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: The Ice House **AB&G Dungeon**  ( 283391 )
Hero Member
: 3007

« #255 : February 26, 2013, 02:32:48 AM »

I got the news. I had to find Tango. To drag him away from his celebrations was kinda cruel, but he had to know.... hell I was ready to climb on the table myself and leave my paddle clenched between my ass-cheeks as an indication of what I was there for.
But no. This was serious.
I explained to Tango and as we talked I led him to Miss Christy's dungoen. I let us in and locked the door behind us.
I didn't know how long it would be before Miss Christy came, but we would wait.
Tango changed into his favorite black outfit, me, I stripped off completely and taking the tiny key from the golden chain around my neck, I went to the dresser in the side room and undid the little zebrano wood box, taking out the pink leather collar I hadn't worn for soo long. I put the box back and fastened the collar around my neck. Tango had never seen me wearing this before, it was private between Mistress & me, but this time was different..
"where has she been?" Tango asked in hushed tones
"she won't say"  "Only that she suffered a great loss"
"I've been so worried about her"
My eyes began to water and I licked the salty drip as it trailed past my mouth. Then I heard the footsteps. I recognised them instantly and a shiver ran down my spine. I glanced at Tango and he knelt beside her chair as he had done what seemed so long ago to wait, to wait as we had waited and waited, but now...

The key turned and the door swung open.

I stood naked apart from my pink collar in the middle of the room, the note Tango had left behind the bar for me clutched in my hand, my head not bowed, not this time, I stared at her not sure of my emotions, but on the verge of an outburst. "Why did you leave, Miss Christy?"

She stared back as if unsure of what to say, then turned and looked at Tango and called to him.

"We've missed you Miss Christy, we thought something had happened to you."

"It did Tango, something did happen and I will explain it all to you both in time" and she walked across to me, lifting my chin up and looking straight into my eyes "I did what I had to do."
 I saw that her eyes, like mine, were welling up and I leaned forward and hugged her tightly, our long red tresses tangling together
"Come Tango." she called and he knelt against her legs, resting his head on her thigh like a faithful hound.

I let go and knelt beside her like Tango

"My beautiful subs. Thank you for being here."  I stepped away and walked toward the door, "I think its time the three of us had some time to ourselves.  Both of you go to my private chamber, take off your clothes and wait for me."

I smiled a weak smile at Tango... I had nothing to remove... but as the lock on the outer door snapped shut, we both rose & walked through to her private chamber. I knelt on one side of the enormous bed and shedding his black outfit, Tango knelt on the other.

So we wait. Again.  Silence is total and I wonder to myself what Tango is thinking. His circumstances have changed so much since last we saw Miss Christy. What will he tell her?

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Hero Member
: 3444

« #256 : February 26, 2013, 07:44:12 AM »

Heading down the tunnel with Blue and into the Ice House She explains more as we move to Miss Christy's Dungeon Door.
I follow her inside and she locks the door behind us I change into my Black outfit and kneel by Miss Chirsty's chair.

I watch as Blue put her Pink leather collar on and stands stands naked in the middle of the room.
"where has she been?" I ask in hushed tones
"she won't say"  "Only that she suffered a great loss"
"I've been so worried about her" Blue say as her voice brakes a little.

I hear the key in the door and watch as it opens

Miss Christy walks in and stands in front of her sweet sub Blue, with tears in her eyes Blue brakes and throws her arms around her Mistress.
Miss Christy looks over at me and calls me to her with out a question I move to her side and kneel at her side and rest my head on her thigh.

"We've missed you Miss Christy, we thought something had happened to you."

"It did Tango, something did happen and I will explain it all to you both in time" Miss Christy say's in a soft voice

Blue joins me on her kneel resting her head on Miss Chirsty's other thigh
Feeling Miss Christy's hand on my head "My beautiful subs. Thank you for being here." she says
 "I think its time the three of us had some time to ourselves.  Both of you go to my private chamber, take off your clothes and wait for me."

As Miss Chirsty Walks to the mean door and locks its Blue and I smile soft smiles and move to Miss Chirsty's Private chamber.

I strip off as fast as I can and fold my cloths in a net pile and kneel by the bed opposite Blue and wait for Miss Christy to return

Full Member
: 142

« #257 : February 27, 2013, 09:18:20 AM »

“Kneel before me.”  I commanded to my subs, who had both been waiting in my private chamber within my dungeon.

blue stepped forward, followed closely by tango blue knelt at my feet, on my right, tango on my left both naked and revealed.  I gently placed my hands on their heads and gently petted them for a few minutes.  Just enjoying my time with my faithful subs.  Before I finally spoke, “blue, collar box.”  she got to her feet and walked to my dresser where her collar box was.  Meanwhile I went to my closet and got a small black and red box and brought it out with me.  blue was already kneeling next to tango again, her head dutifully down and holding her collar box in front of her. 

“Stand, tango.”  I ordered holding the box in my right hand.  “Hold out our hands palms up next to each other.”  His hands raised and I placed the box in them.  He stood silently, eyes to the floor while I turned my attention to blue.

“Stand blue.”  I commanded, and she stood still holding out her collar box.  I took it from her and ordered, “Inspection.” 

Her arms went over her head and she stood, looking up at the ceiling, legs spread apart.  I walked around her taking in her beautiful young body with my starved eyes.  I reached out and took her breasts in my hands, holding them and looking them over then releasing them, and ordering.  “Bend over.”  She then bent over, grabbing her ankles as I walked behind her dropping down and looking directly at her firm ass.  “Spread.”  I commanded.  Her hands came up and pulled her butt cheeks apart so that I could see her vagina and her anus.  Both, as with the rest of her body were immaculate, as always. 

I stood up and gave her a firm smack on the ass with my hand.  “Very good blue, stand up straight.”  She released her ass from her grip and stood as instructed.  I then opened her collar box, there inside was the collar that I had had made for her.  I removed it and instructed, “Collar”.  She placed her arms over her head holding up her hair and held her head down so I could easily access her neck.  I fastened the collar around her neck, checked that it was not too tight and said, “Good girl, kneel.”

I went through the same process with tango, taking the box from him and having him stand before me while I inspected my sub’s body and telling him, “Your body is not your own while you are in my care.”

“Yes ma’am”  He replied.

“You will keep it clean and neat.  Your appearance is a reflection upon me.”  I stated.

“Yes ma’am”  He replied.

I lifted his balls and turned them over, at this point I expected that he would become erect, but he had learned a great deal of self control, which pleased me greatly.  I held his cock and balls for a moment longer, and leaned in.  “Are you ready to serve me again tango?”  I breathed into his ear.

His breathing had become heavy, I could tell he was struggling to remain flaccid.  “Yes ma’am”  He struggled to reply.

“I want you as my own tango.  I want you to be my slave.”  I breathed into his ear, and almost instantly I could feel him begin to become erect.  I squeezed his balls slightly forcing him to take deep breaths to control his erection.  “I don’t expect an answer right now.  I know you have been the servant of another recently, and I know you have taken your duties again as House sub.  But I want you to consider being in my care again.  Collar.” 

I had never given this command to tango but it was clear that he knew what to do either from his former Mistress, or from watching blue.  His hands were over his head, and I opened the box producing a red and black collar with a shiny brass tag which I showed to him.

Property of:

The rest was blank.  “If you decide to be my slave I will have it filled in.  I require discipline from my subs tango.  If you decide you want this, you will have to endure a session of torment to prove your desire to me.  Think carefully on this before giving me your answer.”  I whispered to him as I fastened the collar around his neck.  Then ordered “Kneel” 

He knelt beside blue again and I stepped back, viewing my beautiful subs.  I then walked over to my bed I took off my own clothes, folding them neatly, and placing them on the table next to my bed, as my subs knelt staring at the floor.  Then I pulled back the duvet and the sheets and climbed in, settling myself nicely in the middle of my king sized comfort zone.  Then I called to them “blue, tango.  Join me.”

Any power that is easily given can be taken away just as easily.

You can't have my virginity, but you can play with the box it came in.
Hero Member
: 3007

« #258 : March 03, 2013, 12:31:27 PM »

"Join me!"
When Mistress commands, sub obeys and I for one wasn't waiting to be told twice.
I scrambled eagerly over the folded back sheets and led next to Miss Christy, my head on her shoulder, our copper tresses mingling, I folded my arms behind me and led on my side, my ginger curls tickling Mistress's hip and my full breasts on hers, our nipples touching and like a spark of electricity flying between them they both instantly became hard and pointing and I shivered as they met.
I turned my eyes upwards, searching for Miss Christy's gaze and waited for her instructions.
« : March 03, 2013, 12:33:15 PM bluedenim »

I love to be dominated, my mission is to serve .
Hero Member
: 3444

« #259 : March 04, 2013, 08:06:52 AM »

Standing there in Miss Christys privet chamber with her walking around me inspecting my whole body,
Miss leans in and breaths in my ear  “Your body is not your own while you are in my care.”
"yes ma'am" I reply
“You will keep it clean and neat.  Your appearance is a reflection upon me.”  Miss states
"yes Ma'am"I reply again,
Miss Christy takes my ball in her hand and turns them over
“Are you ready to serve me again tango?” Miss breaths in my ear
Struggling to keep control I breath heavier and answer"yes Ma'am"
“Are you ready to serve me again tango? “I don’t expect an answer right now.  I know you have been the servant of another recently, and I know you have taken your duties again as House sub.  But I want you to consider being in my care again.  Collar.” 
Hearing Miss Christy Order I put my hands over my head and lower myself down
Miss take beautiful Red & Black leather collar out of the box, and and shows me the shiny brass tag on it

                                                                  Property of:
The rest was blank.  “If you decide to be my slave I will have it filled in.  I require discipline from my subs tango.  If you decide you want this, you will have to endure a session of torment to prove your desire to me.  Think carefully on this before giving me your answer.”  Miss whispered to me as Miss fastened the collar around his neck.
“Kneel” Miss Christy Orders   
I kneel next to blue  Miss steps back from as then moves behind us to her bed. Time sands still as the Chamber full silent
"blue, tango join me" Miss Christy Orders

blue and I stand as one at hearing Miss Christy command
blue move to one side of Miss Christy's bed and I move to the other side, I wait and let blue lay next to her Mistress she looks so happy laying next to her there body's seem to become one.

I lay down next to Miss Christy making sure my arms are folded behind me,my  body rest's against Miss I feel the wormth from her body resting my head gently on Miss Christy's shoulder and wait for her next command
« : March 04, 2013, 02:40:54 PM tangoracer »

Full Member
: 142

« #260 : March 14, 2013, 09:43:15 AM »

I watched as my subs came over to the bed, tango on my right and blue on my left.  blue slid in beside me first and settled in, followed by tango.  Their warm skin on mine made me begin to throb inside.  As tango settled into place with his hands behind him, I leaned over and caressed blue’s cheek with the palm of my hand.  I kissed her gently and could feel the hair on the back of her neck raise as my hand moved behind her head.  I closed my eyes and allowed our tongues to explore each other.   

My hands began to slide down along her side and over her breast.  We kissed gently as our bodies became more aroused. I could feel her become warm to my touch and I could see her face become flush with desire.  I could feel tango begin to squirm behind me as he watched the two of us next to him.  I knew that this was torture for him, but having no desire to torment him at the moment, I turned over, pulling blue’s arm over me and placing her hand on my belly.  She rubbed gently, kissing the back of my neck as I turned my attention to tango.

One at a time I tugged at tango’s arms, letting him know it was ok to move his hands out from behind him.  I pushed one hand over his chest and down past his navel as I kissed him gently snuggling close to his large manly frame.  When my hand reached his cock, I could feel him become hard almost instantly.  His penis twitched as I ran my fingertips over its length, from the tip of his cock to his balls.  Then I wrapped my fingers around his meaty love and began to stroke him as he moaned.  Finally he leaned over and kissed me, his tongue penetrating my mouth as I was sure his stiff cock would do in a very short time. 

With ever increasing passion we kissed as I stroked him, while blue moved her hand down to my now soaking pussy.  She placed a full hand over me and began to rub gently.  My natural lubricant spreading between the folds of my labia and exciting me even more.  I let out a heavy breath and a moan as she bit me gently on the back of my neck.  I reached behind me and grabbed at her hair with my free hand.  Then I felt tango roll his body toward mine.  His beautiful cock rubbing against my leg as he pressed his weight against me and I felt another rush of fluid inside me. 
Leaning down I approached his penis, and took him in my mouth.  I could feel his cock throb as I relaxed and took his entire length past the back of my throat.  I sucked at him as I pulled my head back and forth feeling every bump and vein in his excited rod.  Just then I felt blue sliding down my side as she pressed against my leg I spread them apart and I could feel her head settle between them.  Just then I felt her kissing the inside of my thighs as she worked her way up.

As she approached my sex I could feel her warm breath before her tongue pressed between my labia and began to explore.  I took my mouth off of tango for only long enough to let out a deep moan of pleasure before returning my attention to the task at hand.  I ran my fingers down his legs and back up, cupping his balls in my hand while I moved my mouth up and down his shaft.  I could feel him instinctively begin to thrust slightly as I sucked at his cock, once in a while thrusting deep into my mouth and fucking my face. 

As I continued to explore tango’s shaft with my tongue blue worked ever deeper, pressing her mouth and her tongue into my sex.  Her tongue slithered back and forth around my clit, I could feel my breathing increase and my stomach begin to tingle as my body began to take over.  I knew there would be more to come so I let it happen.  My feet began to tense as I could feel the tingling work its way over my legs and up my body.  My hand found her hair and pulled her head deep into me as I felt the first rush wash over me followed by waves of orgasmic pleasure.  I rested my head on tango’s belly as I let the orgasm take me. 

My body and my mind were over taken as I laid back on the bed while blue rolled out from between my legs and she snuggled in beside me.  Then I opened my eyes just as tango rolled over on top of me.  All his weight covering me like a warm blanket as he kissed me gently.  Then I felt him between my legs.  He kept his cock against my sex for just a moment as he continued to kiss me.  Then, without warning, I he thrust his entire length into my vagina.  All my breath left me as he invaded my body.  I was home.

Any power that is easily given can be taken away just as easily.

You can't have my virginity, but you can play with the box it came in.
Hero Member
: 3444

« #261 : March 27, 2013, 12:46:29 PM »

Laying next to Miss Christy Watching her and Blue get to know each other again. I watch as their lips touch and their kiss become more passionate. Seeing Miss runs her hand down over blue lovely breast as they kiss deepens more.

My eyes are fixed on the there every move keeping my arms behind me keeping control of my body and mind. But it’s getting hard to keep my hands behind me I Squirm and move closer to Miss Christy feeling the heat coming from her body.

Miss Christy turns to me and gives my arms a tug letting me it okay to move them I take a deep breath as I feel Miss Christy’s hand on my chest and move down my body. Keeping my eyes fixed in hers Miss leans close and gently kisses my lips. Feeling her lips touch mine as her hand reaches my cock and I lose all control and I become hard instantly.
Feeling her fingers move up and down my length and onto my ball feeling Miss wrap her fingers around my shaft. Can’t take it any more and lean over Miss Christy and kiss her passionately pushing my tongue deep into her mouth and finding her tongue with mine.

Miss Christy rolls away from me as we kiss deeper and I see Blue moving down her body towards Miss Christy hot sex. Miss breaks our kiss and lets out a nice moan as Blue reaches her hot sex. I move closer to Miss and gently run my hard length along her thigh and feel her skin get warmer as her blood heats from what Blue is doing to her hot sex.

Miss Christy leans down towards my hard length and takes me deep into her warm mouth I feel Misses throat relax as she take me deep into her it. I gently thrust into her mouth and throat as Miss sucked me deep.

Miss stops sucking me and rests her head on my belly as her body shacks as Blue brings Miss Christy to a powerful orgasm. Feeling her deep breaths and she rest on my belly.

Miss rolls off me and lays back on the bed as Blue come up from between her legs with her face glistening from Miss Christy’s hot sex and snuggles into Misses side.

Not wanting Miss Christy’s pleasure to stop I roll over and move between Miss Christy’s legs Letting my weight just rest over her body as I gently rub my hard shaft along her soft wet lips. Looking down into Miss Christy eyes a small smile is on her lips I lean down and kiss her gently letting our tongues find each others Miss closes her eyes as are kiss deepens.

As I moved my hips rubbing my length along her silk lips I feel her lips open around the tip of my cock and with one thrust I slam deep into Miss Christy’s wet hot sex. Her eyes open wide and she her breath leaves her body as my length fills her completely.

I don’t Move holding myself deep inside her hot wetness as I wait for Miss Christy to react to what I have just done.............

Hero Member
: 1688

« #262 : April 02, 2013, 03:54:16 AM »

"Hmmmmm...."  I think as the door swings open after JayC unlocks it.  "The dwarfs outdid themselves this time."

We wheel the chair in and I kick off my boots and pull my shirt up, over my head and toss it in a corner.  Noticing a small basin with running water, I wash some of the stickiness off my face.  "I see the buggers managed to tap into the spring."  I think, "The water is fresh, cool and flavorful, must be mineral laden."

Eyeing the naked, icing smeared, strawberry stained Miss Stone relaxing in the chair, I touch my hand to my pocket to make sure those panties of hers are still there.  Satisfied that they are, I watch as JayC begins to make preparations.

My thoughts are to strip off my jeans, I am commando underneath them, and straddle Miss Stone in the chair and lay my body on top of hers as I press my lips against hers.

Instead I wait to see what happens next...

*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
Hero Member
: 1600

« #263 : April 02, 2013, 10:52:23 AM »

Stopping at the door of my new dungeon Stone can see the brass name plate with a simple Jayc  engraved.. Fishing the keys out of my pocket I open and hold the door as Covems wheels in Stone.

Clicking on the lights Stone gets her first look at my Bat Cave. The floor made of  hand fitted Flagstone, the walls made of stone and mortar the ceiling made with stone with the rustic support timbers from the original Icehouse crossing the large room. Antique wood and iron wagon wheel lights  hang bolted to the timbers. A large California  king size bed with a black bed spread dominates the corner of the room. The center of the room has a four cushion  black couch and granite topped  coffee table and 2 matching lazy boy recliners. A small kitchen again with slate grey granite counter tops in another corner. A small Bar made with the original Icehouse timbers  and grey granite tops in another corner. Pointing towards the kitchen “the bath and walk in closet/changing room is over there” I grin anxious to know what she thinks. The walls are adorned with  large framed photographs  chronicling  our adventures at the bar and our travels. The center piece is a life size photo of the trunk of Hyperion, one of the oldest and tallest Red woods in northern California, Stone stands in the photo to show scale.

Covems Makes himself at home and kicks off his boots and goes to the kitchen to wash off some of the icing stuck to his face. Stone gets out of the dentist chair and takes in the décor of my Bat cave.
“wow Jay, this is nice. Who did all this work?”
“Covems boys “ I smile “been working round the clock, as a reward  they are in the office tonight watching the American Pie movies, they wanted to watch the wild bunch but I had to say no, last thing we need is for them playing violent outlaws  around here” I grin tossing the keys onto the bar.

Stone walks to the bath and sees the large spa type bathtub and multi head shower glass shower stall.
“omg Jay” she calls out “we need to break these in”

Giving Covems the thumbs up as I remove my ruined shirt “what will it be? Shower or bath? I yell back. Handing Covems  a sarsaparilla and grabbing a bottle of water we tip bottles in congratulation and wait for Stone to decide 
Hero Member
: 1842

« #264 : April 12, 2013, 07:26:40 AM »

Jayc  opens the door and as it swings open, I am astonished at the transformation. The dwarfs and Jayc and Covems must have worked extremely hard to make it  befitting of  a man’s typical fucking and leisure room. 

He has an all purpose bar,  no doubt stocked to the brim with all his favourite, beers, spirits & snacks . There is even a large TV to watch his sport & Porn.  :P

The colour schemes are blacks, greys, rustic browns, wood, stone and deep reds.  The low lighting,  stone walls & ceilings, and slab flooring  gives it a cosy , yet cave feel to it.  It is aptly nick named  “ The Bat Cave “

The bed is gi – normous . It would easily fit 4 people in there and my mind briefly wonders to the naughty foursome not so long back with Brandybee & TightFit.  I think  Jayc  was thinking the same when he ordered that bed in too & in his design of his dungeon.  The side cupboards around the bed obviously contain items, no doubt  , that are reminiscent of Jay’c  erotic and arousing fantasies .

I walk to the bathroom and see a fabulous  bathroom. The bath & shower room is sectioned off by a glass wall. The bath is large, sunken into the tiled floor with water jets around the sides to turn it into a jacuzzi. It could hold 4 people easily and  the shower is right next to  it to rinse away any of the  bath suds.   Very impressive & very luxurious.

I turn,  still naked,  strawberry, cream & chocolate smearing my body and grin at the handsome , equally messy ,but fully clothed ,men before me.
“ I love it “ I  say provocatively indicating all their hard work  “and  I want to show my thanks”   I turn to go into the bathroom  and wheel the Dentist’s chair with me.
“ Why don’t you boys  get undressed. I’ll be back in a moment. “   I wiggle my naked bottom as I enter & close the door behind me.

I set the chair in the shower area & run the bath,  pouring a generous amount of  men’s bubble bath in.  I get a bucket and sponge and place it by the chair before returning to the men.

They are standing as naked as the day they were born and their erections are impressive as they wait for me in anticipation.  I take their hands and lead them to the prepared bath , encouraging them to sit in the water and watch.

They step into the water and  sit positioning themselves for a good view  of the Dentist’s Chair.

I  use a remote control for soft, sexy music to play , and begin to dance for them.

 I  soak  the sponge repeatedly  in  the warm foamy water and stand squeezing it over my head. The water gushes from the sponge wetting my hair and body, causing rivulets of water  to run down my body. It glistens and foams in it’s wake. 

Then turning my wet body around slowly,  I bend and sponge and foam the chair.  My breasts brush and squash against the chair as I slowly drag the sponge along it to clean.

 I bend and lift my legs, parting all my tiny crevices for the men to see.  I eye them sexily, pursing my lips, allowing my tongue to protrude a little as I concentrate on my sexy cleaning task routine.

Their eyes caress every inch of me and I moan a little to tease some more.

I even allow my free hand to ease down  as I bend my bottom towards them and touch my pussy, pleasuring myself as my other hand circles and squeezes the sponge  to wipe away the remnants of our bar play on the chair. I turn my head in sexy backward glances at their faces.

I sway and dance to the music, circling the chair, wiping the chair down in every little move.

I eye them and sponge my breasts and bottom and pussy in between.   My routine is sexy , provocative and my own desire and need builds. The hot interest  shown in the faces of my audience spurs me on.

Soon, my display in not just a performance but an  instinctive  ritual  mating dance.  My breasts ache and sway with need. My nipples are hardened peaks.  My pussy is  swollen and wet with feminine arousal mixing in with the water glistening between my legs.

I touch myself, I tease myself, I squeeze and knead as I clean....

The Dentist’s chair is  now sparkling clean and  my body  is on fire. 

I straighten , carnal need in my eyes and  walk towards them . I begin the slow descent on the bath steps to the  waiting  men .........

Hero Member
: 1600

« #265 : April 15, 2013, 11:48:08 AM »

Why don’t you boys get undressed. I’ll be back in a moment.” Stone says as she walks into the bath. Our eyes follow every step till she slinks around the corner. Needing no more encouragement  we quickly undress as we  hear water running, feeling light headed with a sugar and lust rush coursing through my body, we sip our drinks and await her return. We don’t wait long , taking our hands she leads us into the bath. Covems and myself climb into the tub, we settle into the warm foamy water as Stone gets into the chair and begins a slow seductive sponge show.

I become aware of soft music playing as Stone  puts on a lovely performance, slow and erotic, Then she turns around and begins to clean the chair. My arousal goes to another level when she looks back at us  licking her lips  with a smile. Smiling back at her, I know what this means and Covems is about to find out.

Stone steps into the tub and motions for Coven to sit on the edge of the sunken bath. With a soaked sponge in hand she starts with his chest washing in broad circles, holding his chin she spot cleans any remaining icing and whipped cream from his face and ears. Rising out of the water she moves in even closer to wash his shoulders, her ample cleavage pressing against Covems face. My view slightly obstructed, her back towards me, Stone lets out a sigh as Covems hands grab her waist and he begins to carress and squeeze her firm ass cheeks, his lips and tongue have no doubt found her pert erect nipples. She pauses enjoying his attention, from first hand experience I know she loves breast play and im quite sure so does Covems. After a minute she pushes his head back and kisses him deeply then motions for him to back into the hot water and eyes me to sit on the edge of the tub.

Stone moves toward me bending over giving Covems a fine view of her ass and  feminine charms. Giving me the same attention she cleans me up. She is having trouble concentrating as Covems has scooted in closer for a better look as he continues to caress her fine ass and thighs. Pulling me in as she washes my shoulders she lets out a moan as Covems replaces his hands with his eager tongue and a couple of fingers.

“Boys im trying to work” Stone sighs in her sultry British accent. Opening her legs wider she bends over even more resting her head on my shoulder, I group her breasts and snog her neck as Covems  gets his second taste of Stone pie. With a finger under her chin I lift her head for a deep kiss and she snogs back with passion, biting my lip gently as Covems hits  a sweet spot.

Shooing us off with a giggle  she kneels in the tub as we both stand  she takes our raging cocks into her hands and begins a erotic slow wank. Looking up at us with a sexy smile, “you boys ready for the Stone treatment?” speechless and so horny all we can do is nod.

Hero Member
: 1688

« #266 : April 17, 2013, 12:12:13 PM »

My eyes take in all the sights... the giant bed... the colors... the decorations... the lighting... and the incredible Miss Stone as she begins to sway to the music.  JayC and I are sitting in the bath, and our full attention is on her.  Miss Stone washes the chair with big sponge, and then the sponge moves from the chair to her body.  "Ohhhhh," I think, "how I want to be that sponge right now."

The sponge makes it's way across her ample breasts and taunt tummy.  Miss Stone moves the soapy sponge around each cheek of her tush, then it dives between her legs.  "Just 30 seconds," I think, "is probably all it will take."

She looks back at JayC and I, licking her lips.  JayC says something to me, but all my attention is on her and that sponge.  Miss Stone climbs into the tub with us, and again showing remarkable restraint, I resist the urge to man handle her.  I'm sitting on the edge of the tub now, as Miss Stone begins to clean the icing I missed with that sponge.

"Oh my God."  I think.  "I know where that sponge has been."  She presses against me and her breasts press into my face.  I'm in her cleavage, and I can't help it.  I try to resist the urge... but for me, it's impossible and I motorboat "BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH" between her breasts.  Miss Stone begins to laugh and I reach around and grab her ass, taking a cheek in each hand and squeezing them.  The giggle turns into a moan as I pull her cheeks apart.  Miss Stone pulls my head back and kisses me fully on the lips.  Our mouths open and our tongues dart and dance as they explore.

A twinge of disappointment goes through me as Miss Stone breaks our kiss and moves to JayC, giving him the same treatment with the sponge.  Her butt is facing me and I can see the treasure between her thighs.  "Should I... or shouldn't I?"  Is the question that goes through my mind.  My hands move as if they have a will of their own and I caress and fondle that sweet tushie.  Fingers move in to the prize and I touch Miss Stone's pussy.  It's wet... and hot... and she obviously excited.

"What the heck."  I think and dive in for a lick.  One lick turns into two... then three as I press my mouth around her sweet lips and push my tongue inside her.  Miss Stone moans and giggles.

"Boys, I'm trying to work."  she says.

"I don't care."  I say and dive back in as her and JayC kiss.

Miss Stone kneels in the tub and takes our erections in her hands.  She begins to stroke me, firmly... deliberately... "You boys ready for the Stone treatment?"  She asks.

"Is it going to hurt?"  I ask as my hand begins to wander and finds Miss Stone's hip, then slides around to fondle a butt cheek.

"Noooo", Miss Stone replies with a giggle, "it's not going to hurt."

"Good."  I say and my hand moves down between her legs and I help myself to a feel.  Sliding my finger along her wetness.  "Then go aheand and treat us." 

*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
Hero Member
: 1842

« #267 : April 19, 2013, 06:20:46 AM »

I  sashay down the steps of the bath, knowing both men’s eyes  are on me.  I feel  the thrill of their eyes taking in my full breasts and hardened nipples working down to my slim waist , womanly hips and lingering on my trimmed thatch & little pink pussy lips .  I like them taking in my nudity.  My temperature rises as  I respond to their egggsploring eyes.

I want their eyes on me, their hands touching me, their lips kissing me.  I want them to worship my body as I will worship theirs.  A small groan escapes my lips as I eye them  both and know they will not disappoint.

I approach Covems and encourage him to sit on the bath edge.  I  make sure Jayc has an egggscellent view of my slender back and curvy bottom.
I dip the sponge and caress him gently as I wash him,  circling the sponge over his gorgeous toned body. I watch the water run down his skin, teasing his nipples to erect little nubs. The sponge cleans and caresses as my other hand strokes & eggsplores him.

I lean in sexually, allowing my breasts to brush him as I lean over to wash parts of him. I grind and tease myself on him, breathing harshly as I feel the pleasure of his naked skin on mine.

He knows I am teasing him and responds to my open invitation . He reaches for my hips pulling me in to rub his face in my soft tities.

He blows soft raspberries , then growing  more egggstreme to motorboat me.  The sensations are funny. I feel the vibrations in my chest as he plays. I giggle.  It tickles and yet, is intimate and playful.  Finally he suckles me and I breathe a sigh of relief  as I feel him fill his mouth to the brim with each of my titties.

In contrast, his hands purposefully move to my buttocks,  groping them with a sensual & serious egggspertise that is egggstremely sexy and turns me on.  He parts my cheeks so Jayc can see into my valley and see my special star, nestled there . Covems  squeezes my cheeks, circling them slowly, which causes my pussy lips to part and close ,   winking tantalisingly at Jayc, my wetness very apparent.

This is such a turn on.  Another man egggsploring me, enjoying me, as Jayc watches with his blessing, enjoying the show as much I .

I move and kiss Covems to encourage him to enjoy me more.  His kiss is devine, hungry & sensual. Covems knows how to tease  & egggscite a lady.

I enjoy his kiss and touches, so very turned on.

Reluctantly, I end the kiss and pull Jayc to the bath edge, bending over more as I begin to sponge him. I want Covems to see the wet, swollen  egggxcitement between my legs as he sits behind me to watch.

I concentrate on Jayc’s delectable body.  I sponge him slow and sexy too.  I caress his bare skin with the sponge and hand. I like the feel of my skin on his. I gently give him a   breast massage, starting on his face and working down to his chest.  The grinding is egggsquisite and I enjoy my  soft orbs and nipples teasing us both.

I sense Covems has moved closer  to gaze at my egggscited ass and pussy. His eyes burn in to my skin.  Then I feel his hands caress my bottom before a couple of fingers wipe gently on my labia. I leak all over him.  He knows I want him there.

He pushes two fingers inside my vagina and I groan at the pleasurable invasion and then he kisses me .  His mouth lips meet my pussy lips.  His fingers are soon replaced by his egggsploring tongue and then he tongue fucks me as I push back onto him. 

Jayc finds my lips and snogs me deep and hard, moving his hands to cover my breasts. He squeezes and grinds them, knowing how much I like that.  Knowing that with every squeeze and grind, I will leak my responsive juices into Covems mouth. 

He knows my body so well, knows how to cause my body to react for my pleasure as well as for the two men, worshipping my femininity. 

Jaycs tongue invades my mouth, hands fondling my tities a little more roughly and I kiss him back, moaning and breathing hard.  Covems head is embedded in between my  legs working his magic.  Both men are amazing. My body flushes, temperature rises, breaths turn into shallow pants  and  I think  how wonderful  & thrilling it is for two men to want me so.  I spread my legggs more.

“I need to stop”   I remind myself, otherwise, too much, too soon will render me to weak for what I want to do.

“Boys I’m trying to work”  I sigh  to the two men.

I finish my kiss with Jayc and stand, unlatching myself gently from Covems tongue.  I position them in front on me standing. Their cocks  stand proud and erect & glisten  in the wet. I kneel in the bath water, in front of them .

"You boys ready for the Stone treatment?"  I ask.

Covems  teases about if it will hurt. I chuckle telling him no, only if he wants it to,  chattering my teeth together  in  an empty grinning threat.

I take a cock in each hand and begin to stroke gently, letting my thumb sweep across the crowns as it reaches the top and then back to the base again.  Both men are rock hard and I grip them firm, wanking them both in sync.

I move to Covems  rod first and kiss the tip of his cock. I run my tongue over  his helmet , rimming his little slit, enjoying his unique Covems taste and then egggxplore his length.  Following the throbbing veins as I work my  way down and up and repeat all over again.  I squeeze and massage his balls and my tongue continues to map and remember  his intimate terrain.

My hand takes over  a slow  wank as I do the same to Jayc,  tonguing and exploring his crown, rimming and tongue fucking his little slit. I scoop up his Jayc essence and savour it on my tongue as I repeat lick his length and sensitive veins.

 My free hand massages his balls.  When I feel him begin to circle at my face, I take him to my throat, sucking on his cock.  Then I slowly head fuck him. I feel him react and hear his breathing  turning to pants and moans  as I pleasure him.

Then my hand takes over to wank him and I take Covems to the back of my throat and head fuck him too.  Soon he is circling at my face, so I suck and fuck a little harder and wank  Jayc a little stronger.

The men’s pleasureable  responses  encourage my own. My pussy throbs with need. My breasts ache for their touch.

I work both men, alternate with my hands, mouth  and tongue.  I tease their cocks, massage their bollocks and stroke their undercarriages with a teasing finger.

And our lusty, naughty, pleasure builds ......

Hero Member
: 1600

« #268 : April 23, 2013, 11:14:06 AM »

Kneeling waist deep in the bath, Stone wanks and sucks us like only she can. Both of us stand and rock on our heels as she works our hard cocks. Looking down at her as she works us over makes maintaining control even harder, the sudsy water beading up on body, Her full breasts sway from her movement. I have to close my eyes when she takes me into her mouth and im almost relieved when she switches over to Covems. “banana slugs don’t fail me now” I mumble incoherently. My plea get covems to let out a strained chuckle as  he attempts to withstand the “stone treatment”.

Stone  goes back and forth wanking and sucking us, I loose myself in the moment,  its hot and erotic and she is enjoying herself, having two horny men for her carnal pleasure is turning her on. Stone rises to her feet and using our shoulders for support steps out of the tub. Tossing two towels at us she smiles and says “see you boys in a minute” and heads to the walk in closet/changing room.

We quickly dry off and shuffle out to main room. Not sure about Covems but im glad for the pause, she always takes the “treatment” too far I sigh to myself. “tell me she is coming back” covems  says  sounding anxious
I nod “oh yes she is coming back and then some”

We sit on the edge of the bed for what seems like an eternity our hard cocks clearly tenting the towels wrapped around our waists. I make a feeble attempt at conversation. “so…………enjoying your self?”
Covems looks at me like im an idiot, we stare at  the changing room door like  dogs waiting for it owner to return. The only thing missing is the whimpering and door scratching

Finally  she returns, in her absence she has touched up her makeup and put on some black crotch less pantyhose/tights. We both take in this lovely eye candy. Her tights look as if the have been painted on  hugging every curve. Our eyes are drawn to her female center and slightly bouncing breasts as she slowly walks towards us sipping on a bottle of water.

Stone climbs into the bed, motioning for me to sit up against the head board. Dropping my towel I obey and get comfortable, needing no encouragement Covems drops his towel and moves behind her. On her knees she starts where she had left off and takes me into her mouth. Covems kneels behind her enjoying the view. Stone lets out a sexy sigh as he gets busy with eager tongue and fingers.

The pause has done me good as my lust is briefly in check, but not sure how long this will last as I stroke her neck and shoulders and play with her braided hair, my mind full of naughty ideas as we enter round three of this unforgettable encounter.
Hero Member
: 1688

« #269 : April 24, 2013, 06:56:49 AM »

"There is it."  I think.  "Paradise in the female form."

I ogle Miss Stone's charms as she kneels and bends forward to take JayC into her mouth.  I take off the towel I had been covering myself with and toss it over my shoulder.  "Ain't gonna need that."  I think.

Reaching my hand out, I ever so lightly touch Miss Stone's tushie, she jumps at the first touch, then presses herself back, forcing my hand to press harder against her.  My left hand joins the right one on her tush, each squeezing and kneading her firm ass cheeks.  I spread her slightly and watch as her labia parts slightly, revealing a wetness.  Sliding my hands down I rub them in turn across her wet, hot pussy, relishing the feel of her flesh, the heat that comes from her.

I slide a finger into the slit.  She is wet.  Very wet.  Then the next hand moves along her, and another finger dips in.  "No time like the present."  I say.

I hunch myself in closer and taking my hard cock in my hand, I slide the head along Miss Stone's wet, hot pussy.  She wiggles her bottom slightly and a moan escapes her lips from around Jayc's cock.

Not sensing any resistance, I guide myself into her, just the head at first.  "Oh my God."  I think.  "I'm about to pork Miss Stone."

Suddenly we hear the door to the "Bat Cave" slam open and voices chattering away.  "I think they're in here somewhere."  We hear Grumpy say.

"Where?"  Happy pipes in with a laugh.  "I don't see anyone."

Looking over my shoulder I see Sneezy peering into the main room.  "Here they are!  Aaaachooo!"

Seven dwarfs burst through the opening, all chattering and arguing among themselves.  "Holy smokes."  Doc yells as he comprehends the activities on the bed.  "Look what they're doing."

"Better not let Eva catch you, Covems."  Sleepy says with a yawn.  "That bed sure look comfortable."

I look at Jayc and Miss Stone.  Both are staring at the dwarfs with their mouths open, taking in the absurdity of the situation.  Miss Stone begins to cover herself with her hands as a smile begins to come to her lips.

"What the hell do youse guys think your doing?"  I ask the dwarfs.

"We're here to watch."  Grumpy says, as Bashful's face turns red and Dopey nods his head quickly in agreement.  His hat moving down with each nod to cover his eyes.  Dopey pushes his hat back into place and grins at us.

"Say.... this is a dungeon..."  Sneezy says,  "aren't you supposed to be using whips and chains on each other?"

"Nah."  I say, "that's for people who can't get pleasure from pleasure.  They get pleasure from pain... and it's usually someone eles's pain.   And, what do you mean, 'you're here to watch'?"  I ask.

"Well... "  Doc interrupts.  "You asked us what we wanted for Christmas."

"Right."  I say, as my erection begins to soften, and I begin to get what they're meaning.  "And youse guys said, 'We wanna watch.' ... I thought you meant you wanted wrist watches.   Which I gave to you."

"Yeah and thanks."  Sleepy says.  "We wanna watch this."

"We're here to watch."  Grumpy says.  Dopey nods his head again, and the dwarfs take positions around the bed.

"Well... what do you two think?"  I ask the naked Jayc and the scantily clad Miss Stone, as I take my cock in my hand and give it a few strokes.  "Wanna let them watch?"  The head is still wet from being in Miss Stone, and my erection is growing again.  Not getting an answer right away, I position myself behind Miss Stone, and again guide the head of my cock into her.  She's still hot... still wet... still so desirable.  "You lads will have to keep quiet."  I say as I push my length completely into Miss Stone's wet pussy in one long, slow push.  "I'm in heaven."  I think.

"Oh my God," I say.  "She's so tight."

"Yay!"  A cheer goes up from a few of the fellows.

"Shush lads."  I say, "you're gonna have to keep quiet."

« : April 24, 2013, 07:08:08 AM Covems »

*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
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