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| | |-+  * * * "TIME TRAVEL" a contest for erotic stories" * * *
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: * * * "TIME TRAVEL" a contest for erotic stories" * * *  ( 3908 )
Hero Member
: 2415

« : August 03, 2012, 04:00:37 PM »

“Time Travel”

Announcing a new erotic story contest. For anyone to enter, judge or enjoy reading. Starring the theme of the contest: Time Travel.

As discussed on forum, something from AChat will be incorporated in each story, to emphasise the connection with the game, and to recognise the dev-team for sponsoring the contest. As before, there will be an entry period with a deadline, and then a voting period with a deadline as well. This time less cramped in time.

For anyone who’d like to enter, please take note of following notifications:


1. Please do not break regulations or laws when submitting your story.
2. In the story, the central theme and something from Achat must be incorporated. The theme is Time Travel, the link to Achat must be based on a room, background or outfit, and preferably recognisably described.
3. The length of the story must not exceed 2 posts. 1 post allows 20,000 characters. That includes spaces as well. About 5500 – 6000 words, is the limit per story.
4. Only one story per contestant.
5. To submit your entry, please pm your story to the contest manager: tightfit74. When the story has been received, you will receive a message confirming the entry. Posting a story on forum  by yourself, will disqualify you from the contest.

Please use following lay-out to submit (with many thanks to you know who you are.. ;)

[Subject] (to be inserted into the PM Subject Line above)
"Erotic Story Contest II"


[HEADER] = Title
pages: number of pages (A4 or US)
Words: number of words, without Title
Characters (without spaces): number of characters
Characters (with Spaces): number of characters & spaces
Included Components: (whatever option from Achat is chosen, please describe here)

[BODY] (the story submission - to be posted as is by the contest manager)

[FOOTER] = Writer's Name & Date of Submission

1. The winner of the contest will win 10.000 A$ or 1 year subscription.
2. The runner-up will get 5000 A$ or 6 months subscription
3. Second runner-up gets 1500 A$ or 1 month subscription
4. All other contestants will receive 250 A$ for submitting their stories.

If either of the podium places are shared (in the other contest first place was shared), first prize is shared and the second runner up will get 3rd prize.
If 2nd place is shared, the prize will be shared and 3rd prize will not be awarded.
If 3rd place is shared, both contestants will receive 750 A$.

Submitting:    opening date for submitting stories is August 4th.
Deadline:       The deadline for submitting your stories is November 1st.

Voting:   The poll will be opened Friday, November 2nd .
Closing:   The poll will be closed Thursday, December 27th
Winners will be announced Friday, December 28th

I wish all contestants good luck, and all forum members, guests and dev team a lot of enjoyment when reading...
« : September 09, 2012, 12:11:47 AM TightFit74 »

The mind... the most powerful Aphrodisiac...
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