lusty meat now shimmering slick in the torchlight surrounding the dais.

I want her bad,… but temper the fire  with slow delight…I want to savor her… feel her shudder and dance in pleasure on my meat before I release my own greed upon her. Crouching behind her I grip that throbbing shaft and direct the broad cap to her awaiting need, pressing slow as I feed crown into that tight bottom, then tease letting the crown, penetrate, her body react, pressing in repulsion of the crown penetrate again and tease there back and forth in the shallow play.

I hear Adera's moans. Hear her protests and low utterances of the promise  so close,.. Denied… then ease gently in…shallow to hold as I reach about her and brush my fingertips along her firm shaft, teasing them briefly on the slick cap of her dick coated in precum.

“I know what you want and need my lovely”,

I press deeper easing full as my hands grip her hips

Ahhh, yes, so good,… so tight… it’s what I need in the moment. and hips begin to move slow, hearing her cries of joy as I begin taking my pleasure as my fingers dig into a tighter grip feeling her move  in need under me, the subtle rolls as she eagerly seeks to fuck..

“Not so quick my Swedish pet…this is mine to toll for your involvement.” I smack her ass hard  and thrust hard back at her. The action breaking the barriers on my own restraint. My thrust send my hips slapping hard against hers, and her audible response clearly evident.

And I fuck… forceful… patient.. Taking Adera in hard pounding thrusts…. Which begin a slow purpose building on it’s own momentum
My hand drags along her back, sliding down to dig into her blonde mane twisting there into her locks until her hair is secure in my grip and I pull back, letting the crowd see the obvious joy in my actions on her. Then I ride her, bridled there in my grip. Riding her hips in growing passion as I crash down into her.

Somewhere in that ride I hear Adera’s cry of joy,… her body shuddering under me… wracked by an orgasm which sends her limp in my grip. She is my sex doll now…. Ridden hard until I find my satisfaction… fucked until I find that edge of sweet release and burrow deep… holding to let her feel the pulse  climb my shaft as my seed empties into her depth. Grinding against her as I ease her up and nustle against her neck. Her breasts dangling there  as I kiss and whisper in her ear…

“Thank you my dear, you were quite enjoyable.”

I lick Adera’s  earlobe and blow softly into it before easing her down, carefully releasing her hair from my grip as I ease myself from her body.  Then release her sprwled in dishevlement on the dais.

Rise again and turn my eyes back on Blu’

I see the mixed signals there,… part fear,… part want…

I shall pull her past her fears….  And I move now for the finality of the party.

: 38


MSN Messenger - hentai1972@hotmail.fr
« #213 : December 10, 2012, 10:50:06 AM »

A hot shower wash me ... sadly for the smell of our past lust ... but that's life , nice things must goes over to return I think.

Strangely enough, and I'didn't really noticed previously, dressed like we are ... It's me the boy.
I feel quite confusing this way in fact ... well surely next time I'll go here, I will dress differently !!

"Want to join me for a last drink before we leave!?"

Ohhh my sweety ... just before me to take the drive ... not a nice idea , and then I refuse.
But I made myself wrong when thinking of alcohol . and he ask for two cups of milk, My !!! the reference is so obviously lustful !!! I can't help myself blushing like a teenage .

The bartender give us two smoking cups. The milk's taste is a bit creamy ... as I appreciate it .
I slowly take the cup on my hand, turning it ... an old habit from when I was in Japan and was asked to serve tea.
And taste ... ouch !! really hot !!

But that don't look to be a problem for Hentai who drink the white lava.

My dear have like a snowy mustache on his upper lips ... and I can't resist !!
Coming close to him, I wait for he lift down the cup, and kiss him, licking the milky traces on his skin ... and down his lips to the mouth.
I think he is a bit surprise, but ... well...

I drink slowly the milk.

... " I really have to go my dear."

Never, drinking a cup of milk was so long ... and so short ...

But we had said many things with our bodies, sharing more than usual chatting .

Time now is over, and the empty cup is the bell who ring the end of the dream.

A last kiss ease the goodbye we don't said.

And, my heart blocked, I leave the place.

Returning to the real world, I open the doors of my car, and start the engine.

Flesh opens when mind warms.
Hero Member
: 7883

« #214 : December 10, 2012, 11:21:43 AM »

"I really have to go my dear."

Her words echoing in my head while she is leaving the bar.......every single move, every kiss and touch.....all will remain impressed in my mind and in my heart. When she is out of my sight, i stare at the two empty cups in front of me and sigh....i don't know when, but i'm sure time will make her coming again here, i just have to wait!

People say time heal every wound....wonder if it can heal even the one of heart! sure is keeping me busy will help me to make my mind busy right now....

"Time to go back to work....too many things to do!" i tell to my self standing up and moving to my car outside.
« : December 12, 2012, 03:15:21 AM hentaiboy69 »

Hero Member
: 1600

« #215 : January 04, 2013, 12:13:32 AM »

My cock is deep in Stone’s ass. I feel the tightness of her channel, gripping me like a vice. The pressure of her anal walls and the thought of her giving herself in this way just heightens my sexual intentions, primal male lust & naughty pride of possessing her  there. 

My hands support her open thighs, spreading her ass for me and her delightful pussy for Tight.  Tight kneels and straddles my legs and guides his hard cock towards Stone’s wet pussy. He allows his knob to wipe up and down her inner folds, coating him with her sweet nectar and building the anticipation of entering and fucking her.

I feel Stone gasp as he finds her entrance and thrusts filling her up to the hilt and then, pauses,  to let her get used to the  deep double penetration.

Tight takes over the agreeable task of holding Stone’s legs wide open and begins to thrust. My hands now free,  I caress her breasts and firm belly, squeezing and groping  her magnificent  orbs. I bunch her tities , making her nipples protrude even more.  She lays back, her head on my shoulder, displaying herself for Tight’s eyes and my imagination.

 I feverishly kiss and nibble on her neck and begin to counter Tight’s thrusts. As he is pulling out, I am pushing in. Stone wraps her arms around Tight’s  shoulders as he leans forwards, her nails leaving faint scratches down his back. Her moans and groans show she is happy for us two men to use her for our greedy pleasure, as well as for her  own.

As the sexual frenzy rises, Tight and myself begin to fuck Stone hard and fast, losing all aspects of control.  She is our sex toy and she is  enjoying  being the object of our lust.  Her sighs and feminine grunts fill the harem.

 I tilt my head to the side and glance at Brandy who is lying opposite of me on her side. The double headed toy deep inside her openings, her eyes filled with lust as she witnesses the hedonistic display of carnal desire.  She knows  she is next & the anticipation excites her. 

I reach and grab her ankle to remind her she is not forgotten & we fully intend to use her in the same way.  She is our submissive , like Stone , this night.

Suddenly Tight pulls out of Stone……..Stone instinctively  lifts her head and knows from his demeanour  what he wants.

Stone obediently pops off my cock and turns around to face me.  Our lusty gazes lock  and she strokes my throbbing erection before pushing  me inside her pussy.  She bends over me, dangling her  breasts by my mouth and offers her curvy bottom for Tight to take his pleasure.

Tight moves in and fills Stone’s ass and the double pentration continues.  She gasps at his entry.
My lips suckle her nipples and my hands find her firm ass . I grope her cheeks, opening them for Tight as he fucks her.

 I hold her as she leans down to snog me with unbridled passion. 
“My god this is intense”, and  it is all I can do to remain in control.
“Banana slugs”  comes to mind but I am unable to even picture it. Images of Stone’s lusty naked body  just taking over my mind.

Her beautiful naked body, swathed in a sheen of flushed sexual heat and illuminated by the gentle light of the harem.  Her nudity picturesque and stunning,  as two equally naked men ,  worship her sexuality.

Judging by the power of Tights thrusts he is lost in his own lust and enjoying this as much as I am.

My eyes close, I lose all sense of time as the hot fucking goes on and on.

Opening my eyes, partially,  I see & feel  Stone urgently rubbing her clitoris with wet fingers as she brings herself to the edge of orgasm.

Wetting my own fingers I offer my assistance in rubbing her little magic bud, but she pushes my hand away, frenzied and very wanton.  She is fucking us and much as we are fucking her.

I smile and gaze at her as she rubs herself with urgent passion and then begins to climax.

Stone in the throes of the start of a shattering,   orgasmic,  pleasure world,   is one very beautiful sight indeed...
Hero Member
: 1842

« #216 : January 04, 2013, 05:10:51 AM »

Servicing and having the attention of two men  is so sexually exciting and stimulating. I suck and tease Tight’s cock as Jayc fucks me. I want to give them as much pleasure as they are giving me.

I feel Jayc dribble lubricating oil onto my ass and then  to play with my little rosette, first one and then two fingers,  circling & pushing into me. 

Tight’s cock in my mouth, Jayc’s cock in my pussy and Jayc’s fingers  deeply stretching & exploring my anus. 

When Jayc told me I was to please the men in the harem this night,  at this moment, never were his words more true.  I was indeed the men’s pleasurable toy, my body theirs to do with as they willed.

Jayc pulls out of my hot , wet  pussy. My natural lubricant glistening on his shaft in the soft light of the harem. He directs his erection to my anus, teasing the little puckered star with his crown and then pushes in to the hilt. I release whimpering feminine grunts at his size and entry.  Then he begins a slow and steady ass fuck.

I shut my eyes enjoying him and continue to lick, suck and nuzzle Tights hard rod.

 I feel Jayc lean on to me, deepening his penetration, his chest warm on my back,  and his whispering words tease the hair by my ear ,  “ Enjoying this baby ?”   “ Ready for both of us baby?”   I push back on his cock, mouth full of Tight's cock, moaning consent, rocking with him,  “ I will take that as a yes “ He concludes.

Jayc breaks the Spit Roast and lays down, instructing me to continue the ass fuck in the reverse cow girl position. As I guide Jayc’c cock back into my anus, Tight shuffles forward to continue fucking my head. He pushes his cock deep into my mouth and starts to thrust & circle his hips.

Jayc pulls me back and takes hold of my legs, spreading them for Tight to see his cock buried in my ass and my wet pussy and pink lips surrounded by black trimmed pubic hair. Ready and waiting for him with Jayc‘s full consent.

I hear Jayc tell Brandy who is lying by the side of us being pleasured by the double ended vibrating dildo,
“ Enjoy the view Brandy, because you are next”  !!!

Tight straddles  Jayc’s legs and I watch him rub his helmet in my folds. My labia kisses his crown, and he gently strokes and circles his knob to my entrance, My lips fold over him as he pushes in to claim me. The feel of his cock  slowly entering  and Jayc already deeply inside my body stretches me like never before. They are both so big and massive and I am filled to the brim and almost bursting.

Both men still and I get used to the double penetration, breathing steady as my body gets accustomed to accommodating them.

Tight holds my legs open holding them wide so he can see both my cavities filled. The view excites him and he begins to fuck, slow at first  and then Jayc joins in with an alternate thrust. As Tight fills me, Jayc withdraws, As Jayc  pushes into my body, Tight pulls out .

I lay back on Jayc to enjoy this new sensation and he kisses my neck showing his approval and pleasure. He  gropes and squeezes my breasts with his hands as Tight watches, thrusting that little bit faster, enjoying the sight before him.
Tight leans forward and kisses and sucks my breasts that Jayc bunches for him and I stroke and gently rake his back with my nails.  My body responds at the attentions of both men and I groan in pleasure as my desire builds and turns to female animalistic lust.

I am vaguely aware of Brandy watching our  double joining and her moaning close by as she pleasures herself with her given toy, but my greed and lust cares for nothing but my own satisfaction crying for release.

Tight taps my thigh and withdraws from my vagina, silently indicating with his eyes, he wants my ass now too. I smile at him and rise from Jayc’s cock. I turn my body around, taking Jayc’s cock to my vaginal entrance and lower onto him. I bend over him offering my breasts to him to play with as Tight directs his cock to my ass and thrusts in.

Tight begins to fuck me, holding my shoulders to ensure I am pulled back deeply onto him. I move lower , lifting my ass & offering Tight full access to my bottom and snog Jayc passionately underneath me. Tight smacks my ass, 1, 2 & 3 times, medium hard and I feel the sting and vibrations. The pleasure is intense.

I am lust crazed as both men fuck me hard. I move to pleasure my clit, screaming for attention, rubbing, circling, leaking.  Jayc tries to interrupt my rhythm to take over, but I cant stop, I need my release. Its building, its wonderful,  And then, I crash into oblivion.  My body erupts into waves of pleasure and spasms and gasping breaths.  Right here, right now..  I don’t care what the men do.. My release and pleasure is all I care about ………I scream in sexual ecstasy …  arhhhhhhh……………….

Hero Member
: 3444

« #217 : January 08, 2013, 10:14:28 AM »

Waking up laying face down on a bed with silk sheets opening my eye I look around “this is not my bed” I think to myself.

My eyes focus and see that I’m still in Miss Abby’s chambers letting out a big sire I roll onto me back then roll straight back off it. As the pain from the welts on my back reminds me of the night before. Retching out my hand feels my collar around my neck and a small smile creeps across my face.

Setting up on the bed looking around Miss Abby’s chamber “there’s lots of work to be done here to get this ready for Miss Abby to take her place her”

Getting up I walk to the open door. The Ice house is silent I walk down the hallway with only my collar on looking round the great hall seeing the mess that was left from the night before.

I go over to my cleaning cupboard and get the broom out and start my chores sweeping the floors I recall the events of the night before. Stopping at the St Andrews cross I run my hand over it.

And relive ever strike from Miss Christy every wince reliving them I smile and move away from the cross

Putting the broom away I take my duster walking down the hall running it over the name plates on all the doors Miss Christys , across the hall to Bears then Miss Brandy’s  walking down the hall way Miss Adera then an empty dungeon and a second one the its Miss Janine Dee door turning back down the hall Miss Abby’s door is first then 3 spare dungeons.

Going into the last spare dungeon I turn on the lights and as like all the dungeon a dim glow fills the space. In the far corner is a small fitted Bathroom to one side of the room is the four poster bed across from the bed is an all wooden St Andrew’s cross with a large open space to the left of the bed.

Looking at the space “the glory hole wall will fit in that space nicely”

I go back to the great hall and start to take the glory hole wall down and move it into the spare dungeon setting it back up. I chuckle to myself all it needs new is same one to use it.

Putting my tools away I grab my jeans and T shirt get dressed and head off home locking the Ice house door behind me.

Hero Member
: 1600

« #218 : January 08, 2013, 11:57:04 PM »

I am awestruck and empowered by Stone’s massive climax. Tight & I slow our thrusts as Stone shatters and screams her ecstasy.  We manage to retain complete control of our lust, although it is not  without difficulty, feeling those tremors  shudder along our cocks.

Stone has a rosy sheen on her naked, tanned and unblemished skin.  The sweat glistens on her trembling & shaking body . The  jet  black hair on her head and her trimmed little pubic strip is just stunningly attractive as she quivers.  I have never seen her look so beautiful as she does now in her heightened sexual  rapture.

Tight and I  can’t help but be  proud of our prowess at Stone’s obvious fulfilment. We are the Masters of the harem for this one night.  Our chests expand a touch as we catch each other’s eyes in a silent male strut and our thoughts turn to Brandy and the determination of ensuring she quivers and screams as Stone has done.

Tight winces a little as he pulls his sensitive cock out of Stone’s tight ass. He lies back, signalling for Brandy to come to him. He  wants her now as I had had Stone. Brandy  rises up, still with the toy in her and approaches Tight. He inspects the toy filling both her pussy and ass and takes hold of it, teasing her a little. He builds her anticipation. She knows we are going to take her soon and use her body to excite us all. 

 I snog  Stone with deep genuine feeling  and rub her back, in our tender moment.  I gently roll her on her side to allow her to recover and unwrap a piece of chocolate and place it on her tongue. I kiss her  forehead.

 I rise up and I turn my attention to Tight and Brandy.  Brandy is mounting Tight with his guidance in the  Cowgirl fashion.  I note her sleek back and curvy hips and move in behind her, lubricating my cock  with the gel close by. I run my finger down her spine and watch as her skin flickers at my touch.
She bends forward and lifts her ass high, sensing my intentions.  She  snogs Tight, cupping his face.
With little effort I slip inside her tight and slick anal channel. Tight and myself fill Brandy up. She groans as we possess  her.  Then we start our stroke and thrust with wild abandon , trying to remain in sync. She feels good and our  greedy lust  almost makes the synchronisation  impossible to maintain.

 I slow my pace and grind into Brandy and pull her upright snogging her neck and groping her breasts I squeeze and roll her taunt, erect  nipples between my fingers as Tight watches.

Stone slowly rolls over and with an arm around a silky pillow,  rests her chin on her hands and smiles at the sight going on right next to her. Still glowing in post orgasm she looks positively radiant, stunning, her green eyes sparkle as she watches Brandy get the same “attention” she was just subjected to.

Our eyes meet and her smile says it all.  I thank the stars for having fate cross our paths and allow us to blaze our trail together.

Tight whispers in Brandy’s ear “Turn over”.  She wiggles off my cock and pops outs Tights with a flick of her hand.
Leaning back I watch as Brandy gets  comfortable sitting on his lower stomach ,she lubes up Tight’s throbbing hard on and gives him a nice slow erotic wank in the process.
Stroking my own cock I get a pleasant surprise as Stone takes over with a  slick firm grip on my cock.

Brandy finally  satisfied that Tight is ready for her sweet ass, takes a deep breath and guides Tight in, in one deep plunge…..they pause then Tight begins to buck his hips urgently.

My gaze turns to the pink parted lips of her pussy opening and closing with Tight’s  deep anal fucking.
Standing I offer my cock to Brandy’s mouth,  slapping the swollen head against her eager tongue and lips before she takes me  deep in her throat………I grind and then,  pull free and slap her breasts with my rock hard cock, then return back for some more hot licking and deep sucking.

Straddling Tight’s legs I move in to fuck Brandy one more time. Resting on my hands I  enter that sweet pussy and pump Brandy hard and fast. She locks her hands around my neck as I snog her neck.
The bed rocks from the manic fucking taking place.

 I’m startled when I feel fingers running down my back and pushing my ass into Brandy.
“Ahh Stone is back”,  I smile and shiver as she slides her body close and snogs my ear and neck.

 The sexual energy in the room is at a fever pitch now. Brandy is right around the corner from a climax, Tight is pounding her ass like a piston,   fingers on her swollen bud rub in little circles. Brandy is lost in her own erotic thoughts,  not sure who’s fingers they are and not really caring. I’m fucking and grinding  and pulling out and slapping her wet pussy.  Then  starting the circuit again, fucking, grinding, withdrawing and slapping. 
 Stone’s busy hands have explored & found my ass and she is naughtily,  rubbing fingers against my bud. Rimming me gently with lubes and partially entering my little ring.

I hear the now familiar cries of Brandy in the beginning of orgasm, her nipples peak, she has a pink rosy flush in her cheeks and breasts. Her eyes are  jammed shut,  her lips wet with desire she lets go and cums for us. She thrashes and jerks , in much the same way as Stone had done. She floods creamy white cum all over Tight’s glistening penis.

 I close my eyes and pause putting all my focus on her orgasmic contractions that are gripping and releasing my cock. Her nails dig into my back as she hugs me hard.

Still deep in Brandy I sit up and Stone comes to my side and snogs me deeply.  She whispers “Let me finish you baby”, taking my hand she motions to her side of the bed.

I give Tight a wink and Brandy a nice snog then untangle myself from our union.

Stone puffs up a pillow and signals me to lie down and she straddles me our lips meet in familiar kisses. I’m vaguely aware of Brandy climbing on top of Tight who is lying on his back right next to me.

My Stone works her way down my body with a flurry of small kisses, my neck and chest and then my stomach.
A dominant male no more, I let my Love take care of me,  in her sweet Stone style.  I bask in her kisses,  her attentions  and adoration.  A perfect ending for the most amazing night of sexual exploration in my life
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #219 : January 09, 2013, 12:11:56 PM »

Stone screams her sexual elation at reaching the uncontrolled orgasm convulsing through her body.  I watch spellbound at the sight of her ,  sandwiched between the two men responsible, their cocks embedded into her anus and pussy . Jayc lying underneath deep in her pussy , Stone lying on top of him face down and Tight over the top , buried in her ass. He nuzzles Stone’s shoulder,  in their double penetration of her.  Stones own fingers having teased her clitoris in the sexual frenzy.

As her orgasm subsides exhausted, Tight withdraws from her and lays down by the side , his erection hard and beautiful.  He raises his hand looking at me and using a crooked index finger calls me over to him.  I rise up , the  double ended dildo  still vibrating in my lower cavity regions, keeping me prepared and ready for  the two Masters in the dungeon, whilst they attended to Stone. Now was my turn.

I reach him and his fingers tease and check my readiness,  gripping the dildo and using it to move in and out slowly and to circle in order to keep me stretched.

I groan at the intimacy of his caring thoughtfulness.  He parts my labia wide, and licking his finger slowly circles my clitoris. I moan again at his slow, determined expertise.  He blows gently and then kisses my swollen nub briefly.  He reaches for the lubricating gel and taking my hand , squeezes some into my palm.  Then  he directs my hand to my ass, as he pulls the dildo free from my body.

I grip  his cock and wank him. He shuts his eyes, enjoying the slow, rhythmic stroke  and I rub the gel around and in my anal passage.  I ensure it is slippery and enticing.
“ Mount me, facing me”  He demands and I obey.  I watch his face as  I lower my pussy onto him , leaning forward for a very sensuous snog.  His cock slips into me, filling me right up to my cervix.

I sense, Jayc  tending to Stone before moving behind me and that finger dragging slowly down my spine. My tummy tightens in excited anticipation.  I lift my ass in invitation and spread my cheeks for him.  My puckered anal star, his for the taking, glistening like a jewel  with the recently added lubricating gel.

My  offering excites him  for Jayc enters in one big thrust, and I groan at his brutal entry.  This excites Tight and he thrusts hard too.  Both men claiming my body and making sure I feel their double entry. Then both men fuck me hard, rough &  very deep.

 Both fill and stretch me like never before, slaking their primitive need in taking me in this way.  Tight squeezes my breasts roughly as I break our kiss, needing to fill my lungs with oxygen.  This is not about tender lovemaking, this is about ensuring a woman knows  the strength of  man’s animal need, and she is nothing more than a whore and sex toy in these moments.

The thought, strangely excites me.  I want their hard , rough ardour.  I want them lost in lust to my body.  I want their minds & bodies taken over by their  ultimate fucking need of me. It is exhilarating .It enlivens my body.  I fuck back as best I can thoroughly empowered.

Jayc  pulls me up so Tight has full view of my rocking breasts and takes over the squeezing and bunching as they fuck.  Tights eyes watch  enjoying my groans and rough handling.  Then Tight leans up and says softly in my ear  “  Turn over, I want your ass”

I pull Tight out reaching for the lube as Jayc continues to play with my tits & pulls out of my ass,  guessing our intentions.  I slowly  masturbate Tight as I cover him in gel.  Then turn to face Jayc & lower my  ass onto Tight who groans in delight as my anal walls slip down his length. He fucks me , excited.

Jayc is excited too,  enjoying the slutty, sex toy atmosphere.  He lewdly offers his cock to my mouth,  slapping his cock at my tongue, lips and face.  Then he  pushes his cock into my eager mouth, fully inserting to the back of my throat.  I momentarily gag at his size. He enjoys my licking and sucking,  before he withdraws again to slap his cock at my face and tits. He  repeats this process a few  more times as Tight continues to fuck.
Jayc then pushes on my cleavage indicating  for me to lie down on Tight. Tight immediately responds by holding my legs, spreading them wide open for Jayc’s  pleasure. He sucks and nibbles my neck at the same time.

Jayc positions himself over me and kisses my neck the opposite side to Tight. I grip his shoulders, raking him with my fingers as he enters my wet pussy.  I am filled by both men’s  throbbing cocks . Then they synchronise and fuck , fast and furious taking my breath away. 

Tight moves his hand to rub my pussy and finds my clit easily. He grinds his fingers on me, breathing hard in my ear which only serves to excite me more.  He knows my body only too well, how to excite, how to tantilise, how to turn me into a female fucking machine.  And he uses that knowledge now, so expertly.

My desire knows no bounds as the men continue their lusty onslaught.  The volcano inside bubbles and threatens to overflow.  The temperature rising to fever pitch and then... I explode. Hot molten lava flowing over the two men as the power of my eruption causes convulsive  sparks to fly  through the air. My body reaching the ultimate peak as my orgasm releases.  I spasm and jerk in my own Utopian World.  I scream, as Stone had earlier,  the men’s goal achieved,  as I tremble and shake between them.

Jayc  moves over to be with Stone and I unhitch from Tight  to lay by his side, waiting for my strength to return.  I enjoy Tights warmth as I cuddle him , my breath still rasping and body still glowing in my powerful release.  He has his arm around me stroking my hair, allowing me to rest for a brief moment........

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 1842

« #220 : January 11, 2013, 05:00:05 AM »

Jayc  lies me down tenderly,  knowing from experience I need time to recover  from such  a climax of sexual excitement..  He snogs me and gently rubs my back, then reaches for some chocolate and bottled water.

He gives me a sip and places a chocolate on my tongue.  I smile sleepily at him and feel his deep affection for me as he kisses my forehead.  He ensures I am comfy and then moves away to play with Brandy for awhile, working in tandem with Tight to make her feel as good as I do right now.

I shut my eyes, relaxed, sated and waiting for the sugar rush to revitalize my tired limbs.  The moans and groans of  the troilism next to me builds until I can resist no longer. I open my eyes and position myself  on  the pillow to enjoy  their play. 

I watch in enthralled fascination & feel my own desire begin to spring into life again.
The men are fucking Brandy , hard and fast,  using her body for their own  carnal pleasure.  She is sandwiched between them impaled by their cocks moaning in pleasure at their taking of her.

The play is profound lechery.  The three lost in their own little fucking world, not caring for anything except slaking their lust in each others bodies. It is powerful, it is extreme, it is fanatical and such a turn on. 

I move to Jayc and touch his body as he fucks Brandy.  Then they slow and unhook from each other. Brandy  turns round  on Tights instruction, lowering her ass onto his cock. I  move to stroke Jayc’s cock and he smiles, liking the idea of  his woman  pleasuring him, ready  for taking another.

Jayc  moves and swats Brandy’s face and breasts with his cock,  giving it to her to lick and tease and swat again. Brandy takes him in her mouth sucking and licking eagerly each time he brings it to her mouth. He fills her mouth  and grinds there before  withdrawing and swatting again.

Then he pushes her chest to lie down on Tight, his intention is to fuck her.  Tights hands move to her thighs & opens her legs wide , displaying her pussy  for Jayc.  He  looks and sees Tights cock buried in her anus. 

He cups Brandy’s pussy and grinds a little.  His other hand reaches for my pussy and grinds .  He smiles liking the idea both  of his hands are each filled with a pussy.  Still  fondling me he leans down and using his finger and thumb , opens Brandy’s  hood to reveal her clitoris.  He kisses it  open mouthed and then , leaving me, he places his penis at her entrance. He  positions over her and  thrusts and takes her.  She groans at the double penetration.

Both men fuck her wildly,  intent  on  their goal for ensuring Brandy reaches orgasm. Tight feels successfully for Brandy’s clitoris and circles it to heighten her pleasure.

 I stroke Jayc’s back and push his ass a little as he thrusts into Brandy. I move to kiss his ear and neck. Then I squirt some lubricating gel on my fingers and rim his anus as he fucks, to tease him more.

The men  subsequently accomplish Brandy’s screaming climax. Brandy suddenly shatters between them ,  almost fitting in her pleasure.  They slow, enjoying her powerful release, shuddering on their buried cocks,  and  then,  as she calms , I move to Jayc whispering in his ear  “ Let me finish you Baby”

I offer him my hand and motion to the space, I was lying in earlier.

He winks at Tight  and snogs Brandy in thanks before moving to lie down..

I sit astride him and begin kissing his lips, his neck, his chest, his belly button, his tummy and his hard cock. I stroke him gently  and then position my pussy over him. I lower onto him cowgirl style and begin a slow delightful joining.
I drag my finger  on his lips and  mouth, “ Watch me dance for you Baby “

He looks me over  and I circle my hips on his cock deep inside me. He groans at my pussy walls teasing him.  Then I throw my head back  and begin fondling myself for his pleasure and mine. I slowly  touch my neck, dragging  my hands inch by inch over my body slowly fondling and groaning . My hands move over my breasts, my tummy and down to my pubic hair,  I open my pussy for him to look at the inner pink flesh. I touch my self intimately before moving up to my breasts again, squeezing and caressing them for him. All the time maintaining the hip circle on his hard staff and moaning gently.

Jayc watches me and grinds his hips in time with mine enjoying my personal and intimate dance for him.

I  sense Brandy is  now also sitting astride Tight too and I open my eyes to see them also coupled in the same manner as Jayc & I.  Tight is watching her intently too as she grinds on him .  We  hold hands and synchronise our dance,  our free hand stroking and stimulating our bodies.  We grind and writhe & moan.

The two men lie back enjoying the sensual  slow play of us two turned on ladies grinding on their cocks, moaning and writhing. 

Soon the men are  reaching up fondling our breasts, gripping our hips , touching our pussies and bucking into us, this is for them now.

The rhythmic riding sychronises naturally . Brandy and  I break hand contact to help maintain our balance and groaning as the cocks hit our cervixs.  They slide in and out easily and we flood more with our natural juices, coating their cocks and thighs with our potent female scent.

The rhythm increases  and the men grip our hips, fingers digging into flesh as the fucking intensifies. It’s hot and needy and our breasts bounce up and down at our eagerness to please them.  A sheen of heated sweat breaks out on all our bodies  from our eager exertions.

Both men start groaning, deep guttural sounds emanating from deep within, growling & primitive.  Their orgasms are close now and  Brandy & I work harder to make them peak and explode. Rising and sliding faster like steady pistons. Pussies gripping as they move up and down on their lengths.

They both explode within seconds of each other and Brandy & I smile at each other in exultation.  Jubilant & happy, we slow our pace to a slower grind, to milk & fulfill. Their hot eruptions shoot deep into our bodies before some of their semen begins its downward journey again, pooling at our labia and seeping onto their cocks & balls.
They breath hard and stiffen as the orgasm takes them into a different stratosphere.  I stroke Jayc’s damp chest, enjoying the wonderous look on his face.  Eventually they calm and we both slip off them to lie, cuddling at their sides.  All of us, content, sated and lost in our own thoughts.

Jayc breaks first and decides it’s time to turn our time more private for cuddles & sleep.  He snogs me and reaches for  some robes close by.  He helps me into mine and fastens his own.  He kisses Brandy  as I kiss Tight  Good night and then we swap. He shakes Tight’s hand and I hug Brandy.  They settle & snuggle down in the bed content.

We all smile at each other , knowing that this indeed has been one night to remember for all times. It will be spoken of in hushed , chuckling tones in the years to come,  our guilty pleasure of unfettered , naughty lust .

We bid Brandy & Tight goodbye.  Jayc places our clothes  in my arms and then throws me over his shoulder, causing me to giggle.  With a last look around the dungeon , he opens the door and closing it quietly behind us. He marches to the awaiting bed settee in the office of the AB&G  to continue our night alone and fall into a much needed sleep in each others arms….

Hero Member
: 3444

« #221 : January 11, 2013, 09:58:15 AM »


WOW congrats to STONE, JAYC, BRANDY and TIGHT for one of the best chain posts I have read yet

Stands up and claps HANDS

again WOW

Hero Member
: 1688

« #222 : January 12, 2013, 07:15:21 AM »


WOW congrats to STONE, JAYC, BRANDY and TIGHT for one of the best chain posts I have read yet

Stands up and claps HANDS

again WOW

Staying OOT:  An excellent read... makes me want to read more of the Ice House goings on. 

Hardness factor of:   9.2  Well done!

*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #223 : January 14, 2013, 06:13:36 PM »

OT   On behalf of all four of us , Thank you Tango, Covems for your kind words & all the kind PM's that readers have sent us.   We all decided to try something different,  wanted to get across the intensity of the lust and sensuality in group play but also knowing that this would be the last storyl line Tight was going to be involved in, we wanted to give him a great memory to take away with him.... Hopefully we succeeded.

This would not have happened without the commitment  & imagination of all the writers involved. As you can imagine, there was a lot of work that went on behind the scenes to ensure, the posts flowed well and was in keeping  with the sequences of events. It was an honour  and a pleasure to be a part of this and I want to say a special thank you,  to Tight, Stone & Jayc .   You were my inspiration throughout.   Thank you.  :-*
« : January 14, 2013, 06:15:39 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #224 : January 14, 2013, 07:40:37 PM »

The trestle table in the dungeon is huge and majestic.  The finest candelabras lit with candles and polished to a high sheen.
 The food was of the finest quality and the people sitting round in deep discussion . 

It would look like any other important family celebration meal, except for  some major differences..
On the centre of the table were two human ornaments. They  are  slaves, one male, one female, freshly washed and shaved and their bodies lightly oiled to show off their bodies to best effect.  They are  naked, except for red collars around their necks and a gold chain fastened to the table.  They are silent, still and unmoving. Positioned on the table purposefully for the enjoyment of the Dominants  feasting. 

The female is face up lying on the table, knees up,  holding her labia open  for the approaching male slave whose face is hovering over her pussy  in a crawling position as if in readiness to mount her.   Her upper body in in easy reach of Bear  or any of the Doms  should they choose to touch her or the male in their display.

Bear  is placed at the head of the table with ChristinaK and Janine Dee  in front of him but seated next to him.  They are the founders of The Ice House and their seniority evident.

I am seated opposite Adera & Dutchslut19. We are also involved in the discussion and our views sought.

 Tangoracer,  Blue denim  & Luke090993 are serving the delicious food, ensuring our wine glasses are filled and that our food is served hot  and attractive on the plates.

Bear reaches forward as he contemplates some of the things under discussion and absent mindly, squeezes and fondles the breasts of the slave. She is struggling  to remain stony faced as she enjoys the pleasure of his unexpected and distracted attention.

“It  is decided then”,  he finally says,  “ We are all in agreement”   We all nod.  Bear summons Tango.

“ Go into my office , to my top draw in my desk .  I want them polished and the locks oiled and prepared. Bring them to me, when they are done and bring  5 wooden boxes lined with red velvet  and 5 cards you will find there.”

“ Yes Sir”  Tango leaves immediately as Blue and Luke continue to serve the meal.

Bear continues to fondle the slave as he eats, now purposefully noting her discomfort  & silently enjoying his power over her & deciding she may need to be taught more self control later in the privacy of his dungeon.

We  continue to discuss  the efforts of slaves and techniques for training as  the meal progresses to desert.

Tango is soon back presenting the items as asked , to Bear.  Bear takes the cards, and writes and puts one in each of the presentation boxes. 
Bear  then continues his instruction to Tango.  “ I want you to hand deliver these to the recipients  and should they accept, offer your services  to assist in any way they request “  Tango nods in understanding.

“ There’s something I have for you too “  Bear continues , “  To recognise  the obedience and hard work you do here,  “  He turns to Dutchslut_19,  “ Abbey  Would you do the honours”

She nods and takes over, “ Tango , come here, Kneel “    Tango obeys.  “ This is for you . You are promoted to head House Submissive here and in recognition  of your dedicated service have been awarded the dungeon, next to mine . That is your space, but when I summons you, you will come to me, no matter what you are doing. Do you understand?” 

Tango nods, his eyes shining with pleasure at his award.  She places a key around his neck on a black ribbon to match his collar.   “ Rise”  She instructs.   We all applaud  him and he bows and thanks us.

“ Tango, we want you to deliver those boxes as soon as possible”  He nods again.

The meal over, Bear stands  “ I think that concludes our business for tonight and I take leave of you ladies,  if there is no objection, I will take her to my dungeon now” indicating to the female slave.

We nod in agreement and he instructs her to follow him. 

I stand too,  “ I will also make my excuses and retire “  The other ladies nod and I turn to Luke.  “ You have served well tonight , when you are finished here, meet me in my harem”   Luke nods and assists to move my chair for me to leave the table unhindered.
I retire to my chamber  to  relax and await Luke’s arrival.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
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